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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 47 KB, 583x498, 1667670467596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6426257 No.6426257 [Reply] [Original]

>he actually posts his work
How do you respond? Artistically & critically speaking.

>> No.6426264

shit talk it no matter how good it is

>> No.6426268

9.9999/10 times i asked an anon to post their work after making a shit take, they were never really good in the first place and were delusional enough to believe it’ll prove their point and everyone else clowns on them for me.

>> No.6426276

you concede. There's no other option.

>> No.6426282


>> No.6426286

>when he posts his mediocre shit while asking pyw as if anything i said was wrong

>> No.6426293


>> No.6426311

If it's something I like I ask for their blog so I can follow them like a normal person.

>> No.6426314
File: 637 KB, 2560x1373, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting work is fun and i do it often, you miss 100% of shots you don't take :D

>> No.6426328

post your tits

>> No.6426329

what the fuck why does he have 5 fingers? lol retard

>> No.6426336
File: 68 KB, 268x188, 1572229382011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"PYW" is nothing but a seethe and misdirection from a point you don't like but can't argue with. Therefore posting work is nothing but playing into their game and letting them change the subject and should never be done in response to a buttmad anon, because they are >>6426264 and just want to shit on you as revenge for criticizing them

>> No.6426357

Pyw is only valid when faggots like OP post other artists work along with their inane questions

>> No.6426360

Posting work is my fetish and when the other also has shit arguments and shows that he doesn't even draw, it makes me cum buckets.
>How do you respond?
By posting your work.
Only fags who don't draw will make fun of your work or try to criticize it in an attempt to discredit whatever you're saying.
Any anon who isn't a faggot will give you constructive feedback if it's about your work or ignore it if it's not the actual matter of the discussion.

No matter how shit your work is, if they don't post anything of their own, they're worse than you, no matter whatever they say or how much they try to pretend they're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6426376

Always ignore pyw requests. It's always someone butt hurt typing it. Or post something you obviously didn't make.

>> No.6426445

Why do you write this smile in brush names
pyw if its good ill post mine lmao

>> No.6426454
File: 1 KB, 204x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to shit on you as revenge for criticizing them

>> No.6426457
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6426462

If it's an argument, you post your own work to back up whatever you were saying. Let everyone be a judge of who makes the stronger case.
If you wanted to see if their post had any real-world application and they prove it, you thank them.
If it was just rhetorical wankery you were engaging in, then you shouldn't have said PYW in the first place.
If you were just shitposting, then make ridiculous insults then bid adieu to the thread. Erase it from your threadwatcher and revel in your win. That way, you have your fun, while everyone else gets to see what you are and ignore everything you've said. It's a courtesy, really.

>> No.6426464

what the fuck this actually looks based

>> No.6426467

please ma'am will you please show me an image of your breasts? I really really need to see them PLEASE

>> No.6426469


ok I call this AI lmao fuck ok look I dont think photos of things that arent art are allowed here anyway right besides I have no tits lmao what did you expect to see from a channeler

>> No.6426471
File: 34 KB, 264x217, EzgapT_XEAEJWr0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a matter of context. We're fine with it in say WIP where people are civil and helpful, but not in the format of a flamewar where the other guy just wants you to cuckishly serve him a means of ad hominem on request, and doesn't even address your arguments. He'll just keep shifting goal posts or ignoring inconvenient posts that do post work. Shit posters are more often than not social media tourists looking to score points in their head and show, as an anonymous stranger, to other grugs how hot shit they are.

Another problem is nobody wants to self-doxx or leave behind a digital foot print by showing their portfolio work or any already shared work period. Clever or not, If you're not a complete normalfag who was around for the old internet you should be able to understand why. And some of us remember how the he will not divide us flag was found, smoking out that Keffals by analyzing blanket patterns. or how random strangers were obsessed over, doxxed and fucked/swatted with by cow stalkers who get families involved and people fired. You don't need to be of fame or importance to be a celebrity in a snow globe of pernicious losers. /3/ sometimes but especially /ic/ love to shill gay ops central otherwise known as discord. All you need is one guy or few with a dumb tribal drama grudge. Or even better how about Merc WIP spammed into a meme by one overexcited or spiteful anon.

To summarize: you're just acquiescing to a cunt that wants the power to crab the shit out of you. You probably do this to not make the crab's stupidity be taken seriously and you not be undermined in the eyes of lurkers. But all you've done is empowered the crustacean over an assumption, and cross-referenced yourself for today's snoopy bosses (yes even in trades) or whoever else to spooky toxic white supremacists pedo site probably saying "your turn nigger." Please proceed to ignore my point that it's not a winning move to play argument-wise

>> No.6426626
File: 153 KB, 244x160, fiddle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys...

>> No.6426645

First time on 4chan?

>> No.6426648

It is a legit concern.
It's true that average person can tell which art is good or bad to a certain degree but they can't give a good criticize. People who never draw but watching the pros draw will think the technique is easy and will give a pseudo advice based on that bias knowledge, it will confuse the amateurs and lead them to wrong direction if they take it at heart

>> No.6426686

I have never encountered a single anon here who said "pyw" and did not immediately shit all over anyone who posted work, no matter how good it was.

>> No.6426761

Challenge him to a gesture battle

>> No.6426830
File: 60 KB, 960x761, 320345502_844345786900513_6690336429216065172_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On ONE occasion in all those years there I posted my work and the anon who said PYW responded with "ok then" or something like that. But rest of the time I only see shit talk.

>> No.6426842

I love posting my work when people ask me to

>> No.6426843


>> No.6426883

I only ask to see work when I'm interested in what someone makes. I never use "pyw" as a gotcha to undermine someone's point. A logical argument can stand on it's own merit and even beginners come make insightful observation or understand a concept they don't have the coordination to achieve yet,

Perma begs and perma mids stagnate because they refuse to see things other ways.

>> No.6426890


Nah... Most people on /ic that can't draw shouldn't be giving tips or deep critiques. When I was a more frequent anon I could write a few pages worth of bad advice given here on a weekly basis.

Even an art teacher that don't have high skill is someone who at least studied the subject for years and has experience teaching. Which can't be said from the average /ic anon.

>> No.6427005

Pyw is only valid when used on larpers and dk shitters.

>> No.6427018
File: 30 KB, 576x432, 1602858832940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actually a kill count of 5 in this board, we are having an argument, they ask for the "pyw" and after I post they magically leave the conversation.
Last 2 times it was because I was arguing about AI and shitheads thought I didn't actually draw.

>> No.6427021


>> No.6427032
File: 25 KB, 112x112, 1645096093991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a chance to see art hoe tits but couldn't stop being a memeing retard for 5 minutes

>> No.6427038

"She" didn't know and said it doesn't have tits

>> No.6427039

I've never linked to other threads so I don't know if this will work. In any case, this is not an example of those "pyw moments", the actual ones are long gone from the archive.

>> No.6427043

It works fine anon don't worry. Nice art btw

>> No.6427054

True anons post on /ic/ and don't draw.

>> No.6427062

today we're all merc_wip

>> No.6427165

>Therefore posting work is nothing but playing into their game and letting them change the subject
>and letting them change the subject
here's the part where you reply with "pyw"

>> No.6427195
File: 791 KB, 1482x3000, Illustration10v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where bob

>> No.6427306

not her but anon, when spring comes go out and draw/paint people in nature like here
I'm sure if you look cute some girl might ask you some questions then you can go out together
(you)->( ■_■) (。)(。) <- booba

>> No.6427320

I don't know. Maybe I just go into shock.

>> No.6427802

wonky left arm

>> No.6427833
File: 29 KB, 600x336, retarded anime look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting image related vibes.

>> No.6427877

>Challenge anon to a gesture battle
>Don't show up
>Anon does the gestures anyways
>Now they're harrassing you to do the gesture battle
>Ignore it longer maybe itll go away
>Whole board is laughing at you and asks you every time you post when youre going to get to that gesture battle

>> No.6429526

Ears too long

>> No.6430770
File: 357 KB, 655x908, imagen_2022-12-21_124245566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good art little boy

>> No.6430882

Tbf this was always a shitty meaningless meme with no self-evident signs that it was a meme at all

>> No.6431376

do you need everything to be spoonfeed to you anon?

>> No.6431627
File: 800 KB, 861x1120, 1590350413245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431648

I do. I'm a newfag (well I am on this board at least) and I am very confused. Why do I keep seeing that pic and why is it funny? Is it just complete nonsense like Sneed?

>> No.6431678

Call his work shitty beg tier no matter how it looks and hide the thread so I don't have to see the fallout or get baited into replying again.

>> No.6431768

Mate, I’m only pointing out that people fall for it all the time, it’s not a joke because of anything evident in the image, just it’s reputation, which itself is meaningless in turn. Nothing to be spoon fed about it.

>> No.6432459 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 2185x2331, 1668030448245603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, pyw

>> No.6432462
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, 201222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, pyw

>> No.6432497
File: 168 KB, 593x681, 2buttsmaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post your work like you usually do in threads
>some dude gives you completely off base advice thats way different then what other artists you know and respect have told you
>be semi reluctant to believe the "advice" but be open minded that maybe this anon is telling what others are too polite ti say
>ask to see their work to make sure this is coming from a person of reasonable skill and not some spiteful angry crab thats just trying to make people feel bad
>instead they get ass blasted and refuse to post their art
>furious that I didn't accept their "cratique" off hand.


>> No.6432499

Welcome to /ic/. We hope you enjoy your stay.

>> No.6435519


>> No.6436799
File: 125 KB, 458x333, 1658815127908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ever tell people to PTW when they need help and didn't post an example, any other as posting one's work has nothing to do with a discussion.
You should instead ask people to post redlines or counter-examples of things if you're trying to debate a point.

>> No.6436843

beg hands typed this post

>> No.6436972

If someone says pyw to me I post it. It happens from time to time, as I tend to say truths begs don't want to hear.
>doing x is good practice, doing y is bad practice

>> No.6436976

>I have actually a kill count of 5
Good job.
I shoulda kept count of mine... quite a few...
>after I post they magically leave the conversation.
Yeah the pyw'ers just don't respond and bystanders will give you a nod.(Based, BTFO! etc)

>> No.6439795

Your work, post it.

>> No.6439811
File: 1.39 MB, 1327x1476, YakubCosmicEgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't say the magic word.

>> No.6439824

Your work, post it, faggot.

>> No.6439825
File: 787 KB, 589x888, pywgrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's more like it.

>> No.6439856

Post the full images of each one, faggot

>> No.6439861
File: 1.39 MB, 1327x1476, YakubCosmicEgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may have one. I rolled a 4 sided die, you get... Yakub!
As an artist, I don't ask for much. I just hope—I've changed the way you think about life.

>> No.6439912

How are you blue?

>> No.6443107

what did he mean by this

>> No.6443137

He asked me how I was, what do YOU mean

>> No.6443541
