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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6429055 No.6429055 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6429058

I don't care

>> No.6429061

A majority of popular artists are shitters behind the scenes, nice artists are an exception, not the norm.

>> No.6429065

i don't know, but i'm unpopular (don't want to be popular) and a shit person

>> No.6429066

do you think that that artist is a shit person?

>> No.6429069

Your personality says it all in your art. If your art looks as warmly as the OP image you posted then you'll easily be popular. If all you do is girls standing on a white background completely motionless and void of narrative then, well, your personality is showing there and you will never get as far.

>> No.6429070

What on earth won't get you labeled "a shit person" these days? The only solution is not having an opinion on anything.

>> No.6429072

Our society rewards psychopaths and punishes people with integrity and morals. 95% of successful artists are garbage human beings, 100% if they came up post social media metastasis. They're all shit people.

>> No.6429073

Delicious pigeotto

>> No.6429074

This is the kind of stuff someone says when they realize they'll never reach 100k followers let alone 700k like the OP image.

>> No.6429076

Why does your post spell "gullible"?
The art you make isn't your personality.

I make the most vicious, racists shit, but i'm the most pleasant guy and the best high quality friend you'll ever have irl

>> No.6429077

Racist shit doesn't get you far on social media. If it did you wouldn't be here questioning your life choices.

>> No.6429106

>Racist shit doesn't get you far on social media.
Ok? I guess if i drew wholesome stuff on social media i couldn't be a racist irl?
And if i drew murder scenes i must be a murderer irl, right?
>you wouldn't be here questioning your life choices.
Who is doing that?
How much of an underage retard are you?

>> No.6429120

>Ok? I guess if i drew wholesome stuff on social media i couldn't be a racist irl?

Drawing wholesome stuff doesn't mean you'll be granted the popular status, regardless of whether you're racist every Tuesday and Saturday of the week. We're talking about how your popularity is gained through the innate personality portrayed in your work and that can't be faked.

It doesn't matter if you're drawing murder scenes--perhaps you really just love Kill Bill type shit and, most importantly, can portray it well. The key thing here is showing the audience why you like murder scenes so much so that they, too, can see the "Ah, I get it now" factor.

Now, when I'm scrolling and notice some d/ic/k's art barely trending past 1k likes and it's an animu girl standing there looking into the void I immediately question what IS it that they're trying to make me understand.


The OP art stands on itself and is full of the artist's personality.

>> No.6429124


Like, if it's a character someone is drawing I say what is it about this character that you like so much? "I just like the design" is not a good enough answer. That's why you're failing.

>> No.6429125

A good chunk of them are already, they just haven’t had their laundry aired out in front of their following such as the likes of tinafate1, JohnBob etc

>> No.6429130
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Same energy

>> No.6429132
File: 49 KB, 716x724, you will never be popular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6429143

Indeed I prefer not pandering to the lowest common denominator because I'm in it for the art not shallow normalfag approval

>> No.6429147

If you were truly in it for the art then your art would captivate a large audience. That's just the natural progression of things. What a bizarre subsist you prescribed for yourself.

>> No.6429151

What was the name of that one nigger artist that draws smut but absolutely despises his followers and tried to charge insane prices for commissions and creepily lure girls over to "draw" them?

>> No.6429155

as a rule everyone with any kind of following online is a shit person or soon to be a shit person
just spending too much time online makes you a shit person eventually but it really accelerates when you get a taste of attention and influence and money
additionally artists are self-important and vindictive people so it's even worse
so yes, you can, it may even be beneficial because it's so normal online these days that idk if there's even a niche for actually being a nice person who interacts with others in good faith while having a sizeable following

>> No.6429158

>as a rule
Where did you pull this rule from? Your rear end?

>> No.6429159

that doesn't make sense. if you were truly in it for the art you don't care if you're popular or not, and instead do what you want i.e. not pander and cater i.e. not popular

>> No.6429160

pic unrelated?

>> No.6429161

Most of my favorite artists all have relatively low number of followers. I'd rather have 10 followers that appreciates my particular vision rather than 10 000 who will unfollow me if I don't consistently churn out lowest-common-denominator slop. I'm not sure how you can call yourself an artist if you prioritize popularity over your art. You only seem like another soulless influencer wannabe to me.

>> No.6429162


If you didn't care you wouldn't open a Twitter. Simple.

>> No.6429164

I never said not once in this thread about prioritizing popularity as an artist. Everything I said had to do with personality in the artwork. Popularity is a byproduct, please do not confuse the two as I know you guys can't see something as simple as this.

>> No.6429166

no. someone using twitter and sharing the art does not mean they are identical in ambition or mentality as those optimising everything to that end. there is a whole range between that and not wanting to at all. one half of that range can be said to not care because they care more about the art and won't compromise it.

>> No.6429168

Oh man, a business does not have the ambition to make money. That's news to me. Imagine I ran a local hotdog stand and I used twitter to market my hotdogs. My goal is to not get the word out--can you believe this? I'm just posting my weiners just because, okay?

The stretch /ic/ goes through I swear. Again, this discussion is getting slid away from personality to popularity.

>> No.6429169
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>Discussion is about the artist as an individual
>"uuuuhm your works define your personality"
>"uuuuhm actually it's about popularity"
>"uuuuuuhm your works are your personality based on what i think"
Please delete yourself from the gene pool.
Humanity ill needs critical thinking lacking niggers like you.

>> No.6429170

In my view pandering to the lowest common denominator is a testament to not having much of a personality at all. Best case scenario. At worst it's cynical status chasing. Though it's hard to tell from a distance what is going on.

>> No.6429172


who are you quoting

>> No.6429175

observation. i admit it depends on what you think counts but that's the thing: people in that position, or just people who spend too much time online, have a completely skewed standard of behaviour and motivation. they are at once the most vapid creatures on earth chasing every fad yet act like authoritative absolutist moral policers on every little thing they picked up and embraced yesterday and will forget next week. everything they say is meant for their audience as well, not words of their own. this is because they are trying to succeed socially and hierarchically in a poisonous, shallow environment that does not allow many things (such as depth and openmindedness), selects against them, as it is handicapping to not fit the mold and not make use of the norms present there. this of course has an impact on your character and habits.

at least that's what i think. for me it is so unpleasant and unsatisfying.

>> No.6429176

Pokemon (in the OPs case) as you know is the highest grossing franchise on the planet. Loved by millions of people. But on this board, that equates to "lowest common denominator" while something like Lolis is of the highest form within their tiny circle, for example.

>At worst it's cynical status chasing

The points brought up before that people keep dodging. Let's say you were to draw Hikari/Dawn just standing there maybe showing her panties. It will never get as much attention as the OP image. However, that's not the core point I was trying to explain; it's more about what is it that YOU are trying to tell your followers. It doesn't matter if you have 10 followers or 100,000.

And that is the difference that goes over people's heads.

>> No.6429177


>> No.6429179

I would hate to be you

>> No.6429180

someone posting their art on twitter is not a business promoting products. you have a strange outlook that is not found in most the people doing and posting art. only those who think everything is a means to acquire money and influence. which isn't a bad idea if you're really trying to do that but most people aren't. yet they still post their art. so i think your belief is wrong.

>> No.6429182


okay, to each their own.

>> No.6429192

nta but how does posting your work online not equate to gaining influence? The only other reason would be archival purposes but at that point cloud is a better option.

>> No.6429193


you're better off just not antagonizing people, treating everyone with the barest minimum respect and sharing your spicy takes among your friends. The public doesn't need to know about every edgy thought or political opinion that crosses your mind, based or cringe as you may think it is. Just seem affable and people will automatically assume you're a good person

>> No.6429194

>Pokemon (in the OPs case) as you know is the highest grossing franchise on the planet. Loved by millions of people. But on this board, that equates to "lowest common denominator" while something like Lolis is of the highest form within their tiny circle, for example.
I don't know what point are you trying to make here.
If generic lolis is the extent of your artistic expression and aspirations you're not gonna strike me as very interesting.
If you build up all the skill required to draw decent looking coom but never use it for anything else this reflects poorly on your inner life.
The one good thing about this AI business is coomers and NPCs inevitably will get outcompeted and filtered away while people interested in art for the sake of art will keep on doing their thing.

>> No.6429200

did she cook the pokemon's cadaver?

>> No.6429229

>shit person

Define a "shit person."

The "shit person" depends on your Political ideology OP.

>> No.6429230

Honestly, just post your work already because you're unable to read, let alone form a coherent thought.

>> No.6429233

>He didnt read loomis

Why are you here?

>> No.6429237

Learn to quote properly.

>> No.6429239

feels like a gabe thread

>> No.6429261

to a point. It depends on just how shitty they are. Most people wont mind if an artist is a little cocky or something. But if you're just an giant asshole to everyone you talk to then it'll effect your popularity yeah.

Some people will still like you though. Robaato still has his fans despite how badly he handled things on twitter.

>> No.6429266

How the fuck did that get 700k followers?

>> No.6429276


>> No.6429277


Someone else finally actually looks up the artist in this thread instead of throwing around claims about "lowest comdom" and "I do it for my own enjoyment".

>> No.6429279

use saucenao


>> No.6429280

Why does he refuse to draw a defined face on the character though? I read that as psychopath.

>> No.6429281


>> No.6429288

Maybe if you read the thread on twitter you will come to know there is a story behind the image.

>> No.6429290

>read twitter

>> No.6429291

oh no, someone will never be able to accumulate meaningless numbers that are easily achievable by buying followers, offering free porn and running a script that follows everyone so a % follows you back or by grooming people!
How will i ever feel any self worth without those meaningless numbers?!
oh, the horror!!

>> No.6429292

I know you can't read, hence why I said that.

>> No.6429293

>buying followers

holy cope of the month award goes to you my friend

>> No.6429296

>he doesn't know you can pay for followerbots

>> No.6429306

foam at the mouth https://twitteraudit.com/result/khyleri #twitteraudit

>> No.6429324
File: 162 KB, 785x539, 1654685468648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts one literal who as proof for 1000s of people
>post a site that basically only shows some random pie chart as if the site was actually legitimately going through every profile and checking instead of just counting profiles who have certain "flags"
>he doesn't know that an account with no "keywords" or specific behaviors, will never be counted as a bot even if it is
>he doesn't know that profiles that are shadowbanned count as bots
>he thinks this proves anything
>"huuuurrr durrrrr u cant buy followers because look at this straw"
Commit suicide.

>> No.6429332

>can't read
>doesn't accept raw data even when presented to him
>using greentext out of its quoting usage to ensnare people into your own narrative

I've seen it all at this point. No point in arguing with a literal monkey.

>> No.6429338

he tells stories with his art instead of drawing boring anime girls floating in a void.

>> No.6429341

Yes, just hide it or act normal, but if this is to hard for you then there is no hope.

>> No.6429343
File: 103 KB, 1024x1024, 1586795086075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 70k and barely interact with my followers because I simply don't trust strangers online. Yet I got told often "I look unpleasant and unapproachable". People will just fill the blanks however they want, and they want to be reassured the artist they don't like is the second coming of Hitler

>> No.6429386

Buying followers is really bad if you're actually trying to grow a real account instead of trying to do a scam. Having a lot of followers that don't engage actually kills your account growth. Same for follow for follows. If you have 10k followers but 8k don't like/retweet your posts, you'll actually get less reach than having just 2k followers but most of them do like/retweet.

That's why you see some artists make a fresh account and then shoot back past their original follow count in less than a year. Shedding all the dead followers bringing only your active followers to your new account gives you a huge engagement ratio on your posts that makes it easier to trend.

>> No.6429387
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>nooooo why arent u accepting my raw data waaaaah

>> No.6429393

No, being an artist just the same way being a good leader is all about the public, you job is to see their desires and what fuels them, then give it to them.
It's not about you.

>> No.6429396

You are naive if you genuinely believe this, reminds me of that court case where intellectuals argued a psychopathic killer that had murdered a girl couldn't be all that bad cause he produced great works of writing.

You are the type of insect that's fall for a mimicry spider and gets eaten.

>> No.6429430

Anon, even high status/hollywood celebrity, company/brand accounts are majority botted, by twitter itself nonetheless.

Followers have become a status symbol that magically make you right with whatever you say or do, attract real people because
>many followers = must be a legit account worth following and of value where there is a "community"
And normies, groomers and other fame starved narcissists fucking looooove communities.

You really think the big companies and celebrities aren't using every advantage they can get to sell their products while no one is using this demand to offer certain services?
Like/RT/comment botting is also very real because a silent "community" is also bad for a brand.

Real accounts are those below 50k.
Once an account reaches 100k, you can safely assume a substantial amount of it are bots or dummy accounts.

If you want to see the real real-follower count of a profile, check the actual numbers on their posts and the type of comments coming from profile who are following the account.

Inorganic growth on twitter is an open secret.

>> No.6429433

I can't hear you over the sound of 700k followers enjoying the artwork, typing away their thoughts, and actually organically giving their thoughts about the artwork in the OP, sharing memes and funny images, unlike your art where you just get "cute" and they move on IF you're lucky.

>> No.6429453

What can you buy with 700k followers?

>> No.6429460

If even .1% of them buy prints or commissions, it's enough to make a comfortable living.

>> No.6429462

He has like 2.5k Patreon subscribers.

>> No.6429465

People here somehow still don't understand that by having a massive following, you can very very easily monetize your work. I'm waiting for some dipshit to post the vapid whore that """tried""" to sell some t-shirts and failed on Instagram.

>> No.6429469
File: 72 KB, 802x840, 16546564564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if 70 people spend money i'm gonna be rich
Is this really the peak of your intelligence?
>the exception makes the rule
I don't give a shit about e-celebrities.
Exceptions don't make the rule.
Stop using them as standards.

>> No.6429482

It's never a guarantee, even if you have millions of followers.
Stop spreading this shitty meme that makes retarded kids be desperate to collect followers at any costs because they think that it will magically make them earn money without having to do anything else, attracting more bad actors only coming into art to make money and fuck shit up along the way.

>> No.6429488


>> No.6429491

t. sub 100k

>> No.6429590

Botting likes/retweets is significantly more expensive than just buying followers. You can see that with a lot of high follower account on instagram/twitter they can buy the followers but not the likes/retweets (Just look at all the crypto/nft shill accounts or influencer accounts).

Artists can't afford to pay that much for every art tweet they make, since the amount of potential money they can get for an art post is peanuts compared to getting someone to buy a designer bag or NFT, and would be less than how much they'd need to pay for that boost.

Then there's the issue where if they ever wanted to stop paying they'd get no engagement on their subsequent posts.

I've actually made a botted account on instagram before and ended up making a new one because once I decided I didn't want to pay anymore engagement went to nothing. I get more engagement on a new account with a fraction of the followers.

>> No.6429606

cuckold mentality

>> No.6429642

How is he a bad person

>> No.6429644

You don't need to be a good person to be an artist I don't know why you see it as a requirement

>> No.6429659

Not so much a bad person but in all his art there's usually some degenerate meme hiding in it. Like for this one the turkey is cooked from Eevee.

>> No.6429665

But that's the cool thing about it? The hidden jokes that make people pay some attention to the details of the piece. It's clever

>> No.6429719

People just want something to angry about. The

>> No.6429722

He follows stonetoss idk

>> No.6429838

You sound like exactly the kind of retard that would have trouble monetizing an art account with over half a million followers. Are you the aforementioned vapid whore?
No one said it was a guarantee, but it's a fuckload easier to "make it" if you have a massive following that's built off people that like your work. Again, if even .1% of his followers are willing to pay some amount of money for his work, he can make a living off it.

>> No.6429894

he draws popular reddit memes in a passable anime artstyle

>> No.6429899

>want my work to be seen by more people
>have to network with other artists in the hopes they give me a boost or do fanart
i should start watching airing anime again

>> No.6429903

kek fenceshitters get the rope first.

>> No.6429944

it's pretty damn easy to know fotm anime without watching it ever. I haven't watched a single episode of any anime in years and still knew the girl from cyberpunk and chainsaw man were going to be popular

>> No.6429955

that turkey looks nothing like an evee, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.6429960

Do you not see the open pokeball in the corner, the gun at the bottom left, and the halo on the eevee portrait?

>> No.6429964

eevee...is a fox,anon.

>> No.6430344

There's literal proof that you can. Look at Robaato.

>> No.6430348

I've been out of the loop, qrd?

>> No.6430350

He's gonna crash and burn anytime soon though.

>> No.6430351


>> No.6430356

>Aaaany time now. Just watch it. Any second.
He's literally too popular. Unless he actually commits a crime or outs himself as a pedo like shadfag, nothing is going to happen.

>> No.6430362

One of the reasons why I decided to become an artist is to be a better person overall.
Also the majority of normalfags dislike artists exactly because many of them are huge bitches.

>> No.6430385

If you really do art for yourself, you would keep that shit to yourself and not put it out for an audience. You want attention regardless, no need to lie

>> No.6430387

Last time i heard that he was in debt

>> No.6430427

Finally someone noticed, yeah this artist’s biz is putting fucked up details in his works.

Once did a bnha fanart based on some meme and added a Pringle onahole in the background

>> No.6430434

The eevee portrait is irrelevant, unless the had it made previously to them shooting it. It's just a random bird. No one, including the artist themselves, actually knows what pokemon the bird is.

>> No.6430436
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Or just Google his name.

>> No.6430594
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good storytelling

>> No.6430596

sounds based ngl

>> No.6430608

Not really historically speaking . They tend to get persecuted last once the regime is secure and even then they just shift their views into the political status quo hence not being needed to be persecuted.

>> No.6430615

If you were right, then 4chan's demographics would have a lot more successful people

>> No.6430725

>introverts and those that do not fit into society due to not getting along with forced narratives and shitty npc behaviors are the psychopaths now
If you were educated you'd know that psychopaths and narcissists seek the spotlight and positions of power. Modern society is built by and for such creatures and social media enables their behavior since they're mostly free from actual consequences and societal restrictions.
The only thing those creatures fear is truth, morals and integrity, that's why they always try to get rid of those.

>> No.6430740

>punishes people with integrity and morals
Says this while posting on 4chan. You’re just like the rest of the psychopaths you complain about. When you don’t get things your way, you make all sort of excuses and blame others.

>> No.6430885
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