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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 371 KB, 924x1265, Feel the form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448971 No.6448971 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the sticky

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous Thread: >>6444867

>> No.6448978
File: 327 KB, 585x612, 1456494077110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone spoonfeed a low IQ beg?

Which loomis book should I start with, and where do I find them?

>> No.6448981

this site sucks leave now

>> No.6448983

How beg we talking here?
You want to start with shapes or figures?

>> No.6448995
File: 2.41 MB, 5100x6600, figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get into figure drawing. What's the best way to do them? This is a 30 second one and it sucks

>> No.6449000

Honestly I tried Fun With a Pencil and about 30-40 pages in he goes full "now draw the rest of the owl." His concept is good and the idea of the cartoon ball head thing lets a noob dip their toe into the concept of construction, but he quickly outpaces his own instructions. I'll look back to make sure I'm not talking undue shit but I recall one page where it's all cartoon heads, these ones made up of 3-5 ball shapes, and he says something like "try adding more balls and see where it takes you, it's fun" then the next page are polygonal heads drawn in his Loomis style and he's like "what a challenge, give it a try!" And the pages afterwards are more complex. Like I get what he's going for but he went so hard on the spheres without so much as a single page of notes about pyramids or cuboids and then molds them all together like at this point it'll just be intuitive to grasp a human face while for 30 pages you've just been drawing cartoons. Maybe I learned wrong or maybe this is the "time to get serious" point where the reader sets aside the cartoons and uses their meager spherical skills to learn the other shapes on the fly but either way I wished for more instructions in fun with a pencil at least. I'll go back and finish it out now that I've said that, for diligence sake and my own edification (there's an obvious progression into more realistic illustration, but it may be behind other sheer cliffs) but I think one could possibly start with Head and Hands or his Successful Drawing(?) book. I haven't read those but it might be more in line with illustration rather than cartooning and if he's going to ramp up the learning curve anyway you might as well start at the goal.

I'm going to give something like Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain a try once I've fully read and applied the things Loomis has in FWAP. It's difficult but a waste not to, however I think for someone who didn't buy the book you could probably skip it.

>> No.6449013

I can't draw faces or heads properly, I can draw basic outlines of people from reference but I want to be able to make decent proportioned heads (to then make into anime girls)

>> No.6449014

Do 5 minutes ones instead.

>> No.6449025

Quick gestures get better the better you get at drawing full bodies and understand what you're looking to capture in the gesture.
Don't only do quick gestures especially in the beginning, take your time.
That doesn't tell me anything about your skill level.

>> No.6449036
File: 331 KB, 864x1080, Honeyview_2022-12-31_22-30-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my best work, I'm not good

I really want to learn how to morph the face/skull at any angle

>> No.6449040

When starting to learn figure and gesture, don't time yourself. Take your time to actually look at the photo, notice its flow, proportions, ratios, etc. THEN draw it at your own pace. Try not to spend too long obviously, but also don't put yourself retarded timers. Once you've done a bunch (and I'm talking like, at least 2 weeks of 10 a day), you can start toying with timers.

>> No.6449041

Personally, I think that, while Fun With a Pencil has the right idea to spoonfeed newbies with 0 confidence, like you said, he very quickly slips into advanced figure drawing. Right side of Brain (especially if you also get the exercise book), is a good beginner point especially if you suck at seeing shapes and just drawing what you see, just ignore the retarded brain narrative and focus on the exercises. It will get you enough confidence, then from there you can jump to a big boy book: Loomis' Figure Drawing for All it's Worth, Bridgman's, or Vilppu's. Use what you learned from right side and just eat through one of those books with the same mentality.

>> No.6449043

Start by practicing simple forms (cube, cone, sphere) and then practice breaking down photos of people into those basic forms.

>> No.6449069

thanks anon, I've bought a reference pack and will do so

>> No.6449083
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someone redpill me on these weird fetishes
is this a zoomer thing?
>Learn to draw straight lines
you'll probably need to draw about 100,000 lines in order to feel comfortable which equates to about 50 hours of drawing which should take a month or so
>Learn to draw circles and ellipses
same as above, will probably only require 50,000 circles/ellipses
>Learn perspective
once you learn it, draw cubes in all perspectives
you'll probably need to draw at least 2,500 cubes or 5,000 if you're low iq
>Learn form
this is a subset of perspective so you should kind of have a good idea on how to do this
you'll be drawing about 2,500 cylinders and 2,500 spheres while also still drawing cubes on the side
>Copy other artists
at this point you can copy other artists
i'd start with loomis heads on FWAP since they're pretty simple
you'll probably want to do about 1,000 heads though i haven't been able to confirm this one yet
regardless, at that point, i think you'll know what to do

this should take over a year if you're persistent or maybe about 2 years

>> No.6449086

>I want to learn to draw
>sure man just draw lines and circles and boxes for 1-2 years

>> No.6449087
File: 258 KB, 1380x628, 1672458920223291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shotabro here
I read all the answers from the previous thread,thanks for the tips and advice!
This thread have some gems as well, more sources for me to look at

For the anon who asked if I was going the shota path,the answer is: Not exactly, I was aiming for a shounen style for this drawing .In other hand,I'm curious to learn about anime proportions and stylization so I might look for some resources. The pose program have the shota type of body style btw.

Going to use Shotabro because made me lol a bit

>> No.6449089
File: 228 KB, 622x674, 1529857465376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasted three years drawing shit without understanding perspective and form and did not improve because of it, this small amount of time spend studying the fundamentals is going to be worth it in the end

unless you're 80 years old and need to immediately get good at drawing, there is no need to rush to get good in a few months

>> No.6449096

you're telling a complete beginner who has taken an interest in drawing to draw lines and boxes for 2 years.

>> No.6449100

i'm saying that if you don't do it now, you're going to have to do it later or spend about ten years developing these skills through sheer drawing, and that is assuming you at least have some level of talent otherwise you'll draw for ten years straight without any improvement like you see in some deviantart artists

you have to be 18 here to post right? so i'm assuming you're all adults and can set aside at least an hour (preferably three) that you will spend specifically on the things that, while not very exciting, will be helpful in the long run

this doesn't mean you can't draw whatever you want on the side and doesn't mean you do studies for eight hours straight, it's just a plan for an absolute beginner without talent to actually improve at drawing which took me three years to figure out and a permanently strained neck

>> No.6449112
File: 33 KB, 331x132, 1620695189170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll just add to this before i fuck off
i didn't arbitrarily come up with the numbers, they all equate to about 25-50 hours of drawing
here's how i did it

assuming one line takes you about 2 seconds to draw
>2 seconds == 0.000555556 hours
>50 hours / 0.000555556
this equals to 89999.928
so this is about 90,000 lines you'll have to draw so i was about 10,000 lines off

assuming one ellipse or circle takes you about 3 seconds to draw
>3 seconds == 0.000833333 hours
>50 hours / 0.000833333 hours
this equates to 60000.024 circles and ellipses
so i was off about 10,000 here as well

assuming one cube in perspective takes you about 45 seconds to draw
>45 seconds == 0.0125 hours
>50 hours / 0.0125 hours
this equates to exactly 4,000 cubes
so i was off by about 1,000 cubes

the point of this is that people will tell you to draw for a certain amount of hours but this doesn't work because people don't draw for ALL of the time they sit down to "draw" and end up saying they drew for 8 hours but really only drew an equivalent of 2 hours the entire time
my definition here is that we count literally every second spent with the pencil/pen touching the paper to deduce the amount required more precisely

when you do draw this much you will "feel" confident in your ability to draw that specific thing and that specific feeling is something we want to carry and develop with each fundamental
if you can barely, confidently, draw a straight line, how can you study perspective which is a bunch of straight lines? if you can't study perspective, how can you really understand form? if you can't understand form, how can you draw anything that exists since everything that exists is just a combination of forms?
it all piggybacks on itself which is why it is absolutely imperative that you go through the fundamentals first in order to avoiding risking demoralization or stupid threads that say, "was it talent all along?"

>> No.6449116

Don't listen to the others it's pointless to do just boxes and geometric shapes.
Most of the time you should draw what you like.
I gave someone else the advice to do a warump of a bunch of boxes spheres cones geometrics and then spend most of the time drawing what you want to draw.
During this drawing you look at what doesn't work in that drawing and then look it up.
That way you learn to see what doesn't work yourself and engages you alot more with your work.
Making you learn better AND faster!
You could do a simple figure drawing course to get things started so you know the concepts etc ofc, I'd suggest Michael Hampton for this since he's the clearest especially his video courses.
Take time to integrate it all though and don't just blast through it.

>> No.6449118

I'm also looking to learn this art properly, and thanks for the tips. Btw what's the context of the attached video?

>> No.6449119

In all honesty, drawing is a soul sucking endeavor and I wouldn't recommend anyone trying to get into it seriously.

>> No.6449122
File: 1.52 MB, 6276x4032, refijpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think about this drawing?
I know have no idea what I was doing, I just wonder how it turned out.

>> No.6449125

you can do whatever you want but i am merely suggesting what is currently working for me as someone without any talent whatsoever in drawing

i've done all that bullshit
i've studied Michael Hampton, Steve Huston, Glenn Vilppu, Scott Eaton, Proko's Anatomy course, etc, etc, motherfucking etc.

what did that get me?
absolutely nothing
my method is simply a bruteforce method to becoming good at drawing so that talent is no longer a factor and if you're underaged, then it will probably be demotivating but at that point you can draw for fun since you have a lifetime ahead of you
if you're an adult, you can do these using sheer discipline and actually improve instead of wasting years like i did following courses that were way beyond my skill level

also, you're telling an absolute beginner to study michael hampton and somehow that's better than learning to becoming comfortable with a pencil and being able to draw simple forms?

within the first week of the michael hampton lectures he has you drawing forms and if you're an absolute beginner who doesn't even understand perspective, how the fuck are you going to do that???

>> No.6449130

It doesn't make you a great artist imeediatly no, no one thing does.
It'll learn him to at least SEE what a body is composed of.
Then from there you do another pass of the same course or anotherone after you've incorporated the knowledge.
You learn 3D forms and shapes best by studying things you actually like and not dead cubes.
There should be fun to it otherwise what's the point?

>> No.6449138

how do you draw without getting bored after like 5 minutes

>> No.6449140
File: 358 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to teach you fundamental skills whether you like to them or not

do you think every pianist loves to sit down and practice their scales? probably not
but they do it anyway because they know it will benefit in the longrun

the exercises listed are simply the "scales", if you will, for drawing
and like i said before, the point isn't to sit down and do exercises for 8-hours straight but to make it a point to set aside a very specific amount of time to do them
after that, you can do whatever you want with your time which can include drawing whatever it is you like to draw

>> No.6449142

draw for 4 minutes in intermittent intervals, this is what i do (for 5-10 minutes not 4 minutes)
you can end up drawing for 2-3 hours per day if you constantly break to draw for a few minutes and then go back to whatever it was that you were doing

>> No.6449143

NTA but as I said, drawing is soul killing.
Honestly anon, just quit.

>> No.6449145

I'm just gonna do meth and draw boxes for 50 hours straight lmao.

>> No.6449146

no, fuck you
i'm not going to stop drawing just because i don't have this vapid sense of passion for it
i've fucked my mind and body too far at this point to be cucked by the fundamentals and you're not going to convince me to stop otherwise
and in any case, i don't spend all of my time drawing, i set aside a very specific amount that is doable consistently so that i barely feel the crushing sensation

>> No.6449159

You do you my dude but there a difference between dreading to do boxes and not thinking about it.
It's not supposed to be a grind but a lifelong process.

>> No.6449163

lets say we have to draw 2,500 as mentioned above

= 83.33333333333333333333

= 41.66666666666666666667

= 27.77777777777777777778

= 13.88888888888888888889

= 6.94444444444444444444

this means you can get this done by drawing 84 boxes a month, 42 in two months, 28 in three months, 14 in six months and 7 in a whole year
any of these are doable each day if you just spend small intervals of 5-10 minutes drawing boxes while returning to your daily schedule and is what i personally do

>> No.6449166

forgot to add that this "lifelong process" is a load of horseshit
while you'll never be "perfect" in drawing boxes, you want to be good enough to where you can draw without thinking about it
the "lifelong process" idea doesn't mean you skip the fundamentals because they are boring, it simply implies that you're never done learning which is a completely different idea
if you continue to think that it's a "lifelong process" when talking about the fundamentals in the literal sense, you'll spend a lifelong amount of time getting out of drawing deviantart-tier work

>> No.6449178

I'd hope the poiunt is not to be good at drawing boxes
The boxes are a tool to understanding 3d shape in a simpler form.

>> No.6449197

the main point of all of these is to be able to subconsciously draw them well and become confident in your ability to draw that specific thing

anyone who can draw does so subconsciously, they do not think about the lines they draw but rather what they are trying to draw, be it a human or a hand or an eye

it's a lot like learning a language, as Marshall Vandruff explained
when we were kids, being able to pick up a book and read it was an extremely daunting task
certain letters look like other letters, learning to spell was difficult, and the confusing grammar rules felt impossible to learn
however, little by little we combined everything we learned into what we know now

we do not think about the letters, the words, or even the grammar as we read a book or something someone wrote and instead look at what the person was trying to say
the same applies with drawing
you want to get to the point where you're not thinking about the lines or the shapes or the forms but rather what you are trying to convey with those simple shapes, otherwise you will be hindered by your inability to draw these simple things confidently and subconsciously

if you sit down and study your cubes and forms and perspective, those are things you are going to subconsciously be unaware of as you draw which will make your drawings more believable
if you can't draw a believable cylinder, how can you draw an arm in figure drawing when it's very simple representation is a cylinder
how can you draw a head when you can't even draw a circle, much less a sphere

these fundamentals are absolutely imperative for an absolute beginner to study which is why i stress them
i fell for the anatomy meme when i was an absolute beg and ended up wasting months learning anatomy since without form, you cannot properly draw the anatomy no matter how many times you try

i don't want you to find out a few years later that you fucked up and have to start all over again like i did
you wont regret studying these

>> No.6449211

how do I use a stabilizer in krita? should I use dynamic brush tool or freehand brush tool with stabilizer enabled?

>> No.6449217

I read all that.
Hampton teaches simple shapes to remember.There's no point in grinding stuff without applying it in the things you want to make.

>> No.6449218

this was a very interesting read, but I'm not really sure the grind anon is correct.
I highly HIGHLY doubt any even remotely popular artist has sat there and stroked away drawing cylinders and boxes for a year straight.

Your equivalent would be telling someone thats interested in learning english to just go through the dictionary A-Z because without the words you don't have the fundamentals.

>> No.6449219

Give me one reason why I should become a boxcel instead of drawing simple objects from irl reference.

>> No.6449222

I don't want to do digital art, I want to draw with a pencil...

>> No.6449223

actually I'm going to revise this.

Its more like telling the person to practice writing the alphabet letters and pronouncing them properly for a year straight.

>> No.6449224

It dont look half bad anon
I would say work on facial features next

>> No.6449226

I'm a beg for all it's worth, but it feels like draw a box is just a stupid gamification formula. I've seen this in other fields and with other interests. It reminds me of practice plans that are targeted towards genuine medically diagnosed autists and people in their 30s who lost their soul to the grind and have become incapable of absorbing information unless it's presented in an extremely structured way.

>> No.6449229
File: 721 KB, 937x2230, doodle10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the one that's been replying to him
The most important thing is to find what works for YOU
Go with what feels right but if it's not working change it up
He has a point somewhere in there like using cylinderinders to construct a figure might help but there's no point in grinding them when you don't even know what for.
People like stories and connections, so you do a few figure drawings of things that you like and try to incorporate the shapes.
>Damn I can't get this shape to work!
You simplify it to a box cylinder whatever and try drawing that first.
You don't have to grind them, just do em when you need them.
Try putting paper ontop of your tablet.

>> No.6449230
File: 1.77 MB, 1057x1465, mikesmall1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painted my friends mmo character

>> No.6449231

I'm >>6449043 and for what it's worth, I haven't contributed to this conversation more than my suggestion there. However I absolutely stand by the fact that beginners should start learning how to draw by learning to draw fundamental forms. It's probably the best way to learn perspective intuitively and makes everything else that comes after much, much easier to understand.

>> No.6449234
File: 84 KB, 960x789, 1669679846029701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he does but the idea is to turn the simple shapes into forms, otherwise your drawings are going to look flat
popular artists don't need to grind because they were good before they became adults and have years and years of drawing or mileage before we ever knew about them and a lot have knack (or talent) for drawing--which basically means they tend to learn things quicker than most and without needing much instruction

my grind advice, which honestly isn't much of a grind if you space it out evenly, is specifically for absolute beginners that do not have talent or years and years of drawing as a foundation and is basically a way to bruteforce those foundations in the most specific, calculated and quickest way possible

i do not think your dictionary analogy is equivalent to mine
my "grind" advice is more equivalent to telling someone that they should sit down and learn basic vocabulary and grammar before they go out and try to speak the language itself
they will still not be very good at the language but they will pick up on things much quicker than someone who does not have this foundational knowledge

absolutely based

that is more like it but it doesn't take a year to do this because this isn't very difficult, or at least not as difficult as the fundamentals of drawing
however, this is what you should be doing if you don't know shit about English and that's what i did personally with Japanese

i figured something out called the 8-hour law
basically, each 8-hour interval of drawing will induce certain psychological states and what you are describing is exactly this
>0-8 hours == pointless feeling, seems like a waste of time, whatever it is you are trying to draw
>8-16 hours == enlightenment, you are satisfied with your drawings, you see the point now
>16-24 hours == frustration, you become angry that you feel like you haven't improved
>24-32 hours == indifference, you don't care anymore, you still draw anyway

>> No.6449235

I like stuff but guy looks derpy

>> No.6449239

>he does but the idea is to turn the simple shapes into forms, otherwise your drawings are going to look flat
Welcome back, no more angels?

>> No.6449243

haha no more angels for now but soon when i have more free time perchance

>> No.6449244

Thats a very utilitarian approach to drawing anon
Do what works for you but having some level of fun makes you more likely to maintain your grind
If you can incorporate fun into the grind thats the best way to do it

>> No.6449246

>practicing isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to teach you fundamental skills whether you like to them or not

lmao retard. never once have i sat down to grind cubes or mindlessly sketched torsos for anatomy practice. you can incorporate your practice into your actual paintings retard.

>> No.6449248
File: 67 KB, 600x910, 1650819144722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, the AI replaces you last

>> No.6449250
File: 228 KB, 472x410, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nose region was kinda bugging me, I'm no where near your render skill but you think this is better or am I just seeing things?

>> No.6449253

Nigga just draw lmao.

>> No.6449255

Your choices of areas to leave rough versus areas to polish makes me tangibly angry.

>> No.6449266

your coping with talent too much, and it comes off as permabeg

I've competed in areas unrelated to drawing and anytime I see someone keep falling back to the talent word its a result of them themselves not actually grasping what is the difference between them and the "talented" person, and it becomes an easy way to cope anytime they underperform themselves.

Your advice would be a lot hard more hard hitting if you didn't keep pretending talent matters when the popular artists have thousands if not TENs of thousands of hours of drawing under their belts.

Its not talent and I continue to see the talent cope trend no matter where I go that requires time and dedication

>> No.6449268

Does no one know this

>> No.6449272

Tips on making tongues/lips/eyes look more moist? Is it mostly down to proper placement of highlights?

>> No.6449278

you don't have to approach it like a grind, you can set aside a few minutes to focus drawing these fundamentals and then continue doing whatever it was you were doing before
if you set aside a small amount of time, whether or not it is fun doesn't come into play because you do not have enough time to decide whether or not it is fun or if it's worth it
essentially, you don't grind these exercises for 3 hours straight, you barely do them for an hour a day which you can split up into two segments of 30 minutes
this information without any context is misleading which is why people fall into traps
you are either purposely misleading or unknowingly misleading, in any case, it is misleading nonetheless
you would have to provide the age at which you started drawing, how much you drew since then, and if you have a natural ability to draw
if you did not draw a child, are an absolute beginner, and have no talent, then these exercises are a requirement in order proceed further
misleading advice and does not work for absolute beginners who know nothing about drawing
i did the "just draw" for three years but because i was following courses that were meant for people who have been drawing since they were children, i barely improved and only now realize that the reason why was because i neglected the importance of the fundamentals which, as idiots may suggest, is implied by "just draw" when it is not--and is simply used as a rebuttal by ignorant artists who do not fully understand why they do what they do and cannot properly explain how to learn what they do which is a cop out

>> No.6449280

You could/would set aside more time for it and would be more mentally involved in the task if you made it more fun for yourself

>> No.6449281
File: 122 KB, 736x400, 1633554388186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh anime girl didn't turn out like I wanted :(
>tfw ngmi retard
>these crabs keep saying "just draw", but pulling up refs and using my brain to identify and correct mistakes while referring back to the fundamentals makes my heady hurt :(
>me no like head hurt, me no like bad anime girl
>I know! I'll just pretend to "grind" simple forms while feeling sad for myself, this way I can still pretend to be an artist while just doing the same repetitive shit and not using my brain
>no thoughts, no failure, bad stuff gone :)

>> No.6449283
File: 51 KB, 719x720, 1546597290710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talent is not an innate ability to do a task well but rather to pick up on things not immediately obvious to most people which means they require less instruction and less "grinding"

not to toot my own horn but since i was in middle school and all the way through ap writing courses in college, i have been told that my writing was excellent yet i did not understand why

i did not spend much time practicing nor did i think that anything that i wrote was particularly interesting
basically, i didn't work hard for teachers to pull me aside and compliment my writing ability yet it is something that i seemed to have had

this implies that some people have an ability to pick up on things, whether consciously or subconsciously, to where they excel in an area they may not have even known they excelled in
that would be what we could consider talent

no other skill have i done before was i able to apply what i had not even applied in writing
i felt like i just "had it" or i just "got it" and this motivated me to continue to write and fill out notebooks of inane commentary and stories which would imply that my current skill is a combination of that post-work when in reality it is my ability to pick up on things more easily than most when it comes to writing that has allowed me to progress to where i am currently

this applies to all fields and is why i talk about talent being a thing and anyone who says otherwise most likely has talent in that field but tries to downplay their natural ability to pick up on things in that particular field with their countless hours of studies which is only possible with that talent itself without instruction

how else can i write and write and improve without specific instruction?
most people can just write and still be shit but that is not me, if i "just write", i will improve because of this ability

>> No.6449297

You say that but if you “just write” you won’t ever get published

>> No.6449300

>no other skill have i done before was i able to apply what i had not even applied in writing
there is no other skill i have tried to learn where i was able to apply how i approached writing to that specific skill
in order to combat the lack of talent, as i've learned pursuing other skills not related to writing or drawing, the fundamentals of that specific skill are required in order to become competent in that specific skill
"just doing it" did not work and that applies to all skills that are entirely unfamiliar to you

my exercises are simply a way for those people called "permabegs", as you call them, to not be beginners anymore
if you look at these /beg/ threads, you will notice a large amount of /beg/s barely understand basic form and it shows through their drawings

sure, they can shit out drawings left and right but if you've ever seen deviantart artists, you can see how drawing for ten years straight doesn't necessarily mean you will improve otherwise they would undoubtly improve
and don't give me the, "they're just retarded" horseshit because this can be true for some people but not everyone can be retarded

as juden peterstein said, if women are avoiding you, and it's not just a few, YOU are the problem, not the women
i do not believe most people are retarded and with proper instruction, they no longer have to be /beg/s

and what would you prefer?
that these people give up and shit up this board with AI art and fund it and make it indistinguishable with actual art?
or would you rather teach them how to draw and get them to realize the importance of art and how it is not something you can just throw into a machine?

not my problem
i don't care if i write and no one reads my shit, i'm going to continue to write and fill out notebooks and text documents because it's almost a sin if i don't write as much as possible
i believe artists are the same way

>> No.6449308

Not them, but personally I believe there isn't such a thing as some mystical power called "talent", at least not for specific shit like art, or writing. Rather, it's just a combination of related skills you just happened to develop through life and through your interests. If you are an attentive person, you will likely be better at spotting mistakes in art and be able to correct them. If you read a lot of books, or enjoy media deeper than capeshit, your language is probably more developed and it'll show in your writing, etc.

Like, I have a real easy time telling apart mistakes in art and addressing them, even have some industry working art friends who come to me for advice and fixing their shit despite myself being beg tier because of it. And again, I don't think it's some superpower I was born with, but as a kid I enjoyed a lot of those Waldo-style books, spot the difference games in newspapers, and graphical adventures with pixel hunting and having to scour every inch of an image to spot patterns or things that may be off. It's probably not the only thing that contributed, but I'm convinced it influenced me in my daily life to pay more attention to details and small shit.

You are not born touched by the art gods, your youth was likely just influenced by things that improved your perception, hand-eye coordination, and aesthetic sense. If you are someone who developed those, you can probably even become an artist at an older age, probably much better than someone with shit observation or mental visualization of 3D forms who doodled all day in their school textbooks.

>> No.6449310

>not my problem
I never said it was
You implied that you have some innate ability to limitlessly improve by just writing and thats truly just false
Talent exists in the form of a personal natural inclination towards certain things and picking them up more quickly than average
But what you’ve described does not exists
If you want to become the best writer you could possibly be that would require instruction somewhere along the line

>> No.6449320

then if talent is particular set of experiences in combination it still proves that one does not have this particular set of experiences and must approach learning these skills in another fashion, namely the fundamentals
sorry about that, i did not understand your point earlier and was guessing at what you meant
in any case, you are relating being published to being really good at writing but if you've seen the garbage that comes out nowadays, it's hard to use this as a sort-of litmus test to determine a person's writing ability

maybe i should have been more precise in explaining the "just write" concept
it implies that if you "just write", you will improve but it does not necessarily mean you will become the best writer, it simply means you will improve which is all i said
if you do want to become one of the best, just as artists do, it is in your best interest to ask for critique on your writing or art to notice things that you have not noticed before which you may or may not figure out yourself by sheer mileage

however, the implication that "just drawing" or "just writing" does not work even with talent is plain wrong when it comes to improvement because your constructed ability to perceive flaws will eventually correct your mistakes however it would be ideal to receive instruction to avoid wasting time shitting out the same work with the same mistakes
i am implying that i do not care enough about that currently and would rather learn through sheer mileage than seeking instruction as i still think i can learn a lot more by myself for now

i am approaching drawing differently to where i am not "just drawing" but rather meticulously figuring out a way to improve in the most efficient way possible
if you love drawing, you don't have to do this but if it's not something you love--as is in my case--then you would have to treat it like any other skill, which is what i am implying

>> No.6449323
File: 2.33 MB, 3024x2967, IMG_3238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone into sculpting? How important is getting good at sketching and anatomy if I want to get better with clay?

>> No.6449327

lmao just sculpt

>> No.6449335

There were some on this board but I think you might find more of them on other boards like table top games or something.
What's important is knowing and feeling the 3D form so you can sketch in as much as it helps you understand what you want to do in the 3d material.

>> No.6449342

You do you anon but if you want to improve “in the most efficient way possible” that will most likely involve a combination of fundamental grinding and stepping out of your comfort zone to work on finished products even if the finished products exposes your flaws
Thats actually one of the reasons stepping out of your comfort zone is necessary
It exposes your shortcomings so you can work on them

>> No.6449345
File: 164 KB, 2150x1560, 1670488990415918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning the fundamentals makes the drawing process a little bit easier for an absolute beginner, the sheer mileage will make them more confident in drawing even if it turns out like shit and at that point they can more precisely understand their shortcomings rather than it feeling ambiguous
there are a lot of people on here that ask, "what do i draw" and the advice given here is inconclusive
from my experience, however, the more you draw, whether it be boxes and ellipses or moe-shit, the less likely you will have this issue on what to draw

my plan isn't perfect but it does cover a lot of the necessary traps that beginners may fall into which is why i recommend it over anything else
i also continue to say that you do not grind these lessons
two thirty-minute sessions where you focus on drawing lines or ellipses or whatever is perfectly viable
however, it will take a lot of iterations so the more you do the faster you gain competence--beyond a certain point of course since you get diminishing returns if practicing for more than 3-4 hours a day

>> No.6449352

Stop writing essays

>> No.6449361

>get a book on drawing with ink to see if it has anything that could help me ink a sketch
>provides some exercises so figure i could try some since i struggle to provide a precise amount of pressure for smooth lines
>switch to a fountain pen brush and do some decent horizontal lines, note to myself that i should do some daily practice/warmup with this for 5 min or so
>try to do the same exercise but with vertical lines
>nearly incapable of doing a straight line or a line even aligned with the vertical despite using my shoulder
whew i was next expecting it to be that bad. i guess that's a big part of why my inking is bad

>> No.6449364

Your plan covers alot of traps but it is also susceptible to a completely different trap, which would be remaining in your comfort zone far too zealously and slowing your own progress

>> No.6449368

I didn't read a single post about the box conversation. if you are a /beg/ do not focus on boxes or drawing shapes over and over. Focus on observation and accuracy.

>> No.6449369

Ah it's this faggot saying to spend years grinding boxes. Kill yourself

>> No.6449371


>> No.6449375

this is the case with practically any course
refer to >>6449371

>> No.6449376

This makes me wonder what would happen to art commissions market if uploading knowledge to brain ever became real.

>> No.6449379

when we get to that point, we'll have a whole different set of issues to worry about not related to art

>> No.6449382

>Andrew Loomis books (all of them except for “Fun with a pencil”, which is a beg trap)
Is it really a begtrap?

>> No.6449383

Of course its possible regardless but what you’ve described to me sounds excessively focused on grinding fundamentals
If you dont pair that with finished products you wont have any frame of reference for if your fundamentals are even improving in a practical and employable way

>> No.6449391

The only failure state in art is when you stop creating.

>> No.6449396
File: 23 KB, 421x450, 1650655651851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449402
File: 92 KB, 680x676, artfailure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449403

Is it possible to learn to draw at all without completing Drawabox first?

>> No.6449406

i just use basic, use the stabilizer when you really want a specific line to come out

>> No.6449407

if you can't draw a box or other simple forms, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to draw almost anything else

>> No.6449411

You dont need to complete drawabox to be able to draw a box lol

>> No.6449415

>You dont need to complete drawabox to be able to draw a box lol
i never said you had to do draw-a-box to be able to draw a box, i said >>6449407

>> No.6449414

>use the stabilizer
fuck off AI shitter

>> No.6449417


At first I thought you had legitimate advice to offer.
But after your further responses its pretty clear your a NGMI retard

Keep coping on talent, also funny how you're willing to write up >3000 words while trying to justify yourself, yet you all the images in your replies aren't drawn by you.

>muh muh muh talent therefore you should draw circles for 2 years before actually doing anything

PYA faggot

>> No.6449418
File: 801 KB, 510x510, 1671887937299186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449420

it's different
r-right guys?

>> No.6449422

ywnbaw, ywnbaa

>> No.6449423
File: 1.50 MB, 360x270, 1623279328214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449426

completely brain broken from 1 reply that turned your coping paragraph essays into reaction images.

>> No.6449427

just draw

>> No.6449428
File: 290 KB, 1000x701, doodle11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Post Ass anon I need it!

I was the initial guy that replied to the box guy, he has some points here and there.
There's no one right way to learn art.
I've actually had dinner and drew some more in the meantime.
Something you guys should also do.
Go draw.
I love all of you.

>> No.6449430

i recognize your type of people
i have nothing to say to you

>> No.6449431


>> No.6449433

well he cant post his art unfortunately as he's too busy spending years of his life drawing boxes

luckily no BEG will follow your horrendous shit tier advice after seeing how quickly your dick shriveled up

>> No.6449439

Right, you answered a question he didnt ask

>> No.6449441

nice try, unfortunately, no dice
>you have 2 attempts remaining

>> No.6449442

is this a discord raid

>> No.6449443

congratulations so you're also schizophrenic

>> No.6449444
File: 23 KB, 378x366, 1623798011792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 attempt remains

>> No.6449446

NGMI anon who gave out 4000 words of """"""advice"""""" in this thread is reduced to schizophrenic replies and reaction images.


>> No.6449447

Maybe but this is also normal so no one really knows most of the time.
I doubt it's a raid though.

>> No.6449448

Symbol drawing is comfy.

>> No.6449451
File: 54 KB, 1080x1028, FkY7c9WUUAIXIO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going

>> No.6449453

the more you post the less credible your "advice" is anon. Or perhaps your too low IQ to realize that

>> No.6449455

Nah a schizo that hasn't been around for a couple months is trying to give advice. He has been drawing and posting here for years and no kidding has not made any progress at all. Even esdeathfag has improved slightly over the last few years.

This >>6449345
is the highest quality work he has ever posted unironically despite spamming these threads for like 4+ years. Posting 20+ images a thread of pure garbage. If you unironically follow his advice of drawing thousands of boxes for a year straight you are a retard

>> No.6449458

>people actually make logical deductions like this
low iq people calling other low iq like pottery
>random anon gives advice
>no that advice is shit
>no counter-argument
>no counter-advice
>leave the thread
ooooh no, it's him again!!
whatsoever shall i do??!!

>> No.6449465

>read your shitty 350 word argument posts
Where the fuck does it say that you need to draw boxes for two years

>> No.6449466

Light on pure white is going to make it harder for yourself and others to see what you've drawn, which is the opposite of useful for a beginner. I'd recommend you pick a background that's an off-white color, anything neutral, and draw using black, preferably with a thicker brush size.
Remember not to be afraid of criticism, criticism is how you will learn what things aren't working and especially what OTHER PEOPLE can see isn't working. An artist can always find things they dislike about their own work, and they know every dirty secret and mistake they've made, but the average person just operates based on whether or not the drawing appeals to them.

>> No.6449467

samefag thinks he can pretend people actually think drawing boxes for 2 years is good advice

>> No.6449469

This isn't samefag post

>> No.6449470
File: 7 KB, 655x123, Screenshot (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but weird assumption on both accounts
you can get the boxes done in a month if you do about 80 a day or two months if you half that etc.
nowhere did anyone say that you had to draw boxes for 2 years except for the anons gaslighting and strawmanning

>> No.6449471

the absolute STATE of schizoadvice anon

is humiliation your kink?

>> No.6449474
File: 7 KB, 347x182, Screenshot (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retarded or do you think anyone else that has a different opinion than you must be some samefag?
fuck off to ai

>> No.6449475

This is gotta be a bait at this point

>> No.6449476

seethe faggot, I can sympathize with you as I'm sure I'd lose my mind too if I was dumb as shit and drew boxes for 2 years

>> No.6449478

Unironically stop replying to him

>> No.6449479

>continues to strawman argument
>doesn't realize it makes him look bad
one course, just one course of critical thinking is all i ask when you go to college before you come here and post obvious, easily debunked shit

>> No.6449480
File: 74 KB, 459x746, 1650572473509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449481 [DELETED] 

stop pretending to be different people, so fucking blatant its embarrassing

>> No.6449482

You're doing it wrong if you think learning something in art means you need to hyperfocus on that one thing for months/years.
Nobody should be devoting time purely to drawing lines or boxes beyond maybe their first day with the idea. People should be doing line practice and simple form drawing every day as a warmup before drawing whatever. It simply gets you ready to draw lines and describe 3D forms more accurately once you're drawing dragons and titty monsters etc. Hyperfocusing on technique for too long is how you turn into proko.

>> No.6449483
File: 53 KB, 1916x581, Screenshot (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus, mary, and joseph look at this fag still getting it wrong

>> No.6449486

are you actually a 80 iq subhuman? Or can you not realize that your so called "ITS NOT ME" screenshots are literally increasing in number as you continue to samefag

>> No.6449487

i don't think you know how this website works

>> No.6449488

>hmm new /beg/ thread
>made on the 31st of December
>it has 131 posts
>has 131 posts
>131 posts

holy shit the schizos were up late

>> No.6449489

Because it's the same person replying, retard.

>> No.6449490

you're definitely into humiliation, just as bad as your into burning years of your life into drawing boxes

>> No.6449493
File: 588 KB, 678x875, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30-40 pages in
Way sooner than that.

>Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
Also garbage because the very first exercise asks that you have a full body mirror available to you and if you don't you're shit out of luck.
I have been struggling for a very long time now. There are promising young artists now in the time it's taken me to try to find someone who I can understand and actually learn from.

>> No.6449495

What if you've done nothing but DAB since 2015?
What does that make you???

>> No.6449501

there is a certain level of confidence you feel after you've become competent in a specific fundamental which is your queue to move on
you don't even need anyone to tell you to, you'll naturally move on because you know you got what you needed
plus, DAB is a bit weird, and like most artbooks, you'll need an instructor to guide you through what is important and what is just his bullshit filler content

>> No.6449502

>you don't even need anyone to tell you to, you'll naturally move on because you know you got what you needed
Who made you king of the autists with laws that all must follow?
>plus, DAB is a bit weird, and like most artbooks, you'll need an instructor to guide you through what is important and what is just his bullshit filler content
What instructor? Where are these "instructors"? Who ever said this?

>> No.6449507

>the voices told me this
>this was brought to me in a dream

seek actual help, and not for drawing

>> No.6449508

Every art teacher I've talked to has told me I'm good at sculpting.
But I am so bad at drawing it makes me want to kill myself with a clay knife.

How am I supposed to translate my tactile skills into illusory skills?

Never, ever get into sculpting.

>> No.6449510

This isn't even the hard part imo. This is real newbie stuff you can learn from, his PlayStation 1 faces are wild by comparison. I just set my phone on a cradle and did my drawing from that for Right Side.

>> No.6449512

>This isn't even the hard part imo.
Lucky you. That page is still "How to draw an owl" tier.

>> No.6449515

>just draw (:
>no idea of what to draw and no desire to draw anything due to lacking fundie knowledge
Why do people do this to me? Why do they bully me?

>> No.6449516
File: 3.16 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20221231_140102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing Perspective Made Easy, at the end of part one he wants some streets in perspective. I was trying to add some bricks to this close up building but are they supposed to "stretch" like this as they get closer to the frame? I wanted to do this without a ruler so maybe that's it.

>> No.6449517

posts like these is why i made the "schizo" fundamental grind lessons
once you've gotten the fundamentals down well, you will not have this problem anymore

>> No.6449519
File: 198 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20221231_140102_1000x__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it. That's the wrong image, I meant this one, sorry for the dupe.

>> No.6449520
File: 163 KB, 728x777, 1654034544226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449521
File: 17 KB, 717x586, 4d89aw48d948a9dw4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

test drawing at 1000 cubes (finally!!!). need more 1,500 or probably 4000 desu.

>> No.6449522

Start learning fundamentals, also draw some objects from your room to keep it fun. You will get better as you keep learning fundamentals.

>> No.6449523


>> No.6449524

But then all I want to is draw the grind. I have zero desire to do anything but draw bad boxes over and over again.
>Start learning fundamentals
Way ahead of you.
>You will get better as you keep learning fundamentals.
[citation needed]
>also draw some objects from your room to keep it fun.
Not fun and symbol-tastic.

>> No.6449525

I accept your concession.
Now take your schizo shit to /x/ where you belong faggot, not here giving advice to people actually trying to draw

>> No.6449526

Its funny how much better this is >>6449521 compared to this >>6449345

>> No.6449530

who are you???

>> No.6449531

yes they should stretch like that. each brick is a cube so they should have perspective the same way a building would

>> No.6449532

>they're starting this shit again
Kill yourself, all of you, you fucking faggots, stop shitting up this thread, go back to /pol/ you fucking shitters

>> No.6449535


>> No.6449536
File: 223 KB, 676x720, 1587201062198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one thread, stop complaining
imagine if there wasn't a containment thread

>> No.6449537

the voices in your walls

>> No.6449540

/beg/ hasn't been a containment thread since forever>>6449536
are you saying the ai threads and pointless question spam threads are better>>6449536
disingenuous rat

>> No.6449542

>are you saying the ai threads and pointless question spam threads are better
good point

>> No.6449543

Why did you reply to him 4 times in 1 post lmfao

>> No.6449544

is /pol/ with us in the room right now?

>> No.6449545


shcizo anon completely lost his mind and thinks 1 post is 4 different people

>> No.6449562
File: 506 KB, 1080x1980, der Schlagmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beg here.
I finally bought some cheap chinese screen tablet from someone for like 80 bucks.
Got used to it and started drawing from a ref while trying to not copy it and change it in some places.
Would appreciate some pointers, done in Krita if it matters.

>> No.6449570
File: 339 KB, 1802x2402, 1671064776626935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ref

>> No.6449573

Any art software that is compatible with systemd?

>> No.6449584

krita, opentoonz, plenty check your repos and download latest from official.

edges(soft, hard, etc) and shapes in shadow probably I'm a berg so I dont know

>> No.6449585
File: 642 KB, 1080x1980, proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verry nice if that was the ref, changed the perspective and all good stuff.
The shoulders should slope more, the neck was a bit thin and the face off.
The back knees shadows didn't look like they went around the knee, you can 'cheat' it and put it all in dark shadow.
Nice fold lines they're good!

>> No.6449591

how does anyone pick a brush. I hate all of them.

>> No.6449600

take the hrbpill

>> No.6449605

You replied to yourself.

>> No.6449623 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 985x561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a people pleaser

>> No.6449624

which software? If CSP then real g-pen is honestly my favorite. Regular g-pen not so much.

>> No.6449627

most probably you are doing it wrong, have you look the basics on ctrl-paint? The problems arent the brushes is how you use them.

>> No.6449634

I didn't actually want to change perspectives at first, but I couldn't get the the cap to look good in a forward view so that's how it got there.
Thanks for the tips.

>> No.6449635

no I get this is a pebkac issue, also think I need to try and tune my pressure settings but I will hit up ctrlpaint. This is both me complaining about myself but also asking for peoples favorite pens.

cheers lads.

>> No.6449650
File: 119 KB, 1009x555, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a people pleaser

>> No.6449662
File: 144 KB, 786x531, 2022-12-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the first videos on on ctrl paint will help plenty. personally I now just use like 3 brushes and change settings if needed. Airbrush is my main for lineart, eraser and shading, I use a basic opacity brush and a blender/smudge to merge or fade away edges. pic I only use airbrush 90% the other 10% was the opacity brush

What really makes a change at least for me is to learn how to play with layers and using tmp layers.

>> No.6449697

I can't draw. Nothing works. My foundation is cracked, ruined beyond repair.

>> No.6449702
File: 1.29 MB, 3024x1378, IMG_20221231_171423~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some earthsworlds

>> No.6449739
File: 393 KB, 1696x726, 20221231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first time coloring and using screentones digitally and messed up the colors compared to the reference on the former and went overboard with the latter. i definitely need to learn how to use layers for stuff like this since i could've just floodfilled the colored regions with screentones instead of repainting it. i guess this would be considered my first completed drawing so that's a fun way to end the year

>> No.6449747

cute chonky good boy, yeah layers are you friends

>> No.6449771

Oh sush

>> No.6449780

Are u the box nigga?

>> No.6449785
File: 2.92 MB, 1200x1880, hadesREADY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final finished piece of the year

>> No.6449809

How do I DESTROY my progress? You don't tell someone with a leg that healed improperly to run a marathon, you smash that leg and fit it together so it heals properly. I need to do that to my drawing "ability" it's poisoned from too many years of bad progress.

>> No.6449814

DAB and its consequences have been a disaster for drawing civilization

>> No.6449816

Awesome. I love the hades characters I lot. Keep up the good work and hope 2023 is even more fruitful for you.

>> No.6449818

I really like the wicca lesbian shoulder pads

>> No.6449867

Post your work so we can give tips anon
Youre just vaguely alluding to some mystical rift in the foundation of your art so I cant help you
Chances are the answer is to stfu and draw

>> No.6449874

Holy shit nice

>> No.6449911
File: 457 KB, 1545x1429, 2AD4D1E6-1C13-4BA6-9240-4504249C283E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goon squad, I kind of gave up on the dude in the back

Happy new year!

>> No.6449942

Good use of shapes.

>> No.6449950

I keep deleting it all in a fit of despair. Tell me what you want to see me draw instead.

>> No.6449978

Just draw like a figure

>> No.6449988


>> No.6449989


>> No.6449995

What kind of figure?

>> No.6449998

Go to quickposes, pick “random pose” and draw it
Post results along with the reference

>> No.6450004

for the digifren begs: does csp usually do a end of the year sale? I fucked up and missed the dec one.

>> No.6450008
File: 255 KB, 1991x1120, c15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450035
File: 522 KB, 898x653, spectral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450048

Is this >>6449998 the quickposes result?

>> No.6450049

Oh no, I'm someone different. Although I think that pose is on quickposes or another site like it.

>> No.6450054

Whatever art software youre using most likely has a ruler function and an arc/ellipse function as well
Look into it so you can get those straight lines and arcs down to make your art more appealing

>> No.6450058
File: 271 KB, 478x704, hww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last sketch of the year ggs

>> No.6450061

How long aheve u been drawing

>> No.6450074
File: 121 KB, 512x756, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to do some construction practice with different body types and skinny bodies are tough because I'm having trouble defining structures like the serratus. Could I get some crits/advice?

>> No.6450077

For front I like using the asis, clavicle and sternum as land marks because tons of muscles are connected to them and are often visible.

>> No.6450104

Anyone know any good art podcasts / youtube channels where people just talk about their mindset or experience doing art things?
Preferably people in the concept art world. I just want to hear professionals going through their mindset at a high level and imparting that general knowledge.

I really just want to keep myself immersed with people just talking about their art and not just the normal advice type videos.

>> No.6450106

There's a few streams on Peter Han's Youtube where he draws and answers questions

>> No.6450109

Reads well anon

>> No.6450113

I like those too, but what I'm really looking for I guess is like I've been watching youtube videos of game designers just talking about their experience with games and how they went about working on it from start to finish.

And I'd really like that but just from the artist's perspective. Like why they might make certain choices or how things changed, and their reasoning behind decisions in retrospect but applied to a specific thing, like a game.

>> No.6450114

6 yrs?

>> No.6450117

Wrap your wrist and proceed draw with your elbow and shoulder

>> No.6450121


>> No.6450125

Drawing database
Richard Smitheman

>> No.6450128
File: 323 KB, 1500x1500, makoto upper body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this today. What could I have guidance on? I'm not that good at humans, as I mostly draw animals.

>> No.6450130


>> No.6450132


>> No.6450153


>> No.6450228
File: 477 KB, 1000x1000, Scavanger Ursa fighting ghouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the outcome of this piece?

>> No.6450241

This is the perfect example of a drawing which is flawless yet all wrong
This is something I would draw
>I mostly draw animals
Youre autistic right? Or somewhere on the spectrum? Honest question

>> No.6450244

what's wrong with the drawing? I am a bit confused by what you've said. Also, I mostly draw animals, because I like drawing furry characters.

>> No.6450249

highlights doesnt make sense to me

>> No.6450251

You should edit this into a 4chan moderator. It has meme potential.

>> No.6450282
File: 465 KB, 1000x1000, Scavanger Ursa fighting ghouls 4chan edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be damn surprised if it did turn into a meme! XD

But I am usually pre-occupied. Especially with life events and running my own game. If you think this has meme potential, here is a 4chan edit just for you. Meme to your heart's content, friend. :)

and thanks for the kind words.

>> No.6450288
File: 68 KB, 1024x575, Blue-Period-11-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can somewhat draw and drawing is my main focus right now but I want to paint a bit. however I don't know shit about painting and it's extremely unforgiving

I just want to use colors and blend them together and a nice canvas texture. I can make shapes, but what's inside the shapes (for example a human face) is impossible rn.

I know I'm asking for a shortcut, but I don't want to focus too much on painting until I have my fundies down.

>> No.6450290
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, Scavanger Ursa fighting ghouls textless 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or a textless one for more liberal meme potential

>> No.6450303
File: 121 KB, 800x800, csi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6450324

>what's wrong with the drawing?
everything, literally, but also everything is just "fine"

>> No.6450356
File: 169 KB, 1010x736, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I understand what you're saying, how's this then?

>> No.6450363

it's very flat, the hatching is ugly, the clothing folds, the eye positions and the scarf makes no sense and you know it. make use of natural contours to imply form, for example droop the scarf a little to show the cylinder form of the neck

>> No.6450374

I honestly didn't know what was wrong until you point it out. I'm sorry, it's just I'm not good at drawing that sort of things. I will keep your tips in mind, thank you.

How could I make the parts of the drawing make more sense?

>> No.6450385

abdomen looks better volumetric keep going

>> No.6450392
File: 484 KB, 2581x3591, 20221231_155428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still doing art but i hope i get better

>> No.6450399

No need to apologize, that anon was unnecessarily combative

>> No.6450403


>> No.6450408

thanks! I really need to start getting into rendering and hatching forms, hatching has always been super aesthetically pleasing to me

>> No.6450416

sorry if I came across as aggressive I just don't know how to put it in a more friendly way

>> No.6450421

I know my artworks are very terrible, but I'm still confused by the criticism you and the other anon had given me. I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at, or how to fix. When I said I didn't know what was wrong, I was serious, what could I do to practice what I am not good at?

>> No.6450428

I know the character you were trying to draw and you portrayed none of her qualities, you cant read anything from her face or her posture, she's strangely off-model but not in a way that brings anything interesting to her design, the crosshatching does a bad job of portraying volume or dramatic lighting.
I mean I guess you only wanted to draw makoto, so you drew her, but she's not even on model, so what was the point of this drawing? It's soulless.

>> No.6450432

you are souless

>> No.6450436
File: 279 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello and happy new year. Did a live sketch of my friend. I'm drinking and he wouldn't hold still. He liked it even though it's crappy. You keep saying I need to draw from reference, lol.

>> No.6450437

refute anything i just said, why did you draw this? What were you trying to convey?

>> No.6450451

That is not me. I drew the character because it is a character I like, and like I said, I don't draw humans very much. I just... like drawing things I like. Sorry about that.
If you think there's no point to the drawing and it's soulless, I'm sorry my art makes you feel that way. I'm not sure what you mean by trying to convey. If crosshatching is bad, I will stop doing it, I do it because I saw another friend do it.
So.... what do I do next for my drawings...? I still don't get it.

>> No.6450458
File: 49 KB, 581x600, 260952_MAIN._AC_SL600_V1625075960_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to copy bridgman but fucking hell. I don't have the attention span for art books. I hoard a shitton of them and can't focus on one for longer than a week before I get bored/frustrated. I've been doodling all my life for fun and want to improve but studying is honestly draining. I feel like giving up.

>> No.6450460
File: 883 KB, 900x840, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drew the character because it is a character I like
then I suggest you draw her on model, you took liberties when drawing her which isn't a bad thing unlesss you're doing it aimlessly
Your drawing is clearly stylized, her lips, eyes, body proportions are all different and it's not a good change.
Also for something more concrete, her chest are is wrong, her collarbones are too-too low and the crosshatching you did around her breasts is too much and makes it looks like chest hair. Subtle areas need subtlety, this is why ares like the lips, nose, butts and breasts are usually draw with very few, light lines

>> No.6450463

happy new year homo sexuals

>> No.6450464
File: 102 KB, 473x766, 1659969674775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image

>> No.6450468

Nigga said refute like its a fucking debate
Its subjective art
Give your critiques and shut the fuck up

>> No.6450475

Oh no, sorry, I tried doing this but it looked like a blob. I have been trying to draw for over twenty years anon.

>> No.6450476

Thats great post the results with the reference
If you dont, dont even bother responding, at that point it will be obvious you’re just shitposting

>> No.6450477

Here's the problem:
You can "just write" and hit 2k words easily in an hour. 5k with only a little more pushing.

You don't have that luxury with drawing. If you can't spend 5+ hours on it for a single sitting, you're fucked.

>> No.6450479

I'll try again later when I'm not dead tired from doing my best and getting nothing.

>> No.6450480

Thats not really true tbqh
Both skills would ideally involve long periods of uninterrupted concentration, but it is possible to both write and draw in only small sections of time

>> No.6450486

That's not what /ic/ has taught me, and it's not what any art teachers will tell you. You need large blocks of uninterrupted time to learn how to draw. To say otherwise... heh, I doubt you're much of a writer.

>> No.6450487

Pretty lame of you anon
Unless you post your work just stop responding
Last (you)

>> No.6450489

The word “need” is being employed incorrectly
Ideally you would set aside large blocks of time for your studies but life is complicated and it doesn’t always work that way
Someone who just had a child for instance would have a nightmarish time trying to set aside 5 uninterrupted hours to draw
You can still make progress using smaller blocks of time but this is obviously less than ideal

>> No.6450492

No no, it is very correct. You will never be able to improve without spending that much time on it.

>Someone who just had a child for instance would have a nightmarish time trying to set aside 5 uninterrupted hours to draw
Which is why they need to shelve their dreams until their kid has grown up.

>> No.6450494

Thats retarded tbqh anon

>> No.6450497

Anything else you want to say, you retarded newfag? Make high quality posts.

>> No.6450498

You do you anon
Happy new years
But thats retarded

>> No.6450501

Happy 2023 beg. Looking forward to more begness in 2023. Stay drawing and beg.

>> No.6450502

No, I mean literally, it's a rule on 4chan to make high quality posts. Being a fucking moron and parroting low-effort responses like
>Thats retarded tbqh anon
>But thats retarded
To someone who disagrees with your cultlike thinking is not conducive to this place.

>> No.6450508

You’re so upset about me disagreeing with you that you’re gonna report my posts? Lmfao
Anyway yeah no I disagree entirely and its legitimately retarded that you would insinuate that its impossible to make progress employing smaller blocks of time
Just for the sake of making your retardation more public
What is the cutoff point for a time-block that you have arbitrarily decided is adequate for making progress?

>> No.6450509

I guess people tend to invent ways and looking for the light. like guy at beginning - all this time and I get nowhere -lines, 3000 lines this what need to do and I get somewhere. 5hours. this why I get nowhere, because it was not 5 hours - 5 hours is a way. And they start to gospel new found truth.

>> No.6450518

No, I'm pointing out what 4chan expects of you. How old are you, really?

>> No.6450519

Yeah its all just retarded excuses
I do agree that uninterrupted long periods of intense concentration are the ideal way to make progress, but insinuating that it is totally impossible to make progress unless this condition is met is legitimately fucking retarded lmao

>> No.6450521

the fucking brush and artbook thread has better image to reply ratio than this general. wtf you guys doing?

>> No.6450523

>didnt answer the question
Yeah we aren’t doing this
Answer the question or fuck off
Last (you) unless you make the response worth my while

>> No.6450526

Let me answer your question with your own question. What's the cutoff time that you think is the bare minimum to make progress on drawing? Can I spend 5 minutes a day and make significant progress? Can I spend a minute? A second? What is the bare minimum you think?

For reference, I can type a single word a day, around a second of effort, and have enough by the end of the year for a meaningful paragraph.

>> No.6450529

Studies regarding optimal studying strategies tend to support 30-45 minute study sessions so I would say somewhere in that area is probably ideal for a shorter session

>> No.6450531

Where are these studies? Why do I never see this number cited in artbooks? What are you supposed to do if you don't have enough time for that, while you can make a lot of progress in writing with much less time?

>> No.6450533

I think you have to have enough time to get into it, do a little bit of work in the zone, and evaluate the process. Obviously it won't be fast but I think you could probably actually make some progress working like 30 minutes a day if you're consistent.

>> No.6450536

You "think". That's a funny joke.
What's "getting into it"?
What's "a little bit of work in the zone"?
How are you supposed to do that AND have time to evaluate the process?
Is this all supposed to be in 10 minute increments going by your estimate of 30 minutes?
Are you saying this from the perspective of an absolute newbie or someone with horrible habits, like someone who stumbles around walking on his hands because nobody ever told him to use his feet?

>> No.6450537

maybe it just how long it will take. more time you can dedicate is better. If assume it is linear[it is not] 5 minutes instead of 5 hours just mean 300 years instead of one, not some cut off

>> No.6450538

ESLbro, living 300 years isn't a thing. You're going to have to give me a more thought out response than that.

>> No.6450541

You do you anon lmfao
Arguing vehemently in favor of 5 hour study periods and belittling anyone who has even a slightly different opinion on new years is pretty pathetic
Anyway happy new years anon

>> No.6450545
File: 69 KB, 680x802, 1672386276860463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking 4chan THIS seriously
Lmao, Kek even.
We just had 80 replies of pure schizo arguments that finally died out and we're almost at 300 posts bump limit, and now you want to play keyboard warrior on fucking new years.
Not even him, but there are numerous studies on how the human brain processes learning and efficiency of differing practice methods.
Aside from training muscle memory, most decisions in drawing are made subconsciously, which is capped by how much a human can internalize. This varies by individual and is the primary reason a few hours of fundamental practice is considered peak learning. This isn't even my opinion, there are actual studies on how much time a person can spend learning a subject before anymore information taught ends up being almost entirely wasted. It's the primary reason musicians will only practice playing an instrument for a few hours a day, and is why things like the pomodoro method exists.
There are certainly times an artist could spend 5 or 10 or 18 hours in one sitting to practice and retain more information than someone who only spent 30 minutes, but the most important thing will always be consistency.

>> No.6450573

Why are you unable to answer the questions?
How old are you anon, really?
Don't throw stones from glass houses.
>now you want to play keyboard warrior on fucking new years.
And you're trying, and failing, to convince anyone that I'm wrong. Nice way to spend new years, huh?
>This varies by individual
Sounds like a question of talent.
>the primary reason a few hours of fundamental practice
A few hours. In other words, around 3 to 5, which is what I've said this whole time. Guess what I don't have?
>there are numerous studies
Again, can you link these studies? Can you even post a shitty meme like "I made it up"? Anything?

>> No.6450578

I dont put in effort to responding to shitposters
Act as arrogant as you want I truly dont care
You dont need 5 hours at a time to make progress in art
4,3,2, and 1 hours daily are perfectly adequate to make progress

>> No.6450582

beg is kill kek

>> No.6450587
File: 66 KB, 780x118, Make it stick, the science of succesful learning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking God you're a pretentious spastic twat.
Read "Make it stick, the science of successful learning" by Henry Roediger and Mark McDaniel
>inb4 philosophy book
It's not, both authors are cognitive scientist that have devoted a decade of their lives on this very subject.
>A few hours. In other words, around 3 to 5, which is what I've said this whole time.
No. A few hours is optimal, but you will still make progress if it's only 30 or 60 minutes a day, or if you break it up into sessions. Consistency is key.

>> No.6450589

Not liking what the other person says doesn't give you an excuse to ignore the rules.
>4,3,2, and 1 hours daily are perfectly adequate to make progress
I don't have an entire hour to spare. What the fuck?
Progress on what? How? When?
>30 or 60 minutes a day,
Why not 20?
Why not 10?
Why must it be 30?

>> No.6450593

Imagine shitposting on new years holy shit youre such a fucking dork lmfaoo
Anyways I like drawing its fun

>> No.6450595

How is it shitposting to try to understand you people, to try to get you to understand me, to get you to not be so fucking flippant about criticism related to the process itself?

>> No.6450597


>> No.6450598
File: 87 KB, 764x510, i do not care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You STILL haven't even posted your work. There's no point in helping someone who doesn't even want to draw. I'm not answering any more of your questions. I literally gave you a source to my claim like you asked, you have the option to read it or not, I don't care.
Literally find a new hobby, not everyone is cut out for drawing, which is fine, but this is clearly too stressful for you.
This is the last (you) from me you'll get.

>> No.6450600

>You STILL haven't even posted your work.
I told you I'd post it later, why are you so impatient?
>not everyone is cut out for drawing
That's not what /ic/ keeps saying, not in the sticky, and not on /beg/. What's making you disagree with that?

>> No.6450601

This thread really went peak shcizo

>> No.6450602

only people have who do not have life enough at around new year night to type here

>> No.6450603 [DELETED] 

Im at a new years party rn just enjoying watching the “5 hours” schizo have a melty lmfao

>> No.6450605

>lying about being a riajuu on new years
that's more pathetic tee bee aych

>> No.6450606

>legitimately thinking im lying avout being at a party with my gf at new years
Youre legitimately so fucking pathetic I actually feel sorry for you
I hope you achieve whatever your dreams are in art because if something that mundane is unbelievable to you then your life is actually fucking pitiable

>> No.6450607

>doubling down on posing as a normalfaggot drinking (((hops)))

>> No.6450608

Hey wait a minute
Are you posting about off-topic things?
Thats against board rules anon! Are you new around here?
Anyway I like drawing alot guys

>> No.6450609

Do you really think acting like a retard and getting antagonistic with everyone will help you?

>> No.6450612

Anon please stop posting about off-topic personal vendettas, its against board rules
Anyways guys drawing is basically the shit and I love it
Also ur gay LMFAO

>> No.6450613

You don't seem like someone interested in helping others. Why bother posting here and posing as a normalfag? Where's your art?

>> No.6450614

Anon ive given you several warnings
If you dont adjust your behavior the mods might have to take action against your consistent rule-breaking behavior
Anyway now that thats all cleared up, I personally enjoy Procreate even though Photoshop is the industry standard

>> No.6450615

Come on anon! Post your work! Why's that so hard to do?

>> No.6450616

Well anon im sure you know that its rude to ask someone’s name without providing your own first
Im sure you understand that that extends to art as well no?
Lets see it bud

>> No.6450617

Practice what you preach first.

>> No.6450618

Anon please
Ladies first

>> No.6450619
File: 786 KB, 2000x2000, bean3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys I'm gonna take my practice more seriously in the new year, aiming for two 30 minute sessions a day ideally! Right now I'm practicing torso beans to get a bit of form for my figures, as before they were quite flat as pointed out by an anon here. Any tips or pointers before I get stuck in for the new years?

>> No.6450620

You told others to post their work, yet now you say that they should post theirs first when they ask you?

>> No.6450622

Lemme put it this way anon
Im gonna start driving home from the new years party and by the time I get home you better have posted your work or youre a fucking faggot

>> No.6450623

Why won't you post your work?

>> No.6450632

I advice not attract shizos to your art. It's better to both of you to abstain from pyw if you plan to post around here in a future so this bickering can be limited to this thread

>> No.6450633

rabi rabu

>> No.6450640

You heard the man
Tick fucking tock

>> No.6450641

make less stroke, be more efficient be more confident do the bean swiftly do ghosting lines before laying the stroke.

>> No.6450644

I gotcha! I've always struggled with my curved lines so that will definitely be good practice. Noted! Thanks for the advice.

>> No.6450655

I'm sorry if this is a stupid question

But how do I do something else other than studies?

It seems like everyday I only study study study
I don't even think I know how to "just draw"
I don't know if I'm scared or something(?)

Do you guys have any idea what can I do?

>> No.6450694

Faggot confirmed
Im disappointed in you anon
Happy new years
Last (you)

>> No.6450710
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, B215DF89-B378-42AC-A246-34121410B08E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent studied figure in a while. did i get anything right?

>> No.6450732

Happy new years! You did pretty solid, but my issue is with the lines themselves. They look janky. and its probably just me but I think the neck is slightly a bit longer. but everything else seems quite natural.

>> No.6450762
File: 645 KB, 1200x1131, practiveaDONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw thanks mates, im happy you like it.

another piece i poured my heart iinto

>> No.6450791 [DELETED] 
File: 572 KB, 1500x2000, KigaPenguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me

>> No.6450792
File: 244 KB, 768x1024, KigaPenguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me

>> No.6450816

What is it you think you're not doing right?

>> No.6450827

I want to hold you and watch you draw.

>> No.6450833

I don't know what to do with this information

>> No.6450835

Let me ofc.
Also flip your canvas.
You'll see.

>> No.6450838
File: 250 KB, 768x1024, KigaPenguin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me ofc.
Okay, and what am I seeing exactly?

>> No.6450844

Huh kinda looks the same didn't expect that, hold up I'll put some redlines on it

>> No.6450850

Where is the nose pointing.

>> No.6450855
File: 510 KB, 768x1024, proportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6450860

Yeah looks kinda off...

OH. Yeah that makes sense now. Thank you!!

>> No.6450864

>OH. Yeah that makes sense now. Thank you!!
The constructoid strikes again!
You're welcome hope to see more and better work over the next year

>> No.6450865

>Yeah looks kinda off...
to me it look like the nose is pointing right at us, which dont make sense since the rest of the head is in a 3/4th view.

>> No.6450867

What are you trying to show here?

>> No.6450868

>Start doodling
>want to learn how to draw properly
>spend time gathering learning material and resources
>start practicing
>lose steam and start doubting if I have any talent and if I even like drawing enough to learn it
>give up 2 weeks later
>6 months pass
>start doodling
>want to learn how to draw properly
>spend time gathering learning...
>repeat ad infinitum
Just let me die already.

>> No.6450880

I'm helping.

>> No.6450881

Thanks, same to you :)

Yeah should be more to the side, thanks for pointing that out!

>> No.6450883

No seriously I'm trying to learn too, what are you trying to explain in your redline?

>> No.6450899

He's saying that the elbow should be higher up so that the bent arm doesn't look too long. And that the hoodie should look more naturally by hanging more

>> No.6450930
File: 111 KB, 550x614, 9CE4F647-9E70-4A10-97DE-C6C52AD438BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... how exactly do I grind fundies? Draw cubes???

>> No.6450933

First you need to find out what the fundementals of drawing is. Then you should think about what your goals are, and which of the fundies are the most important at the moment. Then you should kill yourself for being a dumb fuck.

>> No.6450936

Draw whatever you want, but keep applying the lessons you're taught to whatever you're drawing.

>> No.6450938

I t is not a dumb question. maybe Cirno chart

>> No.6450995

Ok so red for basic body showing the shoulders are too wide and angular
Then green for the hoodie and face showing the face is off center and the hoodie is draped in a weird way
Generally also off center.

>> No.6450998

>off center
What do you mean by that? Not centric? idk

>> No.6451000
File: 225 KB, 842x887, Screenshot_20230101_090056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who drew the shitty human last night. This is what my art normally looks like when I draw an animal, and I tried to put things around his neck. Does it still struggle to show the countours around it?

>> No.6451002

I can see the contours just fine, don't know what the problem is

>> No.6451003

the most basic fundamental is the cute anime girl, so draw cute anime girls until you can do it blindfolded

>> No.6451005


>> No.6451006
File: 104 KB, 600x338, center line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Center line.

>> No.6451015

Oh okay, I understand now

>> No.6451017

What lessons though? Do I just keep searching
>how to draw poses
>how to draw a face
>how to draw hands

>> No.6451018

I honestly struggle a lot on 3d shape, haha, so I tried to see if I could draw a more detailed sketch underneath. I struggle with clothings also.

>> No.6451022

How do you even breath on your own when you're this retarded?

>> No.6451027

Well? What’s the answer?

>> No.6451031

is that pic actually true?

>> No.6451035

well thanks and yeah its something ill probably never get over since i usually paint over it anyways
usually proportions, anatomical features. i have a weird issue of not being able to see my mistakes when it comes to figure and its also the area i focus on least

>> No.6451075

Where's your work?

>> No.6451078

If you don't know anything, you don't have to say anything.

>> No.6451080

I've been searching for that answer for a long time anon. All I want is a nice simple list of steps. I don't care for "creativity", I don't care for "just drawing", I've been doing that long enough and it's been an aimless journey. Most artists are incapable of grasping the mindset of someone who doesn't think like them but wants to attain their skill level.

>> No.6451081

In conclusion, I think if you're asking about that, the real answer is that you can't draw and should give up. The fact they can only keep baiting and attacking you says everything about their confidence in you, regardless of how much they spam the meme that anyone can draw.

>> No.6451085
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, media (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a digital of Mads Mikkelsen.

>> No.6451095

do some isolated studies if you need to practice the mechanical aspect of the fundy then make some drawings applying it. the application drawings are far more important than drawing a billion boxes so you should focus on those even though they take longer. for example if you wanted to practice perspective, you could
>practice drawing boxes and cylinders in different forms of perspective a few times
>practice construction by making furniture out of boxes in perspective (a chair is a box with a horizontal surface in the middle somewhere, the legs are cylinders in perspective aligned with the edges, etc)
>make an entire room in perspective with different types of furniture (beds, tables, chairs, sofas, some not lined up with the edges of the room so you have to account for their relative rotation)
>make a city street as if you're standing on the corner of the roof of a skyscraper so everything is in 3 point perspective

>> No.6451105

stop spoonfeeding retards

>> No.6451106

looks nice

>> No.6451109

>>how to draw poses
>>how to draw a face
>>how to draw hands
Yeah for example. Even better is if you can recognize these can be broken down into smaller and simpler lessons, and those can be distilled even further, until you're left with the fundamentals.

>> No.6451113

How do you know the three years spent fucking about weren't vital for your learning process? There's no way for you to tell what you would have done without them.

>> No.6451121

Did you use AI and then paint it over? Or photobash parts of it? The texture work flips between "incredibly detailed and intricate" and "not even trying".

>> No.6451129
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, korean woman shit talking ic 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451140


>> No.6451147

Have you done studies on clothing yet?

>> No.6451150

She's right

>> No.6451162
File: 291 KB, 1356x1944, 60FEA768-7AC2-4D10-B38F-5196247B4674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I decide how many vanishing points to use?

>> No.6451170

How ever many you need.

>> No.6451176

Imagine a box around the entire composition you're trying to draw. Are you looking at the box's:
1-point perspective
2-point perspective
3-point perspective
curvilinear perspective

>> No.6451201

>until you're left with the fundamentals.
Which are?

>> No.6451203

Quoted the wrong post? It happens.

>> No.6451209

post your doodles
I can't break through the stick figure stage

>> No.6451210

>How to draw anime

>> No.6451325

Go figure.

>> No.6451340
File: 599 KB, 1137x1101, FloorGoban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451403

>well thanks and yeah its something ill probably never get over since i usually paint over it anyways.

I can relate. Especially with hands. To this day i still struggle to make them look correct.

>> No.6451408

You guys think its time to make a new thread?

>> No.6451419
File: 30 KB, 600x549, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451442

New year, New bread!


>> No.6452036

>Line work
>perspective and construction
>flow and gesture
>color theory + values

>> No.6452064
File: 297 KB, 680x510, pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"schizo" anon here
fuck, do you faggots have a life? what's with all these posts on new years?

also, i made a mistake on the number count for lines, it's not 100,000 it's 10,000
basically, as i explained before, it's a division of hours determinant on the amount of time it takes for you to do a task
typically it takes 24 hours to achieve competency--i am still testing this theory though--and so you would divide the amount of time it takes for you to draw a straight line (in this case we are super-imposing three straight-lines which should take all but 2 seconds) and dividing that by 24 which should give us about 10,000 lines in total
basically you would do this for every exercise to make sure you actually drawing for a certain amount of time instead of deceiving yourself
plus, it's easier to sit down and do 20 or 30 more lines than it is to arbitrarily sit down and draw lines for 20 or 30 minutes, it gives you a goal to achieve, gamify it if you wish
maybe it was vital in my case as i am using what i know in order to guide myself through my own created course in order to teach others to get out of /beg/ which i'm sure makes the /int/s on here absolutely seethe and immediately start their gaslighting campaign to discredit any and all advice but i don't give a fuck at this point, not that you should listen to anyone on /ic/ regardless
i already have my December 31st drawing which i'll be comparing it to December 31st of this year and seeing how far my own advice takes me

but you are right in a way, as i continue on through my own course, i tend to be able to easily correct mistakes because of what i know though failed to apply
for instance, i thought it would make sense to learn perspective before learning to copy but i realized that staying in 2D for a while to learn proportional relationships would be useful for a beginner as i noticed myself struggling to copy because of this lack of proportional proclivity

again, it's a virgin plan so needs more work

>> No.6452173

In what order?
And isn't it "common wisdom" that linework doesn't matter?

>> No.6452235

How do I draw cute girls without drawing an anime character? Drawing anime unironically makes me want to kill myself

>> No.6452254

order doesn't matter too much as they all should build into each other one way or another, however, that order is prob the easiest to follow.

>And isn't it "common wisdom" that linework doesn't matter?
yes and no. You could get away with a lot with sloppy and choppy lines in art, however it'd really suck for an otherwise good piece to be brought down because it looks more like children scribbles. I'd also suggest practicing it nonetheless as it really helps with work flow if you can cut the amount of time you spend on basic lines as well as help build muscles to prevent your arm and wrist from cramping too often.

>> No.6452386

Not reading your blogs anymore retard, and no one is going to follow your shit tier advice, especially after you posted your art after you yourself wasted 2 years drawing boxes for no reason

>> No.6452416

>fuck, do you faggots have a life?
Obviously not.

>> No.6452446

arrange cubes as shown, take a picture, then figure it out

>> No.6452936
File: 286 KB, 1670x898, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]