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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6427285 No.6427285 [Reply] [Original]

Does your family know you're an artist?

>> No.6427290
File: 434 KB, 747x895, memed-io-output (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do

They also know I draw hentai/porn

>> No.6427292
File: 378 KB, 489x378, 1671335329781212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... how do Thanksgivings and Christmas dinners' conversations usually play out?

>> No.6427301

not him but do you really think most normies care about you drawing porn
if anything people are always just more amazed at how much money there is to be made by drawings

>> No.6427304

what do you do after that happens?

if you say "i dont actually shove it up my ass, it's just a reference for drawing", you still look bad

>> No.6427307

im straight but i only draw gay porn so it's okay

>> No.6427316

>what do you do after that happens?
"My gf left me here"

"Oh anon you finally found a gf"? you only look better at that point

>> No.6427317

left that here*

>> No.6427345

Can you "draw" porn using AI?

>> No.6427347

Yes, and they know I draw porn, and are supportive of me.

>> No.6427435
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x1904, 1669384841896811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not white so no Thanksgivings/Christmas dinners lol (I'm brown/Sikh)

But even so, we brown people have a lot of weddings (its called wedding season for a reason) and I run into family alot, the questions been brought up. Brown cultures are very "oh how much money is this person making/are they making more than me" so whenever they ask I just say "I get paid to draw anime porn/hentai" usually they can't say shit because 1. I'm making money, and 2. this isn't the first time my art's controversial nature has been brought up by family and I always shut them down

The younger members of my family are way more supportive and usually say "brooo can you draw (zoomer waifu of the month) for me I'll pay you (x)" so overall yeah it's pretty gucci

Besides anons, if my art/hentai was seriously contested by my family it wouldn't even matter at this point, I have my own goals that I'm too deadset on to care about detractors anymore.

>> No.6427439

they do
they also refer to me as she/her after i threw a lil tantrum about them being transphobiv

>> No.6427445

my mom would sigh in relief if I told her that.

>> No.6427449

kek. Cool and chill family relation.
In my case they don't know

>> No.6427450
File: 26 KB, 399x399, 162669465941321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draws coom
>puts his face on it
>doesn't give a shit what others think
What a fucking Chad.

Gotta admit, i wouldn't have the fucking balls or the straight up stupidity to do it, especially in this day and age.
But your stuff is pretty vanilla, so no weird fetish stuff, right?

I wish you all the best, Anon.

>> No.6427464


>> No.6427470

Same but I've never shown them, they do know I make a pretty penny off of it

They don't bring it up, why would you? The few times it was ever brought up was in it had to do with how much money was made that day.
I'm getting paid so they don't care

>> No.6427486

>it’s just for sword fighting

>> No.6427502

what's the secret to sweet patreon bux? where and how do you promote your art?

>> No.6427706

>Brown cultures are very "oh how much money is this person making/are they making more than me"
very true, only whites and east asians are set back by unecessary honor shit

>> No.6427750

post bussy

>> No.6427753
File: 193 KB, 416x473, nagatoro134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an artist but my family knows I draw stuff.
My mom doesn't care, my dad often mogs me with his old sketchbooks full of porn so degenerate you start wondering how he managed to know about weird fetishes in the mid-80s without anime or the internet or if he just came up with it on his own and never told anyone

>> No.6427760

lmao holy shit your dad sounds fucking awesome

>> No.6427890

Based dad. Post some of his work for us I want to see

>> No.6427895

>mfw dad is tableguy

>> No.6427913

>my dad often mogs me with his old sketchbooks full of porn so degenerate you start wondering how he managed to know about weird fetishes in the mid-80s without anime or the internet

scan it pussy

>> No.6427963

gonna wait for the deliver anon
you cant leave us hanging after that

>> No.6427967

God no, I'm one of those retards who draw really shitty, fetish porn

>> No.6427980

They know I’m an artist and they’ve seen client work but I don’t show my main stuff (I don’t draw coom) because it’s pretty emotional/personal and I don’t really care to show the depths of my soul to my family. Plus my art is kind of cutesy fem and as a dude I don’t want it associated with my real life identity. People would probably think I was a closet gay or something.

>> No.6427983

pwy :3

>> No.6427996

show us the depths of your soul anon

>> No.6427998

Yes, and they always ask me when I'm going to finish a comic

>> No.6428019
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 4A45AFAA-E6CC-4B50-BCFA-0B13FC012F42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idc if strangers see it, but if someone who knows me reads my stuff it’s like them catching me masturbating.

>> No.6428050

brought a tear to my eye ;-;

>> No.6428053

Yes, when I was 16 my mother came into my room while I was in school and stole a drawing I did for Twilight Sparkle Riding a BMW S1000RR.
She went to the local bakery and had them print it out on a cake. The Bakery liked the drawing so much they decided to keep it, and still use it for cakes.

No, I have never been paid Royalties for it.

>> No.6428056

Shinda how long have you been drawing? Also mogs me

>> No.6428061

Thx anon :)

>> No.6428062

the only homo thing about your work is the artstyle you chose

>> No.6428089

I am a parent. Yes, they know. Don't need to know what I draw except for the typical studies and cute stuff I leave out for them to see.

>> No.6428143

The 80's were incredibly dirty, it just that none of that stuff was widely publicly displayed. Ive seen some wild stuff on boot leg vhs from that era.

>> No.6428295

Always heartwarming to see a community supporting their disabled youth

>> No.6428358

my mom knows I like to draw but thankfully isn't interested enough to know what I draw
my brother and friends know and like the idea of being friends with a drawfag but I only show the lewds to a select friend cause the others are all into old hags

>> No.6428474

A handful of them, but the majority don't even remember I even exist.
Quite a few relatives actually thought my sister was a single child because I don't have fb to connect with any of them like her.

>> No.6428478

they’re aware but don’t care

>> No.6428657

All of my family is aware because there is a drawing tablet on my desktop, but i stubbornly refuse to show them any on my work for over 8 years now.
Despite living alone for almost 8 years I still make sure to hide my drawings in some obscure file on my pc, just in case one of the few people that still visit me become a little too curious.

SFW artist by the way, just hate stupid questions and assumptions.

>> No.6428667

Post your work :)

>> No.6428719

they know i draw. well they better, my parents forced me into those art classes as a kid

>> No.6428723

captures the loneliness of male penguins so well ;-;

>> No.6428751

No no, please, you first. I would very much like to see the piece you wrote about, you can trust me on that!

>> No.6428779

Yes. When I drew dinosaurs, dragons, cities & action scenes as a kid, they fully supported me. But they don't know that I, as an adult, am mainly motivated to draw naked women & furries.

Part of the reason why I haven't uploaded anything to my galleries is because I am concerned how they would react to pinups of nudist brown tribal girls & GGG cup cat goddesses.

>> No.6428892

It's my full-time job so yeah. My mum is super cute about it and actually explains what concept art is to other people using hoomer references. I think my dad (who bless his heart payed for my education) likes that his daughter is artistic but doesn't think I'll ever be truly independant. This has been my first "proper" work year. I'm at a stage now where I can financially support me and my boyfriend with art alone, so I think his opinion will slowly change too. Job insecurity with freelancing is still an issue but I do think they see that it is a valid career choice now. I do live in a really cheap country so living off of art is not that hard, most of the studios I work with are either US based or western euro, while I'm in east euro.

My cousin thinks I'm super cool because I get to work on videogames. The only reason I ever want to get a short term tripple A contract is so I get to tell him I worked on something he recognises to score cool aunt points, hehe.

>> No.6428894

>nephew not cousin, though my cousin who's in tech also thinks art-wagie is neat. Basically anyone who's remotely into nerdy shit or videogames is easy to impress. Not a lot of working artists in my country.

>> No.6428981
File: 1.45 MB, 1500x1364, 1667012247412745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon I appreciate it, it's also cause at this point I have no reason to care about what detractors say about my art or myself.

Keep in mind I've had people wanting to (and still do) flat out assassinate me for my alt-Sikh/religious art so having people whine about me drawing hentai is nothing. Also one thing I noticed is (and what my ex/the person who got me into drawing hentai and launching my art career said) because, arrogance aside, I'm actually good-looking IRL people are more hesitant to talk shit about me drawing hentai because I'm not the neckbeard stereotype. I mean a third of my audience is women and they seem to love how I draw women as well, even telling me it inspires them to hit the gym harder.

For now my stuff's pretty vanilla, no fetish stuff yet but I'd be down for it ONLY if it's not super fucked up like scat/guro, etc or straight up illegal like loli shit.. As long as I'm getting paid/it's legal I'm down for it

>what's the secret to sweet patreon bux? where and how do you promote your art?
Consistency, and audience interaction/outreach. When you genuinely give a shit about the people who support your dream and goals it makes them all the more invested and I love drawing for them and getting critical feedback so I can keep getting better and better.

And I promote my art everywhere bro, even in league of legends itself (the new chat/auto-mute ban system that was introduced in the new patch sucks big dick tho, fuck riot). I don't even play League for League I play it to market my League of Legends hentai lmao

Thanks bro and honestly I've been drawing since I was 4-5, BUT until 2020 I was taking a lot of breaks and only drew traditionally. It wasn't until getting into League of Legends again that I started drawing Digitally/colour more seriously and since then I've been drawing digitally for 2/3 years now.

HOWEVER I've only been drawing Hentai properly for a little over a year now, I started in Aug 2021

>> No.6429017

how long does it take since you started (doing LoL fanarts until you got your first commission or loyal followers?

>> No.6429037

do you use AI? if not, what do you think about that whole thing, are you worried about it hurting your business?

>> No.6429091

Yes. And they now think of it differently when they realized me and a few other cousins/relatives made decent amount of side income from it.

>> No.6429096

Your dad rules haha

>> No.6429129

Do they know that you're suicidal?

>> No.6429427

post your dad’s work

>> No.6429492
File: 87 KB, 642x960, n4a38n1wke481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this nigga have his keyboard inside of a bag? is it a dust cover?

>> No.6429500

Sort of. They know that I draw but they don't care or ask about it so I dont' talk about it or show them anything.

>> No.6429520

I kneel, desu

>> No.6429529

Did you already have the fundies down when you started getting serious about art? Also where do you post your religious art? I know nothing about Sikhism apart from turbans and carrying knives lol, I'd be interested in what Sikh art looks like.

>> No.6431068


>> No.6431083

I won't post that one, but you can find my current skill level here

Now post your work

>> No.6432539


>> No.6434679
File: 130 KB, 827x827, Fj9ifoUXoAICL9n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So truth is anon I actually had been getting commission requests for ages (even when I drew traditionally pre-2020) but I lacked the confidence at the time to price my art (I legit didn't know how much my art was worth) until my ex/co-artist stepped in and helped me with everything(commissions, social media, hentai etc etc). Everything else just fell into place and my follower base/commissions have been nonstop (it's also how I present myself/just am on social media like Twitter that draws people in, as its all marketing).

Like even now as I'm working on relaunching my next commission sheet with updated prices the advance list has been full for ages and as soon as I post it publically it's gonna fill up in seconds.

Consistency is key Anon. And I guess drawing/being in the right parts of Twitter too!
>pic related
I don't use AI but here are my thoughts on AI anon.
Honestly anon I don't have the fundies down and I'm STILL to this day learning shit. And I've posted my religious art on Twitter but Instagram is where I've had my own community call for my head multiple times (read the comments lol) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcXuEFpO09E/

>> No.6434681

So the plan is to continue not using AI and hope that your "brand" carries you?

>> No.6434744

cool attitude and i like you but man that art sucks

>> No.6434775

> but man that art sucks
what is the point of saying that?

>> No.6434881

Mom is dead. Dad affectionatelly calls me "kopriti" which means "stray dog that does nothing but chill and poop up the place". I am an artist in the sense that the things I do touch people. I can't draw to save my life.

>> No.6434888
File: 130 KB, 525x809, 1671751644798648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw some day Shadman is gonna have a kid and it will be this all over again x100

>> No.6434934

Do you not?
It just helps keeps them clean and prevents dust from building up between keys and stuff.

>> No.6434936
File: 724 KB, 2400x2400, EtDUP7xUcAYtCWK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents do know I draw but I'm ashamed of showing them anything, they both work in the theater industry and have had formal educations and an appreciation for classical art. What I'm doing now just doesn't compare to what my father can do or the paintings they display in their house. I've been at it for so long that I think they'd expect better than what I can actually make.

>> No.6435006

Of course they do the school told them about my condition.

>> No.6435464
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x1435, HENRY CAVILL EMPEROR resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make sure it carries me as much as it possibly can anon.

>> No.6435707

based brown person

>> No.6435903

>audience interaction/outreach. When you genuinely give a shit about the people who support your dream and goals it makes them all the more invested and I love drawing for them and getting critical feedback so I can keep getting better and better.

You would not believe how many artists I've spoken to that don't get this very basic fact. It's probably the most important element for success after drawing well and yet there's people who are the most misanthropic, depressed idiots tricking themselves into believing the worst things they can imagine about their audience.

>> No.6436144

My audience is complete garbage. The only people who follow me do it because they think I’m a 16 year old girl and they keep hitting on me.

>> No.6436276

trading a few minutes of cleaning time for thousands of hours of markedly worse user time.
seems like an unreasonable tradeoff.

>> No.6438965


>> No.6440150
File: 26 KB, 597x559, 1670379883786352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate under-aged females telling you they like your pornography drawings and that it inspires them to become more fit
and people say Revelation is fiction

>> No.6440166

I keep my OCs a secret. Don't want no one knowing about my OCs except for my fans & followers.

>> No.6440311

Everyone knows I draw but no one ever gets to see my art. Family friends have come up to me and said "so I hear you're a secret artist"

>> No.6440320

He's Artistic, Anon.

>> No.6442330

Wh.... Why is everything covered in plastic?

>> No.6442331

Why are his eyes so close together lmao

>> No.6442554

>only cultures to have ever built anything of merit
>durr dey set back by dat "unecessary" shit

>> No.6442558

Is Shad still in jail? FFS I want to see his redemption arc.

>> No.6443644

Shadman's in jail...? Dafuq did he do?

>> No.6443674

he was yelling at someone while holding a knife or something but I think he's already out

>> No.6443683

Yes, we are also open to incest.

>> No.6444198

I don't want them to know I draw fetishy porn

>> No.6444217

but ur okay with millions of strangers seeing ur fetishes...Coomers are fascinating creatures

>> No.6444221

nigga, you're posting on an anonymous website for a reason

>> No.6444269

Yeah and they're supportive. They've seen my lewd pinups but not the nsfw.

>> No.6445006

reminds me of when I was thirteen and I used to draw amazon women with body hair and my mom found it under my bed lol

>> No.6445014

"look i'm not gay, i just use it to draw cocks and post on the internet and people give me money for it, this is the son you have, now let me give you your fucking pan for christmas gift mom"

>> No.6445019 [DELETED] 

i wish my dad was like that, he draws too but he isn't fucked up or addicted to porn, lol

>> No.6445021

how did she react?

>> No.6445120


They low-key know but I will never show them cause they're unsupportive twats.

>> No.6445204

Loli is not ilegal dumb fuck/

>> No.6445330

>my dad often mogs me with his old sketchbooks full of porn so degenerate you start wondering how he managed to know about weird fetishes in the mid-80s without anime or the internet

Holy shit, sounds like a Shonen anime. You've got to beat your Dad now anon, improve your anatomy and out degenerate him with your art.

>> No.6445398

>plottwist this anon is a girl (no penis)

>> No.6445981
File: 176 KB, 458x438, 1543995298759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they all praise me for it. I down play it as best i can because i just draw porn most of the time anyway, but i think the idea of me drawing for money kinda took off for them. beats being a disappointment i guess. i keep a few sfw things set aside as emergency proof im not a lost cause

>> No.6446002


>> No.6446024

not that guy but I agree
Its weird to know that hes making money drawing like that but good for him I guess