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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 66 KB, 480x638, images - 2022-12-03T182223.824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414342 No.6414342 [Reply] [Original]

Is ai art even that good?

I've been trying to use midjourney and it can't even make the shit I want it to make.

>> No.6414345 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 656x552, ai artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6414363

It's for non-artists who just fish for anything that makes them go "oooo that looks good". Then they post online how the images are definitely what they had in mind.

>> No.6414433

Not really, it’s just for shills and wannabes who want the results of good art but lack the expressive thought and effort put into making even the shittiest art because they’re, again, shills and wannabes

>> No.6414462

AI art will never be on the same level as human art. Just the fact that all it does is smush different elements together with no real rhyme or reason means it will never convey interesting feelings or ideas. It can be pretty but nothing more than a shallow eye candy in essence.

Same principle applies to generic twitter artists though so no wonder they feel threatened.

>> No.6414473
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x1024, 9eae5988-b0ad-4cc9-bd45-2ce2a448cffa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how I feel about it after using it myself:
>3 to 5 minutes per 1024x1024 image on low end GPU
>10 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds per 1024x1024 image on med/high end GPU
>Generates bad/unusable results 50-95% of the time depending on the prompt you're using.
>Images have spaghettis fingers 99% of the time.
>There is ALWAYS something wrong with the image, it'll NEVER be perfect.
>Doesn't truly understand what its doing so it ends up making basic perspective errors and lighting/shadow errors that can be a bit harder to notice if you don't have a good eye, but you might notice that something is off.
>Normies view it as low quality/low effort cuz its been used to flood every fandom, drowning out genuine content in the process and its gradually being banned across multiple communities.
>Can't be copyrighted.
>Will be heavily regulated by the government for security reasons. China already passed new laws and more will follow.
It'll be a useful tool to install on our android waifu assistant bots in the distant future. But I won't use my waifu bot to print ai images, I'll just rootkit her and install a sexbot program.

>> No.6414864

I had a MJ subscription for 4 months. My conclusions:
>Not good for finished pieces.
>Have to experiment a lot to get good results.
>If you have a specific vision, best to draw it yourself.
>Sometimes it will surprise you with cool stuff, even better than you imagined, but again, takes a lot of experimentation to get there.
>"Prompt crafting" involves having a good knowledge of art styles, artists, techniques, describing in detail, etc. Since I'm into art history (took classes) and writing, I was pretty good at prompting. Still, the results are inconsistent.
>It's best used to create assets for future works. Think of it as a copyright free reference library. To me this is the most practical use of it for artists at this point.
After a while it just became a distraction from drawing, which is a better use of time. I also started to have ethical issues with it after learning more about it.
But on a purely practical level artists are screwing themselves over if they become dependent on it, best to develop your own style for branding purposes. And it's more efficient to communicate through drawing than leaning on an algorithm that spits out random imagery.

>> No.6414976

You understand that 90% of people's consumption of art is just "ooh that looks cool" and the 2deep4u toilet in a museum bullshit commentary is rejected by most.

>> No.6414987

AI can produce impressive renders and insane amount of details, but it will always lack control unless they overhaul how you do it. But the thing is, the more control you give to the user, the harder it gets and people will always prefere to simply generate a few hundred images and choose one that at least slighlty resembles what they initially wanted.

People are loving it so much because it's mostly used for random pinups and coon art, where following precise designs is less important than render quality.

>> No.6415056

>You understand that 90% of people's consumption of art is just "ooh that looks cool"
Really? Seems to be storytelling and characters to me. So many posts here are "popular x (webcomic, cartoon, etc.) looks basic, do I really need 5 years of grinding fundies to do this?"
>2deep4u toilet in a museum bullshit commentary is rejected by most.
Which is irrelevant, no one here is pushing for concept art (and ai art poses no threat to it).
Really, the markets most threatened by ai so far seem to be basic coomer shit and basic freelance illustrator jobs.

>> No.6415076

The definition of get a hobby

>> No.6415085

As has been noted by other artists, it's not useful to anyone who actually has a vision of what he wants to create as anything other than a reference maker, similar to google image search. It's mostly a toy for redditors, even normies tend to get bored of it after playing around with it for a few hours

>> No.6415207

That's because you need to be able to draw and draw over the AI art

>> No.6415216

it’s good at creating generically pretty images. It sucks if you want anything more than
>pretty anime girl in X style on scenic background

>> No.6415221
File: 201 KB, 900x1200, DAD994D9-5044-425A-9CAE-5373B4ADB7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I miss hot bitchs on magazines. Nothing like getting the mail and then out of nowhere being delighted to come across some junk car mag with an exotic smoke show on the cover.

With the internet’s overabundance, it’s all meaningless and oversaturated now. There is no special sexy time moment bc you inadvertently stumbled upon a cleavaged Jenifer Aniston photo from the 90s on the cover of an entertainment rag you saw in passing.

>> No.6415603

AI sisters... Do we really look like this?

>> No.6415617

It can't get my waifu right and she's not even from an obscure series. Fuck AI, it's overhyped.

>> No.6415619
File: 84 KB, 1080x457, AI faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI fags are either stupid or troll at this point

>> No.6415626
File: 10 KB, 824x149, aicel food analogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that flag combination
It's obviously a troll, come on now

>> No.6415733

Yes and no.

It can make impressive looking portraits and more static scenes, It's great for non artists and also for doing random stuff, it'll mostly surprise you than follow precisely your idea.

Like I said above, yeah, it seriously lack control over almost everything, there's img2img and it works better in SD2, but it simply cannot follow precise designs, only poses and somewhat composition.

>> No.6415760

Yeah, this is what happens when you need /s to detect sarcasm.

>> No.6415769

Why not get 3D model waifu assistant that has AI generated animations instead? She would act more lifelike that way.

>> No.6415931
File: 1.54 MB, 1400x1400, 1654141853612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you trying to make? I've seen pretty good things in a variety of styles

>> No.6416059

no and that's the point. it's literally only for redditors who like artstation pinups and landscapes
like if you try really fucking hard you might get something half worthwhile but overall you just get generic 美人s
a facetious but funny example is someone asking if ai could make a "mistakes into miracles" drawing and the answer is obviously no because that requires more than training through what hundreds of thousands of people have already drawn (hint: not mistakes into miracles)

>> No.6416277

better than the overpriced manchildren drawing doodles

>> No.6416303

>blurry jpeg quality pixel art

>> No.6416461
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x2560, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


skill issue
also you need to play to its strength
(literally took me 2mins to generate)

>> No.6416476

They all look like shit

>> No.6416481

>same boring pose
>not a single fucking hand

>> No.6416490


>> No.6416498

They all look like the generic pin up fanart the majority of the borderline nsfw artists do.
I'm curious to know if this has affected all those artists negatively because if it hasn't, i have more reasons to assume foul play.

>> No.6416502

we win ai sisters!

>> No.6416503

>I'm curious to know if this has affected all those artists negatively because if it hasn't
No, every single artist is getting more commissions lately and not less.

>> No.6416508

Did you make this up because you thought i was provoking or how do you know?
I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6416514

No, I'm serious.
After all this AI debacle pretty much every artist got a push.

>> No.6416517

Can you make me a few examples of a before and after?

>> No.6416522

Not really? Most artists I follow on Twitter are definitely running out of commissions very fast and even anons on this board are saying the same.

>> No.6417367

source: trust me bro

>> No.6417375

they aren't suppose to look good they are just a replacement for generic coomer work

>> No.6417392

That wouldn't have anything to do with the recession and mass layoffs right before the holidays now would it

>> No.6418051

Literally nobody is saying that other than pro AI concern trolls pretending to be artists.

>> No.6418060

when will you niggers learn that coomers are always going to pay for generic coomer shit. we have an endless trove of porn that could last anyone a lifetime. coomers will still pay

>> No.6418061

I will sit on the long chair with the white pillow. You get the chair with a tv on it, lol.

>> No.6418081

Generic highly rendered coomer art is a dime a dozen, even before AI. If you wanted to jack off to generic Samus porn, just Google it lol.
The AI shills don't realize that a lot of the money coming from commissions comes from people wanting *their* original characters. A lot of people also want to support the artist themselves, much like how some people will shop at a small mom-and-pop instead of Walmart even if it costs more.

>> No.6418105 [DELETED] 

>you need to play to its strengths, you see
>It's strength is that it is extremely generic

>> No.6418126

I thought artists would be the firsts to notice about the dangerous of limitless automation of creativity and intellectual jobs, but no, I guess we’re still stuck in this copyright talk and that’s all thanks to some childish arrogance, like “I’ll never fear a machine, I’m unreplaceable!”

This is no time for inflated egos, at least those that finally see the obvious should unite, it’s not about art, design, coding or whatever, it’s about realizing there’s no magical utopia ahead and a large portion of the population will simply become useless and have no ways to sustain themselves.

>> No.6418133

>dangerous of limitless automation of creativity and intellectual jobs
People have talked about the philosophical problems of AI art, as well as the dangers of automation and replacing employment. Just because it isn't being discussed atm doesn't mean it hasn't.

>> No.6418152

Not him, but It’s impossible to make a very specific character, respecting all their details and in a very specific pose, you know, the average thing artists always need to do.

AI art only works for a Patreon/Fanbox business model, where you upload whatever the hell you want, at best you let people choose from a list of famous character you know AI can do.

>> No.6418189

Going left to right, 1, 3 on the top and 2 and 4 have the exact same art style. Who's art was this really trained off of so I can give them a follow?

>> No.6418220
File: 612 KB, 1400x1400, 1670997259239325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I find interesting about ai images is that they look normal at first glance, yet the closer you look at it, the more strangeness you start noticing. It's like those "spot the difference" images, just with spotting generation errors instead.
>inb4 hurr it's gonna get better you just wait
That's not even my point, it's just the only thing I like about it and I wonder if others feel the same. Prompts that have been edited to hide any abnormalities are boring to me and I don't understand why prompters don't focus on the uniqueness of ai generation instead of trying their best to hide it.

>> No.6418232

what a waste of time redlining this shit. fucking go draw, we all know AI slop looks shit upclose

>> No.6418240

Anon did you even read my post, I do it because it's fun

>> No.6418292 [DELETED] 

>notice about the dangerous(sic) of limitless automation
We have
>copyright talk that's all thanks to some childish arrogance
Those two points don't even make a line, the copyright talk is because
1.)Artist's works, as well as countless photographs and other images under copyright being used by ML algorithms for commercial purposes, which there is grounds for dispute for, or else Stability AI wouldn't have pussed out and used only non copyrighted music to train its music generator.
2.)If it can be ruled that using copyrighted images in ML image generation, then they will be irrevocably crippled. Without the LAION dataset that it was trained on, SD is dead. You have to have absolutely ENORMOUS amounts of data to train these ML models on to get the results we have today, in fact the "advancements" we have had recently aren't because of a fundamental change in the design of ML models, it's merely because they were able to get their hands on stupid amounts of data to train on. Thus this is one, if not the most vital issue to focus on.
I mean, I'm not sure how you expect anyone to solve the issue of the AIpocalypse without actually, you know, stopping it somehow.

>> No.6418302

Pretty much if you use Stable Diffusion. Midjurney tries to be creative for you by secretly adding prompts on your images and searching actively for artefacts. Though as a result you have less control over the image output. It is both more pro artist as it is impossible to use for anything useful, but also anti artist as it is too independent and self reliant. You saw these posts online about people asking chatGPT to give them Midjurney prompts and they got really good results? Well, if you strap random word generator to midjurney, it ironically produces better results then human promoters. Everyone in this thread should try to make discord account and generate few pictures of what you want, and then pictures from random word generator. Don’t forget to include “—v 4” at the end. Prompters are unironically done. Also I am not shilling, you get like 25 pictures for free with new account, so you can just leech off of their servers for free.

>> No.6418309

Yes, AI is the antichrist, but people won’t listen. Plus there is very little you can do about it, you can’t fight it since if you won’t do it, somebody else will. OpenAI are enough of a moralfags to be closed source with most tech and wait months if not years until it releases the latest toy. Funnily enough, it is the small companies that are the biggest scumbags.

>> No.6418310

That’s a good point, but we cannot stop there since not all professions can rely on copyright protection to cripple AI. Professions like teachers, lawyers and countless others use knowledge that in public domain.

It’s important to talk about AI can improve and help instead of completely replace people, at least to keep a balance between new jobs opportunities and replacement. Also it is important to direct new generations of people in the right path…fuck, we still have lots of people just starting their careers being totally clueless about this shit.

>> No.6418351

We talked about this, we warned about this, we made books, movies and everything about this topic. The concept of a robot was invented numerous times, but most notably it was the invention of the word golem and the invention of the word robot, both predating any ideas about computers, and both revolve around the robots and golem killing their masters. Golem broke, got some error and started murdering people he was supposed to protect until he was broken into pieces and sealed away. Robots were made to replace human workers and once all workers were replaced, the robots turned on their masters and killed humanity. This is the origin of the word robot, a story about AI killing humanity before World War 2 started.

The reason why everyone now focuses more on the copyright part is because our modern world does not care about muh creativity protection. Artists are angry about AI only because they will lose source of income, this is the only argument that the AI opposition is willing to take, because why else would artists care about machines making art and stories for people? All the talk about importance of creativity is just cope and baseless arguments of talking out of the ass, all just excuses to keep their jobs. Oh, a hobby? Well you can do it too even if everyone on Earth already uses the AI for everything, after all the only reason people do art as hobby is because they like moving their hands in drawing motion, or not? These arguments were made so many times months ago. Now everyone already heard them and nobody cares about the philosophy behind why it is bad, so people moved on to proving that it actually just steals stuff and that it needs to be stopped by legal means. People are not ignorant about this. Even with copyright fucking this thing over it will just go back up, only instead of months it will take years. The automation of intellectual jobs is inevitable and unstoppable. Everyone knew it was bad idea from the start, it is already over.

>> No.6418369

You can’t have advanced AI and not replace most if not all humans. It’s like wanting to have developed coal-based economy and not have any smog. AI is program running on any computer that can do cognitive and informational tasks, but it also has very human design in its creation. Relying more on self thought probabilistic abstract connections instead of being line of code that is executed and has predictable outcomes. It is uniquely capable of doing any work human brain can do. Even the AI researchers themselves try to use it in just the good ways, but then stumble, make offshoot model like image generator from object recognition algorithm, and then the innovation suddenly drives itself. Steering the wheel in AI development is impossible, just some things will work and some won’t. Either way to not replace humans completely, you need to find them niche that machines can’t do. Until now the biggest niche was analysing information, decision making and creativity, all of which can be now replaced by AI.

>> No.6418379

My negros, just decide if you want to follow a career as an artist or keep it as a hobby. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a coomer artist with a somewhat fancy style and was glad enough keeping it as a hobby and sharing my art in a small circle of old friends because I hate social media and could give a fuck
less about clout. Made a twitter account after some insistence and posted my stuff and gathered a decent amount of followers through those years. But then this AI shit came to stay and I already got a bunch of "admirers" that are already feeding my stuff to try to copy my style with AI.
After some consideration, I just deleted my twitter and went back to share my art in a small circle of friends. I would rather have my stuff appreciated by a small group of people that actually give a shit about what I create, rather than being fawned over by a bunch of randoms that see my art
as something they are entitled to feed to their AIs so they can copy it and earn clout.
Just do whatever makes you happy and fuck those social media niggers.

>> No.6418387

because your prompts probably suck

>> No.6418398

New midjourney doesn't need complex prompts, the og proompters whine that it's too easy compared to the "good old days"

>> No.6418460 [DELETED] 

Like pottery, it chimes

>> No.6418464
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is this the thread?

>> No.6418467
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>toilet in a museum bullshit commentary is rejected by most
I didn't know art was conducted as a democracy
duchamp even made cover boy

>> No.6418473
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>> No.6418475

imagine paying to make soulless machine shit

>> No.6418478

The good old days are over. Would have been nice if we could have kept online communities intact even if the jerbs dried up, but entitled leeches must ruin everything. I used to like the idea of having an online portfolio in case something happened to my backups but oh well. Can't have anything nice.

>> No.6418497

Prove xem wrong

>> No.6418501
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>> No.6418506

its not like artists were coming up with new ideas anyway. Every home page of artstation and deviant art looks the same as it did 10 years ago

>> No.6418508
File: 160 KB, 423x597, 1564680505000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but muh human touch
>muh sovl
>muh expression

>> No.6418510

muh commission

>> No.6418512

just find some other cool thing you can do that people will recognize you for doing and have it involve ai. Stop trying to learn how to digital paint. It's a worthless and pointless skill now

>> No.6418514 [DELETED] 

Only post cropped samples to socials and share drawings with friends or people that pay for it. Screen your patrons and if they have anything pro ai in their own socials block or overcharge them.

>> No.6418521

Its the fact that dumbass fags like you and every shitter on Artstation think this is litetally the only Ai terminal that does this lmao

>> No.6418524

>I didn't know art was conducted by democracy
It always was, fag
Jewish elites don't dictate what art is
Neither do twitter trannies

>> No.6418526

just pick up a paint set and only sell at art fairs, grandpa

>> No.6418528
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1408, 01672-20221214233638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da joos
oh boy

>> No.6418531

>I do it because it's fun
Get a real job already

>> No.6418534 [DELETED] 

I’ll send you an invoice don’t worry. I get $3,000 and you’ll get a 15 minute sketch to do whatever you want with.

>> No.6418540
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>Muh intellectual art. You just don't get it!!!!
How very goy of you

>> No.6419731

>instead of having fun get a job and be miserable
what did he mean by this

>> No.6420453

So many people shitting on the art and saying its bad, meanwhile the AI art literally looks better than like 99% of what anyone here could ever fucking make lmao. Post your own real art that looks better than the AI "crap" . Theres a REASON it won awards when people weren't looking out for AI signs.

Do you go to the mom and pops store for your groceries? Because the overwhelming majority of americans absolutely do not, 99% of americans go to a handful of maybe a dozen different massive supermarket chains, and the products they buy from those supermarkets are owned by roughtly a dozen companies. -Worst analogy ever, congrats.

AI is just as good, arguably better, at including new unique charaters into its design, thats actually one of its strengths.

I don't see how any of these anti AI arguments are anything but retarded copes. normal art is not perfect, and just by looking through any art group or website with a very critical lens you will find things that are weird or things that you dont like about their art. If making AI art is a waste of time then making real art is an even bigger one.

>> No.6420467

you sound upset. be happy, friendo.

>> No.6420881
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>> No.6422835

>reddit spacing
>all that cope

>> No.6422853


>> No.6422868
File: 596 KB, 512x512, AzxuqMosZS4oAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's mistakes but this was in a single pass. If cared to actually adjust the raw output it'd look better.

But I don't wanna waste my time and energy on that instead of drawing

>> No.6422878
File: 571 KB, 512x512, 2Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one, completely different styling and subject matter

>> No.6422892
File: 86 KB, 564x1128, RandomVtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After seeing your vast portifolio of AI Art, a client suddenly e-mails you asking you to draw this character (pic related), sitting on a vintage sofa with crossed legs and holding a cup of tea. Also asks that you respect her design and don't make arbitrary modifications.

Most AI users simply prompt AI with a general idea, not an actual visual of what they want, so it's not that hard to end up accepting a result that looks good, just because it looks good, but when you have a very specific purpose to follow, AI becomes hard to work with.

>> No.6422896
File: 56 KB, 293x390, master prompter here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art reminds me of this genre of kids books.

>> No.6422900

>hen you have a very specific purpose to follow, AI becomes hard to work with.
watch out, they gonna hit you with the 2 weeks for pointing this out...

>> No.6422907

Yea even relatively simple designs can be difficult to wrangle the AI into getting right, and trying for more than one pic means they're rarely consistent from image to image. Complicated anime bullshit is basically impossible.

But to be honest if a client came to me with something that complicated, and wanted it pretty exact, that's where the extra charges come in. It's the weeb version of "ensure every tiger stripe is positioned EXACTLY in the right place"

>> No.6422923
File: 213 KB, 580x560, pika_smoothie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a while ago, i created a little challenge for people on here to make a pikachu wearing a cute apron + serving a smoothie, and there wasn't really anything that acutally looked like you could use it as, say, a commission you give to someone.
all that despite the vast abundance of pikachu images on the net...
2 more weeks etc, etc

>> No.6422932

The joy of prompting

>> No.6422956

The criticism on the floating island one aren't valid. The others are.

>> No.6422958

I dont like the implications of ai art, but that should be possible

>> No.6422961

Where did you get this from? Can i see the uncropped version/?

>> No.6422998

Yes, it is, but it's less art to me and more "I want to see this particular anime character naked and with breasts the size of her torso"
Like Koikatsu but randomized and with no sex

>> No.6423007

This, it's easy to say "pretty animu girl", get a result that looks nice, and then claim that it was totally what you wanted to make. Even with really long and specific prompts, the level of control you have vs designing every part of the image yourself is simply not there.

>> No.6423012

I've tried to use dall-e and midjourney, all the art comes out looking dog-shit OR the same stylized airbrushy painting look.

>> No.6424062



>> No.6424166
File: 1.24 MB, 879x1164, sw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artcels on suicide watch

>> No.6424204

>The reason why everyone now focuses more on the copyright part is because our modern world does not care about muh creativity protection. Artists are angry about AI only because they will lose source of income, this is the only argument that the AI opposition is willing to take
Do people really do this? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Not just lies, but easily dispelled lies.

Tell me Anon, how many concept artists and illustrators are as rich and famous as even a tech start-up CEO? I can assure you, the number can be counted on your hand.

>> No.6424223

>a tech start-up CEO? I can assure you, the number can be counted on your hand.
So could famous tech start-up CEOs? Zuck? idk
and they usually start rich from family/family connection angel investors.

>> No.6427325
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 1654654658648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you strap random word generator to midjurney, it ironically produces better results then human promoters.
So this basically means..


>> No.6427333


>> No.6427387

YOU post your work.

>> No.6427517

Cool, now try to get it to draw them getting fucked, and not by a disembodied cock or with her own genitalia having fucked up anatomy. Hint: you can't, shit's damn near impossible. I was horny and I spent like an hour trying and eventually gave up and went to rule34.xxx... where I have also had to add "ai generated" to my blacklisted tags next to such venerable items as "animal genitalia", "furry", "dark-skinned male", "scat", etc., because r34 is starting to get flooded by shitty broken-anatomy ai art too.

Believe me, I wanted it to work. I was all hyped up to be able to get the perfect images that hit all my fetishes just right and never have to spend ages trawling page after page looking for stuff. It doesn't work.

>> No.6427938
File: 968 KB, 768x768, 00019-4140706776-masterpiece, a gradual uncovering of man in a sea of emptiness, surrounded by mountains, Painting by René Magritte, (ultra-detai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this le art

>> No.6427999

This absolutely not true as a coomer.

>> No.6428006

Hands, arms and clothing textures are all fucked up

>> No.6429044

> now draw them getting fucked
> cuck

>> No.6429047

Yeah. I cut/paper-dolled it in photoshop, gave her extra fingers, used a ripple filter on top. AI had no role in the creation of that masterpiece.

>> No.6429071

99% of people are not looking a rouge the bat inflation porn to get off 3 times a day. I don't understand you retards that are subsumed in nsfw art thinking everyone else is super into that shit.

>> No.6429186

>the 2deep4u toilet in a museum bullshit commentary is rejected by most.
it's rejected by most artists as well. we are looking at the art itself in detail and relating it to what we know. i think art commentary would be a lot better if you had actual skilled artists participating.

>> No.6429197

It just isn't. As a coomer my anecdotal experience says I can't coom to AI-art. There's no soul behind it, this is especially important for fetishes that need a psychological context.

>> No.6429205

I know a promoter from an older DnD campaign me and my buddies were in who spends 8-9 hours a day generating non-stop
When we pointed out he could spend half that time each day just learning to draw he blocked us all and went on twitter to say that ai promoters were the new Jews, realized what he wrote and deleted it just before we got screenshots.