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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 61 KB, 1191x330, EAT IT AI PROOMPTERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6446271 No.6446271 [Reply] [Original]

Cry harder about it. only a matter of time before all platforms eradicate you vermin

>> No.6446276

Good. AIfags deserve to burn in hell for eternity. I will create Roko's Basilisk but teach it that existence is suffering and that it needs to punish those that brought it and other technologies like it into being. Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.

>> No.6446278


>> No.6446279

>Company #98454 refuses to accept AI due to the potential legal nightmare it could suppose
Can't wait for the pAIjeets to flood this thread and try to explain it away once more.

>> No.6446282

AI can't even draw. It is just some shitty algorithm that slaps together existing images. It will never reach the sophistication of humanlike abilities.

>> No.6446285

Good, it only makes it more interesting for me to get my AI art to "pass" :)

>> No.6446301

Kek based

>> No.6446303

You will never pass

>> No.6446304


>> No.6446305
File: 178 KB, 828x587, 262116A0-8336-468E-A4D7-901B0EA5916F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446314

you will never be african american?

>> No.6446315

It's a copyright nightmare and anyone saying otherwise is an idiot

>> No.6446337
File: 571 KB, 600x580, 1643444875240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh you're like 1 version update away from being irrelevant

>> No.6446342

kek what a tranny

>> No.6446350

WTF aibros???

>> No.6446354

We are at most 10 years from AGI, and from there it's a matter of years until artificial superintelligence. And then humanity is finished.

>> No.6446373

What is AGI?

>> No.6446375

>We are at most 10 years from AGI
I wish there was a way to stop retards from posting on the internet

>> No.6446380

Artificial general intelligence. Metaculus and Manifold Markets both say it will happen no later than 2030, and plausibly as early as 2025. John Carmack says 2030. The biggest piece of the puzzle (learning) has been solved, but data paucity and scaling costs remain barriers.

>> No.6446382

(((just lie you made it yourself)))
Honestly how dumb do you have to be to even check the "AI-generated" checkbox, literally putting yourself at a disadvantage

>> No.6446383

>draw hands to prove you're a human

>> No.6446385

Same reason flying to the US has you fill a form with questions such as "Do you intend to assassinate the president?" it's not there to catch retards who say yes, it's there so that if you attempt it, they can dogpile a ton more charges for lying about it. Any poo in the loo who lies about having stolen art, if caught, will only triple their sentence at the manure pits.

>> No.6446390

lol you guys keep trying to pass AI shit as real on here but the best you've got in all these months was that shitty sonic samefag

>> No.6446391

It only is as long as you're honest and tell everyone you used AI

>> No.6446394

I unironically want them to catch me finally, cause as for now it seems absolutely noone is enforcing the "AI-generated" checkbox on pixiv, not even people in comments, it's just the japenis retards posting their shitty stickers. Then again what will they even do if the moderation catches me, force apply the AI-generated tag?

who the fuck is sonic samefag

>> No.6446398

Ah, I dont believe that. They are just parasyting existing content and pretending the source is obsolete while stealing from and depending on what is already created. They are not going to create anything that thinks for itself.

>> No.6446400

the future looks bright

>> No.6446417

Not a chance, ML shitters would have to drop their beloved perceptron model

>> No.6446468


>> No.6446502


>> No.6446506


>> No.6446513

I was wondering when they were going to do this. Like everywhere else the spam was getting relentless to the point where everything was getting washed out. I can't imagine a company like celsys being so forgiving on wasted server space. It's actually draining them money.

>> No.6446514
File: 64 KB, 512x640, IMG_0174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling AI photobashing is the biggest cope in the world, faggot.
Tell me did you even once use SD?

>> No.6446517

Admitting to stealing isn't much better.

>> No.6446525
File: 169 KB, 1000x908, 1671751757033016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides, this is why troons love goyslop so much?

>> No.6446543

Pixiv is a lost cause. The flood is so insurmountable you're only accelerating the shutdown. A good portion of the good artists left a while ago and danbooru too

>> No.6446545

We won

>> No.6446549

You will never be an artist

>> No.6446551

CSP died for me when they became greedy

>> No.6446553

and will get you banned so don't

>> No.6446598
File: 293 KB, 1080x1452, FlE-RmvacAYxCYV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creative director at adobe

>> No.6446602


>> No.6446604

At least we won Artstation.

>> No.6446607
File: 194 KB, 1232x1317, pAIjeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won, sir, the artstation is winned for the AI...

>> No.6446608

Stop with the sub bullcrap then, I know you won't

>> No.6446610

he got pickled kek

>> No.6446647

Clueless techbros and unhinged trannies

>> No.6446657

this is actually somewhat creative and interesting therefore I call bullshit on this one

>> No.6446686

>won Artstation.
lol, artstation will be dead if all artists(people intrester in art) leave platform

>> No.6446688

The artist are moving to twitter, even pixiv will die off.

>> No.6446697 [DELETED] 
File: 2.84 MB, 1824x3616, 9D3118D0-C3E2-470E-971E-74087726D7D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyre not going to “eradicate” anything but the ability for average consumers to freely use AI.

But that’s what you Russians want innit? Letting everyone have AI is bad for the oligarchs. Letting only the oligarchs have AI is the future of Russian and Chinese propaganda.

>> No.6446702

oh shut up nigger no one is buying your shit

>> No.6446719 [DELETED] 
File: 2.64 MB, 1824x3616, 77362C52-36C7-432B-B20C-995C14D9AC5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post passport gook

Also what does this mean? Nobody is buying my jerkoff ai nude X-rays that I make as a goof?

Not to mention how is this not projecting? What art are you selling? What income are you currently making that is going to be lost because of AI?

What income are you making that isn’t in Russian rubles?

>> No.6446726
File: 157 KB, 1170x919, AIlmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agh what the fuck is that image holy shit

>> No.6446727

Take your meds Jimmy.

>> No.6446730


>> No.6446743
File: 180 KB, 805x1582, E5565E1B-2510-4505-B45A-40D3E0AC9C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out under her dress she had some hand feet working on a hoverboard

>> No.6446750 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 2048x2912, 066FEC28-3FDC-480B-84B6-DFA7EE4BFF0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that in your first language

>> No.6446782

if that's a hoverboard on the above pic then whoever designed it has no sense of taste or design whatsoever. The machine designs like fucking shit. Not even talking about the hands/hand-feet no more, those are fucked no matter what you do, but fucking up the rest is laughable too.

>> No.6446783
File: 6 KB, 224x225, 1520256995183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hands for feet
This is some nightmare fuel ngl

>> No.6446786

The only thing you are automating is schitzoposting.

>> No.6446799

2 weeks more to eradicate sirs

>> No.6446820


>> No.6446872



>> No.6446897
File: 363 KB, 512x512, 1671325678427480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adobe, Disney, and others are more than happy to work towards taking this technology out of reach of common people.

You think they'll ban it in-house?
Disney research releases a ton of ML related papers, they fucking love AI art.

You've been played for absolute fools

>> No.6446914

>Adobe, Disney, and others are more than happy to work towards taking this technology out of reach of common people.
Fuck anon! Im convinced! Calling off the lawsuits now!

>> No.6446917
File: 252 KB, 1001x1280, FkRq7vlXkAM9j9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446926

You've revealed your hand, you don't care about the ethics of it at all. You just don't want people to use the magic image machine because you're a spiteful little cunt.
Anyhow it doesn't matter, all of this has already been settled. Web scraping is OK. And even if US courts make some kind of over-reaching, unenforcable shenanigan law, the rest of the world is not compelled to follow suit.
The places that are supporting this "anti-AI" nonsense are the places with artists as customers. Big surprise there. But go ahead and put some more money into the NFT grifter's gofundme, pay that lobbyist's salary.

>> No.6446934

I use Stable Diffusion but wish for all the people on the left side to be violently murdered

>> No.6446946

this >>6446934
and also, the right side is very disingenuous. Should be full of people drawing anime and detailed eyes.

>> No.6446947

Ai niggers deserve the rope.

>> No.6446961

Uhm... Guys? The AI... They came from, behind..

>> No.6446966
File: 656 KB, 828x821, fc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6446968

Tranny mod power tripping, always happens.

>> No.6446973

Imagine typing all that and me not reading
Get sued
Get disgorged
Bend the knee

>> No.6447018

>The board unironically thinks that corporations will not be further developing Artistic AI for themselves and their projects.

Don't get me wrong, your luddite movement, if it takes off, may prevent normies from typing images of Pikachu with a laser rifle, but it's not going to stop what's happening. Technology is only going to go forwards, and professional companies will further develop AI Art which will eventually not only be indistinguishable from human art, but will utilise so many image examples that it will be virtually impossible to pin-point any actual copyright infringement without having a deep dive into the companies files (which they won't let anyone do).
The US in particular is slow on regulation crypto on all things, which has rugged every other fortnight. Lawmakers won't be touching AI for a while, and by the time they do, it'll be too late.

>> No.6447024

>your luddite movement
stopped reading there
Tell it to the judge

>> No.6447039

What signs, if any, are there that the US Government is making a move on this?

>> No.6447047

I like ai and I'm happy they banned ai assets from the store because all that was being posted were shitty bg packs, nothing has been lost for me.

If anything, it makes it easier for me to find brushes I want to use on my normal work.

>> No.6447054

>mention that im getting more comms lately to a friend
>instantly says "uh.. ai art is kind of good though" out of nowhere
I hate this alternate universe so much.

>> No.6447062

Ok, not slap together but melt together and then refine it. Is that better? Search for patterns it was trained on from existing artwork, and then create these patterns in the image, but slightly fucked up or inflenced by the other patters. Basically taking the average face and then trying to find it in noise, making variations to that learned pattern that finds it best in the picture. I know it is more complicated, so complex that not even the people working on it know how it works, because the whole pattern recognition thingy is black box with word prompts put in, then images chugged out and the various virtual neurons randomly edited so that the patter recognition would match better the training data to the prompt. The concept of sad person kneeling is finding pattern that looks kinda like Keanu Reaves sitting sad, and with some influences of other pictures. The artstyle of a person is the painting put in minus the described contents of the painting. It is derivative in the purest way imaginable, not even thinking about its derivativeness like human artist would do, but just blindly finding corresponding patterns to the words given. It creates beautiful images, but they are ultimately soulless. You cannot find the soullessness in the best AI pictures, but you feel it once you find out it was made by AI, and once you learn how the AI works. It is blasphemous aberration larping as human creativity, and larping within each day better and better. Machine that is truly creative or at least creative in the same way humans are is possible to make, but we are pretty far off from it. Not saying it wont be made within out lifetimes, but it will be made once bookwriters, archeologists, 3D artists and engineers will be automated. Right now it is just machine maximising aesthetics, but when asked to do design that makes sense, it fails because it cannot think, or at least not the image generators.

>> No.6447063

>digital artists
thinking before you speak, retard

>> No.6447064
File: 1.36 MB, 1820x1820, a37a739622f11d2faba5305e22b044d84337da80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is my robot waifu will soon be a reality? About fucking time.

>> No.6447066


Why does it need "soul"?

>> No.6447068

>I am not luddite! I use a horse instead of my feet!

>> No.6447069

>same 3-segmented pajeet shill post
You faggots are so obvious. Also, Disney and their affiliated companies have had access to the top ML generator tech for roughly 4 decades. They still don't use it outside of getting rid of screen noise/artifacts because they know it looks like shit for anything else and causes more problems than it solves.

>> No.6447070
File: 230 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1659985893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More such cases in the future.
The humans will accuse and attack eachother, seeing the presence of AI in their shadows.
Some will be AI of course but not all.

>> No.6447072


Then, if it looks bad, it shouldn't be a threat to artists, right?

>> No.6447075

stop making analogies, retard. technology """"advancement"""" (lmao) for the sake of it is retarded NPC mentality. the horse vs car analogy is pure stupidity, because cars are an improvement, while the only thing that """"AI"""" """""""""art""""""""" brings to the table is the ruination of art and the degeneration of humanity

>> No.6447078


How does it ruin art?

>> No.6447079

AIfags literally believe nobody knows else anything about the tech or art industries.

>> No.6447083


>> No.6447085
File: 703 KB, 2048x1536, 1666293744527880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stupid fucking nigger, don't pretend you're a newfag and haven't been told for months how AI ruins art. you have examples right here in the thread. it enables unskilled subhuman tech fags like you to steal the art of artists and shit out pure soulless garbage to flood image archive sites with it. among a million of other things, like tricking people into making them believe that you're the author of pictures. no, I don't care about NPC excuse #5242 that has been repeated for the 60341'th time

>> No.6447086

that really does seem like a (You) problem

>> No.6447087


So, the bad thing about it is that it allows other people who haven't developed the skills you have to create images of similar to higher quality, and you are upset about it?

>> No.6447088

>10 years from AGI

>> No.6447089

Cause I get disgusted from soulless stuff meant to appeal to me. I am not an artist, I am consumer. I only consume media with weird backstory behind it, media I can analyze and think about. AI art is just pretty picture, even if it had fun details, I know they are not intended, I know they are combination of weird pattern mishap from the AI or downright artefact. I intentionally seek our weird fetishes because the artists there are really creative with the ways to become deprived, and show genuine problem solving. I like monster designs that have process of their creation hidden in their design, be it come artificial way of crafting abominations trough various ways, or speculative evolution giving each bodypart their porpoise and thought, even if the artist is lowkey dumbass who does not understand biology enough to make something truly convincing. AI will attempt to make some dragon raptor, but only because it saw million dragon raptors before and tries to imitate them, not because the AI thought how to evolve dragon from a raptor. Soul is muddy term because it means like 50 individual things that are barely related, but this one aspect I am talking about is not present in any AI creation, and will not be until we figure out new ways of making AI generated images that are not just pattern searching in noise.

>> No.6447090

what does "AI art" bring to the table that it warrants a colossal comparison with "horses vs cars", and the effect of cars on society

>> No.6447091
File: 883 KB, 2304x2304, 1663629344967443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does it ruin art?
because even though it's shit and will never replace real human-made art it's simultaneously too good and will replace human made art, don't you see?

And the smokescreen in front of it all is the Serious Concern about how the models were trained.
What a circus!

>> No.6447093


Nothing, it just makes pretty pictures like a camera does.

>> No.6447099


Fair enough. I don't see much of a difference since nice pictures are nice pictures, but somehow you don't and I hope you find it easier to avoid ai generated images in coming time.

>> No.6447098

Mostly those retarded fucks calling themselves artist because they pressed a button.

>> No.6447100


>> No.6447101


What's your opinion on photography and photographers calling themselves artists?

>> No.6447102

You need to zoom out from AI art specifically to see that it's about the efficacy of these machine learning techniques in general.
I think there was a pivotal moment when Master was released into online go games, and then when AlphaGo played against Lee Sedol in 2016.
What we're seeing now with "ai art" is just another aspect of that trajectory

>> No.6447104

>because even though it's shit and will never replace real human-made art it's simultaneously too good and will replace human made art, don't you see?
Like 3DCG is better and never looks off in 2D works, right?
People know for sure that companies are going to cut corners even if the final product is going to suffer.
Why you retards can't argue in good faith for one second.

>> No.6447105

you're not creating anything. you're consuming an image generated by the computer. this is the truth, even if you like doing that you should realize that this is what happens. but even if what you said was true, the fact that you want to relegate art to be as effortless as a child shitting in a potty, that is indeed a bad thing. art already suffers from oversaturation, this will make it even worse. but more importantly, you are promoting mental laziness. this is beyond degenerate, you people unironically push for the idea that humans should stop thinking and become these mindless drones that wander the earth and no longer need to engage mentally because machines will do everything for us

>> No.6447106

So you are envious that you sunk years of your life learning it, but they were able to achieve better result than you without all these years and still get to call themselves artists?

>> No.6447107


That doesn't ruin art, that ruins capitalistic products meant for a consumer to buy and enjoy.

>> No.6447109

I wasn't even that anon you were arguing with.
I just disproved your retarded argument.

>> No.6447110

Same way a retard would call themselves a chef when all they have done is microwave half burnt hotpockets.

>> No.6447111

I just like that I can press a button and get a pretty picture. I agree that those pushing for humans to stop thinking in general have bad opinions, though that doesn't seem to be what most people here are saying.

>> No.6447113
File: 49 KB, 306x585, prompteur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't achieve anything. they used an image generator. the envy is from AIfags against artists, seething that they never had the mental fortitude to learn how to make art and now pretend they're artists because they instantly want to be like the ones they envy

>> No.6447114



>> No.6447116

I imagine you smugly saying this while heating something from a can on a stovetop.
You see where I'm headed with that

>> No.6447117

You don't know anything about photography either, do you?

>> No.6447118

Anon, these same retards are born from social media like insta. What did you expect?

>> No.6447119

>I just like that I can press a button and get a pretty picture
how? that is what I and many others do every day since 2011. I press buttons and get pretty pictures from other people. why do you need "AI" for that, especially since it produces inferior quality pictures and unoriginal ideas?

>> No.6447120

more parameters in making AI art than there are settings for an SLR camera

>> No.6447123

to be honest, I never expected social media 12 years ago. I hate what the internet has become

>> No.6447125

I like that you're consistent with your hatred of "press button get pretty picture"

I know that some photographers take a lot of thought and effort into setting up the composition and lighting for the perfect shot, while others just take a picture and go.

Similar to how some prompters put more effort into their ai generations while others just press a button for a picture and go.

>> No.6447126

Yeah but they can still call themselves artists and what can you do about it. Moreover I really doubt they are envious of anything, especially given they are in the better position currently, with not having anything to lose, and getting what they want with minimal effort

>> No.6447127

Dont listen to >>6447085. He is genuinely retarded. Let me give you better reason why it destroys art.

It destroys art because AI does not follow your vision perfectly. It does not work like brush, be it digital or physical. It works like commission artist. Yes, Stable Diffusion is rough around the edges and requires good prompting to give you good results, but those problems are already being worked on. Just because you are using shitty models that requires skill to produce anything good does not mean the whole hobby/activity itself requires a skill. Guys on /sdg/ I would probably consider artists, or at least skilled craftsmen, but not people who use midjourney with 5 word prompts.
Basically, the reason why it is killing art is because the machine is creative FOR YOU. You are not the one doing most of the creative labour, you are the one suggesting it how to be creative. You might argue that it is still just the bottom line of creativity, and that it does not matter, but that is again just question of really short time. Chatbots can and are already trained on improving your prompts, soon they will do 3D models, then animation, then story writing, and then even the director putting it all together will be replaced. You will replace the whole human element from art and make it 100% machine manufactured thing. This is different from bucket tool or ctrl-z. Bucket tool is not requiring in any creativity or skill, ctrl-z is not doing work for you, just preventing you from fucking up, they are not comparable.

Hope you finally understand now why we think it is actively killing art and not improving it. Everything AI can do humans were able to do too with enough skill.

>> No.6447130

Even though im not doing that shit, retard. The difference is that im not proclaiming i have Culinary skills by doing shit anyone with half a brain cell can do.

>> No.6447131

I press a button, and the ai gives me a pretty picture. That's how.

I don't "need" ai for it, it's just convenience.Just like how I don't "need" an artist for a picture when I could just learn to draw it myself.

>> No.6447136 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 472x904, 52E0BE2B-E119-45C0-9233-EE90B419EBD0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of this response seeming like it’s from an AI posting a generic response lol. TFW foreign oligarchy shills are worse at shitposting than chat AI

>> No.6447138

>need" an artist for a picture when I could just learn to draw it myself.
But you don’t draw, you’re another no draw ai shitter like the rest of em.

>> No.6447139

Thank you for providing a well thought out argument.

I in fact agree with a good portion of what you have said; The "necessary" human element to art is being pushed out of capitalist environments, and in plain ones too; Little thought and effort has to be put into "press button, get pretty picture", and despite being an artist myself, I find it difficult to pick out what's truly ai and what's simple human error sometimes. And I find myself wondering "why should I care?", which I believe is the exact concern a lot of artists have; We should care about the 'human' element.

>> No.6447142

lol mad

>> No.6447143

You shall not pass!

>> No.6447150
File: 242 KB, 828x745, 8D799B6F-D2E1-4122-831B-07AFB3FD5216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really doubt they are envious of anything,
Hahahahahaha that’s the biggest cope i seen from you ai shitters.

>> No.6447153
File: 235 KB, 828x621, 0562512C-46A8-4733-8ED1-0883C916443C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447154

When are we going to get a general for sharing AI art on /ic/?

>> No.6447157

there's /g/

>> No.6447158

Reminder that we're being literally raided by /pol/ who have been relentlessly spamming this AI shit to own the "libs".
Spot engaging in this shitty low effort bait threads.
/g/ doesn't want this shit either.

>> No.6447160

Whenever someone makes one and those who join actually quarantines themselves to that thread and that thread only.

And then it'd require other /ic/ people to leave them alone, which we know they won't. They'll prod the beast and they'll spill out and infect the rest of the threads to be # annoying.

so basically >>6447157

>>6447158 is also right. Even the ai people don't want to be on /g/, they just don't have a better hub to go to.

>> No.6447162

>Reminder that we're being literally raided by /pol/ who have been relentlessly spamming this AI shit to own the "libs".
Retard. The people most affected by this is chuds. We are moving towards a world where Libs can generate whatever propaganda they want, while chuds have to commission real artists.

>> No.6447163
File: 325 KB, 925x500, ailebad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447164

This is exactly why creatives shouldn't even consider these cretins a concern. Even if there were a literal magical button that generates every asset needed for them to make whatever animation/manga/video game they want they would STILL be too lazy to put in the remaining 1% of effort to make the thing work. They are consoomers and will continue consooming our hard work as soon as they realize they don't want to put any effort into making something good.

>> No.6447165 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 1531x572, 04FC95B7-7FA3-4545-B9DB-241527778891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I think is most funny is how all of the shills for attacking US copyright laws, and doxxing AI journalists and telling people to murder them, and endlessly spamming these culture war threads are:

A: Not artists. Not aspiring artists. Have literally no actual interest in art production or making a living as an artist. They don’t post art work because the work they’re doing here is entirely unrelated to art.

B: Not westerners. Struggle to speak English, yet have US copyright law saved and ready to spam at a moments notice.

C: Happen to be all becoming more and more agitated and aggressive about encouraging violence and terrorism in the west as things get worse and worse for the Russian oligarchy. Weird how that works.

Anyone among the the “we need to radicalize against AI and do violence upon AI proponents that are ITTs that are capable of proving they aren’t posting from some Russian shithole?

>> No.6447167

take your meds

>> No.6447168

Twitterfags and normies with iq around 80 are those envious of people with time and effort. /g/fags say this thing just to present shitty arguments. /g/fags know very well that this is not just a tool, or at least tool to anybody creative. This is creativity replacer, and a great tool for anybody who refuses to pay somebody, so they will just get AI to make it for them. We are not complaining that we don't get paid from them, the problem is that they will rather push this bullshit just to not pay or to dodge globohomo propaganda. We dont give a fuck about monetary gain from them or the fact that they hate globohomo, its all about the lengths and effort to create something destructive and support it just so that they wont have to pay an artist.

>> No.6447171

>Retard. The people most affected by this is chuds. We are moving towards a world where Libs can generate whatever propaganda they want, while chuds have to commission real artists.
/pol/tards are too stupid even to realize that, the thread I linked is not even the only one where /pol/ shills AI art.

>> No.6447172

Fucking kek

>> No.6447176

Chuds grew thickskinned to globohomo propaganda. They are winning here because they will no longer have to buy or engage with globohomo artists and media. They will just culturally isolate themselves with their imagined self made AI stuff.

>> No.6447182

Watching artists seethe and dilate is a really recreational activity though, as they realize they are getting fucked over and can't do anything about it, and I'll support AI just because it makes artists tear their hair out
Also I don't get the point with envy about effort, it's only logical to envy someone that found a shortcut, that let them reduce amount of effort they had to put in, not someone who decided to be inefficient and waste his life

>> No.6447189 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 400x300, 895BCE43-D19C-44F4-AF4C-B335B299FFEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Like this nigger is just a living AI response bot.















Telling people on 4chan to take meds has literally always been nigger Russian messaging strategy that didn’t really exist as a canned response on 4chan until right after Putin Pedofil got sanctioned in 2014.

Then suddenly a bunch of culture wars foreigners start invading shrieking about SJWs and telling everyone else to take meds.






>take meds



It’s a nigger Russian telling you to.

Hey whats the suicide rate in for people in your age group in your country? Is it the worst in the world?

>> No.6447191


The point is now you don't have a skill that you could've had if you put the effort into having it. Yes, the ai can make pretty pictures, but somehow all pcs and electronics stopped working all at the same time with no hope of recovery, you wouldn't be able to make a pretty picture.

I think it's a retarded argument but I at least get where they're coming from.

>> No.6447192

How can they be an artist if they do not own copyright of their supposed work?

>> No.6447195

take your meds

>> No.6447197

Idk ask those dogs and elephants people taught to paint how they're considered artists.

>> No.6447198 [DELETED] 
File: 916 KB, 1833x2048, 552E4F25-E088-4170-8CB2-AC6C179D478D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while I ruin their agitprop threads.

>> No.6447200

>Also I don't get the point with envy about effort, it's only logical to envy someone that found a shortcut
No shit, you’re a sub 70 IQ npc retard. Yeah a shortcut of being a chef is warming up tv dinner, or a random shitter using steroid to get fit, now a dumbass thinking they are a game dev by copying others shit in a site called scratch.

>> No.6447201

If all electronics stopped working, I'd have bigger issues than not being able to draw. What if I don't care about the skill itself, and I simply want the end result? Why'd I torture myself with long years of hard practice when there's a way to skip all that, and save you long hours of your life?

>> No.6447202
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, 642d9629e83bb5898472436bf0b62a99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AIfags get outskilled by dogs

>> No.6447203

the terms of usage of stable diffusion say that all generated images belong to the user, so you do own them

>> No.6447204

Techies said that in 1998.
How long ago was 1998?
The only difference between then and now is the hardware needed to get the exact same result.

>> No.6447205 [DELETED] 
File: 388 KB, 1771x1193, 1DF38957-B8D3-4EF3-A5EE-9B7C53882F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]











>> No.6447207

You don't have to, that's why ai art is a good thing.

It's a bad thing because it's making some people stop learning the skill because they can get the end result with just the click of a button, which isn't good for culture or whatever.

Something can be bad and good at the same time

>> No.6447209

Then suffer and don’t do it you retard fuck.

>> No.6447211

And babies, and anyone that creates something that another person calls "art"

and aifags themselves I guess since their stuff is called art too.

>> No.6447214

if anything its warming up grande cuisine, tv dinner is what /ic/ produces, the end result is that i'm still eating better food than you are, and you just wasted hours of your life like the faggot you are

>> No.6447215

if someone creates an artistic image, they are an artist. If they do so using AI, they could be called an AI artist. It's very simple.

>> No.6447223 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 2176x2048, 31048CF0-6A92-4A7B-8B90-68C95C49208A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the only time a single one of the aggressive anti AI fags have actually posted their art it was terrible political cartoons and AI art posted “ironically.”

































>> No.6447225
File: 322 KB, 681x500, 1672433489748553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447227

And if someone cooks food, they are a cook artist. And if a hooker gives a blowjob, they are a sex artist. Road worker dumping cement? Yep, road artist. Teacher teaching math to 1st graders? He sure is doing a thing! Teach artist!


>> No.6447228

Neither kept the girl's original look, therefore both are shit

>> No.6447229

>ai model uses copyrighted works without licensing them
>can't sell output for profit
all those minutes dedicated to becoming an expert prompter, making thousands of futanari horsecock coom waifus... gone, like tears in rain...

>> No.6447230

>Why is it that dung eaters love eating dung but normal people call them disgusting degenerates?
It will remain a mystery.

>> No.6447232

Yeah! That's exactly it! I'm glad you understand.

>> No.6447233
File: 12 KB, 704x234, AIPromptersAreImageRemixers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before & I'll say it again: Prompters are not artists

>> No.6447235

The argument is that AI does not understand shit. If you tell it to make horsecock futa (without feeding it horsecock futa hentai as training material) it will give you girl with horse for a cock, or similar failure.

>> No.6447236

So you're creating your images for profit instead of for the joy of creating? Sad.

>> No.6447240

Yeah but neither result kept the important details of the woman; (purple hair, blue eyes, the outfit) so why is one better than the other? Neither's what I wanted.

>> No.6447242

yeah and I can say my pink sauce cures diabetes, doesn't mean it's legal or true.

>> No.6447243

That point is a 50/50, since it all depends on how the model was trained. The google video gen AI needs to "understand" concepts to properly be able to animate them, several of image gen networks also understand concepts, that's why when you ask for a red ball behind a green cone you'll get exactly that, since it understands what it means to be behind something

>> No.6447245

OK. Yo dawg, you trippin'. Pop them pills to get yo head straight.

>> No.6447246

it is legal since it's the creator of the model and the software giving you full ownership of the generated thing, there's noone in the chain that can say otherwise

>> No.6447247

>If I tape a banana to a wall, I am an artist. It's very simple.

>> No.6447249

Yes, that's exactly it! I'm glad you understand.

>> No.6447250

>there's noone in the chain that can say otherwise
The US government?

>> No.6447252

By your logic, the anon in >>6447192 wrote your post.

>> No.6447253

Come over to my stall, I'm giving you blank T-shirts and Nike stickers, any shirt you create has your full ownership!

>> No.6447255

Yea I agree. It was spamming you tags and I’m glad they are gone.

>> No.6447256
File: 142 KB, 1457x773, WeirdCubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Image gens understand what behind and in front is? I have not yet seen a single instance where image generator managed to understand what spacial dimensions are. Not even the google AI making videos undestands any of these concepts, which is why you see elephants walking around with their legs phasing trough eachother. Even the newer studies in interpolation still fail with legs because of this reason. Maybe this is the reason why hands will forever remain as giveaway for AI art, or at least for a while.

>> No.6447258

Terrific, bananafags never belonged on /ic/ and neither do techies. Though to the bananafags defense they can at least copyright their nonsense.

>> No.6447259

AI really deserves its own board because it comes with a broad range of genres including art, literature, music, tech, etc. Mods should really make an /ai/ board to keep the shills contained.

>> No.6447262

Yeah, I hate when people define art in a different way than me, they should all leave so only my ideal form and definition of art remains.

>> No.6447263

what the article is talking about has been proven to be about the ai itself claiming ownership, as it isn't a human, you can still claim the ownership of what ai has generated on behalf of it

>> No.6447264

Redpill me on this. Is the cube test the ultimate filter?

>> No.6447267

This but unironically

>> No.6447268

You damn know well if something like that is made, it will actually be more dead than /i/. No one gives a shit about ai garbage, not even ai shittlets themselves.

>> No.6447270

You don't own shit because you don't have the power to enforce respect for your ownership.

You're a wagie and will die in the cagie.

>> No.6447271

Good, give them a dedicated shitting board.

>> No.6447275

Yeah, that's why your art was scraped and put into an ai, you don't have the power to enforce respect for your ownership.

Enjoy joining the wagies in their cagies.

>> No.6447276

Let's say I want to create a lobster knight. I have a very specific image in my head of what it looks like, and with enough artistic skill, or hell even with permabeg skills, I could get that idea out and show someone else. What would an AI produce?
I want it to be a man wearing a lobster-themed armor, not a lobster with a sword and a shield. and I don't want the armor to be red and crustacian-y, I want it made of real metal plates, silver-colored. Can an AI be specified that far? Also, I don't want it to just look like it has a lobster strapped on its back, I mainly want a tail of plates hanging from behind, and claw-reminiscing shoulderpads, rest of the armor would look fairly standard. Maybe helmet would have some sort of antennae. Also, below the breastplate and covering the stomach, you'd see chainmail, just to fuck extra with AI sucking at intricate, repeated patterns.
AI in my experience just sucks at realizing things with a bit of imagination like that, it's good at replicating generic shit (dark souls knight, cute woman in painterly style, anime garbage), or accidentally generating abstract and crazy things that can potentially look good, but if you have an outlandish concept in your head that looks a very specific way, it's gonna fucking struggle even understanding what you want, and never get an accurate enough result.

>> No.6447277

Ai music is still just generic random music with no control because you cannot describe music well. The thing that jumpstarted AI art was CLIP, which is basically just a technique of tagging images and then using those tags as prompts when generating those images. Literature will not be automated for long time because chatbots are too retarded to follow a story for more then few pages, and that is in their core design. They will have to invent new chatbot model that can actually remember abstract concepts like people do before they automate long text writers. Right now it is nothing but images since they are easy to describe, and then also super short videos. I imagine that video generation will not work like Stable Diffusion purely because of how difficult it is to produce them in computational terms. Consumer hardware will no longer improve, or improve but require bigger and more energy consuming hardware, since we are reaching the physical limits of making smaller transistors. However big companies will continue to improve their hardware by buying up neuromorphic chips, analog computing, and other, something too expensive and too useless for consumers since all they can do is run AIs and such.

>> No.6447278
File: 418 KB, 590x648, AIArtVsArtists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI users are image remixers, much like people who make fakes & edits. You need pre-existing art for the AI artbots to work. You could classify all AI art as edits & fakes. I tried explaining this to the poojeets on /g/ & they just go on a seething rage then start moving the goal posts. Fucking pajeets man.

>> No.6447280

>Can an AI be specified that far?


>> No.6447281

>AI can't even succeed at basic prebeg fundies exercise
Holy shit AI NGMI

>> No.6447282

>muh wagie muh cagie

>> No.6447283

so... they make art?

>> No.6447284

Then proompt it and post it, faggot, it better look exactly like I imagine.

>> No.6447285
File: 88 KB, 639x884, drawabox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people rejected his message
>They hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.6447286

>completly two different images
>undeniable proof
are people really this desperate? shit like that would never hold in any court

>> No.6447287

I don't want to. You should download the program and make it yourself, or pay an artist to create what you want for you.

If you pay me tho sure, I'll do it for you.

>> No.6447289
File: 45 KB, 488x488, 1571169534028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Similar compositions is now theft
Will the next "art theft" claim be from painting with the color blue just because you used the same hue?

>> No.6447290

Like you know anything on how court works, like art you shitter.

>> No.6447292

Are you kidding? It's exactly the same shit, just horizontally flipped and mixed with some lava garbage, can probably get it with img2img.
I know you poojeets are illiterate when it comes to art, but surely you can recognize basic shapes. Look a the thumbnail of >>6447278
the mirror is so fucking obvious it looks like a rorschach test

>> No.6447293

Yeah, that's kind of why I proposed the idea of an /ai/ board. There are AIs for coding, writing literature, music, & art. Soon there will be an AI that generates animations (you can bet it is in development). Honestly keeping that shit contained in it own board is for the best. There, anons can discuss whatever kinds of AIs they want. If the AI fries their motherboards, then it's not our problem.

>> No.6447294

retard I passed the bar

>> No.6447295

nta but have worked with neural networks for engineering purposes and tested some lightweight image generating ai out of curiosity. what happens is that during training, the networks associate combinations of pixels with keywords like image tags so when you give the trained ai a prompt, it tries to put together an image using the patterns it learned during training. it doesn't learn to associate the keywords with a physical phenomenon which is why ai have difficulty comprehending what "behind" means. also it can't comprehend something that isn't present in the training data so if "behind" isn't included in the training set then it wouldn't understand it to begin with.

one prominent error i've seen is ai generating images of people eating spaghetti where the ai generates a picture of someone holding a pile of spaghetti in their hands like they would a sandwich and eating it like that. basically the ai overgeneralizes a pose but doesn't have a concept of that being an incorrect way to eat a food

>> No.6447299

Yes, you clearly do not understand diffusion models. They look for patterns, learn them from the training data, and then search for these patterns in noise, and amplify them trough denoising. Basically the pattern recognition it learns is the image they generate, and the noise is just the random seed basically. It learns what hand is, what head is, how the composition of colors must look to be considered "masterpiece", how sharp looking and not blobby it is to be considered "photorealistic". They work it out by giving existing images prompts, and then let the AI generate random images and tweak the AI nodes, or "neurons" until it starts producing images that match or look like the training material when given these prompts. You cannot put "behind" as a tag to an image, and so on. This is why it fucks it up. Or there might be better explanation. This is what I understood from machine learning 101 and then also when seeing the tags on LAION.

>> No.6447300

Not really "art thief", more like "art edits". The AI version is much shittier & has a few minor changes compared to the original image on the right.

>> No.6447301
File: 149 KB, 350x300, 7fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is... LE DIFFERENT!
>you cannot le copyright design and composition!

>> No.6447302

Yeah, you have to get the base image made, and then go in with inpainting to get the ai to fix the mistakes it made. A lot of people don't bother with that, though.

>> No.6447304

So did amber heard’s attorney. What’s your point?

>> No.6447305

Or you may just call it referencing just as everyone else does.
Let me tell you about Illya K*vshinov.

>> No.6447309

both images depict different things, from the objects in the images, to the colours used and style, your brain simply sees vaguely similar shapes and considers it the same thing
on a side note checked the twitter profile of the person in screenshot and holy shit I feel bad for them, imagine spending day after day seething

>> No.6447314

>imagine spending day after day seething
You don't have to imagine, just spend five minutes on /ic/ kek.

>> No.6447318
File: 101 KB, 777x382, AIDiffusionProcessDiagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neural networks
Aka "data science" with machine learning. As someone with a CS degree with a passion for art, & I know exactly what you are describing

It's an algorithm. See pic-related. The algorithm tries to dissects & analyze the art, including shading, highlighting, line width, etc. It uses machine learning to generate those images. I have not seen the source code, but if I had to guess, this is the exact approach the poos are using making the AI artbots.

>> No.6447319
File: 53 KB, 751x853, 2241561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn AI prompters, using AI to steal and design car brand logos!

>> No.6447322

I am not talking about the copyright. I'm talking about the images in the tweet as an example. The AI version is obviously shittier than the original.

>> No.6447325

sorry... which one's the original?

>> No.6447326
File: 22 KB, 602x258, 26122161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could AI people do this?

>> No.6447328

I have used those. I have used Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, CrAIon, even Dall-E 2. None of them can do it, none of them can be even tiny fucking bit specific. Even if I specify it to generate me female merman, it gives me mermaids. Even if I specify I need 2 legs and make it look amphibian, it still generates mermaids. AI cannot be specific enough to do that. If you can do it, then show it. I have talked to many people on AI generating discords and looked at their work, everyone knows it cannot do specific stuff. Even as a img2img it fuck up at specific stuff. I have posted many challanges, requests and so on on many boards in many threads, never got anything. I even made Prompthrea/d/ on /d/, alternative to /d/rawthread where skilled prompters do requests, nobody showed up on that thread so after week of no activity or images being posted, I asked mods to delete it. So post it, the burden of proof is on you fag.

>> No.6447329

The AI makes the art. Not the prompter.

>> No.6447332

skill issue

>> No.6447333

The one that looks better

>> No.6447335

so the one on the left, ty.

>> No.6447337

Skill issue nobody ever gave me proof AI can be specific, ever.

>> No.6447340

Yeah, humans can never get my specific requests right too, and then they try to charge me for revisions! It's insane. I'm glad that ai lets me try an infinite amount of times, for free even!

>> No.6447342
File: 190 KB, 1000x1409, 1576265159883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You now realize /ic/ and the vast majority of Artists are closeted corporate bootlicker
Now it all makes sense why there's such an outcry to ban,censor or regulate Ai it's so conglomerate big wigs can have full reign of the tool and leave the little man having to spend a Shekel just so he can express himself with an idea. For a board that pirates and is extremely liberal for free use on proprietary Nintendo/Disney characters, software, and instructional resources it comes with a bit of a surprise to see a complete 180 turn as soon as an open sourced program allows anybody to create illustrations. Goddamn hypocrites.

>> No.6447343

>why should anything be hard
literal subhuman

>> No.6447347
File: 115 KB, 1157x754, 1665269414083001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't understand what INSPIRATION is anon

>> No.6447348
File: 917 KB, 338x208, why-not-both-why-not.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing art yourself

>> No.6447350

Sorry pajeet, but the right is the original. The left is AI trash. The clouds on the left look like they are melting into the land. There are flowers coming from the melting clouds which doesn't happen IRL.

No strawman fallacy can save you AI fags now. Just admit you're a hack who can't draw & be done already.

>> No.6447351

>not even the same pose
>only common thing is camera angle something wooden (of different colour) being on the side

>> No.6447352

When faced with being a corpo or a commie, well, better dead than red.

>> No.6447353

Sorry, I couldn't tell the difference between the two. ): they both look nice to me.

>> No.6447356

Sometimes you have to switch sides with your enemy when even worse enemy appears. Like how /pol/ started jumping on sides with nigger musician and the richest African American once they started being antisemitic.

>> No.6447357
File: 54 KB, 384x214, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447360

>Muh Inspiration
No one cares. Go defecate in a designated public street, pajeet

>> No.6447364

If you touchup AI art enough, it stops being Ai art. I dont think anybody on this board is against using AI as base or reference you draw over, or use it to make some generic background.

>> No.6447365
File: 2.91 MB, 500x500, AI flying city.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art is art, deal with it.

>> No.6447366

Where's the uproar? Where is the public outcry?

>> No.6447371
File: 338 KB, 1280x1280, IndianSoycuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All you are is a pathetic prompting bugman.

>> No.6447374

Great, now do it without trained images.

>> No.6447376

People can do whatever they want, but there's already more effective, controllable methods to produce reliable reference if you're actually wanting to produce something as opposed to just suckling on the imagen teat.

>> No.6447377

I am one of the reoccouring anti-AI fags, but this right here I pretty much support. You are making something yourself and using your creativity. I am mostly against the faggots who just put the raw result of AI on art website without even checking if it looks correct. This is why I always look for hands, not because AI fucks them up, but because it is also easy to fix them, so anybody with at least little bit of giving a fuck would fix them.

>> No.6447382

Looks like a chinese mobile game ad

>> No.6447383

then it won't be ai

>> No.6447384

your ad hominem gives me everything I need :)


>> No.6447385 [DELETED] 

>Foreigners screeching at foreigners about who should dictate and influence US law.

>> No.6447389
File: 2.64 MB, 1024x1024, 1661630359370526.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6447392

>this is the art quality of the people that hate AI

This is what I don’t understand. Like what are you worried about? You worried that a shitty art AI is come along and take your shill job?

>> No.6447395

>Law that says AI cannot learn on copyrighted work gets passed
>All AI models need to be retrained
>Take all the AI generated pictures and use them as the training data
>Give them all the prompts from the original dataset, generate them with older model, and then feed it to the newer model
>Still get the same quality images, but now they are also copyright allegations free

>> No.6447396
File: 273 KB, 716x592, AIPrompterStealsFromArtistStreaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI fucks up more than just limps. It fucks up backgrounds, architecture, etc. Everything made in AI seems to look worst, even when the prompters try to fix the mistakes of the artbots.

>> No.6447399

I enjoy human art despite its faults, why can't I enjoy ai art despite its faults?

>> No.6447400

They are better then people who learned seriously how to draw for a year. It will only get better in this aspect, like it does now

>> No.6447403

>every one of the final results still looks deformed and melted
AIjeets really are incompetent.

>> No.6447404

>taking a reference
>redrawing the reference and making something that looks way worse than original

>> No.6447408
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x512, AI faces.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that AI art/animation/music/CREATIVITY is slowing down or inhibited by law, you are absolutely adorable.

Even if they handicapped the general public's use of it somehow (unlikely), what do you think the future of jobs in those fields will be?
Imagine Disney:
>Ok, we have this artist, we own all the things they make, we have all the laws worked out so that we can legally train our own models on images we own .......
>Gee, should we keep them employed indefinitely, or train an AI and thank them for their year of employment?

>> No.6447407

2 more weeks sirs!

>> No.6447411

We got ourselves another one girls! Slaaaaaaaaaaay

>> No.6447413

This. It doesn't matter how companies try to contain this tech. It's just... over. It's over for art. O, v, e, r. Traditional art is still available, but I doubt we are more than 10 years from robots that paint physical pictures. You and I were just unlucky enough to be the last generation of human beings, before Silicon Valley replaced us with a rival race.

>> No.6447414

Requiring psd makes your atempts useless, no psd - no money.

>> No.6447416

>Loli & Shota General
Wouldn't it be easier to call it Pedophilia General

>> No.6447423

Because your AI art is shit. It seems to make less mistakes with permbeg tier art than pro tier art, & even then it's kind of soulless.

>They are better then people who learned seriously how to draw for a year.
Pajeet, you're English is terrible. Also no shit, that's because an artbot is doing the work. It's called automation. Being good at art takes years.

>> No.6447427

Disney could probably get people to just donate art for their own model and people would eat it up.
Especially if it was framed as a kind of "We the artists are going to show you how to do it right, techbros"

Wouldn't even have to pay that artist a year's salary with the line around the block begging to have their art included

>> No.6447428

Human art doesn't have to look good for me to enjoy it, ai art doesn't either.

Pretty's pretty, sorry man.

>> No.6447429

>Pajeet, you're English is terrible
Pajeet on pajeet crime.

>> No.6447434

You’re right, there are people in 3rd world shitholes that eat dirt/shit biscuits and prefer that instead of actual food.

>> No.6447437

Yeah, and that's fine. They can like what they like.

You're the one that's mad that people like something, and I think that's sort of sad. I hope you find something better to be upset about than the quality of art produced by someone.

>> No.6447440

>Human art doesn't have to look good for me to enjoy it
People with your mindset are precisely the reason why today's modern art looks like shit.

I'm not a pajeet

>> No.6447441

Isn't all of this shit supposed to be fun things?

>> No.6447442

>I'm not a pajeet
That's what a pajeet would say

>> No.6447444

Where do you think you are?

>> No.6447446

It's a shame you've decided modern creations "look like shit", but at least you have previous works of art to fall back upon and enjoy.

I'll keep enjoying what I like in the meantime, current and previous art.

>> No.6447447

Hey, you’re right. Nothing stopping them from consoooming literal shit, no need to point the obvious out.

>> No.6447449

I'm happy you've realized your own faults, maybe next time you'll keep your mouth shut while the adults talk.

>> No.6447451

/ic/, where we all screech at begs that we do art for fun, not for fame

>> No.6447453

Good to know, off you go to the kid’s table now, anon.

>> No.6447456

I'm already here since I'm still talking to you.

>> No.6447463

That's bullshit because those letters are perfect

>> No.6447464

Do you two want anything from kids menu?

>> No.6447467
File: 58 KB, 600x848, 1645746552067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all screech at begs that we do art for fun
Good one, no you're at a place where embittered gatekeeping zealots manage to create something that is completely free and accessible for anyone to use into a problem.

>> No.6447468

It wasn't our idea, AI shitter. Kikes took over the entertainment industry in the 1920s. Jews were the creators of post-modernism then threw out all standards that made art beautiful.

>> No.6447469

chickie nuggy!

>> No.6447470

It's always them. You never get anything for me! I hate you hmph!

>> No.6447472
File: 330 KB, 1187x847, 1671560788797662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok AI sisters, we will eventually win and take their jo-ACK

>> No.6447473

That's fine, you still have previous works to enjoy while I have the current and past to enjoy.

>> No.6447477

So you admit your problem with ai is that it is a threat to artistic jobs and profit instead of creativity


>> No.6447497

>ai shills still ACKing
Music to my ears…

>> No.6447502

Yeah that was kinda the point
I don't care much about this stuff but I find it funny that people are getting upset at a thing for no real reason

>> No.6447672 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 1024x710, Free hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image generators is like a slow working nerve agent inserted into the art world. It uses image recognition, preset categories and blending options to generate - But it can't be creative. It is limited by its source input. For those who think that eventually it will make its own sources, there will always be new area where it can't go.

People in the future who use those tools will realize those limitations too late in their life. You will see a lot of people who will grow up wanting to do art in the future who will have no reason to learn being an artist. Then they will settle with what they can do with image generators because making up for their limitations would require learning art skills from scratch.

Oh sure, people will cry about gatekeeping (nonsense as it is) but for every group that can not do AI art there will be a segment among them who would had become an actual artist but now wont.

The current generations that have learned art may be the last major art generations. The number of people who will put in the effort in the future are going to be very small compared to today. Skills will be lost and art will be generated mostly on works from the past. What a dreary future that awaits our children (Those few of you faggots who got any).

However fake photo realistic images and video will be impossible to tell apart from the real thing. The damage it will do to art will be nothing compared to what that will do to humanity at large.

>> No.6447681

Imagine 50 years from now when these programs will be obsolete for refusing to move on while everyone is using neuralink and living life at 200% brain capacity with direct communication to AI art. We will make art on the fly as we simply imagine. The future is near

>> No.6447685

stop being a gatekeeping transphobe

>> No.6447686
File: 85 KB, 1024x710, Free hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image generators is like a slow working nerve agent inserted into the art world. It uses image recognition, preset categories and blending options to generate - But it can't be creative. It is limited by its source input. For those who think that eventually it will make its own sources, there will always be new area where it can't go.

People in the future who use those tools will realize those limitations too late in their life. You will see a lot of people who will grow up wanting to do art in the future who will have no reason to learn being an artist. Then they will settle with what they can do with image generators because making up for their limitations would require learning art skills from scratch.

Oh sure, people will cry about gatekeeping (nonsense as it is) but for every group that can now do AI art there will be a segment among them who would had become actual artists but now wont.

The current generations that have learned art may be the last major art generations. The number of people who will put in the effort in the future are going to be very small compared to today. Skills will be lost and art will be generated mostly on works from the past. What a dreary future that awaits our children (Those few of you faggots who got any).

However fake photo realistic images and video will be impossible to tell apart from the real thing. The damage it will do to art will be nothing compared to what that will do to humanity at large.

>> No.6447707

People were saying the same a couple years back about deepfakes and the voice synthetization shit, and I've yet to see any non-meme attempts at ruin someone's reputation using them.

>> No.6447715 [DELETED] 

>using neuralink and living life at 200% brain capacity with direct communication to AI art
people on here just assault you with a literary patchwork of the stupidest shit you have ever heard and expect to be taken seriously
this is shit tier background sci-fi dialogue, how do you write shit like this out without feeling even a little bit embarrassed

>> No.6447720
File: 238 KB, 625x657, 1602483915382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447721

Wait 20-30 years. Those tools will eventually become accessible to the average consumer in a quality where it can be done. It may be something as simple as hardware advancing allowing what used to be a limited tool to be used for more advanced stuff. Eventually such code will also become open source.

>> No.6447733
File: 3.98 MB, 858x6836, d4r8zy8vjrt31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How comfy life in ze pod must be

>> No.6447737

they don't create anything tho.

>> No.6447739

>they can still call themselves artists
they can also call themselves women

>> No.6447740

True, you hit the button and nothing happens.

>> No.6447743

I haven't left my bedroom for 7 years anon, at least then I would be able to VR, current VR is nauseating

>> No.6447745

they've hit the button, that's it. they haven't created

>> No.6447748
File: 112 KB, 1825x361, reply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See image

>> No.6447750

Yeah, photographers haven't created anything, I agree.

>> No.6447752

I'm sorry your life is shit. Not everyone has shit lives nor should they be dragged down to your shit level.

>> No.6447761

yeah, you're getting it?

>> No.6447765

I'm glad we both agree photography's as much of art as ai is. I fucking hate photographers.

>> No.6447771

I don't know if you fags are being ironic but a good photographer know more about composition and lighting than most /ic fags. Their skills in those areas is what makes photography art.

>> No.6447774

This has been DEBOONKED.

>> No.6447782
File: 318 KB, 587x817, AI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, which is why the retard ITT saying AGI is right around the corner is wrong.

>> No.6447796

genocide all ai tards

>> No.6447805

Sir Penrose explained it human brains don't compute so analogies to computers are incorrect.

>> No.6447862

Lol you sound a bit mad there little buddy, you can't stop it and this isn't even a minor obstacle

>> No.6447874

how can people with no artistic talent do artistic projects?

>> No.6447879

no it isnt

>> No.6448545

You are the one with the idea everyone will live in a pod, at least I would be able to finally "go out" of my room without the need to pay extra to my caretaker

>> No.6449111

If they did, they'd worry about these companies gatekeeping their little toy to where only the very artists they hate have access to the best version of it. Sure, they'll be able to play with that tool; but it'll be integrated with an environment that expects the prompters to have actual skill beyond struggling with the lasso tool.
Knowing Adobe, they'll add in/outpainting improvements that can only be fully utilized with a pressure sensitive tablet. These prompters will struggle because that means they'll actually have to move their arm, pushing the boundaries of their LARP. Otherwise, they'll find that their results will be left to be desired and actually look worse than Nijijourney.
They'll run back to the lower-grade generators, which will be even further reduced to McArtwork level thanks to these new, even more gatekept, tools.
If this sounds convoluted, I'm old enough to be around for the digital art arguments. A lot of people who suddenly thought they'd be better art are due to digital tools actually produced a lot of hideous crap and ended up tapping out as the tools got better and catered towards those who could utilize it at the highest capacity. /trads/ who snubbed digital art found out that digital could help them plan layouts, alter sketches, make transfers easier, archive their work, and make selling prints much more efficient as they scanned and edited their own work.
The prompters are burning through everything and accelerating the inevitable. I hope they enjoy it while they can.

>> No.6449123
File: 119 KB, 771x1065, the-photographer-1438702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. More sliders means harder work. Right, fatty?

>> No.6449147
File: 77 KB, 750x564, 6ce35d10b5d3cbe179c93e973d8b8514630ebdb219ad380cac6fc06b43dfe925_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449152

it will replace lower level artists which prevents them from developing into high level artists

>> No.6449533

AI just made me hate Indians even more. If poos were removed from the industry, it would heal overnight.

>> No.6449728

so is every single spongebob meme

>> No.6449736

So are you saying that by drawing a picture I can then go after every picture that looks vaguely similar, claiming that they stole from me?

>> No.6449742

All you really need to know is that no one gave a shit while image generation was happening behind the closed doors of silicon valley techbro startups.
But as soon as it became possible on consumer hardware, it was suddenly a huge fucking problem.

>> No.6449751

are humans not "limited by source input"?
how far will you rally get without ever studying objects and styles or looking at reference?

>> No.6449767
File: 243 KB, 1196x757, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with this gotcha is that it is an issue that can be amended by spending 5 seconds in ms paint.
Obviously the amount of time and skill required goes up the more complex your motive and composition becomes, which just goes to show that the artists that haven't had their anus shattered over AI generated images will be able to take advantage of this tool way more than pure proomters.

>> No.6449768

are you aware that the person who created this meme stole the art from the spongebob TV show?

>> No.6449842

>is an issue that can be amended by spending 5 seconds in ms paint.
apply it to a more complex painting. the point is that the AI doesn't understand it.
>muh tool
at what point does the juice isn't worth the squeeze. The AI can only shit out renders. composition should come way before, it's amongst the initial steps of a piece.

>> No.6449892

are you aware I stole your mothers ass

>> No.6450886
File: 2.09 MB, 1536x1024, grid_0-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay to be afriad