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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6392636 No.6392636 [Reply] [Original]

What reference would the author of this have used?

>> No.6392783

learn colour theory

this artist probably just used a random man in gay porn as a reference but simply knows how to pain

>> No.6392799

Buy his tutorials, he uses 3d models for light reference.

>> No.6392839


lately ive been noticing the amount of retards asking dumb questions on this board.

I know its a meme or whatever but i think its finally wearing on me.

Like OPs question is literally copy SABUs colors. "This is the value and hue he tends to stick with for skin" etc. But no, they need hand holdind.

These thread OPs truly will not make it, lacking simple observational skills and problem solving.

>> No.6392874

>Buy his tutorials,
how about you share?

>> No.6392876

nah I don't wanna turn gay

>> No.6392917

Look up skin color zones. There's nothing particularly special I'm seeing about this painting other than they know where to exaggerate skin colors and where to apply subsurface scattering.

>> No.6392954
File: 153 KB, 1000x763, E_6_7ssVcAYWVRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quoting his twitter post:
"how my mind visualizes color variation

flat = bad
bumps = better
spikes = good"

>> No.6392967

this, he admits it freely. All the big artists are doing it now its just how it is.

>> No.6392975

this board is 85% /beg/ at this point so you're going to have live with ops who are too stupid to do studies or research the principles of rendering on their own.

>> No.6393013

I don't have any because I'm not gay, just checked it out of curiosity as I couldn't believe someone would put this much effort into such works.

>> No.6393019

Well done pornography isn't that hard to cum by

>> No.6393022

Maybe it's because I'm not gay, but do any of you find this unappealing to look at? Not shitting on the technical aspect of it, he's good at drawing at what he does, but I just don't find this at all pleasant to look at.

>> No.6393068

He doesn't only do gay stuff. Most of his stuff is male on female rape

>> No.6393075

I find the contrast, hilarious.
The gay stuff he does is very idealized and romanticized, when the motive is a woman, it's only dehumanizing act of sex and rape, almost like he got a hate bonder for women.

>> No.6393077

The artist, without a doubt, is a pro but he's currently taking too many shortcuts and it shows.

>> No.6393078

Don't worry u have to be gay to like this. I get leyendecker vibes from this

>> No.6393110

Ok where do I buy it?

>> No.6393245

Here you go: https://sabu.gumroad.com

>> No.6393257

I scrolled very far and I can't see a single tutorial and the search doesn't work

>> No.6393263

all his posts include WIP images, final PSD's, and timelapses of the whole process' of whatever you're buying. Not that complicated bro.

>> No.6393264

that's not a tutorial though

>> No.6393286

You don't need "tutorials" when you can watch the whole process take place. You need him to voiceover hand hold you the whole way?

>> No.6393310

yes, I want to know his thought process. why he does the things he does and in what way. what might be a different approach you can try, what he might do differently in X situation or you want Y effect instead. stuff like that gives a lot more insight than just a process video, where more subtle or advanced things go right over my head if they're not mentioned or explained

>> No.6393317

are you retarded? you can't imagine how an artist talking about why he does what he does could be helpful?

>> No.6393335

you're stunting your ability to process artistic information if the tutorial format is a must requirement. Obviously it can be helpful, but it takes alot more work to put out and probably isn't worth the extra effort for him to do so. But these days you people need everything categorized for you in simple step by step hold my hand type ways. Just turn up the voices in your own heads and have them do the voiceovers for you its not that hard. Be creative for god's sake.

>> No.6393409

I thought gumroad didn't allow porn?

>> No.6393419

i think the artist is a woman, i might be wrong about that but i remember something about how they're a girl, there are some hentai artists that surprisingly are women, ik aromasensei is a girl and she uses her own body as a model and reference for her art

also some hentai artists create fantastic art, all of Krystopher Deckers art is really well done

>> No.6393421

pumping out art is a source of income for them, of course they're going to streamline it

>> No.6393440

lmao insanely based

>> No.6393458

Gumroad seems to have a stance that is similar to japan. Drawings is not regarded as real porn so it gets a pass. Not sure if they accept loli/furry drawings though.

>> No.6393461

Why do NSFW artists opt for Patreon, then?

>> No.6393463

by being a massive faggot.

>> No.6393473

there's always more money to be made in people forgetting to unsubscribe to you than asking them to pay for art packs

>> No.6393524

I thought gumroad was a subscription service, too. Guess I don't really know anything about the site, sorry for asking stupid questions

>> No.6393557

It is a store and patreon will ban art for offending them.

>> No.6393589

>i think the artist is a woman
Really? Huh, could have sworn it was a dude, I remember seeing a photo on their Twitter timeline, where the artist was a bald dude, but maybe I remember it wrong and mistaken them for someone else.

>> No.6393599

you might be thinking of drgraevling, although i honestly might be wrong about sabu being a girl as well, the reason i think they're a woman is because of the fact that like 90% of their art depicts women getting brutally raped and the other 10% being like some of the most graceful femboy imagery i've seen since saint sebastian of martydon, i can't imagine a guy doing that without being obnoxious and cringey about it and women in the smut industry are known for being weirdly good at this. the creator for the most well known neverwinter nights smut rape mod wrote it just for herself and her own use before her friends told her to make it public

>> No.6393600

You can check his picarto and ask him yourself

>> No.6393602

Hes a dude

>> No.6393604

that's fucked, honestly really surprising, i genuinely don't think he's made one single artwork of just a man and a woman having regular consensual sex

>> No.6393607

>men can't draw rape because....well...he just can't, ok?

>> No.6393610

it's just surprising is all, especially since drawing women getting brutally raped is like 99% of his work, i can't think of any other artist who is so specialised and focused on depicting brutal violent sexual abuse so artistically

>> No.6393625

is this a brush setting or applied with gradient maps?

>> No.6393628

Based crotchety old anon

>> No.6393826

seems to me more of a mindset tool to keep in mind more than a specific brush technique as its just a square after all. But from what i can see the more "out there" colors involved are done with a less broad brush with alot of negative space in the brush's alpha, as to cover less area and act more as a tertiary detail like sculpting textural detail. It's good practice imo to not try and adapt other people's brushes unless you see one fitting a specific need you'd not considered before. Buying people's art packs is overwhelming for most people and you will end up using like 1 or 2 of them if any. It's better to learn how to make your own and even then, only when you need a new tool. I've been using the round brush consistently for the last 2 years in order to improve without relying on fancy brushes. I'm just now starting to branch out into more brush options. Where as before I was using Greg Rutkowski's and Lane Brown's brushes but felt like my skills were being elevated undeservedly by good brushes. I recently discovered Sabu's use of a wedge brush and I'm going to make one for myself today and try it out on portrait studies.

>> No.6393829

brush packs* not art packs

>> No.6393859

Gays are some of the biggest haters of women

>> No.6394022


>> No.6394085

Check out Zedig brushset. It has brushes that can create this effect.

>> No.6394298 [DELETED] 
File: 1018 KB, 500x373, Sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, right here, why is this never mention anywhere? It always 'women are the alleys of gay men". All my interactions with gay men have been exhausting. My gay classmate in school would have the typical mean girl attitude 100× you see in movies play out in real life, he would spread rumours and talk shit behind my back while pretending to be nice and wholesome when he interacted with me in person. Even got bullied by another gay classmate because the guy he got a crush on asked me out. Later on in life one of the higher ups at my job would down right treat me like a subhuman while being overly nice and flirting with all the men, then again all the men at that job where visibly uncomfortable but to afraid to say anything since they didn't want to be labelled as homophobic.
Also why must every fucking conversation be sexual, I swear to fucking god, not even straight men think about sex this much, or at least have the decency to not randomly talk about it in detail, how they just got spit roasted in the toilet while I'm trying to eat lunch.
And Before you jump in a say, not all gays, like no shit Sherlock, but it's like for every 2 normal guy's who happen to be gay there's then 20 others who will obnoxiously display and express their love for cock sucking.

>> No.6394305
File: 71 KB, 915x1024, AABDD1B8-9951-4613-A9ED-C05F196C9576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6395014

Fuck off. Having the artist explain his thought process is very helpful.

>> No.6396164

how is it surprising it's a fetishistic thing 100% intended for a male audience, there's nothing feminine about or anything appealing to women. even the gay shit is 100% intended for a male audience. i don't believe any of the artists you suppose are women are actually women except the ones who do basic pinups of girls for a male audience.

>> No.6396174
File: 36 KB, 860x972, 1669420049761047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabu is a great artist but needs a bullet put through their fucking skull, their work is fucked up and gross.

>> No.6396865

Source: Trust me guys

>> No.6396949

how u get colors like these? literally just take them. they are right there. not kidding its that easy.

>> No.6396966

Source: being an actual XX woman artists who hangs out with other actual XX women artists.

>> No.6396997

Same, that's why I don't agree. Next.

>> No.6397134

>Woman makes hetero rape
She just has a weird fetish
>Man makes hetero rape
He must hate women

I'm starting to think /g/ was right about you faggots all along.

>> No.6397139

>Woman makes hetero rape
She just has a weird fetish
I never once implied that you fucking faggot.

>> No.6397210
File: 38 KB, 342x315, 1652916803873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did, you just didn't explicitly say it. Your reactions were totally different. When you were under the assumption the artists was a women you were confounded but not appalled. When you found out it was a man you were disgusted to the point that you voice your concern. Anyways, kys.

>> No.6397243
File: 169 KB, 490x601, 20221201_130948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the same anon as this faggot >>6393604, I'm the >>6393075, who think it's fucking hilarious how the artist portrays faggot and women, regardless of the artist fucking gender.
How about you suck my dick instead.

>> No.6397649

any pack to recommend?

>> No.6397895

>even the gay shit is 100% intended for a male audience
Are you sure? Yaoi fetishists like pretty boy smut, I remember a post comparing how those women like to draw that in comparison to what actual gay men usually draw which is mushcular bara shit.

>> No.6397945
File: 77 KB, 555x631, 1653799815266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6397978
File: 457 KB, 600x450, This nigga for real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artist draws ONLY women getting brutally raped and dehumanized in every single piece, over and over again.
>lol, guess this faggot got a hate boner for women

>> No.6398005

Both of you should just take a walk or something

>> No.6398028
File: 63 KB, 720x739, 1661673816839268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your "basic observational skills" are clouded by feminism.
I do and just did. Eat me faggot.

>> No.6398466
File: 56 KB, 400x582, 1664133867133898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely know what feminism is.
If someone draws something a hundred times over, don't get mad when people start to think there's something to it. If I see a gallery which consists of hundred of images of dudes sucking cock with rainbow coloured themed in the backgrounds, I'll probably think the artist is a obnoxious faggot from observation alone.
I just did and it was a very lovely walk, thank you.

>> No.6398484

>there's nothing feminine about or anything appealing to women
agree, i don't find this dude appealing, maybe because i'm just into anime

>> No.6398491

imagine having to accuse someone of unwittingly being part of an global conspiracy because they disagree with you to preserve your fragile ego
no, i can't be wrong! they're just part of the Bad Guys!

>> No.6398527 [DELETED] 

715 Yoder Blvd, Corcoran, CA 93212
This you buddy?

>> No.6398652

>i don't believe any of the artists you suppose are women are actually women
aromasensei is a actual woman who posts thirst trap pics of herself on twitter and this girl called _Vi0letta on twitter has an entire series where she poses rey from star wars being used as a sex slave

>> No.6399520

shortcuts like what?

>> No.6399732
File: 3 KB, 200x200, 601137-200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6400187

>All the big artists are doing it now its just how it is.
No, you can tell who is and who isn't, many artists also stream their work so you can see for yourself.
But the best way to tell who is when their art so consistent and on model as to have almost no variance even with color and light, also when you see some rendering programs you can spot their lighting signature even from thumbnails and when they make overly dynamic angles when nothing calls for it.

>> No.6400188

>I’m not like the other girls
Yuck, sis

>> No.6400194

I know other women that are also into fucked up shit, widely declaring this doesn't appeal to women is incorrect. I'm saying I'm like the other girls, brainlet

>> No.6400636

sis, you're a girl not a woman, of course you find that appealing