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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 139 KB, 394x219, snapshot_2022-12-22_(17-47-55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6433934 No.6433934 [Reply] [Original]

This guy is literally copying other artists. This is exactly what AI does, yet a person does it for some shitty meme video and it's OK? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgqpVKzuiXM

>> No.6433958

>This is exactly what AI does
AI doesn't reason. Image gen barely qualifies as AI, it's akin to an interpolative google image search.

>> No.6433975

You know nothing about machine learning nor professional art if you think these two things are doing the same thing.

The worst part about this is the fact that the evidence is right in front of you in the video. Listen to his guy describing his learning process throughout the video and tell me if an AI model is doing even a fraction of what he's describing.

There is no thinking in "AI", no logical understanding, no contextualization, no adaptation. It is only vaguely similar in the way you recognize visual patterns, but that's where the likeness ends.

>> No.6433983

The end result is the same: this guy copies, the AI copies. The way they get there being different is irrelevant, as they are both still stealing art.

>> No.6433991

Even copying something to a contextualized level takes skill since you need to break things down to manifest them as good as the original work. Copying also helps you with growing as an artist so you can incorporate what you learn into different things. Ai is nothing but a glorified printing machine.

>> No.6433992

How many threads do you need to say the same shit over and over and over and over?

>> No.6433993
File: 781 KB, 260x260, 51680AFA-076A-4032-9EE8-7361291A62BA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to learn their secrets
It’s literally in the title you fucking retard. He’s not copying art to post and profit, it’s for the purposes of learning. Add to that the fact that as a human, he is limited by both time and mental capacity, which AI is not. Ai can literally copy every artist ever in a fraction of the time it takes this guy to learn one style. It costs nothing for a machine to steal a thousand styles. It costs time, skill, dedication and sacrifice to steal as a human to steal one.

Seriously why do you need this spoonfed to you? Did your parents drop you on your head on the way to the orphanage they left you at? Are you as dense and autistic as Elon to where you need the most basic of things explained to you?

>> No.6433996

Now take your logic and apply it to a real world problem, for example the low-birth rate in Japan and other countries.

Sex and rape both produce the same end result, human reproduction. So how about we systemically rape every woman in Japan repeatedly, in order to solve the low-birth rate crisis?

Assuming you aren't a genuine degenerate incel, you should be able to see the problem with this logic. The ends do not justify the means, particularly in sensitive contexts like the creation of art or the creation of a life.

>> No.6433998

If the end result looks like it was created with skill, then does it truly matter if there was skill or not, to the average art consoomer? I don't understand why you put emphasis on "skill" as if that matters for the finished product.

>> No.6434008

Because AI is limited to prompts. AI can't make interesting compositions or designs without outright stealing them.

>> No.6434009

>He’s not copying art to post and profit, it’s for the purposes of learning.
AI copies art in order to learn, with machine learning.

>Add to that the fact that as a human, he is limited by both time and mental capacity, which AI is not.
So it is OK to steal if you are slow at doing it?

>Are you as dense and autistic as Elon to where you need the most basic of things explained to you?
Man this Elon guy sure does live in the heads of you paintpigs rent-free.

>> No.6434014

>AI can't make interesting compositions or designs without outright stealing them.
Is that anymore true though than it is for a human? Aren't human brains sort of like a complex machine in itself? "AI" art generators aren't the same as human brains obviously, but it shares a similarity in that it learns from copying what it knows.

>> No.6434018

>It's okay because AI is doing the same thing you do!!
>1 minute later
>Even though it's different the end result is the same!!

Just want to put it on the record how horribly inconsistent AIcel logic is

>> No.6434019

>calls artists 'paintpigs'
>meanwhile all he does is generate mounds of regurgitated slop to consoom
pot calling the porcelain bowl black

>> No.6434024

I don't actually believe it is different at a base level, but obviously the technicalities of how "AI" learns differ from how a human learns.

>> No.6434034

*at a philosophical level

>> No.6434035
File: 158 KB, 943x810, 1E8D479D-6A61-4C17-AAAF-FA6E7E191B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol hidden, enjoy your last (you) fuckin disingenuous tranny. Imagine having nothing better to do than to troll an anonymous art critique board.

>> No.6434052

Lol Cucker literally supports gay marriage, yet you call me a tranny. Get fucked, inkcel.

>> No.6434057

I make interesting compositions by thinking. not by copying.
>If I put his head here, next to the high contrast window reflection, you eye sees that first>
>then if I balance that by putting a bright highlight on the stones to the other side...
>now if these clouds are lower, ok, this looks good
>what if I arrange these in a triangle.. no, lets do a diamond, ah yes, there is flow happening. the eye is lead where I want, it tells a story..

>> No.6434062

AI don't have human rights

>> No.6434067

They're never honest. If they aren't being merely intellectually dishonest with their arguments, they are straight up lying to your face. They can't even really be honest with themselves, they're delusional.

>> No.6434068

It ok for ME to do it because it makes ME money
It's not ok for AI to do it because it takes away all MY likes, MY attention i could get from other people and all MY money i could get

>> No.6434069

AI don't get the same rights humans do.

>> No.6434076

So, if i use any tool to make art, i don't get rights because?
Pens don't have the same rights as humans.
Draw with your own blood on your own skin or fuck off.

>> No.6434081

The AI is not a "tool" it's the "artist", you guys even say so yourself, preferring to call yourselves prompters rather than "AI artists". You are literally a consumer of the product that is AI.

>> No.6434083

>This is ok
It's not, he clearly use paid contents for views and hasn't been sued yet. At least he puttin in effort to learn unlike AI fags

>> No.6434089

Can AI do a piece of art by itself without any commands or any human input? No, thus it's not the artist.
>You you you
Work on your arguments, retard.
You're not better than AIniggers spamming shit.

>> No.6434094

Can an artist do a commission without a commissioner? No, thus he's not an artist.

That's literally your logic.

>> No.6434098

An actual retarded person.

>> No.6434099

Anyone can give input to an artist for a commission, that's human input. Doesn't make them an artist.

Give a pen to non-artist, they can't do shit with it.

>> No.6434100

And you're literally retarded if you expect anyone to take you seriously when you make such a comparison.
Not only shit arguments, but shit bait as well.

What a waste of existence

>> No.6434105

There is no second person involved in the proces.
>human using a tool to create something
By definition, the human is the creator and the tool is just the tool used for such creation.

You really can't come up with anything smart, can you?

>> No.6434107

When the car is self driving and you are the one who tells it where to go, are you the driver?
Now explain to me why you are not stupid for having the thoughts you do. Or admit you had a very stupid thought.

>> No.6434108

You want to know how you've won an argument? It's when they resort to name calling and shit flinging, because they can't think of any logical counter to your argument.

GG. So fucking easy.

>> No.6434111

Not an argument, but it's OK because I know you have none.

>> No.6434113
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, 3750978882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“A man paints with his brains, not with his hands.” - Michaelangelo

>> No.6434123

I mean you literally are? You're not moving the wheel but you're still driving the car.

>> No.6434129

Apples and Oranges.
The car has been automated and doesn't need any input to achieve a function.
Without input, the image generation doesn't happen, thus it still relies on a person making the input.
If an object requires the input of a person to perform a function, it is a tool thus it makes the person the artist in the case of AI.
>he want to WIN arguments
>ur arugmint isnsnt logic cuz i say so
You're still trying, retard?
No wonder you're scared of mspaint on steroids.

>> No.6434132

The AI is the second person.

>> No.6434134

>"you're scared"

Man you're really doubling down on this shit-flinging aren't you?

>> No.6434138
File: 35 KB, 512x1024, 3483641235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A self-driving car would still require input though, it's not like it's just going to do one route A-B and you get on it like public transport. I think it's fair to say you'd still be the driver even if you do no mechanical driving.

>> No.6434140

No, because it isn't a person. It's a machine.
And if you disagree, you admit that AI is a person and being a person, there is no reason to not give it human rights.
Again, it doesn't compare to image generation.

>> No.6434141

>The car is driving itself
>but you are still driving the car
What is driving? we just don't know!

>> No.6434145
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 3967258024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the control and operation of a motor vehicle.
It fits.

>> No.6434146

input? you get in the car, it says where to master? you say, to work! it then drives you to work while you snooze in the back.

>> No.6434147

Well that's still input, it wouldn't drive anywhere without it.

>> No.6434150

AI can be an entity but not be granted personhood. Just like the legal case with the photographer setting up the situation for the monkey to take a selfie. The monkey took the selfie hence the photographer doesn't have rights to it, but a monkey could not be granted copyright because it isn't a human.

So the art is made by the AI, but the AI does not get human rights because it's not human.

>> No.6434151

>did you drive to work today johnny?
>yeah, I drove my car?
>you drove it? why not just let it drive you? you have a self driving car don't you?
>Oh, well I said I drove it, but it drove me, but I drove it.
>you're not making sense johnny, did you drive it or not?
>I guess not.

>> No.6434153
File: 29 KB, 768x832, 2635238650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things change, when all cars are self-driving the meaning of the word will be different. Just like when you say you painted something these days it may be that you did it digitally but back in the day you'd have had to stretch your own canvas, mix your own paint etc. etc.

>> No.6434155

but it is the one driving. it is the driver. if your 3 year old got in the car and said mommies house!
and it drives them to mommies house. did the 3 year old drive the car? are they the driver?
Why do I have to break it down to you like this?
Use AI, tell it what to make, you are not the artist. it's so simple I can't believe someone could think differently without them some kind of brain damage.

>> No.6434159

Yes, they are. Think of it as operating the machine, it doesn't actually have anything to do with moving the steering wheel or hitting the pedals.

>> No.6434160

>Things change
AI artists are artists
Transwomen are women
AI art is Art
What is the world coming to...

>> No.6434161
File: 26 KB, 576x768, 1462566699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the future BABYYY!

>> No.6434163

>I ask my mother to bring me tendies
>she brought me tendies
>I am the one who brought the tendies to me

>> No.6434164

Well now you're just being silly. Anyway it's good that you are being inquisitive, keep it up.

>> No.6434167

>AI can be an entity but not be granted personhood
Is it alive?
Does it feel?
None of that.
That's why it can't even be considered anything other that a machine, thus a tool.

If say; You developed your own tool to make you create art faster that you didn't need to actually draw anymore, just copy&paste, would it mean that you would have no right to your art and you're not the artist anymore?
You have rights to the original drawings you have produced, but you're using copies of your drawings to produce new stuff (of course disregarding the legal stuff for the sake of the argument).
Doesn't that mean that you're not the artist in that case?
That isn't really applicable.
AI doesn't have any rights to any right to begin with, because it is not alive in any form or shape.

>> No.6434171

You just don't want to listen.

>> No.6434175

Lets say 5 children all get into this new autonomous transport. it recognizes their faces, and the time of day, it knows it is at their school, and knows where their home is. when they get in, it automatically takes them home. is it fair to say these 5 children drove the car, that they are the drivers?

>> No.6434181
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1516963424954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get new material already

>> No.6434183

No, there's no driver in that case.

>> No.6434187

But you didn't create the tool, you didn't train it off your own art either. The people behind the AI trained it. They would be considered the artists, and you'd just be commissioner. That's literally the model Midjourney operates on. Free users don't get copyright. Paid users get transfer of copyright. Corporations need to pay a higher price for a commercial license.

Training off of non-public domain images is another issue altogether, and there will be lawsuits soon to settle it one way or another.

>> No.6434192

Stop thinking that human rights apply to programs

Copying an art with human hands is a skill of the eye and the hands
A machine is a machine

And mind you: plagiarism also exist

>> No.6434194

The cars AI is the driver. Say it.

>> No.6434202

You could say that, makes little difference but I think it would be unnecessary anthropomorphization

>> No.6434208
File: 160 KB, 720x566, 1671749280562679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proompters are so fragile they need an emotional support hugbox

>> No.6434210

>But you didn't create the tool, you didn't train it off your own art either
But that would apply to any tool then.
Did you create the pen and paper or tablet you're using?
Do the people that have created your tool actually have the rights to whatever you created with them?
>Free users don't get copyright. Paid users get transfer of copyright.
That's a legal issue, but based on the current laws, anything you create (if unique) you automatically hold the intellectual rights to it.
Copyright is another beast entirely that also implies distribution and usage rights (as in marketing, branding, etcetera).
>Training off of non-public domain images is another issue altogether, and there will be lawsuits soon to settle it one way or another.
That's another case entirely that cannot be discussed without the current, concrete proof and all the context around it.
If i say, i bought for access to an artists patreon, i automatically have the right to use the pictures as long as i don't distribute it or sell it, hence i can use it to train an algorithm to generate similar images, as per current law.
In the domain of copyright/intellectual property law, a style cannot be protected, only each individual work created is protected and belongs to the creator.
If it weren't this way, no one but the "firsts to create a style" would be allowed to produce and sell art.

The lawsuits could be very well end up doing absolutely nothing because the laws are there already and if they decided to ban AI for the sole reason of being a tool that makes a job better than the artist, then you will see governments getting sued and losing all credibility.

>> No.6434211

Prompting takes skill

>> No.6434212

So if I'm not profiting from the AI art what's the problem with just making stuff for people to coom to. Why does it upset artists so much?

>> No.6434213
File: 35 KB, 200x200, 892143789123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one meme project got banned from Patreon too
checked out the SD r*ddit, they're positively seething and bawling at muh evil gatekeeping artists
all they had to do is not bite the hand feeding them yet here we are, they're even starting to shit on each other

>> No.6434215

It's hard to type trending on artstation masterpiece when you're ESL

>> No.6434217

A skill that you can copy-paste, truly fascinating.

>> No.6434218

>they're even starting to shit on each other
Screenshots? I must see.

>> No.6434219

>I make interesting ai art by thinking. not by copying.
>If I put this prompt here, in front of this one with this strength I can have the head next to the high constrast window reflection, it will draw your eyes to this spot first
>then if I balance that by putting adding a prompt for the stones on the other side to have a bright reflection...
>The clouds in my last attempt were a little too high, so I might inpaint them to be a bit lower
>What if I inpaint these with a mask to get them in a... triangl-NO, a diamond! That way I can lead the eye to tell the story i want from my image

>> No.6434221

When it's AI doing something normally reserved for humans anthropomorphization is not unnecesary.
If the AI had a body, and it controlled the car like a johnny cab from total recall, is there not a driver? Johnny the robot driver. Merging Johnny with the car, removing his body and leaving only the AI, Johnny is still the driver. AI is the driver. AI is the artist. Passengers are not the driver. Prompters are not the artist.

>> No.6434223

If you do that, yes you art collaborating with an artist. you are an artist too! it's a collab between you and the AI artist.

>> No.6434224

But give a keyboard to a prompter...

>> No.6434227
File: 88 KB, 647x409, 12346518975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check for yourself, im not spending another minute in this hellhole, i can feel my braincells vanishing

>> No.6434229

There's clearly a large skillgap in the quality of art produced by different people in any of the ai generals. If it's not a skill gap, what is it?

>> No.6434233

I'm glad we agree

>> No.6434239

I guess you are not the one claiming that AI is just a tool like every other AI fag.
You recognize the AI is the artist if you merely ask it 'paint x'.
If you in-paint and guide composition, you are participating as an artist too, though you are not doing the lions share, so most credit goes to the AI.

>> No.6434240

Taste gap.

>> No.6434244

It's a gap in what models or Ai program they're using.
I have stable diffusion on my computer by the way.

>> No.6434250

Holy hell.
I'm guessing they deleted their account because assmad proomptcels flooded them with DMs.

>> No.6434251

It's not taste, it's knowledge of models, knowledge of prompts, experience with the various dials, knowing how to merge.
That's literally a learned skill that people can apply themselves to and improve at.
Explain how it's not.

>> No.6434254

Artists collaborate all the time and it is never an exact 50/50 split of work put in.

>> No.6434257

Put one experienced prompter and one new prompter on the same model and give them a challenge to produce an output of x doing y with z and likely the prompter with more experience aka learned skill will produce something better.
It's a skill gap, because prompting is skill based.

>> No.6434261

The best images come from midjourney and niijourney anyway. SD is inferior even with the latest bells and whistles. and with journey, you barely need anything in your prompt. just type random shit like "pretty girl character, amazing eyes, iridescent, cute, raindrops, sparkle, dramatic, art by LAM, art by Takehiko Inoue, art by akira toriyama"

>> No.6434265

Those things are in the prompt bibles. the skill of reading and copy pasting prompts based on what you like about certain prompts results, it not "skill".

>> No.6434266

Cope. You have no talent.

>> No.6434267

ok, "An old man punching a horse"
I will try make it happen and you skilled AI artists go for it too. You have 5 minutes.

>> No.6434275

NJ and mj are capped by banned words. There's a lot you can't do with them so as long as they go hard on the censorship they are just not comparable.

I like both MJ and SD btw. I just don't think one is straight up better.

All the resources you need to learn to draw are online, all you need is time. It's a learned skill. Same as learning to prooompt.

>Can't refute the argument

>> No.6434279

this is a study, dipshit. you'd know that if you actually drew something in your life.

>> No.6434281
File: 543 KB, 704x448, 20221223134149_920041786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit! I forfeit!

>> No.6434284

>But that would apply to any tool then.
Tool's don't create automatically create art by themselves, but the process of creating a tool could be considered art. Humans use tools to create art, but in this case the tool itself generates all of it by itself. If the tool does nearly all the work how much effort has the prompter put in?

The majority of existing artists and a lot of their followers don't consider that to be the case. This isn't the fine art where technique and effort are considered to be trade and not art, this is the mass online consumption art scene where public opinion of the masses dictate rules that artists and companies follow voluntarily if they want to participate. Current prevailing opinion is that effort does factor into art, and thus prompting alone would not be considered effort enough for the prompter to get receive the recognition for the art the tool generated.

>Did you create the pen and paper or tablet you're using?
I can create the charcoal and parchment to draw if absolutely needed to. Even a photographer could setup a pinhole camera and makeshift film if they didn't have access to a modern camera. If a prompter didn't have access to the AI tool could they do anything? An Artist is more than just the tools they use.

>Do the people that have created your tool actually have the rights to whatever you created with them?
Depends on the agreement. For Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 reforged Blizzard put in its TOS that they own all intellectual property in addition to the maps created in the editor. Haven't been tested in court yet AFAIK but these things do exist.

>if they decided to ban AI for the sole reason of being a tool that makes a job better than the artist, then you will see governments getting sued and losing all credibility.
They could just make training via AI on copyrighted materials illegal. Just pay for the rights.

>> No.6434286

I already did. It boils down to model sets and which program.
Which is why there was such a big meltdown by proomptfags when the devs took a bunch of shit out of the database. Suddenly everything looked worse no matter what they typed.
Why don't you just have fun with it instead of being pathetic.

>> No.6434287

>All the resources you need to learn to draw are online, all you need is time
Time to become "skilled" prompter. one hour. it's not skill. calling that skill is like saying knowing how to program "hello world" is a skill.

>> No.6434290

actually you win by default. nobody challenged you

>> No.6434296


>> No.6434298

Interesting how you keep moving the goalposts

>> No.6434303

If anyone can do it its not skill.

>> No.6434306

Cope with what? I'm proompting right now and having fun. Don't you like to have fun? It's almost like you're only in this for attention and validation.

>> No.6434311

I would show you but midjourney is down. I gotta go cope with the other AI artists who are coping without their 'tool'.

>> No.6434324
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x768, 02746-3631009367-(nsfw), (realistic, sketch), masterpiece, best quality, old man (in focus, in front) fighting (punching) a horse (out of focus,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you only gave me 5mins and i was phoneposting at the time, heres an old man shaking hooves with a horse instead

waiting for your drawn pic

>> No.6434329

where the fuck is his fourth leg?

>> No.6434331

i only had 5mins

>> No.6434332

Don't be ablest. He lost his leg in Vietnam.

>> No.6434336

Cope. That is not punching. Look at your prompt hahaha such skill! I already posted my one. I win.

>> No.6434337

its part of the story the AI and I were trying to tell together, as artists

>> No.6434344

You posted 30 minutes after the challenge was issued. Only one person got an entry in that 5 minute time frame. It wasn't you.

>> No.6434348


>> No.6434349

i guess i concede then because i wasnt at the pc

>> No.6434353
File: 1.93 MB, 894x1291, itLEaRnSjUsTLiKeHuMaNsDo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao.

>> No.6434364

That's not his leg. heyooooooo!!!

>> No.6434367

You are not like the others. Good man.

>> No.6434370

It's okay because he can't steal their job. It's so obvious, the only bad thing about AI is because AI can steal their job, see content-aware, which also contain some of the AI tech, but nobody bitching, some of them can't even live without it, if AI can't steal their job (for example in the case only artist knows how to use them, just like content-aware) I bet there will be many AI art created by artist

>> No.6434375

I someone takes my art and sells it on shirts, they are not stealing my job, but I will sue for damages if possible.
Why should I be lenient with AI interpolation of my work?

>> No.6434754

You're missing the point, if it's the people using a tool by providing input like in the case of ai art or a self driving car then they are the operators. If its autonomous then there is no operator and if its autonomous and thinking then it can be considered the operator.

>> No.6434755

>this board is still going on about AI
god this is just like corona nobody cares anymore

>> No.6434759

Dude there are less than 20 IPs, there's a small group of obssessed retards that start spamming when the jannies don't delete their shitposts instantly.

>> No.6434774

>copying artists in order to gain an insight on how they do things
>this is totally how AI works
You are a fucking retard and you obviously do not draw.

>> No.6434777

Hi OP.

>> No.6434786

get back in the pen, paintpigs! kek!

>> No.6434788
File: 218 KB, 1001x1280, 1671411565241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, why the fuck it's always the AIkeks that always brings up the topic of MONEY and PROFIT even it's not the discussed topic.
Artist probably will still draw even if it doesn't make any money

>> No.6434791
File: 1.78 MB, 413x221, tumblr_cc1c527a72f1da543a6358876490047f_6748bc9e_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a MrBeast-style clickbait thing?

>> No.6434795

Yeah it's been obvious for a while. Go back and forth long enough and they'll start ranting about putting artists out of work, artists having to find some undefined real job, artists charging money for commissions, etc. It always smells of zoomers, wagies, and/or impoverished thirdworlders who are seething at the idea of some other retard on the internet getting attention and what generally amounts to pocket change for being able to draw. They can't grasp why an artist would be irritated by somebody else trying to use their work for profit, or even trying to use the artists work against them in some sort of bizarre personal attack, regardless of any perceived monetary impact.

>> No.6434801

>So, if i use any tool to make art
>i don't get rights because?
>I don’t get rights
Are AIcels actually just bots themselves, or are they so wrapped up in the AIfaggot community that they think they don’t know where they start and the machine ends?
I fucking hate these redditors who will drone on about how humans are just very complex robots, and all this deterministic bullshit that’s untrue both practically and philosophically. Maybe they actually believe their own bullshit.

>> No.6434807

AI artists are just the trannies of the art world. They call themselves artists, invade artist spaces, steal awards from real artists, and then claim they are the victims.

Nobody wants you here. You will never be a real artist.

>> No.6434808

>prompters are so fragile
Good, hope they kill themselves.

>> No.6434811
File: 222 KB, 582x680, FkovLUQX0AAm1hy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're arguing for skill segregation! Stop gatekeeping!!

>> No.6434814

I'M missing the point?! ha! I am pretty sure you are just trolling.
Prompters are not artists. Passengers giving the driver directions are not drivers.

>> No.6434815

>skill segregation
>the elite
>monopoly on visual communication
what the fuck is that lol
Emad needs to take his meds

>> No.6434816

>trying to play both sides of the political game with key buzzwords
He needs to work on subtlety.
>random allusion to a caste system
Was Emad's family dalits?

>> No.6434817

>fight against le Elite, fellow peasants
This nigger is worth like 1 billion. Fuck off.

>> No.6434820
File: 140 KB, 896x683, 6C09C0D6-BD66-4D92-B367-4FB306CAAF0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don’t care what consoomers do in their swampy pits with AI since the hoard of obese redditor retards are out of my control anyway. Fuck, I’ve fucked around with AI for the memes, it’s a good laff.
The reason I wish death upon you all is because you’ve gone out of your way to antagonize artists.
Not just as a group, not just the big players, but even smaller guys just voicing the natural and appropriate response to the dehumanization of art, which you robotic apes don’t get.
You have no reason not to stay in your lane yet you can’t stop taking from us, so who gives a fuck if you’re emotionally a lil sad sometimes about not getting the recognition you want, or your latest SD model not being as pretty as it once was?
Whatever minor pushback you get online or personal misfortunes you suffer IRL are decimal points in comparison to the shitshow you’ve caused.
Forget about artists for a moment, but all the normies feeding their faces into image generators are training the next gen of surveillance systems, that’s genuinely fucked. Humanity is absolutely going headlong into dystopia because Redditfags saw a bunch of sci-fi movies warning us about potential futures and thought, “wow the matrix is pretty cool, what if it was real tho?”
Kill yourselves, holy fucking kill yourselves.

>> No.6434823
File: 308 KB, 2400x2400, portrait-Emad-Mostaqu-gradient-937b300b-0ae8-4258-9aa4-36c67b839715-1664822311729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Dalit face
Nigga's got shitsweeper blood

>> No.6434824

>jannies not doing their job
imagine my suprize

>> No.6434825


>> No.6434827
File: 113 KB, 717x717, gatekeeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6434830

>Why does it upset artists so much?
How about me as a viewer? I'm sick of you faggots flooding my hangouts with your subpar garbage that I have no interest in looking at. You are like the funko pops of art but at least funko pops have consistency.

>> No.6434905

It's truly infuriating lmao.

Dude takes the property rights out of hundreds of thousands individuals, professionals and hobbyists, creating a direct substitute to their work, using their works as a fuel, risking massively devaluating their own job, values his own company at 1 billion, and still has the audacity of appealing to "fight the elites"

Fuck off nigger, not even the elites are that scammy, at this point I prefer working with fucking Adobe.

>> No.6434911


Let's wait until they adopt the victim playbook.

>> No.6434927

very helpful OP thanks

>> No.6434930
File: 125 KB, 960x683, 1823759801415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been doing this since day 1
>i have aphantasia, its the only way I can create
>we're sticking it to the elite
>evil artists are gatekeeping us
>evil artists want a monopoly on art
Cope and lies all the way down, all emanating from the same lazy thieving pieces of shit.

>> No.6434932

>steal awards from real artists
No one cares about your worthless county fair 'awards' lmfao.

>You will never be a real artist
Neither will you. Learn to use a physical paintbrush on canvas instead of relying on tools in photoshop.

>> No.6434935

No one really cares about coomprompters, apart from the fact that they flood Pixiv and other sites with low quality content that's still a pain to filter out.
Artists are seething because this will replace jobs in the games/film etc industries, at least some of which were pretty cool jobs.
That, and the constant ragebaiting and trolling around this subject that's like 99% of /ic/ and a good part of /g/. When people on both sides try to be as deliberately abrasive and annoying as they can, it's no surprise people end up butthurt.

>> No.6434938
File: 67 KB, 473x479, folx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6434939
File: 44 KB, 699x366, The-Mouth-Ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the disabled can finally create artwork

>> No.6434961

You're talking to people who were stupid enough to think they have enough equal footing with artists to hold a coherent conversation. People who only recently learned what the lasso tool is and still struggle to use it.

>> No.6434975 [DELETED] 

This argument AIds shitters keep vomiting shows they never cared about any angle of art before. Many artists are or have been disabled. We've gotten methods and art styles (impressionism, for example) created because of artists having to compromise and find a new way. Creativity thrives in limitation, and SD is just a pack of lies to the lazy.
A quote I saw:
>"SD enables people who don't have time to practice!" What's got these people so damn busy that 30 minutes of messing with art shit makes you rely on shit-tier photobasher? Maybe doodle, or learn actual fucking photobashing, or watch a goddamn video to apply later? How is a piece of paper and a pencil less accessible than a 16GB NVIDIA?? These people want everyone to live in pods with hoses attached to their asses because the idea of making gains in any pursuit is "Ableist" to them.

>> No.6434976

but these people are not really disabled, they just hold brushes with their head because they think it looks cool, it's just a show of their while male privilege

>> No.6434979

This argument AIds shitters keep vomiting shows they never cared about any angle of art before. Many artists are or have been disabled, not always 'visibly' so. We've gotten methods and art styles (impressionism, for example) created because of artists having to compromise around their shortcomings and find a new way. Creativity thrives in limitation, and SD is just a pack of lies to the lazy.
A quote I saw:
>"SD enables people who don't have time to practice!"
What's got these people so damn busy that 30 minutes of messing with art shit makes you rely on shit-tier photobasher? Maybe doodle, or learn actual fucking photobashing, or watch a goddamn video to apply later? How is a piece of paper and a pencil less accessible than a 16GB NVIDIA?? These people want everyone to live in pods with hoses attached to their asses because the idea of making gains in any pursuit is "Ableist" to them.

>> No.6434980
File: 832 KB, 1024x1024, 1671750872977526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, /ic/ still seething?

>> No.6434983
File: 202 KB, 770x616, rumbleroses001op2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that these assholes use the handicapped as a shield.

For the record, Shiro Kotobuki, may he rest in peace, was paralyzed from the neck down.

>> No.6434988

Wow who is the artist for picrel?

>> No.6434989
File: 39 KB, 650x650, pepe sneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"SD enables people who don't have time to practice!"
I would love to learn to play the guitar, I don't have time to practice and I don't think I'll ever be good but if there's an AI app that makes guitar music for me, I don't fucking want it.

>> No.6434991

I like that AI is breaking the rules. We need more rule breaking in the arts.

>> No.6434992

dont start samefagging just after waking up bro

>> No.6434999

How dare this piece of shit flex that he can paint with his mouth?
That's why we need AI art to put these smug fucks down.

>> No.6435002

Don't know, some guy on /g/ made it with AI.

>> No.6435004

AI is just a tool you retard. The person reasons.

>> No.6435008

The hand is too good for AI…

>> No.6435010

sure then if its just a tool without reason then you have to abide by copyright laws regarding what you're feeding it

>> No.6435014

The fuck? Reading comprehension is not your strong point.

>> No.6435019

No you don't. That doesn't even make sense.


>> No.6435028

>This guy is literally copying other artists. This is exactly what AI does
I said a person reasons, do I need to explain that to you? Watch the video if you don't know what that means to see him reason about his copying.
Ai does not. It makes no choices when copying, it is simply a statistical model with rng. You understand how that is different right? Right? I'm not just talking to another troll?

>> No.6435049
File: 3.04 MB, 2560x1536, 1719742510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he did some inpainting/photoshop

>> No.6435060

Nope! Someone can just copy and paste your prompts. Saying prompts takes skill is like saying ordering fast food takes skill. And before you think - b-b-but my prompting style is unique and special!! Nope! Within a few months, all of the best prompting tricks will be conveniently compiled and stored in a database accessible and usable to even the most boring philistine. You aren't getting in early by "learning to prompt" dumbass.

>> No.6435064

Meant to reply to
That's what i get for phoneposting

>> No.6435070

>along the video I'll be showing you what I learned from this study
OP can't into English

>> No.6435132

I don’t understand. Liking AI shit is literally pointing a neon sign to your head that you’re just a soulless consumer. You don’t care about quality. You don’t care about creativity. You only care about consuming for a quick dopamine fix like a junkie because it tickles your brain for a few seconds before you move onto something else. It’s like stuffing hoards of fat burger patties in your gaping mouth because your taste buds have been completely obliterated to anything that has real substance. Are you happy with feeding yourself shit?

>> No.6435227

There are two types of people that are pro-AI:
People who are bitter that they have no artistic talent and want to act cool, and people who want to turn an easy profit. Both are retarded, neither cares about art quality. Any time you see someone defending AI art as equivalent in quality, they're either trying to fool you or themselves.

>> No.6435589

Many artists are concerned about Generative AI “scraping” copyrighted images in their training data. Others worry about it displacing artists. Some people are trying to stop it, or at least shape it.

I'm not worried about either of those issues because AI art for the most part alters and transforms its source material, just as humans do. An artist’s style can’t and shouldn’t be copyrightable.

I don’t feel threatened by AI Art. There's no way it can take away my livelihood because of where I'm positioned.

>>James Gurney

>> No.6435592

you are black, not disabled

>> No.6435605

What do you know, a whole community founded on laziness and resentment of people who work hard who wouldn't dare step out of anonymity protection are all turning on each other. Who'd have thought!

All this has done has empower artists by inventing an entire ecosystem of bootlegs that make even shitty human-made art look valuable and rare.

>> No.6435613
File: 7 KB, 241x209, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this guy can draw like this without any limbs what is your excuse, AIshitters? Nobody will respect you. Nobody will like your shit. You will be at the bottom of the art world since prompting takes 0 skill. You don't know anything about fundamentals nor do you have any artistic intuitions. You are just some untalented hack that clicks a button. You can't even properly depict what is in your mind since AI can't really understand that in depth. AI can only create something from basic text you type in. You will never be anything more than an Instagram filter that will amuse people for a split moment before they forget about it and never touch it ever again. Something like FaceApp.

>> No.6435655

The only reason they're here is because they're not getting the clout that they're expecting from their affirmation circles online. When months of laboring over prompting only results in "wow, nice work! Prompt?" responses from people, it's become clear that the only value they bring to these spheres is giving other people the same shortcuts to outputting the same exact generations everyone else is doing or has seen a million times already.

Google's own private supercomputer AI still can't do hands or cohesive pictures or diverse/dynamic poses and it's about 20 times more powerful than anything open source.

It's over. Time to pick up a pencil. You had the public's attention and they're reached the same conclusion. It's the end of the road for botsloppers.

>> No.6435673
File: 26 KB, 387x360, 360_F_46562696_mG4ithZZvdpLXk9z7cEM0SRryIBeIV8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marnie AIfag samefagging and spamming again
Run out of anime elves?

It's just the stock image of a yawning girl filtered over.

>> No.6435719

>tracing IRL children to generate loli

AIfags trying to further isolate normie world so they can jerk off to each other's pedo botslop. The ethics are getting worse and worse by the second.

>> No.6435737

>pasted anime head on photo
Wow, I think that makes them a real anime artists

>> No.6435770

Pedophilia is why AI got so popular.

>> No.6435801

>It makes no choices when copying
Why are artists so fucking retarded? You're talking about something you don't understand. Look at what the denoise slider does.

>> No.6435830

It does when you realize this is a discussion about training and not inference.

>> No.6435858

You do know what inference means, right? Because this whole thread looks like artists who don't know anything, and prompters who pretend to know.

>> No.6435867

The current stance seems to be that there is quite literally no unethical use of image generators. You can use it to threaten artists, modify existing works and call them your own, sell models that used a real artist's work, make models to produce porn of random people, just as long as it is "machine learning" you're good to go, it frees you of all responsibility

>> No.6435869

It started with the pedos.

>> No.6436524
File: 169 KB, 1200x630, yes he actually drew with his mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SØY shit aside, this is a pretty good counter argument to the "gate keeping" argument I've seen thrown around, when you consider how cheap learning art actually is, compared to buying a PC necessary to run Stable Diffusion.
Thank you for reminding me, I can't even fathom why the disability argument is even a thing, when people like this absolute legend have existed.

>> No.6438593

>This is exactly what AI does
No, AI copy pastes pixel maps from multiple artists, he draws, learn the difference shill.