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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 413 KB, 828x988, B2674E76-137F-4B53-813C-813E6D354D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6460525 No.6460525 [Reply] [Original]

How would you approach someone who takes your art? Would reporting make a difference?

>> No.6460528

>Would reporting make a difference?
No, lol.

>> No.6460529

AI don't steal art.

>> No.6460537

Inhale cyanide gas

>> No.6460547

Let them, I'll keep improving but they'll forever be a fraud

>> No.6460549

DMCA takedown.

>> No.6460551

>that hand

>> No.6460554

That won't work as the work is at best derivative, DMCA doesn't cover that

>> No.6460559

>When it comes to writing and publishing content on the web, “copying” is not something to be taken lightly. You can’t go around stealing or copy/pasting other people’s images or content and using it as your own. Some instances of this might be OK, but you must either get permission or give proper attribution.

img2img is literally copy + pasting. That falls under DMCA.

>> No.6460566

What you quoted refers to literal copying, img2img transforms the image regardless, and isn't a literal copypaste. If it was allowed to DMCA artworks for that, any study-based artworks could be DMCAd, or heavily referenced artworks

>> No.6460571

Moral superiority doesn't mean much if people keep fucking you over.

>> No.6460576

how are they fucking me over if all they can do is copy me and make an inferior product

>> No.6460578

What if someone with better prompting skills comes by and makes a superior product?

>> No.6460579

Because depending on who's doing it, they can have better means to monetize your art while cutting you out.

>> No.6460580

then your art was worthless all along

>> No.6460584

>img2img transforms the image regardless
By sprinkling more copyrighted works on top? Yeah I guess

>> No.6460589 [DELETED] 

>quadruple eyelid
the fuck

>> No.6460592

keep crying in your misinformation lad

>> No.6460597

What is even the point of doing this on social media and trying to grow a presence? You'll just be found out and be a laughingstock.

>> No.6460599

To be the devils advocate, if people find out, they'll probably complain for few days, and the people who don't like it will eventually leave and forget, meanwhile people that are fine with it will remain, so not like they lose anything

>> No.6460600
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Your reply options are little outdated, Pajeet.

>> No.6460602
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>> No.6460605

I know this is from a korean artist, but I've been noticing a weird pattern regarding AI art in Japan. It seems non-artists are extremely in favor of it and say that openly without a problem, while the vast majority of japanese artists don't say anything, but are clearly against it because if you look their likes, not a single one is from an AI prompter.

I just don't understand why artists there are so afraid, while non-artists japs are so open about their opinions. Hell, there's even one jap prompter kinda giving coaching (no joking) on how to become popular using AI.

>> No.6460608

Remeber, Japanese people hate concentration. It’s a part of their culture sadly.

>> No.6460612

Techies are a global cancer. But about Japanese being noncofrontational, they were raised to blend in and never go against the grain. They have sayings for "it is what it is/nothing can be done about it" so instead of attempting to change society they learn to live with their problems instead. Probably a lasting cultural effect from the war. The very few who dare speak their mind and call out bullshit get labeled as literal schizos.

>> No.6460613

I'd unironically love to see what tips the guy gives

>> No.6460614

>have you tried "trending on artstation"?

>> No.6460618


>> No.6460620

weelad your argument is about GAN or SD? this question will help you for future discussions

japs artist also where annoyed when some recent ai features from clip studio art where removed because westerns tears...

>> No.6460622
File: 63 KB, 828x927, Flg7h8GakAEfpex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess right now, looking his lastest tweets, he's currently trying to pander some japanese Vtubers.

>> No.6460626

It's cute how you think you can shimmy your way out of and get away with literal fraud. The genies out of the bottle, as you people say.

>> No.6460638

I don't use any AI for my art, probably will use it int he future for either 1) interpolation, 2) cel shading to diffuse shading 3) normal map creation. But honestly beside the gray area of copyrighting (which I side with fair use) I don't see anything wrong with AI

>> No.6460657

jesus fuck, my younger sibling (failed coder) was proclaiming in a loud, self-righteous shout to my parents in my direction that anyone who didn’t love ai were narrow minded artists and who cared if they all lost their jobs because they’re worthless anyway and no one cares if they’re replaced when something much better than them comes along.

i’ve never even thought about ai around my family, and always do my best to support my bro. why are they like this.
(if i had to have a position, i don’t mind ai, but i don’t like when humans steal then claim other people’s work like in the op, the means not really being a factor, even if ai can facilitate humans performing this shit action really easily if they’re not careful.)

>> No.6460661

When did your sister transition anon? Also is she cute?

>> No.6460671

As another anon said, majority of people are non-artists, japanese artists don't want backlash if they speak out.
Non-japanese can speak their mind more easily.

>> No.6460677

I dread the day some relative shows me some AI garbage and expects me to compliment it. I don't think any of them are going down any of those paths though.

>> No.6460682

>How would you approach someone who takes your art?

-don't post your artwork on the internet in the first if you're concerned about some random anon taking it without referencing YOU, the artist
-don't be an asshole, people will use it for reference/inspiration as fair use to make their own original work
-everyone wants to be an aspiring artist like YOU, so don't go out accusing them of stealing your "perfect" work when their intention is just use it as reference, nothing's being stolen, you just want attention to yourself and just wanna use your artwork to get eyes on yourself(this is why I hate signature, watermarks etc. they ruin the art)

good thing A.I. is here to keep these assholes seething for my entertainment

>> No.6460683

My dad is very impressed by chat-gpt. But I gave him questions to give that show some of its shortcomings. I think it's worthwhile not to come off offensive but politely reminding that people's jobs are at risk here.

>> No.6460686

You can't even speak English, turd worlder, why should anyone give a fuck about your opinion? Don't you have a street to be shitting in, nigger?

>> No.6460688

When nfts was first trending I had some family, including my dad, asked if I would make any.

>> No.6460692

>just shut up and take it
Nah man, if you make something and somebody else uses it, you have every right to speak your mind. That said, most artists do not give a shit if somebody references, and I mean references, their work.

>> No.6460693

and yet you understand everything I say:) stay mad

>> No.6460696

You'll make it out of the favela one day, Paco, just keep proompting.

>> No.6460717

Not everything

>> No.6460719

>don't own a car if you don't want it stolen

>> No.6460724 [DELETED] 

>don’t want to the store if you don’t want to get robbed

>> No.6460733

My mom asked me about that too. I guess msm was grifting it hard.

>> No.6460734

If you love your family, you would slap them across the face and tell them they're acting like a faggot.

>> No.6460738

Bro as if your artworks are any less garbage

>> No.6460756

> Lazy fucks embracing not having to spend effort to do something
Something something X = Y

>> No.6460759

Doesn't surprise my a sonic poster would say this. I bet 100% that they used to do a sonic recolor oc.

>> No.6460761

>nooo *I* deserve to get attention from this artist's works, while they deserve to get nothing
Why are some people like this?

>> No.6460762

Is the subsurface scattering effect on the ear even possible from this angle? What's emitting light there?

>> No.6460763

Ask him to show you his prompts because you're "curious about the technology", then annoyingly point out every flaw you see. Aicels really hate that for some reason, especially if it's flaws that are unique to ai trash, like the 12 fingered hands

>> No.6460769

Not having fathers

>> No.6460778

Reddit mindset, most of them are used to farming upvotes by reposting random shit they found online rather than sharing their own creations

>> No.6460792

Makes sense. I guess when you don't really make anything and only get internet attention by way of reposting shit, you cope by taking some bizarre sense of ownership over your reposts and get defensive when somebody points out that you didn't make it.
The fact that some people presumably make a living through "funny meme" repost accounts has unfortunately legitimized this mindset.

>> No.6460800

>you just want attention to yourself and just wanna use your artwork to get eyes on yoursel
This is a much critical point.
Artists are incredibly egocentric, almost egomaniacal to the point where everything is allowed as long as it benefits the individual, but if others do the same all of a sudden it's not allowed and should be condemned/banned/outlawed.
Basically following;
>rules for thee but not for me
to the extreme.
AI is pretty much showing everyone the true face of "real artists".

>inb4 anyone replies with the usual tired tranny buzzwords
Only reply to me if you post your work

>> No.6460810

> Artists are incredibly egocentric, almost egomaniacal to the point where everything is allowed as long as it benefits the individual
Ironic coming from a retarded no draw techie.

>> No.6460813

We have a few ngmi artists who cuck out to AI in an effort to be tech-progressives. He's probably going to post some fanart turd to "gotcha."

>> No.6460818

What makes it worse is that this predates reddit. I can't count how many times I met pathological liars pretending to be someone else.

No part of that word vomit made any sense. Take your meds and do an actual achievement, maybe someone will pay attention to (you).

>> No.6460827
File: 62 KB, 984x793, anything more than this is wasted on you faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts buzzword because ironic unironic lol and lmao
>isn't even creative about it
>some other faggots tries to circlejerk with the ironic unironic faggot
>the other one just spews some buzzwords and says nothing
>all trying to damage control
>not even 1 work posted
The absolute state of "REAL artists"

>> No.6460857 [DELETED] 

you are one of the most ngmi posters on this board, second only to mikushit.
all this talk and smugness, telling people to "go draw", despite not making any improvement in a span of a whole year+ of you being here.
kill yourself.

>> No.6460876

Go draw instead of complaining about pajeets taking your likes.

>> No.6461161

Yeah it is really funny how reddit or literally any other social media turned to. Find something popular, repost something popular, farm karma/updoots/likes/retweets, argues with randoms about not giving credits, etc. I guess this is the same mindset with AIfags that wants the same dopamine boost but dont want the effort that goes into it.

>> No.6461170

No it isnt.

Violating someone and blaming them because it affected the violated person is beyond diseased.

>> No.6461176

pay an indian lawyer indian rates to hound them incessantly and spam every media platform with dmca notes every 5 minutes

>> No.6461322

they doestn look same or he claim ownership of picture of anime guy profile with something in hand as concept? no one did this before? if some find similar picture or picture of anything he ever did that made before he posted, his will he delete himself? copyrasts are cancer.

>> No.6461325
File: 12 KB, 350x354, 1343266103967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6461343

please redeem the text sir thanks

>> No.6461941

Japs just care about making art. The obsession with profit and trademarking a fucking stroke of ink for royalties is a Western invention.

>> No.6461958

Yeah you can tell by nintendo coming after every fan project ever created

>> No.6461975


>> No.6462009

Tourist here. I tried Stable Diffusion for a while and sometimes it just straight up copies an image from another artist and just puts a filter on it. Sometimes it even copies the watermark. But what really irks me is that putting watermark on these AI images has been completely normalized. Even it barely differs from the original artwork.

>> No.6462017

Retard. The takedown solely come from Nintendo of Japan.

>> No.6462019

>implying lots of Japanese aren't perpetually butthurt over people uploading their doujinshi

>> No.6462056

AIfags continue to prove themselves to be lazy and retarded by the fact that they always think deformed body parts and melting attire is acceptable to post.

>> No.6462271

AI fags would have been Egyptian slaves if they were born earlier.

>> No.6462282

Can you really steal generic anime art

>> No.6462407

I repost his shits in multiple accounts and he havent realized. These faggot don't care about the image they produce, they want easy fame and money.

>> No.6462410

If it just about abusing algorithm, I will try it to promote my own arr

>> No.6462437

unironically, the dude that makes that joke:
>you’re using reference, that’s stealing!!
is actually right in this case when artists get upset that it created a derivative of their work

It’s an asshole thing to do but it can’t be anymore legal than another artist taking a photograph that they do not have permission to use and copying it while only changing the face of the person to anime girl, it’s hard to say there is a difference in this case

not trying to start an argument just trying to genuinely see how artists copying other’s work is different from ai doing the same thing from a standpoint that you can legally defend

>> No.6462445

I’m an English major and somehow had enough iq points to understand the entirety of his post
if there is anyone here who needs to retake their English 101 classes it is you

>> No.6462448

With a person making a copy, you need to figure out to what extent a work can be considered transformative enough to fall under fair use, however people do get in trouble for copying and especially tracing someone else's work. With an algorithm though, you don't even need to give it the benefit of the doubt since it does not have the same rights as a human, thus can never benefit from any fair use rules in the first place. A human fighting a legal battle against a machine wins by default because only the human has rights, the machine has none.

>> No.6462452

absolutely based
>artist used reference that they stole
>perfectly fine
>ai uses reference that they stole

>> No.6462459

You should never apply the same legal standards to machines that you apply to humans, unless you're some weirdo redditor who thinks Stable Diffusion deserves to have human rights.

>> No.6462462
File: 275 KB, 1500x2430, C49E9E3E-BCBF-46CE-909B-915EEAA0AC6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still not understanding how this can be different from digital art then. Is not the machine doing the work for you? Have not the developers of the program you are using designed the software in a way where all you have to do is press knobs and tick boxes to get the brush you want to use and is this not a “machine” doing the work for you. If we were to get really specific, and even in this case this wouldn’t work, the only valid form of human vs machine would be if the human used a Command Line Interface and therefore controlled each and every aspect of the drawing. However, it is inefficient to use such a thing in order to create digital art so it begs the question how art created by a propriety program is any different from a machine creating derivatives of a piece of artwork. Would a few brush strokes on the result be enough to say that it was then created by said human? If we look at abstract art nowadays, you can see how this could work.

So as far as AI goes in the legal context, unless current laws are changed, it seems perfectly legal—albeit immoral—to do such a thing. Is that not correct?

>> No.6462470

use machine made imagery when trolling next time, you are staining humanity.

>> No.6462502

It depends on the amount of control you have, not on the medium. With photoshop, you are using the machine as a tool while doing the bulk of the work yourself. It's just another form of a brush, essentially. With SD, the only thing you control is the prompt you type but you have little control over the actual output besides choosing one that's "good enough". That's why copyright claims over ai artwork keep getting denied on the basis of not having been made by a human and that's also why SD can produce "art" even if you type nothing.

Obviously things get more complicated with people using ai as only part of their work (like for a background) but let's be real, most proompters are interested in quick results, they're not gonna bother with anything non-ai generated anyway

>> No.6462515

>"i have no argument so i have to shoot the messenger and call him a troll. That'll show him."
People like you do not possess the intellectual capabilities, the sanity nor the honesty to even talk about something beyond your own shadows.

are fair, true and valid observations.

"Artists" always accuse others of the crimes they themselves are guilty of.
It the typical screaming murder while they stab you.

The only counter-arguments to this are always bad fait arguments or outright insults, which only proves those initial points about the artists following
>rules for thee but not for me
more correct and true.

>> No.6462632

Thread was a decent read until it was raided by likely a discord group. The lingo makes it really obvious.

>> No.6462754

>using photoshop where the user has full control is totally like proompting you guys
Found the redditor.

>> No.6462987

>inb4 ree artists copy too!
Yeah, but they still have to put in effort and skill(you can watch Youtube videos where one artist tries to copy another) while AI fags jsut push a few buttons to make something remotely resembling that artstyle if not outright stealing the whole composition.

>> No.6463004
File: 110 KB, 688x823, 1670907419423288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even draw.

>> No.6463020

Holy shit
This is absolutely retarded you should be ashamed of yourself pakicunt

>> No.6463185

I am not particularly keen on AI art and as such have none saved onto my device. It’s odd to assume a thought out response is a troll. Maybe have another read and asses the ideas within?
Granted there is a difference between the artist that uses AI to finish his work than the artist that uses it to completely create a work that had no existed in the first place.
However, I am wondering if someone could create a prompt and throw a few brushstrokes and claim they put human effort into it because of that and get away with it.
What is your point?
Are you implying that I am saying that there is no difference between prompting and using digital tools because I never said there was not a difference outside the legal context but we’re not talking about that here. We are specifically talking about people who can get away with an immoral use of AI despite any opinions by artists and the validity of such works.
Perhaps a reading comprehension course would be valuable for you. Assuming you draw, lacking the ability to read a passage properly will create a perception of low intelligence despite any skill you may have.

>> No.6463192

I publicly harass them and push my followers to report them. It works pretty well.

>> No.6463203

Ngl you sound like a redditor

>> No.6463426
File: 77 KB, 1225x786, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago I found out an anon remade a piece of fanart I did and I've been seething ever since because it's way better than mine

>> No.6463460

>its not literal copying, I-I's just takes me a 1:1 copy is all! I's a good boy I swear!

>> No.6463462

>art should be free or your making it for the wrong reasons
I get the feeling they think this only applies to actual artists, because I doubt they complain about companies charging for imageshitters, crowdfunding to improve image shitters, or people selling AI commissions.

>> No.6463466

it sucks but in art it is not the one who did it first who wins but the one who did it best

>> No.6463467
File: 98 KB, 1186x663, FjwYHeYWIAEM5kV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists dont say anything
Idk anon, are you sure

>> No.6463469

Instead of being angry, try to figure out what that anon did better and learn from it.

>> No.6463476

Who doesn't desu
Easy money is better than hard money, don't you think

>> No.6463479

Man that video made me cringe, they seemed so proud to show off their technology and then all hope just faded from their eyes once he started talking

>> No.6463485

>oh no the old geezer that's soon gonna be the food for worms said he won't use the new technology, what will we do!!!!

>> No.6463487

Nice cope kek, imagine showing your work to your idol and getting back nothing but disgust

>> No.6463491

that's their error, having idols. worshipping some random dude only makes you a cuck

>> No.6463513
File: 646 KB, 1854x999, Irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny that even AI devs don't seem to accept full AI generations as a valid "work".

AI fags are just fascinated because they can't pretend to be something they aren't, an artist, a musician, a writer, a coder, whatever it is, but that's just ridiculous, take credits for something you didn't do is pathetic.

AIs should be used to help and do menial, boring tasks instead of doing intellectual and creative jobs.

>> No.6463518

*because they can pretend

>> No.6463522

And so you are coping because they manage to do what you are doing, just better and with less effort?

>> No.6463527

AI fags are actually subhuman.

>> No.6463531

I don't get why they can't just accept it as a fun toy rather than pushing this "hurr two more weeks until ai replaces everyone, why don't you praise me for my prompts" nonsense. It's like someone claiming to be an architect because he builds a lot of sims houses. I doubt anyone would give a fuck about prompters if they weren't so damn annoying about everything.

>> No.6463537

It's the results that matter in modern world. If someone made some sims mod that'd allow them to design house blueprints with quality of a professional architect, he may as well call himself an architect

>> No.6463543
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It's actually because they didn't do.

Use a tool to help you is one thing, now use a machine to autonomously think for you (intellectual work) is ridiculous. It's totally different than building a machine to replicate the same result (that you cleverly designed) every time, mostly used in factories.

Anyway, I know this is the future because people just want to create, without creating, to take credits without doing anything, to believe in an illusion of greatness by the shadow of others (or the AI).

>> No.6463547
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But ai art produces questionable results when you look at it for longer than 10 seconds and can't even be copyrighted, so where exactly is the advantage?
>b-but it's getting better
Then why are prompters permanently stuck at the "blank face pretty girl" and "big tits waifu" stage

>> No.6463549

It's simply the next step of assisted work. You already have computers replace parts of you skills, even with drawing. The stabilization in programs like CSP reduces your need to train your hand stability. If one day we get powered exoskeletons for warehouse workers, will you say they aren't doing any job, since it's the machine that is doing the lifting? Besides, it's the result that matters, who cares HOW a person did a thing, the thing that matters is the quality of final product, and how many resources went into making it. If a person is able to quickly output multiple products of superior quality, they are the right choice

>> No.6463550

It is morally and LEGALLY to take any AI image posted by other for yourself, repost or profit from it.

>> No.6463553

So what's the end goal of replacing everyone's work with ai? How do you think this is gonna benefit humanity as a whole?

>> No.6463555

Questionable to who, you? Someone that's already biased against AI and will look for any flaw, and possibly has some drawing knowledge? Majority of population doesn't know any better. The copyright point is over a single comic I believe it was? in a single country. There's a lot of what-ifs about it still, like what if someone doesn't disclaim it was AI generated? What about other countries? Not like there's some universal law that says "No AI allowed".
>Then why are prompters permanently stuck at the "blank face pretty girl" and "big tits waifu" stage
Genuine answer is coomers, and people that just spam post the first thing they generated, they are absolutely disgusting, just like the begs that post on pixiv. There are people that took their time to learn more about AI, like how not to output the generic anime girl, using stylization by model mixing/hypernetworks/embeddings/whatever, but sadly majority of the people just want a quick coom to big tiddy anime girl

>> No.6463557

Stop conflating creative output with manual labor.

>> No.6463559

make sense you fucking retard. artists are entitled to be proud of their work, you're a fucking parasite. the only think you're entitled to is a rope around your neck. if anything, AI art has shown the true face of all the retards who consoom mindlessly. you deserve nothing for free, in a perfect world artists would jew the shit out of you

>> No.6463562

>he may as well call himself an architect
Nope. He may call himself a coder or a dev.

When you fully skip a process that had a designation for its professionals by developing and/or using a certain machine, your designation and function also changes.

>> No.6463563
File: 325 KB, 1416x1082, AIArtTheif2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problems with AI in particular. I do however have problems with people stealing from others.

>> No.6463569

Naturally, but do you think that matters to anyone that's using his services? To them he's the architect, as he's the one giving them the house blueprints.

>> No.6463570

Your AI artbots can't do limps & fingers correctly. If fucks up on backgrounds, architecture, and ton of other things. Img2Img copies the art from existing sources, whom were made by real people who also own the copyright & ownership of such works. All you're doing oversaturating the art market with thousands of generic copy-carbons aren't even authentic. I can't tell you how AI faggots use the same anime faces for their "works". It's soulless & has no authenticity. Quality over quantity is the lesson here.

No matter how much you AI prompting faggots cope, you will never be real artists.

>> No.6463571

>continues to use pirated drawing resources

>> No.6463572

>like what if someone doesn't disclaim it was AI generated
Then you, as a company, take the risk of somebody finding out and using this fact to destroy your entire brand. Simply paying an artist seems like less of a hassle tbqh, it's not like most artists demand some unreasonably large amount of money for their work. Unless you're talking about people selling undisclosed ai images to companies without their knowledge but these would be simply scammers then.
>What about other countries?
Well, China is already preparing regulations to mark ai generated images, I expect other countries will follow suit. It just takes time until legislation catches up to new technology, enjoy the wild west while it lasts.
>ai shill complaining about people not putting enough effort into their prompts

>> No.6463576

When your mom gets fucked in the ass by the mailman in the dark thinking it's your dad, do you think it matters to her who it actually was? To her, the mailman was your dad as he's the one giving her dick.

>> No.6463577

You can get sued for that, retard.

>> No.6463578

Pirating pajeet-made software is morally right because I refuse to submit or contribute to globohomo big tech companies, & also because poos have destroyed the tech industry as a whole. So yeah pajeet, I'm gonna continue pirating your designated software.

>> No.6463579
File: 235 KB, 1239x618, AIShills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6463580

Yeah, just like how you'll continue to pirate the drawing resources made by your beloved "artists" that are trying to make a living off them, but you prefer to use the resource thread and steal them. Also, stable diffusion is open source retard, as for the OpenAI tech, good luck pirating it LMAO

>> No.6463581
File: 12 KB, 704x234, AIPromptersAreImageRemixers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys pAIjeet. You haven't created nothing original with AI.

>> No.6463582

Once again:

>> No.6463585

Idk what you're even trying to say, are you arguing that ai should be illegal?

>> No.6463587

No, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of >>6463571
>ai bad cause it "steals" existing images for training
>trains own drawing skills using pirated courses, using copyrighted references, and pirated resources

>> No.6463588

Using resources for drawing something original is completely different from making a copy of it then claiming it as your own, curry nigger.

>> No.6463589

Meant to tag this one

>> No.6463590

But pirating is already illegal, anon. If you compare ai generation to pirating, then you're essentially admitting that it should be outlawed

>> No.6463591
File: 325 KB, 925x500, 214515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6463593

Do you think stable diffusion should have human rights?

>> No.6463594

Did I agree with him though? I only used his own point against himself

>> No.6463595

He's an AI shill & he's using common strawmans that alot of AI pajeet shills use. India & Israel posters need to be range banned.

>> No.6463597
File: 322 KB, 681x500, RealArtFusionVsAIArtFusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawman, pajeet. Here's a better version.

>> No.6463598

??? where did that anon say anything about pirating art software? You're the one who started with that comparison in the first place

>> No.6463601

He's a filthy street shitting AI shill.

>> No.6463602

learn the definition of the terms you use you african retard
Also both of the images are correct, if you only want a simple mix of a horse and a woman, however first one is homosexual degeneracy, and second one is a funny drawing that'd probably get you 10 likes cause le quirky twist on horse futanari

>> No.6463605

>I do however have problems with people stealing from others.
While it's extremly common for /ic/ "artists" to use pirated learning materials, or use copyrighted references

>> No.6463608
File: 41 KB, 500x425, PajeetReads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to justify a mistake the AI artbot made when generating a futa horse girl
Nice try, pajeet. Go to designated shitting street.

>> No.6463609

Because the ones that do are 3rd world shitstains, pajeet. Why are you calling out your own kind?

>> No.6463610

I was going to write that you seriously can't be this retarded but I remembered that you're a subhuman AI fag so you definitely are just that retarded.

>> No.6463612

Is all you can do is to just cope without any real points while calling me an indian, despite being from Spain? /ic/ really has fallen low

>> No.6463613

Because the final product that artists make doesn't copy after the learning material & references, retarded pajeet. References are simply used as learning material. It's never an exact copy.

>> No.6463616

>AI coper calling people "coping" after coping to the fact he isn't a real artist
Give a rest already, pajeet. You already lost.

>> No.6463617

The only real point you deserve is one pushed through your esophagus.

>> No.6463618

So what is the learning material for then if it doesn't affect the final output? What does your brain do with it?

>> No.6463619

Ok so you're just gonna strawman that anon and assume that he uses pirated software just because he criticised your precious ai? Nice reddit argument

>> No.6463621

An algorithm is not the same as a human brain, why do you keep comparing the two? Do you want machines to have human rights or not? If the answer is no, any argument along the line of "i-it learns just like humans" is invalid by default because a machine does not have any rights in the first place.

>> No.6463623

> despite being from Spain?
That explains it

>> No.6463630

lol This is like asking coders why are they are using coding tutorials, books, & references to help make their final software product. You just don't get it.

Get fucked you stupid 3rd world shitstain

>> No.6463631

It's for learning.

AI does not learn. A camera does not observe. You shit on the streets.

>> No.6463643

Kill yourself

>> No.6463651

both look pretty gay

>> No.6463856

spaniars are the ultimate faggots anyway, only talented in football that is why you fucks are stealing other people.

>> No.6463909

his use of the word strawman was absolutely valid you limp dick faggot retard

>> No.6464027
File: 32 KB, 381x410, 1637346001284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon doing the lords work

>> No.6464034

He used strawman correctly you fucking moron

>> No.6464235

guillotine them when the time comes and move on

>> No.6464311

I've been using stable diffusion for a bit and he is spot. There even have been cases where it even copies the watermark. So how do you even combat these thieves?

>> No.6464447
File: 219 KB, 640x1920, ai cant do feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464487
File: 93 KB, 500x577, confused-looking-anime-girls-with-interrogation-marks-on-their-heads-56112341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It seems non-artists are extremely in favor of it and say that openly without a problem
What's the source? voices in your head? i swear there's this one person who "but japs are open" without providing source to back it up.
I can link a long list of Jap non-artists angry being angry at AI artist from CSP fiasco and AI comiket tweets, one that roasted to oblivion because using vtuber hashtag to post AI, even the one that start a bounty on AI artist to the point making the AI artist close his account.
Want to know latest fiasco?
>Jap AI artist band together for a book project
>One big AI artist caught of using img2img
>AI artist that participate on the project withdrew one by one
>now they despise each other and probably won't make any project again
The person who's being accused guilty now is being asked for prompt seed and and explanation
the person now deleting his img2img generations on pixiv

>> No.6464508

>oh no some AI hobbyist project didn't pan out
>meanwhile Disney ramping up AI art and firing artists in the process

>> No.6464536


>> No.6464539

I wouldnt mind AI at all if it would speed up the process of rendering by alot. But it just copies and puts filters on it, jesus.

>> No.6464551

Post that pic exposing some popular chick of stealing some other chick's The Witcher (Or was it God of War, or perhaps even Sekiro) painting and posting a picture with it online pretending she had done it.

>> No.6464701

Take your meds

>> No.6464905

Reminder that the anticipated Stable Diffusion 2.0 was a disappointment and for many worse than 1.5 because it didnt include artwork of great artists because they threatened to sue. You faggots have absolutely effect on this AI aids. Dont stop and dont let these retards tell you otherwise.

>> No.6464946
File: 143 KB, 320x338, biel 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does anyone here ever give a shit about problems that only exist for artists?

There’s like 2 people OTB that post work. None of the people ITT will ever have to worry about their art being stolen because they don’t make art, and if they do they’re so embarrassed about it they never share anyway.

Bunch of aggressive NGMIs endlessly making wall of text threads about things that they’ll never have worry about. Like a bunch of incels endlessly talking about what to do if your girlfriend sticks her finger up your bum while fucking.

>> No.6464955

The day someone "steals" your art is the day you make art worth stealing. Keep grinding.

>> No.6465100

A 1 percent possiblity isn't something to constantly worry about.

>> No.6465102

Really hate Sonic for shit like this.

>> No.6465123

>I am still not understanding how this can be different from digital art then. Is not the machine doing the work for you?
What? Human hands are behind a tablet and pen. Also, ESL, ai isn't a person that sees and interprets to the best of it's ability, it takes raw pixel data and mixes shit with millions of soruces until it shits out uncanny melted hand goblins

>> No.6465138

It isn't going to get any better, if people understood the truth behind this thing they'd realize it has already hit its ceiling. It's just another crypto, NFT, techbro scheme to get money before it gets banned. The same retards that eat this up are the same retards that have a knee jerk reaction to article headlines and never second guess anything.

>> No.6465164

>techbro scheme to get money before it gets banned
Why should it get banned? Do you think the boomers in the government care or even know it exists?

>> No.6465190

Not him but the pushback is getting more and more vocal and it's only a matter of time before it reaches the courts. The tech does not need to be "banned" as in completely outlawed, even something as basic as making it illegal to use copyrighted data for training would pretty much kill off all these ai generators, since they depend on masses of copyrighted material in order to produce the current results.

>> No.6465196

I'm on your side, really, but all my normalfag friends are all in favour of AI art. Also the AI tards are many and they push back as well.

>> No.6465197

Extreme parasitism and dark triad traits

>> No.6465202

>know it exists
For how long?

Yes, a technical demo of deepfaking their faces to an AI voice generator tuned to their voice praising genocide is all the convincing they will need.

You're completely delusional to think this tech will remain unimpeded. It's dangerous beyond supplanting artists.

>> No.6465211
File: 66 KB, 909x443, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek how much AI chads hate artists

>> No.6465230

>literal reddit tourist
Go back.

>> No.6465249

Lack of mental stimulation is directly linked to early Alzheimer's.

Enjoy your dementia you mouth drooling retard.

>> No.6465282

>mental stimulation
My prompts require more brainpower than your scribbles.

>> No.6465283


>> No.6465284

holy owned
this paintpig will never recover

>> No.6465286

not much brainpower if it takes less time than sketching, doing linework, rendering a finished piece.

>> No.6465314

Post prompts so we can judge

>> No.6465363

Why do people watermark AI art when they can't own it?

>> No.6465387

>>meanwhile Disney ramping up AI art and firing artists in the process
Source? The voices in your head again?

>> No.6465420

Because they rely on Midjourny and other AI art companies to make AI art copyrighted. No joke.

>> No.6465428

Then they are just being dumb. Unless the laws change the AI companies can't copyright it since at its core copyright laws don't apply to anything not produced by a human. The elements the companies use that could potentially be copyrighted are already copyrighted by other people.

>> No.6465443

Midjourny is currently fighting tooth and nail for AI copyright. Who knows, maybe they will actually win.

>> No.6465449

probably the same shill that made this thread >>6463332

>> No.6465457

They gave up on the comic as far as I know, so they probably realized it's a lost cause. Selfie monkey saved humanity from the ai copyright future

>> No.6465462

That's just a media stunt in an attempt to retain marked value. If we were talking about 'actual' AI and not an image generator just named "AI" it would had been an entire different ballpark. As it stands now I don't see them having a chance.

>> No.6467401

Anons... /g/ is making fun of us.

>> No.6467469
File: 71 KB, 1770x387, 36ee61cd57cb51f928956ebfe9ca0ac7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think the boomers in the government care or even know it exists?
where have you been

>> No.6467471

The evolution
>this will democratize art for everyone, fuck the gatekeeping "artists" who make money from drawings, anybody should be able to do whatever they want with anybody else's art without repercussion
>maybe I should keep my prompts and img2img sources secret, I mean I wrote them/found them and everything
>people should be paid for making new image generators and cataloging art to feed to the generators, because work deserves pay. Not artists though, their work should be free to use
>that bastard stole MY AI art!
>I'm going to start watermarking my AI images
>I should be paid for these generated images because I'm so good at it
>AI images should be the copyright of the person who generated it
>I should be able to become wealthy off of my AI art

>> No.6467472

>september 22
>almost half a year ago
Then they have done a terrible job. Stable Diffusion is getting better each month.

>> No.6467480

Your dad's dick is getting closer to your anus each month

>> No.6467482

This. It's similar to how producers sample other songs to make beats. When wu tang clan came out there were all these musicians who came out and said RZA and other producers who used samples were talentless hacks. Now those anti sample musicians sound like dinosaurs

>> No.6467484

But that's the cold reality? Also I'm on your side anon.

>> No.6467488

I'd publically ratio by calling them a cuck, and drawing porn of their profile picture getting gang raped by autobots

>> No.6467493

Nah you're just here to concern shill. The cold reality is that people already got bored of ai art generators, it's all about ChatGPT now

>> No.6467496

>bored of it
>stability ai just go almost 1billion dollars of investment recently
You cant be serious.

>> No.6467503

By whom, George Soros?

>> No.6467506

Lots of investors are fucking retards who fall for Ponzi schemes all the time, what else is new

>> No.6467507

>it hasnt happened immediately so its not happening
Laws take a while LARPing subhuman-kun. Now fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.6467509

Not the underling of the bogdanoff. From Coatue and my bad it was 100 million dollars but still thats a huge amount for a FOSS.

>> No.6467511

Is that tax funded

>> No.6467543

>Is not the machine doing the work for you?
It really isn’t if you’re talking about just a drawing program. That’s like saying the pencil and paper are doing all the work for you when you draw with pencil and paper. The difference between digital art made with Clip studio paint and stable diffusion are that Clip is an instrument, whereas SD is the artist generating the entire image.
SD is more similar to command lines because you’re giving it autistically specific prompts instead of physically drawing anything.
If artists were just letting the PC do all the work the last 2 decades, why is it that only now the average person can make digital art?

>> No.6467573

>where have the boomers been!
>here this whole time
No shit you fucking nigger Where have you been

>Stable Diffusion is getting better each month.
>"omg 1.5 was better!"
>"i-its getting better every month!"
ai shills get expedited to the front of the rope line

>> No.6468065
File: 34 KB, 870x193, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regulations will help u-ACK

>> No.6469271

Digital art is merely substituting the use of real physical objects. Having a setting that replicates the use of a physical brush is merely a convenience, because in both scenarios you'd still have to know how to use it.

AI art generators are more like classic patrons of the arts. The people who paid actual artists to do things. If you were inside making decisions on the design process as it was happening you could claim it's just an advanced tool. Like if I could tell it to generate a warrior and tweak the pose, drop and resize the sword in it's hand while adding prefabs of texture and design prefabs before proceeding, then I'm a fucking artist. Repeatedly giving prompts until you get a passable result is the same as having your brother beat the boss in a video game, it's not your fucking accomplishment.

>> No.6469509

I don't know if it was brought up here or elsewhere but I just realize that with AI text, what exactly is going to stop a kid from using AI to write their essays?

>art should be free or your making it for the wrong reasons
>proceeds to monetize proompts
>"it's okay when I do it"

>> No.6469590
File: 174 KB, 1200x663, irobot_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hurr two more weeks until ai replaces everyone, why don't you praise me for my prompts" nonsense
is it really nonsense?????

>> No.6469606

Horse futa girl is actually the best and only good AI generated image I have ever seen NGL.

>> No.6469752

They said that shit with photobashing decades ago and here we go again. Felt like a loophole

>> No.6469767

>models created with whatever the fuck I want
Why is his "revolution" rooted in training a program to shit out knockoffs of particular artists' styles?

>> No.6469777

3D bro here. How long until we are fucked as well? The closest thing that threatens us is dreams from google and point-e from openai and they both look currently shit because they aren't able to train from 3D models. They have to rely on multiple images instead. Hopefully we have like 3 years left until we are fully replaced...

>> No.6469800

3d and 2d are safe(pin-ups aside...) until AGI, "expert" estimates vary, somewhere between 5 years and never?

>> No.6469806

>2d are safe(pin-ups aside...)
True. I assume character designers still have a future and animators as well or rather any artist who can draw precisely and fast. I guess you can lead an AI better with sketches and than fucking words. But illustrators, the ones that spend alot of time in rendering are genuinelly fucked.

>> No.6469812

rendering feels so much less important now, maybe it never was...

>> No.6469819

Yea? SD is a glorified online game, only redditors treat it as anything more than that

>> No.6470663

Sue them to oblivion.

>> No.6470667

You cannot escape copyright even in Japan, rajeet.

>> No.6470673

vTubers & 3D models can be generated with AI. You are fucked.

>> No.6470677

They do not understand that oversaturating the market with soulless generic art will result in the devalue of digital art.

>> No.6470686

Devaluation of digital art would be the perfect situation for prompters. Unlike artists, prompters don't have to spend a lot of time to get one drawing done, and as such the impact of devaluation would impact prompters way less than artists, as they can simply print out more and more.

>> No.6470689

In a way devaluation happens anyways, with or without them, as more people gain access to drawing tools like tablets/CSP, and tutorials become more available. According to supply and demand laws, the higher the supply, the lower the demand, and so the prices drop as everyone wants to stay afloat.

>> No.6471729

Didn't you hear what i just said? The stage of these AI generated models are very primitive.

>> No.6471736

If someone doesn't steal your art, you're not doing good art.

>> No.6472067

It seems like this is the entire purpose of all AI. If they train an AI to practice law as they are apparently trying it'll just mean that low level shit gets done by a machine with the IQ of a retard that has to be wrangled by someone with actual experience. This is all it is, devaluing of human intelligence. This isn't for our sake, or the benefit of humanity as AItards try to say.
I hope it's not attempting to be a global solution to the labour problems that are gonna come from the developed worlds aging populations. The future just looks bleak and it fucking sucks that it's been thrust upon artists first. At least now it's petering out and is gonna seem to have a minimal effect really.

>> No.6474108

I don't, and most don't either with free options such as Krita, medibang, and others being easily accessable. In fact I still use the Artrage program that came with the shitty tablet I bought as a teenager to touch up my watercolor furrshit after scanning. Tradfags can't exactly pirate physical media with risking getting tackled by the over-enthusiastic fat woman cashier at Michaels over knock-off alcohol markers either and then tackled by the police.
Nice projection.

>> No.6474162

If you like or retwitt AI garbage, I unfollow.

Simple as.

>> No.6474256

In first world countries? Don't know.
Third world countries? No one will give a shit.

>> No.6475245

Hahaha. Do you retards really believe the shit you convince yourselves of??
Your prompts would never compare to the sheer dedication and will it takes to become a decent illustator. Don't compare yourself to us. You're not in our league at all.
Your mom should have swallowed. Fucking waste of oxygen.

>> No.6476963

Is writing a prompt that fucking hard?
The only way I could see prompts taking more brainpower than drawing is if we are talking about automatic drawing/doodling vs really thought out "hardcore" prompting with a bit of trial and error. (assuming the prompting/drawing skills are already there)

/beg/ artist here and dabbled a bit in prompting (a couple prompts for the fun and curiosity of it just to see what it would make, can't call myself a "prompter").
Art feels harder but more rewarding , you put effort into the thing and you made it ,each work better than the last , even if its worse , the overall trend is upward for the most part. (unless you plateau due to some flaw holding you back/missing something you could improve on, getting stuck in your ways or laziness).

Prompting is like passing a gartic phone prompt to another artist, fun to see what said artist makes but you know it's not yours, you didn't make it, you gave the artist the idea, and he made it, which is still cool,but its not the same thing , not at all.

>> No.6477051
File: 1.05 MB, 1104x548, warhol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually a really astute comparison. In the 90's a lot of musicians and producers were super pissed about crappy "new" songs collaged from real musicians playing instruments.
The only thing that decides what is or isn't art is if an audience is paying attention. After there is money and fame to be had, people will gravitate towards it, and like a black hole it pulls in more. After something hits mainstream all the old arguments against will vanish and people will have amnesia that objections ever existed in the first place. Doesn't matter if you think the art is the dumbest fucking shit in the world.

>> No.6477089

>"I work harder than you and thus I'm superior"
Said the construction worker to a physics researcher

>> No.6477116

Give up pajeets, nobody will ever take you seriously for playing around with random generators

>> No.6477136

>compares proompting to physics

>> No.6477143

What the fuck is a physics researcher?

>> No.6477164

I known a bunch of people who took Masters in Physics. They ended up unemployed. Turns out there's only a handful of jobs for physics masters holders in the country, the rest ended up in completely irrelevant fields like sales.
>Also the unemployed pajeet making fun of construction workers without realizing how much they make and what qualifications they had

>> No.6477344

You have the IQ of a pajeet.

>> No.6477371

>n-no you're the pajeet
post ur prompts

>> No.6478047

take the poo to the loo

>> No.6478060
File: 121 KB, 200x309, Kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"No u!"
I kneel Lord Rajeesh. Please dont clog the toilet next time.

>> No.6478390

Someone who researches physics.
Man, artists are really stupid.

>> No.6478407

what's there to research nigga
I drop something it goes down
give me money
>verification not required.

>> No.6478418

the research part is the verification

>> No.6478614

No one calls a physicist a physics researcher, Apu.

>> No.6478627
File: 487 KB, 512x416, QIAEAAAAASUVORK5CYII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually really hard. You have to consider how a word is used in the zeitgeist of when the data for the model was put together.
A lot of effects can occur from combining phrases and simple tags, using underscores vs not, and so on. There's ways to generate coherent things using terms so unrelated it seems schizophrenic.

The difference between emphasizing a tag vs repeating it also occurs. Adjusting the scale and steps, the sampler, if you used img2img precisely how much denoising strength to use, whether you've applied textual inversion or not, and so on.

Even then the phrases and tags require lateral thinking.
During training the dataset used images' alt text for associating words with concepts. Like, you get interesting effects from using phrases that mimic clickbait articles because of how much of the dataset derives from images whose alt text was just article titles similar to:
>"doctors say you should eat this superfood"

There's also cases where you want to lean heavier on the negative prompts vs the prompt portion, and vice versa. Some things when put in one make the image nicer but ruin it if in the other and vice versa. It's not as simple as putting "1girl" in the prompt and "1boy" in the neg to make a female character and swapping them to make a male character, you have to understand those phrases are the TOTALITY OF COMMON FEATURES between images that would be tagged with each. They may not even be necessary at all!

This shit is exhausting when you get deeper into it to the point where you realize nobody is going to pay someone to sit there trying to generate a perfect image over 3, 5, (9??) hours? However long it takes to get it close enough. It's more useful for brainstorming ideas.

But to say it's easy misses the point - you can get "something" sure, but getting "the right thing" is hard.

When I generated picrel, it was far from what I wanted. But it's useful now to add emphasis to my post at least.

>> No.6478645

>you can get "something" sure, but getting "the right thing" is hard
Why not just draw it then

>> No.6478693

artists are so fucking cringe. don't post it if you don't want people to see it. its not illegal either, fuckwits.

>> No.6478696

post ur prompts

>> No.6478744

>Typing words into a coomer box is... le hard
My sides

>> No.6478772

I do just draw, that's why I don't see the AI as a threat. Professionally, it'd be useful in ways to augment an artistic process but can't replace it as it will always be subject to the issues I outlined above by the core of how it works.

The only "improvements" you've seen in the past several months have really been in image quality, not in ease of control.

I only really see it as fun to play with in the same way one might fuck around with second life or minecraft.

But besides that, getting deep into it is the same reason one might try going for photorealism in their art. A similar question applies:
>Why not just take a photo then?

It actually is, not physically but mentally. If your goal is to try to make something non-generic and cohesive.

The basic prompts people were having fun with when dall-e mini was the big thing like "shrek meeting the pope" don't produce specifics, they produce generics. If you wanted say, them to be meeting in a cafe you have to specify that. If you want the pope laughing you have to specify that too. If you want shrek crying - and on top of all this these things can produce bad outputs. Say you trying to get the pope laughing makes him... not the pope. Say it makes him stand up, or completely changes the scene.

As I explained, the AI works off of "averages", it doesn't know what specific elements of an image are. It only knows roughly what data is common between words. So you're trying to get the intersection of many averages to reach a specific point that accurately produced an image you want. It's very hard, especially when trying to design characters - you may think you have it, and then in your process of trying to adjust the last few elements the entire design falls apart.

On top of that you need artistic knowledge of some kind to know certain terms to use (like "dutch angle" if you want/don't want it), as well as curating the output.

Machines are retarded, and I'm very in touch with my inner computer.

>> No.6478801

I honestly cannot fathom it and would not know what to do if someone copied my work like that.
I wager I'd be kind of flattered that someone cared that much.

>> No.6478825

>they can have better means to monetize your art
Just admit that it's about money and not about art.

>> No.6478878

Why is art the one field where people insist that its workers do their tasks for free lest the be labeled as morally bankrupt? Labor is still labor. If you want his work so bad, pay a man what he is worth.

>> No.6478895

Don't own stuff if you don't want it stolen.

>> No.6478904
File: 15 KB, 266x190, Eg4I6GxWAAAdKwH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks art is the only field where people ask you to do shit for free
Go tell this to a mechanic, IT guy, woodworker, appliance repairman, truck driver, chef, house painter, telecom technician... Heck just go say that on /diy/ if you wan to be laughed at more.
Here, I'll help >>>/diy/

>> No.6478908

A language barrier isn’t consent, dumbass. They have ongoing threads everywhere on how they hate AI art. You’d know if you could actually read japanese. They’re being preyed upon as if their art is merely a resource and they are completely aware.

>> No.6478917

I don't get their logic, they never, ever scan any books or even manga online, they seem to be highly against piracy but those consoomers are all over this AI shit. The Japanese will never make sense to me.

>> No.6478928
File: 143 KB, 654x601, noconsentneeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6478930

They don’t, show me if you can find any. Japanese artists never like any AI art, it's crystal clear they hate AI art, but they never raise their voice anywhere against it. Aside from 1 or 2 low tier doujin artists I’ve seen.

Now check those non-artist japaneses, they are all pro AI, absolutely no exception. If you don’t draw and is japanese, you love AI and don’t fear any retaliation from saying that.

I never thought a country know for its artists and honor of not even pirating stuff, would be so eager to embrace that.

>> No.6478935
File: 861 KB, 939x749, based_daromeon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6478946

The reply was about how many japanese artists don’t express any opinion about AI art when they do not use it and never like any artwork using it. I specifically asked to show me a Japanese artist saying they don’t like AI art.

If a japanese artist use it, it’s not part of the group mentioned in the reply.

>> No.6478954

I misread your response then anon, sorry.
Still, there are Japanese artists who do like it that fit in neither camp there. It's not simply "artist vs non-artist", that's not a prerequisite for determining if someone is pro- or anti-AI. The position is separate from the profession.

>> No.6478995

No one cares, poojet. I'm pirating your shit.

>> No.6479006

Anon, go on Pixiv. Japanese users scoff at AI fags constantly. Fucking poos have ruined that site.

>> No.6479010
File: 142 KB, 500x855, pajeet-you-are-certified-iit-bombay-coder-now-my-son-4546516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're generating shit for free, then there's no reason why anyone should pay you for commissions, AI fag. Have fun being drowned with a million other AI artfags & other lazy fucks just like you, pajeet.

>> No.6479014

Your prompts prove your a pathetic code monkey.

>> No.6479017

Can you poojeets -|- stop coming to the discord thanks

>> No.6479018
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x4311, WesternCompaniesRuinedByPajeetWorkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that poos cause the Dot Com Crash in late 90s probably were responsible for the recent Big Tech crash of 2022.

I no sympathy for your filthy disease-ridden poos.

>> No.6479073
File: 1.74 MB, 1284x2251, 7DD5A443-93D5-492D-A32B-BF247B128D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stabiltiy catches another lawsuit
Fucking kek

>> No.6479075

>b-but we're not actually making money with stolen data, we're making money with compressed stolen data!!
Kek get fucked Emad

>> No.6479077

>an image being reposted is the same as using that image as input to create a product
I swear these people are being willfully ignorant.

>> No.6479837

It is, correct!
Calling a lesser use of an image
>some small fraction of input where you can't even compare the result
>the image being reposted in its entirety, unaltered as part of a website promoting someone's professional career
Is rank hypocrisy. The latter use is way more potentially infringing, and also way less ethically-sound by the person's own stated standards.

But you see, thankfully we don't live by those standards, and they're not law. So being a rank hypocrite is all he is and thankfully he isn't going to win on that end

>rooting for fucking Getty Images, the rentseeking site that tries to put artificial scarcity on public domain works

I swear you guys aren't artists at all.

>> No.6479842

>artificial scarcity
You're one of those fags who cries about NFTs, aren't you?

>> No.6479853

Cope and seethe

>> No.6479855

No I'm one of those people who laughs at NFTs and then ignores them, because permanently attaching off-chain things to on-chain objects is impossible and anyone who buys one is retarded.

>> No.6479865

>no I don't cry about NFTs
>can't help but cry about NFTs
Kek I could tell it was you.

>> No.6479884

cry more Paj

>> No.6479935

>nooooo how dare you work together for a common goal??
Tick tock Emad

>> No.6479942

eat shit poojesh

>> No.6480107

>implying I'm an AI artist
>implying it's good to deepthroat the boot of Getty or other shithead corps that benefit from draconian copyright

I hope you guys learn that you are just shooting yourselves in the feet. I bet you think piracy is harmful too.

>> No.6480152 [DELETED] 
File: 384 KB, 1197x761, GeorgeCrudo - twitter status 1615075501433032707 damn that sucks 'ai' theft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480159
File: 327 KB, 1063x610, 1674092094499720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480662

do not redeem gift card pls maam
do not
>thieves are stealing from fellow thieves

>> No.6482061

>when the bad guy joins the good guy to fight an ever bigger bad guy
My favourite episodes

>> No.6482065

The whole incident made me unironically more racist

>> No.6482070

subcontinental at least

>> No.6482078

Text generators are being made, so good luck prompting the AI when a machine can do it better than you.

>> No.6482085

Theyre dinos because they got paid.
Daft punk sampled load of sounds and paid for them. Thats what seperates music from a.i fags.

>> No.6482103
File: 245 KB, 1493x1600, stopyourfaggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody fuckin pays for samples outside of mainstream record labels and thats only done preemptively because winning a lawsuit is still expensive. Do you think macintosh plus paid diana ross? fuck no

Did you pay matt furie each time you upload or make a new pepe? I fuckin doubt it

>> No.6482262

Fascinating. Got any other interesting screengrabs?

>> No.6482836

>pls sirs i am one of (You)