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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 112 KB, 1024x853, 1671857018593232m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6437833 No.6437833 [Reply] [Original]

So seeing the AI art in /b/ was a real eye opener. How does the modern artist get ahead of the curve? I can see a huge uptick in story based content like people making their own games, comics or animations entirely out of AI.

Beyond that, I can see a loyalty forming with followers of artists who can do certain designs with their own talent but I think that will be shortlived.

Whats's the best path to choose? Because this image is AI and its better than what most artists can draw in 4+ years of studying.

>> No.6437837

You die out.

>> No.6437838

Anon you've been making the same threads on this board since September and your posting style is recognizable since your english is fucking shit and you reddit space every line.
I'm telling you seriously, get some help and touch grass.
Merry Christmas.

>> No.6437839
File: 59 KB, 600x849, 3d2d2a2cf664393505021e2db722aaf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is bait you never needed art skills to make a good game or comic, no one was gatekeeping those mediums and I doubt people that are too lazy and prideful to even attempt to make a game despite not being Picasso levels good at art will ever create something that resonates with people or if proffitable.

>> No.6437843
File: 1.03 MB, 912x696, 00521-3406197749-A girl (holding a teddy bear).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic looks like shit.

>> No.6437844

adding queens of spades to the generated art, it's the only way to adapt with the times.

>> No.6437846

>Anon you've been making the same threads on this board since September and your posting style is recognizable since your english is fucking shit
Not me, and theres no /ic/ archive so i can't view them.

>> No.6437849

>and theres no /ic/ archive
>these are the retards spamming the board

>> No.6437851

I really see Trad and fine art the only way desu.
That being said if you are tying to go commercial it really depends on the client. There are a few things to bank on,
-A client may only want a certain artist for whatever reason.
-illustration for books and music might be at biggest risk for AI since they are most easily susceptible to the cheapness and convenience of AI.
-doing what AI can't/AI limitations. This is honestly a cope but in the interim if you can identify AI limitations and exploit them then you have your seat at the table. But this is only going to be usefull for the top 1% of artists and only for a microsec as the tech has and continues to advance at record ultralight speeds. Even still this will quickly end and then only a 0001% of artists will continue to be competitive to AI.
-using AI, the end all, but this gets murky. Is it AI art or AI assisted art if you i.e use it to modify or outpaint your work?

>> No.6437852

Look the fake concern troll is here too.

>> No.6437853

AI based comics look terrible. You can't even attempt to do action scenes or cram more than 1 characters per panel because it's so incredibly bad at it.

>> No.6437859

you should this tech is already being used to subvert the indian state

>> No.6437861

Thanks I appreciate it, I didn't know that one

>> No.6437866

>So seeing the AI art in /b/ was a real eye opener.
Yeah the pedo shit is nauseating. The feds can't shut it down soon enough.

>> No.6437872

How the fuck do these jeets think they can wiggle their way into animation without completely relying on 3d?

>> No.6437875
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x1024, Vayeate_Cyberpunk_City_Rainy_Neon_Signs_8k_Crowded_Street_Night_6e9beb38-2568-469a-9f75-034aa3fe84ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man you can cope however you want. The truth is AI is a massive disruption and your winy little tantrums aren't going to change it. It's commercial art and graphic designers that are going to get the AI rope first so fine art for the most part is safe.
Wish you a Merry Christmas.
This is the cyberpunk future we are heading into.

>> No.6437879

This picture you posted makes no sense. Looking at it for longer than a second makes me feel like I'm having a stroke.

>> No.6437888

>This is the cyberpunk future we are heading into.
Low res blurry and barely intelligible?

>> No.6437891

>this tech is already being used to subvert the indian state

>> No.6437895

Let's be real. With cancel culture faggots canceling everything that moves, I don't think any single big company would ever risk to use AI in their products. Companies are weak faggots who always pander to the newest Twitter trends. They integrated niggers into every single thing, they will keep using human artists for clout and inclusion even if AI would be the better and cheaper option. Why are people even worried?

BLM! Swawwy wukwaine! Wuwuuw

>> No.6437897

Well if literally everything is automated and everyone is getting UBI it doesn't matter if you use AI or not for art. There will be nothing to do and all the time in the world to make art however you want. And no reason to hustle people for commissions or put out content at light speed. There will be no need for competition and everyone can just do what they please.

>> No.6437904

>and everyone is getting UBI
Do you seriously think the government cares about you? You will rot in the streets.

>> No.6437906

No I don't think that. I'm going by the pro-AI peoples logic.

>> No.6437908

The point is that AI art is in its infancy, and it already can do this. Imagine what 3-4 years will do.

>> No.6437910

/b/ AI thread
Don't forget to scrub your hard drive before the party van arrives

>> No.6437911

Yeah the pedos need to be castrated finally.

>> No.6437915

...are you implying we never had image generators?

>> No.6437917

>This picture you posted makes no sense.
stop critiquing one of a billion ai generations this thing makes as if that makes a difference. that's the worst critique of AI there is is "the art isn't good". That so doesn't fucking matter, it can make them infinitely until it makes a good one. Saying "the hands on this one image are bad" doesn't fucking DO ANYTHING! YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY KILLING DIGITAL ART BY ATTACKING THE WRONG ASPECTS OF THIS FUCKING PROBLEM WERE ALL FUCKING SCREWED BECAUSE YOURE ALL SO FUCKING STUPID

>> No.6437920

Are you retarded?
It's not about being bad it's about being fundamentally broken in a way not even a toddler would make.

>> No.6437925

I fucking guarantee that you have never produced a single thing as good as that blurry shitty rainy city it made. The problem is that it makes stuff only a professional could make, and it makes it every single time. We have to get rid of AI entirely, it has to be illegal or digital art is dead because all of social media is already flooded with stuff that I can't and you can't make even if we practiced forever

>> No.6437927
File: 636 KB, 512x704, 00057-529594243-((furude rika)), a girl standing in front of a field of flowers, blue sky, clouds, field, flower field, dynamic angle, warm colo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm this also looks like shit.
These prompters are no good :(. Shame!

>> No.6437929

>deep fired low res image
>can't even generate a non smeared kanji
>only a professional
Anon you're making me concerned, I swear I won't defame your new toy if you stop crying.

>> No.6437944

The low IQ of this board is really weird

>> No.6437947

>stop critiquing
>on an art critique board

>> No.6437996

Everyone get distracted by how pretty AI images are, until they decide to use it for something other than random illustrations.

Most of the time art needs to serve a very specific purpose and the current AI solutions are made to appeal to the masses with oversimplified control.

They need to make it far more controllable to be useful. Maybe Photoshop or even CSP are working on some AI assisted tools, but let's see.

>> No.6438003

There’s nothing to critique a machine made it. All you do by critiquing it is give the devs more ideas of what to put into it you retard

>> No.6438005

>Maybe Photoshop or even CSP are working on some AI assisted tools
That would be cool. It sucks AI was made to replace artists vs empowering them.

>> No.6438008

They were going to but it got shut down. They need to sort out the ethics (and legality)>>6437944
of the original training data first.

>> No.6438010

Exactly, with both types of AIs for art, everyone could do their thing.

Some may say: "Artists are obsolete, why worry about making tools for them?". Well, because it would be far more efficient than relying on random results, professional production needs this kind of control and customization.

>> No.6438011

I was hoping it could be used for reference for figures, but it sucks at non standard poses and when you want to be really specific. It also messes up the anatomy of the most difficult parts like the hands. The lighting is also too inconsistent. It can help you with pin-up poses if you use NAI. But I’d still need to mock up the same pose with a 3d model to get consistent light ref. I’ve found that it can offer some inspiration for color themes and landscape compositions. When using img2img you can get some pretty good suggestions for semi abstract patterns when using older artists in your prompt.

>> No.6438023
File: 1.24 MB, 725x2850, latent space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacking the wrong aspects of this problem
I agree. Here's an attack against the right aspect of this problem, namely that everything that AI creates is just a mishmash of the data scraped from the internet and fed into it.

>> No.6438024
File: 258 KB, 854x480, Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Latent Space Visualization.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a video demonstration of the concept.
The problem with AI is not its functionality, but rather what is being done with it, namely the unethical usage of copyrighted data for profit.

>> No.6438025

>artlet who traced anime characters for 20 years and doesn't understand technology is angry

>> No.6438027
File: 343 KB, 512x1814, fair use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI shills like to make the argument that since their meme machine draws from so many data points all at once that it automatically constitutes fair use and there is nothing that can be done about it, but it's not so clear cut as that. Not only is the 'fair use' of the output in question, the very fact that all of this copyrighted content is being used in a program for profit is also it's own bundle of problems. I leave you all to draw your own conclusions from this information.

>> No.6438062
File: 174 KB, 1000x1000, 1671926731136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only outsourced browns suffer from AI. White creativity is a transcendental force that cannot be confined to a machine.

>> No.6438091

You've been spamming this same post typed out in the same format for months, faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.6438096

This is my first time making this thread. I don't browse here 24/7 like some jobless loser and yeah I imagine people have the same questions about AI because none of you has a real plan to deal with it other than hoping it gets banned.

>> No.6438099

There are pros on ic dude.

>> No.6438104

you realize this just looks like your just morphing images. This could be done in After Effects what us exactly ground breaking or new here, especially since it looks like it just saved each frame transition when morphing

>> No.6438106

>your just morphing images
Yes, that's exactly what image generating algorithms like Stable Diffusion does, in a nutshell.

>> No.6438108

incorrect. at least watch a video on it if you're going to lie.

>> No.6438111

I'm only telling you what I'm reading. https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-latent-space-in-machine-learning-de5a7c687d8d is the source, you can read it yourself.

>> No.6438118

Well, the data is there to morph between. Take afgan girl latent space structure, which when decoded is a full copyright image, explore the latent space towards old lady latent space points(decided is a full image), you get old afgan girl.

>> No.6438119


>> No.6438130

Commercial artists will be the ones losing their jobs last, or at least the graphic departments in videogame and movie companies, as well as conceptartists. All of these commercial artists are nowhere near being replaced thanks to diffusion tech being too unreliable at giving you what you want. Pinup artists and commissionfags not doing weirdass fetish porn are the ones getting fucked by this tech. Not even the commissionfags as much considering how unreliable the AI is at giving you anything creative that you have control over. All the creative masterpieces made by AI are AI being unrestrained by the prompter, and often the prompter bending over to the AI and just changing the prompts to get that image better.

Also for any newfags saying "it only took techfags 6 months to replace artists", let me remind you that techfags have been on their way to replace artists for more then 5 years, and no, this tech is not "just biproduct of pattern recognition softwere". Image recognition is far behind image generation, and for most of the time the tiny steps in the research were all about image generation and nothing about image recognition.

The only people I blame here are oldfag artfaggots here not doing anything for all these years. All this time you were dismissive tot he idea of AI replacing artists, eventhough artists being replaced was being worked on almost more by the AI research then self driving cars. Dall-E 1 was able to make very high quality images of everything 2 years ago, but artfaggots were too dismissive to the idea and didnt do anything while the Genie was in the bottle. Even when it finally came out of the bottle, all the artists were ignorant about it for another 2 months, even today you are ignorant to it some of you.

>> No.6438133
File: 188 KB, 1385x508, sad-keanu-in-full-plate-armour-wounded-on-the-battlefie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair warning, whenever something like this comes up the shills will resort to the "well it's just overfitting, if it weren't overfitting then it would be okay" argument.
"Overfitting" is what happens when you get output that's selected from a point that's *too close* to the original datapoint(s) within the latent space, thus creating output recognizable as the original image data. This most generally happens when there's not enough data points to interpolate between, meaning that it has to pull from one wholesale. But you'll even see this happening *completely by accident*, as you can see with the example in picrelated.
The thing you should all keep in mind is that overfitting is not the problem, it is a SYMPTOM of the system's inherent flaw- it relies entirely upon the interpolation of images, and thus cannot meaningfully change any of its input, only obfuscate it by blending it with enough similar inputs.

>> No.6438135
File: 382 KB, 640x512, 03726-3600837108-Photo, close up of a frowning cave man with a club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that afgan girl AI image meme image being circulated was a fake and not conceptualized by AI

They took the original and AI img2img'ed it with slight variation to the output.
But guess now we are at the point you can't believe anything you see because of AI and misinformation is being created with AI is not being used for politics as feared but by Neo Ludities instead.

>> No.6438137

Not fake you shill. Go to the midjourney discord and see for yourself.

>> No.6438140

Then it had to be an edit. Midjurney cannot do img2img and the screenshot showed 4 pictures of the girl just like every generation on Midjurney where you make variations and upscales.

>> No.6438143
File: 274 KB, 1224x714, screenshot2-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they banned that one lol.
You can still get the ""Migrant Mother" image by Dorothea Lange.

>> No.6438145

>Shilling an aspect of a product that makes it less capable to expose a very obvious misinfo.
Its complete bullshit. Its "AI" in the sense they took an existing image told the AI to make it "look different" and spit out an output also called user noise input to AI or img2img.
Did he post a "screenshot" because it would've been displayed on MJ generation Roll if it actually was.

>> No.6438147

It was a screenshot of the roll. You can probably find it if you search, unless they purged the threads at some point. Nobody on the discord server denies it happened. And the photographers name is fucking banned! Why else would they ban his name?

>> No.6438154
File: 2.19 MB, 725x2304, john bloodborne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438156

Nonono! Delete this sir! Ai doesn't copy! It's fake news!

>> No.6438158

oh no no no nonono

>> No.6438159

Yeah, this is known as memorization. It's a problem where the models sometimes reproduce images they were trained on rather than creating novel images. Everyone already knows it's possible and it happens, there are multiple ways to mitigate it, most have to do with curating the dataset better. This is not to say the models only regurgitate images, it's the exception to the rule.

>> No.6438160

No sir, please! I-i-i-it's only doing that because you're forcing it to do that, you are not using it right, you must do the needful and STAY AWAY from the original data! Go to some other point in the latent space sir, PLEASE!

>> No.6438161

Look, I know this looks "good" to you because you're a dopamine junky and you scroll and absorb 10 pieces of visual pornography per second to keep from having withdrawal, but just fucking slow down for once and look at something for longer than a split second. This thing you posted is objectively incoherent, lacking in human intrigue, and generally cold and soulless. Your cyber future sucks dick.

>> No.6438162

>rather than creating novel images
It does not and cannot do this

>> No.6438163
File: 2.71 MB, 3790x8010, Screenshot 2022-12-24 at 20-50-26 _ic_ - Artwork_Critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would tell past /ic/ as future /ic/?

Would you warn them?

>> No.6438164

That is what it does most of the time.

>> No.6438166

>What do you mean that the fact that it can produce copyrighted material if you force it to is a bad thing? Its a free softwere that everyone can download, and if they type in copyrighted material, they get copyrighted material. Its however ok if they dont send it on the internet tho, just like people who draw. Its the same thing. Once we get videoAI, you could watch pirated movies from that free AI, but you cant publish them, so it is ok actually.

>> No.6438167

Does the fact that it does this not imply that the original data points are still contained within the latent space?

>> No.6438168


>> No.6438169

Of course it does, but he'd lose his rupees if he admits it.

>> No.6438170
File: 432 KB, 709x1162, IMG_20221225_145553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, turns out you were lying, or fell for someone else's lie. Straight from midhourney.

>> No.6438172


>> No.6438174

>implying we haven’t been using stylegan to generate anime girl refs since 2017

>> No.6438176

There is literally nothing you could have said that would change their minds. I was one of those guys talking about automation of creativity for years. Same responses you see in that screenshot.

Now those same doubters are the ones saying "how the fuck did this happen??" and "well, genies out of the bottle i guess, time to give up and roll over!!"

>> No.6438179
File: 193 KB, 1024x576, rowsense-r4f091846-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does the modern cotton picker get ahead of the curve

>> No.6438182

? I'm not saying interpolation doesn't exist
That's a nonsensical question, the orignal data is image data, the latent space is not image data. You can train a model to create only images that violate copyright if you wanted to, for obvious reasons nobody wants to do that.

>> No.6438183

This is still enough to force them to remove all copyrighted material from the dataset.
>Have copyrighted image
>Cant have copyrighted image
>Prompt AI into producing the same exact image
>Get copyrighted image with some variation
>I can do whatever I want with it because I either own it according to some laws, or nobody owns it according to other laws
Yes, if you ask for big tiddy anime girl, it will not give you copy of anime girl somebody made every time, but that was never the argument (or maybe was by some brainlets like >>6438162). You can still create copyrighted images without permission of the author if you prompt it enough. With images it is not nearly as bad because screenshots and saving image files makes protecting images impossible from people just saving them, as everyone found out with NFTs last year. But imagine this same thing happening with videos or 3D models, something you cannot just steal as easily and something that can get you to jail if you dont do it trough 3 VPNs on russian websites. It proves you could theoretically pirate movies in shitty way with it, all at the same time by just downloading or more likely using trough cloud service some AI. Just type in name of the movie in the next 10 years from now, add some ((photorealistic)) buzzwords and you could get to watch any movie for free in theory. This thing completely fucks up the copyright law and what anons and AI researchers are trying to do is research this fast enough and keep it out of public eye for long enough to then destroy the copyright system, since their innovation would be faster then laws.

>> No.6438186

Idk about the legality of it, one could argue every output should be judged on it's own merits. Either way the imporant thing is to create useful models and models that create majority copyright violating images are not useful.

>> No.6438189

I don't get why people humor ai-trogs. just call them stupid, focus on what matters (getting their shitty theft taken care of,) and ensure that they keep making fools of themselves, like what they did with shitty nfts, or crypto, or any of that other stupid bullshit.

>> No.6438190

>it will not give you copy of anime girl somebody made every time
No, it will give you a frankenstein's monster of 1000+ anime girls, stealing from 1000+ artists instead of just 1. That doesn't make it any better.

>> No.6438192

When I scan a picture and save a jpg, it turns into 1s and 0s. When I save it into the latent space, it's 1s and 0s too. Image viewers decode the 1s and 0s, machine learning decodes the 1s and 0s of the latent space. Why is it nonsensical? Makes sense to me.

>> No.6438197

I enjoy making them talk themselves into a corner. And I will keep doing so until mods finally do something about it.

>> No.6438198

Well that wouldn't be the original data points as you put it.

>> No.6438200

I find it strengthens my arguments. It forced me to learn more about how it works, and turned me from mildly against AI, to full blown white hood Anti-ai human supremacist.

>> No.6438201

Semantics. A lossy cop is a copy.

>> No.6438204

I'm not saying it can't make a copy, I'm saying it doesn't need the original data to do so.

>> No.6438209

The data is there, in a different format. Some is lost, so it borrows from neighboring data.

>> No.6438210
File: 107 KB, 960x1280, HAI_AI Index Report 2022_Social_v3[1]_Page_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, lot of their assumptions are now wrong. AI research has been investing fuckton into replacing art since 2015. In 2021 the investment into Ai research blew up into insane heights, and all the tech firms and bigtech has been informing people that AI will never be creative, or at least that it will take forever to make it creative beyond just stringing random goop together. Even AI researchers themselves didnt think imagegen would be hyperrealistic for the next 6 years in 2020. In 2014 people saying AI will automate creative fields in far future is the equivalent of people in 1960s saying computers will begin to recognize patterns in 2 centuries from now. AI research is moving faster then anybody anticipated.

Also the people saying all creative jobs or artist jobs are now at risk the first are the same kind of retards thinking AI will only replace truckers in next 5 years and then finally start creeping into other jobs. They just ignore AI until it slaps them into the face and then they look at every shitter AI researchers have produced thus far and try to connect it to the latest impressive AI. 3D models are not going to be replaced next year, at least next 5 years, current methods are laughably unreliable once you learn how they work (they literally just generate 3 pictures from different angles and then photoscan it), and even if you manage to make the 3D model, they grow it out of a ball, so the topology is complete and utter horseshit. Not to even mention the idea of AI being able to look at individual parts of the model and then make drivers and shape keys. I can imagine it being able to do this in human models soon, but if you wanted to make some alien model and then rig and animate it properly, yeah, not happening at least for another 4 years.

Other fields are gonna see automation far sooner. ChatGPT is already able to do basic logic and regurgitate factoids when asked correctly. That is tons of knowledge jobs gone.

>> No.6438213

There is data present, it's not data that was present in the training dataset but it is derived from it.

>> No.6438218

If I resize an image, all the data has changed, the new smaller image data is derived from the original, what data is the same between the images?

>> No.6438220

Yeah but it's image data, pixels. If you start reducing everything backwards we'll just end up with atoms in different configurations, kinda pointless to talk about.

>> No.6438221
File: 2.19 MB, 2596x1070, perceptual image compression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>derived from it
the "derived" data being a lower dimensional representation of the original data, that can be decoded into a nearly identical copy of the original. If you get out what you put into the model, that means that the original data is still there, just in a different form, and no amount of pedantry is going to deflect from that fact.

>> No.6438222

It's the same code. There is no conscience there to "retype" the code. Therefore it's copyright infringement.

>> No.6438223

As an AI artist, I wouldn't mind having a brush monkey to touch up hands etc, but most of you seem way too uppity for that.

Maybe over time you'll become more reasonable.

>> No.6438224

Whatever, it's too late for this and I'm not qualified to educate you. Think what you will, it's not like it's up to us to decide if it's copyright infingment or not.

>> No.6438226

prompting is boring.... ai art is boring....

>> No.6438227

I accept your concession.

>> No.6438228

Pixels are seen as pixels only when an image viewer decodes them to show you.
We are not reducing this to atoms here, 1s and 0s is exactly how they are stored, same for when you translate the data into the latent space. It's translation, changing format, still 1s and 0s.

>> No.6438229 [DELETED] 

>not qualified to educate you
Very clear. You might have a case of dunning Kruger syndrome.

>> No.6438232

Make it a spectacle, juggle while painting, speed caricatures, youtube challenges like creating an image while bugs crawl on you

>> No.6438234

No. I will not dance like a monkey for your amusement. I will continue as I always have. Human made images had value for 1000 years, if they lose value and I have to choose another job or gibs, I choose gibs.

>> No.6438235
File: 2.04 MB, 1024x1536, 20407-1622513422-masterpiece, best quality, , light particles, final fantasy xiv, simple background, (ismail inceoglu_1.2), (mature female_1.3),.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438237

>Whats's the best path to choose?
models have no creativity. they do not understand what they are "drawing" and how the things in the images work
no one can make the images you create anon.
remember how everyone used that chinese img2img model and then immediately forgot about it because they realized it sucked? it will probably like this for a while until people get tired and bored of it and move on
just like cleverbot, just like dungeonai, just like thispersondoesnotexist, etc...

>> No.6438245

Yes, it is, which is why the only people using it for long term are grifters. Most /g/ anons are already bored of it, /sdg/ generals are dying, but are still kept up by newbies are hardcore autists lecturing newbies in prompting. Still does not matter if you are commissionfag who wants to get commission done for free. It will fuck over current digital art business model as people will be less willing to pay for it, but there wont be flood of retards posting AI art. Most people who will definately survive are people making interesting stories with their art, using it in creative ways. Imagegens on their own devalued image art, no longer can you be creative from just making a good picture, but if you do other things around the picture interesting, you will succeed in the middle term (like 5 years or so). ChatGPT and other chatbots like CharacterAI make extremely boring stories, worse then even 2 favorite fanfics on deviantart. For images the creativity and interesting ideas are prehaps not all that required to capture the interest of the reader, and also the fact that current chatbots cant remember more then 3 or so pages of text, so there wont be AI books anytime soon. Also, I kinda agree with >>6438163, where they argue that other professions will get fucked before the writers. Once chatbots can read all of your programming project, most coders are fucked. AIs can already fully develop medicines, so medical researchers are kinda fucked. As many anons have said lawyers are fucked once you make ChatGPT focus training data focus on specifically just the legal system and read past transcripts of courts, just like how you can train image AI on specific artists.

2D artists were under the buss since 2015, and now they are finally losing it. Other fields of art are not under the same bus, or at least not in the same way 2D images are.

>> No.6438253

Except the fact that Stable Diffusion and Midjurney are fucking really hard. Niji Jurney is also in beta and already making "soulful" art. People keep being amazed by it, and once they forget about this thing, they will also forget about you drawfags, unless you make something with your work. Being "muh creative" is not enough if your creativity means exploring random concepts every drawing you do. Making stories out of it will make people engaged in it, and making them more intricate will be the way to go. AI sucks at making consistent characters and text AIs are uncreative as fuck. If you are coom artist, making coom webcomic is the way to go.
>But webcomics take too much time to make
Then use the goddam AI to to speed up your work. Use it to generate background characters, some scenery, objects, maybe even use it on the main characters and then just redraw them. AI can speed up your workflow soo much without looking like AI slop, and you will still have the creative power over the work because you wrote the story. This is not like that Midjurney comic where the retard made 95% of the work using AI, here you can just make some parts, then use filters on it, redraw parts of it, and photobash it with your own characters in it to the point of it no longer looking like AI, and also no longer even morally being like AI. Just use them as stock photos and you will never become like the cretins who make comics with Midjurney only to get bullied on the internet and denied authorship.

>> No.6438257


>> No.6438259

idk man, of course you can appeal to some vague "others" or whatever but i've yet to see an image made by any model i wouldn't just scroll past even if it were created by a human. the main appeal with shit thats in the midjourney showcase seems to be mostly "an machine dide this!! omgg" and none of them look appealing to me. if i saw a person repaint and post these images, i'd just think it's boring slop and scroll by...
again, you just say the vague random word "soulful" but ai literally does not understand what it is creating beyond tags.
like another anon said, if you show a kindergartener a bunch of horses and make him draw a horse, he's still gonna understand it has 4 legs, not 5 or 10 or whatever, but any model will struggle with stuff like this. it is vital to understand that this is inherent to the way the images are created.
it's not a bug. it's the feature.

>> No.6438263

I dont do 2D art. I make 3D models and videogames. I am on this board because I hate AI and /g/ and /pol/ are jerking themselves over AI because AI says racist stuff and makes Twitter pronoun users seethe

>> No.6438266

>I make 3D models and videogames.

>> No.6438272
File: 464 KB, 950x556, Shitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make /agdg/ shit as a hobby for about a year, but realistically it was just 3 months. I made also some Minecraft mods, Terraria mods, Dont Starve mods, Factorio mods and tried making mods for other games in the past. I will not show anything else aside from this one screenshot because I dont want people to find my pathetic itch.io page

>> No.6438273

it's not much, but at least you posted work

>> No.6438275

All I know is that I must draw

>> No.6438277

How are concept artists not the first to go?
I mean, at least the ones who can't adapt to using ai

>> No.6438282
File: 86 KB, 596x740, _lhermann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


commercial artists already losing work

>> No.6438296

Because you don't know what Concept Artists do if you think the AI resolves more than 10% of the workload.

>> No.6438307

You will own nothing and you will be happy.

>> No.6438308

Website designers =/= artists
Artists who make fiver commissions for youtube thumbnails and by making corporate art stock photos will be the ones losing jobs, but not all commercial artists are the same. Concept artists wont lose their jobs to this shit, or at least not at learge. Cheap indie companies that consider 400$ a great investment will try to opt for AI art to make concepts because they have low bar, but their product will suck thanks to AI art not being consistent. Some studio designing some grave tunnel aesthetic and just typing "grave tunnel --v 4" will be here, but their results will be no better then using stock photos from google as conceptart. Same with other high up artists. Juniors will get fucked and there will be generally less job openings, but that will be the same also for coders soon. If you are /beg/ who wants to make it one day and become professional artist being hired by companies to do shit, I would try to abandon that dream, but if you are already in the business, I dont think you will lose job next year, or event he next 2-3 years. Current models wont give you what you want, but once they do, then most commercial artists will get fucked.

>> No.6438313

If you make a game using AI now and the USA rules the source dataset as copyright infringement will the game you made be fucked too?

>> No.6438319

If using the produced art is copyright infringement, then most likely. However nobody will enforce it since it is very common in gamedev to use asset packs or just straight up steal assets from other games, especially in the old days. Most videogames from 1990s-2000s used basically the same stone texture, you can even find videoessays about how people used the texture cobblestone.jpg in so many games.

>> No.6438320

honestly I want to believe you but the more I see, the more this sounds like cope. ultimately it's not the artists or even the art directors calling the shots but executives who could give a crap about artistic integrity.

good luck convincing some dead eyed bean counter that an 80k/year artist is worth enough to justify turning down free instant unlimited art

>> No.6438334

Well, you won’t convince him. Director will. But if it is some Ubisoft company that just recreates reality, then AI will do that easily. There are still nerds analysing movies and games. If the product features lot of stuff that is either speculative evolution, sci fi semi-realistic and logical designs, or fantasy designs consistent with both the setting and referencing ancient history, then you should be ok. Studio with long history of doing this shit or advertising itself to do it wont just stop doing it, 80k for a designer making parts of the product have souls and interesting details is nothing. But if you are worrying about drawmonkies making individual textures for mass models and so on, then head, they are fucked. Once they find out how to make it look consistent, then the studios will pay one prompter with photoshop skills that will change up the pictures by hand, or maybe do it already. If studios were so eager to use it and it was already functional in its current state, then you would hear about huge artist layoffs, just like with the tech layoffs recently. Only big game I know of using some AI art is the Rick and Marty game where the only reason they used it was because the AI images were trippy dogshit that fits as alternate dimension.

>> No.6438335

>good luck convincing some dead eyed bean counter that an 80k/year artist is worth enough to justify turning down free instant unlimited art
Its actually not even the price its the other issues like being unreliable or having the final product be lackluster vs how it was imagined.

>> No.6438348

But AI is also unreliable. The only reliability it has is that it makes pics in 10 seconds instead of 30 min. But you need to regenerate the pics 50 times, do inpainting, change up the prompts to make the character how you wanted, then realise that the AI does not follow your prompts and keeps making your character wear breastplate instead of tunic, even though you wrote tunic into the prompt multiple times. Just working with the AI is the best proof of how unreliable it is, and the easier to use models like Midjurney that autocomplete prompts for you are even more unreliable. The only time AI is better then artist in reliability is when the artist is commissioner and massive faggot that refuses to draw your stuff, or if they are just hobbyist fags and decide to take 3 months just to make a fucking picture that would take 2 days max. Anybody who has it as actual job will not hesitate with it and will just do it, no questions asked, and then show you wip to then make you decide how to change it.

>> No.6438357

skill issue

>> No.6438364

Old man punching a horse?

>> No.6438365
File: 110 KB, 688x823, 1670907419423288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if we keep repeating things for long enough, people will finally accept them as fact

>> No.6438372

Ai art is real art.
Transwomen are real women/

>> No.6438373

the ironing lol

>> No.6438382
File: 334 KB, 1411x711, 1671943487604872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6438434

AI art is 27 years old.
It hasn't improved at all in any aspect except the hardware requirements.

>> No.6438441

Those were licensed textures that the studios might or might not have paid fully to use.
This shit is aping key art from Sony and Disney.
The second someone uses AI to make a meaningful commercial product and big corporate pixel combers find any of their protected IPs in the datasets, it's game over.

>> No.6438444

No you don't understand, it's a magical genie and it's out of the bottle

>> No.6438450

Ok, we are making a game based on a certain historical period, no anachronisms please. Design 10 characters referencing these historical figures, mostly period accurate costumes, with personality of each character expressed in the way they wear it, tailor it etc, keep the silhouettes distinct... How does ai help? Ai can't do shit like that accurately. You could try train each and every ref you have seperatly... Try to inpaint gatcha for a while... Still without real coherence, especially when you ask for a shot of the back of the character.

>> No.6438456

And then there's the whole copyright infringement thing.

>> No.6438460

Become a lawyer, doctor or something like that. Only jobs with their status being protected by law (i.e. rent-seeking in nature) will survive. Can AI replace their works? Of course. Would the law allow it? Absolutely not.

>> No.6438470

It would be fine, there are fucktons of place with almost no practical copyright protection.

>> No.6438480

Musicians are doing fine so far

>> No.6438482

Many would be surgeons are going into cosmetic because they know they'll be replaced as soon as the DVS becomes financially sound and a single senior surgeon can perform 24+ operations a day without physical strain.

>> No.6438484

the USA only accounts for a quater of total world GDP as of now.

>> No.6438487

They will make a living though.

They're doing fine becaue it's either (1) cheap enough that AI actually costs more than human or (2) AI can't replace celebs

>> No.6438490

>(1) cheap enough that AI actually costs more than human or
*(1) musics are cheap enough that AI actually costs more than human or

>> No.6438493

I work at a fabric factory during the industrial revolution in Virginia and my boss recently became obsessed with loom technology. One day he asked my colleague to send him a folder of prior works he's done for the company (40-50 high quality bolts of fabric with a very distinct pattern). Two days later, he comes out with a special mechanism for efficient weaving - and even had the guts to put his own name in the model title. The mechanism does an ok job - not great, but enough to fool my textile-savvy bosses that they can now "make fabric like that colleague - hundreds at a time". These are their exact words. They plan to exploit this to the max, and turn existing weavers into finishers. Naturally, my colleague, who has developed his style for 30+ years, feels betrayed. The automated fabric isn't as good as his original work, but the bosses are too fashionably challenged to spot the mistakes.

The most depressing part is, they'll probably make it profitable, and the overall quality will drop.

>> No.6438494

>the industrial revolution in Virginia
Are you sure it's not England? Also they didn't lose their job, they just became a worker as in working class.

>> No.6438495

While /ic/ is spammed with this shit, I follow literally thousands of artists on twitter and I never see anything about AI.

>> No.6438499

>drastically diminishing social status is not losing!
Semanticsfags get the bullet first.

>> No.6438504

Drastically diminishing social status doesn't mean you can't make a living though. Actually those fellas at a fabric factory you mentioned would've became an artisan if they were competent enough since there have been constant demand for artisan-made products.

Tldr: you're making a false analogy.

>> No.6438505

You can make a living begging.
In fact it's the only thing faggots like you will have left when the robots take up even prostitution and crime.

Imbeciles like you always think they'll be the new intelligentsia but they're always the first ones to suffer the consequences of blindly supporting revolutions.

>> No.6438508

I thought you were the one supporting AI arts though? What you've described was a real thing in the past and was a reason socialist movement started to become prevalent in 19th century. It actually happened, artisans got fucked. I don't understand your points if you weren't supporting AI arts?

>> No.6438537

>But if it is some Ubisoft company that just recreates reality, then AI will do that easily.
Ask AI to make a detailed, realistic rendering of the Cathedral of Milan. It'll shit out a generic blurry fantasy le Greg Rutowtsky building.

>> No.6438538

That was because back then, you got what you paid for. There was no free alternative to shit art without stealing someone else's art. That barrier has broken now so this isn't the case anymore. I have no clue what we're going to do in this future now. I guess our only choice is to go 3D because I think that medium might be a little bit safer since copyright is a bit more serious in that realm and you've still got a little bit more time.

>> No.6438544

I want AI to make traditional animation to be much easier than it is right now. I don't see how people back then could draw the same image almost a few thousand times.

>> No.6438549

>even today you are ignorant to it some of you

more pajeet "english"

pakistan needs to glass you fuckers already

>> No.6438550

Old animation looks great because they didn't take shortcuts. Taking shortcuts leads to worse results every time.

>> No.6438554

>I want the tech that is known to make inconsistent as fuck results and put it in a medium in which consistency is crucial
Not in the next 10 years, if ever, I'm afraid

>> No.6438568

>There was no free alternative to shit art without stealing someone else's art.
You talk as if this isn't the case of what's happening with AI.

>> No.6438570
File: 373 KB, 450x327, OCAnimation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it requires you to syphon your soul into an animation to make it look good, it doesn't change the fact that I probably won't be able to make more than a 24-48 hours worth of animation within my lifetime as a hobby without the help of an AI specifically made for animation. I just want animation to be easier, all i'm saying.

>> No.6438586

Fuck AI and fuck bigot.

>> No.6438588

>even today you are ignorant to it, some of you.
I love it when ESLs correct and teach each other, but you're in the wrong here, and you're probably as brown as he is.

>> No.6438592
File: 720 KB, 768x768, 00062-558911484-(((masterpiece___.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does the modern artist get ahead of the curve?

let the A.I. do the job of grabbing attention or compete with others

>Whats's the best path to choose?

turn drawing or art into a hobby again, don't let others use them for their own benefits

Art today is about attention seeking, advertisement, and ponzi scheming, I'd rather enjoy art as a hobby again

A.I. is just a tool regardless, don't loose your mind over it

>> No.6438672

Goodman artfags are assblasted beyond all measure.
Merry Christmas Aichad

>> No.6438680

Grab attention with what? All AI picture look the same.
Your average /ic/ goer or twitter art follower couldn't name a single AI proompter lmao

>> No.6438711

>Your average /ic/ goer or twitter art follower couldn't name a single AI proompter
Good? Maybe art should be centered around work and not cult of personality. The fact that this is so inconceivable to you is telling.

>> No.6438720

>doesn't even attempt to deny it
So how do you want anyone to hire you if you don't have a name? And yes, art is also about an artists unique touch and the flair it gives his drawings, you'd realize this if you weren't a tech obsessed subhuman

>> No.6438726

oh god I KNEEL look at those "hands", how can men even compete?

>> No.6438728

draw things from niche media. Not every character has been trained due to a lack of content. Watermark it as annoying as possible too, making it useless for training

>> No.6438735
File: 1.28 MB, 512x512, 51516714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438736

i don't make ai stuff so i don't particularly care but art is a product and like any other product people should have venues to purchase ai generated images if they so choose, even if it isn't produced by someone with 50K followers on twitter. but you know that this is already happening which is why you're so scared.

>> No.6438769

Rick and Marty game already used some AI art in it. Probably was just Dall-E mini shit instead of stuff like Midjurney.

>> No.6438774

You don’t

>> No.6438777

Ironically artist is one of the jobs protected by status, and look where we are now. Doctors can be replaced by putting the liability from twelve doctors to one doctor and maybe a nurse. Lawyers can be replaced by the fact that you can represent yourself in the court. You have the right to do it, so some poor people will choose out of financial reasons to use laptop lawyer and just ask it questions and make it listen to the court. Once it proves to work and win cases more often then actual lawyers, lawyers are on their way out. With doctors you can just reduce staff. One nurse can make examination of you that the computer will tell her, then she enters in data and the computer will decide. AIs are already much better at diagnosing diseases from x-rays and will soon know how to prescribe stuff. The public would be largely in favour, especially in the US because automation of doctors would bring the medical bill down, something Americans desperately need and want. The liability can just be shifted to as I said one main doctor or surgeon instead of multiple, or even the nurse when diagnosing.

>> No.6438779

Oh yeah, Ai sure as hell will replace Nurses.
Reading dumb shit like this makes me realise that most of AI bros never worked a day in their life.

>> No.6438780

Its what I always argued, the smearing and distorition we see in AI images are simply compression, the same compression artifacts we get in .jpegs but instead of noise (because thats how jpegs work to compress images) we get interpolation of detais from other pictures.

We are seeing the compression artifacts of the original being completed by other pictures in the database.

>> No.6438781


>> No.6438785

I'm pretty sure it was midjourney

>> No.6438789

It was compression the model would be terabytes in size

>> No.6438794
File: 181 KB, 661x783, abusive-ai-bro-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*has pirated photoshop*

>> No.6438795

Post it

>> No.6438796

No one tell him what masterstudies are

>> No.6438808

Then they will ban AIs by spending fucktons of money into the lobbying. Public opinion doesn't really matter; All you need is some "think-tank" that will spew some reports and researchs. Not to say they know fucktons of congresspeople more than tech bros do.

TLDR: Tech bros need some reality check, and APA and ABA will force them to do so if they try to "replace" them.

>> No.6438810

but it's not, at most you could argue it's a compression of the conceptual content data that is encoded in the image data which the AI uses for training. If it was just compression of image data it wouldn't be able to create novel images and concepts and the file size would be much larger.

>> No.6438811


>> No.6438812

Imagine instead of a machine learning algorithm with super computers, scientists grew millions of tiny human brains in vats, connected them to image databases and trained them and used them to generate the art. Why should we afford the same rights to this Frankenstein matrix?

>> No.6438814


>> No.6438816

it was actually research, fuck

>> No.6438821

>Conceptually the afghan girl has these features, this conceptual age, wearing this conceptual clothing, in this conceptual lighting and this conceptual color palette, head turned on this conceptual angle.
> It's just "concepts" of the image data, it's not the image data, so it's ok if we take so many concepts that we can recostruct the copyright original image.

>This music ai only learns concepts of all the songs on the internet, this song only sounds like The Wall and has the same lyrics because the concepts were the same, the ai isn't actually writing the words and notation and playing the instruments, it's the concepts of all of those elements.
>Just don't use the ai to make copyright songs and you'll be fine.
>If it happens by accident and you unwittingly use the output for commercial gain, stability.ai is not legally responsible. By using this ai you take all responsibility for it's output.

>> No.6438824
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ArtDirectorGpt wants an ice dragon
>ask stable diffusion for an ice dragon
>this one looks okay but it's got five legs
>load it into photoshop and erase a leg
>pull up a stock orthographic of a dragon, use the warp tool and squish the image about a bit so it is not totally standard
>cut and paste bits of the ice dragon onto it
>feed the orthographic into imgtoimg
>take it into photoshop and fix anything the ai fucked up
>feed it into a program that makes 3d models from orthographics
>open it in blender and fix anything the ai fucked up
>took 30 mins
>I've got 23 more assets to shit out today
>I am an artist

>> No.6438825

I'm an AI artist.
Translation: I'm an Image Jannie who cleans the ai poopsies.

>> No.6438830

>took 30 mins
You guys really think that fixing a fucked up complex image takes that little.
You really have no clue.

>> No.6438833


>> No.6438835

I don't care if it's okay or not, just saying it's different.

>> No.6438837

True. It took me dozens of hours editing and reprompting to get my image ready for the local artfair competition.
AI art is NOT easy, it takes skill.

>> No.6438838

Tell that to the judge! Translation of data into new formats is not really different, I can't translate a new novel into another language and sell it as my own.

>> No.6438839

depends, if you write about the same concepts in a different language you could argue it's so far removed from the original that it's novel. Plus it's not just a different language, it's like translating language into images or sounds into feelings.

>> No.6438842

>AI art is NOT easy, it takes skill.
That's not what I was saying

>> No.6438845

What are you saying?
t. room temperature IQ ai artist

>> No.6438848
File: 332 KB, 628x602, rldrfydyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>feed it into a program that makes 3d models from orthographics
>>open it in blender and fix anything the ai fucked up
>>took 30 min

>> No.6438850

Yes, you could obscure your sources so much the result appears novel. This is what George Lucas did with starwars, mashing Dune, Valerian and Hidden Fortress together.

>> No.6438853


>> No.6438869

one is studying, another is a computer doing all the work, plus if you blatantly copy someone even as a human you wouldn't get away with it for long, especially if you monetize it

>> No.6438870

lol the % of musicians that make money off music is absolutely miniscule. Much smaller than visual artists.

t. has a worthless music degree

>> No.6438880
File: 210 KB, 512x512, 00000-233964110-cartoon style .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6438881

Just draw something of higher quality than the AI, duh.

>> No.6438908

the goverments of the world will kill you and any body thta doesn't benefit them, they are not benevolent, they are parasites that consider most of the population useless eaters

>> No.6438943

idk i am high but I am pretty sure I am a genius for suggesting this.

>> No.6438959

>implying people actually critique on here
looking at it for for a about 3 seconds gives you the "feel" of a cyberpunk dystopia, most people leave and breath their feelings and operate entirely off of them--consider "art block" which is simply not "feeling" like drawing or anyone else undisciplined for that matter

looking at it for more than 5 seconds, you start to notice there isn't really anything you can pinpoint exactly, in a sense, it could be like a rough painting that needs further refining

but i'm sure you'd rather just dismiss because it's AI rather than admitting you'd think this was interesting if drawn by hand which is quite ironic
>phones created by machines are SOULLESS compared to those created by hand
sure, but in reality, no one cares
do you care how your phone was made or that the people who made it want to kill themselves everyday?
no, you don't give a shit and that is how most people think and that is how it will be for AI
only artists will be seething, everyone else won't give a shit
they already understand this
what they are trying to do is gaslight and make you think that it is not worth pursuing AI so that their little community can be preserved
AI has been around for a long time just like how the internet existed before it was available publicly
imagine if the people back then, when the internet first became available, said that "there used to be the internet WAY before it was released and it was SHIT!!!" and somehow that proves their point? it doesn't
it's cope
AI artists aren't making art for other artists like you people
they make art for the masses, the normies that only care about their quick dopamine hit before moving onto the next photograph, image, or tiktok video
AI didn't kill the artist, our jewish, hyper-dopaminergic society did
you can't appreciate art if you have this idea in your head that you "don't have enough time" to appreciate it

>> No.6438971

A very long post that can be summed up in "I'm coping and seething"

>> No.6438978
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>> No.6438987

The primary skill is learning to manipulate a black box, skill which vanishes every major update. Old tricks to pull quality don't work, then AI prompters whine about how the new model is ruined because the vectors are different.
v3 is going to be devastating to established AI posters, a massive improvement that also works as a reset for everyone to be on the same baseline skill level. Training will also be more limited due to increased GPU demands, hope you have at least 12GB VRAM handy pr you're going to be working at minimum res.

>> No.6438988

>do you care how your phone was made or that the people who made it want to kill themselves everyday?
Yes? I value people labour no matter how little it is, I had the same phone for 7 years now.

>> No.6439074

Is anyone here actually /using/ AI as a workflow tool?

I've tried it a couple times now. It's cool for some things like quick idea generation, but doing a more direct paintover is a pretty soulless experience even when the final image looks nice.

>> No.6439103

Tried it. I find that that fixing the mistakes is different to fixing those of amateur artists. It's like things are off in ways you don't anticipate, or can't see straight away, so as you fix one area, another looks off too. everything is out of whack in a way that several fixes are not enough, you need to do a lot of repainting. In most of the 'fixed' ai art I have seen others do, oddly the unfixed is the more appealing image, despite distortions. This was with fixing more realistic styles, anime might be able to get away with fewer fixes, not sure.

>> No.6439140

I kinda see the point, ai myself have traced shit plus 3d models, but the fact is that you do learn something that way to one day make original things.

And the fact remains that AI is going to remove that need, and artists are going the way of basically becoming bug fixers on a game vs having a powerful tool that will help your art skills improve.

It does suck they outright said lets replace artists vs create tools to help them.

>> No.6439143

Thats actually really intriguing i was planning to make my own animations off AI one day by tracing over the images plus using the AI animation itself

>> No.6439167

Drawing has been around since beginning of humanity and yet you still suck at it

>> No.6439168

Not nurses you reading comprehension morgel. I said that nurses would just do the physical stuff with the patient and then AI will do the thinking stuff with the diagnosis.

>> No.6440152

good, most people don't

>> No.6440238
File: 3.24 MB, 1008x4176, AI Manga - Phaedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related is a manga made by an AI. It looks terrible.

>> No.6440240

AI cannot into realism. Pajeet AI prompters on suicide watch

>> No.6440249

This is from years ago. Pretty sure more went into creating this than just "an AI made it" but I can't be bothered to look it up.

>> No.6440266
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, hJKqsZa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine anything more cucked than fixing a computer's mistakes. It's like being a janitor but worse.

>> No.6440274

That's why a prompteur + brush monkey makes for the perfect team

>> No.6440280

Why would you need a prompter to start with? Soon prompting will be so easy that anyone can just go to a website and type in plain english what they want

>> No.6440299

Some artists are not cucks. All proompters are cucks. Knowing the difference could save your life.

>> No.6440301

They literally only generated the faces with a GAN.
The rest of the manga is obviously drawn by someone

>> No.6440304

>can't tell difference between diffusion models and GAN
it's over for artists

>> No.6440307

How is a 10% workload improvement not a big deal

>> No.6440345

>hands hidden again

seems the amateur artist trick of hiding the hands has made its way to the prompters.

>> No.6440407
File: 37 KB, 261x475, MV5BMTY4NjE4NDI2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM2ODEyMQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does the modern artist get ahead of the curve?
Can AI draw this? No?

>> No.6440415

Nobody cares dude stfu.

>> No.6440418

Digital art is shit anyway.

>> No.6440419

It's good if digital art is dead.

I am only concerned at how if effects real art.

>> No.6440421

You sound like a digital artist.

>> No.6440424

Go back to /pol/ retarded schizo.

>> No.6440427

Shut up retard.

>> No.6440434

the digital vs traditional arguments are false flags, it's manufactured infighting. Don't fall for it, stick together.

>> No.6440441

You don't know what a luddite is, you dumb NPC. Why are you calling digital artists "luddites" you fucking retard? How mentally impaired do you have to be to blindly support every technological "advancement" without stopping for a second to consider wheter the tech is beneficial to mankind or not, and to ponder upon its effects on society? Only a total cuck like you would defend technological advancement for its own sake, it's cult like behavior

>> No.6440448

I call em ai turd polishers

>> No.6440451

what is the point that you're making here retardo? You think that piracy is copyright infringement? el oh el

>> No.6440453

AI models with music:
>we made sure that no copyrighted works were used in training this model, we would never want to disrespect the work of musicians(because they have legal recourse)
only reason stable diffusion can gloat about using thousands of copyrighted works is because the artist doesn't have the same legal backing as those in the music industry.

>> No.6440455

>the artist doesn't have the same legal backing as those in the music industry.
Once ai takes over the legal field I wonder if aitards will still be as smug with their massive shill campaigns

>> No.6440744

The future is here!


>> No.6440806

You AI shills are so lazy that your shill posts are always the same 3-segmented format of lying about ML capabilities and bad demoralization attempts.

>> No.6441012

Shows you how little these shills really know.

>> No.6441016

>AI shill doesn't understand using a creator supported image generator

>> No.6441017

Do you not know what rotoscoping is?

>> No.6441024

Oh wow a blurry mess with perspective that would make Hitler look like the gold standard and zero composition, you sure showed us annon, the truth is outside of the bog standard pinup or portrait format, you can’t get anything good out of AI because the sample size for the works that can be plagerized drops and youre left with meaningless junk.


>> No.6441027

Probably some tex ai, but they aren't very creative to begin with so it's not like there'll be much difference

>> No.6441042
File: 936 KB, 1475x2212, Peters Lair 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using bits of AI generated imagery intrigues me. As I made a 16 page story as a one shot comic story,primarily to teach myself the craft of 2 dimensional sculpture that I have constructed as the basis of my comic style. I would draw all the bits in pencil, scan them in,and Photoshop them into chunks of scenery and props,and file them away as needed. So if I need a quick forest scene,with one new tree and the rest cunningly recycled from other panels. Since all the recycled imagery is mine,it's "okay".

But what if I made a living at crafting scenes or, ssy,Stock Sword and Sorcery characters and scenery, and blended them together with Photoshop, needing a degree of skill to get right,and serious work involved. The problem with AI art is consistancy, you will never get a character looking the same way twice. But I suppose that you could "aim" with the description of the character, and get the pose correct and Photoshop it into the character that is required for the book cover or whatever. The possibilities stagger the imagination.

>> No.6441050

The amount of low quality bait that nobody takes serious is so big i would apply for janitor because ic obviously has none

>> No.6441072
File: 778 KB, 1520x760, file(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to drill down into the definition, Luddites were weavers/textile craftsmen that were upsets over power looms which not only could do the work faster and more consistent it could also replicate patterns and style with ease with the use of the first punch cards that later saw use in early computers. Being a weaver back then was a skilled trade that required training, apprenticeships and journeyman skills to work in, a machine did not require any of that.
That was my first AI generated image

>> No.6441100

> one drive by shit post
> thread devolves into paint pig seething and coping about half-truths and using shit AI examples to calm themselves down

Go post another anti-AI post on your furry deviantart page.. you'll feel better.

>> No.6441115

>paint pig
why these terms give me so much sjw vibes

>> No.6441121

Society is tailor-made for humans, arguing about AI rights by using human rights as an example is missing the point. We recognize value in human studying a discipline, versus a machine doing it.
Otherwise you're like a vegan asking how come were allowed to kill and eat cows but not humans.

>> No.6441122

Because you don't speak the English fluently sir.

>> No.6441125

>AI was supposed to free humans from tedious jobs
>AI actually leaves human with nothing but tedious jobs
At least until they can make an AI janitor.

>> No.6441129

You only need to look at the homeless population in the richest nation in the history of the world, to see how much interested in UBI governments will be.

>> No.6441131

thats true
but what am i missing? is this some kind of old shit from 90's

>> No.6441138

>paintpig, techbro, artcel, ...
It's all the same sort of "person".

>> No.6441142

>bumps the thread hourly
>you're seething
The only thing this tech has brought to light is autists that have nothing better to do than shitpost all day.

>> No.6441165
File: 660 KB, 750x755, 1671905396370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's over for artists

>> No.6441170

>posts youtube video's that most real artist would say is proper dogshit and doesn't teach you anything
your point?

>> No.6441171

What's the difference between a paintpig and a drawslave? Also we had drawfag way before.

>> No.6441183
File: 2.43 MB, 1058x720, aiartbook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many artbooks did you put out this year, meatfingers?

>> No.6441185
File: 151 KB, 1280x1280, 7DF955B5-FE6C-49EA-8E59-1535BB66A926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No AI could draw this

>> No.6441187
File: 131 KB, 1280x1280, 311BFFE3-93C0-4ED7-99E4-A521D76F084C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6441194
File: 6 KB, 250x216, 2494856732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a stupid automation circle that A.I shills have to rely on in order for them to make sense, regular everyday people will have access to art, and they will use it to tell their own stories, but GPT is already here and it will be able to tell "good" stories as well, and if we keep pushing this ridiculous narrative of mixing the auto generated with the man made, then we'll get flooded with auto generated stories, comics, animations etc as well, and see where this goes? Nobody gets to be a creator, only consumers, this is of course, only if we keep believing that man made art is useless because the generated one is "better" and that everyone is going to colectively agree to that to please the minority of lazy retards that want to play artist without having any interesting ideas of their own.
The best path to choose is the rope for you, of course, for good artists it is to keep doing art to the best of their ability, because there will always be an audience for you, however small or big, that much is guaranteed.
Chances are some minor elements of A.I will be present to speed up man made elements of long form man made content, and purely ai generated stuff will be it's on genre, with it's own audience and following.
Your ability to fool your way into making people believe you did it by yourself when using AI is short lived to the one or two images you post under your name before somebody catches up to you and tells to fuck off back to your own side of the internet, people training A.Is to mimick real artists will have a lot of issues making any money from it once latent space becomes easy to understand for the general public and it will be just a fun thing you can do when you're bored and want to make funny pictures of your favorite artists, fanart will die, the end.

>> No.6441208

You used my art….. I’m so happy anon… thank u

>> No.6441211

cope and seethe faggot

>> No.6441402

Uhm.. newfag.. those have existed since the internet first existed...

I'm not op btw. But I do plan to bump this thread autistically cause its fucking funny.

>> No.6441404

lain didn't use a nigger OS like windows you dumb double nigger

>> No.6441640

How many did you put out? I am guessing none.

>> No.6441735
File: 2.95 MB, 450x255, de_dust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotoscope and AI generated imaging aren't the same thing bruh.

Tracing over a real life video then adding your own details isn't the same as having an AI create a generated animation from millions of prompted references.

>> No.6441736

>muh stories
What does any of this have to do with fucking drawing. Grow the fuck up

>> No.6441777

AI users are image DJs.

Artists are image musicians, instumentists, performers and composers.

DJs are asking why instumentists are still playing instruments when its easier to just sample and remix.

The fuckers don't understand that people want to create shit themselves, instead of remixing existing shit.

Stevie Wonder is one of the composers of Gangsta Paradise.

Just because you erase the credits, doesn't mean you are creating shit motherfucker.

>> No.6441801


It's kind of like with programmers who are experts in older, lower-level languages. It's slower to write the code but they'll have more control over things like memory allocation etc. There are specific use-cases that the slower-to-write languages are needed for, and people that are experts in them can often write better/more efficient code in the higher level languages.

As a pen-and-paper artist, you have a lot more control over individual shapes, colours etc on a stroke by stroke basis. So IMO a hybrid workflow is best, where you utilize AI for its speed but use your skills for tasks that require that higher amount of control. As well as training for industry roles that require that level of skill.

>> No.6441822

/ic/ is full of retarded luddites stuck in the past. most people who want a portrait on their social media will just take a selfie instead of getting a professional photographer or a painting. most people will use ai to make art for them in a decade or two instead of paying $100 for their coomshit once ai becomes mainstream enough that they can just click once to install some porn ai

>> No.6441831

Trips of truth

>> No.6441848

>5 years later
/g/ is full of retarded luddites stuck in the past. most people will use ai to make programs for them.

>> No.6441861

Very creative name for flashy toilet paper featuring hand deformed downie girls.

>> No.6441865

It's from that massive AI fag from Japan that use a number as a name. He must be proud of what AI did.

>> No.6441880

Man I don't give a shit unless he drew it.

His work would be much more valuable as that mismatch of dog faces on landscapes instead of putting the names of artists in a text box and having weird photobashes out of it coming out

>> No.6441939

>It's not a search engine! it's art! I'm making art I'm an AI artist!
Meanwhile the CEO of Stability of AI
>It's a generative search engine

>> No.6441943

I made this in the context of the Oscp but forgot to add that in oops

>> No.6441983
File: 337 KB, 512x512, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun for a laugh
It's fun for reference
If you've got your panties in a bunch about this inevitability, then I feel bad for you

If you donated to the hopeless NFT grifter gofundme I feel even worse for you.
They know it's bullshit. Look at the names. You think fucking Disney is on your side?
Update your workflow, continue tradlife. Shouting at the wind just makes you look foolish.

>> No.6441999

/sdg/ could use some redlining
/ic/ could use some playful tête-à-tête

It's not going anywhere. Digital art is the poop goodbye.
Trad (king), AI, digital brushmonkey touchups.

>> No.6442002
File: 338 KB, 1280x1280, IndianSoycuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to adapt to AI art
No we don't, pajeet

>> No.6442006

AI shitters aren't artists. They are fucking prompters.

>> No.6442008
File: 234 KB, 512x512, coffee wizard2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use tools to make art.
I am an artist.

One of my tools is AI.
I am an AI artist.

Deal with it.

>> No.6442019

Another one of my works posted... Thanks anon

>> No.6442026

> apply for a job as concept artist
> show "amazing " AI art portfolio
> company handles you pen and pencil and gives you two hours to redraw one of the best pictures bit seen from another angle

>> No.6442029

this. plus companies want art that stands out and is particularly unique enough to separate itself from their competition. all AI does is generate what's already there and give boring ideas and nothing particularly innovating.

>> No.6442033

Disney gets what Disney wants regardless. I, for one, welcome our corporate overlords.

>> No.6442034 [DELETED] 

I have. After trying out Midjourney for a few months and now Nijijourney, I'd rather go back to giving my money to stock websites again.
I find it no better than to use it as a base reference and end up sketching/photobashing/staging 3D models over it anyway because there's something more off-kilter than what's being put on display. For stuff like Nijijourney, where the output can sometimes be very polished, it's even more obvious. It's why I think the abstract ones are more fun for coming up with ideas, but generators like that aren't even new.
It's good for ideas and color scheming, but only at a convenience. There's better resources.
One thing that AI has made me realize is that working with stock feels like collaborating. That feeling is absolutely not there with AI.
I think it can be a good tool for shit like people trying to scrape together some general references for their idea to be extended upon by actual artists; but it's
I think if you want to make deranged-looking and fantastic yet soulless characters, it can be a lot of fun to play with in terms of horror elements. Otherwise, like >>6441183, it's all meaningless flash with no story or appeal. The AI doesn't understand the art it has been fed, and the promoter most definetly never will.

>> No.6442039

> I can't actually code but using the latest frameworks and visual and AI tools I can make mobile applications 10X faster than a codemonkey with Javascript and Python
> please give me a job

> I can't actually draw but using the latest AI technology I can make it imitate the best artists in the world if I put their name on a search box
> please give me a job

>> No.6442040

They will be very interested because the alternative will be communism.

>> No.6442041


>AI users are image DJs.
This is a good analogy. I would go further to say AI prompters are image remixers. Much like people who make edits on pre-existing art. DJs don't make the songs. They play & remix the songs on their turntables & controllers. AI prompters are indeed image DJs.

>> No.6442043

I have. After trying out Midjourney for a few months and now Nijijourney, I'd rather go back to giving my money to stock websites again.
I find it no better than to use it as a base reference and end up sketching/photobashing/staging 3D models over it anyway because there's something more off-kilter than what's being put on display. For stuff like Nijijourney, where the output can sometimes be very polished, it's even more obvious. It's why I think the abstract ones are more fun for coming up with ideas, but generators like that aren't even new.
It's good for ideas and color scheming, but only at a convenience. There's better resources.
One thing that AI has made me realize is that working with stock feels like collaborating. That feeling is absolutely not there with AI.
I think it can be a good tool for shit like people trying to scrape together some general references for their idea to be extended upon by actual artists; but it's not solving any major problems that an artist has.
I think if you want to make deranged-looking and fantastic yet soulless characters, it can be a lot of fun to play with in terms of horror elements. Otherwise, like >>6441183, it's all meaningless flash with no story or appeal. The AI doesn't understand the art it has been fed, and the promoter most definetly never will.

>> No.6442051


>> No.6442053

Correction: The AI is the artist, not you, pajeet. You're just a pathetic prompter.

>> No.6442060

No, I mean you are literally not.

It’s simple, “artist” isn’t an honorable title or anything like that, it’s just a plain designation to those who perform artistic activities, in 2d art, it’s drawing and painting.

During history, every new invention that replaced an activity created a new function with a NEW designation, it’s the same with AI. That’s why you can’t be called a blacksmith just because you work on metal industry.

>> No.6442061

By that logic, the brush is the artist, not you meatbag.

>> No.6442063

The left can't meme. This is the equivalent of calling /pol/ users "chuds". It's an insult that has no effect on the very people you are trying to shame.

>> No.6442070
File: 418 KB, 590x648, AIArtVsArtists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's doing the real work? You or the AI?

A paint brush can't paint on its own, AI shitter. An AI artbot can. You enter a text or a draw a single line into a prompt & the AI the rest. You aren't the painter, the AI is.

I've said before & I'll say it again: Prompter are not artists.

>> No.6442076

>I want AI to make traditional animation to be much easier than it is right now.
Digital art already exist, pajeet.

>> No.6442358
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6442681

No, AI prompters are artists, they decide what to type in the text box, not the program. It is okay do make a fanart of someone's style with AI. Your picture displays different mood and objects between two examples. So, yeah they are different pictures. There is not tracing involved.

>> No.6442691
File: 362 KB, 760x870, 1671989150940681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you are very jealous person, only concerned about money and your own exclusivity. But you are not now! You are in the art not because you like it, but because it gives you an originality, but not now! You always point out that "real artists" spent thousands hours practicing, but AI artists are very smart and will overperform you. It is only your problem that you invested your precious time into useless practicing. You can blame only yourself for everything. God will take everything from you because you a jealous person

>> No.6442728

Compared to the art community going full schizo on art websites? Isn't /g/ hyped about AI?

>> No.6442782


I've downloaded, installed and play with it for a week now... It's safe to say it's so fucking easy to input any art and change it just a little bit it's different from the original.

The function is called img2img. I can either put a shitty artwork and it shits out something way better or put a good artwork and make different variations.

The text2img is what most people know about AI and it's not as damaging as img2img. text2img is so fucking random it's hard to control the output other than the "theme" of the prompt.

Still it uses the data stolen by scraping the internet.

I've also learn to train a model and style "concepts" just using a handful of images. The more I learn, the more I see ways to exploit it. It's scary... At this moment I'm questioning myself whether to continue or quit art.

>> No.6443468


>> No.6444136

they're in the denial phase about how ai won't replace programmers because its too dumb and makes basic mistakes that you need a human to correct

>> No.6444391

>he doesn't know about ai degeneration

>> No.6444544
File: 71 KB, 776x400, uglyidiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. We should start harrassing and killing people involved in AI. You know law are not by your side, so what else can we do? Violence is the only answer, isnt it?

>> No.6444547


No, this is gross.

>> No.6444551

The problem is the whole thing, its existence and the process is just denouncing that it shouldnt exist.

>> No.6444561
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont understand. Do you thought she was artificially generated? Someone on midjourney just tried to do something there and they even quoted Steve McCurry in the print you are showing (which was the photographer)

>> No.6445598
File: 1.23 MB, 1735x846, likeshareandsubscribe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you type that all by your self or did your mommy help you? You have to be over 18 to post on 4chan.

AI is not supposedly not able to generate that. "it doesn't store any image data, so it's not stealing" is the common claim. over-fitting is proof they do store enough 'data' that the use of this AI is a legal minefield. We have many more examples of this, even without using words to bring it out, such as Sad Keanu showing up on a resting soldier, despite no mention of his name in the prompt.

>> No.6445725
File: 63 KB, 719x688, 1656202896375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this one looks okay but it's got five legs
>load it into photoshop and erase a leg
Can you not re-prompt with ((four legs)) negative: (five legs) (extra legs) ? Is it really that hard?

>> No.6445731

Finally, now I can sell reverse image search as a service to check if their AI generation is too close to someone's work for copyright reasons. A new job has been created, time to get rich

>> No.6445760

>AI pajeets too poor to pay artists will use my payed service

>> No.6445763

SD can't count.