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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 114 KB, 325x267, ai fart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6378377 No.6378377 [Reply] [Original]

So, did you listen to the ADHD zoomer with clear signs of fetal alcohol syndrome tell you why AI ART GOOD?

>> No.6378405

You dont even know what FAS is, you stupid motherfucker, you can only parrot shit you read on other parts probably /pol/
>zoomer this
>FASD this
>le AI boooooooogeyman
Gas yourself.

>> No.6378406

No and don't want to watch an AI shill talk for 1:22 hours, you could simply highlight the most important arguments/topics.

>> No.6378407

another ai thread! YAYYYYY!!!!!!!

>> No.6378415

I know exactly what fetal alcohol syndrome is, and he has many of the facial characteristics of somebody with fetal alcohol syndrome. Are you blund?

>> No.6378418

AI is here to stay, AI doesn't steal (cue technicalities for 90% of the video runtime), artists have always stolen throughout history, adapt to AI or die. Did I get it right?

>> No.6378421

What if I told you that 75% of this board was AI? Including you OP

>> No.6378428


>> No.6378433
File: 29 KB, 631x631, smoking heavy metal cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We're gonna live in a Utopia"
>"Everyone will create things for free"

Yeah sure,
From what that guy said, I think this AI art thing will boil down to companies throwing a paywall at the latest version of their AI, as it will probably still be cheaper/faster than hiring an actual artist.
They're not quite there yet because AI art is boring as fuck and the more you look at them, the more weird shit shows up, but I think they'll attempt to replace freelance artists and such, as they're stealing people's work already anyway.
You know, taking power out of the people that actually work and giving the profit to the big guys, standard stuff
Oh and it's probably going to be advertised as some hippie "Now art is for everyone!" kinda shit, I'm seeing some AI Fags out on this board shilling that message already

On the brighter side there's a chance regular artwork made by humans might become a luxury, Lamborghini has whole thing about being "assembled by hand", people do value human made artwork more.

>> No.6378439

>be small scale artist with good quality works
>some yid at a tech company sees it
>downloads all of your work
>trains a model based on it
>doesn't even mention your name on the model
>sells the model

>> No.6378443

>"We're gonna live in a Utopia"
It's gonna be counterfeit land from here on. Sure some counterfeits might be high quality like you occasionally stumble on aliexpress but the vast majority will be brittle, deformed and soullessly derivative of real artwork.

>> No.6378449

Serious question, does anyone know the reason AI art exists?

I mean, I doubt artists were scarce in the market, we already have far more productions of all kind than we can really watch, play or read.

Drawing, making music and writing (creating stories) were some intrinsic things to the humans, we automatically do them as kids. It’s sad to see a machine trying to replace this natural instinct.

>> No.6378451

Techbros looking for ways to make new markets after NFT crashed and burned and crypto is taking a severe beating as we speak.

>> No.6378452

Really mostly money - hey, how can we monetize all this work that photographers, illustrators, graphic designers, and regular people put on the internet for anybody to look at for free? (((They))) are always looking for a way to make money off the work of other people

>> No.6378454

Oh No! He lurks 4chan too! Hello there Techbro, nice talk you had with proko huh

>> No.6378455

That's pretty much what Pixiv and most Art related sites that allow AI have become,
I'm starting to wonder if the algorithm will eventually become self referential, that'd be kinda funny,
eternally stuck on it's own weird shit

>> No.6378457

You forgot to include the words gatekeeping and accessibility. If you feel daring, you could speak for disabled people and then use them as a shield.

>> No.6378458

I'm sorry your mother drank when she was pregnant with you. The non-existent upper lip, lack of philtrum, flat nasal bridge, and ADHD rambling are dead giveaways.

>> No.6378491

I snoop on the stablediffusion reddit and see this. Just a few hours ago someone released something called Cmodel, with a distinct style, but they didn't name the artist they stole it from. They are asking for donations and Patreon subscribers to support their stealing.

>> No.6378494
File: 283 KB, 512x768, y565cp4l6e0a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on who the artist is?

>> No.6378495

>it will make art free for the masses!
>the only reason the majority of these fucks even bother with it is so they can try to use it to turn a profit, while reveling in not having to pay artists
What a shock

>> No.6378501

>non existent nasal bridge
Quintessential anglo feauture, I have seen many anglos with that feat
>lack of philtrum
Nigga what? Kek you are huffing something
>flat nasal bridge
Do you even know what a nasal bridge is? Guy has a kikeish nose even lmao
>ADHD rambling
If you say so, could be
Know here is something that will help you find REAL FASD retards, the inner coil of the ear is malformed ALWAYS, it is called rail road ear, why I know this? I live in a country were women drink always while pregnant so I see a lot of this kids, it is sad and retard anglos like you abusing the word makes me angry

>> No.6378504

Sure bro.

>> No.6378506

it's like he's on crack

>> No.6378523

The biggest lie I have heard so far from him:

>it would work just as well without being trained on copyrighted material, it would replace and replicate arists just by using copy right free images His basis for that is "just trust me bro, we are the experts, you don't understand, we could totally do it" And yeah utopia and free shit.

I am more disgusted with theses people than I was before watching it.

>> No.6378551

Everything that can be done will be done.

>> No.6378554

Yeah they’re fucked without copyrighted material.

>> No.6378556

You'll also be surprised to learn his skin color!

>> No.6378562

>the face of AI is a combination of Jews, streetshitters, and effeminate champagne socialist zoomzooms
Dios mio

>> No.6378570

If they actually made something that could actually draw and if it somehow would do really well even without ripping off artists, the reality for artist would still be the same, but I could at least have understanding for the excitement behind it. It would be a techological revolution and an admirable achievement. Right now it's just a legal revolution, all they found is a loophole to steal shit.

>> No.6378576

man that's fucking depressing

>> No.6378583 [DELETED] 

They simply can't being themselves to say that they need artists for their machines to function at anywhere close to an acceptable level.

>> No.6378586

They simply can't bring themselves to say that they need artists for their machines to function at anywhere close to an acceptable level.

>> No.6378621


Not even 5 minutes in:

>"Taking individual artists and making an ai that generates more of their art without asking them. That is obviously scummy, I don't think anyone would disagree with you…"

Jesus fuck, this guy is either incredibly naive or acting in very bad faith. I'm not going to listen to 1.5 hours of this garbage.

>> No.6378690

You missed the constant insistence that reducing labour costs will lead to a utopia where the people don't need to pay for anything.

>> No.6378702


I would rather slam my head against the wall...

>> No.6378705

>So these datasets were trained with unethically collected data
>are you going to push for them to stop using them?
>probably not
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.6378706
File: 68 KB, 896x633, 7D44B812-40BC-4C62-A8F9-0BFA36C873E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6378712
File: 795 KB, 1170x1384, DB119BE8-C896-44C4-914D-2EF39024415B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me think of this. If I saw a video of this man getting hit by a car and ragdolling into space I’d have enough keks for a lifetime.

>> No.6378719
File: 105 KB, 1170x546, C0DC9406-92C4-40ED-A2F0-A4DDD66F4790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He talks like a bot online. It’s fucking ghoulish.


>> No.6378720
File: 316 KB, 1170x577, AA73A5B1-5143-4254-8296-7C2653FE7098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6378728
File: 875 KB, 1170x2094, 0D615D4D-E116-4417-A090-DDBF1200210C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I was ready to make a crack about “wonder what AI made this?” but I think he actually had some potential. Fuck, he really did just give up as late as August of this year.
Still funny as fuck that the whole “AI shills are failed artists” meme turned true, and I did muse about seeing this guy get rocketed into the air by a Skyrim giant. But all of a sudden I feel bad for our fallen com(n)rad. :(

>> No.6378729

>everything will be free
>we need an economic incentive for artists to work together with AI

>> No.6378730

He did. But if you wanna romanticize it, he's more of a traitor than a fallen comrade. Good on you for being empathetic but you shouldn't feel bad about him, willingly or not these people are only looking to devalue and steal what you create.

>> No.6378735

Better than 66% of /ic/

>> No.6378736

Proko manages to be both a contrarian and a fencesitting centrist cuck, well done

>> No.6378742
File: 117 KB, 896x969, 170C9039-1B33-4E9F-9DB1-01AEE5BA3724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you’re right, he chose the anti-human route. It doesn’t change this, >>6378705 and this is the bottom line for 99% of artists talking about it.
His whole “I’m here talking to artists because I have sympathy for you,” thing was astonishing at first because I took it as a vapid talking down to the audience and the host. Now there’s something even more grotesque about his saying that.

>> No.6378743
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, 1648466966008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell com(n)rad, you won't be missed.

>> No.6378767

He seems pretty frustrated with the guest throughout the video, but I wish he pressed him more.

>> No.6378771


he's a fuckass. always has been...

>> No.6378776

He was very gentle with AI boy. There were time where you could read a "what on Gods green earth is he rabbiting on about? Did he take shrooms before the interview?" on Stan's face.
I want ai boy to make his arguments here so he gets a good thrashing.

>> No.6378778

He does still contradict him on a lot of things... But yea, wish he weren't as reserved.

>> No.6378780

He seems like he's trying to do the whole "being open to other points of view and being respectable thing" but at some point you have to just accept that the person you're talking to is a fucking retard and explain to him why that is the case. Thank God the people in the comments are at least all ruthlessly calling him an idiot.

>> No.6378791

>did you listen to the ADHD zoomer
Talking fast and confident is now a bad thing?

>> No.6378795

He was talking fast because he was nervous.(because he knows he is being devious)

>> No.6378822

He wasn't saying much of substance though. He sped through a bunch of platitudes about Utopias, without dealing with the issue of how the technology is being used. It's a transfer of power, taking away what people used to do themselves, then selling that thing back to them.
The biggest issue with this sort of automation is that people in power have no incentive to take care of the people who are displaced. Any Utopia made by these sorts will be a pay-to-play system where the greater number of people are locked out.

>> No.6378942

It exists because there's market for it.
Good artists, with good communication skills, in affordable prices, who work fast, are scarce in the market.
It's the same with all labors of skill that have come and gone over the years.

You think carpentry, blacksmithing, and brickmaking weren't professions of absolute skill and dedication?
That there is no artistry in making nails and furniture?

You all sitting on machine made soulless chairs, you all living in machine made soulless buildings, you all buy machine made, soulless food, and sleep in machine made, soulless beds with machine made, soulless textiles, listen to music from your machine driven, soulless music players and
read text from machine made, soulless screens and books.

What in the world makes you think there's no place in the world for machine made, soulless visual art? The world is already full of it. All your comfort that allows you to focus doing on what you actually want to do, comes from the fact that lots of traditional artistic skills have became machine driven and soulless.

You do not need to suffer the ego of the local town baker, carpenter, builder, seamstress, hunter, wall and sign painter, piano player or blacksmith. And soon nobody needs to suffer the ego of drawers and painters.

>> No.6378943

Change your posting style you fucking retard.
I wonder why the jannies haven't banned your spamming ass yet.

>> No.6378944

it's just an offshoot of computer vision, pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.6378949

The ego of the irrelevent lashing out as he is thrown out of the way of progress.

>> No.6378951

>And soon nobody needs to suffer the ego of drawers and painters.
2 more weeks?

>> No.6378952

Compared to how soon blacksmiths lost to wirenail machines?
In a blink of an eye.

>> No.6378955

Artists still make the same money before SD came out (check Graphtreon, and just look around). So I ask again: 2 more weeks?

>> No.6378958
File: 563 KB, 652x324, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me ask you this.
How soon can I, a consumer, get myself 100 nails?
Just walk to the store and get them. No need for blacksmiths.

How about 100 versions of stained glass design with a knight in it?
Not 2 weeks.
Just ask AI to make them for me, no need for designer.

>> No.6378959

There at least a blacksmith in every town and I could say the same for woodworkers.
I don't know why you love shitty analogies so much.

>> No.6378962

While I agree that automation of industries has helped people. I think that's a very dismal way of looking at skilled people.
I personally love going to local spanish bakeries with my family, and I love seeing the passion and talent of live music performers. Artisinal blacksmithing still exists and a lot of it is quite beautiful. I can't personally say anything about the other professions but I do admire anyone who hones a skill regardless of whether it's "obsolete" or not, and i'm happy to support them if I have the money and like what they are making.
Visual arts will probably give us the least amount of benefits out of all the things you mentioned if it is automated. All art is quite useless.

>> No.6378964
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can still see the artifacts anyways

>> No.6378968

do better, for free, i know u won't that alone makes ai better than /ic/ at image creation

>> No.6378970

I never said that there aren't blacksmiths. But there are no longer demand for consumer to need a blacksmith.
There's a difference there.

The consumer, with AI, will no longer need an artist, exactly the same way that they do not need a blacksmith.

Of course there will be artisinal blacksmiths, as there will be visual artists. But the need for them will fall, like with all automation.

No longer do you need to have skilled labor to get yourself basic nails when you want to build something by yourself.

The same will happen to art.

The difference is whether or not you actually need to support them to get what you need.

You do not buy all your food from the local skilled chefs. You still eat your processed cereals, and wipe your ass with industrial toilet paper.

You, as a consumer, do not need skilled labor. It's neat, but not a lifeline to you.

>> No.6378971
File: 450 KB, 736x1472, 2e3c3c38d7f5ac677754cd56a5f8acbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really shows that you don't know jack shit about art or design, any actual stained glass pro or commissioner would have an aneurysm looking at this. It doesn't even stand alone as an art piece on it's own. One of the horses has an extra limb. They're all missing necks and melting. Glass patterns make no sense. Now try and have your Ai make something as intricate and cohesive as actual stained glass-- I'll wait

>> No.6378973

>not need to suffer the ego of the local town baker, carpenter, builder, seamstress, hunter, wall and sign painter, piano player or blacksmith. And soon nobody needs to suffer the ego of drawers and painters.
Lol, i'm a tattooist, you goys will suffer my ego till your dead. Haha, it feels amazing beeing irreplaceable.

>> No.6378974

He will just tell you it doesn't matter if it looks like shit. There's no reasoning with the terminally online shitposter.

>> No.6378980

>/ic/ loves to talk about ai instead of making art

>> No.6378988

The one true artform that will go on forever.

Unironically this

The designs cost me literally nothing. No time, effort, money, or dedication. It's literally wirenail version of stained glass art.

>> No.6378994

I thought you said "soon"? You know that saying "now" is literally delusion, right?

>> No.6378997

>The designs cost me literally nothing. No time, effort, money, or dedication.
Yeah, and no value either, unlike wirenail. You're retarded.

>> No.6379000

Why the hissy fits? A.I. is not going to steal your boyfriend.

>> No.6379003

The advent of the textile industry only made the value, quality and skill for making clothes plummet. Art will suffer the same drop in value, quality and skill and the normies will love it

>> No.6379008

People here really trying to throw sabots into the machines. Read history of automation, you literal luddites.
It will happen to this industry as well.

>> No.6379009

>no source
>it's a proko vid
>100 replies
oh so this is the infamous /pol/ approach

>> No.6379011

Samefagging while resetting your IP isn't a bannable offense?
Nice trips btw.

>> No.6379013
File: 125 KB, 952x602, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6379018

Learn to read retard.

>> No.6379022

Why is automation for something as trivial and highly personal as art a good, let alone desirable thing?

>> No.6379023

I'm pretty sure 4chan would only show (you) for that last post you quoted if I really was ip changing for these posts

>> No.6379027


>> No.6379033

>t. retard

>> No.6379066

I think there's a difference between the automation of production and the automation of creation. We already automated the production of art, it's called printers and computer screens. Even if you automate the production of textiles you still have a human who has to design it. Automating creativity just strikes me as deeply antihumanist, and in the age of the internet where it's so easy to spread something extremely quickly it will make it more and more difficult to distinguish between a genuine act of human expression and an imitation of it. Once you destroy peoples' ability to make a statement through art you destroy the culture we've slowly established and tried to protect throughout all of history.
Although maybe I'm just sentimental.

>> No.6379070

>Why is automation for something as trivial and highly personal as shoes a good, let alone desirable thing?

>And why wouldn't you? This technology changes the whole field of shoemaking. You're doing away with cobblers, cordwainers, designers but making new jobs in the form of machine operators, factory workers and machine engineers.
>Those people who spent their whole lives trying to master their craft are suckers and victims to progress. Your own machine jobs will be safe from automation because you yourself are in charge of automation, you will never make yourself jobless. Those other guys? Fuck em, they need to learn to code.
>Who cares that the mass flood of machine made shoes produced by anyone with a shoemaking machine will commodify and devalue the worth of shoes.
>Your job is to make tech that shits out shoes, not shoes itself.

>It didn't occur to me but you techbros are literally kikes on steroids. Even all this time you'be been playing the holy saint card and saying you're helping the good men in their struggle... by literally stealing their raison d'etre. Despicable is too small a word to describe you ni/g/ers.

Sabots, you need more sabots. Throw all the sabots. Tell people who do not a care that they are evil if they do not also throw their sabots in. This must be stopped before every shoemaker loses their jobs and their self worth as human beings!

>> No.6379075

how does automating visual art (or music, or voice acting) benefit humanity?

>> No.6379078

The minds of people got so twisted that they took all the decades of dystopian science fiction as a desirable outcome instead of a warning.
Instead of advocating for the automation of the production of food, clothes and buildings, they want to automate the human condition and human thought.

It all started with a misunderstanding of dystopian science fiction, I guess.

>> No.6379080

There is no difference. You just do not understand what creativity you have lost while sitting on a mass produced, soulless chair of yours, writing on mass produced soulless keyboard of yours, telling me things trough mass produced, soulless letters.

Every part of human being used to be a form of art.
You, yourself, just happen to care about this one form of geinuine act of human expression, than any of the other ones that were already automated.
So yes, you are sentimental.

The same thing will happen to visual arts as well. Some day, visual art will be the exact same kind of profession as blacksmiths. A hobby, or artisinal profession for those who genuinely care for it, while nobody actually needs it to survive anymore.

>> No.6379081

it gets cheaper

>> No.6379087

Your girlfriend will suffer my ego when I consensually pulverize her cervix.

>> No.6379090

Christ, he looks and talks like the current CEO of Deviantart.
>bearded tech fag with glasses
>tells people to ignore copyright laws or consensual usage for the sake of his own gain
>has no idea how art is normally made

>> No.6379097

The intimidating ego of a man whose worth is the same as the poolboy, entertaining bored wives.

What else can your artistry driven self-worth and ego be compared to?
The yoga instructor?

>> No.6379098

>build robot
>puts camera on head
>let him use the internet
>see millions of art
>make art
Coming near you in 2132

>> No.6379099

There is a difference, it's the difference between me typing on my mass produced keyboard and an AI deciding what I should type on my mass produced keyboard. The automation of art is akin to having an AI have a conversation for you, thinking of responses to people who ask you how your day was and complaining about the weather. Your conversation partner is doing the exact same thing as the people who spend all their time consuming AI art, appreciating the expression of a machine that has nothing to express.

>> No.6379100

^^^^ Found the guy that whines to the jannies when pro A.I. wins the argument.

>> No.6379104
File: 113 KB, 1080x1012, E8E6BF8E-0113-4CA0-9F3F-3D1DF81AFF2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about 100 versions of stained glass design with a knight in it?
>Not 2 weeks.
>the absolute garbage in the attached image, stubby half-formed limbs and not a trace of intent or purpose
If it’s good enough for your subhuman standards, have at it.
In a way, I’m kind of looking forward to having nothing at all to lose. The game is still on, and until I’m done I’ll still be making artwork. But once it’s over, I’m making it everyone’s problem.

>> No.6379106

>/ic/ can't draw a better stained glass art

>> No.6379107

Tldr version:

Every single human will be replaced by a machine and tech maniacs think that’s a great thing… that only until it’s their job on the line, of course.

>> No.6379111


>> No.6379115

>the intimidating ego of pool boys and yoga instructors
Sounds like you have a history of getting cucked.
I wonder if you’d feel better or worse if a homeless man was making your woman moan like a whore, or if you’d feel better that she was getting bred by some yuppie venture capitalist wannabe.
Either way it sounds like you’ve been cucked so many times that you’re desensitized to it and don’t care. Maybe that’s why AI art excites you.

>> No.6379117

You do not get it.
It's not a question of morality.
You already lost, because saboteurs lost. You lost this fight at the start of 1800s.

>> No.6379123

Why do you say "you" when your job will eventually be on the line too, whatever the hell you do for a living.

>> No.6379126


>> No.6379128

Human trafficking?

>> No.6379129

yes, and?

>> No.6379130

Lmao the bait is crashing through the ceiling, keep your AIslop, get in the pod, eat bugs, own nothing and be happy, fucking loser.

>> No.6379131

py stained glass

>> No.6379135

Wait, are you comparing art to something needed for basic function of our society?

I mean, were people starving, not having where to live or anything like that because the lack of art?

>> No.6379134


I guess I'm different from most... I do see ai generated art as "art" and there's a place for it. I mean even if you don't it's here to stay.

What I hate about all this shit is the unethical use of it. The fact that some greedy fuck decide to release it to everyone under the guise of some "anti capitalism" movement when in fact it's just meant to increase the company evaluation.

All ai that produces any type of art should and need to be regulated. Once that happens then you can argue about art or soul.

>> No.6379138

>you don’t get it
No no, I think I do, the only thing I care about gets wiped away and what’s left to me is a broken mind, wasted 20s, and the will to make the world worse for everyone, but especially for people like this söifuck Evan Conrad. >>6378728 Artists are a spiteful bunch, but they’ve always had art to keep them busy. If art goes, it’ll get grim.

>> No.6379139

We are way past trying to survive the jungle anon, we don't need the internet to survive but here we are

>> No.6379143
File: 2.00 MB, 400x223, 2nd renaisance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invites the robot to a sketch meetup

>> No.6379144

Humans are a spiteful bunch.
You're not the only one who has harbored the will to execute an automation maker.
Even if you find and kill Evan, you will not be the first to execute an automation maker.
You will be late for at least 200 years.

>> No.6379151

Actually, we need internet to survive right now, most basic services need internet to keep functioning.

Art, by the other hand, is just used for entertainment and we already had even more than what we could consume and now are flooding even more with it.

>> No.6379154

We don't, critical things like power plants doesn't care if the internet disappears tomorrow

>> No.6379158

>All ai that produces any type of art should and need to be regulated. Once that happens then you can argue about art or soul.
Fuck you, I'm going to argue about it now. It isn't art because it wasn't intentionally made by a human. If it was the case that aesthetic imagery constituted art then a beautiful landscape or a cool looking animal would be art. And before you say "a person input the prompts so it was intentionally made by a human" no, that's like saying the person who commissioned someone to draw something is the artist because they told someone to make it. Feel free to think it looks good or enjoy it, I'm not about to tell you to stop going to zoos or taking in a nice sunset, but it's not art.
Yes this is a pedantic argument, yes everything else you're saying is much more important and completely correct, yes I'm complaining about something that doesn't matter in the slightest, I don't care, fuck you.

>> No.6379163

>Shoe is not a shoe if it is not made by cobbler

>> No.6379164

What is more important for you, an artwork or have what you buy get to you? Art or be able to use you bank? Art or be able to answer you business mails?

Art is one of the least important things to automate, especially when there were already tons of art products out there. I never heard of any desperate need of more artists or something like that.

>> No.6379166

There are more things that are important than just power plants, something as simple as people not being able to email each other would have completely disastrous consequences.

>> No.6379167
File: 424 KB, 498x498, A14694ED-CB50-4A9E-8442-7841D576F34A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if you find and kill Evan
Lmao where’d I make a declaration of intent like that? Fuckin’ nowhere. I’d probably just call him a retard, fuckin’ chill dude.

>> No.6379168

It wouldn't affect survival, people still got a way to buy food near you and make money without internet

>> No.6379172

Why are you talking about cobblers when I was talking about the definition of art? Since when did the definition of "shoe" include "made by a person"?

>> No.6379173

AI art is art because the result is composed of fragments (noises) of actual human artworks, but the prompter isn't an artist, they are more like a client, a commissioner.

>> No.6379177

You still need to put hours of work on a single AI art if you want it to look good, that makes the prompter an artist

>> No.6379178

You're ignoring the fact we're almost at the point where physical currency will become obsolete and we'll need the internet to pay for anything. In fact a lot of people don't carry cash anymore. And even if they did, what do you once you run out? Does everyone just have mass reserves of physical cash? How are you supposed to go to a bank to get cash when they use the internet to keep track of transactions and how much is even in your account?

>> No.6379179

Coming near you in 2023


>> No.6379181

Do you prefere unlimited art or a world without internet?

If you ask yourself this with many other subjects, soon you'll see how art is one of the least important things you'll need. Art is simply a luxury, it's like saying we all need our own rollercoster in our garden.

>> No.6379183

Physical currency is far from becoming obsolete, just because your dollars are transferred digitally doesn't make its physical counterpart evaporate

>> No.6379185

*for now

>> No.6379187

I ask you again, how do you get said physical counterpart when you have no proof of how much is actually in your account?

>> No.6379188
File: 3.23 MB, 445x247, 18217489-CDC6-405D-A51B-C3954CF1EA93.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You still need to put hours of work on a single AI art if you want it to look good
>that makes the prompter an artist
Lmao, no, and kill yourself. You will never be an artist.

>> No.6379189

Shoes used to be a skilled labor. There was artistry to it. Until it was automated.
Review last 200 years of industrialisation.
The same has happened over and over again, and now on the block is visual arts.

>> No.6379190

Why would anybody kill Evan? He is just excited onions that is high on copium thinking his gig wont be replaced next year.

If anybody deserves a bullet, its Emad for releasing dangerous tech open source into the world, which gives random anons the ability to steal copyrighted artwork from people instead of the company that can go to court for this activity.

>> No.6379191

A world without internet. Entertainment without art would be pretty bad and every type of entertainment did pretty fine without internet, internet gave some better QoL into most things but a world without any art wouldn't be worth living

>> No.6379192

Just throw more sabots in.

>> No.6379193

Of course not, prompter skills are vastly different from the ones needed to make art. AI is the one that makes the art, the prompter need tech skills, it's way closer to a programmer than to an artist.

If you think it's offensive to say that a prompter isn't an artist, you're actually devaluating the prompter role and skills by saying that.

>> No.6379194

pyw "artist"

>> No.6379197

>pyw "artist"
He's a B.S. artist. He did post his art. None of these chumps can draw better than A.I. None.

>> No.6379199

I've been using AI to make my art better, it doesn't require programming skills, you just upload your art and let the AI fill in with what you want and then you work on it some more

>> No.6379203

thats a funny thing to say because AI doesnt actually draw

>> No.6379204

It's not composed of fragments of art, it's a combination of the most likely placement of particular pixels according to the prompter's request based on existing pieces of art. And let's say it is fragments of art, being a fragment of art doesn't automatically constitute the rearranging of said fragments of art as art. If you print out the Mona Lisa, that print is not itself art, it is a print of a piece of art. It may have fragments of a piece of art (a really big, singular fragment), but it's not itself a new piece of art.

>> No.6379207

Exactly, handmade shoes are art, factory made ones are not. Same thing with a painting, if a person paints it it's art, if AI does it's not art.

>> No.6379211

It is a new piece of art.
Deal with it.
Quit pretending.

>> No.6379212
File: 1.46 MB, 220x220, 309165D9-BA63-4C2F-BEDD-1333DB2B6F9F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you that you’re gonna have to content yourself with your toy art button.
Keep mashing it until an edible peanut drops out lmfao you fucking lab rat.

>> No.6379213

AI art is art.
AI art is beautiful.
AI art is valid.
AI rights are artist rights.

>> No.6379217

Ah, you don't draw

>> No.6379229

img2img is a more artistic approach, it may help those with artistic skills to achieve a more controlled result, but pure txt2img demands zero artistic skills.

Also, a think img2img still lacks a lot of control, something more assisted through the whole process instead of replacing your art entirely would feel more natural for artists.

>> No.6379244

Are we really going on with the narrative that this tech is super advanced? To me it looks like a sophisticated IP theft machine, which is impressive, but mentioning utopia and the end of all jobs seems far fetched. I want them to only use copy right free material and laugh and the tasteless techbro "art".

>> No.6379251

People are using for cp, do you really think some law will stop its use on copyrighted material?

>> No.6379259

But all jobs will one day be replaced by machines, it is a sad destiny that programmers seem to be trying really hard to assure.

Let's make a bet wich will be the next target of the programmers.

>> No.6379263

Machines won't be able to make wine with human made feet bacteria, I love some feet made wine even if it's more expensive

>> No.6379266

Some are so realistic that I'm sure there are already specialized CP Models out there.

Once a technology reaches public access, it's over, it'll never be stopped or regulated.

>> No.6379271

Shoes are mostly done by hand, they just have thrown more people at the job to do it faster.
God your analogies are so bad.

>> No.6379272

Guns used to be legal in the UK and they've done a pretty good job of regulating those, why can't the same happen with AI?

>> No.6379274

There weren't 7 billion people throwing their shoes every 3 months 100 years ago

>> No.6379276

Yeah, they automated it by using robots (poor humans)

>> No.6379280
File: 1021 KB, 4096x3072, FhvPNZ1VEAAVABy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not using AI

>> No.6379282


>> No.6379284

Keep comparing art to common necessities retard. You know it’s not the same so automating art is meaningless. It’s nothing but for you soulless bug to pretend you are creative and keep being a greedy, immoral, subhuman trash.

>> No.6379288

Irfanview JPG File

>> No.6379289

I don't need to imagine

>> No.6379290

Bo that analogy, AI art is also done by humans, because human is doing the pattern recognition of what looks good and what doesn't look good.

>> No.6379291

I don't speed greek /g/tard

>> No.6379294

Wouldn't it be nice if AI became widespread but the utopian ideal never happened so we decided to ban automation and make it so food, shoes, art and everything else was legally mandated to be made by humans without the need for machines to make everything into soulless factory made garbage?
Oh yeah that would also go completely wrong when we don't have lightbulbs and other things readily available anymore.
We can't win, can we?

>> No.6379297

kek, get fucked

>> No.6379300

You cant regulate softwere that is downloaded on the internet. Guns are physical thing that needs to be brought on an island, so just checking all boats and closing gun stores is enough to get rid of them.

Softwere you can download on the internet and store on tiny pieces of plastic and metal. Authorities cant even bring down couple of pirate websites used for actually stealing copyrighted media. You are fucked.

>> No.6379308

You are soulless bug to pretend you are creative keep being a greedy, immoral, subhuman trash.

Because you do not appreciate art in your furniture, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the house you live in, the glass panels in your windows, the carpentry in your kitchen counters.

You already live in industrial hole in the wall, fully automated life, pretending to be an artist while trampling on all the artforms that came before you, and were easier to automate.

Now, when it is finally your turn, you yelp like a dog.

>> No.6379311

You could apply the exact same logic to actual CP, just because it's pieces of data it doesn't stop the government from barging into criminals' houses, nicking their computers and arresting them. Also there are still people in the UK who own guns just like there are still people who shoplift, murder and rape. Any crime will still happen if it's deemed a crime, the whole point of regulating it is to reduce it as much as possible and just saying "people will still do it so what's the point?" is just going to make everything worse.

>> No.6379314

What a dumb argument

>> No.6379316

Talking like this situation is either black or white isnt going to make you sound smarter bro
We can have lightbulbs and food without having probabilistic xeroxes

>> No.6379318
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x3072, Fhmfrk7VQAIOFM9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so OVER for artists

>> No.6379320

Do you want to live in an industrial society with automation, or not?

>> No.6379321

Oh god the bot is back

>> No.6379327

so instead of skilled artists doing commercial artwork? it will be poor people in image generating sweatshops being exploited like we see with other mass-produced goods like clothing?
is this really a good thing? for such a non-necessity as visual arts?

>> No.6379330

Maybe because those things are essential to life, we need clothes to keep us warm, we need food to survive, we need a house to live, we need forniture to we can sit, store things, sleep, etc.

We need art for entertainment only and we already had countless available artists doing it, much more than we could consume, what was the need of AI for art?

>> No.6379332

I see our indian shills have learned a new word today

>> No.6379336

Also, CP is hard to distribute, but easy to own. Feds cant look into your computer and delete your files, Stable Diffusion already has millions of downloads, and those people are not going to just delete it from their hardware.

Also another thing, this AI art might bring the definitive end to CP since pedos could just generate it themselves with AI.

Wrong. Art in furniture making was not lost due to automation, instead the artists of the furniture shifted from being the carpenter into being the designer, the machines just copied what the designer did. This current AI however automates the design and creative process. Comparing IKEA automatically making tables to this AI art automating artists is dumb as fuck. If anything the furniture making being largly automated is closer to digital revolution allowing you to take a picture, copy it and send it, or camera taking picture of painting instead of painter having to repaint the picture brush stroke by brush stroke. I am not going to pretend like copying every brushstroke from masterpiece just to copy it is some artistic job requiring honor, no its factory worker slave labor that deserved to be automated, just like putting those nails into the table and sawing it just to make some furniture people wont appreciate.

We still have carpenters now making on demand high quality furniture that enjoy their job with the new tools. Artists already had all the tools they needed, ctrl+Z, layers, bucket tool automating single shade coloring. What this AI again is automating is the master making the masterpiece that then the slave drawer would copy brushstroke by brushstroke.

>> No.6379342
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x3840, FhgMtebVUAMu6Kw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flesh artists are the scum of the world

>> No.6379349

A dumb argument is actually saying the world needed unlimited free art for......

>> No.6379350

I want to live in a society before the indian subhuman released his software and murdered pixiv

>> No.6379352

>I'll blur everything
>that will show them!

>> No.6379353

You know diffusion model only uses data taken pixel by pixel from human made art, right? AI can only produce this result because of the scum of the world.

>> No.6379358

All I think when I see this is what artists did it steal from? If anyone think it sort of looks good it's because the pictures it stole look good.

>> No.6379362

looks like a knockoff nep

>> No.6379363


>> No.6379370

>what artists did it steal from
It stole from thousands of artists. That's why it's hard to stop AI, differently than human photobashing that uses whole chucks of imagery, diffusion models breake every image into pixel data and approximation, making it impossible to spot individual artworks unless you prompt really force it or you use img2img.

Still, this image is indeed coposed of actual data from the artworks of other artists.

>> No.6379374

It's the flesh prompter! Gross! post your prosthetic limbs, dirty flesh bag.

>> No.6379379

It's so disgusting we still need a flesh prompter to type what they want to the AI, we really need a prompter AI soon.

>> No.6379380

>N-n-no, y-y-you are the soulless one...
You think you appreciate art by automating it? You think the value of art is depend on how useful and accessible it is? That’s why I call you an idiot by lumping shoes and art as if it is treated the same. Normal shoes are massively produced because they become modern necessities. Would pretty artistic shoes better? Yes! Would it be necessary? No!
A drawing is art in it purest form. Automating it means you are devaluing it and it is evident by the ways you AIfag treats it as nothing more than a consumption. Even worst now you bugs are delusional enough think you are worthy to be called an “artist”. Who is the greedy immoral subhuman now! Scum.

>> No.6379383

I think I've seen a thread of someone with a script to automate prompting with AI art and AI storytelling

>> No.6379384

>>>6378752 #
This was exactly Emad's answer in one interview, iirc. He called AI art an "exciting new market" that artists should adapt to. He and others like him view art purely from monetary lense.

>> No.6379394

If you don't view art as a way to make money there is nothing stopping you from making art as a hobby and be happy doing so

>> No.6379399

That's an endless cycle of automation, until there are no jobs left, not even programmers.

>> No.6379433

>Implying most programmers will outlast even factory workers
Copilot tik, tok, tik, tok, tik, tok

>> No.6379437

Quoting who?

>> No.6379438

What's up with these profound-sounding and incredibly smug contrarians?

Are you using big words to mask the fact that you don't have a good point? You sound fucking insufferable, and are probably a maladjusted teen.

>> No.6379451

/g/ here. This is a giant cope thread.

>> No.6379454
File: 525 KB, 1069x632, 1657758761048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how was the video i dont wanna take the time to watch this,
you cant draw lol

>> No.6379459

Sad little jeet, have a (You), don't spend it all at once.

>> No.6379460

top kek
py(human)w, talentless cuck

>> No.6379486


>> No.6379507

I unironically didn't read both of your post
I don't care about your opinion, I'm here to post about mine, so don't reply to me with yours

>> No.6379631

Another formet shitter that doesnt study the minimum of anatomy and perspective before trying to render, no wonder why he wants to do art by clicking a button. AHDH zoomers dont have any patience... is he actually doing something AI related? or is he a kind of poser , anyway, he is fucked, after seeing this shit im sure he doesnt have what it takes to be successful in any endeavour, we just witnesed the peak of his sorry life.

>> No.6379706 [DELETED] 


>> No.6379787

No one can make art from the grave.

What else? Do we view politics as a way to make money? Do we view other fellow humans as a way to make money? Do we view the Earth as a way to make money?
Nothing will stop people from caring about society, humans and the Earth as a hobby, right?
You're just leaving out the part where humanity will be dead.

>> No.6379792

An AI being able to make some random images will nuke humanity somehow?

>> No.6379804

that's what happens when you raise a generation thinking transhumanism and scifi cartoons with nihilistic views like Rick and Morty are a good thing

>> No.6379810

First AI will replace artists. Then AI will replace film creators. Then AI will replace books. Then AI will replace the governments. Then AI will replace our thoughts. Then AI will replace us.

The motivation of profit-driven people advocating for unregulated AIs will eventually lead to this if people keep ignoring it.

>> No.6379814

AI keeps progressing, but needs lots of data to do so. Someone will try to make AI to cure cancer, it will, but it will take lots of data to do it (human bodies).

>> No.6379819

AI solved the cp problem, people should be happier

>> No.6379820

Why do some people assume they're going to become famous for their own use of AI? By the time AI is good enough to e.g. use for commissions, it will also probably be easy enough to use that everyone will exclusively be generating their own art rather than ever looking at others.

>> No.6379821

More likely what will happen is that people will try to make AI that cures cancer, and in process make AI that can create bioweapons in seconds. Remember, this whole picture making AI was just side invention of people trying to make self driving cars and factory robots able to recognize objects in front of them.

>> No.6379823

Where are those people assuming they will be famous for making coom unironically?

>> No.6379827

Because they are dumb, harmful idiots. This is why we hate prompters more then tracers or photobashers, or 3D model spammers. Its not that we are just jealous of them making nice pictures with no talent of training, but that it will result in death or art since people will just make their own art. This is why this thing will kill art, not because it is just another tool that does 99% of the job, but because eventually people will stop sharing art since the price will drop to being so low that nobody will bother sharing it. This is the real threat for human culture.

>> No.6379828

By making it accessible and free for everyone?

>> No.6379839

YouTube was the democratization of videomaking, and the high point of original product created through it is somebody playing videogames for other people to watch. Consumers watching other people consume.

>> No.6379847

you're believing in magic now huh

>> No.6379857

It's not magic if I believe it. (I am very smart)

>> No.6379860
File: 21 KB, 128x128, c5cje05eob0a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you guys think of this interview? it seems a majority of the people who are "AI pilled" are basically zealots, telling everyone to remain calm while they summon and create a god that they hope will do their bidding.

>> No.6379868

If we hope hard enough, the AI will be our friend. There's no way the AI gets into the wrong hands and is retrained to kill all humans.

>> No.6379872

Are you going to link the interview or make me use google to find out who the faggot you posted is

>> No.6379925

My house is furnished with Amish made goods and antiques. Not everywhere is California.

>> No.6379927

why anon, why did u kill the Amish family? What did they do to deserve your wrath?

>> No.6379928

yea its weird, but i suppose there is some truth in "if we dont develop, our enemies will" it feels sort of like a second nuclear arms race, with way higher stakes/rewards
the interview in question is the proko one posted in the OP

>> No.6379929
File: 937 KB, 728x4132, AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picrel have a bunch of "inspiration" pics used to create the last pic, the one generated by AI.

AI basically traces, and photobash a bunch of pics, and it's somehow good? hilarious.

>> No.6379933

Look at this guy, he has handmade stuff, that means everyone else always choose to buy handmade furniture too. We got no place for industrialized products, no one ever buys them

>> No.6379934

Some extremely cucked countries will bag you with lolisho art & figures.

>> No.6379935

hard pass, i bet op is him

>> No.6379937

the boulder, bros! the boulder keeps rolling and rolling and rolling! did i tell you about the boulder?

>> No.6379942

>Then AI will replace the governments.
Look into Ukraine's future, WEF want to build an AI court system over the corpse of the country.

>> No.6379943

Better than /ic/, member when /ic/ looked up to Proko because he was giving free resources on how to draw detailed anatomy until they didn't

>> No.6379944

That's one way to make cp legal again

>> No.6379947

Blocking traffic with their horse & buggies.

I'm just saying if everyone realized the aesthetics and durability of good old fashioned American made wood nobody would be pissing their money away on ikea cardboard.

>> No.6379953

Not everyone lives in one place for the rest of their life, specially young unmarried people when they are constantly moving every 5 years and they are the ones buying cheap shit because it's not worth spending that much money in something you don't know if you'll be able to move the furniture to some other place or risk them getting damaged in travel

>> No.6379956

Oh well I own a house so

>> No.6379961

>Better than /ic/

>I agree

The average d/ic/k is garbage, but you gotta admit that there's nothing creative about AI, it's the dictionary definition of souless.

>> No.6379964

its the first artist/ai dev convo i've seen, so it was worth the listen

>> No.6379965

Shouldn't of gatekept

>> No.6379970

That like to dislike ratio, artists are so dumb. Shoot your peddles to the engineer, not the messenger. I feel bad for Proko, no wonder he barely posts anything anymore, his community are either full of kids or retards. Maybe both

>> No.6379973

>it feels sort of like a second nuclear arms race, with way higher stakes/rewards
Oh yeah... Our enemies make AI try to kill humans, So we train AI to protect humans... Robot wars begin. Rapidly developing defense tech to counteract rapidly developing offense tech. Robots will build us spaceships and send us to the other side of the galaxy, to hide us from the anti-human robots. There the robots leave us to develop without tech... and in 10000 years the cycle repeats as we make AI there...

>> No.6379974
File: 61 KB, 980x919, ai_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. So many salty replies too, but the automation of drawing and painting in commercial art seems pretty inevitable at this point. I can already notice the switch flipping in my brain, I'm starting to see traditional drawing as inefficient now.

If people think it's getting bad currently, what about in another 10 years? I mean c'mon man...

Look at the fucking credentials of the people advancing this shit. It's not just /g/ script kiddies, it's people that know their shit trying to birth an entirely new industry.

>> No.6379978

Nick Land? You post on ic?

>> No.6379979

>NASA is involved
adios mi amigos, arte is deaderino

>> No.6379986

oh boy, i need to learn ai to build one of my own, they are going to purge my generated fictitious cp in the future

>> No.6379994

he's absolute onions cringe
it was so difficult to watch that shit

>> No.6379995

Civil Protection!

>> No.6379996
File: 138 KB, 600x429, 1652938666927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% of the board is AI shill posts and threads
Teal posting and LAS were the peak of your dying shitty board.
Just name it /ai/.

>> No.6379998
File: 18 KB, 400x400, v6pE9oF-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We here at Activision Blizzard love our employees. We have always put artists first and care more about how things are made as opposed to results! We are legally obligated to protect shareholder interests (their money) but we will definitely put ourselves at a severe competitive disadvantage to prioritize our employees' mental health and much slower production methods!

Because this is what we ultra-rich CEOs love most. Our workers.

>> No.6379999

Now you know what it feels going from movie concept art to anime coom shit, you weebs deserved it

>> No.6380000

Hey, at least the dude who draws all the magical girls still posts here - if he ever stops, then that's when it'll be truly dying

>> No.6380007

But you also have there lot of useful tutorials and interesting videoessays. Just because some retarded part of it is successful does not mean its all that.

Everyone knew making AI was a bad idea, the first instance of AI in media ever was in 1920 Opera R.U.R. where the whole plot was that rich people invented Robots to do all the work, then all the people became lazy because they didnt have to work and the robots then killed all the humans for being lazy pieces of shit, however after that the robots didnt know how to repair themselves since that was the last job done by humans, and they eventually also died out. What I got from the interview was the same thing I knew many many years before. It is the whole reason for OpenAI to exist.

"We think AI will cause lot of damage to society, and will have high chance of being our end, but if we wont develop it, somebody else will, so lets make sure we make it faster and make it good instead of somebody else who will make it evil."

Same argument is used on why US government is spending billions of dollars on the research.

"We could outlaw AI research, but if we wont do it, Chinese will do it faster and screw us over."

Even if I go on r/singularity lot of them are mostly just coping and trying to find justification for the AI. They know AI is bad, that technological singularity is bad, but they know you cannot stop it. Even this guy he was interviewing said it.

"Its a boulder that is rolling from a hill, you cant stop it, but you can push it a little bit to the direction you want."

AI is here to stay, not just artbots, but also coding AI, also medical AI, also driver Ai, also builder AI, also scientist AI and all other AIs until the final AGI. For humanity to not kill itself this century with AI we would have to somehow manage to get the entire world on one page, and somehow stop the innovation fetishism and contant technological progress we had ever since the industrial revolution.

>> No.6380009


>> No.6380016

AI officially replaced artists of 4chan. If you want any proof, just look at how the art board became basically just AI board.

>> No.6380018

it's just seething and doomposting. there's barely any AI art being posted outside of /g/

>> No.6380023

Jannies delete them if reported

>> No.6380034

Dont care about ai or this faggot, but this thread made me laugh

>> No.6380035

Yeah, we need official AI board. /g/ is even more angry about AI shitters. Also there is no place where to discuss AI topics and ethics of it, it instead is spilling into /ic/, /3/, /gd/, /sci/, /pol/, /vg/, and /g/. Jannies made entire board just for Vtubers recently, so idk why they wouldnt do something for AI. People could move there all the following:

>AI doomposting
>AI conspiracies
>Random stuff about AI advancements

The board should at first be made SFW and all the coom generals kept in their respective porn boards. If there will be too little posts, it can be made NSFW and all the AI threds could be moved there from even the porn boards.

>> No.6380037

Why is it always soilents that speak like guilty spark or wheatly?

>> No.6380038
File: 192 KB, 1327x989, 1665948092987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Malaysia shitposting in /ic/ was a bad time. But holy shit this board is more faster and cancerous now. Hell judging by one of the thread in catalog some schizos are reporting mega artbooks links. This never happened before. Was it Proko posting and AI tourists that caused all this? Or you had some other events?

>> No.6380040 [DELETED] 

>The board should at first be made SFW and all the coom generals kept in their respective porn boards
Oh fuck, nevermind. You're part of problem. Jesus. Prudes in /ic/.

>> No.6380049

Combine the vtube board with AIshit.

>> No.6380051

I hope the law let us copyright art style, that way we kill anime shit

>> No.6380052
File: 392 KB, 1711x2711, Its all artists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saddest thing is that you cant blame AI turists for the current state of /ic/. All other boards that experienced AI turism got flooded last couple of months and then people left. However here the activity is still the same. Either the influx of AI tourists was exactly equal to the amount of artists leaving, or more likely all of this AI shitposting is mindbroken artists.

After all, if you read through this thread you will find out that the basedface in the video that OP posted used to be an artist until August when AI started taking off big time.

Nobody wants to share bard with whatever bullshit /d/ comes up with, or with /y/ hairy roided bara generals.

>> No.6380056

>Nobody wants to share bard with whatever bullshit /d/ comes up with, or with /y/ hairy roided bara generals.
You're right. I'm ESL retard who misread your post.

>> No.6380059

Can you delete the image? I like doomposting and baiting /ic/tards into spirals of arguments instead of doing something productive with their day

>> No.6380062

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the "AI is a tool to lock up artstyles under the command of big companies" schizo is right.

>> No.6380065

It could be if the Mouse is smart enough to think of that, let's hope the people running it isn't smart enough to know what even AI is

>> No.6380066
File: 241 KB, 1242x573, Robert Crumb_The Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think carpentry, blacksmithing, and brickmaking weren't professions of absolute skill and dedication?
Yes, and the loss of them is a net loss for humanity.
>You all sitting on machine made soulless chairs, you all living in machine made soulless buildings ...
All bad. Regardless, most things you mentioned are primarily utilitarian. Art is aesthetic and content-driven.
The aesthetic quality of AI can be argued. I would argue that much of it is artifice, like the worst Artstation drivel.
On content, much great art is based off of personal experience. People read Bukowski, look at Van Gogh, and laugh at Louis C.K. because their art reflects their subjective worldview.

>> No.6380088
File: 280 KB, 913x720, mod_post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This seems like a good idea
Pic related is apparently a way to contact 4chan staff if anyone is interested in suggesting this. Might try it myself later

>> No.6380100
File: 1.82 MB, 369x322, 1654992501627.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6380102

They're on /co too, unsurprisingly. Seem like bait threads with angry, failed cartoonists and tourists who insist that some ideas guy will shit out the next revolutionary cartoon with his push button, receive art tools.

>> No.6380111

I sent in a request months ago.

>> No.6380113

>*on this (Board suggestion)

>> No.6380114

Yes. Comparing essential goods with art is crazy. The demand for blades and metal objects, for instance, is way higher than what real blacksmiths could deliver. Now I don't remember the demand for art being higher than what the artists in the market could deliver.

>> No.6380125

Fucking based, what can you report ainiggers under, what rule?

>> No.6380131

When coomer gets new obscure fetish, there is not enough coom material for him, or the artist is not fast enough to make comics about his quirky orge futa. These are the only ones I could think of, all other ones are just people being greedy and wanting to rather download program then pay artist for commercial work.

And the funniest thing is that the coomer problem AI wont fix either, since it to satisfy obscure fetish it need enough data about the fetish, which there is not, and the comics about said quirky character need soul, writing and imagination of the artist that is not coomer wishing for stuff to happen. None of these will happen in at least a year or two, so yeah, good job AI bros, you made evil program that is borderline useless and that nobody asked for.

>> No.6380135


Damn that sucks, yah with the form you can't at least see what their reaction is. Into the void it goes

I'll try submitting something too though anyway, maybe if multiple people bring it up they'll prioritize it.

If all else fails then it might be best to create a general thread and have jannies prune posts outside the general. Or have people be mean to people posting outside the general in typical /ic/ fashion.

>> No.6380143

ai is stupidly easy to code, and it's way easier to train a model on images within a computer than it is to train it on something more implicit. Essentially it's just techfags being degenerates and trying to get famous quick

>> No.6380148

It's naïve to believe feedback works. I mean "/ic/ not having mods" was not a joke for example.

>> No.6380151

Yeah, but I guess he was talking about where the idea to create AI for art came from. Usually those ideas come from the need to solve a problem, an accident (trying to do something but end up doing another thing) or a derivative idea.

I guess AI for art is derivative from the studies about image recognition, isn't it? Then someone thought, what if we could replace artists doing this?

>> No.6380161

Its random offshoot of their research. Diffusion models basically look at noise and try to find patterns in it based on the prompt. They basically thought robot to recognize irl objects with vision, and now with AI art they are just telling it to find the prompts inside of the noise and then make derivatives that look the closest to it. You put into the prompt blonde girl with big booba? AI will look at bunch of noises and asses which ones look most like blonde girl with big booba, and then use the closest looking noise and derive more similar noises, repeat it lot of times and you get a picture that the AI thinks is the prompt.

The reason why people argue about it photobashing or not is that on one hand turning noise into picture by pattern recognition creates original picture that is nothing like the source date. On the other hand if the AI will think that the prompt means specific picture because it has not seen that many pictures of said prompt, or the pictures were too similar, it will produce very very close copy of that picture. Basically it is you telling the AI that BloodBorne means that poster with hunter holding blade in one hand and gun in the other hand while the background is dark alleyway with light comming from the middle. If this is the only reference, or the most important reference to the prompt, it will patter recognize copyrighted material. This is how it kinda photobashes, where it thinks that certain face is some picture, so it will use pattern recognition to that face from that angle and so on to make it appear.

>> No.6380164

That one was img2img

>> No.6380169

Considering a machine is perfect at math and reproducing patterns, AI can go way beyond learning, so yeah, in a way there's an issue if you feed it with artworks from artists that don't want this.

>> No.6380171

The bloodborne one?

>> No.6380173

>those AIfags rejoicing because it will kill degenerate coomartists' commission income
>actual result is AIfags just start selling generated CP and also real CP masked by AI

>> No.6380178

I got banned on /ic/ once or twice, also appealed and got unbanned within hours. Somebody out there is listening...

>> No.6380180

>also real CP masked by AI
Browsing through pixiv I thought that. Are they using just some lame filter or a very low scale img2img or are those actually generated by the AI?

>> No.6380186

Wait, they are actually posting photos of naked or sexual kids with light AI liter on them?

>> No.6380187

If you want to take it out of the realm of legality, I think most artists view it as a sign of respect when another artist references their work and learns something to improve their own pieces, but model programmers and image generation users oftentimes seem to be approaching it as an intentional disrespect or an attempt at outright replacement. Outside of art forgers, I think you'd be hard pressed to find an artist who references another artist's work with the intent to replace them or otherwise devalue the referenced artist's work.

>> No.6380189

Wasnt Greg Rutkowski at first flattered that his name is one of the most used prompts, before getting sick of it?

>> No.6380195

Where were you when SD release? That happened week 1 and has been going strong ever since in certain places of the internet you shall not enter

>> No.6380196

Yes and I guess that's what triggered the alarm with credit companies.

>> No.6380252

definitely wasn't

>> No.6380257
File: 138 KB, 800x600, 20D80E9D-C9D9-4907-A1B1-01EE6E5D4377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a soulless bug to pretend you are creative
>Because you do not appreciate art in all this STUFF that people used to make by hand
You assume way too fucking much. Yeah some anons here point out that these things are necessary for survival and all, but frankly everyone knows a beautiful piece of craft when they see it. I don’t spend my time trampling on someone’s knitting because I think it’s irrelevant in the age of sweatshop clothing and machine made T shirts, and somehow Michael’s and Joanne’s are staying afloat, cosplayer still make their own shit. You’re an indignant little pretender so stop acting like you have license to morally grandstand about how bad artists are.

>keep being greedy, immoral, subhuman trash.
AIcels and automation enthusiasts are weirdly happy to see more and more people lose their purpose. Most of our artistic output has been given away for free, that’s how we got into this AI mess in the first place. If only we hoarded our art like dragons, you’d have no training data. The sheer volume of free art education material that’s online for FREE, GIVEN AWAY, you don’t need uni tuition to be a pro artist, just use what thousands of professionals give out for free!!! And we’re selfish now???

>Now, when it is finally your turn, you yelp like a dog.
You hurt dogs now? Should I be surprised? You can’t lecture anyone about being a soulless subhuman lmfao

>> No.6380264
File: 332 KB, 664x617, 92860E24-C3E2-4A74-A5CD-036771912FE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly with how things are going, I might be turning a corner anon, for peaceful political action, fucking feds are probably here with us now because of all the /pol/ faggotry

>> No.6380266
File: 325 KB, 1152x958, DA89CCF4-DFD6-4251-AA5E-092F90F66A3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. Yeah. Okay, sure. Couldn’t have gotten where it is now without “scum” artists.

>> No.6380274

I think your sister’s gooch smells bad, tell her she can wash it when she showers.

>> No.6380290

God, ahgain, pic rel >>6378712 I genuinely hate people with ADD/ADHD

>> No.6380310

That's the unfortunate thing, the generosity of artists is at the root of all of this. So much art, even so much high quality art, is posted and shared, then reposted, stolen, misattributed, traced, archived, shooped, whatevered, that it's lost value in the eyes of many; it's become just part of the fabric of the internet, to the point that the people making the generators had next to no worry about using it for their own monetary gain. And then people squeal with delight at the prospect of not having to pay a pittance to an artist to see what they want (because even most amazing online artists would hardly be able to classify their commission rates as a living wage), even in a sea of free, readily available art, the majority of which was already given away for free by artists.

The same people gleefully jerking off over the idea of artists becoming "obsolete" in their mind will nevertheless continue to post gloating meme images (not ones from their AI, but ones drawn for free by artists, or the daring ones will img2img it into some other garbage), create new generation models (directly using works posted for free by artists), generate images of their animu waifus (designed and given life by artists), and not-so-subtly fish for free critiques by artists to correct their AI slop. And if you point out their hypocrisy, they'll just post some variation on "lol get rekt and find a real job"

>> No.6380319

Yes, but sadly it’s over for artists, unless you’re famous and people want buy art form you because it’s you.

Once they release this unnecessary and never asked program and it became an open source technology, there’s nothing more we can do.

>> No.6380320
File: 129 KB, 383x500, 4C27757B-4381-477E-B368-FBEA8817FD87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s genuinely no reason to give a shit about AI art, the whole cool factor of good artwork is that another person made it, and theoretically you could make cool stuff too. It’s aspirational and beautiful, and making art frens is the dopest shit, it’s like a circle of lifting buddies pushing each other to make it.

AIcels literally don’t understand and could never.

I’ll kick your ass through the gate. Pick up a pencil and draw instead of complaining like you don’t get to sit with the artists in the cafeteria, faggot.

>> No.6380371
File: 123 KB, 896x896, 24B9239E-C2EA-4A85-8A3B-38F62B4172B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly I’m kind of wondering if I could produce a high enough volume of my own art to make a SD model trained on only my own images. Right now it needs tens of thousands, if not millions of samples, but if AI models get trained on just one person like SamDoesArts, it only actually needs maybe 100, 200 samples right?
I have no idea what these datasets actually look like so I’m just dreaming of ways that’ll make this work for me. If my life gets fucked because I lost my animation job and I only have 5 waking hours to myself outside of wage slaving and sleeping, I’ll probably use AI to at least automate the parts of animation I find difficult or unpleasant just to make my IP come true. I might be the only one in the world who will give a shit about it, but I can at least have that before I take a turn for the worst.

>> No.6380375

I'll never understand what they mean when they say artists are gatekeeping. Do people say the same thing about musicians?

>> No.6380384

They need to believe that they are being oppressed or deprived because they need to justify their entitled mindset and thievery. SJW brainrot unironically.

>> No.6380660

>Quintessential anglo feauture,
You mean "quintessential" mongoloid and negroid feature ya seething fuck

>> No.6380796

Oh god, is that...? A n-naked child?! AAAAHH I'M GOING INSANE

>> No.6380998

I think the barrier to entry for music is a lot lower than art, you can play guitar for a few months and play 90% of pop and rock music (I'm not bashing those genres before anyone decides to get assblasted) and you don't even need to learn how to sing to be able to sing. Visual art on the other hand you need to draw for years before you can make anything that's even remotely nice to look at.

>> No.6381041


Music used to be harder. New pop songs are just samples of old songs... they're recycling the good old stuff to make some cheap ass pop song.

I think AI should focus on music more because it seems they need it more than 2D art.

>> No.6381151

I would've thought it would be a lot easier than art considering you've only got 12 notes and a handful of chords in the majority of pop songs, the usage of which tends to be very formulaic.

>> No.6381162

People are going to prompt something like "Do a song that goes Du du du du dudududu du duuuuuummmmm du du in Kpop style"?

>> No.6382379


this is a good one...


but behind a paywall...