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6448770 No.6448770 [Reply] [Original]

Newsground is dead

>> No.6448798

Yeah, used to be you could make art and comics with sexy nazis in them. Then folks had to be retarded enough to go and start trying to resurrect actual nazism and ruined it.

>> No.6448804

Most of you idiots only have yourselves to blame for this i'm sure rare or even uncommon use of this shit would've slid but when you make it your whole persona and spam it 24/7 you'd have to expect people to grow tired of your shit.

>> No.6448811

Hitler lost and killed himself and Trump went out like a bitch

>> No.6448825

wait, Newsground think it is okay for black people to say nigger but not other races? That's incredible racist!

>> No.6448830


>> No.6448832

Eh, as long as they still forbid AIslop they're fine with me.

>> No.6448833

I guess once shadman disappeared and didn't bring attention to the site to make it worth defending his shtick anymore might as well get rid of the whole bucket lol

>> No.6448838


>> No.6448850

It's retard. Nazi fashion is very cool

>> No.6448857

Hitler was already fighting most of Europe, was beating England into submission while fighting a American supported Russia with his main army. It took the USA to join the war to defeat him. As a person he build himself up from scratch.

In the meantime Trump was just some American reality host/scammer who acted like a snake oil salesman while filling his own pocket. Once he had to risk his own safety to back up his words he folded. As a person he was born into a family wealthier than he is today.

Feel whatever you want about these two but they are many many many leagues apart.

>> No.6448860

It's a bad move, desu-nee. Newgrounds was built on free expression and not being bound by pearl clutching moralfaggotry and they should keep it that way.
If the niggers and trannies and faggots can coexist on this site with literal Naziboos they can do so on Newgrounds dot com too.

>> No.6448866

This is a good thing, believe it or not. By stifling creatives, they are accelerating the outcome they fear the most from being delivered to their doors.
"You attract what you fear"

>> No.6448870

Thing changed. They probably got raid by police or Jewish terrorists

>> No.6448910

It's not the end of the world, still miles ahead of the other art sites shitting the bed. Just post normalfag stuff there for attention, and leave the sexy nazis for twitter or your own website.

>> No.6448925

Proof? Where the corpse at?

>> No.6448938

"nazis have cool uniforms" isn't even a good excuse anymore when at best everyone looks at them like a neckbeard in a fedora and trenchcoat nowadays.
who the fuck cares. literally just draw a nazi uniform, change it a teeny tiny bit so it isn't "nazi" and you're fine. that or save it for a personal website.
jesus fucking christ you faggots cry about everything.

>> No.6448941

nazi uniforms were pretty cool anon. you just have shit taste

>> No.6448955

This is not surprising to anyone who has been watching for a while. Ever since Friday night funkin got popular there was a huge migration of tumblr and twitter teenagers to Newgrounds. I had actually made an account a few months prior and chose not to go through with it when I saw the new faces that were suddenly talking about Newgrounds.
Zoomers physically cannot ignore things they don't like. They were never taught the coping skills necessary to just keep scrolling. Boomers are bad at it too but in real life not online.

>> No.6448962
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 1685464546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigger is not allowed because people that are not black will abuse it by pretending to be black
Flawless neoracist logic.

If it shouldn't be allowed, it shouldn't be allowed regardless of race.

>you can't have sexy nazis becuase... you just can't, ok?
I'd hate to make the comparison to that novel, but holy shit.

>> No.6448964

millenials and gen x really do seem to have mastered the "not my problem bro" mentality.
Sucks for people with a fash fetish, I guess. Does this mean pulpy "evil sexy nazi ladies" as villainesses are also verboten? Everything is so fucking bubble wrapped, man.

>> No.6448966

>pulpy "evil sexy nazi ladies" as villainesses
Ironically, actual Nazis probably would have hated that.

>> No.6448967

I can see where they are coming from desu. I'm completely in favor of just allowing whatever, problem is there's several gaggles of retards going around and getting kicked from any site they settle in, so while I'm sure Newgrounds would be ok allowing shit like nazi uniforms in art, it might become the gateway for all the zoomertard fashfaggots to spam the site, and by the time it becomes known as "oh yeah that neonazi site", it's too late to start enforcing, because then all the faggots start with their whataboutism, and where to draw lines, etc. and it becomes a shitshow. Better to just not allow certain things period and not deal with the problem in the first place.

>> No.6448968

As usual, it's a lack of gatekeeping that ends up ruining everything. Newfags and normalfags are the bane of... well, everything good, really.
Wasn't there an infographic or something illustrating the "niche group -> influx of newfags and normalfags -> niche enjoyers alienated by new/normalfags who don't actually care about the niche that much -> niche enjoyers leave and start another niche group" kind of thing going on here?

>> No.6448974

>if it appears derogatory, we're gonna treat it as derogatory

learn to read dumbass, you can say nigger in your cartoon for comedic/dramatic purpose or whatever, as long as your cartoon isn't actually promoting racism as a good thing

>> No.6448975

If i remember correctly, ng had already gotten that label a decade ago, but i don't remember the reason. Maybe it had to do with shadman or something, i really don't know. Then the issue got forgotten after a few weeks.

>it's too late to start enforcing, because then all the faggots start with their whataboutism, and where to draw lines, etc. and it becomes a shitshow. Better to just not allow certain things period and not deal with the problem in the first place.
That's rather an issue with the mentally ill that should be not allowed on the internet, but censoring or outright banning something actually innocuous as imagery with the pretense of anti-hate/social justice, never goes right.
If anything, there will be more of that coming.
Same as nigger, it's THE no-no word but people on the internet still say it because it has unlimited power over the normies not because they're racist.

>> No.6448989

In a way. Radio is a shadow of its former self, tv is a shadow of its former self, and the internet can't escape the same fate. Mass appeal kills soul, be it in art or anything else. What I don't get is why zoomers only want to covet the superficial parts of millennial history. The old shows, the old websites, the old fashion. They want it as their own, but they don't want the culture and the personality that came with it. Or maybe they do, and it's just the most aggressive of them who keep it from happening by leveraging moral panic and outrage to consolidate social power. Whatever, I don't know. I want those kids off my lawn unironically.

>> No.6448994

Where is the new "niche group" forming as of now? I'm so fucking tired of following this shit just for a safe, stable place to express myself and find people who actually care. Or has there never been stability to speak of in the first place?

>> No.6448998

>no AI
>no nazis
I'm sold

>> No.6449001

>people are flawed because of this
The real problem is that people shouldn't be wired to "just ignore". That's the whole fucking point of why out society doesn't work. Nobody but the most mind-broken of consoomers are wired to "just ignore it lol". People don't want to see shit they hate every day. This is true either for the SJW feminazis or the normal people who have a normal functioning brain, or any other category of people. Nobody is made to endure shit he hates every single fucking day and the internet forces people to do this and it's breaking everyone's mind. This was all a fucking mistake, people should live in like-minded, isolated contexts where they agree about shit and move on with their lives in their fucking Christian village or whatever. But that's an "echo chamber" now and it's bad.

>> No.6449002

The niche is headed back to the real world it looks like. In a world where everyone lives and flashes their ass online, it's the people who unplug who would be beyond the reach of the majority. My best guess.

>> No.6449016

>just for a safe, stable place to express myself and find people who actually care
implying people exist who want to "express themselves" fucking LMAO
don't worry your CP and illegal porn and other fucky shit will always have a platform. as long as people pay for it there will always be a way

>> No.6449017

It's the same shit with the "privacy" meme in tech
>boo hoo I have nothing to hide! I just want muh right to privacy!
>OK have this platform
the most horrifying and sad shit is that the governments are right. people just deserve the boot

>> No.6449034

It's impossible to verify if someone has the n-word pass so unfortunately it has to be outright banned.

>> No.6449073

the tumblr diaspora took over

>> No.6449081
File: 273 KB, 700x1000, 26068_chizem_nazi-ww2-general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, I was going to search the nazi tag to prove you all wrong, but aside from porn nothing is made post 2009, wtf dude why?

>> No.6449092

OneyNG wasn't lying when he said Newgrounds is gay now.

>> No.6449115

This, inb4 they call you a tranny or some other buzzword like some retarded npc. It’s obvious they are trying to get some advertisers.

>> No.6449117

> millenials and gen x really do seem to have mastered the "not my problem bro" mentality.
Until something insignificant happens you retards start foaming in the mouth and seethe.

>> No.6449158

>Hitler only lost because he picked a fight with everyone at the same time!!!
That's not admirable, that's retarded.
And the Soviets would have won by themselves, regardless.

>> No.6449169
File: 790 KB, 1143x1143, 781B98BB-74B4-4568-B358-81254060D6A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really care about /pol/shit but one of the hallmarks of new ground culture was being retardedly edgy. The fact it’s being censored in any form is a huge disappointment for me.
Sure I wouldn’t be looking at sexy nazi art but imagining if they had deleted porn games back in the day because it had rape or murder makes me sad. Or all those stickman videos that were over the top revenge fantasies. Or just those silly cute goth girls doing edgy shit. Any of it is soon to be filtered.

And outside of pol shit. There’s nothing wrong with hot sexy nazi doctor femdom. Them being evil is the entire fucking point, I want to see some testicles being crushed in the hands of a nazi scientist as she looks down at you in scorn.

>> No.6449173
File: 1.50 MB, 1972x965, VerifyWhatYouRead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.6449174

i hate what NG is now because it's full of sensitive fags that get overly offended over the smallest insults. i also hate their art scouting system because the same gatekeeping idiots will say 'uh your art isn't good enough' while i see every artist that draws like an elementary school beginner doing shit doodles scouted/approved. it's a circle jerk and a slap to the face of some of us who actually have form and lineart in our drawings and won't whore ourselves to fan art or pop art.

>> No.6449183

no, i have normal tastes and you're just a sweaty nerd whining about nonsense.

>> No.6449184


>> No.6449187

Hitler (Hiller) was a rich Jewish actor leading the German people to ruin. Likely gay as well, just like the rest of the Nazi leadership.

>> No.6449190

this, FNF is the killing blow, look at porn of some kids property and you have children complaining about it. Only a matter of time before they start to strangle out the last 'problematic' elements and turn full babyshit.

>> No.6449201

There’s a difference between ignoring what other people like and being told to ignore what’s being shoved into your face.
It’s one thing for me to tell you to fuck off if you don’t like my art because my art wasn’t for you.
It’s another to have other people’s values projected onto me because they don’t like my art.
Me drawing isn’t forced onto you and you don’t have to accept or like it. You just don’t have to look at it.
Your projection is forced onto me and I have no choice but to do things how you want or leave an already dwindling number of websites

>> No.6449238

you don't have an inherent right to shove your art down everyone's throats on a relatively public website.
if i screech like a banshee at a restaurant, even if i am a paying customer, the staff are going to show me the door. no matter how much i scream about everyone else being a sensitive bitch and they totally just shouldn't focus on my screaming.
you want a website with your niche nazi fetishes? make your website. 99% of edgy shit is still going to be on there, people just want to complain.

>> No.6449240

its not shoving down anyone's throat though, its just posting and unless you follow me or explicitly search it out you will never see it.
Or rather the chance of seeing it is so miniscule it doesn't matter.

It is a non-issue for you. You are merely upset because someone dares enjoy something you don't like.
I am upset on the other hands because you are preventing me from enjoying myself.
The 2 are nothing alike.

>> No.6449241

Why are leftists so retarded, bros

>> No.6449256

>just posting
are you somehow pretending that you don't post work on social media with the goal of other people seeing it?
also websites are under no obligation to host shit that is aggressive against other users of the same website. and again, 99% of things aren't even moderated that hard against. if you don't like the rules, don't post.

>> No.6449259

Can't you just take a photo of it?

>> No.6449267

Real funny how nazism started to become more common when the wokies started calling everyone who disagreed with them nazis. Real fucking noggin jogger, that one.

>> No.6449270

The goal of people who want to see it to see it.
You won't see the vast majority of art that gets posted. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6449271

>If the niggers and trannies and faggots can coexist on this site with literal Naziboos
They can't. Discord trannies raid this place 24/7 and you've got obsessive social engineers in this very thread. They literally can't get over the fact that there are places they don't control.

>> No.6449292

This. The last real battleground is in your own head. If you're reading reading this, don't give them (or anyone) a fucking inch. Think free

>> No.6449316


>> No.6449339

considering Youtube is becoming worse in every metric I think its only a matter of time before the garbage of the Storytime Animators starts to flood Newgrounds

>> No.6449344

Posting isn't shoving something down someone's throat retard. Don't like my content then get off my page

>> No.6449350
File: 76 KB, 563x569, 1580882575974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their art scouting system because the same gatekeeping idiots will say 'uh your art isn't good enough' while i see every artist that draws like an elementary school beginner doing shit doodles scouted/approved
I had made multiple accounts and always got scouted/approved with less than mid beg art every time by the time i had hit 4 works posted.
And i mean, shit work i would be even embarrassed to seriously post here.

There are users who actually spam-scout anyone they can so it shows up on their profile that getting scouted really isn't an issue.
There are even people who actually wait to get scouted by big names so that it shows up on their profile.

The issue goes rather the opposite direction; being approved is not gatekept enough and has lost all meaning since the system is in the hands of too many people.
And being scouted doesn't really do anything except give you the chance of getting frontpaged, which you are also only allowed if a work isn't rated A.
Don't let me get started on ratings and how faggots abuse them.

There are a variety of reasons why you don't get scouted:
>your works really fucking suck
>you misuse/abuse the rating and tagging system
>too niche and highly fetishy art
>you come off as disingenuous
>not making fanart or fotm
Because as much as NG wants to rave about and profile themselves with "originality", the great majority of works are just bland normie, gayfujo and weeb bait.

Also, there are naturally a lot of fucking mentally ill trannies on that site because they really are fucking everywhere.

>> No.6449395

this is all true actually. their scouting system is kind of a joke and the hypocrisy is laughable. i know my work is definitely not as bad as beginner level doodles, but it is niche in that it is my original way. it's not great by any means, but it's not trash either. it's just decent/good. i have never gotten ratings less than 4/5 stars so that must mean someone likes it. there's an easier way of getting scouted, which is basically to draw fan art porn but i really despise doing that just to get scouted. whatever. as soon as i saw a guy that can't even draw proper anatomy with proper lighting get scouted off of a furry with enormous tits, i fucked off. i hate weeb shit so maybe the place itself just isn't for me.

>> No.6449397

Holy zoomer gigafaggot

>> No.6449405

Ever since Friday Night Funkin became poupular, NewGrounds became filled with children and trannies. NG hasn't been as popular in resent years, Tom Flup is trying to appeal to the new found userbase and manage to keep them on his site.

>> No.6449416

Should have just let the site die. Its not even that good as an art gallery.

>> No.6449437

So you retards continue to complain on where to post your generic anime pinups next?

>> No.6449505

I think they need to uterally wipe the history of the word nazi and Hitler. Just forget about it. You won the war. Stop. The swastica has been around before Shitler used it for his flag/emblem. It goes way back into other cultural/religion things.

There literally is no more nazi's. it is over. they dont exist. But they can come back if you want them to. The irony is remarkable.

>> No.6449527

>And the Soviets would have won by themselves, regardless.
lolno. ~90% of their railroads were American supplied and they didn't have the means to lay them out quickly. Russians had good industrial output for war machines but dogshit for everything else, which is why millions of them just straight up starved to death and would have starved further. They didn't have the means to supply a counteroffensive without American (and British) supplied infrastructure.

>> No.6449528

If it gets forgotten, sjws can't have their boogeyman to play the victims and be outraged by anything for social media points and jews can't try to emotionally manipulate governments into giving them money and censor any negative criticism about them anymore.

Being a nazi nowadays has nothing to do with WW2 and Hitler, it's just a buzzword to shut up anyone that strays from the extreme left narrative.

There is a video about the
>leftist playbook
which is from the 70s and it mirrors perfectly what people today are doing, regarding all this pseudo political garbage.

>> No.6449547

>not making fanart or fotm
literally all there is to it
I skimmed this retarded post otherwise

>> No.6449550

People have been calling each other nazis since the dawn of the internet. Feminazi used to refer to SJWs.

>> No.6449554 [DELETED] 

>can't be edgy
>can't draw sexy nazi women
>can't be "racist"
>can't draw guro or violence
>can't draw lolis or shota
>can't draw "nigger" despite blacks calling
themselves the word all the time
>can't have fun

And you faggots wonder why I no longer use western art sites. They are such cucks to PC culture that it removes the soul of the site.

>> No.6449558

>can't be edgy
>can't draw sexy nazi women
>can't be "racist"
>can't draw guro or violence
>can't draw lolis or shota
>can't draw "nigger" despite blacks calling themselves the word all the time
>can't have fun

And you faggots wonder why I no longer use western art sites. They are such cucks to PC culture that it removes the soul of the site. Fuck your stupid rules! If can't be allowed to draw moon man, blackface, & hot nazi women, then I won't contribute to your shitty platform.

>> No.6449577

>I skimmed this retarded post otherwise
You went out of your way to show how much of an illiterate, attention span lacking zoomer you are and you think your words hold any value?

Are you expecting a like and a retweet? Maybe some followers by being so cool and detached?

>> No.6449712

Newgrounds has monthly payouts but they're tiny compared to YouTube and they've been putting fewer and fewer ads on the site despite still being in the red every year, there would have to be a massive cultural shift towards directly supporting the sites and creators you like for newgrounds to come anywhere near being as profitable for them.

>> No.6449715

I literally got scouted by going on one of their chats and asking "why can't I see my art on the portal", it's little more than a formality.

>> No.6449718

The entire internet in a nutshell thanks to it being forced onto normalfags

>> No.6449723

Like you provide anything of value with your beg scribbles, mikufag.

>> No.6449748

They got into pixiv too. Started with blog posts about respecting tranny workers and now credit card companies are breathing down their neck. I hope Russia nukes NY and CA

>> No.6449835

Lack of mental health correctional treatment

>> No.6449876

I'm a mid not a beg. Wait till I become pro. I'm gonna make you faggots eat those words.

Captcha: HAGSWH

>> No.6449884

>Go to pixiv
>Have to adhere to retarded Japanese censorship laws
That site has bigger problems than not letting you say nigger

>> No.6449885

At least they let me post any art I want as long as it’s not a yakuzas horse

>> No.6449948

>come to some website
>oh, hey, they have stuff I don't like
They're literally invaders imposing their own culture

>> No.6449954

>the most horrifying and sad shit is that the governments are right
Select few cases intentionally blown out in news to push an ahenda

>> No.6449956

Ok, now make the same argument about lgbt art.

>> No.6450016


>> No.6450086
File: 45 KB, 460x473, 1613071923999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair you could discredit pretty much any ideology this way. Liberal, democratic, France rolled over in what, six weeks? If you look at the history of that country it's just one dumpster fire after another.

>> No.6450338

Classic neurotic lefties, making everyone hate them with their incessant need for control over others thoughts and opinions

>> No.6450368

I've never seen anyone, not even in /Pol/ try to ban gays from being able to draw
Censorship is a leftie issue mostly, specially online

>> No.6450372

>conveniently forgets all those times rightie groups banned a bunch of books because they have magic

>> No.6450377

>If the niggers and trannies and faggots can coexist on this site with literal Naziboos they can do so on Newgrounds dot com too.
Not really, if you post a drawing of a black guy or a piece of art made by a black here no one will properly criticize it, just nigger and /pol/ spam. Soulless anime tiddy shit? You'll get jerked off even though the anatomy is high-/beg/ tier.

>> No.6450378

Why are you so scared of the word nigger

It's just a word holy shit

>> No.6450382

You could just draw wholesome

>> No.6450388

>Just let people make fun of and dehumanize an entire race bro! Don't stand up for your race, be like the white people that hate themselves and let their wives get BBC correction!

>> No.6450389

Having to put a mosaic on genitals isn't a big deal. It's a much narrower subject than entire subject matters being banned from your site which is what western sites do

>> No.6450401

When was that? Never heard of anything like that in the last 100 years lmao
I did hear about Lefties trying to ban Mein Kampf cause magical nazi history will turn everyone antisemite

>> No.6450405

Blacks and Mexicans use whitey, cracka, mayo and more on a daily basis to dehumanize whites and no one gives a shit

The difference is that whites never use these terms to refer to themselves, yet blacks call each other niggers everyday then expect everyone else to have an issue saying it

>> No.6450406

>I have no personality or character beyond my skin color
Vintage shitskin

>> No.6450409

>Blacks and Mexicans use whitey, cracka, mayo and more on a daily basis to dehumanize whites and no one gives a shit
Oh no you called me delicious food, I'm so triggered

>> No.6450410

A bunch of religious groups banned harry potter because of magic.
>b-but those right groups aren't representative of me
>all lefties are the exact same though

>> No.6450414
File: 25 KB, 511x288, Conguito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do get triggered when Mexicans/Spaniards call Blacks ''Conguitos'' tho. As usual, rules for thy, but not for me, cause you never argue in good faith and you are a resentful person

>> No.6450418

Well yeah, we don't have a politician you can vote openly looking to Ban harry potter books cause of a couple religious nuts. We do have Politicians happily talking about reparations, social race theory and actively trying to create ''ministries of truths'' to censor ''misinformation''

So its not the same, really. Lefties have taken it too fucking far, and that causes Normalfags to turn right by proxy, pendulum always swings

>> No.6450419

>bunch of religious groups banned harry potter
Name the groups and name from what they banned HP

>> No.6450422

Blacks get triggered by the words negro, niga, and nigero which don't even have anything to do with nigger

>> No.6450423
File: 7 KB, 522x165, googleit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you don't, but tons of the public officials here in Texas have platforms similar to that. Especially the lower level political positions like boards of education.

google it.

its was extremely common for like 10 years for religious retards to go on campaigns banning every popular YA book.
All the shit you retards bitch about the "left" banning the right has been censoring for years.

Both political sides are fucking retard. Stop making politics your fucking identity.

>> No.6450424

When I lived in the bible belt i knew some southern baptist kids who banned harry potter. Im not 100% sure but i think mormons and jehovah witness banned harry potter. So in short crazy christians

>> No.6450435
File: 38 KB, 640x412, 1644758493721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler lost
>and killed himself
>and Trump went out like a bitch

>> No.6450442

>google it.
name the groups and from what

>> No.6450443


>>Book its been banned from CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS
So, its a nothing burger lmao. Right wingers didn't ban harry potter from ALL schools. Christian schools banned it to be taught in their own schools.

Like I said, you never argue in good faith.

>> No.6450450
File: 295 KB, 411x412, 1671752810063488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Newgrounds always have this or is this a new rule they just came in with this month? Either way, you can get away with a majority of this on twitter or pixiv. Newgrounds isn't dead, but rather just changing along with the times. Remember when it comes to art, business is first, and the way I see it Tom is just trying to keep the site afloat by any means. If this is new, KEK I seriously wonder what's going to happen to all the troll groups on the site.

>> No.6450471

Arent right wingers christian?

>> No.6450473

Why would whites care what you call blacks

Literally lock yourself in a cage with them and kill each other; the rest of the planet will thank you

>> No.6450481

>oh no, I can't post my authentic(tm) Nazi queen of spades porn on NG anymore. However will I cope.


>> No.6450488
File: 48 KB, 1000x1000, LeftismDiesWithoutCensorship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People on the right will insult you, troll you, & criticize you while people on the left will try to cancel you entirely. Pic-rel.

>> No.6450495

I saw a video on JewTube where they censored the white man saying "nigger" but didn't censor the black man saying it.

>> No.6450522

>Russians had good industrial output for war machines

You know that lend-lease support the USA is currently giving Ukraine. Here's where that concept originate from. It's a bit ironic:

America sent arms and equipment to the Soviet Union to help it defeat the Nazi invasion. Totaling $11.3 billion, or $180 billion in today’s currency. This Lend-Lease Act to the Soviet Union lasted from 1941 to 1945. The Soviet beat the nazis with American hardware.

The amount of hardware the USA supplied reached crazy amounts. Mind boggling numbers by today's standard. Check out the source below.


>400,000 jeeps & trucks
>14,000 airplanes
>8,000 tractors
>13,000 tanks
>1.5 million blankets
>15 million pairs of army boots
>107,000 tons of cotton
>2.7 million tons of petrol products
>4.5 million tons of food

>> No.6450569

YouTube are a bunch of jews obsessed with cramming BBC down everyone's throats

>> No.6450645
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>i'm sure rare or even uncommon use of this shit would've slid but when you make it your whole persona and spam it 24/7 you'd have to expect people to grow tired of your shit
Funny you'd say that, that's exactly why people are fed up with trannies, niggers and other 24/7 nagging minorities.

>> No.6451763

Hayes Code, Comics Code Authority, McCarthyism, Satanic Panic, Nighttrap scandal, Hot Coffee mod scandal, That guy who sued to get GTA banned, etc etc etc.
Your team is not special. There is no major modern political faction in any democratic nation which has not supported some form of censorship at some point.
>Zoomers physically cannot ignore things they don't like.
Half of the history of 4chan is people refusing to ignore things they don't like and a good portion of it's downfall was because of people trying to ignore problems and let everything sort itself out.
>As usual, it's a lack of gatekeeping that ends up ruining everything
This idea is incompatible with the former position.
Gatekeeping requires constant monitoring. It requires you and a bunch of people actively deciding to pay attention to shit you don't like and then building watchtowers around your social group so you can continue to actively monitor and police things you don't like.
For newfags to be gatekept there have to be gatekeepers. What the fuck do you think a gatekeeper does?
The zoomer mentality of bitching about things they don't like is the very gatekeeping you think is good, it's just that zoomers unfortunately weren't born in time to found new grounds and they also unfortunately don't have the same political ideals as you so when they try to gatekeep it's bad and wrong and evil and immoral but when you want to gatekeep it's based and epic because you don't have the self-awareness to realize that gatekeeping based on social values (removing newfags) is the same thing as gatekeeping based on social values (removing shitheels).

>> No.6451808

>There is no major modern political faction in any democratic nation which has not supported some form of censorship at some point.
Most based take. Most here are too young to remember when the right were the SJWs.
Puritanism, regardless of ideology, is cancer to free thought and expression.

>> No.6451821

>Newsground is dead
Nah, this is probably propaganda because NG is one of the few places to kick AI in the balls.
All social media are faggots when it comes to anything edgy. But I'll stick with NG because they at least respect real art.

>> No.6452539

They're not, they completely won the culture war because right wingers kept telling everyone the arts and culture are gay and that everyone should go to STEM
So now, instead of the arts and culture world having an okay left wing bent, it is now DOMINATED by the most far left mentally deranged people

Even I, a cuck leftist basedboi by 4chan standards have to watch what I say around these control freaks

>> No.6452609

Ukraine: "True, true, there are definitely none and WW2 is just history now." (Also Ukraine: "REEEEEE, HOLODOMOR!!!111")

Bitch, please. The USSR built over 100,000 of its own tanks during the war, and the majority of lend-leased tanks arrived after the turnaround.
But sure, the USSR beat the Nazis with American hardware <as well>, and without it the war would've taken longer and inflicted greater pains.

Per chance, do you also believe that winter was a major factor helping the Soviets in 1941–42 and 1942–43 while limiting the Germans?

>> No.6452791

I never thought of it that way. But either way I don’t think the right leaning people ever were that interested in art. Even historically speaking it’s almost always a left leaning field. Right leaning people like being self sufficient and art doesn’t have the same payoff as being able to tinker with a car and get it running again.

>> No.6452814

>Per chance, do you also believe that winter was a major factor helping the Soviets in 1941–42 and 1942–43 while limiting the Germans?
No, a contributing factor but it was mostly the terrible supply chain. Russian winters are worse but not that much worse than German winters and the Russians were poor, starving, and poorly equipped anyway. Anyway, if you're the same guy then it's a fact both Stalin and his generals agreed they wouldn't have won without material aid from the US.

>> No.6453013

No, I only posted once in this thread. Here's an interesting article for deeper consideration of the actual impact of lend-lease:

>> No.6453065
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>> No.6453074

Did it really take you 2 days to make that?

>> No.6453085
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Back to Afrika famiry!

>> No.6453146

This excerpt from the part about the kantokuen's cancellation and oil embargo is literally just russian delusion
>The fact is that in 1939 the Japanese Armed Forces near Khalkhin Gol were surrounded and destroyed by the Red Army, and at that time it was the worst defeat of Imperial Japan in its entire history. Perhaps this lesson would have stopped Tokyo from attacking even without the American embargo.
Hard to take this article very seriously when it's spitting propaganda right from the start. The final kantokuen plan wasn't even drafted until 1941. As for this operation snow business, it's more likely the US embargoed Japan simply because they could. They couldn't do that in "good faith" prior to repealing their Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1911 with Japan, a process the US started in mid 1939, prior to Snow according to that article. The repealing was completed in 1940 after a 6 month probation period during which the US and Japan didn't renegotiate the terms. The reality is we more or less know that FDR was trying to find a way to weasel the US into the war and had been preparing to take action against Japan in 1939.

>> No.6453164

newgrounds was dead when they removed the sandyhook game, at that point they were no longer the same platform where anything goes.

>> No.6453640

Yet it contains plenty of numbers that you can confirm with your own research, and those are rather telling.
And I don't see any contradiction either. They didn't attack the USSR in 1941–42 because they had been waiting for it to weaken to a level they could easily deal with, which never happened. Previously they would simply have gone and invaded USSR/Socialist Russia when they felt like it. (Civil War intervention, Khasan lake...) That really sounds like learning a lesson.

>> No.6453788

Good bye newgrounds and my hundreds of viewers, i'll draw outside of it lol

>> No.6453812

Nazis were never resurrected, you are just a schizoid

>> No.6453817


>> No.6454180

This was around before OP made this thread

>> No.6455770
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>its only more restrictions, stop crying about it

>> No.6455780

Kids and manchildren ruins everything. Go figure. They shouldn't be allowed on the internet

>> No.6455784
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>your gatekeeping is the same as their gatekeeping
>your previous set of rules is the same as adding additional rules enforcing political correctness

>> No.6455795
File: 28 KB, 600x556, 1635282716607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the person on the left saying words is the good guy
>the person on the right getting offended over words is the bad guy
So, getting mad over someone saying words means you're a bad guy.

>> No.6455846
File: 127 KB, 234x537, crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.6455940

Your cult leader was a weak man who couldn't run a country.

>> No.6457959

Last year has been such a shit show, how in the hell are they worsening it?

>> No.6459018

It's because most people here aren't 80 years old. It's been nothing but insufferable leftist faggots censoring and ruining things my entire life. All leftists deserve the rope.

>> No.6460690

I wish Nazis were real

>> No.6460698

Based schizoposter

>> No.6460714

Those are some kawaii monkes

>> No.6460900

ill take the right doing it because we had game companies like the mortal kombat people back in the day who went 'oh, you don't like that, lets up the ante' over todays faggots who go 'oh this woman is attractive, have to make a fucking ugly so we don't offend trannies' (naughty dog devs and said this to be the case)

I just want everything to go back to the right being in power and threatening censorship because for some reason everyone went against that shit in every media I liked, everyone pushed what was ok hard, but now, they just fucking fold in on themselves over an offended tweet.

>> No.6460914

a wholesome family on nazis eating dinner together

>> No.6464086

>i can't say nigger this is literally 1984
dont you get tired of this shit

>> No.6464096

That's fine, just make paintings of Ukraine and the Azov Batallion. Same thing.

>> No.6464102

The "learn to code" meme came from leftie journalists mostly
Idk what the fuck you are talking about, and you clearly don't either

>> No.6464106

Theres A LOT of right wingers in art, but they tend to be in specific fields. Mostly concept art and animation. While leftists tend to lean towards Fine Art.

>> No.6464113

Considering CBDCs are in the horizon, and that both Bill Gates and Schwab are pushing world governments for more control and censorship. No.
Things are going to get way, way worse. I predict 4chan itself will be nuked, shadow throttled or psyoped by infiltrating NWO mods.
Be careful that you don't end up missing out the days where you biggest complain was people overusing the 1984 line.

>> No.6464161

Just realized op says "newsground"

>> No.6464180

Why do you even hang out with them?
I'd soon commit suicide than have to deal with lefties all day long

>> No.6464192

These are the adjectives I'd give the people that make these rules, after being part of different moderation teams online. Its all about control and money.
Trust me, it's never about kindness or love. If they are doing this is because someone is threatening them in some manner to fall in line.