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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 323 KB, 1202x1392, an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6446611 No.6446611 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to get ignored by popular artist and people on twitter?

Granted i know how it feels getting unwanted attention. but when a popular person creates a post asking a menial question? i expect a goddamn reply especially when i'm the first. And it's not just me, because my followers have noticed this too. since i reply back to every single comment. if i'm 24 hours late. i still reply back with at-least a "thank you".
If people don't want to acknowledged others then they should set their accounts to private.
i've checked the analytics and not even a profile visit. what's the point of even commenting anymore?. jesus christ.

>> No.6446616

I think some people just want to post art without the socializing. I follow japs that disable all comments.

>> No.6446627

Please don’t tell me that’s your list OP. That’s incredibly fucking lame.

>> No.6446629

twitter is fucked lamo

>> No.6446634


Fuck twitter and fuck you, OP. You >literally< can get way more attention on tictok, youtube, pixiv and instagram.

>> No.6446637

Japanese have actually commented back 90% of the time with a "Thank You" i haven't that yet.
Yes, it is. it's lame. but necessary.

>> No.6446639

So everyone who doesn't immediately respond to your needy message gets on your grudge list. That's some creepy psycho/incel/bunny boiler shit.

>> No.6446645

Make sure you don’t shoot up a school now.

>> No.6446646

Necessary for what? Continuing to focus on how insecure you are?

>> No.6446649

Excellent. I expect no less from a 4chan gold pass membership card promoter

>> No.6446653

You're an insecure little bitchlet snowflake that is projecting your own reasons for doing things onto others in an autistic manner.

You probably shouldn't be on the internet DESU you creepy little fuck.

>> No.6446660

Hey OP I’m sure after reading the responses to this thread you understand why people ignore you.

>> No.6446664

>Is it normal to get ignored by popular artist on the internet
Hardworkers invest time and energy, productivity(money/needs/family) of a professional depends on his mindset, they don't take the risk to have negative experiences with randomtard. Sensitive people have to put a distance. Also for legal reasons, it's easier to avoid madpeople when you're talking to no one.

>and people on the internet
NO. Loop above.

>> No.6446665

>i reply back to every single comment. if i'm 24 hours late. i still reply back with at-least a "thank you".
>i expect a goddamn reply especially when i'm the first.
This is a "you" problem. Just because you reply to every single person it doesn't mean others do and you being first doesn't make your reply special. With that attitude I would probably block you too.

>> No.6446669

Go ahead and block him. Who gives a shit.

>> No.6446670

It becomes common if you make rapid gains
I went from 500 followers to 14k in 8-ish months because of rapid gains and artists and people whom refused to interact suddenly had "details" about me that were completely made up and/or blocked me.
I don't use my social media handle anywhere else so I get to see someone post my art on discord and then some fucker will claim he's familiar with my and will talk shit.
It's crabs both ways; up and down. Just do your best to not let it get to you because the more popular you get the more noise you'll get for even the smallest of slipups.

>> No.6446674

>Who gives a shit.
OP gives a shit. That's why he made this thread and asked us. Are you stupid?

>Go ahead and block anonymous' twitter.
I guess you are stupid

I bet you are OP

>> No.6446676

Twitter broadcasts almost everything you do. I fucking loathe twitter for this reason, I just want my followers to see what they followed me for (the art I make), I don't want them to see my likes etc. Emperor Elon might un-fuck Twitter when it comes to this topic, judging from some of his posts I saw recently. But for now it's whatever.

So yah they might not want to clog the feed of their followers with simple or low-effort content basically. Especially when they have a lot of people commenting on their work.

>> No.6446680

thank you all for the real feedback.
yes, i posted this because i'm not the only person who feels this way too. my followers have also mentioned this too. that they get ignored .

The comments are gold in this thread. thanks everybody. "gigachad"

>> No.6446685

>yes, i posted this because i'm not the only person who feels this way too. my followers have also mentioned this too. that they get ignored .
They probably get blocked because they act as your proxy.

>> No.6446687

maybe i'm just thick skinned. how hard is it to reply back with a simple comment?

>> No.6446691

I bet you suck dick. How about that? Bitch. Go suck off your twitter friends some more.

>> No.6446692

Why do you give a fuck about being ignored?

>> No.6446700

Depends on how many there are and why do you need a confirmation anyway. A comment can stand on its own without needing a response. People can read it just fine. The only reason you would have to be so obsessed with getting replies is because you want the artists acknowledgement. You are a attention whore and a cry baby.

yeah I wonder why people block you. Total mystery.

>> No.6446701

because i post on social media for the attention. just like everybody else.

>> No.6446708

i never said i was "blocked" you retards. just ignored. and not everybody ignores me you dumb fucks.

>> No.6446715

How does /ic/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

>> No.6446718

you're taking this too personally, people are lazy and forget about things
they don't have anything against you, if you check, you'll see that you're not the only one that gets ignored by those people

>> No.6446721

>and not everybody ignores me you dumb fucks.
There is this concept called lolcow. You can even gain you followers that way.

>> No.6446729
File: 311 KB, 1080x1079, 1642961575922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP let me tell you something about Artists, the faggots you're speaking to right now are pretentious and snobbish assholes with a "fuck you I got mine" attitude and they only commiserate with others who are up higher than them before they turn two-faced and forget about everyone else that helped them be successful once they reach the top. It's dog eat dog and unless you're someone they can step over you to climb up higher you're nothing.

>> No.6446733

This is why I have an auto reply bot for appreciation, a simple thank you makes people happy, also I never ask questions publicly I already has my to go tools or guys for that. but artist arent very tech savvy i guess

>> No.6446738

I think this is where you are getting confused. A lot of artists aren't posting so you get attention on social media.

>> No.6446740

Yes, pretty much this. And they'll lie about how they got there by telling you something completely different.

>> No.6446741

You’re right, for money too.

>> No.6446751

I'm an artist who ignores comments for the most part. I don't really want to talk to most people so why would I bother? Most people don't even make comments worth responding to.

>> No.6446757
File: 522 KB, 631x480, 1615687128158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to never come across you anon, you seem unhinged and desperate. An overall unpleasant retard

>> No.6446760

Step off with the "I reached success and suddenly I'm a humble guy" act.

>> No.6446761
File: 448 KB, 2048x2048, 1663354154318187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a question for artists on twitter: Do big account artists seethe when they see someone with a lot less follows who is objectively more skilled than they are?

>> No.6446763

>maybe i'm just thick skinned
only if we're measuring by pounds
emotionally you're the thinnest skinned little shitpost that's been around here for a while lmao
imagine crying to your circlejerk group of fans that you're being ignored by people better than you L M AMO

>> No.6446765

No, why would they? It’s actually the other way around.

>> No.6446770

Yes, and they petty retweet them because deep down they see art better than theirs and wonder why they're not more successful than them.

>> No.6446773

whenever i see someone with a huge follower count and their art is shit i assume bots

>> No.6446776
File: 101 KB, 1536x2048, 1669126029479181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be literal who artist
>total bro artist likes my fanart for obscure movie and follows me instantly
>follow back of course
>he's a big account artist who draws and rts 100% coom
>don't actually draw coom myself or even like it but now timeline is mostly coom

I don't care about it I just think it's funny. Why are coom artists such bros? They're nice while the cutesy pokemon sticker maker troons are cutthroat pieces of shit

>> No.6446781

It’s practice, coomer are the most autistic bunch and pissing them off makes you lose loads of money.

>> No.6446790

Is your mental illness diagnoses, anon? How do you read so deeply into a random comment that what your reply is completely indistinguishable from any reasonable reaction to what someone else said? Are you projecting? Venting? What sort of neurons misfired to make you reply in such a way to something so completely unrelated to your insecurities?

>> No.6446792

>Why are coom artists such bros?
they know what's it's like to be heavily scrutinized and judged for simply existing
platforms - both to post one's work on and to get money through - constantly make NSFW artists' lives hell on earth. Being excellent to eachother ensures they remain connected to others who may have places to go and resources to help.
also they're still artists. they do like normal art, too.

>> No.6446795

"Oh look at me I'm Mr. Humble look at how nice I'm talking to my twitfriends oh huu huu huu"

>> No.6446801

Are you upset that people have friends kek

>> No.6446802

Why would anyone want to act like a schizo like shadman? Then again, you’re a schizo as well.

>> No.6446813

More labels like "schizo" pinned on me while you paint yourself as a benevolent, humble being that was crafted from a talented womb birthed from Mary herself.

>> No.6446822

what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6446825

And the classic "what are you taaaaalking about???? This guy is a weirdo guys lol.

Any more of the same playing cards? You ran out that quickly? Okay.

>> No.6446829

I'm not even the same anon. I just dont' see where you are getting this from? That anon just called you retarded.

>> No.6446830

you unironically need to touch grass

>> No.6446831

And you need to touch the dirt. 6 feet under.

>> No.6446835

>Basic inversion
Find a bdsm club and stfup + acting like a child will not save you from reality.

>> No.6446837

reality is you're a fag + go finger your asshole in discord some more

>> No.6446851

>Before Twitter OP likely was just an insecure, isolated faggot.
>OP + Twitter exposure = mentally illness

>> No.6446853

This is what happens when you hinge your self esteem on imaginary internet points.

>> No.6446888

Oh my god lol, this reminds me of a time where this total leech kept drawing me """gift art"" and tagging me (it wasn't actually art for me. It was generic fanart of the fandom we were in, she tagged me so I'd retweet and give exposure to her, she would literally beg for retweets), I ignored her because not only was it transparent as fuck and completely annoying but I never talked on social media period, and so eventually she decided to make multiple alts trying to expose and cancel me (but I was 1 among several artists she did it to). No one ever saw these posts because she was a moron and kept tripping the twitter spam filter with every new account so twitter kept burying her posts kek.
All because I dared ignore her and not worship the ground she walked on, I deserved my entire career ruined. I never did anything to her.
She eventually got really popular because her leeching did work on some people and then she cancelled for being a psycho bitch that burned every single bridge she ever made and got chased out lol so all of that effort was a complete waste of time. She pissed off so many people they are still on the hunt to see if she's remade and it's been forever.
Basically, people like this and the OP are highly narcissistic, they have an over inflated ego and think they're big shots who deserve to sit with popular artists and anything less than elevation is a personal attack. You are not special, these people do not know you, and you are not entitled to their time or attention.
I actually have rejection sensitivity so I understand apprehension in putting yourself out there and getting it thrown back in your face, but if even I can manage to not give a fuck, you should be able to. Ultimately it comes down to >>6446853 this, you put way too much value in your online persona/life and it is the source of your validation. Stop trying to validate yourself this way, who gives a fuck about internet people, you don't even know them.

>> No.6446891

Didn't read. You're an ass. A retweet takes 2 seconds. 1 second if you're not a fat fuck.

>> No.6446898

Nah I'm not going to be some cuck and let someone so transparently walk all over me and use me to get more followers. If it was actually art for me that'd be different but it wasn't at all and she did it to multiple people because she was a piece of shit. Cope.

>> No.6446903

You're not popular, so you have the luxury of reading and responding to every comment and interaction you get.
Popular artists get hundreds, if not thousands of notifications per hour. They cannot physically respond to everyone. I myself am not popular. I am mid-tier, but even that is enough to make my Twitter notifications impossible to follow, especially since Twitter truncates them.
You are the one making an imposition on others. You are the beggar. This is not a putdown, simply a reminder of your position in this relationship you want to have. No one owes you anything.

>> No.6446919

He said he was the first to reply so he knows you see his messages but your head is so far up your own ass with these other thousand notifications you can't be bothered to make one single click.

>> No.6446920

Pretty sure notifs are turned off unlss you're a dopaine addict that likes the sound of dings firing off every milisecond from your phone.

You just don't want to retweet people. Put simple.

>> No.6446922

Listen to what that anon is actually saying. You are a beggar, a nobody. No one wants to talk to a nobody. You need to accept this.
If this wasn't true, you wouldn't get so hung up that these super popular people aren't responding and you'd be satisfied mingling with only the other nobodies.

>> No.6446925

You were once a nobody, too. I'm not finding the logic here.

>> No.6446930

I never begged for attention from other people, I just posted my art and let people come to me. Simples.

>> No.6446931

>Fuck you, I got mine!

>> No.6446932

I'm suuuure you waited in the void for people. Sure you did. This thread is full of fantastic stories I'll read back at a later time.

>> No.6446933

Bro even nobodies don't want to talk to retards like you. I only have like 200 followers and I also ignore people who reek of desperation.

>> No.6446935

Post your work.

>> No.6446936

Doesn't matter if he was first to respond or not. Have you ever looked at how notifications is formatted on Twitter? You're assuming he looks at his own posts rather than just the notifications time line.
Second, that still doesn't change the fact that your time is abundant and therefore worth less than the popular artist's time. If we could convert time to money, you are spending less than the popular artist. It's not an equal interaction, and he gets to pick and choose. You don't get to choose for him, and any belief otherwise is just ridiculous entitlement.

>> No.6446938

> WAH WAH nobody is giving me attention for no reason.

Go to /soc/ if you want to attention whore.

>> No.6446940

But on a serious note I literally just post my art and gained followers that way, I don't even talk to other artists and I don't follow people. It's beneficial to network which is how so many shit artists gain popularity but it's not necessary if you post regularly and are decent. Maybe you should just git gud.
And let some schizo add me to their schizo list? Yeah I think not.

>> No.6446941

>And let some schizo add me to their schizo list? Yeah I think not.
>t. a nobody.

>> No.6446942

You're talking to multiple people.
>And let some schizo add me to their schizo list? Yeah I think not.
Create your own list and add yourself to it.

>> No.6446943

Meant to reply to >>6446931 not >6446930
Cool. I'm not the one with the schizo list, though.

>> No.6446944

Even nobodies want to talk to nobodies. See him not “befriending” other double digit follower artist. He wants the benefits of followers immediately and leech off of others.

>> No.6446948

Nooooo you have to give me heckin retweets I'm not a leech its not fair reeeeeeeee

>> No.6446949

>Cool. I'm not the one with the schizo list, though.
How big is your blocklist, though?

>> No.6446950

Don’t want to* fuck

>> No.6446958

>Having a blocklist
What part of posting my art and leaving do you not understand.

>> No.6446963


>What part of posting my art and leaving do you not understand.

I understand it's just another 1 of your lies and you're very likes hungry.

>> No.6446964
File: 517 KB, 1637x2000, 1669753071304812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT ngmi attention whores showing their true colors now that le big artist didn't tickle their ball back after endless cocksucking.

>> No.6446965

>fuck em, I got mine.

>> No.6446969

Uh huh. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean other people can't, whatever you need to tell yourself to cope. Keep seething over randos I guess, dunno what else anyone is supposed to tell you or what you want to achieve by malding over internet points.
See they think they're the only people doing this and don't understand the people in the OP are dealing with an endless sea of these types on a daily basis which is why they get ignored.

>> No.6446972
File: 71 KB, 828x583, 9A98226B-FC23-4EE3-ADBA-19B7029AAE71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wouldn’t be so hard if you weren’t a schizo, retard. Now seethe

>> No.6446983

Look at those tinydick numbers. What am I supposed to be seething at exactly?

>> No.6446988

hate slammo, literally stole someones style and pose 1:1 and became more popular then him. That said he draws cool shoes.

>> No.6446989

I try to befriend them and to try to help boost them, because once they get bigger (which they will if you keep boosting them and they're actually good) then you've gotten a new mutual that will help boost you back.

>> No.6446999

Why is everyone complaining about OP? He’s clearly a coomer, so if you draw degenerate shit like porn, of course you’ll attract weirdos like him. They feed off the parasocial aspect and feel entitled to your attention because they throw attention and money at the people they follow. Yes, even if you are both male artists; the psyche of a coomer artist is the longing for attention and disregard for decency/morals. Piss and cry harder: birds of a feather flock together.

>> No.6447004

>birds of a feather flock together
please don't use that analogy again if you don't know how to properly use it, eslkun.

>> No.6447009

You're crying about this because you're not good enough to build your own following, simple as.

>> No.6447016

No, I'm crying because I have no friends.

>> No.6447022
File: 147 KB, 828x672, D5F6113D-19B8-4731-A4B6-8C25C95C98E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used it appropriately, no caps beta. Sorry you’re a degenerate. You should not be surprised about the company you keep.

>> No.6447027

Just because the coomersphere has a dysfunctional environment doesn't mean we don't get to tell OP to fuck off and stop being a whiny attention whore, it's not one or the other. Fact is that he would be like this even without the coomer shit.

>> No.6447029

Open a book for your sake.

>> No.6447035

>He uses capitals after I called him out
Lol. Lmao. You’re a fucking beta cuck hahaha!!

>> No.6447043

Is that really true though? I never draw fanart, only my own ocs and I don't even draw nsfw so I never tried to network, I just stay in my lane. But I always appreciate other artists who want to be mutuals regardless

>> No.6447044

I wasn't even paying attention to that. My typing style just comes out naturally.

>> No.6447046

Rightoid schitzo on school shooting Watch

>> No.6447049
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>100 replies
Don't you people have something better to do?

>> No.6447055

No but maybe I should go play project diva mega mix.

>> No.6447065

Why would I retweet people? I don't want their shit on my page, fuck off.

>> No.6447108

Twitter isn't a gallery, tard.

>> No.6447122

Especially since you know it fugly too.

>> No.6447124

Dms can easily be edited. If they sm everyone they run the risk of some asshole editing it and ruining their reputation.

>> No.6447129

The most schizosist post in the entire thread.

>> No.6447133
File: 289 KB, 1344x935, bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is even possible that you got blocked by Bunny when this is the average follower of her ?
did you send a dead mouse to her house?

>> No.6447135

Pull back for a minute; we're talking about someone who can barely get seen, so how are you then suddenly worried that they can ruin your reputation by somehow getting viral overnight from a DM message. Wouldn't that imply that they somehow have some kind of magic button to get followers instantly? What a dumb post.

>> No.6447141

nta but I've seen this sort of gay ops happen several times on Twitter. it's legit not worth talking to twitter schizos.

>> No.6447151

You could be missing out on getting to know this utter faggot OP though? Why pass up that amazing opportunity?

>> No.6447152


>> No.6447188

Then I don’t know which artists you are following because all the artists I follow none of them ever talk, they just post, like, and retweet. And if a big artist said thank you to everyone who complimented them they would be blowing up people’s timeline with hundreds of thank yous. I”t would annoy others if people saw each time an artist liked or replied to someone’s compliment and be spam. Not everyone is interested in making friends, some people don’t need to talk they just post and like and retweet whatever they enjoy.
> If people don't want to acknowledged others then they should set their accounts to private.
Ever thought people think differently? Maybe some people don’t want to be acknowledged the same way you do. Some people don’t feel the need to make connections with others beyond posting and sharing art. Some people don’t feel the need to interact with words beyond enjoying each other’s art.

>> No.6447190


>> No.6447193

I don't use Twatter that much, but likes and comments from someone you follow shows up on your timeline? What the fuck? Didn't they used to keep that shit somewhat private?

>> No.6447199

Yes I sometimes see people’s likes and replies to comment threads from people I follow.

>> No.6447206

Yes, they started it a few years back to encourage engagement. Ironically all it did was cause me to go completely silent and stop socializing on it, I went from constantly chatting on it to moving all communications to private.

>> No.6447208

No wonder people are so stingy about follows these days. Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to that? What if your favorite artist likes and comments on political shit that you don't give a shit about? Do I unfollow them? Twitter is such a garbage website.

>> No.6447212

remember, artists are some of the most narcissistic fags out there. being smaller than one means are are nothing.
or like >>6446616 said, they just dont want to socialize.

>> No.6447213

That’s why I only use it to look at art and I only follow quiet artists. I’m tired of people trying to do the parasocial relationship shit.

>> No.6447226

I dont want spend time to block strange persons, should i just remove any coments and messages ?

>> No.6447238

>Wanting followers and attention is shitty
OK, whatever just retweet them and move on.

>> No.6447239

spend time removing yourself from existing instead

>> No.6447244

He's good but I'm not really a huge fan of the style change. His art looked cooler a couple of years ago. It seems to be working out for him though, so good for him.
>literally stole someones style and pose 1:1 and became more popular then him
Who did he steal from?

>> No.6447316
File: 157 KB, 723x666, 022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here.
I don't know why. I gave her 3 chances to see what I made for her and then she proceeded to ignore me and give a better artist more attention than me. The same artist that replied back to me earlier oddly enough.

Just to clarify.
<these people have "not" blocked me.
<and popular people have shared kind words about me.
I'm an "average" artist with soul eventhough people say I'm an intermediate.

I usually spend a lot of time drawing so replying back to comments is no hassle for me. I also try to retweet everybody and everything. But I had to slow down because Twitter was marking me as spam.

>I'm the type of person who clicks like on every youtube video.
I'm a simple creature. So a retweet is nothing for me since I post my art on Pixiv anyways.

>> No.6447361

they think you're trying to hard
so they bully and ignore you
social networks like twitter are basically highschool, quit trying to hard to do the right thing all the time because it makes you come off as desperate, or dont bother at all interacting with these people.

>> No.6447387

wait a fucking minute are you the same retard that made this post whining about being ignored by this chick several months back?


>> No.6447618

what's your twitter, anon? Your way of typing looks familiar.

>> No.6447694
File: 343 KB, 1131x768, 152489448999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You raise a good point, OP;
>what's the point of even commenting anymore?
Basically; What is the point of social media anymore?

And the answer is simple; Marketing, clout and self-promotion.
Getting numbers on social media is the alternative to create a delusion of self worth that takes actual work to achieve in real life, so the most prolific users who reach high numbers are most probably egomaniacal narcissists and that's why you see such asocial behavior being the norm like using people to boost activity and create a persona to attract and bait more gullible parasocial relationship seeking losers.

On the other hand, thanks to easy access to social media, anyone can just join and open their mouth and 9/10, anyone you come in contact with is some real weirdo and not in a shallow normie way "weirdo", but probably some fucked up highly mentally ill individual that would even disgust any seasoned oldfag.
Then you have other narcissists who want to ride your social media dick and get attention on themselves and much more fucked up people.

The point is that, it's a 50/50 as to why someone would ignore someone else.
It could be either because they're just using social media to market themselves or because you're a weirdo and that is why social media is practically dead and only used for marketing.

Of course there is the other alternative that anyone who gets 99+ notifications the hour, can't really be expected to go through all of them.

Personally, i (used to) mute retweets from anyone and barely comment on anything unless i actually take interest in a real discussion. Now i don't use social media anymore because people are legitimately fucking retarded and mentally ill more than i ever pretended to.

>> No.6447714
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OP is right but people won't admit it. These people are bonafide social climbers that won't spare you a thought unless you have a bigger number than them. They're narcisistic gatekeepers, pathetically similar to power tripping Z list celebs. Often their art doesn't merit this huge following, it's a result of sticking with big artists so they retweet each other. Artists see them. They see their tweets, who they interact with or ignore. Patterns emerge, cliques exist, their beta orbiters defend them in /ic/ threads.

/ic will dispute this, it's filled with autists/nodraws, they can't comprehend this discussion. If they do, their 4chan mindset prevents acknowledging its importance. It detracts from their edgy, detached persona they crafted in their atrophied imageboard brain.

Don't believe it's a big deal? From a purely artistic perspective, correct. Big number ≠ equal art skill. If you want to draw, you can do this without social media happily. To reject its importance though is wrong. Sponsorships/more opportunities/easier to crowdfund merch/some jobs require you to have a minimum following which can be as high as 30k. For the people that want to make something of themselves and have ambition beyond drawing a nice picture, social media is a powerful tool.

Nobody owes you likes, follows, acknowledgement. Understood, perfectly reasonable. But they are not big accounts based on merit, rather the ability to do what OP wishes he could do. OP is a fag? The big artists that ignore him share the same fag mentality.They have no interest in helping others grow like them, they lack awareness, gratitude and humility.

I empathise with you OP but these big artists don’t appreciate you. Unless you can help them grow or you give them money, you are worthless to them. They shit talk even the ones that do support them. Don’t bother engaging and certainly don’t feel bad if they don’t engage with you. Deep down they are you.

>> No.6447722

>add la picture of smoking anime grill because I have an important point to mak--

you don't. fuck you.

>> No.6447726

This is a good post highlighting a facet of the topic.

>> No.6447727

Just report everyone that ignores you and hope twitter takes them down, and then move on

>> No.6447732
File: 32 KB, 568x568, 1647429071598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be my friend we can share art ideas, I'm a schizoid and related to Vincent Price. famous enough?

>> No.6447734

All twitter reports get filtered to low paid grunts in the southeast Asia and they don't do anything about it. You're wasting your time reporting on twitter.

>> No.6447741

>Social media climber writes an essay complaining about other social media climbers being better at it
Follow someone else. Christ, it's not that hard.

>> No.6447742

This thread has nothing to do with art...

>> No.6447747

your mom has nothing to do with art yet look where she's at tonight. My place, bitch.

>> No.6447751

pyw after you are done with her

>> No.6447753

yea op is fag and wont even be my art friend

>> No.6447754

She's about ready to start the long pose session.

>> No.6447758

>if they retweet their friends then they have to retweet my stuff too or else theyre buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
No, they dont.
They dont have to retweet and talk to every random on the internet.
You are not entitled to their attention and getting free advertising from them.
They do not have to spend every waking moment of their lives trying to grow every randoms twitter accounts because they have more followers than you therefore they need to lift you up to their level.

>> No.6447762

Another gatekeeper mouthing off hot air.

>> No.6447763

Son, are you on the spectrum?

>> No.6447769

being bad is not being gatekept

>> No.6447772

Another loser trying to buzzword their way into free shit.
Maybe if you spent half the amount of time on drawing as you do on begging for free shit you would have a bigger follower count.

>> No.6447775

Anon, have you considered the possibility that you're just annoying/your art isnt very good? Look at what you do when someone you don't know doesn't write you back. You sound like a fucking asshole but that's just based on what you've shown.
This sounds autistic as fuck

>> No.6447786

Then why are they on the internet to begin with?

>> No.6447788

Why bother do that? You have a retweet paypig. A critical detail you leave out btw.

>> No.6447794
File: 86 KB, 1235x694, water splash at beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my art as you can see its pretty good i know its not the most realistic but thats on purpose its my style.(before you criticize go PYW first so we can compare.)

>> No.6447803

Completely agree.

People not talking to you isn't gatekeeping how socially retarded are you?

>> No.6447804

Here is the thing, you can audit any twitter profile and see if an account with bad to subpart art that mysteriously has a lot of followers has an influencer. If they do, laser target their influencers. That is the secret to growth and is pretty much what all the mouthbreathers ITT leave out.

>> No.6447806

Is this what people call sovl?

>> No.6447809

audits only go up to 5k followers and I think the max i have seen it goes up to is 100k? not sure though

>> No.6447818

That's good enough. You always come across fresh accounts that spring up to 1k overnight. Audit that account and find out the influencers and focus on getting the attention of those accounts. """"befriend"""" them if you have to (send private messages, get closer to them, etc.

>> No.6447853

Just did it on a few artists with high following using a free tool. Need to pay to actually see stuff. I think it only does about 5k but it showed about 10-15% fake follower score for that amount. Wonder what it would be if I audited the whole thing. Still, that's less fake followers than what I expected. And I think paid follower services are more sophisticated nowadays, or I would assume, so I'm not sure how decent these audit tools are

>> No.6447865

that pic makes me fell happy

>> No.6447870

i'd retweet that.

>> No.6447888

>oh boy, a schizo thread!

>> No.6447890


>> No.6447895


>> No.6447918

It was https://twitter.com/metatatan555 but it wasn't stealing, just clearly heavily referenced. Slammo has a more unique style these days and
this shows that while it's important to learn from artists you admire,
you shouldn't give up your own 100%. At the very least copy multiple artists and not just the 1.

>> No.6447924

another thing I forgot to mention is that the original
artist isn't unpopular, his accounts keep suspended
and he has to remake his twitter.

>> No.6447925

why is that account restricted and only has 600 followers?

>> No.6447926

Find their personal information and tweet at them with it, you'll get almost guaranteed interaction

>> No.6447930

>jack someone's style
>end up getting way more attention and recognition
That's so scummy

>> No.6447942

forgot to put this in the original post but that's what's happening here (notice how the account was created in December? yeah that's why)

>> No.6447990
File: 234 KB, 1088x1200, 1592206447316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one art friend who blocked you and went a tirade on social media to get you canceled because you took too long to reply to their dms
Social media is swarming with the mentally ill. Hell it VALIDATES peoples mental illness. People are right to stay the fuck away from anyone giving off signs. That said, there's no harm in giving a rando leaving a nice comment a like. I double my following just liking the comment trains down my feed.

>> No.6448009
File: 29 KB, 449x521, 1643344162100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that bad these days? I feel like people online weren't as unhinged a decade ago. Sure some were a little weird and there were predatory pedophiles lurking about, but they wouldn't go apeshit over not being responded to by a popular online figure. It was like common sense that popular figures wouldn't be able to respond to everyone because of the volume of feedback they already manage, and if they did respond, then it'd be a big deal that people would celebrate and feel honored by.

>> No.6448023

It's not that bad, it's just hellholes like twitter that propagate narcissists and the mentally ill. After that experience I'll always have my guard up for red flags and try avoiding feelings of attachment due to my general loneliness.

>> No.6448138

It's because the new generation is full of people who grew up with social media validation, people who have no real social interaction. Because they were not properly socialized and were instead socialized through internet points they start to cling their entire self-worth on internet points and so they are obsessed with likes, comments, retweets, engagement, and such. A lot of these people have developed parasocial relationships with internet strangers. This is why I only post to share with people who have the same taste in art, not to make parasocial relationships and mentally ill internet friends that will never accumulate into anything as meaningful as a real friendship. I only like and share other people's art solely because of the art regardless of skill level or personality, not the artist and the people I follow do the exact same thing.

>> No.6448161

Holy shit
an actual human being

>> No.6448169

It works better with coom artists. Speaking of which, the very last person on OP's ignore list is one of my mutuals. When I first joined twitter I entered one of his give-away art contests to draw his OC and won it (got a body pillow sent to me too) and we became mutuals and I went from around 50 to 600 followers overnight after his retweet. Then through him I became mutuals with a bunch more NSFW twitter artists in his circle.

OP is just insufferable.

>> No.6448203

Yeah... You need mental help

>> No.6448214

I derive joy from seeing narcissists like you suffer, my goal is getting good and famous just so I can deny people like you every single day of my internet life.
Please bitch some more.

>> No.6448250

Good for you anon. Congrats on winning. You must be very talented to be recognized like that. There's just so many artists on Twitter it feels impossible to stand out.

>> No.6448303

I've been drawing for 10+ years before even starting social media. I started when forums were the main place to post your art and get critiques. It really does come down to mileage. If you're starting late you have to put in more hours. I see a lot of artists on twitter improve much faster than I did simply because they drew more.

>> No.6448719
File: 137 KB, 300x305, 1661264325814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the days where DeviantArt was something I would've cared because many comments were sincere. But now? On Twitter? I don't give a damn crap what people have to say. Most of the time those posts are failed attempts to create the next meaningless "meme". May you like my work or not, I won't read what your comment. My brain has enough of this garbage.

>> No.6448721


>> No.6448759
File: 1.74 MB, 245x327, x7hWTiY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people in this thread in a legitimate seething RAGE because people don't give them attention
Yeah I can kinda see why people might be hesitant about engaging with randos online, good gravy

>> No.6448763

Toro, is that you?

>> No.6448863

Wouldn't that make you the narc?

>> No.6448906

The only people who still reply to DMs are the rare good-intentioned Tumblrinas. The kind who actually fell for the kumbaya shit hook line and sinker. Those people are generally very sweet. I'm not making names.

>> No.6449057


>> No.6449136

selfcentred piece of shit.

>> No.6449150

why don't you put your cart back

>> No.6449157

because "narc" is not a metaphor

>> No.6449164

Well anyway, I'm not a narcissist. A real narcissist wouldn't care so much about other people. I'm just a self aware mentally ill is all.
SO why don't you put your cart back?

>> No.6449228

Apparently not self aware enough.

>> No.6449249

wtf why so mean

>> No.6449269

Not really, no. Narcissts can't let other people exist without giving them attention, you don't care about them, you care about them not giving you something you feel entitled to
Big difference.

>> No.6449279

Damn! That made me feel 100 things. I totally will take a long look in the mirror and reflect on what person I have become! I can't believe I don't want them to live unless they're giving me something that I feel that I'm entitled to...is what the sting you wanted to inflict.

But you see, for me, love knows no boundaries.

>> No.6449514

Isn't it weird? took this long for someone to present how vapid this entire environment is. I have not used social media for a long time and all the stuff itt makes me not want to use it again.

>> No.6449599

jajaja this may be more pathetic than the covid shills on my twitter tl

>> No.6449615
File: 138 KB, 1476x1251, FlOdEgmaAAED9Dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6449636

I'm masturbating right now anon.

>> No.6449672

>that one artist you were mutuals with that was your skill level and you always interacted and talked art. But after he drew some persona fanart he got retweeted by a chain of big artists and became huge overnight then immediately started to pretend you don't exist and refused to retweet anyones art anymore.

Hope a car hits him honestly. That kind of shit is so low.

>> No.6449721

>unironic thread about the meta game of attention seeking on social media
Haha, oh wow

>> No.6449725

Let's see

>> No.6449730
File: 66 KB, 448x448, pbr80k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so real. And honestly I don't like OP either. They're all snakes waiting for someone of whom they apply higher value to give them a little attention so they feel good about themselves. Because if the people they value don't tickle their ballsack then nobody should. What a miserable way to be. I hate simps.

>> No.6449737

It's 4chan's culture
You may saw in communities oldfags gets aggressive towards newfag. It's for a reason. This happen when oldfags and newfags have different taste. Often newfag's taste considered to be bad. As oldfags and newfags have same "weight of vote", oldfags bully newfags out, so newfags won't to ruin "things" with their awful taste

>> No.6449905

Not that weird once you realize that the huge majority of zoomers are fucking retarded.
They live off social media clout while irl they do nothing but stare at their phones and never ever actually discuss anything with anyone out of fear of saying a wrong opinion or offending anyone while being recorded and put on the internet by another one of their kind to get clout and then have their entire life ruined for eternity.
That is also why social media is the shithole it is.

I don't use it either after having done my rounds and seen first hand how these retards actually behave.
And then they even have the fucking guts to preach to others about morals and shit and holding their victim cards when they can get clout from it.
You start to understand why there are so many fucking school shootings.
I mean, teenagers were always vapid low iq niggers in disguise but holy shit this generation of teens is completely fucked in the head.

>> No.6449984

Social media isn't anything like real conversation. You are basically typing words into the aether, and in the case of replying to a post; typing words into the aether in that general direction. There's no point in feeling hurt like in real life, cuz in all liklihood, the guy typed some shit and fucked off, ie, do shit that matters, in real life.

>> No.6449986

Ever since Tumblr moved to Twitter they think it's a fucking blog site

>> No.6450005

I can see why now anon. This reeks of 4chan. This art is why you get ignored looks like a racist caricature

>> No.6450963

Meh. I see complete /beg/ retards with huge numbers because they draw half naked anime girls of popular shit, and introverted artists that make amazing art and sit forever at 10k or something until one day one post of them explodes in popularity and the algo starts pushing them

Numbers don't mean shit regarding art skill, but if your art is awful and you have a huge following I can only assume you are engaging in several attention seeking behaviors and that by itself is a red flag

>> No.6451153
File: 626 KB, 1125x1600, 1671348706307687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yes but it's both ways, I "befriended" or really just became mutuals with this guy with almost 4k (while I have like, 400 and stopped posting because I started seething about twitter algorithm and those jackpot NIGGERS getting 10 million likes on their slime girl hihi twitter regurgitation) and he's constantly complaining about his art style and other things related to art, at first I thought we could be friends and that I could help him out but really he was just as much of a desperate internet point whore like me, if not more, and he'd never be interested in what I do or listen to what I say so I got resentful like a bitch at this one sided interaction I was carrying
So the two or three times we had an Aggie together after that I'd always wait for him to draw something and then do it better right besides it, of course he'd never comment anything on it but I could taste the seethe when he'd give up on his drawings halfway thru or get out of the Aggie earlier than me and the the other friend by making some excuse
Truth is I still spite him because I have zero followers so the crab circle is eternal if you're mentally diseased like me, that's the only lesson

>> No.6451479
File: 280 KB, 2000x1590, typical furry art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451937

There's a few of them like that with very average art but have a lot of followers because they kiss the asses of other big artists with average art. The best strategy for growth I think is to form a group with people and always retweet eachother's art so you have some form of guaranteed push from the getgo. Then once one of you gets bigger they can boost the others. Repeat the process until you're all fairly big.

>> No.6451948

This doesn't work at all. /ic/ tried this experiment years ago and do you know what the results were? 1 artist was the best out of the 10 or so people in the group and he didn't need the fake boost from all the members. The good artist boosted everyone but everyone still couldn't get the numbers the good artist was getting.

Everyone started fresh accounts for this experiment except for like 2 other people and the results were lackluster.

>> No.6451953

How much better was he though? I'm sure a minimum level of skill is required. Having /beg/ level art you obviously wont get shit even if popular person boosts you. But there's people with mediocre sort of good art with low followers that could easily benefit from boosts and get to a higher follower count.

I also suspect that int urn, once you have established a group like that, you have some level of social clout so others may seek you out. Other artists that are somewhat good. So it's not just boosting but also the social side behind it too and networking with others, having beneficial friendships.

>> No.6451961
File: 1.50 MB, 370x288, 1660903128543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I get more engagement on deviantart and pixiv than in twitter? what's the difference?

>> No.6451966

From what I remember he was just the better guy out of the bunch at the time in a group full of /begs/. The only reason why it didn't last was the person who formed it bailed the following morning. Such a thing happened frequently many times throughout history.

>> No.6452752

I fucking hate that I have to put up with twitter in the absence of anything better, my tweets don't even show up on my followers feeds, does anybody know what's up with that? I don't seem to be shadowbanned.

>> No.6452765

Two are made as art platforms but the other is social media that could be anything

>> No.6452767

>i expect a goddamn reply especially when i'm the first
lmao entitlement

>> No.6452985

haya is too good for you kid

>> No.6454055
File: 63 KB, 640x605, 1565318841314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are fucking insane, holy shit. No wonder most would ignore you.

>> No.6454207

>/ic/ tried this experiment
Lol when you understood that natural traffic was not done via the algorithm you assumed that you could provoke it via retweeting ? Guys, social networks are made by assholes who network between assholes. You have to pay, for their pool, for their children and the next generation of children and the next.