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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6449284 No.6449284 [Reply] [Original]

Back in april when Dall-E 2 came out I felt sort of hopeless as to the future of the artist community because no one seemed to care about what was going on. Back then, all I ever heard was how we ought to adapt to new tech and use it to out advantage and all of that bullshit. I thought artist communities would get all diluted by AI shit and get turned into nothing.
So it has been very encouraging to see the sheer amount of hatred and bullying AI "art" and "artists" has been receiving since then. The stable diffusion subreddit and all the other communities are full with proompters crying about how mean actual artists are being to them and how their art is constitutes legitimate creative expression and all the other standard copes.
They will never know the joy of acheivement and of a true creative process. They will never formulate a vision that is truly their own. They will never know what it's like to be an actual artist who has put in actual effort to earn the title.
For 2023 I hope we can double down on the bullying of these talentless NPCs and keep our community strong, elitist and intact.
Big thanks to all of you. Keep up the good work.

>> No.6449290

>the only thing protecting the world from endless aislop is the ability of artfags to be as bitter and hateful as possible
old /ic/ bros we are so back

>> No.6449302

Even if AI becomes widespread, AIfags will never be able to shake the feeling that what they create isn't truly theirs.
I, on the other hand, will draw my daughterfu by hand. Exactly as I imagine her. With all the frills in her dress and all the locks lovingly crafted by hand. And then, I will use AI to bring my daughter-drawing to life.

>> No.6449307

Shut the fuck up you incel

>> No.6449312

>Its 2023 and these kinds of threads are still being made
Cant you guys go outside and watch the fireworks or something? ffs

>> No.6449318
File: 177 KB, 518x634, image_2022-12-31_100225118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't lose hope bros you were made for this era of unfathomable faggotry.
/ourguy/ made sure of that

>> No.6449321

>They will never know the joy of acheivement and of a true creative process.
I paint and I use AI
I know both of these things and enjoy them equally for different reasons. I also think it's mostly digital """artists""" who are grasping for copium the hardest. Stick that in your butt for awhile.

>> No.6449322

>Actual artists
I've been hearing that term being thrown around a lot as of late, define an actual artist.

>> No.6449330

No rules just tools. This includes AI.

>> No.6449334

no i will not pyw so your trannybot can steal it

>> No.6449336

There’s no AI artists, there are only AI operators/users, the art is made by the AI.

“Actual artists” stand for individuals that perform artistic activities, in 2d art it’s drawing or painting.

If you are a sprinter and run on foot, you can’t use a car and still consider yourself a sprinter, your are now a driver.

>> No.6449357

you meatbags are done for
ai is getting better every single day, no one will need your pathetic little drawings in the nearest future when a piece of software will be able to draw anything in seconds for free
i would say learn2code, but it would be too high iq for you and kinda useless to since ai can write code too
go trannymax i guess, cheap cumdumpsters will always be in demand

>> No.6449358
File: 506 KB, 709x708, 1666563543760073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck AI faggots
I hate the antichrist

>> No.6449380

> Fuck you all obsolete meatbags
> AI can do everything, even coding
> everything
Even your job.

I really don’t get why tech maniacs are so hyped about this. I can only think that you believe to be special enough to never get replaced, which is certainly wrong.

>> No.6449393

You know there was a guy named Happybo* who was a prolific shitposter here but I just came to the realization he was way ahead of our time. People like him are what you would call prodigies of critical thinking.

Happy, if you're out there, thank you for opening my eyes.

>> No.6449399

Never heard of the guy but what was his argument?

>> No.6449401

>I really don’t get why tech maniacs are so hyped about this
because /ic/ is easy to bait with this issue, so master baiters come to /ic/ to meme on you
this kind of vitriol is mostly absent away from the 4chinz. /r/stablediffusion frequently has posts being like "stop with the edgelord teenager drama bullshit"

>> No.6449409

This is his channel if you want to watch his philosophies on making art


Here is a video about him talking about using AI art for making art 2 years ago

He basically was a guy who mix and matched, photo manipulated, bashed anything in the name of "making art". I remember him saying something like "you worry about X while I make art" and he makes sense.

>> No.6449413

>He basically was a guy who mix and matched, photo manipulated, bashed anything in the name of "making art".
ew no thanks.

>> No.6449419

your third eye will be open the moment you let go about AI and all the other various tools out there

>> No.6449421

Someone who can make art without tools.

>> No.6449424

I'm good.

>> No.6449425

But there are no rules, just tools.

>> No.6449429

Gross. Don't talk like some tinder thot rejecting a mans advances.

>> No.6449436

Look, there are many fish out there who can go the hack route. I just don't think it would work for me.

>> No.6449440

Okay then suit yourself.

>> No.6449461

Yeah let's keep bullying them but the retards on here write Reddit arguments 2 paragraphs wrong about why ai isn't real art. just call them a pajeet niggerfaggot, sage, then leave the thread to die and go about your day, don't even entertain them.

>> No.6449529

BASED op. We will continue the good fight as we will continue to draw.

>> No.6449534

Well the reason for that in my case at least is they get a chatgpt respone, they don't deserve any real engagement from a human. It's funny watching them take the bait.

>> No.6449539

Thanks for the whitepill. Never let up

>> No.6449551

it's over, art sisters
pajeet tech has won, prompting is how you draw tomorrow

>> No.6449571

What I love is that now its again acceptable to trash mediocre shitty art online.

>> No.6449575
File: 270 KB, 464x489, Cyberpunk Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For 2023 I hope we can double down on the bullying of these talentless NPCs

>The year is 2023, AI art is finally outlawed.

>Dead and forgotten

>Marxists, troons, pajeets, jews and techbros collectivelly commit seppuku.

>The future rules

>Real artists won

>> No.6449586

most artists are troons and maricones
what are you talking about?

>> No.6449592

As long as the largest argument against AI is "b-but it steals art!!!" then I have no hope for artists. And sadly, this is the argument that the pathetic art community has decided to latch on to.
What this argument implies is that if AI did NOT steal -- if there was a public domain-only AI, or an AI of which has its developers ask permission from consenting artists before using their works in its training -- then it would be OK for AI to replace artists. And let's be clear: when or if AI is banned from using works from non-consenting artists, it WILL find consenting artists that are more than happy to feed their works into its database, not to mention how most classical fine art is already public domain to begin with.
Artists are too retarded to understand this, and have decided to fight the battle of muh intellectual property rights instead of opposing AI on a fundamental level. I have already had conversations with twitter artists who say "well of course I have no problem with technological progress. So if AI stops stealing my art, then why should I oppose it?"
Artists will lose because of this. And they deserve to lose.

>> No.6449597

Which explains why they are too braindead to understand that AI will replace them whether it "steals" art or not.

>> No.6449602

Your early experiences seem similar to the one I'm currently having today when it comes to web development. The tech is in its early stages, many other developers seem to agree that the new language model innovations will only be beneficial and not a threat. If you have issues with it you're opposing change blah blah. I see people low-balling the scale of this thing all the time, perhaps to reassure themselves.

The tech is great but there are loads of ethical considerations, like when individuals train models off your own work, or when productivity gains only go towards employers but not employees. I think the development community will have to feel real pain first before they really wake up to these types of problems. This thing isn't 'just another search engine' or tool, it's the start of something way bigger.

>> No.6449613
File: 160 KB, 720x566, 1671704455993517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most AI Artists are troons

>> No.6449617

To be honest I think most terminally online people are troons at this point

>> No.6449622

Why are you now being honest? Why converse with lies?

>> No.6449629

nah fuck your satanic bullshit

>> No.6449630

People who make ai art are weak willed. Unlike artists.

>> No.6449633

>Unlike artists.
>forgets the "artblock" meme

>> No.6449637

See, you bring up a valid point. This is what the other side of the AI debate will start to slowly pick up until it dawns on them.

>> No.6449663
File: 300 KB, 810x602, alphago lee sedol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artists are too retarded to understand this, and have decided to fight the battle of muh intellectual property rights
As I said elsewhere, this is how it goes:

>Step 1: Disney hires you for a year as a consultant, longterm employment dangled like a carrot
>Step 2: During that year, you create a lot of art that they own, and that they use to train an in-house model with no legal ramifications
>Step 3: As your contract comes to an end, they shake your hand and wish you a best rest of your life.

You could tell people thought something was amiss with the mouse suddenly championing the common artist with that gofundme, but they were too high on righteous anger to really examine it.

This is post-endgame where people are still playing because they haven't realized they've lost. In fact, the situation has likely been inevitable for many years already.

>> No.6449671

> it WILL find consenting artists that are more than happy to feed their works into its database, not to mention how most classical fine art is already public domain to begin with.
Artists are too retarded to understand this, and have decided to fight the battle of muh intellectual prop

makes you think why it didn't take off for years until now. Oh thats right it was shit without any non consenting artists work
>Fell for the copyright alliance FUD
not the brightest

>> No.6449729

Artificial image composite is 27 years old and the only thing that has changed is the hardware needed to produce it.
It still doesn't understand backgrounds, it still can't draw hands, it still can't have characters interacting without turning into lovecraftian horror.

Stupid zoomers every crisis in your life is nothing but a lukewarm retread of shit we already solved before. Meaninful change happens every couple generations and you just like the millenials before you are just a stepping stone.

>> No.6449750
File: 597 KB, 750x1153, 1672491982112387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ball has started rolling. Pay attention and pressure who you can, sure, but don't lose sleep over it.
I'm still surprised China of all places was the first to regulate it. States like California are probably next with a full US rollout before the 2024 election season really ramps up.

>> No.6449757

AI fags can suck a dick. soon enough the only place you will be able to get AI artwork is in the slums of India.
based europe. if Disney ever came down with the hammer regarding their copyright in these databases then you could pretty much say goodbye to AI generators. judges would automatically side with the billion dollar industry that is disney

>> No.6449781

I never lied. I think both artists and AI fags are gay and cringe. I am on team art but I hate most artists.