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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 16 KB, 225x280, 1476665742678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448582 No.6448582 [Reply] [Original]

Would you guys kindly tear my art apart, and advice me on what to focus on? You don't have to be kind about it.
I am desperate to get better, but I don't have the money for school or online courses. I am just looking for an outsiders perspective on what I should focus on.

>> No.6448584


>> No.6448586


>> No.6448587


>> No.6448597
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I stopped drawing for 3 years, cause I honestly gave up on it. I came back like 6 months ago, so I'll post old stuff and some recent studies.
I don't have much finished artwork since most of the stuff I do tends to be studies.

>> No.6448599
File: 135 KB, 1434x922, a_10_thunderbolt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6448601
File: 804 KB, 1260x863, Bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6448602
File: 703 KB, 1648x2812, p51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6448606
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>> No.6448607
File: 392 KB, 1489x1053, Will Weston - Figure Drawing - Lesson 2 - Homework 30 5 minute Figure Drawings 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent stuff trying to learn figure drawing from Will Weston since I never studied human anatomy at all

>> No.6448608
File: 378 KB, 993x1291, Slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent study trying to learn Digital Painting by Will Weston Week 1

>> No.6448609

Comm Sketch work for someone that wanted their OC with guns, not finished

>> No.6448610
File: 510 KB, 1507x1145, Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6448611
File: 306 KB, 1210x1245, Texturing a shork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and last one, trying to learn Line art so I could stop being so sketchy and getting stuff to a more finished level

>> No.6448614

what is your ultimate goal anon?
do you want to be an industry conceptfag? an illustrator? a twitter pone artists?

>> No.6448622

I am going to apply to University in EU for Industrial Design this month, if they accept me I'll go there because I am at a point now where I don't really have any other skills in life and the dread of getting other without a profession is part of the reason I stopped drawing

My goal ultimately would be to be able to do Twitter Comms of any subject, human, furry, IPs, pone and get skilled enough to do freelance work for the industry, Game or Industrial design. I am not particularly picky as long as I can make a living off art desu

>> No.6448623
File: 352 KB, 498x210, 8491F90E-0758-4743-8AEB-194C83DCD0E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art if art were advanced trigonometry
>let me just perfectly diagram this grasshopper with precise measurements in accordance with mathematically calculated perspective.
>I will now carefully apply the absence of light with this geometric formula.
>and now to finish, a flat grey square as the backdrop.

>> No.6448624

dread of getting older* (Mid twenties now)

>> No.6448627
File: 1.24 MB, 1209x1205, pyw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, seems most of my stuff is perspective grinding
I haven't found a book on soul yet, sadly

>> No.6448653

ah ok. i guess focus on what you need to make your application strong first and foremost. your designs and draftsmanship already are in a pretty good place desu. idk what their expectations are for figure drawing ability in an ID program.
as far as becoming a skilled generalist goes ime the best thing to do is to specialize in one area and then add more specializations as you go along. figures are probably your weak point right now, try to get in front of a live model if your school does drawing sessions. maybe try reading anatomy for sculptors it might work pretty well with your perspectivefag brain

>I haven't found a book on soul yet, sadly
the book on soul is the one you write for yourself along the way
drawn to life is also very good though

>> No.6448656

oh and i forgot to mention, try to paint outside more. there's really no substitute the real world when it comes to composition

>> No.6448659

If you do nothing but studies you'll only be able to do studies.
You should devote more time to actual application and use studies to help remedy weaknesses you or others identify in your work.

You should consider placing your guns at an angle. When they're perfectly parallel with the viewer it looks sterile and boring, appealing only to gun otaku types if you go hard on details. Also since you're dealing with an exaggerated subject to begin with you should consider exaggerating the firearms as well. Fortnite is gay but the way their art team chose to stylize firearms while still retaining their base characteristics does lend to its charm.

Line art is tricky, I'm still learning it myself. I found it useful to slow down drastically and refer back to artists with fantastic linework while inking.
>stop being so sketchy
I'm glad to see that advice was taken to heart.

Soul is just narrative/style. What draws you to ponies? What do you find appealing about them, and how do they compare/contrast with the type of work you want to do? What kind of stories do you want to tell?

If you don't have a vision, narrative, or even feeling associated with a drawing that you're making, your art is likely to come off as soulless. If you're not feeling something yourself how can you expect a viewer to?

>> No.6448676

If you want to be a generalist, you should just dive deep into figure drawing. Unless industrial design is your passion, figure drawing is what will get you the furthest in almost every other art field, especially commission sketching. There are plenty of ways to learn figure drawing, but whatever you do, don't skip steps, don't believe you're "too good" for the basics, and do everything the teacher tells you to do, no matter how inconvenient. I like Vilppu and Bridgman for myself, but as long as you're trying, you'll get better

>> No.6448690

Thank you, and yeah I believe my weakness is rendering/light and composition, human figure/anatomy too for sure
I don't imagine Industrial Design will care for human anatomy, but the only reason I am doing Industrial Design to begin with is cause it seems like the only University career that will both give me good draftman/design skills while giving me a fair chance of finding a job, I plan to study anatomy on my own
>You should consider placing your guns at an angle. When they're perfectly parallel with the viewer it looks sterile and boring, appealing only to gun otaku types if you go hard on details. Also since you're dealing with an exaggerated subject to begin with you should consider exaggerating the firearms as well. Fortnite is gay but the way their art team chose to stylize firearms while still retaining their base characteristics does lend to its charm.
I hadn't thought of that, thank you. I am going to stylize the AK and make the angle more dramatic
>Soul is just narrative/style. What draws you to ponies? What do you find appealing about them, and how do they compare/contrast with the type of work you want to do? What kind of stories do you want to tell?
Yeah, I have big google doc full of characters, backstories, worlds, maps, religions, items, explanations of the age/culture/tech with a longer storyline
Even a journal of the Roleplayed events so far from different characters point of view
I got into ponies by serendipity more than anything else, its what got me started into Roleplay Campaigns and I find spending hours fantasizing about how worlds might work, and what philosophies/meaning you could draw from it
Stories are great, I grind perspective cause I wanted to be able to draw these ideas out but seems I got too lost in studying

I'd rather go into Uni for Comics/illustration, but the job prospects for it compared to Industrial Design put me off big time

>> No.6448703

I agree with you, I am working on Will Weston's Figure lectures right now and plan to copy Bridgman's drawings once I finish with these

>> No.6448737
File: 1.21 MB, 320x180, A7DAE78F-EE6B-421D-8222-73D807D75749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won’t listen but don’t spend money on art school unless your dad is an oil magnate. If you are just a normal person, you’ll hate your life once you reach your 30s and you see that art won’t be making you the money you think it will AND you have art debt you can’t pay off. From the looks of your art, there’s really nothing an art school can teach you unless you want to learn how to be a fag but of course you won’t listen to me so never mind lol.

>> No.6448746

aren't yuro schools cheap as fuck?

>> No.6448754

Thats my reasoning to avoid Fine Art, Illustration, Sequential Art (Comic books) and even Animation. I did some research, and it seems Industrial Design/Product Design is considered a good career up there along Architecture, with a good job market and Okay pay while still falling inside the ''Art field''

Looking at the Syllabus, it seems Industrial Design is a light version of Scott Robertson/Feng Zhu School of Design, or just as heavy but without a focus on Game Art itself.
Looking at Jobs, I found out Concept art companies are looking for people who have prior experience in Industrial Design too

Here is an article I found of someone who did Industrial Design and now works doing concept art
around 11k$ a year, for 3 years. But the UK gives you a loan to cover Uni costs, and lets you start paying it back Once you get a job, which is the only way I would ever be able to afford it

>> No.6448790 [DELETED] 

But why man? Who is telling you that you HAVE to make money doing art? If you’re going to put yourself into debt, why not a degree in something more tangible where you can make a better income? Art is the worst thing you could pick for a career. You know you can just hobby this bitch and be way happier than scrapping for shekels on twitter? Have you actually tried commissions? It’s a literal hellscape. Doing art as a job is not fun. Learn that before flushing your future down the pishadoo.

>> No.6448794
File: 3.57 MB, 498x280, D9DEC3EA-AB93-41F5-8AB4-BF413683B9B1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why man? Who is telling you that you HAVE to make money doing art? If you’re going to put yourself into debt, why not a degree in something more tangible where you can make a better income? Art is the worst thing you could pick for a career. You know you can just hobby this bitch and be way happier than scrapping for shekels on twitter? Have you actually tried commissions? It’s a literal hellscape. Doing art as a job is not fun. Learn that before flushing your future down the pishadoo over a delusion.

>> No.6448812
File: 41 KB, 639x480, 1482211411261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I already tried. I left my home and country, went back into education while working 80 hours a week, got high school and Uni access done. (Which I did finish)/ I was originally planning to do Mechanical Engineering because of that exact thought you posted.
(This is the reason I stopped drawing for 3 years).
I was miserable, thought about drawing every single day. Couldn't let it go. At the end I've decided if I am going to be miserable in life, then I'll be miserable out of my own accord and make some compromises, which to me, Industrial design as opposed to Illustration, is that compromise.
Maybe thats inmature of me, but I hate too much spite towards life in general, and I am too disagreeable to live the next 50 years doing something thats not even related to the art field in anyway just cause of money

>> No.6448816

don't listen to this crab >>6448790 >>6448794
art makes a pretty decent living. it seems to me you have a pretty good grasp of the basics and the school training could help you polish it to an acceptable professional level and you aren't schizophrenic, so that's also a plus. plus with school, you'd also be eligible for internship programs that some companies would hold. that should give you some experience.

the hardest part is getting your foot in the door in the industry, but use linkedin and check your local job listings. once you get enough experience under your belt, the jobs are easier to come by. every artist i knew that went to school got a job within the year, if they weren't horribly picky or extremely /beg/. even the chris-chan tier autist of my alumni got a job in animation.

i wouldn't recommend doing commissions to build experience, because you can't really use that stuff for a game portfolio. they're looking for something more tangible in the pipeline process of designing for games. you'd be better off learning 3D.

>> No.6448881

Are you the guy who made a thread about industrial design being better than art?

>> No.6448884

Thanks Anon, I see it similarly as you do. Seems like ID would be an appropriate path forwards. Thank you for taking the time to post here
Yeah, and I apologize if I came off as abrasive, been really stressed out about this topic

>> No.6448892

>Yeah, and I apologize if I came off as abrasive, been really stressed out about this topic
it's okay, you made some good points and i can see that you care about this topic

Since you want critique, what you have posted here shows that you know your stuff about drawing in perspective. Nothing is rendered though, and since you like technical things, maybe you could take those drawings that you showed us and render them in a way that looks good. Rendering is an important skill to have, so you could tackle that next if you want

>> No.6448897
File: 1.66 MB, 498x373, BE998991-44E8-4E56-A5E8-BDBB5AB95014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take life advice from a schizo on 4chan who tells you to put it all on art and pull the lever.
What could go wrong?

>> No.6448950

You should get into mecha. Too many artists refuse to accept mecha comissions. You knowing all that perspective stuff would make doing mecha easy

>> No.6448960

I appreciate the input, and I agree. Rendering is my weakness, got a google doc now posting and writing on lectures from Will Weston for Digital Painting, and I will move onto Scott Robertson's How to Render from that
>What could go wrong?
Seems either way I am going to be pretty miserable, at least if I can do art, I can cope with life. I am not terribly interested in cash, I want a job that can pay the bills and allow me to save so I can eventually buy a cabin out in the woods somewhere cold so I can be at peace with my thoughts and my autistic fantasies
I'd love to do that, I'll be looking into it eventually for sure
being able to do organic/gesture stuff and vehicles/mecha/buildings/items sounds great to me

>> No.6448992

based ivan drago poster however

>> No.6449311

Draw pepes.

>> No.6449319
File: 84 KB, 761x681, 1526731832994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be any worse than people that literally pay that pedo for advice

>> No.6449324

Post a finished piece

>> No.6449359

Hey Anon, weirdly enough I think I might be able to help with some direction here, I think you have strong enough fundies were a few right courses might be able to get you to the next level.

I'm actually the overpaint anon from the furry thread, and also EU based. You have a lot of potential and I'd like to help a bit if I can. You remind me a lot of myself before I got started in the industry

Logged into my old discord account (camus #5803 ) i think I might be able to give you a bit more insight into art as a career, school options and maybe be able to help a bit in figuring out a direction

>> No.6449373

Hey friend, thank you again for that overpaint, I keep going back to look at it and it amazes me everytime. I really appreciate your time and kindness, I feel very grateful.
I cannot talk on Discord today as I have to get busy now for a whilw, will it work for you if I add you tomorrow?
My Discord name will be Azure

>> No.6449381

Of course! Enjoy the new year's, anon. This is a side acc (didn't wanna share main on 4chan) but I'll make sure to stay logged in to catch your invite whenever you have the time. Take care

>> No.6449555

>that pedo
who? sam hyde or the anon?

>> No.6449564

I doubt anyone is paying anon 50 dollars to look at their shitty art for 2 minutes and make some half-assed critiques on their livestream. Yes Sam Hyde does that.

>> No.6450067

so uh. Sam Hyde is a pred?

>> No.6450094 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, ABD10410-AAC2-4832-8560-91FB2A5A4B6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and a neo nazi too. Don’t you faggots read buzzfeed?

>> No.6450099

Yeah and a neo nazi too. Don’t you faggots read buzzfeed? He ass raped the poor man in picrel.

>> No.6450638

Happy New Year, friend!
I sent the friend request, just in case
here's my Discord ID