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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6433507 No.6433507 [Reply] [Original]

Back then no one cared about lewd art drawn of young characters now all of a sudden everyone is complaining about it

>> No.6433581

nigga they grew up

>> No.6433585

the normies invaded after learning there's more things on the internet other than google and facebook

>> No.6433666

And thats a good thing.

>> No.6436113 [DELETED] 

Nah you fucking perverts invaded and tried to normalize your degeneracy. As pedos are wont to do.

>> No.6436118

ok satan

>> No.6436127

All of this is true, there doesn't need to be a singular reason

>> No.6436129

Satan is anti-pedo? Holy based hail Satan.

>> No.6436130

Invasion of a worldview which believes that people are inherently good/bad, and crimes are only evidence of their bad nature.

As in, instead of
>Bad people are considered bad because they have done immoral acts

There's a lot of people who believe
>Immoral acts only happen because bad people exist to perform them.

Thus the entire anti-loli/shota crusade keeps calling people who draw or like that stuff "kinda sus" if you manage to get them into a longer conversation about it. They are super concerned about rooting out the secret pedos in society, and they use circumstantial evidence to try to find them out.

It's also completely an antiliberal worldview, because they're in the "it's better to jail 10 innocent men than to let one evil person run free" mentality.

Like unironically these retards believe the world works like Among Us. I'd guess it's because a lot of these people are in gossipy mutual-hazing style social circles where BPD narcissists can fuck everything up, but I'm not positive that's the case for all or even most.

>> No.6436147

In ye olde days only autists spent time on the internet
Autists have problems with socially acceptable behavior and often are in an emotional arrested development
Once normies got access to the internet through their phones, critical mass of opinion shifted towards it being wrong
Bullying is fun and "pedos" are an acceptable target. But now the meaning has shifted from someone who diddles toddlers to someone who drew MHA fanart. This is tacitly encouraged by tech giants trying to make everything advertiser friendly.
For the record I'm against Loli art until it can be proven that it reduces harm to actual children, although I don't think you should be jailed for drawings (obviously with exceptions for tracing CP or something).

>> No.6436149
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we live in the age of concern trolling. roasties are everywhere now and they want to drag you deep into the longhouse with their nagging. the internet is dead.

>> No.6436153

You have no idea how much I hate it. My sister got into anime recently and it’s just non stop bullshit
>wtf how can people draw Pokémon girls in sexy poses?! They’re underage!
>ugh I saw someone draw Nezuko with big breasts. Why is everyone sexual using children
>starts complaining about fanart in drawing if the hag from Bocchi
>inform her she’s past college age
>well she looks too young so you’re a fucking pedophile

It’s just so dumb

>> No.6436155

Going on a witch hunt for pedos obviously leads down a bad road. I think non offending pedos should get mental health treatment along with the non offending Jeffrey Dahmers of the world. However, someone creating art and writing about these things, creating a public community around it and whining for acceptance is not the behavior of someone who understands the gravity of their condition. This is not something that people do if they are serious about managing unwanted fantasies and paraphilia. And even it they dont want to change, you don't hear about foot fags crying for acceptance. They have enough self awareness of how gross foot fetish is and are smart enough to hide away with other foot fags. They are fine with being footfag freaks of nature and aren't concerned with grooming the public into accepting them. And that is why no one feels sorry for you people.

>> No.6436158


>> No.6436159

10 years ago no one cared if you fapped to the Pokemon series girls, now every moralfag/normalfag is offended by Misty rule 34 unless she's explicitly drawn as an over proportioned adult.
People these days think being offended is a moral virtue.

>> No.6436163 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that “roasties” is a Russian newspeak propaganda term that was astroturfed as the new boogieman label for disaffected virgins to radicalize against.

The people you trust intentionally keep you virginal and reactionary.











>> No.6436167

This kind of shit is retarded. Liking girls aged 18-24 is fine no matter how old you are. Calling a guy who likes college girls a pedo is not only idiotic but also takes attention away from real pedos who want to rape 11 year old kids.

>> No.6436171

Accepting of pedophilia is one thing. Acceptance of drawn images is another.

Part of artistic expression is being able to draw our desires and emotions and show them to others. Even if it is hyperidealized Loli porn it’s still the artists feelings and desires and as an artist he should be able to express that.
No matter how much counseling and therapy your shove someone into they’ll never change, they only learn to deal with it. And by forcing people to never be able to express themselves you just make that desire even worse and ruin their mental health further.

The fact I have fetishes I’m afraid to talk about and that I’m afraid to express through my art means I have to live feeling like I’m constantly under the thumb of the law/society. And all it does is breed resentment for everyone who forces me to keep my feelings locked up.
Like obviously I’m not going to kill someone and fuck their skull but why should I be afraid to draw it or write stories about it? Why am I being told I can’t enjoy my own fantasies or draw them out.
All the while this same society and the laws they enforce shove never ending tranny shit down my throat while Hollywood forces cuckold fetishes into every movie and I can’t read a single fantasy book without it being filled with degenerate promiscuity and all types of other bullshit. I’m having fetishes shoved down my throat 24/7 but god forbid I draw an elf having her brain fucked into a pulp for people of similar tastes. No sharing among a community is where the line is drawn, not firing people for not jerking people off over their “preferred pronouns”

>> No.6436172

>Back then no one cared about lewd art drawn of young characters now all of a sudden everyone is complaining about it

In terms of nobody caring about it back then, not exactly. Loli was always a disliked topic but you wouldn't really find the shit easily unless you specifically looked for it and it was the same with shota. Social media wasn't like it is now.

But as time went on, the internet became more connected and the average person found themselves on sites where it had more of a chance of popping up. That being said nowadays even aging up gets you shit and a character will get called "Minor coded" by weirdoes even if they are over 18. Uzaki-Chan was a big example of this.

From my own experiences, that's more because the younger generation was raised to hold fictional characters in such a regard that they're actual people. Combined with the urge to constantly look like "I'm a good person!" and you have many callouts and such now that would normally go ignored. Minors themselves were actually groomed into this behavior by older members of the fandom. "Fandom moms/dads/brothers/sisters" and shit like that.

At the same time, many of them have a crises once they turn 18 over the fact that they still find a character that could be in high school attractive like they'll start touching kids in real life or some shit.

>> No.6436174

>starts complaining about fanart in drawing if the hag from Bocchi
>>inform her she’s past college age
>>well she looks too young so you’re a fucking pedophile

That usually happens when someone doesn't want to admit that they were wrong. Honestly you should probably tell her to grow out of that before she just goes around starting fights with people online over it. Tell her if she sees some art that looks "Underage" than just close it out or block the artist and move on.

>> No.6436175

That's the other thing you guys don't understand.
A loli or a shota is a false construct, a fantasy creature that doesn't exist.

I've seen people refuse to believe this because the concept to them seems more brain damaged than an actual pedophile. But there's plenty of people who are really into things that are complete fabrications divorced from any reality. And so they're not actually contributing to harm in the world.

Hell there's a reason the hentai boards call real porn "3dpd" - it stands for 3d pig disgusting. They do not like real porn, their tastes when fapping are complete worlds of imagination.

If you refuse to acknowledge this then you have nothing to blame but yourself for being mad.

>> No.6436190

You can express yourself artistically without showing it to the whole world. You can draw those elf skull fucking comics, but don't have a meltdown if you share them outside of guro communities and get a bad reaction.
When I was a kid I had some weird fantasies that I eventually grew out of. I'd draw them on paper and shred them after I jerked off. I never felt the need to bond with people over it or make an acceptance movement out of it. The mind is complex and there's a lot of chemistry that can go wrong. Everyone doesn't need to know about it any more than everyone needs to see what your poop looks like every morning. Idk I've always been the kind of person to just adapt to un-ideal situations and don't need validation from others.

>> No.6436195

The point of expression is to share it with others dipshit. Its not expression if you're not expressing it to anyone.

>> No.6436198

Fantasies are based in reality at least to some extent. If someone draws a ton of horse porn they're not any different than someone who jacks off to pictures or videos of horses. If people who draw horse porn are mad because society sees them as a horse fucker that's not my problem.

>> No.6436204 [DELETED] 
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Technically calling some that wants to rape 11 years a “pedo” is taking attention away from from actual pedophiles. 11 years old falls into that pubescent range which would make them a hebephile.

People like Saville and Putin and Catholics are pedophiles. They wanna rape prepubescent children. People like Trump and Epstein are hebophiles. They wanna fuck tweens.

>> No.6436205

Part of the problem is that people for the most part AREN'T sharing them outside their "communities." There's just other communities that have morals where "harassment is OK as long as it's against the right people." Some insane people also think they're doing good work when they (individually, not some "master conspiratorial plan") try to infiltrate moderation staff of places to ban things they dislike.

Legit I've seen artists doing nothing but minding their own business, some even keeping their art off their main accounts, and others start to bitch and harass them for the fact that they dare to draw shota/loli art at all. Hell I've seen people SELF-CENSOR the words and doing this pee-pee dance around saying why they dislike, say, Omori or other shit.
You know like the whole
>"Mm I realllly don't like that. You know cause of how the creator is."
It's so fucking annoying and the only reason they talk this way is to try to get people who also think the same way to respond to the signalling.

>> No.6436209

Sorry to inform you, but not every idea or experience is worth expressing through art. No one wants to see art about taking a poop every morning. If you truly want to share your poop art with the world then do it by all means. Getting mad and crying about acceptance makes you a faggot and shows a lack of self awareness.

>> No.6436214

You are 100% wrong. Those fantasies are the equivalent of someone who jerks off to gundams with tits or bionicle porn, or fucking Pyramid head.
None of that shit is real, it's not a "substitute" for things that are real. It's unironicaly in many cases autists who don't even like looking at people in person. The kind of people who prefer watching anime over game of thrones or w/e because they just dislike looking at real people aesthetically.

Again you seem to want to refuse to understand this. It's so far outside your conception of how other people operate or see attraction that you're assuming it has to be a lie, or a cover. When in reality a lot of people just really like that cartoon look.

>> No.6436234

I have an autistic brother who's obsessed with furry porn. He also used to try to molest the family dog whenever he thought he could get away with it. You guys can cry and hand wring all you want but people will keep laughing at you.

>> No.6436235

I see why you're so mad now. Your brother is mentally deranged and you want to distance yourself as far from that as possible.

Sorry, not everyone is as much of a genetic fuckup as your inbred family is.

>> No.6436239

>I don't like it so its not worth sharing
yeah faggots like you should kill yourselves because you are against the entire idea of freedom of expression, freedom of art, and freedom of speech.

>> No.6436247
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/ic/ is normie central but honestly all this whining does is fuel my drive for drawing more.
In resume: don't care, still drawing loli/kids/whatever you want to call it.

>> No.6436256

Lmao. You will always be a depressed pedo who lives in fear or persecution. Have fun trying not to kill yourself.

>> No.6436258

Based and same. Been working on shota porn all day

>> No.6436262

haters gonna hate

>> No.6436281 [DELETED] 
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If you draw sexualized kids you’re a bad faggot with a broken brain.

Absolutely no wiggle room. No they aren’t 3000 years old no they don’t have some made up disorder. You are fabricating reasons to sexualize a child’s body.

You’re a bad faggot and your attraction is to social control, and manipulation of fragile minds and honestly if you can’t come to terms with it and bury that shit in therapy you should actually end life functions.

The reality is that most pedophiles and kid fuckers are narcissists and sociopaths snd other cluster b retards. Treat them as they are: literally retarded pieces of shit with no frontal lobe activity, know what they look like, and keep them the fuck away from your chidrens

Irony is that every tranny I’ve ever met want nothing to do with anyone’s goddamn kid. Every conservative Christian I know a: Is gay as shit about making stranger kids sit on them, and b: is faggoty as shit about trying to use whatever time they have with a kid to agitate them with political agitprop. Niggers are literally the biggest groomer cunts in the pack.

Also fun fact: of the 5 “drag shows for kids” shows I looked up in random flyover states in America, 4 of them were very quickly linked backed to Russian IRA. Literally all of it is just astroturfed foreigners trying to manipulate dumbass Americans into killing each other.

All very fascinating from a future historian POV. Rooting for a mass extinction event in the next 20 years tbphwyf. Hope I die of diarrhea in the water wars.

>> No.6436297

a lot of shotards self-insert as the shota
in fact a bunch also like NTR because they like imagining themselves being a shota mindbreaking some woman away from her bf/husband

You really never spoke to anyone you claim to know so much about lol

>> No.6436300

dumb fucks looking for things to complain about. They lost interest in the last fotm complaint and moved on to this one. They'll move on to the next soon enough.

>> No.6436304

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6436308

>It's ok to fuck horses if you imagine yourself as a horse

>> No.6436314

reading comprehension

>> No.6436322

This. Women, especially white women past the age of like 28 are fucking vermin.

>> No.6436337

Leftists are everywhere now. They want to fuck actual kids but suppress the arts and fiction. It's literally a historic trend. The only way to solve it, historically, is mass exterminations of leftists. American conservacucks are mostly harmless because they don't share the same spaces as people who like degenerate art and don't care to know about it. The only reason trannies are hated by the right is because they forced themselves into the light and demanded attention from everyone. Left-wingers, on the other, intentionally penetrate communities and then start calling for the destruction of said communities for arbitrary reasons appealing to a random and trivial sense of self righteousness, i.e. SJWs

>> No.6436350 [DELETED] 
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I only post here when I’m drunk and then every time I return I’m surprised to discover posts I made last time I was time traveling. So like tldr idk what the words you just said meant tbphwyf


>> No.6436364

>You can express yourself artistically without showing it to the whole world. You can draw those elf skull fucking comics, but don't have a meltdown if you share them outside of guro communities and get a bad reaction.

They usually dont. One of the main fucking problems on art social media is minors wandering into 18+ art spaces on their own and getting mad at the shit they see when they shouldn't even be there.

>> No.6436369

That's more an issue with your brother than the porn itself.

Most furries aren't going out trying to fuck actual animals.

>> No.6436789

cope lolinigger, now please kys.

>> No.6436795
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Holy shit, meds now.
What a massive fucking cope, so bad this lolinigger overdosed.

>> No.6436803

The majority of internet users now are normies who can't discern between fiction and reality.
They also know it's an easy virtue signal to make themselves look good among peers.
Shouting "pedophilia bad" is somehow treated as a heroic act, as if it wasn't already an overwhelmingly agreed upon statement.
However, instead of doing the work to actually find real pedos, they bitch and moan about yet another generic anime character.

>> No.6436811

>The only way to solve it, historically, is mass exterminations of leftists.
Kek. All this whining about self expression and censorship, but let's exterminate people who make pedos feel sad.
Conservacucks want pedos dead by firing squad. Why do you think there's so much conversation about groomers lately? Nobody likes kiddy diddlers or their kiddy diddler art. People are getting fed up and no one is going to come to your rescue.

>> No.6436833

>One of the main fucking problems on art social media is minors wandering into 18+ art spaces on their own and getting mad at the shit they see when they shouldn't even be there.
I'll agree with that. I've seen some garbage takes from young zoomies who think that "18+" simply means the same thing as nsfw, not that those communities are for adults. Therefore anyone above 18 who makes and shares nsfw content in those communities is a pedo because communities marked 18+ are ackshually for kids and teenagers who make smut. Complete ass backwards logic. They should really stay on tiktok and stop ruining the rest of the internet.

>> No.6436857 [DELETED] 
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ITT: bunch of gook ass foreigners


>> No.6436863

Loli shit is weird, but the people overly pissed sometimes are hiding shit themselves.

>> No.6436918

>Conservacucks want pedos dead by firing squad.
This is a bad thing how?

>> No.6436929 [DELETED] 
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>Conservacucks want pedos dead by firing squad. Why do you think there's so much conversation about groomers lately?
Because A: Projection. Accuse the enemy of what you know your side is aggressively doing. B: Because they’re not allowed to just call them faggots anymore so they had to escalate the fabricated culture war threat to projecting about “grooming” as if that isn’t the purpose of youth church groups.

Whole thing is just a bunch of closeted faggot perverts being agitated by open faggot perverts by Russians that pretend to be their friend on the internet but actually want them to kill each other.

>> No.6436962

>but let's exterminate people who make pedos feel sad.
They're worse than simple pedos, they're actual child abusers, so eradicating leftists would still be a net positive

>> No.6437029

good projection as my post was solely about the numbers at the end of the post though

>> No.6437050

It's a combination of looking for social credit (virtue signalling against pedos gives you social brownie points so if you make up more pedos you get more chances to reap the benefits) and likely having skeletons in their own closets (where they have their own fucked fetishes and just act out to make theirs have a sort of moral high ground)

I'm not even justifying loli art, but what bothers me most is that these people only raise a fuss because of attention, when in reality they wouldn't give a shit, and if the exact same character were deemed socially acceptable to lust after (since half of the ones people complain about are fully sexually developed, and sometimes literally adults like uzaki, etc) they would be cooming their jorts

>> No.6437109

Checked your majesty

>> No.6437588

You pedos joined /ic/ discords and discussed cp, cp spamming, where to get cp in order to study from it. And started a pedo general on /ic/.

>> No.6437597

Straight shota, r-right?

>> No.6437604

I don't get how normies can't distinguish reality from fiction. If some retard is drawing an underage character doing something sexual, who cares?

>> No.6437606
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>> No.6437611

You fucking wish

>> No.6437622 [DELETED] 

the Republican thinktank strategy for the midterms was to call every democrat a pedo/pedo supporter, because the only thing worse than a republican is a pedo and you don't want to support pedos, right anon?

anyways, despite what you read on 4chan, most Americans are just normal people trying to get on by their lives, and don't really care about that gay shit, so that's why the republican plan costed them the midterms

But a lot of people on internet are terminally online and mentally ill marks, so right now think they are fighting some kind of culture war.

Besides that, stop posting loli shit bro. It is actually weird for most normal people aswell.

>> No.6437641
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It's due to the falling of western comics/animation and the rise of anime/manga. With that, the rise of otaku/moe culture in general which values youth AKA 'cuteness' a lot more. Anyway, Americans are the only group of people that consistently complains about it and I can't blame them when the country contains 6-7x the amount of pedophiles. They *need* a scapegoat to virtue signal and avoid doing any real work.

>> No.6437663

You’d have a point except I’ve been banned for posting mostly sfw “Loli” (anime girls with small breasts) I’ve drawn on multiple websites.

>> No.6437670

Except it's not republicans going after loli and shit. It's liberals and leftists, and always has been. The fucking seminal moment of this strategy is leftist kike Jason Jason Schreier calling the Dragon's Crown character artist and Dragon's Crown fans pedophiles.

>> No.6437746

>but anon think of the normal folks

>> No.6437914

>Except it's not republicans going after loli and shit.
Kek. No one wants pedos dead more than Republicans. Liberals are the ones who cried about giving them the death penalty.

>> No.6437921

>No one wants pedos dead more than Republicans.
Then why so many of them are pedos

>> No.6437940

>No one wants pedos dead more than Republicans
Just the ones that threaten their lifestyle. Republicans largely don't know and don't care about anime let alone hentai or other forms of drawn porn.

>> No.6437955 [DELETED] 

It's twitteroids and /qa/ troonies getting upset about it.

>> No.6437998

>Except it's not republicans going after loli and shit. It's liberals and leftists, and always has been
Wasn't it literally the republicans who made the law that said 2d loli shit was a crime?

>> No.6438074

This. Liberals and leftists have always been the ones exposing real children to degeneracy and encouraging them to explore sex (how empowering!), all the while screaming about cartoon characters drawn provocatively. Hypocrisy is their bread and butter. In contrast, conservatives - the group that liberals always accuse of Puritanical moral grandstanding - are pretty chill about the whole loli thing.

>> No.6438077

Loli was always a crime depending on whether the prosecutors care, PROTECT specifies loli as eligible for obscenity laws even though obscenity laws were broad enough to cover loli. It's only been used 5 times and only 1 was for possession of loli, because the guy accepted a plea deal. The other 4 times were to enhance charges against people trading real CP. There's another part but that applies to generated images "indistinguishable" from minors and generally considered to be about photorealistic generated CP, so maybe /3/ should worry about that

>> No.6438079

It's just a trend. Teenagers themselves send nudes all the time. Society wants you to think nobody is having sexes meanwhile kids 1/3 your age are fucking like Armageddon.

>> No.6438321

>would rather go to hell than admit women's best breeding age is 16-21
You deserve the world we're living.

>> No.6438326

Dude "roastie" is older than you, we were calling hags that since the mid 90's.

>> No.6438332
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Anime became more mainstream, thus more people became aware of it, not just the social outcasts anymore.
Also keep in mind, a lot of the same people who complain about sexualization of fictional minors are also offended about sexualization of adult women, calling it “objectification.” They want to eliminate all sexualized depictions of female characters (regardless of age), so they are going to be especially loud about the age factor since it’s a battleground they know they can win on even with normies.
Pic related: an example of an anime girl that Twitter will call you a “pedophile” for being attracted to.

>> No.6438447

This, I used to draw fat girls with cow tits, but now all I want to draw is skinny teens because it pisses people off so much.

>> No.6438454

Every period or societal peace has been achieved through a right-wing zeitgeist.
Leftists can only cause suffering and strife.

>> No.6438462

Zoomers. I blame zoomers

>> No.6439093

A key cause is zoomies who have an astonishingly strict moral view of the world, but only in a small number of specific areas, underage cartoon porn drawings being one of them.

>> No.6439108

zoomers are adopting a neo-traditionalist mindset where women in bikinnis is considered "porn"

>> No.6439118

i wish this was true but they're also the ones blowing up the onlyfan whores' bank accounts
you're delusional

>> No.6439123

those are millenials.
Zoomers don't have any fucking money.

>> No.6439135


>> No.6439166


>> No.6439646

Tbh with 70% of the adult population overweight/obese it's not hard to see some men get desperate for anyone that is actually human shaped.

>> No.6439695
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First came the females
Soon after, the tumblrites arrived
Then came the twitterdrones
Then followed the rest of the normies, zoomers, and social media whores

>> No.6441041

>Jeffrey dahmer
Just there I knew you were a zoomer, I

>> No.6442228

I can't post art of a female of any kind, of any age, demure or slutty, clothed or not, without some puritan scum complaining that her tits are too big
I hate current year

>> No.6442248
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>talking to a girl in the real world
>mention I like pale girls
>she goes on a long rant about how racist I am for having color preferences and how I need to do better
>because I like pale goth girls
I hate this world. I wish it would all just burn to the ground.

>> No.6442290

That's just what happens when you don't gatekeep a hobby

>> No.6442298

Seethe more boomers. We are only retarded because ur children couldnt raise us right.

>> No.6442299

I think you need better taste in women and friends

>> No.6442698

I don’t have many options. I take whatever I can put my penis in

>> No.6442706

zoomers didn't receive enough beating when they were children, having been cuddled and been on the internet all their life, all imagined trauma was amplified.

>> No.6442764

I understand the sentiments behind those laws. Anyone older than 30 would be hesitant to not pass a law that mentions children.
Too bad the results was literally a "win more" kind of deal so niche no one wants to reform it.
Maybe that's why it was passed; look good and also so uncommon it won't matter even if applicable.

>> No.6445858

same i just went from going no way to wanting to draw fetish art out of pure spite not to mention theres a market
of course my art skill isnt high enough yet