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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 7 KB, 249x249, 1671035714533388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6456628 No.6456628 [Reply] [Original]

Starting to think making a crappy sketch, drawing with AI and then tracing it by hand and polish with low noise value to be a worthwhile method.

Not making an anti AI or smug AI dabs on /beg/ losers.

Thinking this method can save me easily 50% of my mental effort when doing a piece.

Because tracing something and then just fixing details by hand when tracing is much more easier mentally than doing the whole process of anatomy and other checks when you the whole box maniqui and perspective and compositional check and other shit.

Also, photobashing results from diferent AI results into a single piece to provide some solid results, much better than what I initially hoped.

I don't mean I lack skills, just that mentally is much easier to trace and fix than do the whole drawing from scratch.

>> No.6456659

Try it and see if it works.

>> No.6456666
File: 501 KB, 741x721, pngfind.com-muscle-emoji-png-1580142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care much about ai but i do find it funny when people on here talk about how "easy" it is but they can't even figure out how to get the web-ui for stable diffusion working

did you just get filtered by a command line, bro?

>> No.6456677

you got filtered by a pencil.

>> No.6456685

>he just figured out the current meta
bit slow arent you

>> No.6456686

Why did you respond to that with this?

>> No.6456689

i have a shitty gpu so for now i've used colab.
seems easy enough that way.

>> No.6456694

>ancient technology and easily replaceable
>modern invention, the future
but go ahead and ride horseback or maybe you'll admit that the very thing you abhor is exactly the thing you used to let me know how small your awareness is

>> No.6456706

so why is an easily replaceable technology have yet to been replaced for hundreds of years, while modern day superior machines are getting replaced every single year?

>> No.6456707

it just got replaced, fren

>> No.6456710
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>> No.6456718

>waaah why are people rejecting my newest meme technology
post your prompts

>> No.6456732

Honestly right now you could go into any AI "artist" gallery and straight up paint over the bot's results and it's not even illegal or wrong. The machine learned from artists and the half-wits think they did something creative. As of this post it's still fair game with whatever they think they made.

Otherwise you can literally type "e" or any single letter as a prompt and it'll serve you a decent base for painting/photobashing (and yes I have tried that exactly). Add "--v 4" at the end for extra proompting level. Adding words just lets you save more time in terms of direction, but it's always super bland and never polished.

I'm literally collecting base material with every AI post I see. It's public domain, so...

>> No.6456745
File: 1.03 MB, 912x696, 1671917315603979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about?
literally everything that exists is being replaced, even your stupid pencil
>horseback to cars
>muskets to ARs
>pencil to computers
>work in the office to work-from-home
>draw meticulously by hand or render with a few words by machine
people just don't use pencil anymore and it's a dying technology

granted, you zoomers brought this on yourself for creating a society that rewards instant dopamine
you people should have put as much effort into getting tiktok banned as you have with ai but you did not and here we are
now we have created a society where zoomies are a slave to the next dopamine injection and ai is the fastest way to receive it
the battle was lost long ago

anyway, what's the difference? that's my question
what is the difference between pencil being replaced by keyboard for writers and pencil being replaced by ai for artists?
sure, you can say that real art has "soul" but doesn't hand-written writing have more "soul" too? but it's not like you're going to mail me your reply, it's much easier to just use the technology we have in place
so why are you afraid of change?

>> No.6456747
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1024, 1670971211310321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is rejecting ai
/g/ literally has three threads up at any given time just on AI prompts itself, not even about the topic, and /ic/ would be the exact same way if it wasn't banned by mods because it's not "real art" and "belongs in /g/"
you banning ai from /ic/ and then saying, "why are people rejecting it?" is reddit-tier irony

>> No.6456758

There's literally several ai threads up right now, mods only ban the ones that are obvious shitposting bait. You're just mad because nobody will praise you for typing prompts outside of your containment board

>> No.6456760

>Literal propaganda videos and drawings made about it
>Constant accusations of it being theft
>Catchphrases to post in response to every form of AI art

Hahahaha, fucking retard kys. How can you look at this massive wave of terrified backlash and pretend people aren't rejecting it.

>> No.6456772
File: 100 KB, 500x499, 1453814907791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts ABOUT ai =/= prompts of AI
i'm talking about shit like this where people post their prompts not posts about people complaining about ai >>>/g/90708623
>ooh no the media (who has my best interest in mind) made an opinion piece
>oooh no le hecking twatter artist said its theft
>oooh no artists are coming up with cringey memes to cope with ai art
sorry but i don't speak faggot
how about you show me some actual evidence and don't give me some twitter screencap or a 12 year old you're referencing from deviantart

>> No.6456781

>here's a bunch of people calling it trash
>noooo they don't count, I only listen to opinions posted on /sdg/
Are you ok? Also why do you want another /sdg/ thread here if it already exists on /g/? It would just end up being shitposted to death anyway

>> No.6456787

>entire world is limited to twitter screencaps and deviantart comments

>> No.6457328

>replied snarkily
>got bodied
everything after is OP seething

>> No.6457345

Thread sure is smelly, seems all the poos took refuge here to shill their snake oil.

To OPs question, I think AI fart is an alright tool for inspiration or even a base, but the more original stuff you add onto it the better, because their rendering is almost always bland and overdone. Take the general pose and composition ideas if you want, then move on. If you just do a light paintover to fix mistakes it'll still look AI as fuck, like those coomer artists who very obviously trace from real photos or straight up photobash them with a couple filters and a poorly drawn anime head on top (like that feet pic a few threads down).

>> No.6457358


>> No.6457374

Wtf are you talking about? SD webUI was easy to figure out, just follow google collab steps and install the 50 add ons with anaconda that they instruct you to. The difficulty comes from tedium, not skill (as it does with a lot of pretentious software dev- I learned programming really fast when I started to see through the woo BS matrixes get assigned and I learned stuff without the worst programming professor in the USA making you unlearn to pass tests). And that’s the one that isn’t nearly as spoon feeding as MJ or using SD Dreamstudio (or Dalle2 lel). Prompt “engineering” is also fucking easy to the point I figured it out in a few weeks. Okay so you tag it up and use negative prompts and weighting, got it.

>> No.6457427

good artist

>> No.6457526
File: 13 KB, 229x220, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> snarky response
> lol get owned by pencil
kek. I havent laughed this much today

>> No.6457539

This tracing only works if you already know how to draw, and you just want to have a quicker base to draw on. You'd be generating 20-30-40 pics and you wont be getting the exact one you want. Your best bet is really to just cut out whichever parts that appears correct (see: you need to already know how to draw/ how the correct stuff looks like) and then stitching them together correctly.

For background, you can actually just paint over the shapes if its a clear shape without gradients and other effects like glow or translucency. But you dont want to be making obvious mistakes like a wall that is not connecting behind the subject like AI generated ones would.

Generate and then use them as-is with 'simple' fix? Not gonna work. With background it's so much of a mess to fix, you're better of drawing over it from sketch. And you're stuck with that generic AI artstyle as well.

>> No.6457576

NTA but I've seen immense backlash and people shitting on it on even normie circles, indie studios have come out saying they'd ban the tech from being used in-house, and even IRL normies I've met either don't care about using the tech or are against the thing because of how the people using AI have been acting in public, shitting literally every place they find. I've even seen nodraw boomers post anti-ai memes or mocking AIbros. It's getting banned in a lot of places and boorus, the only people I've seen still behind it are NFT grifters and techbro types. Commissioners are also pissed at AI spam, and I've seen filters for AI content being passed around so that they can find actual human artists to get their dose of coom from.

Funny thing is, if AIbros didn't act comically evil online, it would have probably been accepted by the common masses. Pooers gotta poo, though

>> No.6457594

See a psychologist about your feces fetish and constantly trolling. Seriously.

>> No.6457932

if people are too stupid to realize they could just spend half hour a day for a full year following tutorials to be able to draw, what makes you think they're capable of following a guide on how to use a terminal.

>> No.6458282
File: 320 KB, 1845x1081, pngfind.com-anime-face-png-3245671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo, i actually got it working!!
considering the ease at which it is to install and the ease at which you can create art you i was expecting an example of such generated art but somehow nothing was given nothing as if i'm supposed to just believe these words rather than results, that's pretty suspicious, just saying

>> No.6458288
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 1583421711795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>365 days per year
>30m*365 == 10950m
>10950m to hours == 182 hours
anon, do you mean to tell me that in 182 hours you can draw??

>> No.6458310


But seriously, I don't think looking for every conceivable shortcut will help in the long run. You'll eventually run into problems you can't find a shortcut to and you won't know how to solve it because you lack the fundamental knowledge of how to do it. This is the biggest reason why this AI nonsense won't be replacing anything as you STILL need a good grasp of artistic knowledge to actually use it effectively which renders depending on AI useless to begin with.

>> No.6458319 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 246x480, B5D67506-50A9-497B-8AA9-8DE4AD759C5E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren’t using AI to get whatever the fuck you want out of it you’re a corporatist cuck and a mindhosed bozo.

Not learning AI and not taking advantage of it is just fucking yourself over at the dawn of a new industry that is the biggest thing since the invention of the camera.

>> No.6458332

Fucking rekt lmao

>> No.6458334

Many people just don't care for it, just like many people don't care about becoming photographers. Personally I don't find it particularly interesting to even play around with for longer than a few minutes. It's fine if you enjoy it but you have to accept that many people do not.

>> No.6458346

>Not learning AI and not taking advantage of it is just fucking yourself over at the dawn of a new industry that is the biggest thing since the invention of the camera.

The current conflict right now is people smugly thinking they can make do with JUST AI. That they can somehow make a living out of it without having any artistic skills or knowledge whatsoever and being completely lazy to boot. Hence, why these people are going around telling artists that "they are going to be replaced."

It's utter nonsense.

>> No.6458360
File: 212 KB, 1024x1536, 5f229259568288bf953c9d848b6df222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard, so I just want to ask straight-up: what are you tracing here? The lines? The rendering? By the end of it, how much of the actual end result is yours and how much is the AI's?
Because I've seen some AI art that pretty much looks like it could be a finished piece, usually just with some fixing up needed around the eyes and fingers.
Like, what's the point of tracing over something like picrel? Why not just keep the original image as-is? Is your trace over really better than the thing you're tracing? Help me understand.

>> No.6458372

Learning what exactly? Typing in a prompt to generate something quite not what you need? How exactly are artists actually supposed to use this garbage right now. It's actually retarded to think you can just learn to type in a couple keyprompts, spit out a bunch of images and expect to use them in a coherent manner. It's easily recognizable, has flaws, and it's simply easier for most artists to just draw it from scratch and get exactly what they need.

Also, there's a general sentiment in that people don't want AI art, who actually says they would pay for it? The most I see are pages of bots on twitter and FB shilling it and not providing any source until you scroll down to the comments and say it's AI art trash. That's why people are trying to pass it off without saying anything because they know the inherent value of using AI is undesirable. In a sense, AIbros who try to push AI and out themselves as retards are just making it worse. It's almost to the point where I feel like anytime you mention AI art it's gonna give the same feelings as mentioning NFT.

>> No.6458376

>this wall of text
You will never make it at anything.

>> No.6458386

lmfao get fucked OP
*continues to get praised for having a skill while you beg for validation for your robot "drawings"*

>> No.6458448
File: 137 KB, 659x576, OroQuLU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall of text
>less than 2000 characters
anon, please tell me you didn't finish middle school yet
i don't want to have to mock you

>> No.6458556

they only need to know a few words bro, why do you think they use that trash. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have an open dictionary when writing those prompts

>> No.6458924
File: 51 KB, 512x512, YaeMiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to Twitter
Type "Yae Miko AI art"

>> No.6459044 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 246x480, 3553880E-A919-48EA-BB48-E5C4AA23159B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Learning what exactly
This is like asking “learning what exactly” about how to light a scene or properly pull focus on a camera or use a scriptwriting software or edit a movie.

There’s a difference between being able to use a technology and being good at using it. Gotta learning curve the whole system and the game of it. Learning how to dial in prompts and add weird variables and stuff.

It’s the future of animation. It’s the future of filmmaking. So much bigger than a bunch of virgins’ iPad drawings of animu waifus

>> No.6459050

you will never be a good artist jimmy. enjoy copeworld and explaining away why art isnt real just because you cant draw and paint for shit lmao.

>> No.6459060

I save AI images from 4chan and discord to trace/copy. No credit necessary as they don't credit their "inspirations" either. It's the wild west now and I will do what I please.

>> No.6459073

>I don't mean I lack skills, just that mentally is much easier to trace and fix than do the whole drawing from scratch.
Yes, that is correct. Not creating anything and tracing it is far easier than creating something from scratch. You've cracked the code, anon.

>> No.6459080 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 456x904, 5C466265-AEC0-43AD-A41E-3BCB825D809D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she screeched anonymously

>> No.6459081

>digital art is bad
>AI art is good!
It's obvious that you're jusy seething over a board of mostly digital artists shitting on your traditional work, so you're happy about AI "btfoing" the digital artists.
Now call me Russian.

>> No.6459085

it's just the truth. youve been bad for like 2 years now and value being "LE CUHRAZY SCHIZO ARTEEST" identity more than actually making anything of yourself. Dime a dozen burnout story.

>> No.6459093
File: 352 KB, 448x896, F3C07553-8EDD-4C0F-8B33-0D2BB6505453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ping pong ding dong the Soviet Union is dead

>> No.6459100

just sad at this point. wish you would stop trying to get the attention you didnt get from daddy here

>> No.6459102

Great, and Putin is a bloated, senile dimwit who shits his pants. Are you happy now?

>> No.6459105
File: 2.61 MB, 1792x3584, AC76C1F7-AA74-402A-84C1-D4872F9710B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did xhe mean by this?

>> No.6459107
File: 363 KB, 448x896, A446C1F5-F13A-4DF6-9041-F96930ADD29E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what is inferred here but let me tell ya what buddy but I’m sure hot steaming ticked about it

>> No.6459114
File: 353 KB, 448x896, CACB515A-9F56-4FED-A06A-4FF8B9C83777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey whyointcha say that to face there ya poindextrin hoser

>> No.6459116

consider that people don't have an incentive to baselessly insult you and that maybe you genuinely have egregious character defects and need to work on self awareness. You by all accounts are obnoxious, antagonistic, attention seeking, and lacking status within this community.

>> No.6459125
File: 317 KB, 448x896, 21221C50-B21D-40C3-80E4-F06E5FB86EF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever think back to another time?
Does it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind?
Do you ever want to lead a long trail of destruction
And mow down any bullshit that confronts you?
Do you ever build up all the small things in your head
To make one problem that adds up to nothin'?

To me, it's nothin'
To me, it's nothin'
To me, it's nothin'

>> No.6459134

>literally plugging your ears and going "la la la"

man you are too far gone. sad.

>> No.6459141
File: 322 KB, 448x896, 78EE31A7-2A49-42ED-A9C8-BC01F7536BB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree to disagree on that one there huh pal

>> No.6459143

no, you're simply wrong but have developed a massive ego because your entire identity would crumble if you started actually analyzing your behaviour.

>> No.6459147
File: 327 KB, 456x904, 0DBBCCDD-D8F3-45C2-9FDB-3131547C989C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post proofs

>> No.6459151
File: 2.93 MB, 1792x3584, 5E2B73ED-89A0-446F-A0B4-3B3CC3EB1A98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yous bozos aren’t keeping up with muh music listening tempo

>> No.6459176

No it's not, the extent to what you have right now is learning what types of words to type in. Even then you're only able to conjure up things that are close to what you maybe need after multiple cycles. It's just not usable in the way you're talking about for most professionals right now.

Even if AI was to somehow be adopted regularly and not looked down upon, it's going to be actual artists who know how the process of creating works that learn those new tools of AI who are the future. Not some random schizzos and techbro shills who have never touched art or gave up on it in the first place

>> No.6459191

AI is the greastest symbol of corporation greed, you retard.

>> No.6459194

this, the corp behind Stable Diffusion is run by an Indian oil baron with 100+ million in funding and Midjourney is ran by a literal Jew.

>> No.6459210
File: 278 KB, 346x427, dr kekyll and my sides kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn.

>> No.6459660 [DELETED] 
File: 1.78 MB, 1024x3584, D63BBB56-82EB-45A3-892E-D89A543EBC24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it's not, the extent to what you have right now is learning what types of words to type in.
Eh that’s the first part. Then it’s all about reimagine and prompt strength and stuff on mage.space at least.
>Even then you're only able to conjure up things that are close to what you maybe need after multiple cycles.
Yeah which is rad. You get the framing and composition you want, reimagine it, then turn prompt strength down and tweak stuff.
>It's just not usable in the way you're talking about for most professionals right now.
M8 the technology is improving exponentially. It’s like 1000x more useable than it was a year ago. Where’s it gonna be in a year?
> Even if AI was to somehow be adopted regularly
Of course it will be lol. What are you fucking dumb?
>and not looked down upon,
Yeah like cameras in 1880 lol.
>it's going to be actual artists who know how the process of creating works that learn those new tools of AI who are the future.
Good thing I’m one of the only “actual artists” here lol.
>Not some random schizzos and techbro shills who have never touched art or gave up on it in the first place
Duh. Why you think I spent the last 7 years getting into trad painting?

The people most assblasted about ai are the iPad cucks that put all their stats into a technology that was always going to be automated by AI.

>> No.6459666

Can your schizo brain even comprehend how the technology works or

>> No.6459674


>> No.6459680 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 512x512, B1DE25F5-31E4-4339-8C81-0B4147278421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure kinda. Was working on making a porn between Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Hemsworth standing from rending them standing shoulder to shoulder at attention and then using prompts and sliders to make em bang. But then mage.space went paid last night so now I’ll never know how the sequel plays out

You probably can’t do that huh

>> No.6459683

fantastic use of your time

>> No.6459687

>Was working on making a porn between Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Hemsworth standing from rending them standing shoulder to shoulder at attention and then using prompts and sliders to make em bang

>> No.6459699 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 2048x2048, ABCA4056-8315-4C9A-9216-7C95C88FE362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you created anything but a bunch of text cope recently?
Good way to practice action prompts and direction and stuff. If you can get someone’s dick in a puss you can prolly get pretty much get anything else.

I always try to learn a new technology by making nudeys. When I learned procreate I made like 100 tiddy paintings from movie nude scenes. Good way to stay motivated when creating boobie pics

>> No.6459707

I mean why would you use these particular people in order to practise your prompts

>> No.6459724 [DELETED] 
File: 1.39 MB, 2048x2048, 53858BF8-CEC7-4F1A-B509-AB9C7C6477DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jennifer Lawrence generates like an almost 1:1 copy. They’re using her nude fappening pics in there as well as the nude scenes and millions of pics of her.

And Chris hemsworth must clearly be the most popular of the hollywood chrises among gay dudes. He’s the most likely to generate a beefcake with a big ol dongus. Like Chris whatever captain America and Chris Pratt generate shlubby dudes like half the time.

Also I thought it’d be funny to make like an Avengers showers orgy scene as a subversive goof. Putting them in a group shower typically prevents random clothes from popping in. And using disney marvel bozos creates is probably the most trained subjects possible.

>> No.6459730

>They’re using her nude fappening pics in there
You mean the ones that you claimed were hacked by Russians? Don't you feel a little dirty using a program that was trained on Russian propaganda?

>> No.6459736 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 2684x3445, 428978FC-59AB-43A4-B24F-61A97E136761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You mean the ones that you claimed were hacked by Russians?
The very ones
>Don't you feel a little dirty using a program that was trained on Russian propaganda?
Nope. Don’t give a shit. I’ve made a bunch paintings out of her fappening pics.

>> No.6459740

So you're just letting the Russians brainwash you? Kinda disappointing tbqh...

>> No.6459743

I don't see a problem in this if you are an already experienced artist that is looking for a way to speed up their process.
If you are a beginner that is still learning, then this is pretty much the same crap as tracing other artists. You will gain very little from it.
It will be easier to get results of course, but in the long run you won't become a better artist because of it. Your call.

>> No.6459780
File: 1.23 MB, 3519x2958, C1429C96-8B66-4165-B580-2E4D207E0824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So you're just letting the Russians brainwash you?
I mean I get that you’re desperate over here for something to shitpost about but can you explain to me how making paintings specifically for historical preservation and celebration of one of the coolest things in the history of psyops that’s ever happened is “letting the Russians brainwash me?”

Like I’m just a historian when it gets right down to it. Do I personally care that they killed tens of thousands of annoying teen zoomers by microtargeting depression memes at them and radicalizing them against females? No. Fuck them kids. Do I academically care because it’s fucking awesome? Hell yeah.

Same with the fappening. It was clearly at the time Putin having all the kompromat they’d collected on celebrities and their friends phones over the last few years and dumping them in response to the sanctions. It was fucking rad. Completely subverted pop culture and celebrity in fascinating ways. Plus it was the first step in getting people flooding to 4chan and allowing the shills they’d been establishing since 2012 to then control the culture and messaging strategy of all the newfags while attacking and pushing out the oldfags and all the absurd arbitrary anarchy culture from pre-Russian times.

But you don’t give a shit. Can’t even read this language comfortably and you don’t do art. You’re either paid to be here or dealing with a lot of cognitive dissonance and bothering me about it.

>> No.6459789

They are brainwashing you into engaging with their PsyOps. To a point where you can't even stop thinking about them. If people calling each other "cuck" on 4chan is a sign of them having been brainwashed by the Russians, so is you making art in order to "document" their hacked material.

>> No.6459854 [DELETED] 
File: 2.21 MB, 2048x2048, BCD46E40-AA1A-4A39-A266-C9CFA227F000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They are brainwashing you into engaging with their PsyOps
Well no. You a: don’t really understand what “brainwashing” is in the contexts of cults and authoritarian societies, which is essentially just normalizing and internalizing reflexive whataboutism.
And B: the Psyop was the distribution of the media, not the media itself. And intentionally making paintings of the media to commemorate the psyop and add historical awareness to it serves the opposite porpoise of the psyop. If everyone knows it’s Russians doing active measures shit it ruins the point of the active measures.

But again you’re just making impotent ad hominem appeals to hypocrisy which mean nothing.

Like why don’t you think it’s weird that you literally aren’t capable of defending Russia without talking like a Russian?

>> No.6459861

>the Psyop was the distribution of the media, not the media itself.
Yes and you are distributing the media further by creating copies of it and posting them online. Claiming it's for "documentation" purposes does not change anything. Why are you knowingly spreading Russian propaganda?
>you literally aren’t capable of defending Russia
Where have I defended Russia? I'm calling you out for being a Russian shill.

>> No.6459862

Not op
I would probably trace for the composition and concept of a girl in the cafe. Redline the anatomical errors.
And before you say why not use ai, some people prefer to draw or trace.

>> No.6459867 [DELETED] 
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I don’t care. These are the kind conversations the art is intended to cause. I don’t care about defending or rejecting any specific arguments about them.

If you think making paintings and statues or fappening nudes makes me brainwashed by Russians that’s your interpretation I don’t give a shit.

>> No.6459869

So you're just fine with letting the Russians brainwash people now? Then why keep whining about it in every thread...

>> No.6459880 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 3121x4936, 527D1E2A-6085-400E-A3B9-4650C5434831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So you're just fine with letting the Russians brainwash people now
Yeah sure. I like fucking with you shills and them depressing and suppressing and radicalizing everyone else is some of the craziest shit ever. Particularly because of how simple it is!
>Then why keep whining about it in every thread...
oh no is little pissbaby nazicommie Putin shill butthurt that your racket is being subverted?

Wonder if you’ll get as seething as Czech #2 with all the Nazi stuff who went nuts after I “ruined his thread” by posting some of my notes about Hitler’s years in Vienna that ruined their “liberal Jews rejected him for being traditional” meme from Mein Kampf. They were fun.

And assuming this is bozo from yesterday that makes East German #2, assuming you’re not the same East German as before.

My question is why is it that you, a foreigner that doesn’t do art, spend all your time b8ing culture wars on an art board?

>> No.6459887

I think the only person you're depressing, suppressing and radicalizing is yourself right now ... do you still plan to kill yourself by 2025? Also you essentially admitted that you have no values whatsoever, why do you even keep posting here? Some severe form of ADHD?
Is there a country that doesn't make you go full schizo?

>> No.6459924 [DELETED] 
File: 3.93 MB, 3664x2823, A9EA31E4-6E5F-435B-BAC8-367A4F0C91D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I think the only person you're depressing, suppressing and radicalizing is yourself right now

That poem is about how you have been so well trained that your mind REFLEXIVELY, aka automatically if that translates better, lashing out and away from literally any self-critical thought. This is literally the primary strategy in Russian subversive messaging strategy.
And you HAVE to do it. You can’t not do it. It’s the only way you know how to think.
> do you still plan to kill yourself by 2025?
So is East German 1 and 2 the same then?
Also no the plan is getting shot in the chest on January 30, 2025.
> Also you essentially admitted that you have no values whatsoever,
I’m an absurdist. I don’t have your faggy make pretend commie/fascist chimp “values” that is always just a bunch of fluid everchanging virtue signaling. You’re likely a nihilist that only pretends to have “values” when it allows you to act like a reactionary pearl clutching faggot about random boogiemen.

And even if you do unironically have your faggy orthodox Christian “values” or whatever that just makes you some faggot that should go the fuck back to vk. 4chan isn’t some uppity mindraped christfaggot haven and never has been. Take your “values” to ifunny you fucking baby.
> why do you even keep posting here?
I like how an anonymous Eastern European Putin shill that doesn’t draw is asking someone thats shitposted on /ic/ since it got added why they post here.

Like it’s clear what I’m doing, it’s absolutely not clear what the fuck are you actually doing here.
> Some severe form of ADHD?
Oh yeah bb.
> Is there a country that doesn't make you go full schizo?
Yeah sure all the ones that don’t have Putin shills invading and shitting all over 4chan in shifts for money are generally cool.

Did you have an argument tho russoid?

>> No.6459930

then what's the point? make money?
if so, go ahead, cause tracing AI won't improve your "skills"

>> No.6459951 [DELETED] 
File: 2.20 MB, 3865x4406, CF4114FB-AD2D-4AE1-9E92-DD3BE8E471CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate meme painting that could have been posted in response to “muh values” talking points

>> No.6459953

how can OP ever recover after this anal rape?

>> No.6459958

>I’m an absurdist.
Nah, you're just an attention whore. Even your paranoia about Russians is just another way of attention whoring. By "values" I don't necessarily mean religion or even morality, I mean anything that would prove that you have a consistent view of the world that doesn't change from one post to another.
>all the ones that don’t have Putin shills invading and shitting all over 4chan
Then name them? Cause clearly your own country can't be one of them, considering you're the biggest Putin shill on this board right now...

>> No.6459978

Oh no, Jimmy ran out of meds again.

>> No.6460015 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 2048x2048, 0BFD74BE-AD14-45A1-A493-F81CCC48A751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nah, you're just an attention whore.
Well no that’s called histrionic personality disorder. You can be both.
>Even your paranoia about Russians
What paranoia? Why would I have any reason to think someone desperate to relitigate a drunken shitposting argument about the Russian active measures war against the west (2014-ongoing) isn’t a Russian shill?
Like literally what have you said or done that in any way would prevent you from posting from a shill farm right now?
Nothing you’ve said isn’t textbook Russian messaging strategy.

>is just another way of attention whoring.
You’re the one that brought it up ITT. ‘‘twas talking about making AI porn as a learning exercise before some ESL talking like a stalinist started whining that I’m not in your cult.

By "values" I don't necessarily mean religion or even morality, I mean anything that would prove that you have a consistent view of the world that doesn't change from one post to another.
> By "values" I don't necessarily mean religion or even morality
Yes made up gook virtue signaling that is used as a form of social control. Take that shit to Reddit boring mindless cunt.
>I mean anything that would prove that you have a consistent view of the world that doesn't change from one post to another.
Nope. You just keep doing like actually retarded, desperate attempts at YouTube propaganda gotchas that make literally no sense.
> Then name them?
Name other places with shill farms or just pro-Russian shill farms? Pro Russian shill farms are in Russia, Belarus, used to be a bunch in ukraine, Czechia, Iran, India, China, formerly finland and Nederland, Brazil, Mexico, Israel, Estonia and probably the them Baltics. Plus like I they’ve been building underground complexes under their embassy’s in a bunch of countries for shill farms targeting that country and so on,
>Cause clearly your own country can't be one of them
Again notice the reflexive NO U lol

>> No.6460020

How can you waste so many words just to say that you're an obnoxious attention whore? You're boring me. Say something new or go back to overdosing on LSD or whatever you were doing before you decided to shit up this board again.

>> No.6460024 [DELETED] 
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Lol love it when they predictably fall back to parroting things I fed them yesterday.

Like honestly I think the reason you russoid shills are freaking out about AI so hard is they know there’s already chat bots that are more capable than them.

>> No.6460027

>say something new

>> No.6460029

schizo thread

>> No.6460036

I did this and made a piece that visually looks pretty nice, but it's boring because it's not really me or my work really. I would have certainly drawn the same thing myself, probably slower and worse, but something about the AI step just takes the soul out of the drawing.

Anyways try it for yourself and see how it fits in your workflow. It's not a bad tool.

>> No.6460062
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>> No.6460086
File: 23 KB, 480x360, emad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re a corporatist cuck and a mindhosed bozo.
lmao Stable Diffusion is literally run by a former hedge fund investor and has a valuation of 1 billion. I guess technically my pencils, pens and paper were made by a corporation, but I'll take the multi-generation European paper mill over a fucking tech hedge fund goon any day.

>> No.6460135
File: 263 KB, 512x512, 68DAD710-D473-435F-91D3-CFDF933785D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lmao Stable Diffusion is literally run by a former hedge fund investor
The people shilling against it are funded by a trillions dollar globalist plunderbund that don’t want AI access in your hands. Whatabouting to some pajeet means nothing.

I don’t care who made it. Edison “invented” the camera and he was a massive asshole. The reason hollywood is where hollywood is, is because it was as far away as possible from his patent lawyers in nyc. Should the government have banned film cameras because Edison was a cunt?

And seriously can you gook motherfuckers ever once try making an actual rational argument and not just whatabouting?

>> No.6460296

what's out right now is the big boom advancement in AI, technological progress doesn't just exponentially grow. There's still major flaws in what AI can actually understand and you pointed it out as well, that it will take many cycles to get something maybe close.

Great, you're an artist but if you are, I'm even more confused as to how you think there's anything even close to learning something from the AI out right now. It's lacking in so many ways, and if and when art related ai programs actually get to a point where it's actually functional and accepted without stigma, which it won't be for awhile considering everything that has happened, then it'll be worth learning. As it is, it's just weird that you're shilling something so incomplete and it makes me wonder what your last sentence even means. Why is using digital somehow worse than what you're trying to push. Your actual values of what lead to success in art are flipped, no one's making money off of AI art in the way digital artists are, precisely because it's just not complete, and won't get the job done. Not to mention, the attitude toward AI art, no one is gonna want to pay for anything AI related, it's actually borderline crazy to think that for awhile if you think people are excited by that

>> No.6460299

who is shilling against it? All the major corporations want their hand in AI. what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6460315

And I've seen people praising the AI wildly, not only the imagen AI, also the text models and so on, and companies using the AI art in their products, like that new game that just came out, and other companies supporting the development of the technology. I myself have posted few AI artworks on pixiv without tagging them as AI and I've received some praise in moonrunes. Hell, I even shown one SFW piece to irl friends and they really liked it. Artstation allowed it, and are fucking anti-AI people in the ass. Pixiv also didn't bend knee to the Anti-AI people. Same for deviantart.
You know, it almost sounds like there are always two sides to anything? Half of people supporting a thing and half of people being against it, and in the end it's never decided if the thing lost or won? Almost like politics huh

>> No.6460352

Ah, he got filtered by the pencil

>> No.6460360

I filtered your mom with my pencil

>> No.6460361

>I myself have posted few AI artworks on pixiv without tagging them as AI
it doesnt matter, normgroids dislike it, coomers from sadpanda filter it and hound anyone who tries to evade them.
cat's out of the bag and it is going to gouge the eyes of whoever let it out.

>> No.6460372

>normgroids dislike it
You mean the twitter "artists"? That seems to be the majority of people that keeps crying.
Normies are eating whatever you feed them, and to most of them it's impressive, and as long as it looks good they clap their hands.
Point me towards any rule on pixiv that says "if image was generated by AI you MUST tick this checkbox", to me it's just like any other tag, I may apply it, I may not

>> No.6460384

normgroids will follow the one with the moral high ground, which you dont, considering how your little black box blender works and you proudly spouting antihumanistic beliefs.
there perhaps could be a world where an ai tag wouldnt be a badge of shame, but you killed it, with your own snarky behaviour.

>> No.6460402

>there perhaps could be a world where an ai tag wouldnt be a badge of shame
I wouldn't call it a badge of shame, as people seem to not mind using it, however I call it a debuff for sure, as you are getting rid of people that opted out of seeing AI artworks from your potential viewers. And since they don't complain as not a single person called me out so far, everyone benefits, I get better following, and they are happy as they seen a nice artwork

>> No.6460457

You will never have fun with a pencil pajeetkun

>> No.6460468

This is such a sad way of trying to make it in the art space but you do you

>> No.6460508

>And seriously can you gook motherfuckers ever once try making an actual rational argument and not just whatabouting?
The original message (which disappeared, lol) was "you're a corporatist cuck" unless you use AI, and it probably dawned on you by now what an absurd argument that is. I never said anything about banning AI.
All the bad analogies about Edison etc. just reveal you as a /g/ shill. Art isn't dependent on 'cutting edge' tech, formal innovation and storytelling can be done with the same tools used for centuries.

>> No.6460562

YOU wouldn't call it a badge of shame. That's because you can't hear outside an echo chamber.
People would rather ignore a deluded moron that keeps saying they are not rather than attempt to argue for the 10th time.

>> No.6460885
File: 143 KB, 320x338, biel 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The original message (which disappeared, lol) was "you're a corporatist cuck" unless you use AI,
>and it probably dawned on you by now what an absurd argument that is.
Well yes it’s a strawman argument that you just fabricated. Nobody props up a strawman to shriek at that isn’t absurd.
>I never said anything about banning AI.
I don’t know who you are
>All the bad analogies about Edison etc. just reveal you as a /g/ shill.
Nope. Go back to your country newfaggot.
>Art isn't dependent on 'cutting edge' tech,
A: nobody said it was
B: yes it always has been. You’re either on the cutting edge or you’re some derivative loser. Da Vinci essentially invented the camera to better “cheat” at the template portraits he cranking out for cash.
>formal innovation and storytelling can be done with the same tools used for centuries.
You say on the internet lol

>> No.6460963

If you're that confident in it, why wouldn't you just disclose that it was AI in the first place and not bypass the tagging. You know the answer, and it's actually super funny that you're coping this hard with it