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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 723 KB, 1764x2638, food_analogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6411768 No.6411768 [Reply] [Original]

>food analogy

>> No.6411776

based comic

>> No.6411783

jesus christ people are just retarded. that's really it isnt it? people are just fucking dumb and dont care to learn at all just parrot COMMON SENTIMENT. am i autistic? am i smarter than most people? if thats not it then please god explain why everyone around me is so FUCKING STUPID. this isnt even 16 year old teen angst, i got through that a long time ago, adults are just as fucking braindead as the 16 year olds who make comics like that. Does it get better? do i need to make more money to get access to the social spheres in which people actually TRY to fucking think? im losing my mind

>> No.6411786

shut up bitch

>> No.6411788


>> No.6411789

not an argument

>> No.6411791


>> No.6411794

as someone who eats the whole cake in one, 8 different flavours together is horrible

>> No.6411803

good comic

>> No.6411805

hes right, instant cakes are the future. eat shit bakers

>> No.6411811

go back

>> No.6411813
File: 38 KB, 640x635, 1616335243091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or the only people afraid of AI are amateur beg tier artists and one or two left leaning concept artists from the industry?

>> No.6411818

Before alarm clocks became widespread use there was a profession known as knocker-ups who basically went around knocking on people's windows and doors to wake them up. Can u guess what happened to them? Tick Tock grandpa

>> No.6411819

I'm right.

If you think that comic holds ANY water whatsoever you know nothing about AI, drawing, the psychology of creativity, how to form an accurate analogy, AND THE LIST GOES ON
it's bad on every level. And almost every fucking coherent thought that the twitter/4chan drones try to put together is of similar quality

>> No.6411823

Just you, /beg/.

>> No.6411828

>female hands typed this

>> No.6411832

>seething no-draw shitter
Go back

>> No.6411834

up your prescription amigo

>> No.6411835

I don't see you posting any drawings to call anyone beg, beg.

>> No.6411837

the thing is that im not wrong though.

>> No.6411839

what is your point and why are you right

>> No.6411841

this is what im talking about, you read my posts then responded to me and then asked "whats your point"

thats my point. why didnt you retain and process that fucking information?

>> No.6411843

> Is it just me or the only people afraid of AI are amateur beg tier artists
The irony, now dilate you talentless perma/beg/.

>> No.6411844

explain it then. enlighten us retards how the datasets work....

>> No.6411847

the SCP has breached containment MOOOOOODS GET HIM

>> No.6411851

Beg tier artists and writers love AI.

>> No.6411852
File: 3.61 MB, 2294x1619, Ikariwarriors11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Just you, /beg/."
>"seething no-draw shitter"
Here you go, now suck my wee wee, only hacks and weak willed people are afraid of AI.

>> No.6411855

Correct >>6411364 and this retard >>6411813 is one of them

>> No.6411859

it's not about the datasets and training there is no good arguement against AI art, if you are afraid of being replaced then you are replaceable. originality and deliberate design is eternally valuable, people have been derivative for thousands of years nothing is new. idiot luddites will get laws instantiated because of media panic amplification just like every other faggot fad. a small percentage of true creative out of the box thinkers will use it like the tool that it is to great success and the rest of the sheep will follow a year or two later then the next big scawwy computer trend will come along repeat ad infinitum

also its not my job to teach you about modules and supervised weights fucker use google

>> No.6411860

before dildos there were people who were called fucker-ups who came to put their foot in your ass

>> No.6411861
File: 2.59 MB, 2150x1209, RoundTable1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assumed I was one of those AI prompters right? You are wrong.

>> No.6411863 [DELETED] 

You aren't you are an autistic techfag retard whos convinced yourself that your motivated reasoning and technofetishism are fact no artist agrees with you and no ai researcher without a profit motive agrees with you the only ones who seem to actually agree with you are faceless plebittors and fa/g/s who could just as easily be bots do everyone a favor and stfu or better yet kill yourself

>> No.6411865

i'm still not convinced that ai is the one to one replacement for artists that shills and doomers make it out to be.

>> No.6411872

another great example of a fucking NOTHING post

>you are an autistic techfag retard
>motivated reasoning and technofetishism
>no artist agrees with yo
i agree with me and others i have talked to
>no ai researcher without a profit motive agrees with you
just wrong and baseless again
> the only ones who seem to actually agree with you are faceless plebittors and fa/g/s who could just as easily be bots do everyone a favor and stfu or better yet kill yourself
malicious associative fallacy and capped with an insult

you just fucking didnt say anything besides "im mad"
zero substance. do you understand my perspective now? I understand its gay to break down someones post like that but i needed to to demonstrate that people just say NOTHING and use a paragraph to do it

>> No.6411877

Your parents never loved you.
You will never have a skill.
You will always be poor.

>> No.6411878
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x1408, 00254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats true as a true creative out of the box thinker i use stable diffusion to generate giant asscheeks however if i'd want to make something more meaningful i'd probably make it myself

>> No.6411879

Because it fucking isn't, people were malding over crypto 8 years ago, people were malding over NFT's a year ago, they are now malding because of AI, but guess what, that shit is going down the drain, because when everyone is super no one really is, and there is no incentive, it gets forgotten.
It just happens that artists, specially the digital ones, are crybabies raised by cartoons and anime, they are fucking infants outside of a canvas and they'll get afraid at anything that could potentially crumble the only thing they are good at, anything that could pop their cute little bubble where they draw their oc's and whatever.
If the artists get replaced by AI on a commercial level anyhow, then you'll have to promote yourself as some sort of luxury option when the skill starts fading away because everyone will be turned down to try and learn the skill, similar to what happens with actual skilled traditional painters nowadays, who sell their stuff at 3k max. Artists will have to start doing some marketing diplomates.

>> No.6411881

>at 3k max
kek, it's one of those poorfags who was seething about that gook who turned down Epic's offer.

>> No.6411882

genuinely pathetic attempt at hurting my feelings


>> No.6411884
File: 157 KB, 298x1012, the cake is automatic now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the message of this comic?
>waaah me poor artists pls laik n scubadive oh poor me
while simultaneously ripping off the concept of the art cake
the food analogy isn't the worst aspect
it's the irony in stating that the AI is bad because it steals while stealing himself and making him the victim of his own fantasy for the sake of virtue signaling and approval from other delusional narcissists.

>> No.6411886
File: 94 KB, 583x570, a food analogy to a californian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you prob never work at a restaurant or food before

>> No.6411887

Your parents never loved you.
You will never have a skill.
You will always be poor.

>> No.6411889

i am wealthy from crypto, live with my parents, and have multiple skills.
but if you keep saying it then it must be true. Hey, why not post your art when you copy paste that message for a third time. we can compare.

>> No.6411891

You're right that was the gayest thing I've seen all day I had my fill of debating this shit weeks ago and considering the arguments haven't changed I don't care to now but your post can be summed up as
Which isn't actually a fucking argument but like i said you're retarded and your reasoning/motives are already compromised so you aren't actually looking to be convinced of anything you just want to chat shit whereas i just want you to kill yourself if you want "substance" look on desu or something I'm not interested in talking to a wall

>> No.6411892

> wealthy from crypto, live with my parents, and have multiple skills.
Hello turdworld shitter

>> No.6411895

Your parents never loved you.
You will never have a skill.
You will always be poor.

>> No.6411898 [DELETED] 

Computerfag here. This was inevitable, since the conception of the computer it had been a device that takes in data and outputs data. If you believe in determinism, you'd know that the human brain is no different, simply a set of very complex connections that take input and process data. It follows that a computer might, someday, be able to do everything that a human brain could do, besides think for itself, basically anything that involves any data, a computer can do. Art is simply taking new input data (techniques, etc) and producing new output data with some intent. It only makes sense that a complex enough computer would be capable of this. I don't like it either, coding is getting replaced and so is writing. This all being said, you artfags meed to learn a real skill. Go learn to weld you lazy retards.

>> No.6411899

>"no" isn't a valid rebuttal to me just insulting you over and over

yes you running away from your own retarded post is taking the high ground. moron

America, white upperclass neighborhood close to DC

>> No.6411901

give a true creative out of the box use case for AI-generators plox

>> No.6411906

I'm 94th percentile Openness, I doubt I'd be able to. And if i could i would monetize it immediately instead of share on 4chan

>> No.6411910

Holy fuck considering you even acknowledge i didn't just insult you in that reply idk what the fuck youre on about seriously these are the type of fags who try to debate online dog brained dullards I guess its hard to maintain coherence when you ignore half the shit anyone says to you fucking idiot seriously kill yourself

>> No.6411911

I'm waiting dumb asses, big talk to call me a beg no-draw retard and then disappear after I posted work.

>> No.6411913

so your first incentive as an artist is to garner as much profit as possible

>> No.6411915

>I didnt insult you fag dog brained dullard fucking idiot kill yourself

he said, sweating and shaking at his keyboard

>> No.6411917

why are you trying to pick a fight for no reason

>> No.6411918

Is this AI software becoming commercially available the equivalent of Trump winning the election?

The amount of seethe and hysteria surrounding it is genuinely so retarded.

>> No.6411920


>> No.6411921

Do you understand the use of "just" in a sentence? Esl moron

>> No.6411927
File: 1.81 MB, 1408x1408, 00255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i'm so kind i'll share some of my genius: generate a bunch of shitty coomer bait that revolves around a theme that refreshes every month for a subscription, i'll give you 50% market share since you seem lucrative on the matter

>> No.6411929

yeah everything that wasnt an insult was "the only people who agree with you are stupid"

youre throwing a tantrum. your little dick hard from being angry online?

>> No.6411930

that's literally everyone's first idea. Is that you Frank?

>> No.6411932

Was thinking that it's really funny that AIcucks use the term luddite with such disdain but wish for basic universal income in the same breath
The entitlement and hypocrisy at play is surreal

>> No.6411933

that's literally a strawman that you made up to feel good

>> No.6411935

The fuck? How am I suppose to take this? You assumed I'm that guy? or that "he wuz shaking and sweating while typing hehe" is supposed to be a gatcha moment?

>> No.6411936

I don't get it.
stealing designs?

>> No.6411938

now you're claiming my genius as your own. shows what kind of artist you are, being deceitful, selfish, greedy, a dastard kniving shapeshifter and a liar. ngmi. ai art is a meme.

>> No.6411943

Top Kek
What are you going on about keep it together I didn't say people who agree with you are stupid I said they have motives for pushing the "ai" that come before any other considerations and that people without those motives even those who work in the field disagree with you which imo is a fairly reasonable thing to say considering the many legal grey areas and law skirting companies like openai used in the creation and use of their datasets seethe harder though its fun to see pajeets squirm

>> No.6411950

> the only ones who seem to actually agree with you are faceless plebittors and fa/g/s who could just as easily be bots

you...know that i can scroll up to read old posts?

> they have motives for pushing the "ai" that come before any other considerations and that people without those motives even those who work in the field disagree with you which imo

oh so the only people who agree with me are stupid AND bad faith actors
wow my whole worldview is changed

>> No.6411958

look man im not going to waste my time with you anymore, i get it you can only release your impotent anger online and you want to fight.

>kill yourself kill yourself waaaahh

really conducting yourself like an adult and not a snide shithead teenager, theres no reason for me to waste more time engaging with you bye. consider that a "win" if you need to in order to cum

>> No.6411960

>bake a cake
>someone makes a machine that bakes a cake similar to mine

>> No.6411964

>the cake in question

>> No.6411970

Restates what ive said as if hes made a point are you gonna actually you know disprove anything or are you just gonna continue to mald yes ai is being pushed by "bad faith actors" your words which is undeniable
This is peak aifag
>no actual argument or even point
>you're being to mean
Just pointless chatter a bunch of popsic dunning-krugers

>> No.6411975
File: 124 KB, 1000x957, 4211244212414214215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to