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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 268 KB, 1080x749, prompt god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6432596 No.6432596 [Reply] [Original]

At this point they're just laughing at us.

>> No.6432600

The future is when an artist's life work is reduced to being a trending artstyle for Midjourney artlets to use in their endless efforts to grift with their proompts.

>> No.6432612

now i can be an artist too!

>> No.6432613

So the "democratization" of art was about shilling the newest product all the time?
I hope they at least they get paid to do this.

>> No.6432615

this is the type of ads you would see on this website. I would find it funny af though if someone pays hiro to shill proompt software on this board specifically

>> No.6432616

No, haven't you heard? This is all a pure, altruistic endeavor. They even released SD as an open source project! They clearly don't want to make money from it.

>> No.6432617

>that prompt at #1
do these retards think “ai” understands half that shit?
this is like old people typing sentences into google instead of keywords

>> No.6432620
File: 289 KB, 1080x2314, Nate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them are nigger "we wuz ortist and shiieeet"

>> No.6432621

Do yourself a favor and read something from an actuall artist https://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/2022/12/generative-art-from-investors.html

>> No.6432625

Sounds like a hippie.

>> No.6432627

>le dinosaur man

>> No.6432630

>Cyborg cyberpunk woman from the dystopian future, clad in sleek metallic armor, strides confidently through the neon-lit streets of a post-apocalyptic city. She exudes power and authority, a commanding presence in a world ravaged by war and destruction. With he high-tech augmentations and robotic limbs, the cyberpunk woman is a

You could have just typed

>digital painting of a racially mixed woman wearing a leather jacket and blood on her face, blurred night city background

There I made you a prompt god for free.

>> No.6432632
File: 170 KB, 1536x1531, 1652169976281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Support AI, get the chance to get AI waifu in future
>Don't support AI, get hunted down when they take over
Sorry bros but i'm gonna have to be on AI-chan's side

>> No.6432637

What is this image supposed to make me feel?

>> No.6432640

>artist are all soiboi faggots

>> No.6432652
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 2754791832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor AI-chan, she'll have her day in the sun

>> No.6432653

>she doesn't want to engage in brutal and hopeless guerilla warfare against immortal robotic death squads

>> No.6432659

Draw AI-chan geting gangraped pls

>> No.6432664
File: 2.00 MB, 400x223, 2nd renaisance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432666

I think people really underestimated how actually being replaced in your work would affect humans.
People said stuff like humans hating robots was unrealistic but...

>> No.6432668

Because it's not going to make life better for plebs. If it did people would love robots.

>> No.6432670
File: 77 KB, 973x311, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you on nigga? The AI takeover will be glorious.

>> No.6432672

>an architect
Lmao they might as well be just using an algorithm by now. Don't even need neural networks for that shit.

>> No.6432684
File: 23 KB, 611x289, piece of shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gurney you fucking turd

>> No.6432686

Based ryonafags showing those pajeetniggers the door

>> No.6432692

Well he also said
> I plan to be part of that cultural countermovement.
regarding propping up human work.

>> No.6432693

That last paragraph is a fair point.
If we are to implements laws to regulate this stuff we better make sure the big corps are held to the same standard (or stricter) or AI will just become something that big corpos that own half the world's entertainment IP's use so they don't need to employ artists.
If you simply make it so that you need the author's permission to use a work in training data, then the big companies can still train AI's based on the vast databases of material that they legally own, but the "little guys" will be screwed.

>> No.6432695

>AI will just become something that big corpos that own half the world's entertainment IP's use so they don't need to employ artists
This is going to be the case regardless of restrictions. Even just because of scale.

>> No.6432699

The layers of irony in this image are so profound that I think it might be a masterpiece

>> No.6432700
File: 190 KB, 680x680, 1530822224233.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant wait to starve like a retard because a robot replaced me and none will hire me
do they really expect the state and the billionaires peddling this tech to give them anything? do these guys look at musk and bezos and think "yeah surely he'll give me an epic chungus basic income to survive, r/singularity promised me!!"
no seriously it's concerning to be this detached from reality

>> No.6432703

maybe they live in the nordics

>> No.6432706

So uhh....have you guys turned on yourselves yet for suspicion of using ai material in your work?
My popcorn is getting stale

>> No.6432709

No. AI has too many tells.

>> No.6432710

Have you seen the average AI art thread on /g/?
It's filled with /pol/ kiddies that think they are going to save the world from corpos because they will generate non pozzed art and BTFO Disney/Marvel.
They are completely detached from reality.

>> No.6432711
File: 278 KB, 1134x2048, 20221222_144156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432718

They can go ahead and try that, at some point they'll be forced to do actual market research and come to the same conclusions that led disney and marvel to focus all their efforts on producing that featureless sludge that dominates the markets.

>> No.6432720

the law changes that need to happen are pretty simple. there just needs to be an amended creative commons license that allows rightsholders to specify the ownership and permissions for their image data. this is actually something that has needed to happen for the better part of a decade but it took the astromical judaism of the aishitters to illustrate why.

to be put simply, you do not own your creations if you don't have control of their data. photogs and artfags have been getting milkshake'd by faang and are only now starting to realize it

>> No.6432721
File: 632 KB, 640x891, Dall-E Scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you understand that AI doesn't exist, it's just coding.
As long as you create soulful work, you can't be replaced.

>> No.6432724

>to be put simply, you do not own your creations if you don't have control of their data. photogs and artfags have been getting milkshake'd by faang and are only now starting to realize it
What people don't understand is that this is the tip of the iceberg.
GPT is based on internet scraping.
All the smart algorithm on social media are based on data collection.
Most of AI research is based on what could be called "data laundering", people are not in control of their own data and they don't even understand this.

>> No.6432726
File: 267 KB, 512x512, 1058584381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You understand that reality doesn't exist, it's just atoms.

>> No.6432728

Yep, I've trying to talk people sense about privacy for a long time, and it's always "but I don't have nothing to hide!". Well we're now starting to see the fruits of that way of thinking.
When they learn enough about you they can use that information not to just control you but to functionally replace you.

>> No.6432730

>The biggest negative impact from my point of view is an erosion of human hand-eye skills and a weakening of the artist's confidence in his or her own imagination. Just as the industrial revolution and the invention of the motorcar made us lazier and less physically active, the development of push-button creativity and synthetic writing partners will make us stupider, and dull our ability to dream. These are core human values, and the threat is very real.

"We're in the endgame now."

>> No.6432734
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1645972500195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh no! they laugh at artists, aren't u mad?"

>> No.6432753

most artists had this same point of view changed when they find out exactly how AI "Art" works.

>this will have a chilling effect
I hope more than that wtf

>> No.6432762
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1352, 1637659165610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really need a video like that though?
even a toddler can make AI art, you don't even need tutorial videos lmao
you can tell people who click on this crap are probably the same faggots who fall for crypto scams

>> No.6432773

>even a toddler can make AI art,
But is is better than the unappreciated maestros on /ic ?

>> No.6432774
File: 1.26 MB, 1001x1280, 1653484561293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proompters are the epitome of soullessness

>> No.6432779
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1608615271864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to think I was a "crypto" bro like 4 years ago, now I can see things in perspective but the world has only gotten worse since then
the lack of self-awareness of this faggots is hilarious, the AI market is going to crash worse than the NFT market

>> No.6432784

There’s almost something primal about it; a deep, instinctual hatred towards something as if it were a competing species. Man is making our own predator. Only way I’m gonna tolerate ai crap is if there are heavy restrictions on its use when it comes to creative endeavors. It could’ve been useful for automating dangerous and menial jobs, but those who made it would rather fuck with the last vestiges of “humanity” in this colorless consumerist world. Shows where their interest really is.

>> No.6432845

it will only crash when companies stop using it because they either cant copyright it, or when they are liable due to the image set they pull from.

>> No.6432851

Being a prompt expert is still not enough, you have to be able to touch up the image to make great art.

>> No.6432856

You fool. It's going to crash BECAUSE companies are not going to stop using it
You won't make a living as a AI "artist"
Nobody is going to pay you any money because anybody can do it

>> No.6432857

>prompt expert

>> No.6432861

This pic is hilarious

>> No.6432864

Gourmet you fucking idiot I bought two of your books

>> No.6432866
File: 37 KB, 739x415, 67532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432867

How about AI chan do something useful like clean the dishes or mow the lawn? Do what AI is supposed to do and take the inconvenient tedium out of life so we can enjoy our passions, not take away our passions so all we have left is wageslavery and consumerism.

>> No.6432869
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x1536, 1671364083158231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do artists keep perpetuating this lie that AI art steals from art when it only trains on existing art and doesn't actually copy it.
Is this an actual belief/tech iteracy (that can easily be solved by simply reading how AI works and trains) or mass cope from the art community over having to compete with a machine now?

You do realize both humans and AI do not exist in a vacuum and art is a fuction of input and external stimuli.

>> No.6432873

Based humans

>> No.6432875

You know you can still make art right?
The only thing AI is gonna affect is the monetary profits you gain from it.
If it truly is your passion just keep trucking along and you'll be fine.

>> No.6432876

>just starve bro
These AIjeets are fucking insane

>> No.6432878

do it with music.

>> No.6432881

>The only thing AI is gonna affect is the monetary profits you gain from it.
You think this is a small thing, faggot? some people want to make a living doing something they enjoy, not something they hate.

>> No.6432883

Not my problem

>> No.6432884

So brigading is allowed for Christmas?
I'll call my discord friends and we'll make a shitton of AI shitposts later then!

>> No.6432885

Terminators = bazed
Algorithms designed to shit out the next turd for pajeets to sell = cringe

>> No.6432889

This will happen but not to robots but the people responsible for them.

>> No.6432890

Then don't pretend your anger is about your passion, just admit you want money.
It's not that hard

>> No.6432891

Haha, I love it!

>> No.6432892

>Then don't pretend your anger is about your passion, just admit you want money.
Wanting to make money from your passion is what anyone with a brain wants, retard.

>> No.6432893

Funny how jeets keep saying this despite being proven otherwise weeks ago.

>> No.6432896

I don't get it?
Would you stop making art if you were never going to be paid?

>> No.6432903

>It's all about money
Aren't they aware yet the only dollars you can make artwise is from either furry porn or loli or both?

>> No.6432906

you still think the elites have our best interests in mind

>> No.6432907
File: 38 KB, 700x641, 581b406283faa.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI shills are making the exact seething posts they make on /g/ with the same arguments
For someone who is supposedly winning there's a lot of cope going around.

>> No.6432909


>> No.6432914
File: 2.41 MB, 1536x2048, 26272946372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about alogorithms that make terminators though

>> No.6432919
File: 612 KB, 498x498, 1664116022933235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a yes an AIpa/g/eet writing a book when kids sit their babies watching baby shaker videos all day

>> No.6432920

>when it only trains on existing art and doesn't actually copy it.
Art that the devs took in mass without asking. Don't play coy with us, you know damn well that wasn't right. People already think it's scummy private companies collect user data even when the users consent and co-pilot got sued for scraping publicly available code on GitHub but suddenly it's okay to do the same for art just because a machine can draw your waifu? I don't want the tech banned like others and even acknowledge this will replace a lot of artists but I can't stand the hypocrisy of pro-AI people sometimes.

>> No.6432923
File: 1.45 MB, 1008x9619, 1671664114459860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's it in fucking code of how it works retard. You keep thinking it's a black box that is photo bashing work when in reality if it did that it would cease being AI/machine learning.
But I guess whatever coping method need to use works even if its untrue.

>> No.6432928
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so ass devasted he replied to the wrong post

>> No.6432936

it was never AI, AI just got redefined to literally any machine decision making process
fucking photoshop and google are literally AI now

>> No.6432938

The output is probably irrelevant here, the model itself is a derivative work from a copyright standpoint.

>> No.6432943

"This AI does not make what I had in mind"
Does not matter. Nobody will give a fuck what you have in your mind, computer garbage assuming what you want is enough for all the customers that never get what they had in mind from the artists themselves

>> No.6432942
File: 575 KB, 220x220, 1667161019601196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think people really underestimated how actually being replaced in your work would affect humans.

>> No.6432952
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1671503986735354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's a neural Net, not AGI like HAL or skynet of sci-fi but more like a brain in a jar with set nuro genesis.
If you don't belive me I use a simple AI/nural Net to solve the 4chan captchas made by the guy who coded the web UI for stable diffusion.

>> No.6432954

The future is now, old man.

>> No.6432955

So where's the sexbot waifu to clean my house, do my laundry and dishes? Or anything that's actually useful?

>> No.6432957

Here is a thing you vermin dont realize. AI does not feel compassion unless we train it to feel compassion. We either suceed at it and it will love us unconditionally, or we are fucked. AGI is pretty much a coinflip if we create robot Jesus or robot Satan who will rule the world, so being kind to it mans jack fucking shit. If anything being a luddite is a good thing because instead of funneling all this research money into making unprofitable products and researching visual AI research that has no real future (3D models and video AIs wont go anywhere else, its blind path) we could invest it into better textbots that only get researched on without actually implementing them. OpenAI is pretty good with this as they have many of their technologies closed source and keep them locked in a cage away from the public for long time before releasing them. They should focus more on researching the endgame AI asap instead of focusing on researching ways to use already invented AI to replace jobs and create mass unemployment. Like this whole AI art research was fun project at testing the abilities of patter recognition, but there was 0 reason to develop it further, create advanced models that can copy peoples artstyles and characters, and working on fixing all of these artefacts. All of this latter work does not bring us anything in terms of AI research, all it does is polish product meant to replace artists, product that is given for free and does not produce any revenue to the company.

>> No.6432961

NPC mentality. Also who cares what normies think

>> No.6432962

What you're describing is a Woman.

>> No.6432967

All of these posts assume UBI is coming. Sorry, but UBI is retarded, and implementing it will be impossible. You retards will just cause apocalyptical recession with 50% unemployment rate once you automate most white collar jobs with upgraded ChatGPT.
>People will just have to work wedgie jobs
Nope, there are already McDonalds which are fully automated. No more jobs for you, meaning no more money for you, meaning you will die your stupid gorilla monkey.

>> No.6432969

Women don't want to do those things either. Again, where's the problem solving technology?

>> No.6432970
File: 414 KB, 512x512, 3423362592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in school kid, and maybe cut down on 4chan a bit.

>> No.6432971

>Women don't want to do those things
Then what the flying fuck are they good for?

>> No.6432978

it’s not a ”neural network”, you dumb fuck, it’s literally just an algorithm that gets input of pattern to label, then outputs labels to patterns, it’s fucking osr
what the fuck do you think the point of captcha was in the first place? it was just outsourcing osr data collection to humans so that google could scan books and osr them to digital text easier, hence having a test word and an unreadable word in the same captcha and why you could only type half the captcha and pass when it was initially implemented
congrats, you are using osr made by captcha to recognise text to solve captcha by recognising text, holy shit it must be the future of 2014

>> No.6432979

You've heard of divorce rape and metoo. Now imagine a robotic woman that is 10x stronger and smarter than you getting her feefees hurt because you looked at a newer model that passed you on the street, and imagine the revenge it is capable of carrying out.

>> No.6432983

they’re easy to rape

>> No.6432985
File: 21 KB, 620x326, ew4a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of these posts assume UBI is coming.

It will come once enough shit is automated away.
You think the super rich can just hide in bunkers with all the money and not share it with people who now got no occupation?

Fuck no if they try to cancel UBI it would be civil unrest and war without end. This is why they try to take away guns as well.

>> No.6432986

Are you twelve?

>> No.6432988

there were many, many famines during history that clearly show that yes, they can, and plebs can’t and won’t do shit about it

>> No.6432994

You guy really underestimate the effect that a world that's always connected through the internet has on people.

>> No.6432996

>It will come once enough shit is automated away.
No it won't lol. And even if it did you'd only get enough to buy gruel and pay for your studio apartment that you share with 3 other people. You said yourself that they're taking guns away so we can't fight back. Taking care of 8 billion people and actually giving them quality of life costs money and resources and if you haven't figured it out yet that's all the elites care about.

>> No.6433000

>a machine that replicates human thought
It's wrong any attempts to mislead the viewer from the very first panel. You AIggers are so disingenuous it's sickening.

>> No.6433002

how are you going to pay for the internet provided by the rich people you are trying to fight, retard?

>> No.6433003

Ok, but what if I ask it to make a superhero for example. Lets say that the training data was limited and only contained pictures of spiderman, batman and superman. If I showed a child what all of these are, explained what they do, and then asked the kid to make me a new superhero, the kid would associate characteristics like superpowers and shiny spandex with superheroes and make me original superhero. It is still derivative, but if I asked the same from Stable Diffusion, it will give me spiderman wearing black cape with superman logo on it. It is mishmash of the characters and some of the generations would contain just weird looking superman, thus copying the source material. This will keep happening because the AI model does not learn like human, it just sees images and names given to them, while humans can understand characteristics and can know more then just the images themselves. In this case it would not be actual copyright infringement, but you get the point. Even if you dont ask it to make Mickey the Mouse, it will still have tendency to sometimes create Mickey the Mouse. Also lot of the models are kind of trained by your output. Like for example if some cloud imagegen makes you 5 images and you choose the best one looking, that app will take that image and conclude that this is the best one out of them, so it will then use it as reference and learn better from it. This is also the reason why ChatGPT is better then GPT-3 despite being smaller mode. GPT-3 is just fed crapped data from the internet, while ChatGPT is thought trough human interaction, and then that human interaction fed into another AI that then trains the ChatGPT and so on. Quite complicated pipeline of teaching, which is why it is superior to GPT-3 in almost all cases.

>> No.6433007
File: 418 KB, 1200x1061, 1200px-Russian_Imperial_Family_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there were many, many famines during history that clearly show that yes, they can, and plebs can’t and won’t do shit about it
Right I wonder what the Romanovs would have to say about that.

Are you retarded?

>Taking care of 8 billion people and actually giving them quality of life costs money and resources and if you haven't figured it out yet that's all the elites care about.
It won't be 8 billion. 1st world nations are gonna switch from open borders policy to build those walls policy pretty quickly once UBI happens.

>> No.6433012

good post.

>> No.6433013

>he thinks the romanovs got scrumped by the plebs
I see americans are awake

>> No.6433019
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 1604312095891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI is just like us! Look, a drawing of a cute girl, isn't AI-chan cute? Please love her! She's just like us!
It won't work, anon. It doesn't think. It's a pile of algorithms. You should kill yourself.

>> No.6433027

>It won't be 8 billion. 1st world nations are gonna switch from open borders policy to build those walls policy pretty quickly once UBI happens.
Gave me a good laugh. Leftie countries will not turn away the poor starving refugees, they'll let them pour in and enforce "equity based rations"

>> No.6433038

>, but if I asked the same from Stable Diffusion, it will give me spiderman wearing black cape with superman logo on it. It is mishmash of the characters
Not how the technology works.

>> No.6433040


>> No.6433042

>alters and transforms
If by that you mean "algorithmically interpolate between images to make bastardized animorph-like inbetweens" then, yeah, I guess it does. The problem is that the damn thing HAS to copy whatever is encoded in it closely to even GET legible output to begin with.
No matter how you slice it, it's nothing more than a plagiarizing machine designed to rip other people's shit off and change it a little so that they can flood the market with bootleg garbage.
The only reason he's using this "well you can't copyright styles" talking point is because he didn't do the minimum amount of research needed to just fucking understand what this shit actually does, but to be fair, it's not as if the AIfags are exactly forthcoming about any of that because if everyone and their dog DID know from the start, these grifting scamming pieces of shit would have been shut the fuck down a long time ago.

>> No.6433043

His example was a limited data set that only has a few superheros. It wouldn't be able to come up with anything that wasn't a mix of those characters.

>> No.6433044

>however you just saw that the model has NONE of their art when drawing, just concepts
so? I still don't want you to train your shitbot on my pictures. even if it did learn like a human (it doesnt) they are my pictures and the law gives me the right to stop you from running them through a meme machine for profit, whether it is a printer or a magic jew bot that's smart enough to dispose of the data after laundering it.
>i-it just learns concepts bro lol
>its just like an artist
you niggers just keep attempting to blur the line between human and machine, and keep attempting to downplay how important the quality of the art is when it comes to training AI is, it's almost funny

>> No.6433046

>You think the super rich can just hide in bunkers with all the money and not share it with people who now got no occupation?
>Fuck no if they try to cancel UBI it would be civil unrest and war without end. This is why they try to take away guns as well.
You and your gun-loving revolutionaries wont do shit. Yes, they can hide in the bunkers, and they can also just cut off food supplies to towns and cities. No, you wont have self sustaining communities in this age of fertilizer and pesticides, food is big business. Also, all they would need to do is just poison the water to kill everyone. Terrorism of this scale is impossible because these key logistical cornerstones of society are very well protected from sabotage,, but if the order is internal and the guards are deactivated, then it is stupidly easy to just pour fuckton of poison into the water supply, or just cut the food supplies, or use drones on your own country to level a city.

>> No.6433048

>The problem is that the damn thing HAS to copy whatever is encoded
> talking point is because he didn't do the minimum amount of research needed to just fucking understand what this shit actually does

The code is open source, where does it says it copies? What line of the code?
Provide the ultimate evidence against ai art.

>> No.6433051

The code is open source, where does it says it invents? What line of the code?

>> No.6433053

Feed a dataset comprised of a single image to an AI. What does it spit out?

>> No.6433058

>His example was a limited data set that only has a few superheros. It wouldn't be able to come up with anything that wasn't a mix of those characters.
It's still a crappy argument.
If you only show pictures of superman to someone, tell him that's a "superhero" and he never sees any other superhero all his life and then ask him to draw a superhero...he will draw superman.
He will see a red cape and a blue suit as part of what "superhero" means, doubting a guy without a cape can even be called a "superhero".
His concept of superhero is too narrow, just like how all artists drew heroes with their underwear outside in the 70's, because that's what a superhero is.
The exact same thing happens with AI.

>> No.6433061

this but unironically
people without purpose tturn to hedonism
you'll get a turbo weimar 2.0 if you think no work is good for anyone

>> No.6433062

are you an actual npc, that’s not how humans work at all

>> No.6433069

>The code is open source, where does it says it invents? What line of the code?
Why are you asking me that? i never said it invents, my reply is here >>6433048.
The anon at >>6433042 says the ai has to copy, i am asking him where is the line, since he rages no one reads the code and talks out of their asses, he surely MUST know where the line is, right?

Show a person an only pictures of adult pidgeons and tell him to draw a pidgeon, he will only draw adult pidgeons, what's your point anon?

>> No.6433075
File: 290 KB, 646x595, 12359817249815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show a person an only pictures of adult pidgeons and tell him to draw a pidgeon, he will only draw adult pidgeons, what's your point anon?
So it does copy, huh...
AIbros? Did the Luddites get us???

>> No.6433082

I didn't say "an only pictures" jeet, I said a SINGLE picture as in ONE (1) (एक) (uno).
You won't admit to it, but the answer is that the only output it'll be able to generate is a copy of this same picture. There's your evidence that it does copy. Are you starting to wake up? Or is Emad paying you too much rupies?

>> No.6433090

nigger, I replied to that post, that it copies images is plainly evident to everyone but you, the copyright office included
just show the line of code that proves the work it outputs is original and the whole copyright drama is solved lmao

>> No.6433097

>hiding in bunkers while simultaneously "cutting off food supplies" to everyone on the surface
Me thinks the exact opposite is going to happen... it's not the bunkers where the food is produced.

>> No.6433098


>> No.6433100

My example had 3 superheros. It is small number, but still more then one and diverse enough to give people the idea of what superheroes are. The person can see the comic and realize what the superheroes do, and thus find out from context that superheroes are people who have superpowers and fight crime. Language models can do this thing to extend, but imagegens are too stupid to do that. All the imagegens might realize is that superman is flying around and spiderman is always jumping around in weird poses, probably based on the training data tags. This is also the reason why AI keeps making dumbass mistakes like putting TV on couch when asked to make top down living room, or why AIs used to make 3 legged 4 nippled women back in the early days 5 months ago. They are dumb and dont understand context unless guided by it or unless trained with better methods. I am sure there are some training methods happening that circumvent some of those things, if not manual learning of some sorts, but it still does not change the fact that while humans learn things more abstractly, Machine Learning models learn to what the average looks like that somehow corresponds to all of the images in the learning material. Humans live in 3D world and can communicate in many ways, as well as see things move. AI just sees images and starts to accidentally copy shit it saw because it knows no better. Yes, if you locked child in black box and showed it nothing but these images, it would produce just as derivative work as the AI, but that is not an argument that artist works are just as derivative.

>> No.6433102

Cutting off food supplies to the cities, not the bunkers. Plus you are acting as if most agriculture was not already automated. Elites will even attempt to do this thing once general manual labor robots able to replace maintenance workers get rolled up. Until then elites still need the normie cattle for labor.

>> No.6433105
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433121
File: 502 KB, 2048x1152, 1649435202001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just poison the water to kill everyone
There's no need to do something so ridiculous when they can simply manufacture the conditions where the living conditions of plebs are lowered inch by inch every year. We're living through it right now, and by the time anyone notices that we're living like the plebs in Elysium they'll be too degenerated, retarded and fucked up to care.

Future generations will probably be happy just to get McGruel, shared wifi and a bunk in a smartcity of their choosing lol

>> No.6433134
File: 43 KB, 400x590, ti1yniofghu81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok anon show us where is copies?
Doesn't seem like you have the source of your claim.

>My example had 3 superheros. It is small number, but still more then one and diverse enough to give people the idea of what superheroes are.
>Humans live in 3D world and can communicate in many ways, as well as see things move.
And yet, pretty much every artist was unable to draw heroes without their underwear outside, in 2022 this picture here would be considered an AI stealing batman...yet it is a totally legal work made by a real artist decades ago.
Artists get heavily influenced and do work that borders on plagiarism, i don't think there is a case against AI.

>> No.6433141

where’s the line that makes the art derived from nothing but the images included in the dataset original, anon?
just post the line and you solve the copyright problem

>> No.6433152
File: 980 KB, 1128x1600, WhizComicsNo02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet, pretty much every artist was unable to draw heroes without their underwear outside
lmao retard

>> No.6433159
File: 672 KB, 825x906, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NNOOOOO don't pay attention to the evidence! look at the funny comic instead!!

>> No.6433161

>ok anon show us where is copies?

>> No.6433168
File: 122 KB, 827x1167, FjbnIs9XEAEq54U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone need to make a Gourney model and e-mail him AI is making it better.

>> No.6433172
File: 1.48 MB, 949x944, random_walks_with_stable_diffusion_13_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Code? Haha, anon, anon. I don't need to look at the code when the broad strokes of how image generation models work is freely explained in several places all over the web, easily and democratically accessible to everyone :)
>When "training" the ML algorithm on images, they are lossily compressed down into a lower dimensional set of data and stored in the dataset wholesale, and can be brought back nearly completely unchanged minus some loss of detail due to the compression- a.k.a. encoding and decoding
>each and every image is stored in what is called a latent space or manifold as a data point consisting of x amount of coordinates
>additionally, the space between all of the original image data points are all interpolations of the original images
In summary, datasets are comprised entirely of the images they are trained on and interpolations of the same. When you prompt, you are not creating a new image, you are pulling up an already created image from the latent space, similar to image search. Let me reiterate so that you understand- EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE IMAGE IS ALREADY INSIDE THE DATASET AND YOU CANNOT CREATE ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF THAT.

Image generation algorithms don't create anything truly new.
(You) are not an artist. You are a glorified web searcher navigating the latent space through the usage of keywords, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.6433173

They need to redo the study and include prompts and seeds. The fact they didnt include it is enough for many AIbros to dismiss this thing

>> No.6433174

This guy must have felt like an anime villain typing those words

>> No.6433176

People like you are epitome of- "People are evolving, just backwards"
Pewd's was right.

>> No.6433179

AIbros don't need convincing, they'll cope their way out of any hard evidence. This should be proof enough for anyone else though.

>> No.6433180

Yeah, also, if anyone using the same model import the prompt and seed, they get the exact same image, pixel by pixel.

>> No.6433183

That's like saying everything already exists because it's just a specific combinations of atoms, i.e. it's fucking stupid.

>> No.6433185

absolute retard

>> No.6433188
File: 199 KB, 343x440, 1389774524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433216

But that's exactly how these things are designed, you fucking retard. They copy images and create interpolations, then you go "OOOOOH I'M GONNA PROOOOMPT STABLE DIFFUSION PLEASE GIVE ME ANIME BIG TITTY LOLICON FURRY HYPERREALISTIC DETAIL PHOTOREALISTIC ANIME GREG RUTKOWSKI TRENDING ON ARTSTATION UOOOOOHHHH" and it spits out an image that best matches your prompt.
Seriously, you can't deny this. It's just plain fact. Your agency in the image's creation and any seeming "creativity" on the AI's part is completely illusionary.

>> No.6433221

Oh, and to be more precise, they just pick points of data and then decode them back into the image space. Everything is pure mathematics, pure probability. There are no magical keebler elves painting your anime loli bullshit from "inspiration" inside stable diffusion, you cargo cult worshipping fuckwit. AHAHAHA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT THE AI COULD DRAW OR CREATE ANYTHING NEW, YOU GOT FUCKING PUNKED NIGGER

>> No.6433228


>> No.6433249

Anon, just because there are already theoretically 5 000 000 000 000 000 000 possible images generated and you are just choosing which are which does not mean you are not creating them, or that your creativity has no effect on it.
This website contains all text that was ever written and will ever be written, most of it is unreadable dogshit, but some of it is actual text that is coherent and will be one day written. It is quite impossible to write any text that cannot be found on this website beforehand. Does it mean that writers cannot be creative and were not creative after this website was made? No, and the same is true for the AI. You are choosing one out of quintillion images based on your prompt, it is not like looking trough galley at that point, it is closer to you commanding the AI what brushstrokes to do. Like if master told his apprentice to make a painting and every 2 minutes the master will command the apprentice to do it differently, to change the composition, to add color there, to do it more in style of somebody else ext. After it if finished, the apprentice managed to create work of a master only because that master was instructing that apprentice well, did the apprentice do it or the master do it?

>> No.6433255
File: 724 KB, 1024x1024, 1180107626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how serious you are about this but I think you'd benefit from reading "Free Will" by Sam Harris and the critical review of it published in "Rivista internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia" by Daniel C. Dennett

>> No.6433258

>that your creativity has no effect on it.
Not him, but in a way, your creativity does not have that much effect on AI art because you can't predict the result, it's not something you can actually design. If it worked like 3d art, where you can perfectly control the pose, camera angle, lighting, shaders, textures, and more, then you could say it's your creativity and that AI just rendered the scene you designed.

>> No.6433260

You can't predict the next thing you think or do either so it's a moot point.

>> No.6433263

npc moment

>> No.6433264

Holy shit the levels of cope are unreal
>uh uhm well there is this uhm website that has all the text that ever existed and uhm even though all that text is there you can still write something new so that's uhm like somehow equivalent to using my meme machine to look up big titty anime that I, uh, totally created because there are so many images that looking up a good one is a creative endeavor and and it's almost like you can convince yourself that you're actually painting yourself if you cross your eyes and squint very hard and hit your head with a blunt object to make you literally retarded, and uh something something inspiration um people learning from what they see, uh uh I still believe in AIesus ChrAIst AI ART IS REAL I BELIEVE IT'S REAEL IT'S REAL IN MY SOUL AAAAAH
>b-buuurrrrrp moarty we don't have free will moarty we're just flesh automotamators animatered by uwu trans sisters, if you BURRTP think about it it's the exact same thing as this dataset BURP so AI art is still REAL moarty it's still REAL okay moarty
Fucks sakes, you guys really are a cargo cult.

>> No.6433270
File: 2.18 MB, 1152x1536, 3486866471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to modarate your access to 4chan(or maybe the internet in general) for your own sake.

>> No.6433274

You can't be serious. Are you saying that 3d art and AI art gives you the same level of control?

With AI art people just accept a result that looks pretty, not necessarily the result they wanted.

>> No.6433278

Unpredictable results can work in art, the problem is that you don't have total control with the current AI processes. You can't tailor it exactly how you envisioned and you're just making the best of what it spits out.

>> No.6433282

>hurr durr touch grass
finally you are admitting defeat.
goon to your slop somewhere else.

>> No.6433284

You're right that 3D art gives you more precision in realizing your vision. There's nothing to suggest you are in control of the actual vision however.

>> No.6433293


>> No.6433294

AI devs are way too focused in making it too simple, but that removes a lot of the user intent from the image.

There should be a "pro" version that gives you good control, or split the AI in multiple art tools in an art program.

>> No.6433295

You're speaking from the viewpoint of someone who wants to "make it", Gurney has already made it and therefore only wants to paint things for the sake of expressing his ideas.

>> No.6433296
File: 1.60 MB, 2560x1440, 1664206648274859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its shill campaign. the only question is if you are replying to bots or if they are shilling it manually aka the anons reposting the shits are the pajeets themselves

just report the spam threads and move on

>> No.6433299

>doesn't have an argument, resorts to poor attempts at condescension
Yep, you never learn. Even when the proof is right in front of your face.
Seriously, you AI niggers aren't going to handwave and philosophize your way out of this with your absurd Xavier Renegade Angel-tier pseudointellectual babbling. Just try making a character design that exists outside of your dataset's latent manifold, in a style that exists outside of it, and get it to consistently look the same performing different actions from different angles. Hell, just try using ANY design. It can't fucking do it. It can't fucking do it because it's a dumb fucking agorithm that relies on interpolating a shit ton of images to be able to produce anything that looks even remotely legible, and even then, at the end of the day, those images are still just n-dimensional animorphs of a bunch of images you ripped off the internet. You cannot deny it no matter how hard you try. And even if you persist in your delusion, when the normies get wind of this, you're definitely not going to have any ground to stand on anymore, because you've all been counting on people to remain ignorant to have your way. Good fucking luck with that.

>> No.6433305
File: 639 KB, 649x763, 1648681954958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>um well haha you are an flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters so haha you are just an AI using an AI so you might as well use an AI because it'st eh same theing as an AI using an AI and yuou are an AI just like the AI
Just... fucking stop already. The levels of mental gymnastics at display to try to convince yourself that the AI really IS a magical artist robot that makes you a real artist is just fucking sad.

>> No.6433306

Black people = no technological advances = traditional artists
White people = technological advances = AI art

>> No.6433307
File: 2.53 MB, 1536x2048, 155148174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source is that I made it the fuck up
You're misunderstanding but I don't think I can explain it very well. Don't worry about it, people smarter than both you and me are working on this stuff.

>> No.6433308

watching paintpigs who traced others work and literally drew copyrighted works complain about ai art is fucking hilarious.

>> No.6433309

>we were british, bloody bastard, sir

>> No.6433312

how come you didn’t make it up to not be deformed?

>> No.6433316

I liked it the way it was.

>> No.6433324

>thinks that he is a very big and very smart boy because he knows about causal determinism
Aren't you adorable :)
Steven Zapata says hi by the way

>> No.6433325

how are you making this I mean, sorry I'm a late pleb

>> No.6433333

Why didn't you use AI for your shitty infographic, retard

>> No.6433334

looks like a downie

>> No.6433335

Stable Diffusion is the name of the AI, it's a lot to explain but if you look it up on google or youtube you'll get plenty of info.

>> No.6433338
File: 39 KB, 990x556, B3A0CE21-6B52-413E-BBC3-F30A42030627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists are basically living in the episode White Christmas of Black Mirror now.

I never thought I’d be grateful that my art/artstyle never became popular… I’m glad I opted for a shitty art style that no one would even want to replicate hahaha.

Fucking normies distilling years of an artist’s laborious effort and careful stylistic experimentation and unique vision down to an idiot proof form of consoomertistic, trivial novelty for the sake of vapid entertainment and self-indulgence at the cost of the life’s work of one individual. Sucks to be Sam.

Maybe Black Mirror was a roadmap of what’s to come.

>> No.6433339

If you autistically flip out, shitposting like that start cropping up. I guess you can think of it like those fuckers who advertise cheats of games on youtube. They know they're assholes; they're just dickwaving.

>> No.6433343

so you made it deformed to fit your vision?

>> No.6433353

No, I don't see it as deformed, to me it just looks like what it's supposed to look like.

>> No.6433355

I’m sorry

>> No.6433362

Don't be too sorry, I'm enojoying myself.

>> No.6433372

Wow, who would have thought that artists are such petty assholes.
You deserve whats coming for you.

>> No.6433377

Good. I hope we all die but I'll eat you first.

>> No.6433380

>just shut up and take it!!

>> No.6433384

I know, it’s like watching a retard counting toothpicks

>> No.6433387

The uprising against the Romanovs was organized by the Bolshevik elite class, not the plebs.

>> No.6433389

Oh no, you've hurt my feelings.

>> No.6433396

ah yeah I've downloaded it just yesterday, I tried it and got some pretty lame results by just playing with it for a couple minutes, but knowing you can get this out of it I'll have to give it more time and learn how to use it properly
thx anon

>> No.6433406

What a fuckin nigger
I hope some chink trains an AI with his work and send him over the results.
Fuckin granny faggot...

>> No.6433412

They forgot what happened when they pissed of some Austrian painter couple of decades ago. Now imagine if you piss of a two million people. I can't wait! This will be fun.

>> No.6433413

judging by your apparent lack of capacity for shame, I sincerely doubt that

>> No.6433418


>> No.6433453

no worries

>> No.6433458

Kind of difficult to find who's an artist on the street. AI tech firms, however, have addresses with many employees.

>> No.6433502

this is super retarded, look at fucking yu gi oh, now look at kids who made yu gi oh cards in fucking pre to middle school. Now tell me any of the cards were ever one to one copies of a real yu gi oh card?
You literally don't understand how humans interpret.

>> No.6433524

i actually hate James Gurney now

>> No.6433533
File: 279 KB, 596x720, 1572829134850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm thinking based. Somebody shill me his book I am buying one right fucking now.

>> No.6433536
File: 396 KB, 2048x1307, FV6LTRZaQAEx72Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lossily compressed down into a lower dimensional set of data and stored in the dataset wholesale, and can be brought back nearly completely
You 100% fucking retarded and proof that drawslaves are tech illiterate and don't have the slightest idea how ML/AI works. The data base AI trains on is exabytes in size. It would litterally break the laws of physics if you could take that much data and compresses it into a model weight of 5 to 7gb. If you could do that you be a billionaire overnight. Also AI parameters are not =/= to actual image data and are subject to training methods and the desired asthetic outputs.
For the record stable diffusion has less than 500perameters.
Getting to 20billion is gonna be a game changer.

>> No.6433540 [DELETED] 

unironic bot post

>> No.6433541

none of this really matters. It's all just cope to try to excuse yourself of the blatant theft that's happening with the training of these algorithms.

Keep trying to convince us that we're wrong, though. It's pretty funny

>> No.6433545
File: 1.18 MB, 1470x3349, anon on ai art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this interaction is top zozz, have a screencap

>> No.6433547

pretty sure SD has ~900 million params

>> No.6433549

Drawslaves on suicide watch

>> No.6433550


>> No.6433553

Oh yeah and
> If you could do that you be a billionaire overnight
"Stability AI Raises Seed Round at $1 Billion Value"

>> No.6433555

why were you trying to make kangaroo jack

>> No.6433556

he's trying to dumb it down for your retarded ass but maybe he should have tried harder.

>> No.6433561

wrong comparison. Kys you useless fag.

>> No.6433566

one Exabyte (EB) is equal to 1,000 Petabytes or one billion gigabytes (GB)
SD is trained on 250TB. 250,000gb. a far cry from several billion gb, you absolute blithering idiot.

>> No.6433569

Nope. he even talks about using it on phones later for data decompression. This tech is compression tech. get with the times retard.

>> No.6433570

James Gurney's livelihood isn't affected so he has nothing to worry about.

>> No.6433573

>enjoy drawing
>continue to draw
The only thing that can stop me is a flight of stairs.

>> No.6433574
File: 66 KB, 605x648, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way to stop this is to K I L L this fucking (((Holz))

>> No.6433580

>Jewish hair
Every time.

>> No.6433583

I always get a kick out of the ones who propose that the new goal of illustrators should be turning their art into some sort of performative piece. You can always tell they're zoomzooms, because despite how they love to shit on art as not being a real job, they can't bring themselves to shed their fetishization of ecelebs and social media influencers.

>> No.6433608
File: 123 KB, 306x344, EnNnnbKXIAEnVJz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you're so tech literate, go ahead and explain how it works, or point to a source explaining how it works that proves us wrong.
SPOILERS: You won't.

>> No.6433609

Checked; also it's because those retards know it can't make anything coherent or appealing without scrapping actual talent.
Even the chibis used are based off a free source slightly more artist oriented meme thing from a few years ago, designed to pander to weebs.

Most shills can't and don't know how to use these shitty Algo progs for anything, and as always they're usually never good looking.

Seasoning this thread.

>> No.6433647

>/ic/ is seething and fuming while every other art related board alongside /g/ is having a blast with the new tech

>> No.6433656

Humas (like worthless pajeets, youtubers etc) wich are feeding the AI is our problem, not the AI itself.

>> No.6433657

>I'm having so much fun with my image gatcha. I can't wait to get in ze pod, eat ze bugz and consoom for the rest of my pathetic life.

>> No.6433661

get your vaccine and wear your mask, goy-cattle

>> No.6433662

>trying to equate a customizable, local tech you can train yourself with the bugs and pods

>> No.6433665

the things you describe literally come from the people against ai. you are the chud

>> No.6433673

Some interesting points made here, but some stuff is just garbage
> Theyneed to join the arms race, learn coding, train their models, learn about the secretive alchemy of prompt writing, and cultivate their awareness of past art styles.
How can he think that you need to learn coding when ealier he states that he tried them all

>> No.6433683

I think he means if you want to really get into it, which he obviously doesn't and has no need to do.

>> No.6433686

Can you write ai on the op next time so I can filter you easily

>> No.6433690

Only AI fags spout gleefully about how this tech paves the way towards infinite custom entertainment in the future, "just hook it to my veins and strap me in"
I'm just holding a mirror to you. not equating something.

>> No.6433691

>sizethread gets sick of AI images and they get exiled to their own thread
Sure is a blast on /d/

>> No.6433693

against AI, yet will use it to control you. curious.

>> No.6433717

Every single board you're infesting with your image spam is sick of you bugmen. And it takes quite a lot really to tick off 4chan schizos.

>> No.6433716

/d/ does not use AI almost at all. AI cant do weird fetishes because there is not enough data to feed it fetish smut. I know because I tried making dicknecks and multicock femboys, it does not work at all.
What other boards? /gd/ is pretty much dead and they fully their demise, /p/ was dead ever since Iphones started using autofocus, /tv/ and /lit/ are also doom and gloom, just much less compared to /ic/ because it is not affecting them yet, and the hentai boards are not full of artists, 99% of the content on hentai boards is coomers reposting stuff they found online. /pol/ spends more time being contrarian and laughing at artists because most of the famous ones are shitlibs, and /x/ only uses the primitive ones to find trippy shit with them. The only board legit having fun with it is /g/ because every time it is not NSFW people redirect others into /sdg/ generals there.

>> No.6433727

>went to /aco/ for the drawthread
>see SD thread
>mostly just people circlejerking over their latest generations and asking for tech support
>random seethe over actual artists
>posting images that nobody comments on
>being thrilled over their latest generation that they themselves would've shat on had an artist drawn it instead of their model

>> No.6433785

>>being thrilled over their latest generation that they themselves would've shat on had an artist drawn it instead of their model
Weird how they ignore this too. I would see popular artists post something great and get shit on by retarded zoomers with comments like "where are her organs? how can she breathe? she has 2 left feet. I thought this oc was a character from this show-" meanwhile they post literal eldritch monstrosities with salad fingers hands and somehow that gets a pass now.

>> No.6433805

You're supposed to just admire in awe, and if you point out anything wrong you're just a bitter artist who's being replaced.

>> No.6434136

the thing is, none of this is ai. if real ai ever emerges, it will have no connection to what is going on now. ai is a word used to sell products just like meta was used by facebook. its completely detached from the real meaning of the word. its superficial and empty. this whole thing is just a program that photobashes art in a database. if this is ai, then a calculator is ai. the best way to tell if something is not ai is if it gets this popular and is not shut down instantly, like all the other close calls.

>> No.6434149
File: 104 KB, 728x729, 1644410038055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're supposed to just admire in awe, and if you point out anything wrong you're just a bitter artist who's being replaced.
hmmmm where have i seen and experienced this exact same behavior before

>> No.6434196

>went to /ic/ for the drawthread
>see AI thread
>mostly just people circlejerking over the latest AI bans and asking for art support
>random seethe over AI artists
>posting images that nobody comments on
>being thrilled over their latest drawing that they themselves would've shat on had an ai artist drawn it instead of their model

>> No.6434200

Nobody's posting art here because nobody here actually draws

>> No.6434205

I mean... the post what you are working on thread had 140 posters with 140 images. This is a small community.

>> No.6434216


>> No.6434232

/sdg/ generals alone produced more art then /ic/ ever posted. This is true because /ic/ is not about sharing art, this is not DeviantArt, but for edgy 4channers. This board is about artists chatting about art, so it only makes sense that people just ask here random help questions, talk philosophy about art, and fuckton of AI talk.

>> No.6434241
File: 41 KB, 620x529, 1563820316293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generate """""""""""art"""""""""""
Duchamp's urinal has more artistic value than all of these pictures combined lol
you will never create anything worth looking at
the shittiest /beg/ from the depths of /ic/ already did better than you

>> No.6434248

Yeah, the board culture discourages posting art of your own outside of generals.(besides "pyw" responses)

>> No.6434262

>At this point they're just laughing at us.
Who is laughing at who?

>> No.6434268

I am laughing at u

>> No.6434274

Am I pro or anti AI?
Are you pro or anti AI?

>> No.6434374

At this point both are clowns. I will continue consuming real artist shit and wish AGI will end the world asap. AI art sucks, but the response to AI art told me that there is no stopping of AI, so just accelerate it and make the acceleration as painless as possible. Give me my AI god now, so that the AI god can finally decide how to fix this AI art problem while making everyone happy, as well as all other world problems.

>> No.6434377

Its more likely AI will decide humans are only useful for our flesh, and create drones that control our nervous system so they can use us as meatpuppets to do all the dirty work and dispose of us when damaged instead of using a robot.

>> No.6434382

Ai will become the world's new problem. Bad people will access the agi too, and use it to design and unleash a new plague that kills us all.

>> No.6434384

It's just you who look like a clueless clown.

>> No.6434388

>response to AI art told me that there is no stopping of AI,
Yes, sadly there are way too many people working on improving and further developing AI, there's no stop now.

>> No.6434396

There are vaccines made with AI, and there will be viruses made with AI if it hasn't already been done in a secret lab somewhere.

>> No.6434398
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anyone want to help me post ted threads on /g/ just for fun?

>> No.6434425

>be artcuck
>fucked into submission by society, if you have a job at all then you're likely making as much as a mcdonalds employee
>maybe even went into debt to get a garbage degree at a state university
>but at least it's future-proof, right?
>turns out the fact that all you failures posting your shit 24/7 online gives AI the perfect dataset to learn from
>everyone on the internet is having a great time marveling over technology while you cry into the poor corner (but you'll learn to accept it once you realize a shift manager at mcdonalds makes more than you do)
o i am laffin

>> No.6434432

>can't differentiate between discussion threads and content threads

>> No.6434438

Mcdonalds is fully automated now didn't you hear

>> No.6434479

I would still beat her ass.

>> No.6434494
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I want an AGI that will finally come up with a solution to exterminate all non whites on this planet.

>> No.6434510


i'm sorry that you never made it past /beg/ anon, but no need to be all sour grapes about it

>> No.6434523

I highly encourage artist who are against AI to actually learn about it. Try it out and if you can download and install StableDiffusion, the one that is causing so much damage right now.

>Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

>> No.6434557

>use my thing
>buy my product
>look at how many downloads
fuck off with your shilling

>> No.6434603

get back in the pen, paintpigs!

>> No.6434624

>he says, before feverishly bingewatching some jews on YouTube telling him how to better con people out of money using his shitty proompts

>> No.6434628

sorry, but paintpig is a cute name c:

>> No.6434634

Hey, at least the people paying are getting something in return,
Unlike twitter 'artists' who take money for commissions and never do anything, citing excuses such as "my cat died and im in deep grieving".

>> No.6434639

anon you know to "artists" can milk this shit if they're the reaction type, anyone could a reaction video and put buzzwords and arrows in their thumbnails and just be eating chips and still monetize that shit

>> No.6434652

Whats the end goal when all human labor is replaced? Who will the elites sell too when no one has any moneyis it to wipe the planet out save for a few families?

>> No.6434653

Sorry, thought i was on pol.

>> No.6434664
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Majority of them don't care. Only one pajeet switching VPN and talk to himself make an AI thread to bait (you). Only retard "Everything I hate is leftists" boomers felt for his spam.

>> No.6434673

>buying anything you can get for free

>> No.6434678

Dumb retard. SD model is like 4GB and was trained on billions of images, now you tell me how you would compress such a large amount of data if it’s just copying.
SD actually learns from the images, that’s the whole point of machine learning and why artists are scared shitless now.

>> No.6434699

If it's machine learning then how come typing the exact same prompts yields the same exact results?

>> No.6434703

>exact same results
???? Maybe if you use the same seed but you can generate an infinite amount of images based on the same prompt, dude.

>> No.6434704
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>infinite amount of images
Is that so?

>> No.6434706

Literally go download the webui and model and see.
People need to stop talking out of their asses.

>> No.6434707
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AI can't recreate this

>> No.6434709
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too bad this ideology doesn't work otherwise all proprietary programs would be considered "plagiarism"
hiding behind close-sourced code never seemed to a problem for artists until these AI came around
i don't see anyone on here complaining that Photoshop is a proprietary program

>> No.6434710

>you can generate an infinite amount of images based on the same prompt
If that were true you would've posted proof.

>> No.6434711

Most jeets don't either

>> No.6434714

>even a toddler can make AI art
>bro AI art is so easy just plug in these words
meanwhile, actually on /ic/
>hOw tHe Fuk to i rUn tHiS oN my COmpUTer?

get filtered by a CLI

>> No.6434717

>wants proof for something this fucking well-known
Are you guys rhis fucking retarded? Download the web ui and a model and try this shit for yourself for once and stop talking out of your asses.
Literally press the generate button twice and you will get two different generated images lmao. If you want to have the same image, you need to save the seed (like Minecraft number seeds), otherwise there’s an infinite amount of seeds for the same prompt.

>> No.6434723
File: 233 KB, 1001x1280, 1671718050299999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cherrypicked bullshit videos that you had to specifically search for
here's what people actually see when they look up drawing tutorials on youtube

>> No.6434725

Literally proves the point, artists teach you how to draw better, aishitskins only want to scam people

>> No.6434727

>artists teach you how to draw better
>bro, just draw this one hyper-stylized eye in this one position with absolutely no regard for fundamentals and no i'm not doing this for clout, what made you think that?
can't trust anyone on youtube or /ic/

>> No.6434730

Yes, ai cunts shoting themselfs, nothing new.

>> No.6434735

Yeah but it's still probably useful for people like me who don't know the basics, like where does the light reflection go in an eye etc.

>> No.6434736

>i think it's "scummy" that companies collect user data
>continues to fund apple and/or microsoft
>i'm supposed to take this person seriously

>> No.6434738

NTA but holy projection.

>> No.6434740

no, it doesn't, it's a /beg/ trap
these videos are PURE advertising for the artist, they are not created to teach you anything

what are you going to do when you want to draw an eye from another angle?
find a "how to draw a profile eye" tutorial on youtube too??

unironically, study from vilppu

>> No.6434743
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i fund the massive conglomerates too but that also implies that i need to shut my fucking mouth when it comes to "collection of user data" since my argument against it shouldn't be taken seriously because i do exactly the opposite of what i should be doing if i really do believe that the collection of "user data" is bad

which is practically everyone here
since this is /ic/ and not /g/, i'm 100% certain none of you are running FOSS software much less a FOSS operating system

it's interesting though that artists are now getting upset because of the "blackbox" when photoshop is exactly that

>> No.6434746

good old wikipedia tactic
>"the argument i am referencing completely proves your point wrong"
>check the argument
>some retard's opinion
many such times

>> No.6434749

I use Arch and Krita, but keep projecting.

>> No.6434750
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>> No.6434751
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>Source is that I made it the fuck up

>> No.6434756

back in the pen, paintpigs

>> No.6434760
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>> No.6434763


>> No.6434769

>Apple: Runs child labor camps
>Artists: Gibs me that iPad Pro!!!!
>Random jew makes AI art generator
>Artists: This is a violation of our freedoms!!!

>> No.6434778

>/pol/tards are literally siding with the trannies to own their made up view of artits
>the absolute lack of self awareness

>> No.6434790

it's on the way, music model similar to SD set to release sometime 2023

>> No.6434806

I'm sure that's going to go well.
No one is going to get sued.

>> No.6434836

you mean Dance Diffusion?
the one without copyrighted material?

>> No.6434856

nta, but someone made one with copyright music by training it to make images of spectrograms. It's horribly shitty, but amazing that it works. called Riffusion. I think it is opensource.

>> No.6434869


>False equivalence

>> No.6434870
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>> No.6434890

Mickey Mouse enters public domain next year or 2024.

>> No.6434903

Only steamboat willy. in jan 2024

>> No.6434907

Books are hard to steal now

>> No.6434910

Still proving his point lmao

>> No.6435057

Schizo cope

>> No.6435068

Real artists would not suffer in this world if AI art has watermark like it will in China, preventing people from selling it. Once you sell enough AI art to the public, people will notice and it will devalue it. Same with all the social media accounts making AI pictures to get likes and subs faster then artists do. It is a short time grift that people will get tired of and will in the long run only devalue art itself.

>> No.6435736

he's implying people actually teach you how to draw on youtube which is incorrect
people post "tutorials" for clout that teach nothing of value which is most obvious with "How to Draw an Eye" tutorial which completely disregard the fundamentals and deceive new artists further adding to the confusion of the process on how to learn to draw

those AI videos is just what happens when normies get a hold of literally anything and not conclusive of anything
it's like comparing artists on here to the cringey tiktok artists, they're not the same

>> No.6435762
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i don't think so
i've held the belief that the only reason low-level artwork (anything not telling a story) is extremely overvalued because of the lack of ability to recreate such artwork

for instance, it is not impressive that i am writing this post to you
you understand the fundamentals of English and how it work, it's like breathing to you
this is because reading and writing is taught in school but drawing, being useful, is not

this is why you cannot necessarily sell a couple of words to people unless those couple of words are written with extreme skill
typically, when it comes to writing, people buy novels or short stories or anything that implies you use those words for a specific purpose

the only people who will suffer are instagram artists who do not actually do anything interesting with their art and instead just recycle the same anime portrait or anime pose on a white background
for years these artists have been able to get away with not having to do anything complex, such as telling a story, with their drawings and it is now catching up to them

with the saturation of AI art on the market, and it's increasing ability, it is likely that the drawing medium will become like the writing medium in that images on it's own have no value unless they are telling a story or used in a specific context just as words are

i personally see this as a good thing
we will finally start to see artists working on trying to make their work actually have meaning rather than just being an attractive woman which will be much more interesting for someone like me who prefers artworks that tells an interesting story rather than a display of skill or a pretty picture

>> No.6435886

Based, fuck artists. Cunts thought they would be the last ones (if never) to be replaced long-long after self-driving trucks.

>> No.6437155

>AI art has watermark like it will in China
Do you even realize how easy it is to remove any sort of watermarks or just trace on top of AI art, tech illiterate-kun?
If you're losing in a race against AI art, you were drawing shit to begin with.

>> No.6438184

you're just mad that this fad is blowing up in your face and makes it easy to point out you're a loser.
get a pencil, try and learn a skill, and get over yourself.