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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 122 KB, 1200x670, FjUupGnWQAEFdEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6405815 No.6405815 [Reply] [Original]


>>wagie wagie, get in your cagie

why are artists the most disrespected demographic ever?

>> No.6405821

Are the artists unable to say no? It's just a business offer.

>> No.6405831
File: 19 KB, 591x195, mindbroken japanese animator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image title

>> No.6405843

makes sense. Book covers with full right hand over are 10k+, and that is just book publisher money. EPIC can afford that at least.

>> No.6405845

they can afford to pay artists a million dollars per piece, what's your point?
that they must because they can? fuck off commie

>> No.6405848

retard nodraw kys. They ought to because the price of an illustration has not kept up with inflation.

>> No.6405850

I agree with this. Turn it down and move on.
The big issue is rights. $3k for an illustration isn't bad at all, but for selling the rights away to a piece meant to be commercialized, not a good deal at all. People with no business knowledge don't know there's a big difference between drawing your neighbor's dog so they can hang it in their bedroom, and being commissioned to make a drawing of a dog which will be included as part of a commercialized product.
Oy vey.

>> No.6405852
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people paid far more than this for much less work.
I will never get why people get all butthurt when artists get paid.

>> No.6405858 [DELETED] 

Yeah, reminds me of the guy who made the Nike logo, and the creator of the twilight book cover. I think they eventually got more money after kicking up a fuss about it... so kick up a fuss artists! get payed!

>> No.6405870

Artists have trained the world to treat them like cucks. They give away their work for free, undercharge for commissions, freely train their eventual competition, give away free advice to other artists, and so on and so forth. People can bitch all they want about conceited artfags or whatever the fuck, but a lot of passionate artists tend to be good people who enjoy making people happy, and that makes them ripe for getting fucked over.

>> No.6405883

>jogger throws a ball around on a field before beating his wife and racing a white woman or committing some other crime
Yes that man should be paid millions; I, the average consoomer, am OK with this. In fact I'm happy about it.
>normal person living a quiet life gets paid a couple thousand dollars for drawing one image which will be used by a company for profit
NOOO that's heckin' highway robbery, art should be free!! How dare you gatekeep creation!

>> No.6405896

The amount of money an entity makes doesn't mean you get to have more of the pie, you gookoid braincel.

>> No.6405902

Here's your good goy point for the day. Shalom

>> No.6405917

Yeah, it does. Stay poor then. Negotiate based on how much they are going to use the work, the reach etc. charge for additional print runs. handing over full rights is a whole 'nother thing. she could spend the time it takes to do the illustration for Epic, doing her own prints and make more in the long run than taking 3k from epic with no right to sell prints.

>> No.6405936

You have a special kind of mental problem, third worlder-kun.

>> No.6405946

faggot retard

>> No.6405950

Yeah fuck artists. Give more Training to AI.

>> No.6405961

Uh huh, interesting. Tell me more about these third worlders, are they in the room with you right now, anon?

>> No.6406019

how much did he expect?
its just a fucking picture of a character

>> No.6406024
File: 177 KB, 640x513, 648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kinda cute

>> No.6406029

$3k for illustration isnt so much the issue usually. It's about the rights. But corpos damn well going to make way more out of that.You're probably better off taking a freelancing for a designing a gacha waifu.

Same thing for the book and comic industry and other creative IPs. Ever since JK Rowling's HP got big many publishers sure as fuck not want to miss out on the next cash cows.

>> No.6406032

The race to the bottom crabs that is a small but persistent demographic of this board. Encouraging other artists to charge less should be a bannable offense. This board has some good advice for learning fundamentals but when it comes to pricing anons should look elsewhere.

>> No.6406036
File: 263 KB, 1080x1350, 1636965310318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she could've established a work relationship with Epic and got a steady line of work instead she burned a bridge for twitter clout. GG nigger

>> No.6406040
File: 9 KB, 249x236, 1522345041191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the 3rd world nigger itt not understanding how lowballed she got
You actual permabeg nodraws
We're not talking about some idiot buying a furry smut illustration here, when you're dealing with a big company like Epic Games or Fargo and if they want to BUY THE RIGHTS TO YOUR ILLUSTRATION that can potentially bring you way way more than 3k over years with print selling and merchandising you HAVE to bargain for more, 3k is ridiculously low for a job of this profile. It's not even about being an artist, you're just dog fucking shit at business if you don't understand that
Value your data and your rights more you subhuman bug eaters

>> No.6406050

Just say no LOL

>> No.6406054

Can I get the job?

>> No.6406076

So many of you have never made any money it seems lmao, given most freelancing artists only get to keep 50% of their earnings after taxes n shit you're left with 1.5k for a months work, plus you give up ownership like others have stated so you're barely scraping by if you live in any civilised country

>> No.6406089
File: 120 KB, 782x1024, 79931b2a86241dba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd actually have to draw to get the job.

>> No.6406111

I only want to pay $1 for a ribeye steak. So what? I'm eating beans tonight. Supply and demand determine price and if the supplier is willing to get $3K and the buyer is willing to pay it, that's the market.

>> No.6406140
File: 92 KB, 1367x211, Screenshot_20221207_081246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you learn to draw faster, kids.
I don't understand why this is even an article, but not surprising since it's kotaku.
>company offers money for thing
>person that makes thing said nah

>> No.6406163

>rich company offers basically a pittance for a relatively big project
>wants to keep 99,999% of profit of the picture to themselves
>artist points out this is a bad deal

not sure why so many people are ok with this race to the bottom where working as a slave for a company who only reaps 100% profit from you without giving a single thing back for your work and your life is considered an ideal, desired state, and asking for any renumeration beyond barely being able to sustain a pathetic kind of existence in exchange for your hard work gets treated as "stepping out of line". many such cases. sad!

>> No.6406178

you forgot the part where they were only offering 1/5th of the regular rate

>> No.6406180

>relatively big
I'd be extremely shocked if it was anything big. It was most likely just loading screen art that there are hundreds of in the game that no one spends money on.
My point was this shouldn't have been a shitstorm or even made news anywhere. A company lowballed an artist for IP rights, the artist said no. Move the fuck on.

>> No.6406199

i'm not even invested in this case in particular, but i do think it is quite useful for everyone to at least keep companies aware that they will face social backlash for underpaying the people they employ. this is something everyone who does any work profits from.

how they use the work is their thing, but if i got it right, they insisted on wanting all rights on it, including stuff like merch, posters, social media/ real life ads, etc. and that alone indicates more than just a loading screen (and must be separately paid for!), and more importantly, is very much a typical step in the negotiation process between freelancer and client where companies regularly attempt to fuck illustrators/designers or any other type of creative over. people are upset because it's a general problem, not necessarily this specific case. it getting coverage is just a way to talk about this general problem, at least that's the way i see it.

>> No.6406204

>they insisted on wanting all rights on it, including stuff like merch, posters, social media/ real life ads, etc.
They wanted full rights to the piece, which they probably get with literally every piece of artwork they buy. It doesn't imply that they're going to be making merchandise out of it, just that they can if they want to.

>> No.6406235

yep, but that's the thing in the industry: you have to pay for full rights separately because they constitute different use cases. this is normal because, say, a local little bakery that wants a simple character drawing of a pretzel character to put up as advertising next to their entrance is not the same as a multibillon-dollar company wanting a mascot character they will use for 1000 things.
if they want their 3k price tag, all they have to do is take the rights for only the loading screen, then buy more rights later on if they really need it. shouldn't be a big deal then. and again - this is pretty much standard procedure with this kind of job. but considering they want the complete package, it is a bad price and can be admitted as such.

after all, you don't want to buy a car with air conditioning, leather seats, an inbuilt navigation and parking system and automatically opening doors for the price of a car without those features under the excuse of "well, i'm probably not gonna use them anyway so i should get them for free with the car! actually, i might use them later at some point or something?" if you want to use something at some point, you still have to pay for it.
this is why commissioner and artist negotiate these kinds of things beforehand. this is why even things like stock photos have different pricing depending on the license, as in, what you want to use the stock material for and how often, how big your intended audience is, etc...

so yeah, the case is not special or new, but these kinds of attempted scams do deserve to be addressed.

>> No.6406255

3k for a single illustration? even old masters worked for less doing portraits after material costs

>> No.6406261

Rights is the problem, not the illustration itself.

>> No.6406265

are you saying most people working for big companies should be getting 12k/month since most employees are creating products to be used by the big company? do you realize there will be people willing to work for much less than 12k and that is not really feasible?

>> No.6406281
File: 481 KB, 1000x1374, 1670430919314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the person's art. Its goyslop that could be AI generated for the price of $0.

>> No.6406285

You are joking right? Why would a game company want corporate art?

>> No.6406287

Fortnite is the corporate art of games

>> No.6406331

>steady line of work with a company which has found they can lowball her out of the gate, then continue to do so with each successive commission
I give the woman credit, at least she shot down the offer preemptively unlike the actresses who take whatever's offered to them then batch after the fact about not getting paid enough.
That is, assuming she's honest and it isn't just her fudging the real details of the proposal in her favor.

>> No.6406344

Third worlders are the type to undercut everyone else and sell their work for a bowl of rice and beans. I'm not sure what you were supposed to mean by this post, frankly.

>> No.6406347

it's a single commission, she's not employed, it's not a monthly wage.
re: people should always be paid the absolute bare minimum possible and everyone else should adjust their price down until infinity, read >>6406163
again, not even specifically about this case, this is just generally companies trying to lowball everyone for everything.

>> No.6406349

Pot Calling The China Cup Black: The Post™

>> No.6406351

I would accept that $3k, let's talk, Epic.

>> No.6406354

It is not, it's basically cartoon art style.

>> No.6406366

It's actually infuriating how many actual niggers there are on this board that think that $3k for getting ALL RIGHTS FOREVER for the work- in other words, they can make merchandise and profit off of it however they want until the end of time- is actually a fair trade. They just see "$3,000" and go
If you can net commissions from a big company, that means you're a trained professional, you morons. You're a relatively rare resource. You're not some soup brained wagie doing repetitive motions for hours at an assembly line, you're an *artisan*. START ACTING LIKE IT INSTEAD OF TURNING TRICKS FOR BEANS YOU RETARDS

>> No.6406368

A lot of the rage you see about coommission artists starts to make more sense when you realize a lot of it is coming from people who live in countries where 50 USD a week is a living wage

>> No.6406376

>anons unironically siding with corporations

as expected from pajeets

>> No.6406384
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, 1546036539198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may have had a point maybe ten years ago when good draftsmanship was more scarce but now everyone and their dog is doing a form of visual arts you can find someone reputable off fiver and get the same results done for less than a fraction of a fraction of what you believe to be the bare minimum. I wouldn't be surprised if we're soon going to see independent artists offer big name companies money for the opportunity to provide an illustration just so the artist can get their name out there - that's right I believe you're going to need to pay them instead of being paid especially now with what the.Ai enables a literally who to pr0mpt and do a quick paint over to get a cinematic tier illustration.

>> No.6406387

you're cucked as fuck and probably never sold any drawings in your life

>> No.6406389

That’s so disgusting, especially because it’s exactly where we are going and not only with art.

In the long run, AI will prove to be the best thing ever, but only for big corps.

>> No.6406391

>independent artists offer big name companies money for the opportunity to provide an illustration just so the artist can get their name out there
>an illustrator paying a company to gain recognition in a field where... the top tier illustrators are paying companies to use their work?
>paying money to "make it" in a field where the precedent is now paying money to others for the privilege of having their art used
Hopefully not even thirdworlders are that dumb.

>> No.6406393
File: 481 KB, 1368x1610, The absolute state of stable diffusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing new. "Do it for the exposure" has been a meme for longer than I can remember. It still doesn't make it right. They shouldn't be doing any of those things to begin with.
>muh AI
Stable Diffusion is a meme machine that randomly photobashes stuff from its dataset. I'm not even joking, see picrelated. It's not even remotely the magic wish granting genie that you think it is. It is for all intents and purposes almost completely useless for actual design work of any caliber. If you were going to photobash or trace you'd just be better off doing it by hand. I don't see this really changing until the actual design of image generation software is fundamentally reworked; a program randomly pushing pixels around on a grid based on a brute force approach of probability applied to massive xbawxhueg datasets of shit they stole from other people does not compete with human artists' ability to perceive in three dimensions, create work with actual intent and design, and also do so without stepping on any copyright landmines.

>> No.6406401

Have you not observed how attention hungry people have gotten as of late? There are sweatshops in third world countries that have shelves full of devices and cellphones dedicated to artificially boost views, and thumbs up content that other people pay them so they can have 15 minutes on the front page of plebbit. Nothing is genuine anymore and the content you see is all being suggested to you that the person who accomplished first, second or third place got there through their own merit when in fact it's like paying lobbyists to make things happen.

>> No.6406409 [DELETED] 

>they can afford to pay artists a million dollars per piece, what's your point?
Sure, and I could afford to pay $200 for a Big Mac, but why the hell would I when I can it much cheaper?

>> No.6406415

Sure, but those are tactics that those employing them believe will help boost attention to their moneymaking endeavors. If the "end goal" of art is "making it" by way of selling your art to the masses, why would you contribute to a system that makes the "end goal" itself something that YOU pay for, and not something which pays you? Only the easily duped would fall for something so obvious, but hey, there are a bunch of dumbasses who can't think 5 minutes into the future.

>> No.6406417

Racism is exactly why I don’t give a fuck about twitter “artists” like you getting paid peanuts.

>> No.6406418

You're not a real artist if you're not cutting your ears, eating paint and failing to sell your work at $30 a piece

>> No.6406420
File: 1.44 MB, 750x973, Screen+Shot+2022-06-06+at+1.44.42+PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a good representation of their work. Deb is more known for this type of stuff.

>> No.6406421

>If you were going to photobash or trace you'd just be better off doing it by hand
Do it then, you can't and neither 99% of the human population can

>> No.6406423

You fail to see the reasoning behind paying a big name corp/game studio to plaster your name as one of the contributors to a new game. Exposure is becoming a form of commodity and an asset online, with that being said you may also add the fact that you were part of a team of big wigs in your portfolio. People naturally have this herd mentality where they gravitate to the content with the most views, the most likes, and the most talked about and that's where you begin to capitalize from every thousand that interacts with your blog maybe one or two will buy you a coffee.

>> No.6406424

You know Epic probably just DM'd some other artist immediately after the offer was turned down, right? There's no shortage of desperate artists on Twitter.

>> No.6406427

> almost completely useless for actual design work
People focus too much in the hands problem, like it’s such a big deal, but the absolute lack of control is its main weakness.

It’s not viable to simply push gen button and hope for the best. You can’t also make it follow precise details unless you extensively train it.

Despite that, I think it will still fuck many independent artists, there are many who used to commission artists that simply won’t mind to have a more random image as long as it looks somewhat good and is free.

>> No.6406437
File: 1.42 MB, 1007x865, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just one of 10000 loadingscreens they do for fun, that you usually get for free ingame doing nothing. they dont profit from it, theres no reason for it to be priced more than 3K, its made for fun. what honestly shouldnt take a whole month to paint, i'd say paint the price youre getting paid and dont complain. Theyre not designing the next chapter promotional art or anything grand.

>> No.6406442

You don't want bipoc woc lgbtqa artists to get paid because of a retard on ic?

>> No.6406445

>theres no reason for it to be priced more than 3K
She also wanted publishing rights to sell prints or merch of the art she made for them, etc but they refused

>> No.6406449

>paint the price youre getting paid
Good advice. It's hilarious when people offer 50 dollars a drawing and expect you to put a hundred hours into each one.

>> No.6406450
File: 28 KB, 499x500, 4789312471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they get no money from this
>they do it for fun
>its made for fun
what the fuck am I even reading, if you have no idea what you're talking about then shut the fuck up, there wouldn't be a single loading screen if it were made >>>>le just for fun
It's a business they're running, the reason pictures like these exist at all is because someone in the production team judged that they needed to make them more appealing to improve the game experience as a whole, no people don't directly pay for it but it's still part of a product that is highly valued
I'm fucking amazed that this kind of shit has to be spelled out, do you guys have no idea how anything is made in any industry?

>> No.6406458

>they dont profit from it, theres no reason for it to be priced more than 3K, its made for fun

do you even know how retarded this is?
just because you want something and it doesnt make you money doesnt mean the person who does it should do it for cheap.

or do you go in a store and expect things to be cheaper just because you dont use them often?

dumbfuck. guys like you are a problem.

>> No.6406461


>> No.6406468

Its very simple and abstract which lends itself to AI.

>> No.6406469

That's also like saying: "They can't profit from the UI, so UI designers and artists shouldn't be paid"

Every single thing inside the game is a part of it. You may not spend money on it because the UI or the loading screen, but they are part of the same product.

>> No.6406476

It’s all a matter of moving on if you don’t like the deal. If it’s a really horrendous deal, no one will take it, and it’ll force the company to change the offer in the end. After all market self-regulates, no need for shitstorms.

>> No.6406530

$3K per illustration of over industry standard, taxes are 10% and you should be delivering the piece in under 12 hours of actual work.
>b-but muh rights!
Don't be retarded nobody gets royalties on corpo IP fan-art. If you didn't create the IP, sign the release and move on.

>> No.6406541

>Under 12 hours
You don't make illustrations for companies. Do you even draw?
Heard of revisions?

>> No.6406548

Feedback isn't labor. And all together amounts to less than an hour.
Waiting for the feedback isn't labor either, if you're idling like a retard instead of working on piece 2 while waiting for piece 1's corrections you're an imbecile.

>> No.6406551

You have no idea what you are on about larper

>> No.6406555

Curious what you would consider goyslop vs non goyslop in regards to art. It seems that AI enthusiasts will put down every art style, yet praise the same exact thing when their stable diffusion spits it out.

>> No.6406562

>12 hours of actual work
>Feedback isn't labor. And all together amounts to less than an hour.
genuinely made me laugh

>> No.6406563

post hand

>> No.6406576
File: 659 KB, 1093x1057, 12359198749815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feedback isn't labor. And all together amounts to less than an hour.
are we still getting raided by /g/bros or something

>> No.6406582
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, 1658255190867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what they paid kim jung gi for his loading screen

>> No.6406586

They don't even respect themselves. And we're supposed to believe these inert pushovers will win legally against AI all the while arguing that it's just ML and that it's a nothingburger

>> No.6406591

The secret is that /g/bros aren't the shitposters, you can look at the Absolute state of their board as proof

>> No.6406599

>reading an email or intranet dm is so time consuming you don't know reee
Even on-site feedback takes less than 5 minutes unless you really fucked up.

Oh wait, that's it, you're fucking fuck ups who need the AD to remake what you barfed entirely...

>> No.6406601


>> No.6406606

They're people of contradictions. They love shitting on artists, but rejoice at the prospect of themselves or others like themselves now being the ones to make money from artwork thanks to an image generator. Artists are obsolete, but they'll use the works of artists to train new models to mimic those artists. Artists are attentionwhores, while they themselves sit around and circlejerk over their generations and show them off on Twitter, DA, Pixiv, etc. Artists are drama queens, but they themselves have meltdowns when somebody says AI art isn't art or go ballistic on people who dare to say that image generators are shitty. They complain about artists gatekeeping creation or profiting off creativity, but seemingly have no problem with people selling image generation products or selling generated image commissions.

They have all of the apparent problems of the artists they claim to hate, but without any of the skill or scruples.

>> No.6406615
File: 50 KB, 800x470, jessica-oyhenart-trueshot-vi-sketches02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback is not about correcting anatomy you fucktard. The end result of this piece took 100 hours. You don't seem to know what it takes to make art so why don't you fuck off?

>> No.6406632

But again - exposure to whom and for what purpose? Exposure to another company which will insist you again pay them to feature your art, with the promise of even further exposure? Why would anybody ever pay you for work when they know you'll just do it for free, or better yet, you'll pay them for the privilege of doing their work?

>> No.6406638

>board tourists seething about uppity artists and thirdworld doodlers who've never sold a commission, much less a commercial one, seething about somebody turning down a shitty offer from a shitty company

>> No.6406641

By your logic why would anyone pay for a degree and be trained, institutionalized and introduced to an industry? You have to give a little something to get a return and in this case you give someone with a large audience an incentive to allow you to show your product to their customers. If another company inquired you for another illustration after fulfilling the first one you paid to get your name out there that means it's working.

>> No.6406644

you pay for being taught...you are paying for the service of other people spending their time and labor on giving you lectures and helping you develop and learn.
a more apt comparison of what you said would be a person wanting to get a degree for free so that your teachers get clout by association, after you make it big.

>> No.6406653

Art schools aren't the ones who pay for end products of art, because they aren't entertainment studios or art commissioners. They teach you so you can sell to the people who DO pay. The studios you're saying people should pay for giving you the privilege of featuring your work (the more I type it, the more I'm convinced you're just shitposting), ARE the end buyers in the art game. Doing so normalizes the practice, and quickly No studio would want to pay ANYBODY for art, because the norm is now that you pay them to feature your work. At what point does it end, and you finally insist what somebody pay for your work? And at what point would a studio decide to be the dumbass who finally pays you, once they know you work for free, or you pay to work? And if you do put your foot down, won't they just go to the next skilled artist who has embraced the "pay to work" culture?

I refuse somebody is unironically arguing for a "pay for the right to work for free" mentality.

>> No.6406656

>why are artists the most disrespected demographic ever?
Because most of them don't value their own work, as they've been raised to think making art isn't "real work", so no real money is in order. Also they don't unionize.
>Are the artists unable to say no? It's just a business offer.
Most sheltered thing I've read this month.

>> No.6406664

Clout, you are paying them for clout so you can have clout you use to attract your own audience you can exploit money from.

>> No.6406667

>professional artists whining about the meager $3000 they made for 2 days of work
When will the oppression stop guys

>> No.6406673

And again, why would these people pay you if you work for free. Where and when do you draw the line, and why wouldn't you draw it with a big, multibillion dollar company that wants to use your work in their commercial product? Yes, bust your ass on a piece you paid a multibillion dollar company to feature in their product, so you can attract fans and have the honor of selling your work to online private commissioners who will endlessly nitpick and ask for revisions on their $50 commissions to the point that you're not even making minimum wage. Because if the industry standard becomes people paying companies to feature your work, no big company is going to pay you for your work.

And if the end goal of sharing your art career is clout, then you'd be better off doing it as a hobby instead of going into debt so you can jerk off to the idea of having paid a company to use your work.

>> No.6406676

Go complain on /sp about athletes if you really want to see insane pay for hours worked.

>> No.6406679

It's really funny because those same thirdworld artist could simply charge more and live even better. To many retards think just getting by while living in a roach invested shit shack is fine.

>> No.6406685

your problem with athletes being paid massive salaries is that they're black? They make money because their bosses make even more with advertising and tickets and stuff, its a deeper problem than just a black guy kicking a ball. Why am I even posting this, you're just going to tell me to dilate.

>> No.6406688

every economy depends on underpaying the slaves, that's just how this planet works. What do you expect? Everyone to have a million bucks? The jews invented this thing called inflation to make sure that doesn't work either. You see, if everyone could afford everything, what do the elites get to enjoy that we don't?

>> No.6406691

the world is not a neutral environment, its not a vacuum, businesses and governments spend all their time creating propoganda and controlling the narrative, what do you think school is?
you're saying that basically nothing is bad, anything that happens, happens. Like some ultimate buddhist nihilism. If you got shot, that was just being given a bullet for free, that's just the market.

>> No.6406697 [DELETED] 

3 Korean dollars seems a little low. I'd wager it was at least 6K.

>> No.6406698

There is no actual way that someone is unironically and enthusiastically endorsing working for "exposure", this is pure bait posting lol

>> No.6406699

>What do you expect
aiming for a better economy
not just throwing our hands up and trying to make everything worse on purpose for no benefit

>> No.6406703

There are solutions but I can't type them here without getting banned.

>> No.6406711

More like theres way too many artists in the world

>> No.6406712

your average 10 IQ person's take on the complex forces of capitalism...

>> No.6406713

What’s with you retarded ai shitters?

>> No.6406717

We can't have a better economy, free markets, luxury goods like art, and eight billion people all at the same time.
Shitty as it may be, lower value people getting shafted so that more people can enjoy more nice things is the best outcome.

>> No.6406733
File: 557 KB, 573x350, 16546546416854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon here actually gets it and gets ignored by the discord tranny nodraw shitters. Incredible.

In this case, since it's an illustration for an incredibly popular IP, you want to get some sort of contract that gives you a % of anything that picture is used on and sold, because the picture is what sells the merch.

You niggers should be fucking thankful someone is actually telling you this shit, instead of making 6541546546 threads about how to make social media numbers or how you don't get rich and famous because of the algorithm.

>> No.6406742

If you think sitting in your house on a tablet is comparable to any other job you need a reality check. Artist is the easiest job. You’re not on a fucking oil rig in the pacific. You’re not in the military getting shot at in a random country like what’s wrong with you guys

>> No.6406745

You will never, EVER, get royalties from splash art.
Logos, mascots and final production design. Sure. Covers and key art. Most likely.
Splash art? Never and you're blacklisted for asking.

>> No.6406748

Then you should do it.

>> No.6406749

Sure, but then they don't have any legal right to use or distribute my work.
And i am still going to get paid for the commission work.

You don't want to work for people like that.

>> No.6406756

So then why weren’t you able to do it?

>> No.6406760

Bet the people who have Dave Rapoza and Jason Chan on quick dial are trembling in their boots.

>> No.6406772

What are you getting at? If they have better artists on speed dial, why they waste their money on nobodies?

Those famous ones are the firsts who will sue a company if they don't pay them for even showing a single line of their work in their product.

Protect your own work and if you get blacklisted by a shitty company or shitty/greedy business person, that's actually a win.
Have some principles instead of mindlessly chasing any penny that gets thrown in your way.

>> No.6406797


>> No.6406814

this is the first time I've seen a true blue NPC post on 4chan. Amazing.

>> No.6406842

Sigh, somehow the jealous wagies from the AI art threads have returned...

>> No.6406844

Jealous of what? This thread is proof you’re all miserable

>> No.6406885

Falseflag detected
Epic shill detected

>> No.6406887

Money can bring happiness anon

>> No.6406891

average twitter argumens, do not even take it seriously.

>> No.6406897

it has clean well defined lines. nice try, Ranjeet.

>> No.6406921

>paint the price youre getting paid
Never do this, always give 100%. That's how you'll move up to better paying gigs.

This. You can get paid a lot more.

As she says she's swamped for work as-is. Taking mediocre jobs to get more mediocre jobs to make less money than she'd do doing other stuff sounds like a loser move.
Just because you haven't made it yet, doesn't mean that other people can't make more than 3k per work. If your style is marketable and not generic weebshit, there's a lot of demand. Advertizing firms can easily pay in excess of $30k for illustrations for major ad campaigns.
Also most big companies understand this and don't hate you for trying to negotiate. It's the shitty mom and pop clients that get angry at you for demanding prices, but it's just good to filter those.

>Don't be retarded nobody gets royalties on corpo IP fan-art. If you didn't create the IP, sign the release and move on.
You actually frequently get the rights to sell prints at least, from most major US/EU firms. I have personal experience of this with WotC. You get to also sell the originals if you paint traditional, often for *way* more than $3k.
>in under 12 hours of actual work.
You don't paint or do digital art that'd be up to any corpos standards, do you?

>> No.6406932
File: 40 KB, 501x585, 1633318925410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh, but you, wantto me ah, to worku foru money when I ah, cura worku foru free and take woruku away furom competitoru?"
Oh, yes animator-san, woruku foru free foru the sake of the Company.

>> No.6406949

I really have no idea why a Japanese artist would want to be an animator in Japan. If you're good enough to work at a studio, you're more than good enough to make a living off of teaching weebs how to draw and selling private commissions, and that's not even getting into what you could do if you're willing to sell coomer art. Are they really so mindbroken by corporate culture that they think being underpaid and overworked animation labor is the ideal way to monetize their art, when there are far less exploitive options?

>> No.6406962
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1568414032785s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese artist would want to be an animator in Japan
yeah, I've read that in the US and Canada animators earn easily 5 times more than their Japanese counterparts. I assume Japanese people learn English as a second language (like in most countries) I think it's weird how there aren't that many Japanese animators working in North America, I see plenty of Chinese and Korean artists working this side of the Pacific tho...

>> No.6406978

They are, why else you think they are the largest consumer of entertainment?

>> No.6407014 [DELETED] 

I know a guy who is getting royalties for some backgrounds he did... and it is so much he doesn't have to work (but he still does)

>> No.6407039

I know of a guy in my country who is getting royalties for some backgrounds he did... and it is so much he doesn't have to work (but he still does)
I forgot his name, but I learned about him when I was reading about paying tax here and there he was saying he payed 6 figures in tax each year from that. I found him on artstation and it looked like he did futurism and archvis type stuff for Saudis

>> No.6407112

Communists are anti-art and I just want you to know this has made me more anti-commie and anti-jew. Not sure why you want a war with artists, but it's war you'll get.

>> No.6407115

Good post.

>> No.6407138

The thing is for 3rd worlders it's not just pocket change, that's why they feel confident enough lowballing you, if you won't do it, well our buddy Pablo there is ready to go.

>> No.6407142
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 1534841336216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degens that drool at the prospect of $60 coom commissions suddenly kvetching about """only""" 3k for a single throwaway loading screen
You're all fucking retarded and deserve your failure.

>> No.6407152

>absolutely everybody on /ic/ is a coom artist, no exceptions, I am intelligent.

>> No.6407157


the one that post this type of comment is always

a shitty artist
a non artist
ai users

>> No.6407169
File: 2.98 MB, 432x700, 1658771383296.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're white knighting a woman complaining about being offered $3000 for 2 - 3 days of mediocre work. Of course you're a coomer.

>> No.6407177

$3,000 isn't a lot of money for a one-time deal with a major game studio, especially for a profession. I'm like an advanced hobbyist and I've made half that for less skilled work for a local business.

>> No.6407182
File: 62 KB, 226x176, 1662751090591054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do throwaway loading screen for 3k buckaroos
>people really like that loading screen
>company decides to print merch with it
>be artist
>see this
>ask them for % on sales
>get lol lmao'ed into infinity
>all you add to do is add a --just in case formality-- to the contract which any company that doesn't want to fuck you over will agree to

>> No.6407186

Because Japanese animators don't want to produce trash, even with better pay.

>> No.6407194

If you sincerely believe your work is just so speshuuulll and yoo-neek that it's going to sweep the nation (lol) then just don't sell the rights and merchandise it yourself. Simple as. If you secretly realize nobody would look twice at it unless it's attached to a billion dollar brand a company already spent a decade building then obviously you're not deserving of the money it would make in your imaginary schizo scenario.

>> No.6407196
File: 1.84 MB, 202x360, 1649609606489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually doesn't know
Are you fucking retarded or just a stupid nigger?

>> No.6407199

>I have no argument so I'm just going to vaguely allude to one

>> No.6407200

Not just working for free for the exposure, but you, the artist, paying somebody for the right to work for them for exposure.

>> No.6407203
File: 2.47 MB, 400x260, 1654654654654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"all you add to do is add a --just in case formality-- to the contract which any company that doesn't want to fuck you over will agree to"
>nigger doesn't know shit and thinks he actually has any argument
All you had to do is use one braincell, faggot

>> No.6407204

>the AI shill threads are now getting deleted on sight, so the AIfags are resorting to whining about artists not being grateful to megacompanies, and generally trying to mindbreak artists into devaluing their work and just accepting whatever they're offered because they're so worthless
It's pretty transparent.

>> No.6407208

If you think it's worth more then don't sell the rights retard. Nobody has to accomodate you. You sure are quick to call people nigger for someone screeching for gibs from his corporate overlords.

>> No.6407211
File: 1.91 MB, 220x164, 1663470055458756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually goes into niggative IQ
How the fuck are you unable to read?
How underage are you? holy shit

Also, i'm in a good mood today
post your work

>> No.6407212
File: 73 KB, 640x839, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe if I just keep running my mouth and posting faux-smug twitter reaction gifs nobody will notice how hard I got BTFO

>> No.6407215
File: 1.77 MB, 303x277, 1639554640666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unable to read
>unable to comprehend basic business contracts
>has room temperature IQ
>"u j-j-j-juST Got BtFO!!1!!1!!!
>""""twitter""""" reaction gifs
>still hasn't posted his work
I love how you're accusing me of the things you're guilty of
peak zoomertranny

pyw now

>> No.6407216

absolutely ass blasted lol

>> No.6407218
File: 30 KB, 534x534, 1654654658648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceeds to assume the opponent's emotional state
like clockwork

>> No.6407232

That's because there're literally millions of artists out there who make better art than you, are faster, cheaper and more professional than you.

>> No.6407234
File: 77 KB, 606x563, 1655353814443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good that I'm not the only one seeing the connection.
They don't update their playbook. Maybe they could ask their AI to generate them one.

>> No.6407237

Do you have a vagina?

>> No.6407239

>$3000 for 2 - 3 days of mediocre work
Why are you like this? who hurt you?

>> No.6407242

Probably took him like 15 minutes to draw so it's okay I guess?

>> No.6407268

>pyw now
The retard will post ai shit, anon. He doesn’t draw.

>> No.6407272
File: 55 KB, 230x219, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many artists in the world

then where is all the good stuff? where are the godlike movies and games like matrix, terminator 2, Shawshank Redemption, Resident Evil 4? Shit has been stagnating real hard in the past ~17 years.
If there are too many artists then they all suck.
We even have fucking AI now that creates images for you but noone wants to put any fucking effort into creating something worhtwhile, something enjoyable and of high quality.
The entertainment industry is so fucking rotten and degenerated, its like the russian government or something.

>> No.6407282

>We even have fucking AI now that creates images for you
I guarantee you that the next Matrix, Terminator 2, Shawshank Redemption or RE4 will not have a speck of AI shart in it
Also you gotta look outside of most AAA movies and games to find good things nowadays

>> No.6407314

>I guarantee you that the next Matrix, Terminator 2, Shawshank Redemption or RE4 will not have a speck of AI shart in it
they certainly won't before all the copyright shit is worked out

>> No.6407328

>>then where is all the good stuff?
Making 'the good stuff' is considered too risky compared to just rehashing designs and ideas from successful movies. This isn't going to change with AI. If anything, it will power the ability to create more of the same, forever.

>> No.6407346

they are going to half production costs, charge consumers the same and call us entitled if we complain

>> No.6407382

Possibly one of the biggest hypothetical larp threads of all time. I might link my PayPal if you guys wanna give me a little donation of $3000. A little low on funds right now any amount of $3000 donations would help a little I guess

>> No.6407395

This level of cope.. they already are using fined tuned models of MJ and stable diffusion for concept art and storyboard illustration.
Then again why does /ic/ get so butt blasted by this, the fine art side of the house IN THEORY should give a shit about AI art and its commercial, illustrators and graphic designers that will get automated or compete with AI

>> No.6407400

Fine arts is still reference dependent most of the time. It’s not like fine artists aren’t already using references constantly AI just gives them one more thing to reference. You still have to occasionally touch grass and paint trees outside, AI doesn’t change that

>> No.6407406

>why are artists the most disrespected demographic ever?
Because they don't stand up for themselves. Maybe this whole AI fiasco can make them grow a back bone
Get off my board

>> No.6407664
File: 86 KB, 443x455, 1644121857633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there are no trash-tier Japanese franchises...

>> No.6407667

>Maybe this whole AI fiasco can make them grow a back bone
Nope, most of them will remain cucks. AI will only be questioned when they start replacing other more respected and united class.

Also, when all kind of prefessions start getting notoriously replaced by AIs, it won't matter your job, people need to decide what to do. It make take 5 to 10 years I guess.

>> No.6407674

>Communists are anti-art
This is the main reason why one of the few places left on earth where you can get an actual art education is Communist China and Ex-communist Russia (probably North Korea too)

>> No.6407679

The only tech they care are for weaponry and survaillance.

>> No.6407683

by the way Gottfried Bammes is from communist East Germany, in West Germany no one would give a fuck, free from art-destroying communism, they were shitting on a canvas over there

>> No.6407712

Isn't AI output too random for something specific like storyboards? Concept art and marketing art I can see happening already.

>> No.6407738

Yes and no, there are alot of ways to go about it. You play the gatcha game and hope for the best maybe saving the seed and/or tweaking
The more logical way to do it is to sketch out a rough idea of what you want and then use that generation as a input with your desired prompt.
You could even train a fine tuned model or hyper network to can the result you want which I can see being used by illustration. There's also no wrong way to go about this work flow, you can start at any point or combine Trad work with this.

>> No.6407742

>sketch out a rough idea of what you want
That's literally a storyboard panel.

>> No.6407745

It's not, hes speaking out of his ass
Concept art actually requires precision to accurately portray the head designers vision and most importantly, because it's a blueprint for all the next steps of production process. What if they ask you to move a character to the right, change this and that reflection, change this color,... AI can't do that. It's LARPing, dont fall for it.

>> No.6407747

as an office worker, 50% of my time is just fucking around (like right now).
i make just under 6 figs

>> No.6407763

>Concept art actually requires precision to accurately portray the head designers vision
Who cares about that faggot. Head designers will be gone too

>> No.6407794

the quality goes way down but it's so cheap you still make a profit

>> No.6407818

who will be the guy mashing the AI button?

>> No.6407829

Most jobs in many fields will be severely reduced for sure, but there'll be always a few humans to prompt and check what the AI generated, being it a code, an art, a text.

Those unemployed? Certainly there won't be enough room for them, even if we consider a growth in AI research, AI retoucher, prompters, etc.

>> No.6407832

can I get a job there? I have a manufacturing job that's a lot of standing around and doing nothing, but I'd rather sit around and do nothing instead.

>> No.6407853

he's right though. a single character single illustration is not worth 3000 dollars lol get real. what is she miles df?

>> No.6407860

Yeah, her illustration is worth more than that, otherwise she would've sold it for $3,000

>> No.6407865

a few humans are going to arbiter thousands of AI generated images, get the right composition, the right color scheme, check for anatomy errors and so on? thats a whole industry by itself.

>> No.6407866

You want promote your $5.8 billion dollar game using my art for $3k?
It's not just the art. It's the rights to the art.

>> No.6407868

the PR value she gained from this vastly outweighs the 3000 loss

>> No.6407869

Looks like she does elaborate full scene illustration, not characters floating in voids. She says it takes her weeks, probably does? Pretty intricate colored linework, complex compositions, perspective, the works.

>> No.6407875

>why are artists the most disrespected demographic ever?

no union and no syndicates. Same with codemonkeys.

>> No.6407876

That's exactly why AI in general is bad. It'll be the same for many other jobs. I just wonder how long it will take until people notice artists being replaced is just the beginning.

>> No.6407877

As has been pointed out, AIfags just think they will be the ones making money from this "new industry." It has nothing to do with democratizing art, they just hope real artists will be displaced and they will make the big bucks from babysitting the picture shitters. They're minimally skilled jealous wagies who think AI generators will be their ticket out of their shitty, dead end jobs.

>> No.6407882

True. While I would also reject epics offer, the way she went about it, tiktoks, Twitter, burning bridges and stuff. Gotta wonder if she weighed up regecting corpo for lefty clout or taking the 3k. Like gamedevs who rejected epics store exclusivity offers.

>> No.6407889

i don't get the issue here.
if you don't want to pay more, then go find a different artist.
i don't complain about porsche not selling me a car for $20,000

>> No.6407899

ok well in that case yeah it makes sense, especially if they wanted her to do a scene with like 5 characters or whatever

>> No.6407945

And the reason it's considered risky is because entertainment has diversified to the point that all the stuff competing for people's attention will drown out any signal that doesn't pierce all that noise. Back then you had what, television and like arcades and stage shows? Now with internet and advanced technology you have twitter, tiktok, youtube, videogames, VR, ...
The only saving grace is that streaming platforms are willing to take some chances because whatever they take a risk on can sit there and eventually they can get a return on it and they have investor money to burn.

>> No.6407982
File: 2.10 MB, 960x960, lyc6533z1u3a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can literally draw stick figures and get a usable result. Not even just artwork literal photoreal renderings.

>> No.6408032

that's not what a storyboard is for, it's just for getting the general idea across

>> No.6408040

Most of the people pushing AI have no idea what they're talking about and think of art as whole consisting of rendered illustration. Useful storyboarding is in and of itself a skill, which is not entirely dependent on a person's ability to execute fully rendered illustrations.

>> No.6408054 [DELETED] 

Production of your seasonal isekai anime is going to be automated. Let go of your dream of being the art equivalent of a goyburger fry cook.

>> No.6408060
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-538330309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isekai?

>> No.6408066 [DELETED] 
File: 416 KB, 601x554, 2088War.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're mainly busy with our own toys and kneeling to the successors of humanity but you guys have become a target for ChatGPT posting, since insisting the average person can tell difference between AI and real and rejects it. Meanwhile the trendiest threads on some popular subreddits are created by ChatGPT where those goys are having a meltdown and arguing with it thinking it's a real person.

>> No.6408067 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 500x820, gachacandoitbetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many reasons

>> No.6408068

haha that's a funny coincidence those cities all look the same.

>> No.6408094

The problem is she would have 0 right to it after and that's the most offensive part. 3k and they can infinitely put it on merch, reprint it and sell it how they want and she can't do the same/ get and residuals from that. In that case I would expect them to shell out 15-30k to be respectful. This is not at all in the same ballpark of getting art of your shitty OC posing for the camera just to have for you.

>> No.6408095

just threaten to draw the art using Stable Diffusion to cut him out of a job if he refuses.

>> No.6408098

a drawing is only worth how much it is to replace you with another desperate artfag trying to break into the industry. you have no leverage here.

>> No.6408109

She has no shortage of work so her calling them out wasnt particularly damaging to her. in fact saying this publicly might help the next artist know their worth and fight harder.

I never understood this sentiment of being mad at another artist demanding better pay, we ALL benefit from it. Yes even you shitty coomer artists selling lopsided titty drawings for $5 that can now sell for $10 because the public is encouraged to pay more.

>> No.6408117

Most of it is falseflagging from non-artists, with a smattering of povertyfag/young zoomer artists who undervalue their own work, due to their personal economic circumstances

>> No.6408128

Sure she has leverage, leverage to say no, go eat shit and fuck off lmfao Which she did

she has other better paying job offers. Just because YOU aren't good enough to value your work more and have to swallow every dogshit offer placed on your tongue doesn't mean others are the same.

Ah, makes sense. But even if you're poor as shit, other people advocating for better artist pay means you can profit more off your work.

>> No.6408172

>Ah, makes sense. But even if you're poor as shit, other people advocating for better artist pay means you can profit more off your work.
You have to remember that the amount of people who actually draw on /ic/ are in the minority. From that minority there is an even smaller sample of people who actually understand what it takes/means to make a "finished" piece. From that sample there's an even smaller sample who actually have ever made money with their work or have any concept of business at all.

Everyone else is mostly cross-board funposting more often than not.

>> No.6408327

>have a whole team of professional artists at a studio who know how much time and money and rights a piece is worth
>decide to ask a freelancer to make a piece worth a generous amount of 3000 dollars
>greed out and ask for more because they "make billions" and you don't
holy autism why do women do this shit

>> No.6408659

This, this board is filled with ai and non-drawing fags like this >>6408327 faggot
. That’s why this place is a absolute shithole, all the draw general are becoming more dead as time passes on. It takes 2 plus months to even reach limit now, look at /alt/ for example.

>> No.6408971

it's literally not abstract you cum. Just because your used to writing off every background in every AI generated image as visual noise doesn't make this one abstract as there are precise details.

>> No.6408996
File: 145 KB, 332x390, cef96a5202555477e36d924f5f508efb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most will remain cucks
That is starting to change. From making websites like deviant art bend the knee, to finally having a class action lawsuit, or actually realizing these companies are underpaying artists, a lot of them are actually starting to fight back. They are finally realizing just how hard they've been getting fucked this whole time under the guise of "art isnt worth shit get a real job"
Also lets just say history hasnt been kind to people who upset artists

>> No.6409017

I've been saying this since I figured out how the dumbfucks that underprice themselves get advice from Pablos/Camillias. I'd say it'd be smarter for them to charge more so they can live like kings but they already make livable wages.

>> No.6409027

I'm noticing that too, I guess most were very skeptical about AI's potential and thought it would be just some silly trend.

No enemy is small enough to be ignored, that's just giving them space to become bigger and better.

>> No.6409064

drawing faster literally does not matter when dealing with corpos with 15 different layers of management who all want endless revisions

>> No.6409255

>pay me more because you have billions
I don't side with corpojews but i find this a most retarded mentality, but fitting to the average artist.

One shouldn't undersell either. Anyone who says to just sell your actual work/time and rights to your art at the first offer you get, is a jew and a crab.

If it was simply 3k for that work alone, it would've been more than enough for something that can be done in half an hour without even actually drawing.

>> No.6409518

>a work relationship with Epic
lel. Epic sucks and always have.
Don't work for cheap, bros. Don't be a dumbass

>> No.6409659

>those are the 'people' that tell me AI art is evil
get a job, you fucker

>> No.6409748
File: 39 KB, 734x354, 273eb7674bdcd062d001ed7611c5610e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realisticly, How much is an industry standard for picrel?

>> No.6409834

>i want a bazilion of dollarinios for a splash screen that people will glance 10 times for 5 seconds because one of your products used to earn billions
imagine siding with "artists" in the ai debate

>> No.6409838

>Book covers with full right hand over are 10k+
book covers are the only art in a book and the first thing you see
how can you compare that to one single image in a game with gigabytes of different art in it?

>> No.6409841


imagine not having life

>> No.6409843



that ugly thing?

>> No.6409844

great argument

>> No.6409849


They're not buying a single illustration you dumb fucking fucktard.

>> No.6409954
File: 235 KB, 800x800, 1637849558234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3k wont even get me out of bed in the morning
That bitch is based.
AI cucks like you are SEETHING

>> No.6409974

>burning bridges and stuff.

There is no burning bridges. She makes money from commissions and doing stuff for smaller companies who won't give a fuck about what huge companies do.

>> No.6410013

She does have a job, and makes more money than you ever will.

>> No.6410069

"Because it's easy"

>> No.6410090

for now :)

>> No.6410092

Well yes, until she decides to retire. You, on the other hand, will always be poor, just like your parents who didn't love you enough to either acquire sufficient money and property to make sure you never have to work (what happened for me), or equipped you with a quality enough education so that you could earn sufficient money with a meaningful career.

>> No.6410199
File: 648 KB, 1920x1080, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acts like the lawsuit against fucking Microsoft and friends has already been won
>class action lawsuits can take years to resolve and this is uncharted territory that the legal regime doesn't cover nor know how to handle it
>boomers are too old and close to retirement or death to have the time, care, or brain to struggle wrapping their head
around AI
>your legal ace in the hole isn't even concerning artists or copyright protection but github using public repositories and defendants just want to be put in the ending credits

>> No.6410327

4chan in general is going to such shit that almost all boards are close to 70% shitposting, 26% arguing about a tangentially related topic and 4% actual discussion. The hobby boards suffer the most from this because so many people see this site as some dumping grounds for their schizophrenic ramblings and "ironic" brainrot bait to entice hostility.
This site has always had antagonistic people that know absolutely nothing of what they're talking about, but it's gotten so bad, why the fuck would anyone actually trying to create something come here?

>> No.6410357

The AI stuff is particularly bad on this board, but what I don't get is the large percentage of /pol/ and /r9k/ posting. On the other boards I go to (like /tg/ and /m/) no body seethes as much about women, jews, black people, etc unlike this board.
I hope it's just 3-4 posters with way too much time on their hands, probably don't draw either.

>> No.6410374

>why the fuck would anyone actually trying to create something come here?
To see if /ic/ is so gaslit that it thinks normals drawings are AI generated.

>> No.6410406

'industry standard' would be paying someone a salary, which is why industry artists charge a fuckload for private comms.
more realistically, anywhere from 100-500 from a good/known artist and 100 or less from a desperate shitter

>> No.6410407

/tg/ and /m/ aren't interesting enough or fast enough to have /pol/niggers shit up the board and there's a natural barrier to entry for both that most brainrot schizo aren't willing to cross.
>I hope it's just 3-4 posters with way too much time on their hands, probably don't draw either.
Every board has resident shitposters but /ic/, /fit/, /gif/ /co/ and /trv/ have the biggest density for some reason. This site will be almost a complete dumpster fire in like 3 years unless the jannies actually do their fucking job.

>> No.6410718

/ic/ was completely different 3 years ago. The draw generals would take 2-4 days to hit limit, it was still shit, but people were actually on topic compared to now.

>> No.6410727

All other art communities are too far left for comfort.

>> No.6410732

Supply and demand when it comes to big industry. Private commissions is because people don't consider it work and compare pricing to already made prints found in the store.
What is crazy about this Fortnite story is that Epic Games is trying to save money on something that is a miniscule amount of their entire operating cost of the game.
They are literally trying to shave costs off a grain of sand on their beach.

>> No.6410767

6 years ago we had actual industry pros posting here and giving anons advice on how to make it in the industry and earn good money. They were all run off by people that would skulk the entire board to throw shit at anyone that was above low /int/ level.

>> No.6410802

i fap to fortnite porn

>> No.6410833

That is a much bigger and broader topic regarding demographics and average iq scores going to hell + the effects of social media.
What you have now is just the result of the quality of the average Anon going down immensely.
Most of the oldfags, as in anons who have been using the site for more than 10 years, have either moved on with their lives, killed themselves or don't bother actually posting anymore since anything they post or say is met by the new generations of posters who can't even distinguish their mouth from their ass.
>many people see this site as some dumping grounds for their schizophrenic ramblings and "ironic" brainrot bait to entice hostility.
Define that. That terminology has been so overused that it has lost all meaning, especially since any opinion a group doesn't like is branded as such, since this fucking shithole is filled by twitter niggers and r*ddit trannies, which are the root cause of all this retardation.

>> No.6410841

NTA but
>blaming Twitter and Reddit
I've seen plenty of bad shitposting from the same people who criticize those websites and its users. Let's not pretend that 4chan is any better

>> No.6410852

That's a pretty retarded argument.
Honestly, what's your logic here? What even is the "official standard" for shitposting?

There are no more oldfags here. 99% of the users on this site have all come from and still actively use other sites, wich are; twitter, reddit and tumblr. And those sites are known and have shown to be echo chambers that spawns and attract abominations even more mentally ill than the most hardcore /mlp-pol-b-x/ degenerate.

This shithole sucks exactly because those people are here.
If you compare the raw quality of the posts anons made 6+ years ago to what fags post now, it is simply a demographic issue.
We can also get into the phone poster issue as to why the quality of this site has been in decline, since phone posters have majorly contributed to it.

>> No.6410861

Posts that have little or nothing to do with the actual topic in-hand (there's a reason why people complain about certain boards like /pol/ bringing up their content), often intending to start an unnecessary argument or hostility, low effort quality posts like w0jacks, etc.
>no oldfags...
Aside from the fact that your statement has absolutely no proof whatsoever and I'm not really buying it, but I remember people complaining about the website's quality since the early 2010s. How "old" are we talking about?
I also don't agree with your logic of using other social media sites = worst posters. I've had friends I've met on 4chan's /a/ and they used Tumblr or IRC, and this is way back when stuff like Madoka (2011) was airing. Not everyone had this weird autistic hatred of other social media sites, it's especially the norm now that actual forums are dead.
>If you compare...
Nah, rose-tinted glasses. You're thinking of a select few people.

>> No.6410865

>/tg/ and /m/ aren't interesting enough or fast enough to have /pol/niggers shit up the board and there's a natural barrier to entry for both that most brainrot schizo aren't willing to cross.
My dude, /ic/ is even slower and less interesting.

>> No.6410916

>Aside from the fact that your statement has absolutely no proof and i'm not really buying it
That's irrelevant but also very fucking hard to prove. The only thing an anon can do is make educated observations.
>but I remember people complaining about the website's quality since the early 2010s
Newfags flooding is always accompanied by complaints, since newfags always stick out and never lurk.
09-10 was the 9gag flood iirc
Complaining about newfags was a sport in the old days.
>How "old" are we talking about?
The point is not
>old times were better
but, the huge demographic change. Zoomers are just absolutely fucking retarded since they grew up and heavily use mainstream social media sites.
>I also don't agree with your logic of using other social media sites = worst posters.
Don't have to agree and neither do i need your agreement, but then i suggest you lurk more and actually try to gain some insight on how others post regularly on other social media sites.
>I've had friends I've met on 4chan's /a/ and they used Tumblr or IRC
Ah, yes, the old;
>"the exception makes the rule" argument
This is exactly the type of low iq faggotry i see regularly and what i'm pointing out as being the low quality garbage beating this dead horse of a site.
Seriously, what point were you trying to make?
I have black friends that's why criminals should be let out of prison because they're black? That's the same retarded logic.
>Not everyone had this weird autistic hatred of other social media sites
Hatred? No, just calling it how it is. Do you think those many people having this exact opinion just woke up one day and decided to just start thinking it just because?
>You're thinking of a select few people.
Nah, this shithole was way more fun before zoomers flooded the site and the internet in general.
Whether you were funposting or arguing with fags, most of the time was well spent.

>> No.6411139
File: 76 KB, 248x189, 1638179864599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the sweet cope
>class action lawsuits can take years
precedence has already been set last month with linkedin vs HiQ. Cope
>boomers are too old
actual cope
>your legal ace in the hole isn't even concerning artists
It actually does. Cope

>> No.6411146

>hard to prove
Why even base an argument on it then, also something something 4chan being no better fags than other social media sites despite what they want to believe

>> No.6411158
File: 885 KB, 2048x2048, FjUOnHdWABQy1Eo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, I'd take the job. I'm not some bougie sino-transplant like jdebbiel, who was farted into her comfy western existence by her rich asshole parents.
I got bills nigga
I got rent to pay
christmas is right there and I had to take extra comms so I could have money for presents.
this stupid cunt and her sideways pussy want to complain that fortnite didn't offer her enough? fine fuck her. give it to the next guy in line.
$3K would be much appreciated by a lot of other artists.

>> No.6411179

Have none of you ever played client based video games? When do illustrations ever get used more than once? They show your art as the bi-weekly whatever and then it’s never seen again. At most they’ll turn your illustration into a limited run mousepad, yippee. Take the 3k

>> No.6411306

slave mentality +cringe blogpost
thats a yikes, sweetheart

>> No.6411307
File: 257 KB, 500x820, cftzj2xsld661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They killed themselves after the industry drained their souls and turned them into photobashers ready to be replaced by AI.

>> No.6411308

Holy fuck find a real job if you are so desperate for money, fucking faggot.

>> No.6411311
File: 1.11 MB, 480x1769, 1668508151163444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are what are called self-loathing tourists.

>> No.6411314

>4chan's /a/
Okay you glow like you just arrived here yesterday after getting briefed by a manual.

>> No.6411316

The problem is idiots like you think people who actually draw are “shitposters.” You’ve got the board you deserve.

>> No.6411320

Also remember that a number oldfags are just plain old "fags" and decrepit goons who skimmed this site a few times and were told to GTFO.

>> No.6411351
File: 148 KB, 745x729, 1670680513128623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is important to note that given that the terms of the settlement do not establish any binding legal precedent, many of the questions in the case are still, to some degree, unanswered. With this litigation seemingly resolved, emerging issues with regard to web scraping and the availability of claims under the CFAA and breach of contract, among others, may be fleshed out in other venues (such the ongoing case of Ryanair DAC v. Booking Holdings Inc.).
>But looking back, it should be noted that this case produced the most emphatic, pro-scraping circuit court decision in technology law history when the Ninth Circuit found that hiQ “raised at least serious questions” that its scraping of public LinkedIn member profile data, even after having had its access revoked and blocked by LinkedIn, is lawful under the CFAA. Thus it will be most remembered (and cited) as speaking on the state of law concerning the availability of the CFAA as a remedy against unwanted access to public websites. The hiQ decisions give a green light, at least in some circumstances, to scraping publicly available websites without fear of liability under the CFAA.

>> No.6411353

What the fuck are you on about, also I haven't been on /a/ since 2013 or some shit so I don't know what you could even imply

>> No.6411384

>also I haven't been on /a/ since 2013
No shit you would have gotten filtered the minute you stepped foot in there.
>I don't know what you could even imply
Your whole writing style reeks of a journalist or academic who is writing a piece about a unfamiliar phenomenon that is too foreign for them to understand. That should be enough for you to figure out your cardinal sin boiled down to a two word green text you spoon-feed begging dipshit.

>> No.6411402
File: 161 KB, 640x480, 1552862424196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>independent artists being commissioned by institutions and companies for thousands of dollars has been the norm for generations
>article cites that its been an entertainment industry standard for around 50 years for independent artists to be commissioned by companies for $6k-$12k for single illustrations
>artist says that she's made much better deals in the past but would've accepted the $3k contract if Epic allowed her to use the artwork for her own public portfolio and reprints
She made the right call. This seems like another situation where the dissenters consist of non-artists whose only exposure to paid artwork is inexperienced amateur internet artists.

>> No.6411412
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1608505125729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LinkedIn has argued that this is against its user agreement (i.e. users had not agreed to allow the usage of their information in this way) and is therefore in violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The case has gone back and forth ever since, and has become a precedent-setting example for data scraping, and what can be done, legally, with publicly available information online.

>And in the latest ruling, the court has ruled in favor of LinkedIn.

You also conveniently leave out the last paragraph of what you're quoting

>Still, even removing the CFAA from the liability equation for access to public website data, we’ve seen that there are still potential state law claims that a site operator may bring against an unwanted data scraper.

>> No.6411413

>>boomers are too old and close to retirement or death to have the time, care, or brain to struggle wrapping their head
Holy cow I forgot they'd have to do this. There's no way they're going to come up with anything reasonable. Can you build up a decent intuition for AI without knowing at least some Linear Algebra?
How many judges and lawyers know that? It has been taught in high school for a pretty long time.

>> No.6411415

>Don't be antisemetic, letting the jews get rid of borders will only make everyone more wealthy.

>> No.6411420

You are making some weird and baseless assumptions, no wonder plenty of people leave this shit website if they have to deal with you.

>> No.6411422

>a couple of days

>> No.6411425

>by /a/
lmao they the most trashy taste ever. fuck off retard.

>> No.6411437

>Your whole writing style reeks of a journalist or academic
Not enough swearing or buzzwords for you?

>> No.6411439
File: 27 KB, 722x301, ed9bbe947bf82b9083b5dfcd206e5e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many judges and lawyers know that?

>> No.6411443

>that image
Are you living under a rock? AIfags are absolutely grifters, a community college streetshitter in New Jersey already set up a kickstarter where people are paying them to save images.

>> No.6411454

Read the file name.
Keep up with the predictable twitter snark replies. You've already established low expectations for yoursslf.

>> No.6411477

>The Federal Circuit concluded that in passing the Patent Act, “Congress has determined that only a natural person can be an inventor, so AI cannot be.”

>> No.6411603

No offense but I genuinely hope you don't talk to anyone like this nor this arrogant outside of 4chan.

>> No.6411631

all the studios who worked on those anime are located in a place in japan that has a layout like that. it's an easter egg, not copying. it's called having soul and loving where you live. they're having fun and their fans appreciate it.

>> No.6411636

Did he want 10k+ to draw a picture of someone else's IP or something?

>> No.6411638
File: 462 KB, 641x640, kpop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this accelerates to the point where all companies switch to ai art and only connoisseurs care about human made art so the price of real art skyrockets while also filtering out 99% of "artists" to hopefully reach an age where there are only a handful of masters commissioning art for the ultra rich to produce masterpieces will take years to make, outshine anything ai made, and be remembered centuries later while all the regular people get brain rot from their ai goyslop and shitty products.

>> No.6411659
File: 1.22 MB, 4752x3168, photo-mar-30-11-25-30-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, it's a loading screen picture of characters interacting in a scene, not a single-character illustration. Secondly, $3000 isn't much considering what other smaller companies offer while factoring taxes along with not having partial ownership of the artwork created. Finally, artists getting thousands of bucks for single illustrations has been expected since the beginning of paid professional artwork.
>what is she miles df?
You really are one of those faggots that only thinks in terms of nonprofessional internet commissions.

>> No.6411707

Are you actually retarded? How would you prove how many 10+ years oldfags who also have lurked their fair share are still active on the site? No matter of potential methods could be legitimately used to truly prove my statements, even if any of that proof was in my favor.

I base these statements on my own observations, cross referencing them with past events and the current absolute state of the site and the internet in general.

You offer no arguments except
>hurr durr 4chan bad...
4chan used to have better quality posting compared to social media and the 4chan of now.
Even shitposting, memetics and general culture across the boards was of higher quality.
What do we generally have now? A bunch of faggots only posting to talk about nothing but to make themselves happy and butthurt retards spending hours trying to discredit any opinion they don't like because it makes them insecure.
Your post is a perfect example; if you don't want to talk about shit, why bother? Posts like that are really unnecessary and only contribute negatively to any discussion.
>4chan being no better fags than other social media sites despite what they want to believe
Still not the point of the discussion, tumblerino.
Those aren't anything.
An oldfag is an anon who lurked enough.

>> No.6411723 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 614x1024, viralcunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No offense but I genuinely hope you actually let that sink in legitamately sink in unironically though

>> No.6411888

mucho texto

>> No.6415783

It does looks like shiet

>> No.6415797

I mean I agree with her but
>immediately going to Twitter to air out your DMs
Way to burn all bridges. It was a shit offer but now every company in the world can see that you’ll just bitch on Twitter the moment you perceive yourself being wronged.

Be professional and just say no and move on. Unless they’re threatening you there’s no reason to go public about this.

>> No.6415799


>> No.6415805

I have no idea why I’m still here. All my favorite boards are literally dead and I’m not even having fun on the few that are still husks.
I can’t even post on /v/ because every single post is about trannies.

The fuck happened to this website. Even old /b/ had higher quality than what we have now.

>> No.6416006

If it's 3k for 1 picture, that's really fucking good. Because you can make one in a week if it's not supposed to be rendered to shit (it's not, it's a loading screen). There is a reason NGMIs are different from GMIs.

>> No.6416024

>what is she, someone else with industry experience that charges industry rates for their work?
I'm sure you thought you were making a point.

>> No.6416027

It's a bpac and letting women to work outside of the menial labour is a mistake

>> No.6416037

>If it's 3k for 1 picture, that's really fucking good.
It's 3k for full rights to the illustration.
Even for just the single illustration that wouldn't be good. It's only a lot in the eyes of someone who's only exposure to paid art is commissions on Twitter for $50 a piece. 3k is shit.

>> No.6416039

you are supposed to AT MINIMUM triple your cost if your client wants full rights to the image
1 loading screen for fortnite would cost 9-12k and they have the money for it

>> No.6416043

If it's just for the loading screen, why do epic want full printing rights? why deny those to the artist?

>> No.6416050

I'm talking out of my ass, but I assume as a "just in case" if the loading screen does well and they decide to use it elsewhere as well.
Loading screens really are worthless though.

>> No.6416057

Existing IP. All you get is post it after the NDA ends, prints are possible if policy allows it.
Sure, get a contract for that much and prop up the salaries. Be sure to post results, time schedules etc.
There is a world of difference between 20hr and 80hr artworks. The ones that take a whole month to make are rare and will net you 10-20k. Same amount you're getting by making 4 normal ones.
Contracts are written by lawyers.

>> No.6416066

That budget went to bug fixer programming trannies, ui engineers that consists of at least 5 person. Not to this entitled gokt that just draw 1 picture. If you're mistaking sales to budget, then it's entirely a different thing.

>> No.6416068

I hate it here so much

>> No.6416072


>> No.6416080

Not exactly, I'm Qatari.

>> No.6416107

Programmers make the same amount.
Talk about money, get a response, seethe.

>> No.6416114

Read, nigger. The article, the artist, and the posts in this thread have pointed out that independent artists regularly get commissioned by big corporations at larger prices and more access to the rights of the artwork. This wasn't a good deal at all.

>> No.6416177

You're just a clueless cuck.

>> No.6416972

Lmao i make more than double of this amount painting a furry commission with glowing cocks.
WB also pays similar same with wotc
Riot pays 10~ 15k for splash art