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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 110 KB, 870x868, 20221116_045506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6377263 No.6377263 [Reply] [Original]

Pixiv just announced a revision to their Terms of Service plan for paid content.
They're prohibiting selling fictional gore, incest, and R18 feral and loIi characters on Pixiv Fanbox, BOOTH and Pixiv Request.
This is most likely due to pressure from global credit card companies such as Mastercard, which they have a tight relationship.

>> No.6377273

Good fuck pedophiles and furfags.

>> No.6377276

No thoughts, head empty.

>> No.6377279

So they banned anime

>> No.6377287

How many times do you have to be told that they are correct in this one you lolli-loving faggot. Now you're posting in here to incite a circle-jerk with your fellow prepubescent fondling children sniffing degenerates. You need to be hanged immediately.

>> No.6377288

>...acts that offend public order and morals
A rubber band rule that basically bans any porn

>> No.6377299

Thank you payment processors.

>> No.6377302

Based. REAL artist fuck and torture children on record not fucking canvas!

>> No.6377310

Gore will be heavily limited from now on
I guess everybody thought about porn when they saw this but now drawings from Fanbox which depict violence will be under stricter rules than movies/series.
Kinda insane but when it comes to 'trust' big corporations will always trust other big corporations over an individual.
This is why the Trend page on Youtube was just other big corpo

>> No.6377311

> no rape aka no gobbo
> no beastiality aka no wolf/tentacles/snake/minotaur /whatever
Are they really going to kill HALF of their userbase?

>> No.6377321
File: 6 KB, 480x480, monero-symbol-on-white-480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it'll be enforced, they'll be nuking temselvs like tumblr.

Somebody have to make an alternative to fanbox/patreon dedicated to fictional loli, bestiality, etc with crypto payment

>> No.6377323

Why was that allowed in a first place?? Disgusting!

>> No.6377327

>hurr durr censoring good when it isn't me
>oh no, they're using the same rules to censor me, how could that happen?
all amerimutts should be shot

>> No.6377330

Furries are always the ones which laugh but are the ones which get caught hosting a Zoophile group or using other peoples kid as a reference to draw their diaper fetish art

>> No.6377331

Rent free.

>> No.6377334

too obese to fit. they would give megamind a stroke

>> No.6377340

How hard is this actually?
I mean Patreon is a very simplistic page, so making another Patreon like website shouldn't be too hard.
Kinda confused why this doesnt exist for Crypto already
(Also Fanbox is still better than Patreon because schizo Patreon staff spy on you and check if you posted something they might not like)

>> No.6377364

How hard it is to create an international payment provider that primarily deal in content that is illegal many places?

Let's just look up a realistic point of view for an ordinary payment processor:

Not easy.

>> No.6377386

I don’t create or consume illegal content so I truly do not give a fuck

>> No.6377387

It's only for booth, fanbox, and request. They are freeing the loli from paywall jail

>> No.6377390

Gore isn't illegal yet got hit too

>> No.6377391

Mentions nothing about adopting crypto. Even SKEB uses crypto now. And other japanese sites let you buy and pay in points.

>> No.6377398

It is actually considered obscene in many countries.
I think "gore" in this case would refer more to the stuff that's supposed to be titillating, not like the stuff you'd see in a slasher horror film. I can understand why credit card companies don't like the idea.

>> No.6377400

Probably only illegal in China
I dont have the name but one artist got imprisoned in China because his art was seen as too obscene
Maybe also highly misogynistic

>> No.6377406

Pretty sure it's illegal in Canada as well?
Generally speaking, I don't hear many stories about people being imprisoned or fined for fictional obscene pornography, it's always the irl stuff that gets you (rightfully) caught.

China is no surprise, I've heard women get jailed for simply writing gay male fantasy romance

>> No.6377407

Well basically all it takes is someone posting traced CSAM to blow up your entire site

>> No.6377418
File: 17 KB, 320x276, 1639792321367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, are you sure this isn't a nothingburger?

It says that it will not tolerate CP, bestiality, etc.
It never says it will not tolerate "DEPICTIONS" of such fiction.

The wording sounds very much like just a reinforcement of common-sense laws.
Unless the Japanese one states it more clearly.

After all, loli or what-have-you aren't considered child pornography in Japan or in a lot of places - including the US, where the language used for this announcement, English, is used.

>Pretty sure
>question mark
You don't sound pretty sure, sweaty.

>> No.6377424

>It never says it will not tolerate "DEPICTIONS" of such fiction.
What do you think Pixiv as a site is? Everything on the site is a "depiction" because it's an art site, it clearly would be referring to such things.
>After all, loli or what-have-you aren't considered child pornography in Japan or in a lot of places - including the US, where the language used for this announcement, English, is used.
Doesn't matter if OP's assumption is true and it's the credit card companies. It's also frowned down by Paypal. Adult content in general is annoying to deal with because big billion dollar credit card companies don't want to deal with the illegal stuff or "grey" material such as loli.

>> No.6377425

i could have sworn liberapay used crypto but i think not...i feel like there is one that i am forgetting the name of
anyway artists will have to rethink the subscription model if they want to still take income for their works
at least people can put their addresses on their sites, or get fancy using something like btcpayserver

>> No.6377430

Goddammit it's always that few schizos that sinks the entire ship huh?

>> No.6377432

japan is going to shit

>> No.6377435
File: 122 KB, 602x1332, 1659760324430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said
>we have confirmed transactions in violation of the Article 14 of our ToS

Which means people are breaking the ToS by selling real material, nothing in it implies that the ToS is going to change.
Pic related is the forbidden material, which doesn't say anything about 2D, unless it's about "promoting an hero or taking drugs".

>> No.6377451

Credit card companies still consider drawn material as adult material, which is also why you're technically not allowed to purchase or sell adult-related commissions using Paypal even though it's of a cartoon character. If it truly didn't matter, then Pixiv obviously would have no reason to forbid it.

As for the "depiction" argument, it becomes a gray area when you consider many lolifags are actual pedophiles who have used actual material as reference. There is also a case of an AI prompt (which is hosted in China? I think) that uses actual illegal material in its database to produce artworks.

>> No.6377505

>create an international payment provider
With crypto you dont need to make any new payment provider, the website can send money directly to creator's wallet, the main challenge is to make this process secure trough web alternative to fanbox/patreon

>> No.6377526

They might add it all to the list later in November, so this list says nothing right now.
Earlier I made this post about the best possible outcome:
I have no hope, however.
If anything, it's likely a combination of the recent MindGeeks bullshit and some idiots posting barely disguised Cheese Pizza as "AI art" and so on that made them do this.

>> No.6377528

>considered obscene
damn bro not that.. anything but that

>> No.6377532

>in addition
Yeah read again they double down on drawings too

>> No.6377534

And you can thank the West for that.

>> No.6377535

Don't delude yourself, loli/shota has always been something questionable. It's not a surprise credit card companies don't want to be associated with it, even if it isn't referenced from cheese pizza

>> No.6377546

>Pixiv just announced a revision to their Terms of Service plan for paid content.
>They're prohibiting selling fictional gore, incest, and R18 feral and loIi characters on Pixiv Fanbox, BOOTH and Pixiv Request.
Cant blame then when this happen
The ai Art and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.6377547
File: 276 KB, 722x1854, IMG_20221116_224316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6377552

The ruling on the MindGeeks case was, by the way, absolutely disastrous.
Basically giving the CC company the blame for less-than-legal porn posted on pornhub is downright insidious. Pornhub itself removes such content when reported, but this was all the doing of some nasty anti-porn activitsts who are not above unethical behaviour to reach their selfish goals.
Forcing payment providers to police their payments OR ELSE generally (and not speciffic cases brought forward by law enforcement due investigations and suspicions) is a DIRE situation that must not be underestimated. That's a thing that can easily lead to a slippery slope.
In the end it will fuck over way more normal people than pedos and their ilk.

>> No.6377561

Didn't the company get in hot water because it wasn't removing certain illegal content? Or dragged their asses on removing it?

>> No.6377565

Imagine not using monero for loli shit to hide from having you name linked to loli shit

>> No.6377568

Bitcoin mit Mixer was better but the Feds shut it down

>> No.6377590

Whats with the especific crackdown on incest? Like, why is it being treated like its so big of a deal like bestiality gore and lolicon? Do anybody still find fictional incest gross?

>> No.6377597

right? americans try to pretend we're still in the 50's while actual children record themselves doing things they can't even imagine

>> No.6377609

they're not going after just "illegal" content, you chimpanzee. also, acting blasé only works when you're not low IQ, otherwise it makes you sound like a retard

>> No.6377634

>laws are used to ban killing people
>what will you do if they also use laws to ban eating??!!
libtards destroyed

>> No.6377640

Itt faggots who make no money complaining about a platform they don't use.

>> No.6377694

More like
>arbitrary censoring can be applied to you
but nice try anyway, i actually expected you to use food analogy

>> No.6377696

i mean, technically it was, lmao

>> No.6377772

is op of this twitter thread retarded or what? he could get in trouble for sharing censored cp

>> No.6377781
File: 1.20 MB, 1361x1900, 92352854_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm wondering is, would mature kemono art like pic rel count as "bestiality"? If so that would be a pretty sad loss for many Japanese artists.

>> No.6377783

bestiality is fucking animals
your picture is sfw

>> No.6377785

I meant if the image was nsfw. I only posted sfw because of /ic/'s nfsw furry art ban.

>> No.6377786

but it was an objective you could strive to achieve and one of the rewards for getting good
not asking for any sympathy here, I know most vanillafags are either indifferent to or laughing at us "deranged people" but even as a non-paying customer it sucks since artists you enjoyed might start uploading less or even outright quit due to their art becoming unsustainable
I'm sure they'll find a way around tho, so I won't make assumptions this soon into the game

>> No.6377796

Was going to post this.

>> No.6377804

Was Pixiv bought by the jews?

>> No.6377816

For those puritains, pencil strokes can be considered the same as sexual exploitation of a minor (a imaginary minor?).

>> No.6377826

So, fanarts of underage characters aren't allowed, which means like 90% of every anime character, right?

>> No.6377830


>> No.6377833

>>what will you do if they also use laws to ban eating??!!
Just a matter of time. It'll start with meat

>> No.6377836

They are, the retards are getting shot at school every week lol

>> No.6377837

Kinda, American credit card companies like Mastercard are mostly to blame for this.

>> No.6377850

Right my mistake to not be specific but the process is pretty much similar for crypto. Even worse in some areas because of the volatility of crypto and lack of trust people have in it. You are still dealing with banks and international regulations.

You need financial license. For now each country require separate license.
You need to implement compliance processes
You need to develop your own software
You need a huge fiat currency reserve to combat volatility , chargebacks, etc
You need scale to build up a solid processing history.

Using it may be different but the process of building it up is not really.

>> No.6377890

Wait, did they explicitly say they're banning fictional content? Real life version of the stuff listed should already be no brainers.

>I love big corporations!

>> No.6377891
File: 31 KB, 878x708, 20221116_140908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on the ToS update.

>> No.6377912

Pixiv has been getting an influx of dirty gaijin over the last years and became yet another victim of globohomo, so them trying to comply to the west was the only inevitable conclusion to all of this.

Eternal reminder Gatekeeping was and still is the only correct aswer.

>> No.6377915

god bless visa and mastercard
let the bugeyes seethe

>> No.6377932

Weebs mad they can't jerk it to little kids anymore :(

>> No.6377937

The problem with gatekeepers is that the practice can backfire, should it be discovered the autists are even worse than the people they're trying to keep out.

>> No.6377941
File: 106 KB, 752x1200, FgBi6vSXEAEU8JN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my defense, your honor, it was just a drawing

>> No.6377943

Because it's illegal in US.
Whenever you see incest being mentioned in these mass censorship cases, blame Americans.

>> No.6377945

People can generate all the CP they want with AI. This does nothing.

>> No.6377946

>it was just a drawing
It is, though. If draw her being shot and killed, who died? Did you commit a murder?

>> No.6377949

It does one thing, fuck real artists that used to sell their art there.

>> No.6377957

>real artists
>pedobait anime
Pick one

>> No.6377959

Based. Anime was never good to begin with.

>> No.6377960

More real than your AI garbage, pajeet.

>> No.6377964

Real artists as humans beings. The AI will keep doing its thing for free.

>> No.6377975

/lsg/ was a mistake, shoo shoo pedos

>> No.6377988

So AI is taking peoples job as we speak, there could be a loopback tho, sell prompts, seeds, custom textual inversion files

>> No.6378013

cute and soul will always win in the end

>> No.6378019

>get paid 150 <coins> for a drawing at 1 coin = 1 usd
>next week 150 <coins> = 250 USD because their value went up and people are discouraged from commissioning because it's so much more expensive so you have to adjust your prices
>next week the 150 <coins> you did for a drawing are now worth 50 USD because the coin's value fell
Yeah, sounds great.

It's already obnoxious enough that pixiv's request values fluctuate because of price differences between JPY and USD. I really don't want to also have to deal with clown money constantly bouncing between being 25% of value and 2500% of value at the whim of retard discord groups on top of conversion rates.

>> No.6378035
File: 103 KB, 960x745, 1634715682338jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they need to clarify, that means the uproar at their twitter page is misguided and the new policy is only appliable to those tasteless 3d renders of kids and whatnot
so hear me out, cunnychads: we're back

>> No.6378046

How long before an otaku KyoAnis the headquarters and Shinzo Abes the CEO?

>> No.6378054

It just clarifies that they'll give you a warning after the first offense, then suspend your account on the second.

>> No.6378056

Web 2.0 sucks

>> No.6378091

>Yeah, sounds great.
There will be no better alternative once fantia will go the same route as fanbox, i think most people will accept the drawbacks of crypto since it's much better than nothing, also probably it is possible to adjust automaticaly the price based on the current value of the chosen crypto

>> No.6378097

I think that even extremely stylized will be banned from Fanbox if the character looks childish, that’s what I got from their statement, but I hope it’s just like you said and only realistic stuff get filtered.

>> No.6378122

watch Spy X Family and then try to tell me anime can't be good. A spy anime where kids actually act like kids.

>> No.6378125

Kids don't act like that

>> No.6378127

This is pixiv which was pretty much home of anime fanart, no matter what you think of the medium they are pretty much self destructing with these new policies.

>> No.6378130

A year ago I would have told you pixiv isn't dumb enough for that but they are letting AI goyslop flood their website unchecked so perhaps we are really watching pixiv kill itself.

>> No.6378164

>A drawing of WHAT?
>A contemporary draeing sir

>> No.6378211

Naive and living in their own world? Not knowing how to count and making terrible artwork? Yes they do

It's a major upgrade from the typical animes where kids are portrayed as small adults.

>> No.6378226

>No CP or CA
Nothingburger. They have always had a no CP policy. Loli/shotas don't count as CP since they're not real & are complete works of fiction. As long as the shit doesn't look realistic I don't think the staff cares. Trend lightly AI faggots.

How the fuck do even tell it's rape in a drawing? Second, isn't this like 90% of hentai? They love tentacle porn. Third, why the fuck does it even matter since it's a work of fiction?

BTFO furfags. Not so found of bestiality myself, but as I stated before, it's complete work of fiction.

>Illegal mutilations of a person or body
So no ero-guro? Funny, Japan has been making the genre of porn since the 1800s. Nowadays guro porn is simply edgy porn meant to piss off pathetic weebs/otakus who are too attached to their fetishes.

>...acts that offend public order & morals
Who's public order? Who's morals? Who is "who" in this?

>> No.6378228

Real life is not an anime you soi drinking cuck

>> No.6378231

I didn't realize you are autistic.

>> No.6378237

>made private
In other words, they are quarantining your art.

>> No.6378241

Someone please translate this. I do not speak nippon.

>> No.6378248

Reminder: free speech for all or free speech for none.

>> No.6378254

Can confirm. A lot of Japanese tags are getting saturated with cringey western art. DeviantArt, Tumblr, & FurAffinity faggots ruin a once great site for art.

>> No.6378259

I saw the website for Monero. They have globohomo art all over their site. If that doesn't raise any red flags, then I don't know what does.

>> No.6378265

>draw anime girl
>say she's 18
Should be good to go

>> No.6378321

Wouldn't this technically apply to NSFW art of most anime characters though? Since most anime characters are teenagers?

>> No.6378332


why do pornfags have to shove their obnoxious shit to a general audience instead of containing their garbage into a single dedicated website made specifically for porn?? seriously, fuck off to pornhub or something.

>> No.6378333

Not if you give them DDs and ass three times the size of their head. After all, it can’t be pedo if the character looks like milf with corset instead of ribs.

>> No.6378342

>Somebody have to make an alternative to fanbox/patreon dedicated to fictional loli, bestiality, etc with crypto payment
Well, do you all want one? Would you guys use it? I'm a /g/ Pythonfag who lurks here on occassion, and it would be relatively quick to pull together. Bittorrent with IP whitelisting was also brought up in our own threads for a degree of decentralization.

>> No.6378361

as long as people can selfhost it go for it

>> No.6378392

Those are drawings.

>> No.6378402

Drawings of children and teenagers.

>> No.6378412

True, what if those drawings get hurt or something? It would be terrible.

>> No.6378425

>I'm a /g/ Pythonfag
You killed pixiv.

>> No.6378429


>> No.6378465

You can just turn off r-18 contents tho???

>> No.6378470

We do alright.
Is pointing out the obvious all you have left to say for yourself?

>> No.6378521

False, it's contemporary drawing. Find me a real human look like that

>> No.6378564

you think pornfag parasites have that sort of courtesy? i see it everywhere regardless of whatever filter i have on. it seems as long as they are barely clothed, it doesn’t count as porn in the eyes of a coomer. but it’s all the same ugly sick shit just barely censored.

i wouldn’t mind if the bodies were at least proportionate and had some artistic integrity but they’re always these comically huge boobs and thighs in these gross positions that’s not fooling anybody.

>> No.6378646

>Would you guys use it?
Yes, i think many people will prefer a cesorship free and not at the mercy of cedit card companies alternative to fanbox/patreon/fantia

>> No.6378651

They absolutely can after they ban loli. Retard

>> No.6378653

this is all because someone started posting hyperrealistic AI CP.

>> No.6378655

they refused multiple times to remove actual rape, including one of a teenager, yeah.

>> No.6378782

Yeah, and Visa had to cut ties with Pornhub's advertiser TrafficJunky because of it. I get why Mastercard is being very skittish with this, though it feels more like virtue signaling than anything else at best. At worst, desperation to tank a foreign market to protect a domestic one.

>> No.6378843

>we believe in an environment where payment processors dont shitcan us
i am so sick of this christian pearl clutching

>> No.6378844

create a telegram or discord group

>> No.6379007

Pixiv still havent cleared about this.
Some nips defense it by showing proof of chinks advertise child porn and trafficking.
If pixiv double down on anime contents then this attack 100% organized by Jews to invade the anime space.

>> No.6379012

English please

>> No.6379035

To be fair, there are such things as "stablecoins" which have their value pegged to a fixed amount.

>> No.6379068

I wish I could share your optimism. These broad terms means that we'll have to wait and see if there is an actual crackdown.

>> No.6379084

You mean like those ones that crashed spectacularly literally just a few months back?

>> No.6379086

The black swan event has unfurled it's wings, anon. It's only a matter of time.

>> No.6379088

Is Patreon is any indicator then they will remove any depictions of the banned content.

>> No.6379095

so basically you spend your day seething at erotic art? that's why you trannies kill yourselves at such alarming rate

>> No.6379102

Never said they were perfect, just pointing out that there are other types of shitcoin besides the speculative pump n dump slot machine kind.

>> No.6379120

>just turn r-18 off bro
NTA but pornfags and bots don't give a shit about tagging their posts or being respectful, either because they've only got just enough IQ to not forget how to breathe, or they just don't care to. Some of them even get off on the rebellion and exhibitionism of posting porn in places it shouldn't be.
You ever try scrolling through DeviantArt's new submissions? No amount of tags will save you from the coomtide. Besides the literal retards posting autistic fetish porn and not bothering to tag it, there's people that will just straight up do things like taking black and white photos of their dick and posting them for other people to see.

>> No.6379136

see >>6379120
faggot. porn is what created trannies, kill yourself and YWNBAW

>> No.6379231

This. At this point, I want nothing more than for these faggots to burn in financial ruin.

>> No.6379293

Sure, mutt. you spend your days obsessed with porn, lurking on places where people post it, looking for reasons to get offended at it, taking sexual pleasure of any form of censoring, but you totally don't have a tranny mindset,rofl

>> No.6379392


>> No.6379442

projection at its finest, retard muttoid. but you won't admit you have a porn problem because it means admitting you're a freak and a loser with nothing else going for them.

>> No.6379495

yeah, i admit, i have a porn problem. it takes two hours to make a ten second animation for my fans. when it's a sex scene, you can just loop most of it, but lip synching and facial expressions are kind of a bitch. At least they pay more for it. Wow, it feels good to get it off my chest. thank you anon.

>> No.6379591

Even though I dont profit from drawings of gore, incest and all else listed , the fact that they are censoring even hentai is very disturbing to me.

I actually had a lot of respect for Pixiv, for not being as subdued by social preassure, like Patreon.

Unforturnately, the world is far too invasive nowadays.

>> No.6379638

Don't hentai artists on Pixiv have to censor the genitals to comply with Japan's laws?

>> No.6379647

>b-but i get paid to be degenerate
i don't need to do any of that shit and get paid 6 figures + benefits to draw characters from the bust in the easiest style while working from home completely remote. then i get to draw whatever the fuck i want, whenever i want without bending over to a retarded fat coomer.

>> No.6379663
File: 145 KB, 494x600, d21350s-1c83a2af-9b00-4cc2-bbed-1d0a1849a728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah? then i have three cars, two houses, a 21cm dick, 3 girlfriends and get paid 6+1 figures to draw stick figures. i won

>> No.6379668

>great imagination
You won something alright

>> No.6379669

cope nigger, the bottom line is that i didn't need to sell my dignity and try to justify garbage actions. you are literally never going to make it.

>> No.6379670

>i don't need to do any of that shit and get paid 6 figures + benefits to draw characters from the bust in the easiest style while working from home completely remote

And then he woke up

>> No.6379672

>fun money
Crypto was a funding scheme by the Jews and NWO liberals

>> No.6379676

lmao, making up stuff to impress a "coomer" on an anonymous site pretty much throws your dignity in the garbage

>> No.6379678

>6 figures is too difficult to comprehend as a non-coomer
you dumb nigger, 6 figures in the real world by my age and experience in the industry is not unusual in the least. jesus christ, this place really is full of losers.

>> No.6379681

wow actually kind of sad that 6 figures by working remote is so far off the reality of a degenerate that they think it's a larp. maybe stop beating your limp dick for once and get out of your mom's basement and try applying for a real job, fucking loser.

>> No.6379684

Stable income to generate $100000 or more yearly as an artist is pretty rare. Median income in the USA 2022 is The median income in the U.S. is $44,225. (Not looking at average since billionaires skew that number)

>> No.6379686

Excuse my copy/paste double text error

>> No.6379688

why do those arguments always end up the same way? guy with illusions of grandeur gets assblasted for being called out for his bullshit and calls everybody a loser. it's almost like it's scripted.

>> No.6379692

i'm literally a senior artist at a small mobile gaming company and they can afford 100k usd for my work. i reiterate again, it's really not that rare for this title and experience. i could technically earn more but i'm lazy and would rather not be a lead artist again because i don't want that much responsibility.

>> No.6379695


>> No.6379696

you're the one who is coping that this could have been you, but you're collecting jizz peanuts off the floor from coomers instead. do you even have retirement funds? hope alzheimers don't run in your family or your body is strong enough to support your crippled goblin physique.

>> No.6379705

Show your work or fuck off with your bullshit.

>> No.6379707

everyone is a big shot on the internet

>> No.6379713

stfu retard

>> No.6379716

dude, you're like a little kid, it's bizarre

>> No.6379725

Here's my "work" weirdo: https://www.zippia.com/advice/average-american-income/

Now calm down

>> No.6379737
File: 1.38 MB, 1080x2220, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a high skill is needed for art industry
here it is retard, a thing i drew for a joke. you don't even need to be that good to make it in the industry. you just gotta not be completely retarded and have a bit of ambition to understand how corporate structure works. that's why drawing porn for a living is completely and utterly retarded.

>> No.6379739

>draw on top of a photo
Bruh, nta but that is a shitty way to show your work

>> No.6379752
File: 606 KB, 1600x948, Screen_Shot_2018-02-06_at_3.37.14_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, stop doing this to yourself

>> No.6379771
File: 121 KB, 936x665, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6379785

Because that work really shows he is a professional senior artist

>> No.6379786

if you knew how to read you can be one too, retard. you don't even need to draw well to be an ART DIRECTOR.

>> No.6379798

Senior artist and art director are two very different things, larper

>> No.6379801

the bottom line is that you don't need to go full concept artist pro algenpfleger to get a job, retard.

you can literally get by with drawing cartoons with a handsome salary as long as you aren't a complete moron in following simple instructions.

which is why drawing porn for a living must be for illiterate and low iq RETARDS.

>> No.6379803

Ok, larper

>> No.6379805

keep being poor and stupid, nigger!

>> No.6379806

Sure will, Mr. senior artist who also happens to be the art director

>> No.6379809

well you aren't going anywhere with that level of reading comprehension. i guess it's true that poor people are stupid by default.

>> No.6379812

>senior art director
i kneel

>> No.6379832

Those 3 are likely not the same anon

>> No.6379859
File: 253 KB, 1017x1661, 20221117_175122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Pixiv has updated their Acceptable Use policy.

1. For NSFW artists: If they find that you take commissions, and your Paypal is linked to any account where you post NSFW art (Twitter, Patreon, etc), they can ban you now.

2. Forced refunds, as they are a part of their ToS.

There is quite a bit more as well.

>> No.6379862
File: 125 KB, 1024x841, 1-1-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violations will incur a $2,500 fine. Not sure if it's for each or what, or just the ones reported.

>> No.6379864

>needs others to do work for them instead of taking personal responsibility
Now I know for sure you're trannies

>> No.6379869

Time to use crypto I guess, thank you paypal

>> No.6379885
File: 1.01 MB, 1400x910, backinthecage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey ESL, isn't time that you go back to your third world country and make my shoes already?

>> No.6379891

No, it's comfy working in your country and sending money back to my family

>> No.6379893

Cut off your dick already, not like you were going to use it anyway.

>> No.6379913

It's not exactly a stable investment right now.

>> No.6379917
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1473369441195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see >>6379859
i'm going to report any coomers with a paypal that i come across from now on.

>> No.6379921

And using paypal for coomission is asking to lose money with 0 chance of making any money back

>> No.6379976

It's not that cut and dry. You'd need the email addresses the anon used for the account to file the formal report on PayPal. Outside of that, your best option is to call.

>> No.6379980
File: 41 KB, 602x752, Randall_weems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t.

>> No.6379991

In fairness, some of you faggots deserve an entire army of Randall J. Weems hot on your asses.

>> No.6380013

thanks for the heads up. i'll just pretend to be a degen client of theirs and they'll probably take the bait since they're greedy and have no standards

by the way i'm a black belt at google-fu, reverse-image search-chi, and recognizing over a thousand art styles.

>> No.6380020

>have no standards
lol, you're the last person here that should be saying that.

>> No.6380028

lmao I remember paykike actually said they backtracked on this but guess not.

>> No.6380047

that doesn't even make sense as a comeback, retard, it's literally "NO U" tier. at least i know you're a porn-addicted degenerate that would openly defend obscene porn and fetishes, but you literally know nothing about me and my standards for art.

god you are so fucking retarded. this board must have the lowest iq of all boards, maybe next to /lgbt/ or /cgl/.

>> No.6380071

The real issue with crypto as an alternative isn't its volatility (hint hint:, it's that it requires a bit of tech savviness to use responsibly and securely. Anybody accustomed to the simplicity of Paypal is naturally going to be put off by that and decide not to bother.

Then again, lack of knowledge hasn't stopped those critical of Musk's handling of Twitter from leaving it for "Mastodon", so who knows?

>> No.6380074

> I hate free speech
We know.

>> No.6380076

>maybe next to /lgbt/
lol tranny

>> No.6380087
File: 2.90 MB, 4972x3898, 1649272618294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing stops you from refunding Paypal payments. This commission scum exist for decades after all. So if you really wanted to "fuck with artists XD XD" you would do that long ago.
But I know you're zoomer AI tourist newfag farming (You)s.

>> No.6380104

I can't imagine a more pathetic existence than someone getting angry over porn existing (literally close your eyes and walk away nigger) and simping for corporations.

>> No.6380109
File: 249 KB, 1080x1311, 69374674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't the payment process be done through crypto but using dollars?

e.g. I want to send X artist $5, I put $5 into the website which then converts it into Y crypto. Essentially all I did was purchase crypto.
The site puts $5 worth of crypto into the artists credit which it then converts at the same moment, essentially all he did was sell $5 of crypto.

>> No.6380119

no i love free speech, especially when it means i can call you a nigger and say whatever the fuck i want to, including supporting the ban of porn. :^) not "free speech" when it's something you don't like eh?


the plan's exclusively for porn artists, calm your zipper tits.

lol get a load of this retard. just don't work hard for corpo's, they literally idiot-proofed it after years of streamlining the pipeline, and you'd have to be a real fucking retard not to follow simple instructions without over exerting yourself. every employee knows you're in to cash in and cash out because it's just business. you put your real efforts for drawing and painting for your personal work in your own time.

i literally only work a total of 2 hours a day with my job. jelly?

>> No.6380123

>not "free speech" when it's something you don't like eh?
Holy shit, look at the lack of self-awareness.

>> No.6380129

>the plan's exclusively for porn artists, calm your zipper tits.
retarded zoomer your """""""""""ebin XD XD plan""""""""""""" exist for literal decades

>> No.6380134

Holy based, all the dog fuckers and pedos seething.

>> No.6380142

I guess they are actually too busy using AI to notice anything.

>> No.6380166

goes both ways nigger! i also support the elimination of trannies and homosexuals!

god i love being in a first world country. better start applying to the sweatshops and coal mines within 600km of your poo hut villages! might i suggest the diamond mines where it would be the closest you'd touch riches? :^)

>> No.6380176

Why bother with mining when robots will do that in the future for free, if AI doesn't discover a way to transmute a simple rock into coal and diamonds

>> No.6380184

>god i love being in a first world country. better start applying to the sweatshops and coal mines within 600km of your poo hut villages!
Coom and pedo shit is how these 3rd world shit stains make money, without that it’s back to the sweatshops :)

>> No.6380198

who cares? fuck anime

>> No.6380202

>b..but the anime i like is good!

>> No.6380205

>degens flock to site
>fill it with degen material
>site steps in and bans it
>degens ree
you make your own problems.

>> No.6380207

it only took almost 2 decades for pixiv to ban degen shit

>> No.6380215

with AI art becoming what it is, you're going to see this crack down across the board soon

>> No.6380218

>Couldn't the payment process be done through crypto but using dollars?
>I want to send X artist $5, I put $5 into the website which then converts it into Y crypto
That entails dealing with exchanges like Coinbase, which isn't ideal because they require your ID and have similar incentives to surveil and ban users for potential ToS violations. The point of crypto is to avoid such middlemen entirely.

>> No.6380238

AIniggers are a new breed of scum. They're literal child pornographers.

>> No.6380243

Not all of them, but the fact anyone now can generate photorealistic images of kids, makes AI a pedo heaven.

>> No.6380244

>degens flock to site
>degens flock to site

>> No.6380247

seethe harder pedophile

>> No.6380249

kill yourself underage newfag AI toursit

>> No.6380250

True and human artists used to work as a filter, not only there wasn’t such spam of thousands of posts, but also not all artists were up to drawing illegal content, also, most of them had fairly stylized art.

Well, that’s the so called democratization of art.

>> No.6380253

wow, really helping yourself to not look like a pedo

>> No.6380260

>Well, that’s the so called democratization of art.
Giant AI shill campaign on the scale of NFT is happening everywhere. They hit pixiv like truck. Thousands new, fresh accounts spamming AI shit non stop out of nowhere. A lot of them seems to be western ones.
Billions AI shill posts across all social media and 4chan.

>> No.6380262

most of the internet is bots now.

>> No.6380280

Look for the nearest rope, pedo bitch. You have nothing now.

>> No.6380333

We've known for years that nothing gets pajeets and SEAmonkeys harder than preteen white girls.

>> No.6380335

What do you draw, fag? Black people and apples?

>> No.6380339

Seethe about AIfags spamming CP.

>> No.6380348

I didn’t know they can do that, but this will just crackdown ai garbage faster.
>Reeee coom and pedo shit is the only thing you can draw, without it art is dead

>> No.6380352

NTA but art is actually dead unless it's anime. So yeah, anime coom is more important than old gay paintings. I'm a zoomer so it might be different for others, but my art classes are straight up only people drawing anime. No joke bruh.

>> No.6380362

I'm only interested in dealing consequences to three people as payback. Two will be easy to grab email addresses for because they're artists, but the third will be tricky as he only commissions others. If you're set on this, take time to make your acting is believable, as well as your commission requests and alts.

>> No.6380392


>> No.6380395

your parents will never be proud of your anime coom art. you will always be ashamed of it.

>> No.6380402

Is this projection, littleboy? Are you 14 yo?

>> No.6380484

>Coom and pedo shit is how these 3rd world shit stains make money,
But a majority of 3rd world countries can't even use PayPal/stripe in the first place.
t. 3rd worlder

>> No.6380498

Art is not dead, It simply changed it's flavor . If you study renaissance arts you will realize that art have always about stylized.
The only way for art to die is kike monopolize it and spread their "contemporary" bullshit. Anime is a popular artstyle that a lot of artists adopt for it beauty and will be the main weapon against it. That why you see kike attack anime now more than ever.

>> No.6381968
File: 1.88 MB, 498x280, 1668255668213663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people most worried about this here are ignoring the solution.
4chan allows all of this on their proper boards. you can post all of this there. shove enough artist traffic through the site and maybe hiroshimoot would consider a sort of gallery board or some stupid shit. kill the botfag in the drawthreads and post there. something. just stop circle jerking on some website with an obvious life expectancy

>> No.6382051
File: 66 KB, 1024x1022, 2CF447FA-EEEE-4C53-BE44-2B76A9BD9ACF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened progressively as Pixiv went from being a cool site for japanese artists to a globohomo site where all stupid gaijin went to post their cringe shit too, hence making the site more noticeable, and therefore leading eventually to international payment methods seethe about its content.

Things were much better when places like Geocities still existed but zoomies/newfags who never used internet during the 2000s will never understand what I mean.

>> No.6382100

It is better than anything animated that has come out of the USA in the last 20 years.

>> No.6382116


>> No.6383226

Has been for a long time. The Internet really is dead.

>> No.6383228

The issue is not getting visibility, Twitter allows everything. The problem is getting paid in the west without getting banned everywhere.

>> No.6384672

Got here after looking up why pixiv was allowing cp since nearly ever front post on kemono.party is this pedo shit

Actually fucking gross there are faggots defending this nonce shit in here, I'm reminded why I haven't been on this cesspool site for nearly 10 years
'It's just a drawing'
Cool and it's just 5 feet of yarn
Neck yourself senpai

>> No.6384745

>'It's just a drawing'
Because it is just a drawing, banning people from putting lines of paper is thought policing/killing free speach, go read what happens to countries when thought policing is enforced of likes north corea/ussr

>> No.6384752 [DELETED] 

>Pedophilia is muh free speech.

>> No.6384755

>Pedophilia is protected by muh free speech.

>> No.6384774

yeah, if you mean the real thing. drawn stuff is legal in any respectable country
some people find obesity sexy while I think it's absolutely disgusting. doesn't mean I'm in favor of some retarded rule banning artists from drawing their bbw or whatever. all I'm doing is blacklisting the tags and problem solved

>> No.6384775

Anime is abstract art. Only pedo project their thought on it think it's childporn

>> No.6384952

>The left cant tell reality

>> No.6384965

If you draw a loli, who is being hurt?

>> No.6384969

yourself and by extension society at large.
I'm dead serious.

>> No.6384980

That’s very subjective, nothing in concrete. If you draw a little girl naked before putting clothes on her, are you committing a crime too?

>> No.6385070

can i have link source to that plz

>> No.6385072

already said once you start banning lolicon

nothing can stop you banning everything since 90% of manga can get ban under that (sailor moon ranna 1/2 berserk dragon ball etc etc)

>> No.6385126

Yes and even if you draw does characters way older, they will say they it’s the same because the original character design is a kid.

>> No.6385199

Just came here to say I agree 100% anon.
It's nothing less than a psychological weapon. Good luck here though.

>> No.6385211
File: 96 KB, 735x755, 1668836566435397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say they're 18
Just say they're roommates
Just say it's a fictional race of intelligent creatures who can consent
Just say they're both into it and are role-playing
Just say it was a prank

>> No.6385497

based muttoid

>> No.6385499

Doesn't matter what you say. If some payment processor thinks its too obscene then it is too obscene.

>> No.6385502

Wanting to fuck a fat chick =/= wanting to fuck a child
The pedo cope on this board gets unreal sometimes

>> No.6385534

there's no law prohibiting me of drawing stylized little girls, no matter how much you seethe
you're simply trying to ostracize artistic expression based on contemporary social taboos because there's no law for you to base it upon

>> No.6385543

>my art classes are straight up only people drawing anime.
That's because you're underage and still in highschool. The millenials thought they were gonna be famous manga artists too and look where they ended up.

>> No.6385574
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x1881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a prank

there was a webcomic gag where loli characters were played by 18+ actresses and BTS scenes complaining about can't getting dates, etc ...

they literally aren't real, so have a front piece/back-piece with some actor gags like Shindl did with his

>> No.6385597

Fuck these fascist fucks who care about fucking drawings. It's not real retards

>> No.6385603

get a real job, chud

>> No.6385604

>hehehe im destroying my brain and making myself undesirable in society and you cant stop me U MAD? hehehe

imagine becoming a pedophile to own anons on 4chan

>> No.6385605

Are you new here?

>> No.6385611

If you don't like it don't consume it.
It's not like it hurts real people. And even if it does it's not my problem u fag.

>> No.6385616

ITT fUrries seethE at pedos

>> No.6385708


>> No.6385778


>> No.6385807

Ok that last one is the undeniably iffy one no matter your position on the previous ones.

>> No.6385824


>> No.6385835

Oh man this is so funny. I'm 3:30 min in. The TV crew has gone all in when portraying the culture as despicable. Then this old Japanese guy invites her into his messy room, hands her a magazine and proudly talks about how this was the first pedo rape comic he made and the process as she flips through the rape scenes.

I can just imagine her gears turning as she is trying to make him display shame or regret.

>> No.6385849
File: 504 KB, 704x512, (((laughing_wenches))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, thank you

>> No.6385851
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x849, 100003722_p2_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these faggots seething at bestiality
WTF is wrong with you?
Bestiality is kino, specially with huge horse cock.
If anything these trash companies should ban that should be interracial QoS garbage for being a crime against humanity.

>> No.6385867
File: 604 KB, 704x512, ((((laughing chinks)))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6385879

I hate bestiality, but I would never censor a fucking drawing, what is the point, seriously?

>> No.6386298
File: 11 KB, 263x148, edixjf9183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by your logic: killing virtual people in videogames=i'm a murderous psychopath thus by your logic we should ban any artistic depiction of offensive subjects which leads to killing free speach and paves the road to authoritarian dictatorships that will dictate every move, every word, every thought you should have.

>> No.6386337

>I'm dead
if only

>> No.6386348

no you fucking freak the reason you get off to these drawings is because the idea of children being molested/abused arouses you, if you see some dude getting killed in a movie my guess is you don't beat off to that and if someone would do that we would call him a degenerate schizo in the same way we call people who jerk off to depiction of children pedophiles

>> No.6386355

Not him, but either way nothing changed in real world.

>> No.6386360
File: 1.43 MB, 530x360, 1586581801801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree kid diddler can't commission on pixiv their fap material anymore, so that's definitely a win

>> No.6386397

In this a pedo who turned himself into the police claims that stories inspired him to commit crimes. I can't help but suspect that he is just reading the room and throwing blame at the books to excuse his own behavior. If we step away from the pedo stuff there are many fetishes that people find arousing but which they would never engage in because they realize that there's a difference between fantasy and reality.
I feel like the crew is being lead around by the nose by a criminal psychopath.

I don't like that this stuff exists but it is like free speech. It only matters when it is about things you don't like. Everybody is fine with accepting things they approve off.

>> No.6386417

>They're prohibiting selling fictional gore, incest, and R18 feral and loIi characters

>> No.6386421

I mean what's their problem right? we'll soon rope all pedos, niggers and trannies anyway.

>> No.6387281
File: 31 KB, 680x343, DrawingConsent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have always had a no CP policy. Loli, shota, & furry art doesn't fall under the CP umbrella because they are works of fiction.

>> No.6387283
File: 22 KB, 396x382, FuckOffBackToReddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's getting hurt by a drawing, you dumb plebbit. Go back.

>> No.6387289
File: 120 KB, 1024x658, JapanLearnFromUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one. It's 100% anglo projection.

>> No.6387291

Not an argument. Works of fiction do not need protection.

>> No.6387297

>advertising Japan's fake rape statistics
lol. Are there still people who believe that even after how thoroughly it has been debunked.

>> No.6387310

>it fake if it not suit my narrative.
Go Japan and "accidentally touch" a 3dpd and see what happrn. I dare you.

>> No.6387316


Nobody trust fact checkers anymore, thwy are all leftoid woke suckers.

>> No.6387318

There are documentaries about all the rape that goes on in Japan. They even go separate train cars for girls because guy just can't keep their hands off them. Are you kidding me? Stop coping.

>> No.6387333

>fact checkers
Anon. The debunked isn't about fact checkers. I must say generally you are a dumbass if you ever gave credit to that kind of fact checking. It's debunked because it has been studied and there are a lot of evidence both in the Japanese society and their court system for why they have a lot of sexual offenses while still having a low conviction rate at the same time.

>> No.6387339
File: 126 KB, 1024x1169, JapanLearnFromUs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys you insufferable projecting faggot. Japan has the lowest rape rates in the world.

>> No.6387349

>points out that Japan's rape statistics are fake because 99% of rape cases don't make it to the court
>In response the retarded faggot keeps quoting the fake statistics because his rotten brain still thinks it is a counter evidence
The only question is just how stupid are you really?

>> No.6387445

Anime is an abstract artstyle. If you are a pedo, you will see it as childporn. If you aren't you will see it as cartoon porn. Pedos are naturally attracted to real children, while weebs attracted to cartoon. There are weebs who also are pedos, but instead of finding real childporn or assault a real kid, they project their pedo fetish on anime and jerk off to it. That why weeb pedo less likely to cause crime than normal pedo.
On the other hand, you will have people who project their pedophilia on fictional contents and accuse them as child porn, not only anime but also Western cartoons, renaissance arts,... These people most likely are real pedos who project their thoughts on art and virtual signaling, either to other pedos or to atttract more preys.

Kikes are a more interested case. They don't need to virtual signal to other pedos nor attract victims. They have more than enough power to kidnap and fuck any kids they want.
So why are kikes are so vocal about anime? Then I remember the ritual when they prohect their sins on chickens and kill them to trick God. Kikes want to virtual signaling to God! They project their pedophilia on anime and ban it, in hope God will forgive their sins. Anime is their chicken.

>> No.6387474

>Anime is an abstract artstyle. If you are a pedo, you will see it as childporn.
Starting with an obviously false statement was a bad idea.

If only pedos saw it as child porn then nobody would be the wiser and pedo would have their child porn which was bought through Patreon.

>> No.6387494

Both of you are disingenious, atarting by the fact the site is overruled by T-slur individuals.

>> No.6387496

>Socialism and Intersectionality does alter the way you view the world, completly alienated from reality.

Socialism is an evil.

>> No.6387500

I hear this a lot, got a link?
I'm sure you can provide some evidence?

>> No.6387503
File: 331 KB, 1080x943, Screenshot_20221123-001955_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay comrade, you must be shill leftoids spreading that dogshit video as of recent.

>> No.6387505

Samefag on a campaign.

>> No.6387507
File: 23 KB, 583x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no link?

>> No.6387508

Link for what you asshole?

>> No.6387512

a link to debunk the commonly posted image you are screeching about here >>6387339

>> No.6387515
File: 17 KB, 457x161, samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 sec. Talk about others being disingenuous when you are disingenuous yourself.

That's your own post you idiot and not the post that was asked for link for

>> No.6387518

Here's link https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/International/story?id=803965

>> No.6387520

wait, how does a random Minnesota law office website debunk Japan rape stats?

are you OK?

>> No.6387522

Your bs is too much to deal with at this hour pedo so I gave the wrong link. It's already fixed.

>> No.6387523

ok, that makes more sense, but it appears to be a simple short article about gropers, and doesn't talk about rape statics

I'm sure gropers exist in japan, very sad, but... how does that joke of an article debunk anything?

>> No.6387529

I've already shown you couldn't find one of the two sources you asked for even if all it took was a simple search. Stop being so disingenuous already.

I'll help your dumb ass with a hint. Look up the reason Japan got a 99.9% conviction rate in their court system. Something that would be unrealistic elsewhere.

>> No.6387534

I assumed you'd link to an article about ills and pitfalls of Japanese legal system or something.
You can't just tell us to look for it after YOU made the claim this was debunked >>6387339

I assumed the cartoon was made to make Western nation look bad in light of their criticism of Japanese loli comics, but you have shown no proof, just rude insults (which is fine and expected around), but no substantial links.

>99.9% conviction rate in their court
This just means prosecutors do not take any cases to court unless they are sure to get a conviction, it's clearly an exaggerated version of what happens in US, especially in Federal Courts where they do everything for defendants to cope a plea deal first and throw the book at them if they dare to defy the Fed's deal.

Is your word and post all you need for you to say the image has been "debunked?"

>> No.6387535

I mean they project their pedophilia on it so of course they see it as child porn. This sound vague as first but I think I explained that later.
Even though they see it as childporn because they projecting their pedophilia on it. They don't necessary like it because they like another outlet, a real one. The pedos who love anime however will like anime better than real thing and control themselves better. Weebs who aren't a pedo simply think it is a cartoon porn and they will jerk off to the art rather than project a human on it.

>> No.6387536

Can't you even read the thread? Why should I debunk what is obviously the post of the faggot I'm arguing with?

>> No.6387538

If you are NOT the anon who claimed the cartoon was debunked, I'm sorry.
If you are, you still have posted no proof, then you should probably stop replying and further embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6387540

I'm >>6387318
and >>6387349

>> No.6387541

btw, any pornography featuring characters under the age 18 is child porn

>> No.6387546

In Japan a lawyer will not take a case to court unless there is certain proof of guilt or innocence. They also got a pretty strict honor system so offending someone's honor is a crime that can cost you a lot of money. This is the reason many rapes never make it to court or even get reported to the police.

>> No.6387547

I don’t see why they would care what their contributing customers are doing at all. Seriously, can someone explain the angle? Are they worried that your average joe will somehow catch wind that Mastercard is providing its services to a site with weird art, and stop banking with them? Is that the concern?

>> No.6387550

interesting, got a link where I can read about this?

>> No.6387554

so... you support banning loli comics because some guys grope 20 to 30 year olds on trains?
Or do you support banning all pornography in general, both live action and drawn?

>> No.6387556

This one explains how the Japanese court system works. https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-topics/c05401/order-in-the-court-explaining-japan%E2%80%99s-99-9-conviction-rate.html

Google the rest yourself. Shouldn't be hard as there has been some prolific cases with Japanese companies suing over honor.

>> No.6387559

wtf are you talking about. We are talking about Japans crime rate you idiot.

>> No.6387560

The CC companies often have a no "sin business" clause somewhere, but over the years most of them stopped caring or just let them go unenforced, and occasionally some activist groups have to cause stir to get them to "remember, " only then somebody somewhere does something about it...

TLDR it's Karens (left or right)

>> No.6387562
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I think you are on you own tangent, anon

you might want to take a break, leave the thread, you seem to be agitated beyond reason

>> No.6387567

I will spell it out for you so please read this slowly.

The cartoon showing Japan as a rape free country is bs because they got a lot of rape and other sexual offenses that never make it to the court or even police records. So you pedos look dumb and uninformed about Japan when you try to use that as an excuse.

>> No.6387572

So what you are saying is Japan just as terrible as USA, where every major cities has dozen of gang-related violence and high crime rate (including rape), but they HIDE everything and is a terrible shithole just like Detroit.

OK, so do you think they should ban loli comics and that will help to stop the constant onslaught of (hidden) crime that ius never recorded?

>> No.6387575

>So what you are saying is Japan just as terrible as USA
Has the USA seen a need to use women only train cars because male train passengers cannot stop groping female passengers?

If not then it is probably worse.

>> No.6387576

Yes, anon, I already said, Japans is horrible den of rape, inequity and sin.
But would banning loli comics help this situation?
Would you like to answer the topic of the thread?

>> No.6387579

The reason you keep derailing is because you know you got a shit case.

>> No.6387581

nta but imagine removing a big part of your buissnes(lolicon ,loli comic and ecchi) because strangers is assuming that will recduce a hidden crime rate

they used white only car you know ? or separate the zone between white and black

for real japan is shit for women but it is a reason to put a huge weak point on your curtural hegimony
if you ban lolicon comics 1 you give reason to china and usa
2 all the outsider of manga will say manga = pizza comic
3 it potenty affect video games too
all this thing is way bigger than just lolicon

>> No.6387583

So you don't want to answer?
Maybe you think all porn should be banned as well?

You seem to be hung up on weebs and japan, but most of us here are westerners who will never live there and only interface with culture through the media.
Since you seem to be bent on hating on japs, can I assume you support the ban as well?

>> No.6387587

If the real crime rate is hidden, how can you tell if the ban was effective?

>> No.6387588

Anon we are talking about the cartoon. You are not some authority I need to answer to about what else I have talked about in this thread.

>> No.6387590

If you don't wan to answer, please don't reply.
I don't understand why you keep replying yet never answering any questions... is this "baiting?"

If not please answer >>6387576

>> No.6387591

It should not even be a concern of yours. Why do you keep trying to derail away from your shitty arguments about Japan's crime rate? Looks like it's not working for you.

>> No.6387593

Still no answer.
We draw stuff here, some of us loli too, so this ban matters far more to anons here than crime rate in Japan where most of us will never live in.

It appears you only came in the thread to bash Japs or weebs or whatever, and have no interest in art.
That's fine, but please stop replying pointlessly.
You must surely have better use of your time than this.

>> No.6387594

you cant and the politician that put the ban in place will not be in policts anymore when we can see the effects/count (that work for non hidden crime too)
that the magic of democracy

most of them dont car about economic issues of thier ban
if you ban lolicon because of hidden stats why you are not banning tabaco or alcochol we have stats for those

>> No.6387596

Smokes or alcohol doesn't offend the new tranny members of Pixiv, lmao.

>> No.6387597

>still no answer to my irrelevant derail
>I need to keep asking irrelevant questions now that asking for links and hoping none would pop up failed.
I'm laughing at you pedo anon.

>> No.6387600

Jeez i can't wait the day when those people is gonna wake up and see that thier idealogy was created by the corpo just counter the rising revolt that started after 2008 and nobody care about them in real life

>> No.6387601
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>All ai produced CP is banned
ai bros, pedo bros... not like this...

>> No.6387604

Corporations don't care. They only try to follow the trends of the time to score points with their customer base.

>> No.6387607

they dont care but it black rock that saw this orppurtiny and started the ESG bullshit that everyone follow mindlessly and we saw or big tech are out touch recently Facebook nvidia and hollywood for exemple

>> No.6387609

it's fine, most of the retards calling themselves trans never cut their dicks off, cause it's too expensive and deep down they know it's a larp, so they will sheepishly go back to being normal faggots after the fad is over, the rest will inevitably eat shotguns shells, they don't live long

>> No.6387741
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>most of the retards calling themselves trans never cut their dicks off, cause it's too expensive
in france it free of charge since it been taking care with social aid

>> No.6387744

au revoir pénis français

>> No.6387759

imagine being a french wagie
6% of you taxes is going to pay debt interest rates
5% for the boomer retirements
10% for the umployed lazy fucks,'''english peoples"", and tranny life style

>> No.6388008


This is some schizo bullshit

>> No.6388012

>Mainstream Woke site

Keep dighin yourself in socialism

>> No.6388223
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Drawings =/= real

kys you insufferable faggot

You are no better than the retarded midwits who complained about violent video games in the 90s. As long as they are works of fiction, who the fuck cares? Works of fiction do not need protection because they ARE NOT REAL. It's called FICTION for a reason.

Japan isn't going to nuke it's entire anime/manga industry just comply to an insufferable mega-Karen or mega-tranny gaijin who can't tell the difference between reality & fiction.

Loli, shota, guro, furry all fall under the FICTION umbrella. No one is getting hurt by such shitty art. To protect works of fiction is literally thought policing.

>> No.6388382

>A weeb pedo trying to cope with reality

>> No.6388391

When feminism finally hit Japan it is going to ruin your world view.

>Nagoya District Court had acquitted a man accused of repeatedly raping his daughter between the ages of 13 and 19, saying there was “reasonable doubt that it was not impossible for her to resist.” Shizuoka District Court had found another man not guilty of raping his daughter between the ages of 12 and 14 because her testimony was “unreliable.”

>Fukuoka District Court acquitted a middle manager of raping a female colleague after getting her drunk on the grounds that he was unaware of her state.

>And Shizuoka District Court acquitted a man of raping a woman after beating her, saying he could not have known that her unresponsiveness did not signify consent.

>Since then, monthly protests known as Flower Demos have become a forum where victims of rape and incest can speak out. As Kitahara explains, “Thanks to WithYou, we can finally hear and believe them. We just needed a safe space for them to talk. Now we have a place where everyone can tell their story, and show solidarity.”

>> No.6388392

>believe every women

>> No.6388396

>never believe women
pathetic coping weeb

>> No.6388403

>recorded in court:
>knocked girl unconscious
>"but she didn't protest to me fucking her afterwards. I thought she consented"
>court: sounds reasonable

>> No.6388429

incel moment
idk, a lot women lie
sounds like a he said she said situ, got a link?

>> No.6388438

>got a link
>got a link
>got a link
The song of the pedo weebs. Always deflecting

Copy the quotes into google you moron.

There is nothing incel about finding an obvious assault gross

>> No.6388444
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>> No.6388445

>pretends he can't copy quotes into google
Keep pretending it is not real. Your world keeps growing smaller. Soon Japan will be lost for you.

>> No.6388447
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>make claim

>> No.6388450

>spoon feed me!
>noo I refuse to copy quotes into google
>spoon feed me!
eww. What a personality

>> No.6388451
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>> No.6388453

I bet you wear adult diapers too.

>> No.6388459

pls, no need to bring up your other fetishes

>> No.6388462

The idea of a big manbaby like you wearing a diaper is not my fetish.

>> No.6388464

ah, the troon finally said the keyword
what nostalgia
even trump is back, it sure feels like 2016 again

>> No.6388472

What do I need to call a gross diaper wearing pedo weeb then if not a manbaby?

Why do you keep trying to project all the fetishes you know of onto me? Is it to try and pretend everybody deep down have some fetish society doesn't accept? No dude. It wouldn't even matter if I was any of those things because pedos are on another level. I can accept a troon being in the same room as me.

Good. You thought that would work?

>> No.6388785

what is the link between feminist and lolicon ,rape gore ban ?

we saw women dont care about fighting it for real on twitter before elon musk bought and fired those people