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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6432644 No.6432644 [Reply] [Original]

what are your 2023 art goals? did you achieve any this year? what are your hopes for the future? did AI affect you?
we all GMI in 2023

>> No.6432648

As usual, I thought about drawing more than the actual process of doing it, I have goals but I take too long to achieve them, I feel like a slug trying to get to the other side of a football field.
Time slips away too fast.

>> No.6432650

Planning to remain jobless and cut off most other hobbies entirely to see if I can go from "high-mid /beg/" (according to this shithole of a board anyway) to properly intermediate in a short amount of of time. I already have set goals and the resources necessary, my plan is 8 to 10 hours everyday with some breaks in-between to avoid burn out and relax my mind.

See you soon.

>> No.6432651
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>Planning to remain jobless

>> No.6432656

Mainly did Pixel art this year, so no, AI has had no effect yet. maybe it will next year? If it does, I will just make my own games and sell them, coding sped up by chatgpt.

>> No.6434165

>2023 art goals
I want to make a comic. It's just for me and my friends, so not really concerned about the marketing or whatever as much as my ability to remember I am not the heir to the company I work for and need to work 40 hours MAX per week.

> did you achieve any this year
I got a lot better at doing art daily. Even when work exhausts the shit out of me, I still draw. I also made a few drawings I really like, which is new. I love the process of drawing but the end results I'm usually so-so on. Here's to more of that.

>what are your hopes for the future?
I hope to be impacted by the next round of layoffs at my company so me and that fat severance paycheck can have a flight attendant era. It's anywhere from annoying to stressful being in tech right now.

>did AI affect you?
I am a trad hobbyist and feel totally unimpacted by AI.

>> No.6434683

>art goals
Master fundies once and for all and finish a drawing
>did AI affect you
No because I draw for fun and personal fulfillment. AI is a fun novely I like to thinker with because I’m a computer nerd as well but never use it in conjuction with actual drawing.

>> No.6434685

Too many things I wanna do so basically just improve.

>> No.6434702
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>art goals/future
prob start on working on a storyboard idea I have though I'm still working on the characters and plot
>achieved this year
more or less just seeing how some of my stuff I posted is received and interacting with redraw stuff I normally don't do
>how did "AI" effect me
I do trad mostly and also very simple characters at times so meh. It like drawing simple cartoons so its more a case of did they really need an "AI" to do this for them

>> No.6434705

My goal this year was to draw more, which I achieved. Last year I really wasted quarantine not drawing, and fell into a bad state overall mentally and health wise. But I came back over the course of 2022 and am improving lift wise and art wise. Now that I’m back in the groove of drawing, my next goal is to draw something everyday. Even if I can’t put in a couple hours, I’ll need to get at least a 10 minute sketch done. As for AI, didn’t affect me in the least because I’m GMI.

>> No.6434839

I started drawing at around 6-7 weeks. I made noticeable progress since I started trying to learn properly and focus on fundamentals. My goal is for sure to be able to have more freedom in what I want to draw, for that I need more practice and knowledge. I just want to be better, I'm enjoying this. If life doesn't fuck me over I'm going to commit into this a lot next year.

>> No.6434877
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>did you achieve any this year?
I under achieved. But I also had unrealistic goals.
>what are your 2023 art goals?
>what are your hopes for the future?
Improve my socials. I haven't been getting much traction, I realized I don't have enough of a recognizeable flair so I've been working on fixing that in the past few weeks.
I will also get started on a comic.
Finish Bargue Plates, continue studying every day.
>did AI affect you?
It made me value human art more. It's like I keep lowering my standards more and more, and when I think I hit rock bottom my pickaxe cracks open a fucking sinkhole. I feel nothing but pity for the cretins who believe they're unleashing their creativity by mindlessly proompting. The future generations are doomed, 30 years from now there wont be any art worth looking at.
>we all GMI in 2023
I wish you the best, anons

>> No.6436025

I did some art AI bogged me down not just the art apps but all the GPT shit because I'm a writer too. Art is a means to get my ideas on paper.

>> No.6436194

Woody Rin?

>> No.6436217

>what are your 2023 art goals?
Prove I have no talent once and for all, and get /ic/ to kneel and admit I was right and talent does exist.

>> No.6436230

Oh right, the other questions
>did you achieve any this year?
I mindbroke one artfag who was a longtime friend of mine I befriended for the sole purpose of showing how hopeless his naive dream for me was. I was blunt about my progress and he told me way back in 2010 that I would look back and laugh at how cynical I was later. I turned his initial prediction into a personal meme.
>what are your hopes for the future?
I convince more artists and help them understand that talent does exist even if you don't want it to.
>did AI affect you?
Yes, in a bad way. People are thinking it helps people like me, when in actuality right now AI is nothing but a multiplier. If you're a shitty artist with no talent to speak of AI will never help you because 0x∞ is still 0.

>> No.6436251

I made more money from art in 2022 than in 2021. My future goal is to make even more money from art.

>Get a job!
I apready have a job. This making money off of art is just a side project to turn a dime on.

>> No.6436477
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I planned to draw at least twice a week: one time for fun, one time for practice.

Results: I drew 42 times for practice and 88 for fun.

Overall pretty good, seeing as I can go weeks, or even months without drawing when on a slump. But I clearly need to find ways to make practicing more frictionless if I want to improve.

>> No.6436516
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2022 goals: Made fun shitty eyesore comics.
2023 goals: Make more fun shitty eyesore comics

>> No.6437300

>Want to get good enough to start drawing illustrations for indie games and coom (side hobby)
>I see my own improvement but still needs a way to go
>Want to sell artbooks at comiket and get work as a freelancer to escape my 9-5
>AI is a mixed bag, I'm unsure of how to deal with it, I'm expecting it to completely kill off the generic pinup/landscape/coom scene, all the entry points into getting your name spread around and initial monetisation are going to be fucked meaning I'll have to stay in my day job for longer. Tried using AI for my own work, too finicky, I end up having to repaint it into my own style and by the time I finish I would have been better off doing the piece from scratch.
I don't know where AI is going to take us really.

>> No.6437424

Still no conclusive and a hundred percent irrefutable proof that AI plagiarised or stole images without consent.

>> No.6437437

>2023's goals
learn to draw males and machinery
get commissioned
>this year's
get started at rendering, achieved
start posting at social media/pixiv, not achieved
day of the rope for AI faggots
more time for drawing
not directly but seeing the algorithm vomit an abomination trying to mimic one of my favorite artist's style really rustled my jimmies. hopefully these parasites have all been dealt with by the time my work becomes prevalent enough to be targeted

>> No.6438629

>what are your 2023 art goals?
continue drawing, practicing, the usual, and keep working on my long goal passion project the loli guro game
>did you achieve any this year?
an anon did fan art of my character which was one of my art-related goals, i loved it
>what are your hopes for the future?
i finish something related to the loli guro thing, i already spent so much energy working on it (in my head) that i feel i can't go back until i finished this
>did AI affect you?
in the beginning yes, but later i realized it's not really impacting me as initially thought, i still draw

>> No.6438631

Based Fuck Jobs, Rake in those NEET Bux and Art Skills in this new year my friend

>> No.6438636
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>2023 Art Goals
I feel like the tail end of this year was the beginning of me sowing a lot of seeds that I hope I will reap in the next year, finishing proper portfolios, pitches, and just general growth with my skills aswell as socials.
>achieve any this year
A couple yeah, finished a new chapter in my comic and finished the first episode for it aswell as started to learn digital art properly and am having fun with it. I also opened and got my first proper commission, granted it’s been only one so far.
>hopes for the future
That I can quit this shitty dishwashing gig and get a proper career related to art started either in my own or through a studio or publisher
>did AI effect you
No and I doubt it will anytime soon, my redditor add uncle showed me his AI “art” and weird RP project that was the most awkward experience I’ve had in a while but that’s it
Oh you DAMN RIGHT!!!

>> No.6440581

>AI art
>Paypal censorship
>Patreon requiring ID
>Pixiv censorship
2022 was definitely not a good year for artfags

>> No.6441218
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I’m gonna work on my brand, and also be drawing EVERY DAY, weekends included, and sharing it with people more consistently. If all goes well I can be indie full time.
I achieved the goal of working a salary art job and not having it all collapse in on me, feels good but now I have a really solid hell to be running from(the hell of staying under the thumb of my boss forever).
>did AI affect you
Aside from the psychological damage not yet, however my previously mentioned boss is pretty excited for the technology, which which goes to show how much this guy knows about design or any kind of pipeline/project work. Not to mention he treats me like shit, and bcuz capitalism I need to leave, loyalty is not rewarded when it comes to people like this.

>> No.6441219

>ai told me to go draw on paper.
>me say k
>ai wants to see my art
>i say no
>its not k ai broke into my house

>> No.6441297

>2023 goals
Figure out what process/workflow works for me to make full illustrations in a more reasonable amount of time. I also want to start posting on social media or a blog.
>did you achieve any this year?
I did finally design a character although it's pretty basic
>hopes for the future?
I hope one day I can look back on everything I've done and be happy.
>did AI affect you?
Not really. I don't post anywhere yet, and I'm not planning on using art for income unless it's a side thing. I did have a fun time messing with AI with my friends by putting in weird prompts and seeing what it would make.

>> No.6441312

What did Adobe Illustrator do to you?

>> No.6443041

Thats what you get where you support china.

>> No.6443762
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mixed results. Had to work alot in my job besides making art
>2023 goals
release several chapters of my comic book series