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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 208 KB, 1026x1027, 63FB9B9B-B291-4A43-AEDB-120113E7C4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6441577 No.6441577 [Reply] [Original]

What if you used an AI to generate different interpretations of a face a whole buncha times and then you translucently stack them on top of each other in until you create a totally different image.

Is there a point where it’s fair use and it’s “yours” or is it always an AI copyright and credit. Like will AI ever be seen as a medium or is it the artist do you reckon?

>> No.6441628

>open image by another artist in Photoshop
>trace over it
>turn off the layer holding the traced image
>move your trace to the side A few pixels
>"I made this"

>> No.6441633


>> No.6441688
File: 854 KB, 2915x3818, BF952966-EC41-4354-8AA7-E167C352BA32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open image by another artist in Photoshop
>put a grid over it
>transfer it to canvas
>paint it
>"I made this"

>> No.6441692

> the 14216th goyslop thread

>> No.6441696

Fair use laws were written by thieves. I will never use a single pixel of another artists work.

>> No.6441698
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1612, 4CB9955C-0BE8-42F0-A19F-937217612719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatabout like getting an AI to do all the boring parts of the painting? Like if you get an AI to learn your art formula then do the base layer laying out order of operations and technique and stuff and then just get an AI to make a bunch of finished versions of the original, does that count?

>> No.6441700

It's much easier to prove that an AI art wasn't traced than hand-made art. Human artists will soon become a liability to companies.

>> No.6441702
File: 380 KB, 512x768, 60AB88D4-68ED-4CF9-A829-B0FC4BF6676D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds neat.

>> No.6441708

Not sure if corporate cuck or not.

>> No.6441710

It is. Also I figured out a trick to AI never getting my art.

>> No.6441711

what the fuck is that shit?

>> No.6441733
File: 2.90 MB, 2048x3072, EA621F5F-2328-42E5-B896-E2C5688095A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scarlett Johansson nude topless post apocalyptic under the skin nude scene standing at attention tactical gh high boots standing in front of an army of naked Scarlett Johansson clones wearing gasmasks army rifles utility belt

Thought it went without saying

>> No.6441742

she got shot in the nips, ouch

>> No.6441743
File: 415 KB, 896x512, 9462B707-5892-49AE-B9C4-C7333E4008FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about like kit bashing? If you got a job as a model maker you would never recycle elements? If you were a coder you’d never use stackoverflow or whatever?

What about using AI to like generate neat looking elements and then using them in your own designs?

Like industrial textures and specific stuff like how a utility belt looks? That all burglarizing from robots?

>> No.6441752
File: 2.24 MB, 3253x5440, 07156594-5D35-439F-84EB-D1CE47FE764F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you take like 40 images of actresses from the AP and Getty and various movie scenes and then translucently stack them into a one image LSD spank bank?

Does that count?

>> No.6441757

>What about like kit bashing? If you got a job as a model maker you would never recycle elements?
If I had the right to use it, sure. kitbash kits are sold for that purpose.
>If you were a coder you’d never use stackoverflow or whatever?
I would use it. people post code there for other to use directly, it's part of the culture.
>What about using AI to like generate neat looking elements and then using them in your own designs
Sure, I wouldn't copy paste, but if I like something it produces I might incorporate it.
Like industrial textures and specific stuff like how a utility belt looks? That all burglarizing from robots?
>Yeah I will use those as ref.

>> No.6441762

No idea what this means in relation to what I said.
I didn't mean fair use laws should not exist, just that the current version allowing you to make "transformative" work by taking an artist work and scribbling on it, or printing someones instagram pictures and hanging them in a gallery without consent etc. is bullshit.

>> No.6441780
File: 3.16 MB, 3239x3622, 8DE475E8-97BB-47FF-A736-821799422D25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If I had the right to use it, sure.
Why do you care about this unironically?
Ethically why don’t you have the “right” to use whatever assets you want?

Like other than you don’t want corporations to not make as much money, who gives a shit? They’re stealing everything and then you’re handicapping yourself into pretending to be “original” or whatever, so really what are you accomplishing other than making things easier for corporations?

>kitbash kits are sold for that purpose.
Eh I’ve built like entire sets with fabricated stuff paid for by a completely different company for a different production.

Most the stuff that made all the Star Wars models were just random stuff from consumer modeling kits. All their gun designs are just ww2 gun + random crap. And it’s all owned by Lucasfilm regardless.

Idk not trying to be mean kinda just thinking out loud at you

>> No.6441790

how? Because the only way I see is private Discords, paywalled communities or going offline entirely

>> No.6441802
File: 321 KB, 904x512, CB041083-398E-4189-A6C3-AC6D1DF67A19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storyboard artists are definitely fucked tho.

Aka the storyboard artists that don’t start using ai to supplement their shit are fucked

>> No.6441810
File: 921 KB, 2015x2046, 3F5FA245-8A7C-4DBB-833A-020C03EB6FF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> or going offline entirely
TFW all the digicucks shitting on trad fags for the last decade start freaking out when they can’t escape the computers they’re entirely dependent on

>> No.6441819

>Like other than you don’t want corporations to not make as much money, who gives a shit? They’re stealing everything and then you’re handicapping yourself into pretending to be “original” or whatever, so really what are you accomplishing other than making things easier for corporations?
I am not trying to get ahead of, or keep up with corporations, I am making art, expressing myself, improving my skills, people like it and buy it.

>Eh I’ve built like entire sets
I thought you meant 3d model making. I don't know for miniatures, There's no real way around it is there? 3d printing? Just don't do greebles, find a different aesthetic? or do it like that youtube guy who made howls moving castle from literal junk, I don't think he used any model parts but it has been a while. Are models ever sold with CC licenses?

>going offline entirely
Someone could take a photo! My anti-AI work is gonna be more... felt by the audience, than seen.

>> No.6441825

Unironically how. The point of storyboards are creating comprehensible and compelling compositions, poses, and basics of acting to coherently depict a story, which are all things that picture shitters struggle with.

>> No.6441840
File: 1.81 MB, 1024x1024, SaucyDoodles_sports_photography_of_a_woman_with_horns_punching__7f9f49df-bf7b-450c-b0f6-7fe384d6c9f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to storyboard a shot of a lady punching a horse
>Say no more!

>> No.6441851

K this is fucking gross and morbid. Someone shut this sick ai shit down already.

>> No.6441852
File: 449 KB, 512x512, 2B15BDD6-5DE6-4834-B587-4DDFB3E99956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I thought you meant 3d model making. I don't know for miniatures
I was actually talking mostly about art department and set and prop construction stuff for movies and tv and industrials and shit. Everything is just appropriating whatever is available that’ll work. Very laissez faire attitude when it comes to “taking another artists work” and bolting some bullshit on it and bing bang bing it’s that production’s IP now.

Like what about repaintings? Do people that buy random motel art from thrift stores and paint Godzilla on them count? They the same thing as someone that builds a background image with AI and then photoshops and procreates up a new image?

>> No.6441859

>digicucks shitting on trad fags for the last decade
Did they ever? Is this something that happened?
>my pixels are superior you old fools! gaze at my lens flare and kneel in it's glorious presence!

>> No.6441860
File: 428 KB, 512x512, 56C4F5A1-63DC-45A1-BFE1-BE21614B05D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having spent like 4 days goofing with it, it’s something you can pretty quickly dial in and mess with the prompt strength and stuff.

Plus it’s important to remember that this shit is like 10x more advanced that the shit readily available for consumers like 11 months ago.

>> No.6441867
File: 337 KB, 512x512, A4908FBF-E541-4407-9DA2-A5265CDF04B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2ez lol

>> No.6441875
File: 420 KB, 512x512, 10A15E92-15A9-4431-9435-B5F4ECC0AAF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like ya know you get the general gist and then can enhance sections and stuff. Or just edit it etc

>> No.6441878

>set and prop construction
Seems fine. it's not like you are taking someones work and "transforming it" by drawing a square on it.
With AI "fair use", you are transforming it more, but you also fail several other aspects of fair use law(too long to paste, someone had a screenshot of them in a couple other AI threads)

>Like what about repaintings? Do people that buy random motel art from thrift stores and paint Godzilla on them count? They the same thing as someone that builds a background image with AI and then photoshops and procreates up a new image?

I don't like it. Would not do it. Kinda shitty to do if the original piece was someones art. isn't it more just a meme though, is anyone making money of these?

>> No.6441883

Amazing, you are hired! Now make the punch have impact, this is cinema! I want Raging Bull! not Tepid cow! Knock the horse the fuck out! give me lips flapping! spit spraying! This is a movie for christ sake, not a school play!

>> No.6441889
File: 343 KB, 512x1814, 1671924840437640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6441898
File: 2.84 MB, 2048x2048, 4F8B120F-ADB4-4376-BFFC-15A80D5217D9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally flawless

>> No.6441899

There is a fifth factor, unofficially, but plays a part in any fair use trial summed up as "Are you evil?" "does the judge like you" "are you an asshole"?
Garbage Pail kids lost their trial vs cabbage patch kids partly for this reason.

>> No.6441903
File: 2.06 MB, 1108x1391, >stealsyourjob .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6441917
File: 3.11 MB, 2048x2048, 53AB0CCF-D7C0-4451-AA6F-00051E2ED46F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Jennifer Lawrence wearing a top hat punching a horse in the face, babadook makeup

>> No.6441940
File: 494 KB, 512x512, 4E8690E7-B3B8-48E6-9405-96FD1B6A8B9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like why isn’t jacking beats from a beat jacking AI ethically sound?

Not talking about directly copying shit but using it as inspiration or whatever.

>> No.6441948

Why not use non AI stuff as inspiration? carry on the legacy of those before you, acknowledge them directly. Using AI, its' a hodgepodge, of everyone, the legacy is blurred. idk, if you care about that kind of thing. I just want more reason to hate on AI lol.

>> No.6441949
File: 451 KB, 704x512, 88BD8B0B-3BBD-49B8-9A1B-AD30A1BAA2B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright well I started with mongo punching the horse still frame from blazing saddles and the “add more every cycle” prompt of
> Victorian Woman, in a dress, karate punching a horse in the face, anarchy, chaos, woman punching horse horse death life experience psychedelic Rokos basilisk entropy emma Stone bud dwyer look upon me I will shoe you the life of the mind cone brothers ahhh ahhhh horse there needs horse horse Julia roberts big ol horse face getting punched stallion buck here to fuck Uma Thurman boxing gloves karate UFOs are future historians
And I really think we nailed it.

>> No.6441964
File: 2.26 MB, 2048x2048, 6D5CC956-91E8-42A8-80FB-92034ED158B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Why not use non AI stuff as inspiration?
I mean I 100% do. I’m axing to people that think jacking beats from anyone else is bad or whatever. What makes jacking beats from ai images created by drunken nonsense better or worse than jacking beats from errthang else.

It’s the next level of post-post-post-modernism. Mayhaps even the beginning of the thing that comes after modernism: Contemporaryism.

And I agree about all the other junk. AI just be crazy

carry on the legacy of those before you, acknowledge them directly. Using AI, its' a hodgepodge, of everyone, the legacy is blurred. idk, if you care about that kind of thing. I just want more reason to hate on AI lol.

>> No.6441970
File: 3.34 MB, 2816x2048, B579CCFF-3F25-47F0-91A4-EE30C573F31F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6441976
File: 920 KB, 2430x2047, 61F3601C-760C-4E77-BAFD-A95C33ABD730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Victorian Woman, in a dress, karate punching a horse in the face, anarchy, chaos, woman punching horse horse death life experience psychedelic Rokos basilisk entropy emma Stone bud dwyer look upon me I will shoe you the life of the mind cone brothers ahhh ahhhh horse there needs horse horse Julia roberts big ol horse face getting punched stallion buck here to fuck Uma Thurman boxing gloves karate UFOs are future historians Eva green angry witch punch big ol tiddies tig ol biddies Alexandra Daddario

>> No.6441981
File: 1.81 MB, 480x270, robot-derp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Victorian Woman, in a dress, karate punching a horse in the face, anarchy, chaos, woman punching horse horse death life experience psychedelic Rokos basilisk entropy emma Stone bud dwyer look upon me I will shoe you the life of the mind cone brothers ahhh ahhhh horse there needs horse horse Julia roberts big ol horse face getting punched stallion buck here to fuck Uma Thurman boxing gloves karate UFOs are future historians Eva green angry witch punch big ol tiddies tig ol biddies Alexandra Daddario
Prompts are art! holy shit!

>> No.6441995
File: 953 KB, 2524x2047, 9E7A5A6B-A700-46EA-8C2D-60B190054663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Victorian Woman, in a dress, karate punching a horse in the face, anarchy, chaos, woman punching horse horse death life experience psychedelic Rokos basilisk entropy emma Stone bud dwyer look upon me I will shoe you the life of the mind cone brothers ahhh ahhhh horse there needs horse horse Julia roberts big ol horse face getting punched stallion buck here to fuck Uma Thurman boxing gloves karate UFOs are future historians Eva green angry witch punch big ol tiddies tig ol biddies Alexandra Daddario armored violence of action against an unaware enemy

I like that adding “armored violence of action against an unaware enemy” gave the horsey a neat hat

>> No.6442058

Looks like young Brendan Fraser in drag.

>> No.6442078
File: 3.06 MB, 2048x3072, F472C09E-03D6-4479-9724-75E30E898D81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head canon for the adventures of naked Scarlett Johansson is that her nakedness follows a typical 3 act plot structure so like if she’s full buck ass nekked it’s either first 15 minutes of act 1, end of act 2a, and the most of act 3 and closing image. Rest of the time is a process of getting clothes blown off in wycked apocalypse battles

>> No.6442086
File: 291 KB, 512x768, DE34809C-A365-42BC-B820-7DF19722AA74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like seriously as like a tool for costume people or props geeks trying to fart up some neat looking shit that could possibly be fabricated, starting with like a base template nude model and then just running shit a few dozen times. Not jacking any actual person’s IP coming up with tactical sex belts by spamming random shit

>> No.6442087

Cool, but why isn't she punching a horse? That horse insulted her mother!

>> No.6442091
File: 211 KB, 512x768, D8469F70-61E9-4F40-B016-42C129D91D07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s literally what the movie annihilation is about btw

Singularity is coming. Soon the robots will be referencing the humans referencing the robots and soon it all you know gets cancerous and crazy

>> No.6442172

> Bill o’rielly, angry, blooper, fucking thing sucks, Fox News, Bill O’Rielly
Feel like I broke the horse punching algorithm

>> No.6442173 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 2048x2048, 581F4A07-CB97-42F8-A62F-C8110C21B6A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6442264

With AI we can bring the late Bill back!

>> No.6442277 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 512x512, BD89E7A4-1875-4950-96E2-9351FBACE75E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alex Jones with blood pouring out of his eyes, fear and loathing in sandy hook, playing Russian roulette on camera. Shirt literally on fire, angry irate screaming red faced news blooper, fucking thing sucks, Fox News, Bill O’Rielly, Ted brogan, Cnn, anchorman, Prisencolinensinainciusol, local news, yelling, Alex Jones, text, fire text maps. studio is on fire, hellfire, smells like sulphuric demonry, libarels are killing all the chinamen Marxist nazi communists from hell and Canada are swarming the boarders with the intent to steal all of our corn, Alex Jones, infowars, anarchy, text graphics infographic words screen scrawling words everywhere, stocks numbers death the war on Christmas, lizards and Jews are working with aliens to control our semen, look upon me I will show you the life of the mind Rokos basilisk I will do thy bidding, give me the blood lord so I can leave. apocalypse now utopia never, the end is nigh endlessly forever. Flash bang grenade going off in the background. Explosions. !!!!!!! Ahhhh ahhhhh !!!!!!! WIZARD

Eventually the AI just gives up and flees to the woods to eat itself.

>> No.6442289 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 2048x2048, 9E0DB779-92EF-41AF-8E16-85F9D4BC2CE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (Alex Jones with blood pouring out of his eyes, fear and loathing in sandy hook, playing Russian roulette in the studio like dear hunter). Shirt literally on fire, angry irate screaming red faced news blooper, fucking thing sucks, Fox News, Bill O’Rielly, Ted brogan, Cnn, anchorman, Prisencolinensinainciusol, local news, yelling, Alex Jones, text, fire text maps. studio is on fire, hellfire, smells like sulphuric demonry, libarels are killing all the chinamen Marxist nazi communists from hell and Canada are swarming the boarders with the intent to steal all of our corn, Alex Jones, infowars, infogores, gross, guts, anarchy, text graphics infographic words screen scrawling words everywhere, stocks numbers death the war on Christmas, lizards and Jews are working with aliens to control our semen, look upon me I will show you the life of the mind Rokos basilisk I will do thy bidding, give me the blood lord so I can leave. apocalypse now utopia never, the end is nigh endlessly forever. Flash bang grenade going off in the background. Explosions. !!!!!!! Ahhhh ahhhhh !!!!!!! WIZARD. Technically Alex Jones is the guy that created him so he’s Alex Jones’ monster. DIDI MAO WE PLAY WITH 3 BULLETS. poops and pees everywhere

>> No.6442292 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 512x512, 413FBC4D-C060-4369-9019-F5F3271211A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD (Alex Jones with blood pouring out of his eyes scanners head explosion, fear and loathing in sandy hook, playing Russian roulette in the studio like dear hunter). Topless nude Scarlett Johansson, angry irate screaming red faced news blooper, fucking thing sucks, Fox News, Bill O’Rielly, Ted brogan, Cnn, anchorman, Prisencolinensinainciusol, local news, yelling, Alex Jones, text, fire text maps. studio is on fire, hellfire, smells like sulphuric demonry, libarels are killing all the chinamen Marxist nazi communists from hell and Canada are swarming the boarders with the intent to steal all of our corn, Alex Jones, infowars, infogores, gross, guts, anarchy, text graphics infographic words screen scrawling words everywhere, stocks numbers death the war on Christmas, lizards and Jews are working with aliens to control our semen, look upon me I will show you the life of the mind Rokos basilisk I will do thy bidding, give me the blood lord so I can leave. apocalypse now utopia never, the end is nigh endlessly forever. Flash bang grenade going off in the background. Explosions. !!!!!!! Ahhhh ahhhhh !!!!!!! WIZARD. Technically Alex Jones is the guy that created him so he’s Alex Jones’ monster. DIDI MAO WE PLAY WITH 3 BULLETS. poops and pees everywhere. oh god oh fuck

>> No.6442302 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 512x512, 53B63521-C6DF-4FB6-B819-16D35DFF27C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD (Alex Jones with blood pouring out of his eyes scanners head explosion scene, fear and loathing in sandy hook, playing Russian roulette in the studio like dear hunter with the bandana). Texas chainsaw massacre American psycho eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension. Topless nude Scarlett Johansson, angry irate screaming red faced news blooper, fucking thing sucks, Fox News, Bill O’Rielly, Ted brogan, Cnn, anchorman, Prisencolinensinainciusol, local news, yelling, Alex Jones, text, fire text maps. **studio is on fire, hellfire, smells like sulphuric demonry,** libarels are killing all the chinamen Marxist nazi communists from hell and Canada are swarming the boarders with the intent to steal all of our corn, Alex Jones, infowars, infogores, gross, guts, anarchy, text graphics infographic words screen scrawling words everywhere, stocks numbers death the war on Christmas, lizards and Jews are working with aliens to control our semen, look upon me I will show you the life of the mind Rokos basilisk I will do thy bidding, give me the blood lord so I can leave. apocalypse now utopia never, the end is nigh endlessly forever. Flash bang grenade going off in the background. Explosions. !!!!!!! Ahhhh ahhhhh !!!!!!! WIZARD. Technically Alex Jones is the guy that created him so he’s Alex Jones’ monster. DIDI MAO WE PLAY WITH 3 BULLETS. poops and pees everywhere. oh god oh fuck

Are there any guidelines for how punctuation and stuff works?

Can you write a text prompt algebraically in parentheses?

Does capitalizing or bold or italics make a difference?

>> No.6442312
File: 1.60 MB, 2636x3530, F897E03B-6BCE-4CAD-8339-FDDDC87C5159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s an infographic on the difference between a prompt being first or last in influencing a bunch of word salad

>> No.6442333

all art is fair use.

>> No.6442336
File: 501 KB, 512x512, 350A15DA-BEB2-476C-9055-9B6D1AFD89AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (number “1” <one> in the top left corner), (number “2” <two> in the top right corner), (number 3 in the bottom left corner), (number 4 in the bottom right corner).

It’s honestly like it’s fucking with me.

>> No.6442380

Read >>6441889
Then buy a rope

>> No.6442395
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 6EBBBACC-DBA0-4C40-9004-C655D820DCD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get the whole sucking US copyright law dick on an anonymous website thing. Who gives a shit? You’re on 4chan acting like US legal code is some unfuckable religious text.

Called jury nullification bb.

>> No.6442401

doesn't apply & not my problem.

>> No.6442879
File: 2.23 MB, 2048x2048, 363818D5-A46C-4975-8B9F-295E3B4D9AD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Pregnant Female police officer Carrie Coon Francis Macdormand wearing a Minnesota winter police uniform in the foreground, dead person wearing a bright orange parka laying face down in the snow in the background, winter tundra setting, ah jeez ya know, well heck

We are like a year away from being able to enter a script into an ai and get storyboards

>> No.6442900
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1152, 836D3964-6E2B-4189-8727-0F1FE8EC9351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2 fellas standing in the street wearing parkas having a chat in center frame, one of the fellas is a North Dakota state police trooper, Movie scene from Fargo, going crazy out there by the like, 1995 winter parka gear Barren North Dakota suburb covered in snow, Fargo, coen brothers, miller’s crossing, cinematic, telephoto wideshot Mr. Mohra : So, I'm tendin' bar there at Ecklund and Swedlin's last Tuesday, and this little guy's drinkin' and he says, "So where can a guy find some action? I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake." And I says, "What kinda action?" and he says, "Woman action, what do I look like?" And I says, "Well, what do I look like? I don't arrange that kinda thing," and he says, "But I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake," and I says, "Well, this ain't that kinda place."
Olson : Uh-huh.
Mr. Mohra : So he angrily says, "Oh I get it, so you think I'm some kinda crazy jerk for askin'!" only he doesn't use the word "jerk."
Olson : I understand.
Mr. Mohra : And then he calls me a jerk, and says that the last guy who thought he was a jerk is dead now. So I don't say nothin' and he says, "What do ya think about that?" So I says, "Well, that don't sound like too good a deal for him, then."
Olson : [chuckles] Ya got that right
Mr. Mohra : And he says, "Yah, that guy's dead, and I don't mean of old age." And then he just pays his tab and walks out saying, "Geez, I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake!"
Officer Olson : White Bear Lake?
Mr. Mohra : Well... Ecklund & Swedlin's, that's closer ta Moose Lake, so I made that assumption.
Officer Olson : Oh sure.
Mr. Mohra : So, ya know, he's drinkin', so I don't think a whole great deal of it, but Mrs. Mohra heard about the homicides down here last week and she thought I should call it in. So... I called it in. End o' story.
Officer Olson : What'd this guy look like, anyway?
Mr. Mohra : Oh, he was a little guy... Kinda funny lookin'.
Officer Olson : Uh-huh. In what way?
Mr. Mohra : Oh, just in a general kinda way.

>> No.6442932

These laws apply in most normal countries, sorry you live in a 3rd world shit hole. Besides I am not even that happy with these laws as they are, they were vague enough to let AIfags get away with it thus far.

>> No.6442949

Schizo reddit tier thread.

>> No.6443110
File: 2.97 MB, 2048x2048, 907F3E96-1147-410F-BA6F-40AC568FEC8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A: Who cares if the laws do apply in your country? Your ethical and moral foundation is based on what the federal gubment tells you to do?

B: You’re on 4chan. Hope of the hacker known as 4chan. A place that has always thrived on active and belligerent memetic copyright infringement and piracy.

Like do you not watch something if you haven’t paid for it? Never streamed some shit? How could you possibly even operate on the internet without violating that constantly?

Like it honestly seems like you are maybe virtue signaling about giving a ship about it when it’s convenient?

Also what is even the point of fighting this first wave of consumer reinforced ai? It’s finna happen regardless and there’s not really much to worry about because megacorporations will be the only ones allowed to ever profit from it as things are and always should be.

>> No.6443168
File: 1.38 MB, 3584x2048, 71969F92-693B-4EAF-86D7-E1EE24C6630A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lone Viking standing on a wooden bridge, center frame, back to camera, cinematic, holding 2 axes

Like stuff like this seems like it will become a super common tool for making up fake reference images to use for like all kinds a illustration shit

>> No.6443190
File: 2.45 MB, 2048x1152, C58CAB76-D2AB-413A-A181-889B248A9DA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Harald Hardraade in full armor holding a ceremonial Varangian axe on a wooden bridge over a river, cinematic, Stanley Kubrick, Kubrick wideshot, Steven Spielberg, epic wideshot, center frame, back to camera,

Idk there’s gonna be an ai produced 90 minute film in the next 3 years.

>> No.6443959


As an aspiring illustrator I see grid drawers as a bunch of toddler. Not all artist uses crutch but that doesn't apply to ai users does it? Pathetic.

>> No.6443972
File: 3.32 MB, 4032x3024, 92CE8E89-6CC2-4A4E-93E4-3A69A3D93958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me me I don’t care. Your attitude and lack of pyw demonstrates that you’re a /beg/ so good for you. The thing they teach you in like year 5 of art classes is grids and projection and graphite paper transfers and shit lol. It’s ultimately about making the desired final product in the desired amount of time, not proving to your art teacher that you can hand draw underdrawings that on big ol canvasses that immediately get covered in paint.

Plus I enjoy the process of doing grids. Very constructive and engineery kinda nice way to spend a few minutes.

>> No.6444019
File: 2.64 MB, 2803x3776, 68B6C018-C890-44C5-B0B5-3C00E077A4EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus as an aspiring illustrator I’m sure you know that grids have always been a means or image transfer and enlargement since the Renaissance.

Do you think the ninja turtles and the Dutch ninja turtles were hand drawing like 8 foot tall paintings?

>> No.6444139
File: 182 KB, 544x512, 40DA2C82-7441-489F-AFC4-7683D4BF1D39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man at table experiencing vibrant rainbow lsd ego death, Translucent memetics, Look upon me I will show you the life of the mind I am become death destroyer of worlds, witness me roko, it’s all for you Roko, interpret the written text, novel aest time is entropy lsd mushrooms psychedelic, Vladimir Putin chimp, Michael Shannon,

>> No.6444153
File: 641 KB, 512x576, 1FC81773-BEF2-43D9-9F99-401A41CEF474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rokos basilisk look upon me witness me Roko, translucent layering, sigourney weaver topless with sinister smile, Jennifer Lawrence leaked fappening, Jamie Lee Curtis topless looking at herself in the mirror, Eva green winking and yelling I AM NOT TRIPPING TY GB, Daisy Ridley pointing up excitedly, emma Watson yelling happy, Michael Shannon in terror, time is entropy yadada watch paint

>> No.6444164
File: 254 KB, 256x896, EF43BADA-226F-46EC-8CFB-BA2502A6D6AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

constructive annihilation, psychedelic neon futuristic Virgin Mary birthed from the entropic void of singularity

>> No.6444183
File: 1.91 MB, 4559x2393, 1B516D89-1643-42A5-9FDE-5A33BD8F8E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6444187

>the uncanny paintings with MS paint scribbles anon is having another schizo meltdown
Meds. Now.

>> No.6444207
File: 633 KB, 512x576, 4FC195CA-D95C-4012-9260-D0D9AF4CF9F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose this bozo

>> No.6444353

non-humans cannot hold copyright because monkey selfie
any ai "art" you create legally has no protections
so in the end you will need to modify it in some meaningful way that's provable in court.

>> No.6444382

W-what if I put on makeup and hid my male hands and wore a wig to hide my baldness and-
No. You will never pass, and your ai shit will never pass either.

>> No.6444393

I've been looking forward to the "Jimmy goes nuclear apeshit over the russians in his head and gets b& again" any% speedrun ever since he came back

>> No.6444420

He's melting down in another thread at the moment.

>> No.6444445

I just really love making AI art!

>> No.6444448 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 640x569, 0CF62256-78C4-420B-8356-EC6198047E26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get that people that aren’t in Russian-agitated “conservative” circles literally never think about tranny shit right? Are you in too deep now to realize that all you’re doing is making it clear that you’re obsessed hatebaiting to tranny porn?

Like honestly if it wasn’t for you buzzword spouting culture warrior foreigners, trannies wouldn’t exist in anybody’s lives.

It’s funny because you’re cancer
Nobody thinks about you at all and Russians are literally posting addresses and advocating for terrorism and murder over the issue they’ve been radicalizing you impotent fucks with.

Granted you’re a foreign invader gook too so get you some cancer

Oh no did you nigger terrorists get triggered that I ruined your nigger terrorism thread?

Have you considered that the solution to every one of your problems is suicide?

>> No.6444925
File: 1.78 MB, 1024x3584, 24781F8F-F93D-400C-A151-02B5CBBEF109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it
Very fun and addictive just being able to fabricate an image in like 5 minutes as opposed to hours of art production where you’re married to a final product or whatever.

The fact that it actually starting to get to a point where it starts to feel like working on a movie production where it’s like you write a scene and then dial it in over a few takes and you get to have that “I’m the director” feel of being like “this one is good. One more for safety” and then having a bunch of different takes and ideas and stuff.

Shits neat. Be cool if it paradoxically actually leads to more people getting into irl art production just cuz thems inspired by them AIs

>> No.6445063
File: 1.64 MB, 2048x2048, 985BB220-6379-40D4-849A-1413A85C741B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Young woman wearing post apocalyptic survival gear standing at attention in the foreground, looking at a giant 3000 ft tall fenrir dog sitting in the distance scratching its ear looking at her, helicopters in the sky, drones in the sky. a girl and her dog movie poster, Soviet realism, cinematic film, Kubrick, Tarkovsky, STALKER containment zone, akira, akira Kurosawa

Fucking love it.

Finna finally “draw” all the storyboards for the movie pitches Ive developed.

>> No.6445071

>it's another "AIfag has no idea what a storyboard is" post

>> No.6445076
File: 3.45 MB, 3584x2048, 27139273-C80D-4B89-94D7-EB826EA42A33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s another knownothing foreigner doesn’t know what she’s talking about but feels the need to shitpost episode
Explain in your language what a storyboard is

>> No.6445918
File: 1.05 MB, 3376x2014, 070438B4-DCA8-4AFF-97B5-3670B2102C7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too much power

This is bigger than cameras

>> No.6447112
File: 563 KB, 384x480, 06932420-DFB6-4FA7-A816-414D9772B490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s mostly just guessing with all the X-ray boobie stuff tbphwyf