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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 564 KB, 1536x2048, FlIcnWQWIAEOwAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448958 No.6448958 [Reply] [Original]

"art style doesn't matter" is the biggest lie.
People say that and then draw shit like this.
Can you have an art style so bad people hate it? That you don't get work? Take care of your art style.

>> No.6448970

>art style doesn't matter
I've not seen anyone say that

>> No.6449388

>blackwashed sailor moon

>> No.6449390

style is related to your taste
bad taste leads to bad style

>> No.6449394

Who has ever said art style doesn’t matter

>> No.6449410
File: 684 KB, 1100x1600, 75738390_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't bad because the style, its bad because its garbage.
This girl is also brown but actually cute.

>> No.6449472

Nothing fucking matters, how you like them apples?

>> No.6449491

Why do blacks enjoy making everything as ugly as fucking possible?

>> No.6449496
File: 344 KB, 453x439, 1591877829130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me there is a continuation where she gets punched really hard

>> No.6449497

I seen worse by spics or whites. They are the reason why “fatphobia” is a thing.

>> No.6449552
File: 345 KB, 765x562, Manga-Sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey I like it and I'm not black, its actually well done as a piece.

Also black culture is the longest running psychological pseudo experiment, at some level, autist blacks invented culture while autist whites invented science. Everything about dance and fashion and self expression comes from black culture, the pickup game, being "smooth" by nature is all black people.

Style is a subset of the "artist" which i I would liken to just pure, unfiltered expression. The OP example i feel isn't the best example of expression per say, but at least they've reached a point where they can call a piece finished, which for all you sketchy never finish anythings


FLCL imo has a good sense of it, good style is more or less letting your flaws shine, because you are aware of them, having done studies, but the trick is not to lose yourself to the fundamentals and forget the natural way you draw, warts and all, is how your brain interprets the world.
Thinking you don't need fundamentals is riding the style dragon too hard, you'll narccicisate yourself into some god complex.
Too little expression and you get OP, lotsa fundies, but it all feels cobbled together.

Style tells a story in its lines of who the author is

>> No.6449572

same reasons why Tumblr dykes seethe at cute & sexy 2DQTs: inferiority complex. They know they are inferior & cannot compete against something that is beautiful.

>> No.6449582
File: 160 KB, 850x1014, Rumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This girl is also brown but actually cute.


>> No.6449588

there is.

>> No.6449608
File: 386 KB, 825x1200, 75738390_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out.

>> No.6450209

>Draw white person
>Make their skin slightly darker
This shit is just lazy, at least make them look like some ethnicity other than white or anime-Asian. Can you only draw white people?
Good job with the racist cherry-picking.

>> No.6450220

More girls getting beat up please.

>> No.6450384
File: 67 KB, 821x880, 1637375316431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good job with the racist cherry-picking.

>> No.6450395
File: 853 KB, 640x631, Only Asians can cosplay anime characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least make them look like some ethnicity other than white or anime-Asian


Leftoids like you are unironically retarded.

>> No.6450454
File: 89 KB, 1024x997, 1667237380921176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indian and arab women exist lol
you dont need to have a receeding hairline groid nose and babboon lips to make an appealing "brown" woman ofcourse its another deal if you're drawing niggers then obv the end result will be ugly lmao its niggers afterall

>> No.6450459
File: 48 KB, 574x680, FXu-WSTVQAA__mn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a "white" person its a prety person
something generations of dysgenic labour breeding of slave has very little of
even the prettiest of black women have some white slaver master in their bloodline
its the biggest black pill (lol get it) for africans to swallow and live with

>> No.6450490

Are you shitting me or is your screen not calibrated properly?

>> No.6450496

>endless indie comics by White guys that feature some of the ugliest art imaginable

Taste is subjective and that blanket statement isn't even remotely true.

>> No.6450503

That's her tanktop you retard. She's wearing a black tanktop that is covering her belly. The girl is clearly light-skinned with blonde hair. Take your bizarre negro obsession elsewhere

>> No.6450511

Cope, dilate, seethe. You will never be a cute anime girl.

>> No.6450539

>art style doesn't matter
Nobody ever said this, retard.
>People say that and then draw shit like this.
No they don't, because nobody says that.

By the way, that art style is fine. It's the subject (sailor moon but a nigger) that's the problem. It's WHAT is depicted that blows, not HOW it's depicted.

Sage, hidden. Self-immolate OP.

>> No.6450591

>indian and arab women exist lol
Indian and Arab women do not look anything like waifu-shit.
>its not a "white" person its a prety person
Opinion unironically formed from being psyoped into thinking 'white == right' of course. Enjoy seething at seeing a black on TV or in a game.

>> No.6450625
File: 690 KB, 1050x525, 1574370813263-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negroids don't look anything like brown 2d girls

They aren't even meant to be black

>> No.6450628
File: 679 KB, 999x688, 1661975614753175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Brown anime girls don't look anything like nappy haired big nosed negroez

>> No.6450637 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 570x553, 1661607943771368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally day one of 2023 and you decide to cope
im sorry that blacks were enslaved and sold out by their own kin in africa for gunpowder (lol)
too bad the breeding and rape the whites put your kind through didn't make you the prettiest or even average looking people around (lmao)
its simple fact that the average babboon faced groid isnt aesthetically pleasing
the few that are had some white masta rape their great grandma and donate some white genes to your famly line
be thankful for tha instead of pulling up le postmoderneist arguments about "le eye of the beholder"
you dont have to be indoctrinated by netflix and """western media""" to notice that blacks just aint appealing to look at
especially when literally any other race of people exist
is why dating stats show that black are the least prefered partners even amongst other blacks (lmao)

there is no argument
the average black person quite literally objectively less pretty than their countepart from any oher race of people by sheer aesthetics value
a fact so prevelant that even black people themselves acknowledge it subconciously (look at goku's popularity amongst black teens lol)
sorry not sorry im not even being racist (yet) just making a basic observation
also dont try to sic the mods on me (it wont work)

>> No.6450671

White and Asians, barely, people look nothing like 2D girls either so I'm confused on what you are trying to get at.

>> No.6450674
File: 79 KB, 897x772, 1672483804088677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime is simplification and magnification of pleasing features hence the colorful big eyes and neotonous features
there is alwasy some feature that is borrowed from real existing people
now notice how none of theose features come from blacks
curious thing huh?
almost like idealized depictions naturally filter out ugly things
funny how that works huh anon

besides you didnt need anyone to spel it out for you
you're being obtuse over semantic cause you hate the truth

>> No.6450919

seethe harder you disgusting negroid roastie. Subhuman monkeys like you will never be as loved as cute asian girls

>> No.6450923

The worst offense here is the fucked up legs. Guy can't into foreshortening.

>> No.6450932

Happy new year anon

>> No.6450939

Its crazy how all white people think anime characters are white, no exceptions. While the rest of the world accepts that they are an abstraction. Cultural appropriation must be caused by a gene or something. Like, white people see yellow hair and unironically think “blonde”, without attempting to explain all the red, blue, green, purple haired characters. Talk about mental gymnastics

>> No.6450943

most amerimutts think that pale skin = white, and dark skin = black

>> No.6450969

Never seen "art style doesn't matter", what you do see is "it's not wrong, it's my art style, it's intentional. No, I will not do studies or learn to draw better" from deviantart permabegs.

>> No.6451039

sailor coon
that is all

>> No.6451040

>Draw white person
>Make their skin slightly darker
acting like that's a bad thing

>> No.6451061
File: 83 KB, 221x325, 6A85D4C7-6910-4010-BCE5-12DC0EA3638E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean to be fair red, blue, green is usually abstract but they specifically use yellow for Europeans to express blonde hair. Sometimes it’s used for asians but more the type girl that dyes her hair a blonde shade.

It’s stupid to claim they’re all white. But yellows are intentionally used for blonde characters while the more unusual colors like green and blue are usually stated in canon to be typical Asian colors

>> No.6451101

anon, of course they're gonna make a character blonde to convey their whiteness. What do you expect them to do, give them angloid features like a hook nose?

>> No.6451103
File: 146 KB, 242x726, Gc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post only proves my point.

>> No.6451114

The fuck you retards smoking?
The post I quoted
>Like, white people see yellow hair and unironically think “blonde”, without attempting to explain all the red, blue, green, purple haired characters. Talk about mental gymnastics

Yellow literally means blonde in anime hair. There’s no mental gymnastics

>> No.6451619
File: 157 KB, 478x463, what a sad story (laughs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the biggest cope strawman i've seen all year
no one is say anime depictss a race specifically cause usually it doesnt
but we all know for sure that they're definitely not black (lmao ugly apes)
we aren't making an inclusionary statement but an exclusionary one

>> No.6452035
File: 2.53 MB, 1984x997, JapaneseFacialFeatures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese are at least 1/3rd white. The Ainus intermixed with European whites to create the modern Jomon. They have soul because of whites. It's the reason they emulated our monarch governments during the the Victorian era. Our influence spreads far & wide.

>> No.6452159
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck? is it even possible to cope this hard or is this bait? for one japs view white people as exceptionally beautiful, so many characteristics of the anime style are meant to emulate exaggerated aspects of white faces, even if the character is canonically asian.
>Like, white people see yellow hair and unironically think “blonde”, without attempting to explain all the red, blue, green, purple haired characters. Talk about mental gymnastics
is this a joke? yellow hair is blonde universally, are you fucked in the head? none of this has to do with white people you're just retarded and that's coming from a nig

>> No.6452174

Name me 10 black artists that redraw anime characters in a way that doesn't make them cheeto dread fat rubber tire lipped abominations

I'll wait

>> No.6452183
File: 122 KB, 960x707, ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another colossal cope, there is not a single black anime character redraw that looks better than the original. 99.99% of the artists that make shit people care about are either white or asian, and exceptions do not disprove that "blanket statement". the only people who thinks shit like picrel looks good are either white BLM supporters pretending to like it or black retards who think stealing character designs and ruining them will end racism

>> No.6452201
File: 137 KB, 683x1024, istockphoto-171263513-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They barely come from White or Asian people either. Look at this White woman. She looks nothing like any anime character. White people, in particular, see a blond character with blue eyes and think "Ah, they must be White!" because no one would dare dye their hair blond???

White people in particular have very big noses that stick out and sometimes White women (and men) will have very masculine jaws neither of which are or rarely depicted in anime. When Japanese people draw foreigners in their stories, you will definitely know.

Even then some Asians have been getting double eyelid surgery for so long that they have deluded themselves into thinking that they have 'big eyes.' They usually don't. If it was that common it wouldn't be that big of a beauty standard and people wouldn't be paying all that money to obtain that look.

Big eyes, small noses, small mouths, and big heads ARE associated with babies which include babies of African descent you deluded nutcase. This also includes baby animals, too.

>> No.6452205

>but we all know for sure that they're definitely not black

>Story clearly states they are Black American or Black African

I am willing to bet good money you are one of the following:

>not White

>> No.6452213

>re either white BLM supporters pretending to like it
if they support BLM why would they pretend?

>> No.6452215
File: 55 KB, 826x600, afs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people, in particular, see a blond character with blue eyes and think "Ah, they must be White!" because no one would dare dye their hair blond???
where are you going with the blond hair claim, it makes no sense. why would an anime character dye dye his hair unless explicitly stated/inspired by another character or person in real life who dyed their hair? are you really arguing with us on whether or not an anime character dyed his hair? no, 99% of anime characters with blond hair and blue eyes are white.
>When Japanese people draw foreigners in their stories, you will definitely know.
what about when japanese people draw japanese people? how come you can never tell then? maybe it's because they took the most beautiful aspects of both races along with the exaggeration of specific features to fit with their style, you dumb kike
>Big eyes, small noses, small mouths, and big heads ARE associated with babies which include babies
so you're just talking about moeshit? what's the point in discussing those characters at all if they're almost always just moeshit pedobait children that barely look human made to appeal to the retards who watch anime exclusively to fuel their insatiable lust for escapism

>> No.6452223
File: 42 KB, 602x454, ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does picrel look at all like a real black person to you
because everyone knows the dogshit "black artists" "create" (relating to race or politics) is entirely born out of spite and envy, not an appeal to beauty. in supporting their political and philosophical viewpoints (as well as making themselves feel better about their own appearance), whitey is forced to accept and praise the negroid's repulsive works. as i am not white i do not understand why you would support people like that, but if i had to guess it's something to do with guilt

>> No.6452229

Some have dyed blond hair and others have blond hair. Even then it's not explicitly stated that they ARE White. Kishimoto did design Naruto with blond hair/blue eyes to appeal to a broader(White) audience and even included a whole country of Black ninjas. There's even a happa character in Boruto.

>what about when japanese people draw japanese people? how come you can never tell then?
This is a really dumb question, especially when I JUST stated that a lot of Japanese mangaka/animators usually draw the foreigners to look more realistic/stereotypical compared to the more simplified/cartoony Japanese characters. Then again, it just depends on the artist. In Cowboy Bebop they featured Black and White characters along with other non-Japanese characters. They all look very different from Faye and Spike.

Then you have some who draw them similar no matter what. It just really depends and it's more of a testament of how the Japanese see themselves v. everyone else. Like, in reality Japanese people don't look that different from Chinese people, but they draw them with MUCH smaller eyes than do themselves.

>using Ninja Scroll as an example
It's no longer the 80s/90s. No one really draws like that anymore maybe except Araki who DOES take a lot of influence from Western/White media and does seem to attempt diversify his characters. Everything is much more simplified now.

>> No.6452233

>whitey is forced to accept and praise the negroid's repulsive works. as i am not white i do not understand why you would support people like that, but if i had to guess it's something to do with guilt
so this is just your fanfic?

>> No.6452237

Are you replying to yourself?

>> No.6452239

>Some have dyed blond hair and others have blond hair.
yeah so what lol does that mean they're not white anymore? i really don't understand the hair comparison
>This is a really dumb question, especially when I JUST stated that a lot of Japanese mangaka/animators usually draw the foreigners to look more realistic/stereotypical compared to the more simplified/cartoony Japanese characters.
yes but all characters in the common anime art style borrow many aspects from white people that are seen as attractive in japan so that doesn't really mean anything
>It's no longer the 80s/90s. No one really draws like that anymore
yeah because they're all faggots and almost all modern anime looks like shit, old = good isn't just a meme

>> No.6452240

So you are mad at Black people trying to 'claim' characters are Black meanwhile how many people are in this thread trying to claim that Japanese characters are White, because their hair is Blonde???

How you can not see the hypocrisy in this is beyond me.

If anything she's, more than likely, Japanese just like the bulk of the characters from MHA, except the pig one, (who is American) and Stars and Stripes. Is Hori going to go out of his way to clarify, because he doesn't want to see Meghan Thee Stallion or other Black people cosplaying or drawing his characters? No, he's not.

Just like the rest of them, they are probably excited to see that they have fans since that means that they can get more money out of it.

>> No.6452241

Actually, wait there is that Black male character in MHA, too, but he seems to be Japanese, too.

>> No.6452242

no, have you been in america for 2017-2023+? it's pretty obvious
that guy isn't me

>> No.6452247

>turning a character black and making their design worse out of jealousy and spite = claiming all anime characters have aspects from both asians and whites
you people are exceptionally retarded
>Is Hori going to go out of his way to clarify, because he doesn't want to see Meghan Thee Stallion or other Black people cosplaying or drawing his characters? No, he's not.
ok then post a different "black anime character" that's popular, i guarantee you he/she won't look black at all

>> No.6452250

>yeah so what lol does that mean they're not white anymore?
They were never White or mixed race to begin with unless it's explicitly stated. I don't understand why you are struggling to understand that?

>yes but all characters in the common anime art style borrow many aspects from white people that are seen as attractive in japan so that doesn't really mean anything
We are talking in circles. I already stated that what was considered attractive here >>6452201 and none of that is exclusive to anyone of European descent. Even if the character has blond hair and blue eyes. If they aren't considered born and bred Japanese the story will explicitly state it.

>> No.6452256

>They were never White or mixed race to begin with unless it's explicitly stated.
most anime characters are not explicitly stated to be but look like white people or borrow many aspects from them that the japanese find attractive and basically are white people, is that really that hard for you to understand
>If they aren't considered born and bred Japanese the story will explicitly state it.
doesn't matter

>> No.6452270

>you people are exceptionally retarded
That's rich coming from the asshole trying to claim distinctly Japanese characters as Whites/Europeans.

>ok then post a different "black anime character" that's popular, i guarantee you he/she won't look black at all
If the character doesn't look 'Black' then the chances are huge that neither do the rest of the non-Japanese characters. Like, I said, it really just really depends on the artist. If Black character looks "Black" or has features that more characteristic of people of African descent then there's an even bigger chance that the rest of the non-Japanese characters also have distinct features, too.

For example, in Bleach Kaname and Chad kinda maybe look a bit different, but not that much really and neither of them have particular features that people of their ethnicity might have. Yoruichi doesn't either, but to be quite honest for as varied as the designs for Bleach are, the women's faces don't really deviate that much from Kubo's template as the male characters might. .

>> No.6452280

>That's rich coming from the asshole trying to claim distinctly Japanese characters as Whites/Europeans.
they often are. cope and sneed

>> No.6452288

>and basically are white people
This sounds insane. You are insane. Get help.

>> No.6452289

>"art style doesn't matter" is the biggest lie.
people only say this if you can't draw in the first place
no matter how much you try not to have a "shitty art style" you'll still be shitty if you don't have good fundies

>> No.6452294

>Get help.

>> No.6452300

Those big eyes don't help that hideous horse face.

Niggers, whites, browns are all the same. Trash. Asian is peak beauty.

>> No.6452327
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x1500, 51935190dc75_SailorMoonRedrawChallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, a present for you. Since Whites and Asians have all the aesthetics that are closest to 'anime style' here are some specifically for you.

>> No.6452329
File: 366 KB, 550x350, a9c25fa34d16_Traumaradio_SailormoonRedraw_lowdpi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6452330
File: 358 KB, 1280x875, sailor_moon_redraw_by_kelogsloops_deex4vg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6452332
File: 271 KB, 1280x721, tumblr_4502c7d8c4e403484029874966fbfd45_c585db49_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6452334
File: 54 KB, 600x420, tumblr_3bcf37b7a5f56f2a90eeb137e0f46adf_a1d2b3db_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6452337
File: 1.11 MB, 2480x1579, EYZDQ2MVcAAcYdU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6452348
File: 1.54 MB, 1969x2328, 2369569_ooki_sailor-moon-redraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6452349
File: 131 KB, 1200x676, sailor-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original.

This one tried to rein in the nose, but Asian noses are barely that small and neither are White people's.

>> No.6452355
File: 121 KB, 1600x920, depositphotos_239564166-stock-photo-diverse-babies-sitting-floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest will always be babies.

>> No.6452376

all this is proving is that people shouldn't try to "realize" anime, nor should they try to realize anything that's stylized in the first place. i don't want to see ugly realistic noses and facial features when the original is something designed to look good. consider picrel, all of the recreations aren't disgusting to look at because they're not trying to be realistic
this one could have been good if the artist wasn't referencing a fat person. it's like someone really liked disney but decided that they would only look at fat white people (wide nose, weird distended cheeks)
no idea what race this artist is, but for sure they draw almost exclusively buff, gay men nowadays, so i'm not surprised that they can't draw women in an appealing manner

>> No.6452377
File: 249 KB, 1312x732, firefox_AfMtTdR8qj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao forgot picrel

>> No.6452390



none of them falsify my claims. the bad ones were either intentionally made to look "controversial", or the artist was just bad at lighting, colors, anatomy, had a weird/gross art style, etc. 6452330 looks good but doesn't look much like the original, and 6452349 looks nothing like any real japanese woman and is at best a heavily stylized depiction borrowing from aspects of both babies and wyt pipo to produce something that was cute, easy to draw, animate, and was aesthetically pleasing if barely resembling a human being

>> No.6452391
File: 1.62 MB, 1496x1292, SM redraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are great.

I agree, which is that other anon was arguing some crazy shit and thought that they had a legitimate argument.

Take pic related, this artist is mixed Japanese and some kind of White. Yet, it looks like this. Isn't this supposed to be the combination of what >>6452183
is trying to argue for some reason.

>> No.6452393
File: 314 KB, 1398x1193, CA8D1E3F-ACD3-4EE6-A09A-4B045D89374B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your pretty Asian wife for all of 5 seconds before she rapidly transforms into an old fucking grandma at 30. It’s the same for Mexican women, hot as fuck until 25 and then steep fucking decline into abuela territory. Asians age faster than fucking bananas.

Yeah. Peak Beauty. Fucking idiot.

>> No.6452394

no what the fuck stop being intentionally ignorant to what i'm referring to that looks nothing like what i'm talking about

>> No.6452418

>the bad ones were either intentionally made to look "controversial",

>Artist is excited to redraw a scene from their favorite anime
>wants to join the challenge
>purposefully creates a 'bad' piece for the sake of being controversial

That kind of mental gymnastics you displayed right there deserves all the gold.

>none of them falsify my claims
You sure about that? They are closer to all that shit you were talking about moreso than the original here: >>6452349. Yet, you labeled more than half of them as 'ugly.'

Which then challenges the one about 'none of the Black redraws' looked good considering a lot of the artists I featured weren't Black. Yet, in reality adding more realistic features on a much more cartoony type of style can be weird and off putting rather than the specific features themselves. Either you gotta go sort of semi-realistic, realistic, or go full cartoony unless you are able to find a good balance.

Yet, you are blaming it on specific features which is the much more irrational take.


>anime is simplification and magnification of pleasing features hence the colorful big eyes and neotonous features there is alwasy some feature that is borrowed from real existing people now notice how none of theose features come from blacks

This combines all of what is mentioned here but it's just drawn out more which, again, what you are mainly having the issue with, but are too fucked up in your head to figure out.

>> No.6452429

>threads about having appealing art styles transforms into /pol/shit
none of you single digit iq niggers even draw

>> No.6452430

Black people don't have to be in literally every single media in existence

>> No.6452435
File: 256 KB, 1280x801, sailor_nose02ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sailor moon aint shit. Get on my level.

>> No.6452553
File: 29 KB, 460x461, 1665251490621037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im refering to the popular protagonist and important character not background token nigga #1009
you knew that you're trying to drown the points in semantics cause you don't wanna admit that you're wrong (typical ape behaviour lol)

>> No.6452558
File: 684 KB, 500x500, 1614618334007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big eyes, small noses, small mouths, and big heads ARE associated with babies which include babies of African descent you deluded nutcase. This also includes baby animals, too.
its called neotony you illiterate redditor i mention it in my original post (lol embarassing)
noone is saying that all anime draws from x race of people cause it draws from diverse well of good looking poepl (lol not blacks)
people are making the observation that blacks don't qualify as worthy of being referenced in an idealized depiction of the human form (true)

as stated here : >>6450674
you can try to drown the argument in semantics all you want but i will return and rub the inevitable truth in your face as many times as it takes

>> No.6452562

>before she rapidly transforms into an old fucking grandma at 30.
Keep projecting you shriveled up white woman. Asians are known for their superior genes and don't hit the wall until their early 50's. This is why Asian milfs are hot as fuck while even white college girls look like gnarled old men

>> No.6452564
File: 44 KB, 715x715, ripped joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're argument inevitably leads into "sakimi chan is better than actual mangaka cause she can polish her turds realistically and the plebs lovingly buy it"
and be honest is that really the hill you wanna die on?
even if we are to go there is a tacit admission that you can't break my objective observation of "all blacks are ugly" (sad)
and descending intosubjective semantics (lol embarassing)
you have lost the argument, now we're on the damage control stage (congrats on the biggest L itt)

>> No.6452567

>fetal alcoholism moon

>> No.6452573

>single mother of two looking to settle moon

>its MA'AM moon

>white faced coon in a wig moon

>failed korean idol moon

>sucki sucki five dorrar moon

>> No.6452578

Aside from being an SJW virtue signal this is still better than what normies generally like. The normalfag conception of a "good art style" is fucking trash. Super clean + smooth + dynamic (if stylized, - disney/animu), bright colors and 100% flawlessly attractive characters. Generic, boring, soulless. Add a little bit of grit and normalfags shit their pants.

>> No.6452580

>fetal alcoholism moon
just the average asian then

>> No.6452582

>>purposefully creates a 'bad' piece for the sake of being controversial

>That kind of mental gymnastics you displayed right there deserves all the gold.
no, nigs and white BLM supporter feminist types make intentionally bad art all the time. if someone's art style looks that retarded and ugly it's not because they're trying to make it better

>Which then challenges the one about 'none of the Black redraws' looked good considering a lot of the artists I featured weren't Black.

>but are too fucked up in your head to figure out.
it is a well-known fact about japanese culture that they think white people are beautiful and base most anime character designs off of certain features, are you retarded? yes it is stylized but so is everything else

>> No.6452599

This problem stems again from westerners trying to force their own "style" onto the characters they are cosplaying vs the japanese cosplayers who try to get as close to the character as possible. Cosplay on a "pro" level is close to something like bodybuilding where the cosplayer diets/trains to get to a good figure and invest effort or money in preparing the outfit, unlike low effort out of shape westerners who put on a wig and some home made outfit with cheap materials and be done with it.

>> No.6452726

absolutely retarded weeboid take

>> No.6452785

Top right and pony moo. Are pretty good actually

>> No.6452786

My mom is 60 and she looks pretty good still. I mean she got fat but relatively speaking she has a good face and skin. And she works hard as fuck.
all my aunts aged pretty decently except the smoker

>> No.6452789

As an extra seagull this is bullshit. Very few of the “pro cosplayers” care because “pro cosplay” is just glorified (and literally) just onlyfans.
>but before!
Yeah Jessica and Yaya just throwing a bikini on and pretending to be pikachu were totally better.

If you were talking the community, at least prior to like the late 2010s it was always most about the craft than looking perfect. A fat black ciel cosplayer but with an absolutely gorgeous dress would be praised far more than someone who looked like him but bought their outfit off taobao

>> No.6452795

The artststyle itself isn't that bad, the blackwashing is cringe however

>> No.6452840

how do people draw liek this without killing themselves? I'm staring at a blank canvas for hours trying to come up with something to draw and all I can come up with are cringey turds. But people like this are drawing every day and having fun. how do I get that confidence?

>> No.6452843

Just fucking draw.

>> No.6452847

shut the fuck up, you dont know the pain of "just draw"ing. you're basically saying "yeah dude just drink bleach and you'll get superpowers trust me"

>> No.6452849

Just fucking draw nigga.

>> No.6452888

>I'm not black
Good joke, don't you have an "inspo thread" to create or something?

Kill yourself.

>> No.6452984

>you dont know the pain of "just draw"ing
just draw you retarded piece of shit

>> No.6453018
File: 228 KB, 1014x1024, 1672194984744729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave it to SJW woke leftists & negro worshipping cucks to ruin the fun out of a harmless redraw challenge. I remember anti-white western Twitterfags were making a big deal from this, when it was simply just for fun.

I always assume the race of most anime characters was more ambitious then anything. Also pic-related>>6450395. Only Japanese people can cosplay & look almost identical to their anime counterparts.
>B-But they're white. They are no black or LGBT representation
Who cares, grow up.

>> No.6453025
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x1067, 5dff17c93d74250a8f692d922334e79a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does picrel look at all like a real black person to you
Not the person you're replying to but I can see why she can be considered black.

>> No.6453027

pic>>6452223 is a tanned nip. Your pic is a nigress wearing a Chinese wig. Literally no comparison.

>> No.6453030


>> No.6453119

>They fell for another racebait thread
I hope you’re not all completely retarded and some of you will at least Sage

>> No.6453136
