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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 432 KB, 1080x2095, IMG_20221214_122201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6416322 No.6416322 [Reply] [Original]

What is the the heck is going on? How do you even tell AI art from "traditional digital art"? It's literally impossible to say say the difference if you run IA art through various filters, photobashing and ovrrpainting

>> No.6416323

>there's no difference if you do stuff that actually requires being able to draw
Wow, OP how did you come to such revelation?
Hide, report and sage.

>> No.6416325

Based normie artists, fuck AIdditors

>> No.6416329

>It's literally impossible to say say the difference if you run IA art through various filters, photobashing and ovrrpainting

>> No.6416331
File: 59 KB, 744x777, EzDX9LvUcAMbcCv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, what I am saying is that there is no way to purge 100% of AI artists on Artstation or other platforms because no way to tell the difference. The lines are blurry when a pro artist uses AI image as let's say underpainting or sketch

>> No.6416332

these threads get deleted because? offsite drama? but this is a big deal! lots of us use artstation! these discussions need to happen here too.

>> No.6416333

>literally impossible
Ok, show me.

>> No.6416334 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 322x453, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if we dump ccp or disney stuff to AI

>> No.6416335

woah its almost like art is about making stuff that looks good

>> No.6416340
File: 357 KB, 1004x1236, IMG_20221214_124731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416341

Probably cause it's a slow board and mods don't want it to be flooded by ai drama

>> No.6416346

>What is the the heck is going on? How do you even tell AI art from "traditional digital art"?
Classification network, which is a basic form of neural network.

>> No.6416347

that was painted. also I remember this artist getting in trouble for stealing the armor from a photo. 10 years ago?

>> No.6416352
File: 382 KB, 500x687, Meu0ZLI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.

>> No.6416357

Doesnt matter. Fuck pajeets

>> No.6416359

wtf. that's almost as if he used ai.

>> No.6416360

dump cp and gore to ai that would completely destroy it

>> No.6416362

Funnily enough, that's already part of the training database as far as I know

>> No.6416363

Literally shameless. These "artists" should also get cancelled

>> No.6416364


>> No.6416369 [DELETED] 

Guarantee you’ll get most of them through user reporting. Their body of work and posting rate will be proof enough. The rest will get snitched on.

>> No.6416372

what's retopo?

>> No.6416376

Uh huh. And if he used AI he would be found out too. Maybe not the first image, but he will get sloppy. a little artifact left unchecked, a face or shape he thought was a nice detail but was part of another artists work(sad keanu) . eventually the flaws could all be hidden yes, but I did say show me that it is "literally impossible" to tell, and that has not happened yet.

>> No.6416377

Retopology. Making highres meshes lower res, suitable for games and animation. A tedious task only the utmost autists enjoy.

>> No.6416393
File: 442 KB, 590x854, ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unrelated but someone on midjourney got banned because he tried to sell midjourney generated mickey mouse t-shirt

>> No.6416401

Kek these ai companies are probably getting scared of the increasing backlash. People went from being neutral/excited about ai art to being utterly repulsed by in the span of like two months.

>> No.6416403

>you can free your creativity and do what you want

>> No.6416404

>touching the mouse
uh oh

>> No.6416406

Feed them Nintendo characters and we all know how things go when Nintendo finds out a copyright infringement.

>> No.6416407

They check their fingers

>> No.6416420

I have some news for you anon:
Also notice how much porn there is kek

>> No.6416425

Despite Disney's controversy, the mouse is still easiest way to gain money from children, of course they will try

>> No.6416443

wait why was the post your replied to got deleted? are we not allowed to do that anymore?

>> No.6416445
File: 776 KB, 640x1024, 00688-3291746141-realistic photo of young girl, police outfit, (young child_1.2), short, petite, pov, straight on, (smug grin_0.7), police unifor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread?

>> No.6416449
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>> No.6416450

pro ai jannies suck horse dick

>> No.6416451
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1535086453901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solve climate change

>> No.6416455

>pro ai jannies

>> No.6416459
File: 193 KB, 1600x840, PH6bXos-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Their body of work and posting rate will be proof enough

Speaking of posting rate of profiles, here's a interesting little thing I found to be consistent recently. Look up any of all the stories online about "I made a children's book using AI" that have been showing up for the past few months. Out of all that I found of people making them, it was like only around a couple that seemed like normal non-art non-tech people. The rest however have blog profiles or social media profiles on twitter/reddit showing that they are part of some tech marketing company or pushing NFTs.

>> No.6416475

Why was the last thread about this deleted, meanwhile there are countless AI spam threads up on a daily basis here?

>> No.6416477

All that needs to happen is that these ai companies step on the toes of any big corporation and they are fucked.

>> No.6416478

Jannies are probably on a early Christmas leave.

>> No.6416479

Here is deleted thread from Monday

>> No.6416480


>> No.6416484

It's pretty clear at this point that they are the ones pushing the AI threads and banning anyone complaining about them or opposed to AI, like the thread yesterday talking about an anti AI art protest on one of the largest art websites online. Then again, mods deleting threads that are ontopic while allowing shitposting threads seems to be a running theme across all boards on this site for some reason.

>> No.6416486

It's probably just one jannie.
Because they were removing every AI thread till last week.

>> No.6416487

wtf how could artists do this to us

>> No.6416511

BASED. Steve Zapata is streaming about it right now.

>> No.6416516

This won't accomplish anything and most of these people will eventually cave in and start using A.I.

>> No.6416518

but it feels good right now
solidarity bros!

>> No.6416524

One day they will be calling true artists "chuds", because why would you learn to draw when you can use a word-filtered A.I? The only way to get artwork that features Hitler or other controversial figures or imagery will be to commission.

>> No.6416525

>This won't accomplish anything
Artstation (the company) might notice. Just a hunch.

>> No.6416526

to waste such large amount of time to make silly drawings is inherently reactionary and suspect... probably

>> No.6416528

no, unless they make money off the artist directly, it will stop nothing they weren't already going to do

>> No.6416529
File: 11 KB, 230x220, 1671028841313814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitposter learned how to use mobile data to refresh his IP didn't he?

>> No.6416532
File: 49 KB, 306x585, prompteur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that you will never be an artist. it's impossible for you, because of your erroneous mindset

>> No.6416533

It's a PR issue. Also, even if Artstation takes no action, pushback influences the culture.
But your concern has been noted. lol

>> No.6416534
File: 135 KB, 700x1051, 1670964638383544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it's like another holocaust of AIfags but this time fr. I should probably delete all my AI stuff from the portfolio asap before my clients find out.

>> No.6416535

Digital artists being schizos, what else is new. Go learn trad faggots

>> No.6416536

>normal shitposting fails
>tries to brag about trad
You should make a bot to shitpost, it's pretty much the same modus operandi everytime.

>> No.6416537

learn both

>> No.6416538

these people are depressing, they actually never tried to make anything by themselves

>> No.6416540

yes, the message is the same, because truth never changes: digital is garbage
learn to draw

>> No.6416541

pyw if you want to shitpost about skill.
But I know you won't because you're the usual AI shitposter.

>> No.6416543

Whiny fuck losers

>> No.6416544

pyw first, oh wait you live in absolute fear aifags will rip you off that you can barely pee straight, lmao

>> No.6416548

Yeah digital is garbage and learning trad is the best safeguard against ai.
But that's no excuse to be a stealth ai cuck.

>> No.6416549

Sadly this. The bag is already under the cat's testicles.

>> No.6416552 [DELETED] 
File: 3.45 MB, 2888x4000, digital art lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6416553


>> No.6416559
File: 18 KB, 425x282, businessman-fired-resignation-w425x282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked it up and saw that he brought up a good point. One of the many examples of AIfags not knowing how art or the professional world works is how they think companies would want to uses these programs. Companies have legal teams specifically used to check if the artists they hired use photobashes or AI datasets with copyrighted material so they don't have to deal with the litigation.

>> No.6416560

> if you run IA art through various filters, photobashing and ovrrpainting
It’s not AI anymore if you actually add that much human input, especially overpaint.

>> No.6416563

Is this something new? There's inpainting, outpainting. Is there a new technique now?

>> No.6416564

Lurk more AIFAG. Better, GTFO

>> No.6416565

Copyright only applies to images that are just copies.
It's in the name.
You can't copyright a style.
Else everyone on this board would be sued to oblivion.

>> No.6416568

/ic/ lost

>> No.6416570
File: 34 KB, 647x778, 183297491851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416572

Aren't tracers out there making some really good bucks? What is stopping them from using AI instead

>> No.6416575

Skill or ego issue

>> No.6416576
File: 249 KB, 800x1257, 1670990806887746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that was painted
It really wasn't, he just used img2img.

>> No.6416577

>image from 2013
SD can now timetravel too.

>> No.6416578

Imagine all manga done in that overly cute rendering, I would die of cuteness

>> No.6416580

>Copyright only applies to images that are just copies.
>It's in the name.
what the fuck are you 3rd worlders on about, i hope you guys are only pretending to be this retarded

>> No.6416581

>Attempt to protest AI
>In the process shit up your platform even more than before

>> No.6416582

This is how copyrights work outside your bubble

>> No.6416583

skynet actually directed Terminator1. ze time is a flat circus

>> No.6416586

Not good. Son of a bitch,! Motherfucke. That's a very bad morning Sirs. It's not needful to protest AI. Live and let live.

>> No.6416587

>you can't copyright a style
sure but its not like style exists independent of images. No images in the dataset = no style, simple as.
>An machine learning algorithm learns to make images in the same way humans do
literally no one actually believes this, not even you

>> No.6416588

Another good point he brought up I don't see often, the scale problem, if OpenAI had just picked one artist to train on(no laion datasets) and released the model without consent from the artist, everyone would have a problem with that. nobody would argue that art styles can't be copyrighted etc etc. But because they stole from millions... the scale of the theft is so big people just shrug, big number, does not compute...

>> No.6416589

of course not. i never did so either, and it's painful. but I at least admit my pathetic ways. currently learning to draw so I can switch from consumerist hobby to productive one

>> No.6416591
File: 809 KB, 594x767, StannisNew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artstation WILL bend the knee

>> No.6416593

>literally no one actually believes this, not even you
Humans are just computers with organic circuitry.
Debate me.

>> No.6416594
File: 541 KB, 1080x1850, IMG_20221214_162508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. Not like this AIsistersbros..
It's over...

>> No.6416595

>giving up so easily.

>> No.6416596

As if there was any doubt that AI shitposters just spam any board.
I wish jannies did their fucking job.

>> No.6416603
File: 503 KB, 975x790, 1662354471208879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stable diffusion 2 neutered
>lawsuits setting precedent in illegally scraping public data
>China makes AI thats not watermarked ILLEGAL
>Artstation will get spammed with anti ai images until the bend the knee (they will)
>"t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-this wont accomplish a-a-a-anything! (R-right bros?QQ)
fucking kek

>> No.6416606


Be honest with yourself. Why would anyone pay you to make art when the ai can shit out art that's 10 times better and 1000 times faster.

>> No.6416607

I revise my previous statement, It doesn't matter if you actually believe it because no one else does

>> No.6416609

Trad Chad's win again.

>> No.6416612

that's like saying humans are just a collection of atoms

>> No.6416613
File: 5 KB, 377x330, 1524338009601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another horse carriage drivers yells at cars thread

>> No.6416614
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, putfootinit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really put your foot in it, baby

>> No.6416617

The janors are the ai shitposters

>> No.6416618
File: 151 KB, 473x389, 1670543050993157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to argue against a fact?

>> No.6416619

-2.1 brought back most of the artists
-nothing happened yet, but settling the issue is good
-dog-eaters do not matter
-artstation should do what it wants, ai art should be tagged as such
-artfags already hate ai, how dos this change people already working on ai and those who keep prompting?

>> No.6416622

This fear of AI art is just overexaggerated by insecure small dick artists. People will still get to real human artist for serious art commission.

>> No.6416625

>-nothing happened yet, but settling the issue is good
it already happened
>dog-eaters do not matter
if even the dog eaters are making it illegal, you pajeets should be sweating

>> No.6416626

big dick energy post

>> No.6416627

imagine being this much of a cuck

>> No.6416628

what happened, link?
and chinks require ai art to be tagged, they aren't banning it, no one who isn't trying to trick people should be against that

>> No.6416629

While it is true that the human brain can be thought of as a biological computer, there are some important differences between the two. For one, computers are typically designed to perform specific tasks, whereas the human brain is capable of a much wider range of functions, including sensory perception, movement, and abstract thought. Additionally, computers are built using artificial materials, whereas the human brain is made up of complex networks of neurons and other cells.

Another key difference is the way that computers and the human brain process information. Computers use a binary system of zeros and ones to store and manipulate data, whereas the human brain uses complex networks of neurons to encode and process information. This means that the human brain is capable of parallel processing, where multiple tasks can be carried out simultaneously, whereas most computers are limited to sequential processing, where tasks are carried out one at a time.

Overall, while there are some similarities between the human brain and a computer, there are also many important differences that make the two very different in terms of their capabilities and the way they process information.

>> No.6416631

Yep. I'm 7.5" and I don't have any worries about AI.

>> No.6416632

>and chinks require ai art to be tagged, they aren't banning it
nigger don't pretend to not have read the previous post
Linkedin vs HiQ

>> No.6416634

>no link
>too scared to even reply
lmao, I accept your concession

>> No.6416635

> non argument

>> No.6416636
File: 16 KB, 537x270, copium-emote-sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purely reactionary I suspect...
well anon here's a reaction image made into a twitch emote

>> No.6416637

>HoW Do I UsE GoOgLE
bro neck yourself seriously. Final (You)

>> No.6416639

hilarious even
don't ever reply back, cuck

>> No.6416641

>For one, computers are typically designed to perform specific tasks, whereas the human brain is capable of a much wider range of functions, including sensory perception, movement, and abstract thought.
Slave trade in Africa became big because instead of allowing humans to flourish and have actual useful professions, it was just easier and profitable to just sell them as slaves, a single-use machine.

>artificial materials
lmao what

>This means that the human brain is capable of parallel processing, where multiple tasks can be carried out simultaneously,

>that make the two very different in terms of their capabilities and the way they process information.
both clearly have not reached their limits and would be ignorant to state their capabilities

>> No.6416643 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love the pajeet tears clawing at what ever they can. Hurling insults, arguing semantics. Do what you must Raj, we're winning

>> No.6416644

even a pepe too

>> No.6416645

>Slave trade in Africa became big because instead of allowing humans to flourish and have actual useful professions, it was just easier and profitable to just sell them as slaves, a single-use machine.
You're the retard with the burger example yesterday aren't you?

>> No.6416646
File: 431 KB, 320x320, 1644077463827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat tummy

>> No.6416647

you guys should fuck already

>> No.6416648

No, your argument is just that full of holes.

>> No.6416650

I only use ai to make lolis.
I sure am not going to draw it and none of you will.

>> No.6416651

>slapping f5 to see if someone responded
sure smells like rdrama in here. Only people of their kind are that starved for attention

>> No.6416653

These are very exciting times, before ai shit, what was there to talk about, new chink tablet, latest twitter plagiarism drama?

>> No.6416655

Africans had slave trave even before that and it was a big industry for them. Not to mention Europeans bought out from local slave traders anyway. They didn't really enslave them.

>> No.6416656


>> No.6416657
File: 143 KB, 569x437, Screenshot 2022-12-14 212809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416659

you got me there

>> No.6416665

You are arguing with ChatGPT. notice the paragraph structure with the summation at the end. The overall tone. this is starting to happen a lot...

>> No.6416666

I don't understand this argument, like it's an inevitability that everybody will start using every scumbag method out there just because it's there and easy. I don't trace, I don't photobash, I don't shoop other peoples' work and incorporate it into my stuff. Why would I start using generated images?

>> No.6416668
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, 1523290554237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans and computers both work with electricity, we're the same
>humans share 60% of their genes with tomatoes, we're practically tomatoes
>humans and rocks are all made of atoms, we're literally rocks

>> No.6416671

Checked, and yeah, I see this a lot, but I don't use photos, don't use 3d, almost don't use reference(just for cultural/historical stuff). I doubt never will. not my thing.

>> No.6416673

*I ever will

>> No.6416678

Now fr, why do trans women like AI art so much?

>> No.6416682
File: 504 KB, 849x536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416684

do they?
that's bad, I don't want to be mistaken for one of them... bros...

>> No.6416686

Why don't you let people enjoy things?

>> No.6416687
File: 836 KB, 2048x2720, 16700521510522234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know your what's on your hard drive

>> No.6416688
File: 81 KB, 250x327, 1668149660517250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you are a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters, the universe is causally deterministic, we have no true free will, etc. etc. etc. You're cute and smart and a very big boy that we're very very proud of to have reached this incredible breakthrough with your gigantic universe brain IQ of 105 points.

But this argument is irrelevant. The fact remains that a machine learning algorithm and a human do not learn to make images in the same way. ML algorithms translate images mathematically into a set of hard numerical data that it then manipulates to create "new" images. It is a dumb, predictable algorithm, a tool, on orders of magnitudes upon orders of magnitudes less complex than a human mind. The term "intelligence" doesn't even apply here. This is not up for debate.
>um slaves existed because it was, like, um, profitable to sell them like they were like um single task machines so that makes them comparable to machine learning algorithms and robots somehow
This is what happens when we let midwits use computers. What kind of point even is this??? L'ing my A off R'ing on the F, IRL, in real life, right now.
Utilizing a general intelligence as a monotasker does not somehow automagically make it a singleminded algorithm, or even remotely comparable, you absolutely colossal retard. Not to mention that slaves and wagies, despite doing relatively simple repetitive tasks, are not doing mathematically precise monotasks like a robot arm in a factory would. If those tasks were THAT simple they'd already be automated by now.

>> No.6416689
File: 313 KB, 640x747, A5213BEF-730D-4142-BC2A-B3F2F127D7F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I suffer, so must you

>> No.6416690

nothing illegal under US law, sir ;)

>> No.6416691

>Stop liking what I don't like
No matter what anyone tells you it boils down to that.

>> No.6416693

but I enjoy my loli art

>> No.6416697

proko is a faggot ass shill

>> No.6416701
File: 71 KB, 796x259, 0C34BF25-1827-4025-BB97-1E59766B89E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww did I touch a jannies nerve?

>> No.6416702

No, you don't understand, why would you make your own movie, when you can much more easily just team up with a corporation, add a couple lines in your signature style to a script that was previously approved by committee after they cobbed together scenes from a handful of online fanscripts and "rejected" submissions from industry hopefuls, then direct in the sense that you show up and tell some actors, who were chosen based on their favorable box office return to pay ratios, to "look mad here" for our behind the scenes documentary, and can then choose between Version A, B, or C of 90% CG shots sent back to us from our sweatshop (after first being approved by committee). After all that, you can slap your name on it and call it your own!

>> No.6416717

I enjoy stealing other people's property, molesting children and raping women. Just don't stop me bro ok?

>> No.6416718
File: 121 KB, 700x756, 64b58cad-4cdd-48e7-8d5e-5121f143d5b1-1890x2040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading about the history of art the other day. Apparently for thousands of years art was based on imitation, the concept is called Dionysian imitatio. It was only around the 18th century that the idea of romantic originality was invented

>Dionysian imitatio is the influential literary method of imitation as formulated by Greek author Dionysius of Halicarnassus in the first century BCE, which conceived it as the rhetoric practice of emulating, adaptating, reworking and enriching a source text by an earlier author. It marked the beginning of the doctrine of imitation, which dominated the Western history of art up until 18th century, when the notion of romantic originality was introduced.

So this ai, AI merely imitates, it can not create a work of originality or genius, it has no emotions.
It has turned the art world over night into neo romantics!

I think this is the beginning of the end of post modernism and the beggning of a new romanticism

>> No.6416719


>> No.6416731
File: 12 KB, 377x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these guys really think that this is how the AI works or that people train models 24/7 based on web scraping random pictures and tag the training data based on comments? Seeing things like this makes me giggle, it's so silly.

>> No.6416736

No, they train models based on crowd funding to pay people to scrape the web for images and then tag them.

>> No.6416737

Do you feel that endorfine flowing through your neovulva?

>> No.6416742

>he doesn't understand that the person is making a joke at the expense of proompters
Terminal autism

>> No.6416768
File: 139 KB, 346x346, 27d4f37a50219e61b15f18cf3124d7cd4b20b8075727a9dc6dfd8ea4182bd19f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, it makes me happy seeing so many people banding together to take down a great evil. Even if we might have differences, we put them aside and work as one when it comes to fighting this ai threat

Makes me believe humanity still has a smidge of soul left

>> No.6416775
File: 1.84 MB, 498x209, sarcastic-sarcasm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6416804
File: 345 KB, 1200x726, glitch_slide_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think this is the beginning of the end of post modernism and the beggning of a new romanticism
AI is the final form of postmodernism—an endless regurgitation of imagery, styles and forms within a virtual space, no narrative, and no connection to the material. Pure simulacrum.
A reaction is brewing. I welcome neo-romanticists, let's go.

>> No.6416809

idc I'm never gonna draw for money but I don't want parasites to make money off my back

>> No.6416813
File: 296 KB, 450x425, 1670789438659843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I welcome neo-romanticists, let's go.
What does that even mean irl?
I started 16 years ago as a traditional painter, then switched to digital in 2012, and finally implemented AI in my workflow zis summer when all ze AI boom happened. Does that mean I should go back to traditional art and merge sketches by skynet with gouache?

>> No.6416886
File: 685 KB, 1080x1463, IMG_20221214_193329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel are 100% AI generations. 0 touchups. Thoughts?

>> No.6416909
File: 1.18 MB, 2000x2000, 024L20020_BGS6S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it would mean an emphasis on human emotions, something an AI can not replicate because all it does is imitate

>> No.6416912
File: 474 KB, 1280x1639, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows exactly how a movement will manifest, but a rebellious (some would say reactionary) movement against ai would likely involve a return to traditional mediums, imperfection, humanity, subjectivity, individuality, and nature—everything ai imagery is not.
I would keep painting.

>> No.6416920

Mind blowing these up, higher res? The problem I see with the 'better' ai images is that they look fine as thumbnails but still look like shit close up.
It usually makes them unsuitable for production (like a large poster or vinyl album cover). If you've ever seen an original piece of traditional art you know the magic is in the details. I'd swear most of these people who gush over ai imagery never stepped foot in an art museum or gallery (imagine that).

>> No.6416922
File: 1.78 MB, 1859x1026, vlcsnap-2017-02-22-18h36m05s155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts were generated by artificial intelligence (probably dalle chat bot). Do not fall for their tricks fellow Anons, we have been raided by Skynet.

>> No.6416927

contrary to the /g/shitter gaslighting, people who draw for a living actually do enjoy drawing

>> No.6416939
File: 1.77 MB, 1859x1026, vlcsnap-2017-02-22-18h35m50s979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not possible. If only...

>> No.6416948

ai chat bot who advocates for a movement against ai? based.

>> No.6417017

Based oldfag

>> No.6417069
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, FB_IMG_1671038147167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's detailed more than enough. Just need to fix minor details mainly in anatomy. Otherwise it's very appealing and soulful imaginery.

>> No.6417148

seems like ai struggles with perspective

>> No.6417168
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, FB_IMG_1671038151965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417175

How did it feel to make these images? How close are they to the images you had in mind?

>> No.6417178

gotta make sure to remove that signature

>> No.6417190

Kek, this is what will happen with women when artificial wombs are released. Less crying and more painting. If they cannot beat an AI at making true art, then they are not true artists.

>> No.6417321


>> No.6417448

I didn't make them. I tried to play with AI but I get bored erry time. You need to be a real npc autist to truly enjoy proompting.

>> No.6417454

What signature?

>> No.6417511

As if anyone with a neuron not to shit himself would like to be one.

Keep seething, AI is here to stay, you "artists" are a dime a dozen and you soon will be on suicide watch. kek,

>> No.6417514

this was meant for this

>> No.6417530


>> No.6417733
File: 342 KB, 512x512, 1671063511605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how artists parrot "Great artists steal" – until it bites them in the ass lol.

>> No.6417778

You should spend less time collecting le epic anime girl reaction pics and more time actually drawing, mikutranny. No one parrots that shit, stealing has been vilified both outside and inside of artist communities since forever and people have lost their jobs for it.

Oh no! Anyways.

>> No.6417823
File: 34 KB, 339x298, no replies 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an AI art or is this the AI art thread?
I have some questions regarding AI art.

>> No.6417918

It's on /g/

>> No.6418086


Good, FUCK drawfaggots from Artstation. Unoriginal bugmen and dumb skanks to the last, now the will be working at gas stations.


>> No.6418095 [DELETED] 


>> No.6418123
File: 75 KB, 141x90, monday-typing-monkey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the fa/g/ who even given something that could "tell" their stories it's always for some reason AI dick sucking and robo fetishism. They're the living embodiment of both monkey memes of typewriters and neuron activation

>> No.6418124

Who cares if their art was all WoW generic garbage. Them losing is also you losing. You are on the same boat as them, unless you are not artistic in any way.

>> No.6418577

You will die so better end yourself now.

>> No.6418596

>Why would I learn to cook when I can microwave prepared meals?
Even in your human fallibility you fail as a human. Once we abandon the things that made you human what will you be?

>> No.6418620
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human can't feel love anymore... :(

>> No.6418684

Thank you very much Anon ;)

>> No.6419054
File: 797 KB, 922x1262, 20likesonthealbum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's funny

>> No.6419059


This is the kind of shit we'll be seeing on arstation...

low quality trash...

>> No.6419891
File: 382 KB, 603x974, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6420323
File: 213 KB, 1565x1215, Screenshot 2022-12-15 at 20-28-11 ArtStation - Welcome to ArtStation!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to make an art station account. To better show my skills and express my creativity.

That's not how AI work buddy, there's no real time training happening.

>> No.6420366

There are coordinated efforts by both professional and amateur groups to make this site less usable or enjoyable out of a fear of hateful content or an opposition to some perceived ideological disagreement.

>> No.6420550

Hes mocking the image posted you retard

>> No.6420587

Seems like a good way to generate ideas or create some color roughs

What do you even use to make these? MJ?

>> No.6420815
File: 134 KB, 1170x984, 5 industrial revolutions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6421011

lmao that's such a retarded statement to make. AI go solve other issues first!!! stay away from art!!!!

You do realize this is not how the world works, right? Many people make AI projects for money in different fields, mainly field they have some experience in. If you are an artist or you have connections to the art world and want to make some AI business, you will probably do it in the art field. You can't pause 99% of the ai projects just because ai hasn't found cure for cancer yet HAHAHAHHA dumb faggots

>> No.6421026

what is a real job to you nigga. Because you sure don't actually like people being able to find work and y'all keep saying about people going be homeless or out of work. What does your AI even provide that the common person should even help fund it and even then from what it looked like it funded more free porn to the masses. So tax fun well spent IC
Last time I checked most health insurance didn't decrease so people don't like going to the hospital when they should at times. Prices are only increasing. We already have the internet for near infinite media already. What is it suppose to provide or problem solved

>> No.6421400
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, 1642544834086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be poorfag wog
>have massive inferiority complex because his shithole accomplished nothing
>cope with art because you can't produce anything meaningful
>for millennium these coping browns generate a mythos that they have value because of muh art
>a random pajeet using english invention #2835235, #874135 and #94813 kills your entire mythos and livelihood overnight
>still be absolutely seething months later

I don't think we've ever dabbed on a group so hard. It's especially lovely since artists are such a contemptible lot of freaks

>> No.6421410

i know you're all NEETs and quasiNEETs who don't understand how capitalism works, but maybe you've heard of GPT-3. The text equivalent of diffusion image generation algorithms.

That was bought by Microsoft. You may have heard of them. It's core to their entire strategy for the next decade+

This will not go away. It will be bought by Disney or similar (or they will develop their own in-house) and it will become your greatest nightmare.

Start finding real jobs.