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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 197 KB, 824x1370, t2SF6ePDlroV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457205 No.6457205 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do if your handmade, human art looks AI generated?

>> No.6457208

you already made this thread, that’s a bash at best, fuck off

>> No.6457209


>> No.6457211
File: 1.05 MB, 3334x5000, 1672429319140295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your eyes checked before concern trolling, rajesh

>> No.6457213

How does this look AI generated?

>> No.6457214

refers l to >>6457211 and keep referring to it until you do the needful

>> No.6457215

>it’s AI because I-IT JUST IS
Fuck off faggot

>> No.6457216

do not redeem the eyesight sir

>> No.6457217

>can’t provide any argument or observation
That’s on you, rajeesh

>> No.6457218

>needs an observation provided to him
refer to >>6457211
poo in the loo

>> No.6457220

That’s not an observation, paki anon

>> No.6457222

it's so painfully obvious, every single time. like a tranny, you will never pass. post the psd btw.

>> No.6457223

>pajeet gets called out
>instinctively attacks pakistan

>> No.6457229

>it’s so painfully obvious
How so? If you can’t point me to any thing that proves your point and instead you ramble about trannies and indians, that just makes my point still stand.
This is the shit that makes me think that it’s unnironically over for artfags like yourself.

>> No.6457236

What does it say about your work if it looks ai created, even if you didnt use ai at all? it means your work is garbage. Everything looks ai created on artstation and this is why digilets are worried, they know they're are screwed.

>> No.6457238
File: 983 KB, 558x1300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider a new style maybe. there are times i've had to go through an artist's post history after having my "this looks AI generated" just to find out they were drawing like that before the AI onslaught started. either that or artists will have to start posting timelapses/psds with all their posts to remove any doubt.

>> No.6457239

>>show your process then
this is the future

>> No.6457240

the composition, the rendering, the pallete, the shape language, every single aspect of this "painting" screams AI slop. just post the PSD already so we can see a process that makes absolutely zero fucking sense and has absolutely no correlation to how a human would tackle such a project.

>> No.6457242

>This is the shit that makes me think that it’s unnironically over for artfags like yourself.
and just like that he exposes himself. lmao

>> No.6457246

This is not AI. Reddit faggot just use AI as excuse to ban any beautiful art. Also chink jannies hate SEA artists for mocking them for "using AI the most in Asia"

>> No.6457250

it just looks soulless. Generic composition, generic artstyle, there's a bunch of random shit going on in the background. All the details on her outfit look like ai scribbles

>> No.6457293

and the present, and the past. people used to trace other people's art, and still do so. of course these same niggers will use AI instead now since they can't make something themselves due to their small brains, but it was a good idea to always show your process at least for half of your artwork to prove that you made it on your own

>> No.6457307

It's nonsensical. Like those AI generated portraits of pretty AI girls sitting on tables on the beach.
A human didn't draw this.

>> No.6457436

nice feet

>> No.6457447
File: 509 KB, 923x903, 230105_073146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's with the crabbing in this thread, but the artist of this piece has been at it for years. I doubt StableDiffusion had a super secret beta in 2019 that he used to build up his portfolio.

>> No.6457452

> be accused of AI
> able to prove it is done by you and not AI goyslop
> gets reverse streissand'ed
> gets more support instead
Appreciate the concern pajeetkun. But that is not necessary

Also seems like he has a bunch of other artwork with different motifs and composition anyway.

>> No.6457455

artists cant even tell what's ai anymore lmao

>> No.6457463

thanks anon, you just made my day :,D

>> No.6457465

I might just quit art.

>> No.6457466

>people used to trace other people's art, and still do so.
and they get called out for it, when they try to hide it. just as they should get called out for using AI when they try to hide it.

>> No.6457501

>entire thread is just pajeets concern trolling each other
This is why nobody likes aicels. Also why the fuck would you post your art on reddit in the first place

>> No.6457515

> DA account is as old as that guy in pic's account
> Has 4 times more watchers and and 10 times more views
I made it bros.

>> No.6457518

they really should stop photobashing if they dont wanna look like ai

>> No.6457540


smell the fear and bask in it, imagine typing this when the person can offer a psd as proof. the counter AI hysteria empowers this disease

>> No.6457625
File: 571 KB, 750x570, memory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how art dies, not by the AI but by the broken minds of the ignorant

>> No.6457627

women pinup rendermonkeys btfo

>> No.6457634

I believe the artist did share his PSD (or offered to share it with the Reddit mods), and posted his references on Twitter.
There is some circular logic going on here. This piece is a fairly generic, anime- and classically-influenced digital painting of a pretty girl. This "genre," if you can call it that, is exactly what AI was trained on, simply because it has been so dominant going back years on most websites where art is posted. AI art looks like the style it was trained on, and now that style looks like AI art.

>> No.6457660

>remaking this thread for the 100th time

>> No.6457664

U really except aiposters to have any semblance of creativity? At this point all of his posts will be generate by ai.

>> No.6457687

Banning art is a fascist tool.

>> No.6457745

>What do you do if your handmade, human art looks AI generated?
Then it might be time to re-evaluate your process and sense of aesthetics.

>> No.6457747

You join the crusade against the machines and the fags who make them

>> No.6458164

bad photobashing + random themes in an image that makes absolute no sense telling history aways look like AI

>> No.6458673

It's ngmi AIfags trying to tell us that AI is totally the same as real art and you totally can't tell it apart anymore, its over etc etc. Meanwhile everyone who ever picked up a pencil for longer than a month fucking knows OP would be much more wonky if it was actually prompted.

>> No.6459541
File: 127 KB, 960x959, neodiogenes__wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moderator issuing the bans, neodiogenes, is Andrew Eric Alter. Born 15 December 1956, he lives at 4611 Western Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20016 with his wife Devi Adea. They married on 20 February 2010.

She is some fat slut who runs a "spiritual yoga" scam program. She has likely married before, as she has identified with 3 surnames: Adams (maiden name), Logrecco, and Adea. This would explain both her weight and refusal to take her current husband's surname. Her age is inconsistently recorded. The day comes up as 26, 28, or 30, always in November though. Year of birth is either 1963 or 1970. They presumably met in her hometown of Oceanside, CA as they have lived there together. His hometown would be Woodland Hills, CA.

Her father is one George Adams.

Andrew has lived in Japan before (Osaka and Ota, both 1991) and speaks Japanese. Emails associated with him:

Emails associated with Devi:

His numbers:
(760) 721-4556
(760) 213-2032
(925) 497-7916
(760) 231-5258
(845) 623-5639
(845) 623-8458
(818) 710-1013

Her numbers:
(760) 931-6777
(858) 254-1477
(858) 829-6850
(202) 286-2004
(760) 494-0844
(202) 363-8226
(202) 362-7254
(415) 648-4331
(723) 200-8040
(858) 453-3344
(858) 792-2817
(202) 363-9168
(415) 648-4351
(770) 394-8454
(858) 487-1440

His art profiles:
His Facebook:
Her links: