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File: 2.06 MB, 2711x1610, 08809973-5841-4D16-A054-0979E6AAA241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6423332 No.6423332 [Reply] [Original]

Is rinotuna’s character design course worth it? want to know if anyone has tried it without biased opinions from Coloso shills on YouTube. Drop any other art course recommendations as well.

>> No.6423378

Gosh, I hope that Rinotuna course gets leaked. It looks really good.

>> No.6423385

looks like generic korean gatcha characters

>> No.6423410

Looks like AI art except it takes 10 times longer to make kek. Why would you spend money on this?

>> No.6423422

Instead of taking a course, do the following every day for a week:

Write down a list of at least 5 things you like. Does not have to be only artists, can be media of any sort, or hell even odd shit like food if you want.

Make a venn diagram. Label it with one of the 5 subjects.
Write what you want to learn from the subject, artwise, in the middle
Write what you already can do as good or better than the subject in the left
Write what you don't like/care about the subject in the right.

Repeat for each of the daily 5.


It's an exercise for self-awareness and understanding your influences and where you want your directions to go. When you have done all these you can then use that knowledge to know what you wanna study from the different subjects. Character design is downstream from that stuff.

>> No.6423451

I know my main styles and influences and am mostly interested in this artist’s composition/posing tips and rendering process. But thanks for the advice, anon. I’m sure it will help someone else starting from ground zero with character design.

>> No.6423507

Can you please shut the fuck up, for one thread? The only person, who's time you're wasting, is yours.

>> No.6423538

Courses are meant to be hoarded. They are not meant to be consumed.

>> No.6423690

Usually these courses are just speed paints with retarded "get into the zone or mindset" advice instead of real instruction, which is useless.

Rarely anything good. And most of the time they overcharge.

>> No.6423696

Kill yourself

>> No.6423725

Looks good.

>> No.6423738
File: 754 KB, 2994x3674, 20221216_224851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guy's art but I'd never go to him for character design advice unless you literally just want to do "draw _______ as an anime character" and then never draw them again.
He's not making characters with any real intent except for Twitter likes, and that's why you'll never see these designs more than once. They're too complex to do a lot of and they don't really have any sense of overall aeshetics and just kind of exist by themselves.
I'd take advice from people actually doing games, comics, shows, etc

>> No.6423787

Who would pay for that in this current market

>> No.6423830

Dude just pirate literally any other course

>> No.6423848

I think Rinotuna comes from a gacha background (Destiny Child). so he's probably used to making illustrations of characters he'd draw once
Its different from games, comics, and cartoons but still just as valid of a way to approach character design. at least for the industry

>> No.6423890

You guys hyped him up for so long but now that I take a closer look his work isnt that impressive, honestly.

>> No.6423896

Did you finish a single coloso course that was leaked already from start to finish? I'm willing to wager you didn't.

>> No.6423954


>> No.6427357

I bought it, here's my review

no it don't make you good, you still have to put in hundreds of hours to practice and improve.

mogoon and chyan is already enough for you if you want to get to rinotuna's level. both courses tackle drawing bodies, composition, and lighting.

>> No.6427375

does he give good information on drapery?

>> No.6427382

Coloso courses is good if you want to break through low /int/ phase. They're totally useless for /beg/
Their courses mosly tackle on how to make your drawings appealing a.k.a. more twitter likes or mass appeal and commercialized illustration like those gacha games wallpaper

>> No.6427388

>current market
Whats the current market? Wat happen

>> No.6427423

here is your (You)

>> No.6427424

What a considerate person

>> No.6427490

He actually doesn't go over drapery, or so for the first 3 sections as I haven't finished the course yet, but he does give a few tips and tricks along the way.

The character design section is really nice and he goes indepth into it. I think for the character design tips alone is worth it $$, stuff you can't really easily figure out / learn on youtube. Just something I wanna add from my previous comment.

>> No.6428321

partially related, what are good sites for courses in general? (preferably voiced in english)
i would be interested in buying this one if theres no english courses i like the look of

>> No.6428333

THESE COURSES ARE TRASH! Sure the artists are great but they are terrible at explaining and horrible teachers.

>> No.6428334

nevermind im retarded theres another thread for this

>> No.6428338
File: 109 KB, 312x287, 1614372947368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts will never end. It's the same fucking shitpost every thread.

>> No.6428966

If people are buying this, I should make one

>> No.6428971

This one's kinda mediocre and barebones, but some of the courses on there are pretty good. You can usually tell if you scroll all the way to the bottom and see the list of videos and topics. If it looks barebones, it probably is. If they have like 30 different videos breaking down anatomy or w/e, then they are usually worth it.

>> No.6429178

I'm tempted to take one of these courses, but pretty much all of them use Photoshop. Will I struggle if I use CSP instead?

>> No.6429187


Most if not all functions and be done in CSP but for the optimum experience, you should be using Photoshop since some courses use program specific functions.

>> No.6430103


hhahaha, cope and seethe.

>> No.6430121

I'd still say that's a pretty limited scope since most gachas just hire random illustrators to do their characters. He wouldn't have any more input here than basically every other character artist in the world.

Not that he's bad, just what does he really have to say that thousands of other artists haven't already said on youtube?

>> No.6430398

post it, fag

>> No.6430408


>> No.6430564
File: 40 KB, 720x888, 1671425153022524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why take his course when his full work process is up on twitch/youtube, you can just observe and try to copy and legit learn that way anything you want. The only difference is that he spouts meaningless bull shit in the course to give you the illusion that you're getting worthwhile secret knowledge for your buck.

>> No.6430580

Post your Venn diagram.

>> No.6430584
File: 665 KB, 788x767, 1656155183388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also against the AI shitposters, but this is the one time one of them is right.

Soulless garbage art that WOULD look technically impressive before every other AI technology took this gookslop by storm and made it the norm.

>> No.6430586
File: 219 KB, 680x649, 329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430595

A waste of time. Such an over focus on branding/trinkets and other unimportant details. It's like the clothing is the real character and the people wearing it are one-dimensional hangers.

>> No.6430599

That's very common in gachas.

>> No.6430648

>he thinks we don't pirate these courses

>> No.6430656

it’s a korean thing, a lot of manhwa feel like they were traced from random fashion mags and there’s always a weird focus on branding and clothes
like, think kubo’s bleach color spreads, but an order of magnitude more fashion focused, and it’s every single page

>> No.6430679


They're not a waste of time, just not for raw beginners. It's the same for Class101. Pretty much all courses are for /int/s. Coloso is definitely quality and Class101 is a hit and miss but nothing on those sites are for /beg/s.

The problem beginners run into at that point is they're led into bootcamps by youtube influencers or dodgy gumroads that keep them eternally beginner. Before jumping into any good training you should know and practice the 5 principles in the loomis books or you'll get shanked in every course you take while telling yourself you don't have talent. Know those 5 and then go take your Coloso course.

>> No.6430795
File: 297 KB, 800x1000, rinotuna-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the westoid fears the trinkets
Next you'll tell me this is too many belts

>> No.6430799

he really is a master of taking a concept and just sticking it all over their clothes or making it the clothes.

>> No.6430800

That was my first thought, too many belts

>> No.6430994

He probably means the A.I stuff. To my knowledge nobody has actually lost their jobs to A.I. art. Will it actually happen? Nobody knows for sure.

>> No.6431006

Honestly I'm waiting for Andrea Cofrancesco and Luny Doobles courses from that site to get leaked.

>> No.6431024

could do with a few more belts

>> No.6431926

Just go watch his twitch stream. And he only uses round brush

>> No.6432544
File: 752 KB, 563x1000, FFX_Lulu_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are k*reans even trying

>> No.6432573


>> No.6432690

Anyone got the class yet?

>> No.6432874

it's hardly going to be leaked before even the first sale of it ends.

>> No.6432894

At least one guy in this thread has it but he doesn't want to share.

>> No.6432998 [DELETED] 

wow, can't believe nomura owns the concept of putting a multitude of belts on a character, something that definitely has never been done before or after that, and was not influenced by current fashion trends at the time at all.
yeah, must be [insert entire group of people i arbitratily hate]

>> No.6433005

wow, can't believe nomura owns the concept of putting a multitude of belts on a character, something that definitely has never been done before or after that, and was not influenced by current fashion trends at the time at all.
yeah, must be [insert entire group of people i arbitrarily hate]

>> No.6433017

lurk 10 years before posting

>> No.6433218


>> No.6433310

Nope. You can do it in stable diffusion nowadays

>> No.6433419


>Andrea Cofrancesco and Luny Doobles

Immaculate taste

>> No.6435454

Here's something

>> No.6437804

Coloso? More like, colossal waste of time.

>> No.6437808

What is wrong with chinks, why are they obsessesed with trinkets??

>> No.6438404

This works despite being silly because it actually reads as a dress and gives the design a cool texture that contrasts with the white space.

>> No.6440893

bump for a christmas miracle

>> No.6441311

It’s been 2 months already. Someone pls pirate this.

>> No.6441321

you literally can become a master character design artist just by reading from "learning the marvel way"

but if you wanna pay 200 smackers to watch someone that draws in the anime style, then be my guest.

>> No.6441358

“How to draw comics the marvel way” is a beg book not a design book

>> No.6441361

I'm super /beg/ and thank him for the suggestion.
I don't want to pay 200. This is the issue, isn't it?

>> No.6441550

that's a beg reply anon

>> No.6441998

Do you honestly believe this is the one course out of the hundreds available that will make you good? You want it because the artist is hot right now but in half a year or so, it'll be someone else that you're fawning over.

>> No.6443273


>> No.6443488

I have it but it uses some weird Kollus DRM.
My fucking username and ID are IN the fucking files.

>> No.6443489

I can only say 100% that no other course up to now has so this might be the one.
like, in all the videos as a watermark? That's pretty common now and why I hate buying asian shit. I could at least accept if they just hosted on their site.

>> No.6443493

>in all the videos as a watermark?
the Kollus DRM they use decrypts locally and allows download but username and ID get baked into the vid as a small greyish watermark that moves around

>> No.6443518

use an ai video editor to change the color of that text to something else?

>> No.6445272

>Surely this time the art course grift will help me!
How naive.

>> No.6445310

this guy is being memed because of his name and not because there is some magic sauce in their course

>> No.6445517

you can't prove that.

>> No.6445561

I know it because im the one behind the push in the video course thread

>> No.6445604

I don't like his character design because it's too thematic.

>> No.6445610

You don't want to have a design language that 20 other people will have and compete with you once you complete the course. Find someone more versatile

>> No.6445651

Is the world really that small?

>> No.6445659

There is only one Yoshitaka Amano, if you're okay being someone's shadow then go for it

>> No.6445747

You hope people keep their cars unlocked at night too or what

>> No.6445750

A criminal can dream.

>> No.6445756

post your work, let's see how that worked for you and then we'll do it

>> No.6445761

If they leave the car outside out of a camera's view it won't matter if the car is locked or not

>> No.6445808

Slavery wasn’t worth a world where we’ve gotta deal with this everyday.

>> No.6445826

If they live in San Francisco, most definitely. Wouldn't want their cars getting smashed into.

>> No.6445829

it's pro level gatcha character
at least he makes money

>> No.6445830

literal who?

>> No.6446034

the irony is that yoshitaka amano is a circle of 8 artists lmao

>> No.6446110


>> No.6446111


>> No.6446130

someone would have to clean the moving water marks in the videos and record it from obs or capture card since the site tries to detect screen recording software.

>> No.6446156

Is the watermark like user specific or something?

>> No.6446170

just buy it with credit card registered for some drunk after buying him alcohol :--DDDDD

>> No.6446196

its user specfic.
it has your full name and an id number.

>> No.6446202

Pretty sure the watermark just randomly teleports over the video and isn't part of the video itself, and is also not present at all times, so in theory you could get 2-3 recordings and then stitch together parts where your watermark doesn't show up. Tedious, but ought to work.

>> No.6446221

Huh nifty, sure you can circumvent it but thats a pretty good way to deter leaking

>> No.6446496

and barely anyone know their names

>> No.6446614

wingfox does it better by at least not forcing you to download something. And selling some courses at normal prices like 20 dollars.

>> No.6446641

Is that to avoid people calling out on how shitty the videos are?

>> No.6446800

the site does seem to thrive on nobody being able to pirate and thus realizing how overpriced and shitty they are

>> No.6446803

The watermark stuff is the sole reason why we haven't had any new cgma leaks.

>> No.6446828

Wait, you guys weren't joking about the watermark. I actually checked and saw my name and a number show up in the video for a course I bought.

>> No.6446832

It's genius really. They would know the identity of the leaker just from looking at the video and could pursue legal action.

>> No.6446833

Yeah, got a couple myself during the recent sale, they really are trying hard for their courses to not leak, which is what got me to use the site in the first place, since the only copies of the course I wanted that I found used low res versions of the korean videos with quality subs like "To do the homosexual use flow stroke", so I guess the watermark is working.

>> No.6446836

It works once per customer and relies on word of mouth staying low.

>> No.6446839

Can’t you use a camera recorder like the old days of youtube?

>> No.6446847

How's that going to help, other than make the video low quality and blurry enough you can't see the watermark?

>> No.6446852

There is a watermark in the video. It shows your ID and, apparently, even name. The only ways around this are to either edit the video shown to you, or find a way to get the video before the program adds the watermark.

>> No.6446855
File: 41 KB, 405x720, 1405544500871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads need to get reported
>does anyone have chinkshit course #3771830281 ???
every fucking time i watch these kind of videos, i wonder how the hell anyone can unironically shovel hundreds for this shit
if you want to watch some faggot draw, there are tons of people on youtube already doing it
there's no way you're getting it for the "instruction" since these fucking retards can't teach for shit, which is a recurring theme in art

so i ask, why?

>> No.6446856

I tried recording with discord, google hangouts, VMware, Apowersoft, OBS, etc and it detects everything. Even then, ain't nobody risking anal rape from korean lawyers.

>> No.6446857

It probably only looks for patterns in executable names, so rename your OBS executable to penis.exe and it likely will fail to detect it
How personal is the info on moving watermarks? Is it possible to use an account with fake info to buy the video and then ditch the account?

>> No.6446858

Try renaming the executable of screen recorder, and if that doesn't work, run the thing in a VM, like https://www.virtualbox.org/, and then record the VM screen, there's absolutely no way it'll be able to detect screen recorder outside of the VM.

>> No.6446861

Here's the way the site works: when you try to load a video, the website launches an app on your computer for the video player. This is a proprietary player you need to install AND must be running at all times, otherwise the video stops playing. This software, while running (even if the site is closed), straight up blocks any kind of capture, even simple screenshots, which is annoying if you want to copy the photo the instructor is using as a ref, since they are generally not provided in the exercise files. On top of all that, the website puts your full name + user ID randomly somewhere on the screen over the video. It's not always there, pops in and out, and is on a random area of the video every time.

In short, there ARE a few ways to record the screen and get the video and bypass their player cockblocking you, but you'll still have a tiny watermark with your personal info randomly teleporting over the screen, which you'd have to manually cover in video editing, a pain in the ass, and also might end up blocking useful areas of the video, so it's really not worth it unless someone develops an addon to scrape the video directly off the site before the watermark is overlaid on top, and then somehow either also obtain the subtitles, or recreate them from scratch.

>> No.6446864


They have your bank info, dude. That's more than enough. Unless you load up some walmart visa but I'm pretty sure you still need your social for those cards last time I used one.

>> No.6446866

When making the account, it asks for username and personal name. What is displayed, is your personal name + user ID, so like JohnJohnson93487. Even if you used fake info, they could easily use that to find which account leaked, and they have your very real credit card info to pursue and kpop your ass cherry.

>> No.6446867

Interesting, I'll look if I can somehow bypass that, I love fucking people with DRMs like that in the ass
The website is coloso.us right?

>> No.6446870

Yes, that's the site.

>> No.6446907

It seems to accept paypal payments, I know it used to be possible few years ago, unsure if it's possible now, but you could create a paypal account under Gay Faggot (not literally) and transfer money onto it, and then pay with it

>> No.6446913

we got a badass over here.

They don't actually. They use a payment processor. The payment processor has the info not them.

>> No.6446916

I wish I was a badass :c I merely have a deeply rooted hatred for annoying DRMs, so I try circumventing them out of spite

>> No.6447007

>which you'd have to manually cover in video editing,
does it change color?

>> No.6447017

No, it's just a small line of text, white with a black outline.

>> No.6447026

id just create a dummy paypal account for future purchases like >>6446907 says, and record it playing inside of a vm

>> No.6447465

Watch some Indian make a program to identify the watermark and remove it while patching the frames underneath

>> No.6449085

K, we'll be waiting. Meanwhile you still have to figure out how to record the thing.

>> No.6449088

And if you're willing to spend that type of money to also share the files you won't get the refund because that's tracked, too.

>> No.6449094

is this a recent thing? there’s a bunch of coloso rips on clay golems

>> No.6449161

Possibly, I've used some of those rips myself, and they had no signs of watermarks blurred or anything like that, but the more recent ones I was noticing they were using the korean videos instead of the english ones (with on-screen text translated), so they probably started getting more serious recently, and they haven't been able to rip newer english videos to update them.

>> No.6449387

If you're still here, can you give a summary of the course if you can't leak it?

>> No.6449392

Would look pretty nice without the belts I think.

>> No.6449398

Anon, if it was just bought there is no way anyone can give a summary on a 28 hour course in less than 24 hours.

>> No.6450174
File: 1.47 MB, 933x1200, imagem_2023-01-01_014833919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a fashion mag trends and smashing it with moe girls and referencing pop culture is good design
If you can't tell that is terrible character design you are literally not gonna make it, well at least in the sense that in 20 years from now people will look back on your designs.

>> No.6450200
File: 413 KB, 773x697, imagem_2023-01-01_020722019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gook pastiche of shit he pulled from Pinterest. Guy clearly never set foot in a mechanic's shop.
>SOVL design with good shapes that actually resembles an actual builder mechanic type

>> No.6450213

>generic soulless chink art

Yawn, people really have no taste.

>> No.6450218
File: 410 KB, 600x600, 1670995587078326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High Iq, blackpilled and based
Cringe and hebrew

>> No.6450246
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1725, 456457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6450390

Don't ever compare Araki's designs to Rinotuna piñatas again. Happy new year by the way.

>> No.6451762

le bump xD

>> No.6451797
File: 578 KB, 800x800, _s422534054_1_1800x1800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Santa, can I have Rinotuna's archives for Christmas?
>His books? Never heard of them

>> No.6451827

I downloaded 3 of them.

>> No.6452258

I can't understand gook

>> No.6452296

its limited but its more in line with the kind of jobs most people trying to get into character design for gaming would find

you're not an animator or comic artist, "simplifying" isn't as much of a concern

>> No.6452312

His books and videos are basically the same. The books are already google translated to english.

>> No.6452336



this guy going through the process step by step after taking the class might be helpful

>> No.6452374

It seems interesting. I am more interested in drawing inspiration for the design and coloring though.

>> No.6452425

Wait until you find out about the shit people give money for on patreon or twitch.

>> No.6452513

AI tardlets shouldn't be on this board.

>> No.6455219
