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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 147 KB, 664x1249, lolipocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6375602 No.6375602 [Reply] [Original]

On December 15th 2022, Pixiv, FANBOX and BOOTH services will prohibit the sales of lolis, incest, bestiality rape and guro content. Any content still visible will be made private by moderation.

Elevens in uproar. It's ogre for the nips, half of nsfw artists and possibly even the pixiv art platform.

>> No.6375605

>incest, bestiality rape and guro content

>> No.6375607

well, it seems someone is killing their platform faster than twitter

>> No.6375609

there seems to be a lot of platform murder going on these days....

>> No.6375610

Let me guess, some westoids starts Infiltrating Pixiv eh?

>> No.6375619

If it's the credit card companies that's responsible, it'll be a hell lot more than just pixiv. This is the plan b after their twitter subversion failed.

>> No.6375622

Could have seen this coming for a while especially since there are aifags on there making and trying to sell "realistic" shit but idk how much that contributed to something that was bound to happen anyway

>> No.6375625

Best case scenario, new, better platforms fill the gap in the market.
Worse case scenario, all platforms follow this trend and the only places that don't are so obscure and unused to be useless.

>> No.6375632

Best case scenario is that pixiv drops those paypal kikes like subscribestar did and continues to allow drawings

>> No.6375633

This + the surge of AI garbage inundating this website don't sound all that good
Yeah it's insane kek

>> No.6375636

So do they stop you only from selling or from uploading said content in general?

And where do you draw a line? When does petite woman becomes loli? What exactly counts as guro? Do we need open wounds, or will character having blood on their hands/sword also count?

>> No.6375641

Gore and animal fuckers aren't annoying projecting idiots like the pedos

Honestly amazing what people will tolerate provided it doesn't bother them everywhere they go online

>> No.6375643

uploading is fine from the looks of it however, selling them in fanbox is not allowed

>> No.6375646
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tell me lies
tell me sweet little lies

>> No.6375647

the free market has decided that those aren't worth selling.

>> No.6375651

It took them too long. There was people there making realistic 3d lolicon that bordered child pornography.

>> No.6375652

People still care about incest content in 2022?

>> No.6375653

So it's fine as long as it's free content?

I'm also curious about where do they trace the line between loli and a girl with small breast (let's take Yukikaze for example).

>> No.6375656

theres a degenerate western scene on pixiv that has somehow evaded being banned for years now. The type of artists that are banned on literally every other platform

>> No.6375657

I expect pubic hair making great return. Small triangle over pussy solves all issues.

>> No.6375658

>it's fine as long as it's free content?
legally, yes.
most countries give sites that mass-host user uploaded images a bit of leniency.

>> No.6375665



However, the good thing is that I use fanbox for 1. getting PSD files to learn how artists I like do coloring, this doesn't affect it 2. Booth to buy tilesets, BGM etc. for RPG Maker and this doesn't affect that either. But I do wish this change makes more content creators move to DLsite so I can buy their music from there and listen to it with DLsite Play.

>> No.6375667


>> No.6375669

I heard this stems from the fact that there are only 3 card processors in the world. They have the world by the balls.

>> No.6375670

You are now a Marxist.

>> No.6375671

artist providing links to the actual artwork might bypass the whole thing, who knows?

>> No.6375672

Advertisers-kun doing his thing yet again.

>> No.6375676

pedophiles deserve to be axed

>> No.6375679

>incest, loli
>bestiality rape and guro

>> No.6375680
File: 21 KB, 800x540, 1622448799724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only valid reason why crypto has to become mainstream. The government is trying to regulate crypto so bad because it makes them seethe thinking that they can't control how you spend your money.

>> No.6375684

Damn... Give me some money then. I'm really starting to feel opressed right now.

>> No.6375688

>Latin Americans can’t sell their illegal content on civilized websites anymore

>> No.6375693
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, 1668074406799052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unbelievable. my lolis were this close of making me rich
wonder why they haven't tweeted this announcement yet. it's bound for some outrageous ratio

>> No.6375700

OP's pic is literally twitter.

>> No.6375703

is there a way to get paid via china, russia or something instead?

>> No.6375706

Credit card companies are really cracking down on degenerate content is the last several years so im not surprised to see pixiv being forced to comply. But as always I came here just to laugh at the pedophiles getting blown the fuck out yet again.

>> No.6375707

Fuck westard companies. This is literally their fault.

>> No.6375708

Isn’t this like Patreon all over again?

>> No.6375711

uh I defaulted to pixiv_en and forgot to check the nip account
anyway fuck kikes and censoring apologists and aiggers

>> No.6375722
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>Credit card companies are really cracking down on degenerate content is the last several years so im not surprised to see pixiv being forced to comply.
Well now this is pretty news to me, care to elaborate anon?

>> No.6375743

Well, a decades of freedom of art have gone. Kikes are artist mortal enemies

>> No.6375748

Aw you’ll be okay

>> No.6375750

how does this affect furry art

>> No.6375754

The next step is AI sanitization of the entire internet.

>> No.6375766

Private companies can do whatever the fuck they want.
Cry some more commie libshits.

>> No.6375773


Start your own fucking company if you want to post content other companies don’t want to host. Fucking commies

>> No.6375783

oh don't worry, they'll come after your old hags as well, in due time

>> No.6375786
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>> No.6375798

First they came for the furries and I laughed
Then they came for the pedos and I lmaod
Then they came for all other illegal content and I kekked
Then I kissed my wife and the pedophile trying to make a slippery slope argument cried alone

>> No.6375815
File: 79 KB, 944x719, 1653863451928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter and Deviantart blows their fucking brains out with a shotgun
>Surely people will just migrate to a superior website!
>Pixiv destroys the only reason to ever browse it

>> No.6375816

in before japanease alphabet people funded by china use this to hit japan even more
then the us alphebet people use that to kill manga because comics got rekt by them

>> No.6375834

free stuff should be fine but you can get money which is stupid
also what japanease shadman is gonna do ?
vanilla content ?

>> No.6375837

I wish artists were not such idiots regarding crypto. Nsfw is an amazing use case for it

>> No.6375838

Imagine drawing kids and thinking that’s worth defending

>> No.6375840

>defening drawing kids
you know they banned sao and goblin slayer in australia and some miku figurines for the same reason ?

>> No.6375850

Are you australian?

>> No.6375852

Nothing of value lost then

>> No.6375855

That means you can't sell it. It doesn't mean you can't post it. This is like hey you can't pay for a prostitute but you can rent an escort and if she likes you and you guys have sex that's her choice. Literally nothing will change

>> No.6375860

Is this unironically the end of pixiv / fanbox? It's patreon and tumblr all over again except now it's going to hit the nips, chinks, gooks, etc.

>> No.6375861

they werent there the only anime in patreon was milf or futa tranny because flat chest =loli

>> No.6375864

What kind of degenerate shit you can't sell on patreon?

>> No.6375870

Why do trannies defend censorship so much?

>> No.6375872

Based japs killing themselves with honor. Fanboxcucks, feds and Aispammers already ruined that site.

>> No.6375873

cant you just say youre selling a shitty doodle but publish degen shit your customer wants as a work around? or you cant have any association with bad works?

>> No.6375879

You can probably do some creative shenanigans like host the content somewhere else or lock it behind a passkey

>> No.6375908

They've been doing that for a while. A while ago they made some concessions to literal trannies within the company, possibly led by an american jewish expat

>> No.6375912

Marxists are the reason why companies keep banning this shit. I hope america enters a civil war and the mutts all die

>> No.6375917
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Out of curiosity, how does this affect Fantia? because early this month they keep rejecting my credit card for supporting 3 artists i like there so i couldnt renew my subscription, i am not making that shit out.

What leftoid tosspod is behind this?

>> No.6375918

On paper, everything also listed in OP
>lolis, incest, bestiality rape and guro content
In reality, you can't sell anything extreme at all. Amputees, gaping, prolapse, explicit BDSM (don't @ me with that mundane rope bondage shit), etc. If you get reported you'll get suspended. Your only bet is to fly under the radar.

>> No.6375921

Fantia's issue is mostly due to the 3D credit card verification shit, a technical issue with credit card companies issuing the latest glowie tech to Americans.

>> No.6375922

No, it was chinese AI parasites trying to sell actual CP.

>> No.6375924

>10 shekels have been deposited towards your social credit account comrade.

>> No.6375926

>pedophiles getting blown the fuck out yet again
>america still exists

>> No.6375927

>The people complaining ARE the commies

Nigga What?


>> No.6375933

And what does that mean mate? Will they fix it? Because it seemed like a good alternative.

>> No.6375938

A debit card might work. There's basically a security mismatch between the fantia card processor and your american credit card

>> No.6375948

عداله مرحب به

>> No.6375961

AI retards and westards ruining everything as always
just kill yourselves honestly

>> No.6375978

Get better taste I guess

>> No.6375990

It's truly remarkable how some boards despise /pol/ while simultaneously agreeing with them

>> No.6375993

It's called cognitive dissonance.

>> No.6375998

Yea and they're all controlled by the US government.

>> No.6375999

I agree with /pol/ on many things though

>> No.6376000

And /pol/ is all for AI "art". Getting one thing right doesn't make them right.

>> No.6376002

>not muh pedo content
>/pol/ immediately swoops in
Like pottery
Don’t you have a culture war to fight somewhere

>> No.6376008
File: 122 KB, 364x603, 1483366102711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all bad, lolibro.
Censorship benefits nobody.
Even though I don't give a shit about guro or bestiality, I still would stand by them, it's a fight worth fighting to guarantee everyone's safety.

>> No.6376012

pixiv would protect
but the credit card companies would not
so it's not totally wrong

>> No.6376016

What does subscribestar use?

>> No.6376037
File: 74 KB, 1254x958, 1655757329406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter going on a meltdown
>pixiv banning stuff
It's this it? Have we entered the dark age of hentai?

>> No.6376050

I wish crypto was more mainstream. You'd think with the constant threats that porn is under that people would just adopt it for that use case. Even onlyfans almost threatened to get rid of hardcore porn.

>> No.6376052

a broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.6376055

This is an excellent chance for things to change.
There's already a lot of unsatisfied people, they just need to be steered.

>> No.6376056

>lolis, incest, bestiality, rape and guro content.

Someone please put all of those as prompts in AI and post the results here, this shit feels like a Hentai that I read a few years ago.

>> No.6376057

Is there a crypto alternative that is stable and won't crash all the time and doesn't have fees up the ass either?

>> No.6376062

Tether, USDC, BUSD, and others. They're called stable coins since they're forever meant to represent 1 dollar

>> No.6376067

It only makes sense. All art sharing websites will be bancrupt with tiny fraction of its userbase left thanks to AI. Why use the internet to look up art when you can just use Stable Diffusion at your pc to generate you endless amount of pictures to your liking.

>> No.6376068
File: 482 KB, 1772x1772, rbtrdu330ps31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>lolis, incest, bestiality, rape and guro content.
>this shit feels like a Hentai that I read a few years ago.

& Fire Punch

>> No.6376075


This shit ain't it, when Patreon banned Loli art, and other degenerate crap like it, all the loli artists, and their fans went to Fanbox, but now they banned it too.

I almost feel bad for them, but I'm not a lolifag.

>> No.6376077
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 1576148362596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards are a bunch of nodraws that constantly derail threads with offtopic culture war shit that has nothing to do with art 99% of the time. this is the first thread in months that big banking and censorship are actually relevant to the topic of art without being forced into it.

>> No.6376078

lmao fuck fanbox beggars

>> No.6376080

>there are aifags on there making and trying to sell "realistic" shit

No way!?

AIfags can't be this retarded. LMAO

>> No.6376081
File: 2.18 MB, 498x280, joon-yorigami-touhou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have been, as the other anon said stable coins exist so people can exchange their memecoins and bitcoin without having to withdraw the money from their wallets every transaction. Stable coins alone are enough reason for people to adopt crypto since it takes like 30 seconds to send money anonymously without any questions asked between the parties with little to no fees on the right blockchain. You can use crypto without being into trading or worrying about speculative assets if you just stick to stable coins to pay for things.

>> No.6376085

There have been a ton of chinks and russians flooding the loli tag with img2img generations of literal child porn

>> No.6376086

it true it got some much attention that some people at the us senate requested a investigation

>> No.6376087

'Crypto' was created and is controlled by the exact same jews who own all fiat currency. It's just another grift, this time for those who think they are too smart for the first one.

>> No.6376089

>Latin Americans can’t sell their illegal content on civilized websites


Anon, I...

>> No.6376097

>how does this affect furry art

The most lucrative subniche of Furry art is Cub, basically Shota & Loli furries, so I guess that way?

I'm not a furry, but I know their fandom because I'm aiming to make money off them.

>> No.6376101

>Start your own fucking company if you want to post content other companies don’t want to host

Sure, lemme start a credit card company real quick, I know it's gonna be easy, cheap, and safe.

>> No.6376103

>you know they banned sao

>and goblin slayer

>> No.6376105

Isn't there something called smutpay?

>> No.6376108

>you can't sell anything extreme at all. Amputees, gaping, prolapse, explicit BDSM

Is that stuff considered extreme? that shit is tame af.

>> No.6376116

for normalfags, yes.

>> No.6376118

>it was chinese AI parasites trying to sell actual CP.

AI generated CP is one of the reasons why AI companies didn't want anything to do with porn, but then NovelAI happenned.

>> No.6376119

Only gapping is tame, the rest is just your porn addiction talking.

>> No.6376122

>Getting one thing right doesn't make them right.

Honestly, that's how I feel about incels too, they're mostly retards, but they do get some things right, y'know, like /pol/

>> No.6376123

>The most lucrative subniche of Furry art is Cub

>> No.6376124

>heh, get on my level n00b

>> No.6376125

based pixiv
i like watching other seethe when it doesnt affect me

>> No.6376128

Well i got a debit card and got the same issue.

>> No.6376129



>> No.6376130
File: 15 KB, 1000x228, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of SubscribeStar, can i ask?

What the flying fuckity ass happened to that site's account approval?

Ever since 2020. They seemed to NEVER APPROVE NEW ACCOUNTS.

I been trough 3 attempta at making an account, i linked trough my twitter and discord, and yet, my accounts NEVER GET APPROVED.

What the hell happened?

>> No.6376131

They don't even bother with AI or photoshop filter anymore, they straight up upload the real thing nowadays

>> No.6376134

So was that some sort of gayop to fuck over lolisho artists?

>> No.6376135
File: 354 KB, 500x363, 1667583286978480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the homos claiming BASED

these are the motherfuckers who were making ai pics based on real chizzie pizzieta right?

>> No.6376137

I think it's 50% bugmen trying to make money and 50% feds trying to bait retards

>> No.6376141

>Only gapping is tame, the rest is just your porn addiction talking.

Nah, Gapping is not tame if you're religious.

>> No.6376142

why are there so many /pol/ mutts outside their containment board today

>> No.6376143

how the hell does the "non-consensual" part work? are artists supposed to draw the couple having consent paper and agree to have sex?

why the fuck westerners are all like this?
why can't they differentiate fictional drawings and real life?

>> No.6376144


It's true, Cub's a lot more lucrative than Vore, Inflation, or whatever the fuck you can think of.

Even furries look down on Lolifags, so Cub art is disgusting for most of them, including artists, coomsumers, and websites.

Big demand, and small supply = infinite comms.

>> No.6376149

we told aifags ai image gen would lead cp being made. it probably won't lead to ai being effected but at least they can no longer act like there's been no harm in this.

>> No.6376150
File: 58 KB, 388x389, 1659017316217165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ching chong

>> No.6376155

>heh, get on my level n00b

I know that it came off as edgy, but in reality I'm DESENSITIZED to porn, and an asocial autismo, so yeah I lost touch with reality. LMAO

>> No.6376160

no argument white man?

>> No.6376161

Socialismo is one hell of a disease.

>> No.6376163
File: 449 KB, 1792x2276, 1668016792539601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ping pong ehehehehe

>> No.6376165

stop trying to mince language you fucking pedophile

>> No.6376177

pixiv allows ai even though most people hate it now AI is gonna be the very thing that killed pixiv.

>> No.6376178

>why the fuck westerners are all like this?
They're not, only leftoids are like this

>why can't they differentiate fictional drawings and real life?
The right wing can, but the left can't.

You should blame only the libs, not all westerners.

>> No.6376182

>pixiv allows ai even though most people hate it

>now AI is gonna be the very thing that killed pixiv.

Poetic justice

>> No.6376183

Must be hard having to kill off your own site because of payment processors.
Don't let pixiv's death be in vain. Accept payments in crypto.

>> No.6376184

shut the fuck up stupid mutt. know your place.

>> No.6376187

>shut the fuck up stupid mutt
>know your place

Are you the PingPong, or the Ameriburguer?

>> No.6376191

As stated, any character that looks young compared to a photo of an American woman will get you banned. This includes bannable offences if you draw characters from:
>Genshin Impact
>Fire Emblem
>Every Anime and Japanese video game ever
The characters you are allowed to draw are:
>Tsunade from Naruto
>Anime versions of the Kardashians
>And uh...that milf mom from uhhh...

>> No.6376200

they hate /pol/'s patronizing attitude and tone, not the message. It's tiresome after a while hearing nothing than da joos and da bbc

>> No.6376201

sounds like the tranime world is healing, in 20 years anime will be about complex adult characters and not about one-note shitty pedobait.

>> No.6376202

yes, here you idiot

>> No.6376203

From what I see most westerners hate anime for some reason. Cuckservative have decades of blaming anime as satanic and the term "tranime" also exclusively used by them.
Leftists have just hate anime for less than 10 years when K-on fags went around gatekeeping trannies.

>> No.6376206

Because you allowed this to happen. You didn't listen, now it's too late

>> No.6376207
File: 666 KB, 828x829, si.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a subscribestar account, you need to know how to fill the Tax form information properly... you can also use Wise to get your money from it and use payoneer to retrieve it and send it to any bank account without much hassle (you can even send it to paypal too). Just look on youtube tutorials anon... If my third world ass could do it, so your burger ass pronoun based culture environment can facilitate the creation of an account for you there.

>> No.6376208

I told you AI fags will kill art not because they are better but with forced and legal issues. This is the first step for Jews to control art.

>> No.6376217

Literally what is the point of Pixiv without loli

>> No.6376218

Thank I heard about this 2 years ago after patreon shit on their users but chose pixiv over it.
Is subscribestar allow fetish porn? (specifically amputee hentai)

>> No.6376223

>anime will be about complex adult characters

I don't care about pedobait moe shit, but I don't wanna this either, I'd rather watch Live Action.

>> No.6376224

Nah, they allow it, dunno how you can offend the amputees by making porn of em lol

>> No.6376227

>From what I see most westerners hate anime for some reason. Cuckservative have decades of blaming anime as satanic and the term "tranime" also exclusively used by them.
>Leftists have just hate anime for less than 10 years when K-on fags went around gatekeeping trannies.

You do have a point, but not all right wingers are like this, only the religious ones, which is a huge part of them... I concede.

>> No.6376230

nope it'll be about the same thing it'll just get censored now.

>> No.6376236

Most right-wingers aren't even religious, they just LARP about being good Christians and other holier-than-thou bullshit while living the same intolerant, degen lives as everyone else.

>> No.6376237

A lot of my fans are real amputees people or have their partner as one so i guess it's justifies. I often get disgusted at by normies though.

>> No.6376241

>From what I see most westerners hate anime for some reason
probably because anime is free in all the ways they are not

>> No.6376244

>A lot of my fans are real amputees people
>I often get disgusted at by normies though

The funny thing about this is that normies probably think their disgust for your art comes from their duty to help amputees in real life.

>> No.6376247

>they just LARP about being good Christians

I'm pretty sure that this is true for most Christians, even the few left wing ones, but yeah, you're right.

>> No.6376248

it because jew dont control anime

this and because it not produced controled by the us and it threatning the us culutre (which is the best culture for making corpo slave )

>> No.6376249
File: 38 KB, 412x542, B0A6D707-6682-4B1F-AC00-F32E5EF23E90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t believe all the dumbasses in this thread blaming “socialists” when in reality it’s more likely credit cards are to blame. Note that the ban only applies to fanbox transactions, not the whole site. And the idea that credit card companies are “marxist,” in anyway, if you genuinely believe that you understand nothing about politivs or economics.
Blame neoliberalism, but don’t blame socialism. Understand that neoliberalism and globalism are mutual enemies to ACTUAL socialists and communists.

>> No.6376250
File: 46 KB, 680x517, 1665256370802629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376253

>anime is free in all the ways they are not

Anime is a based art form, and troons will never corrupt it like they did with western animation.

>> No.6376255

also tumblr was banned for the same thing which lead to them just 100% nuking all nsfw and all the non verified porn from pornhub got removed even the fictional stuff. pixiv has had this cp problem since forever but AI just immediately pushed it past the threshold. the only notable thing from AI image gen so far are the big titted Victorian women and cp, so much for pushing creativity

>> No.6376258

>blaming “socialists” when in reality it’s more likely credit cards are to blame.

Companies are forced to do dumb shit like this because of socialists like you canceling their sorry asses everywhere, it's not only credit card biz that obey their troon overlords.

>> No.6376263

I should've known that something bad was coming with Fanbox when early last month they did a sudden crackdown on work that wasn't "censored enough."

>> No.6376264
File: 252 KB, 1200x1638, Hunter_Schafer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranime world is healing
you stupid retarded faggot don't get that only trannies and "mature" women will be allowed, we are not healing, we are going totally on the shitter

>> No.6376276

Or maybe the credit card companies are run by uptight moral puritans. Socialists don't have anywhere near the power and influence you think they do, dude. The CIA completely neutered leftists movements during the cold war. The world is run by capitalists.

>> No.6376287
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>Or maybe the credit card companies are run by uptight moral puritans

Yeah I'm thinking not. Jewish Oligarchs have been accused of and proven to be many things, but 'moralists' has never once entered the list

>> No.6376292

So the fault is "Jewish Oligarchs," not socialists.
This shouldn't be a surprise, but socialists hate oligarchs. And unlike braindead right-wingers, socialists hate ALL oligarchs, not just the Jewish ones.

>> No.6376298
File: 351 KB, 546x745, 1654870265824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like another anon said, anime and japanese stuff in general (but chinese too) is a big threat for the American hegemony.
Manga completly destroys comics.
More younger generations are fan of anime than ever and consider american shows trash.
The western game production has went to the shitter with the diversity&gender ideologies, and westerners disperately cling to chink gacha and jap relases. There is a reason why Elden Ring was the most bought game of the year and not Troon Warfare, or how the media criticises the new FF to be too "white" even if it is a medioeval europe.
Think about why you rarely see chinese or japanese movies on cinemas, but you have marvel shit splattered everywhere. Is it just a coincidence? Suzume no Tojimari completly destroyed Wakanda Forever in japan, but I can't see it because it airs only there.
Then think about the music that airs, if you are an european have you ever heard a japanese song airing on the radio? I bet not.
You just hear english, spanish (that is basically the same nigger beats) and k-pop lately, an artificial trend that is basically composed by westerners to speread the same american ideals and funded by rothchilds.

Every country with a strong cultural export is a threat to the American ideals of nigger worship, feminism and gender ideology. So they can't allow them to thrive in their european vassals or own country so they will do everything they can to shut it down.
Only one culture can be allowed globaly and that is the american one.
(see lgbt parades that are happening now in tokyo)

>> No.6376303

This was eventually gonna happen after
And then

>> No.6376306

The "socialists" are the Jewish Oligarchs. Marx himself was born from a rich Jewish family and never wanted for anything in his life. Get it through your head that they artificially create two sides to pit you against your neighbor while they play you both. "Communism" and "Socialism" always end up exactly the same as "Capitalism"; The same handful of Jewish families on top while everyone else is crushed into the dirt beneath them. The only difference is how quickly the crushing is done.

>> No.6376311

I know content on pixiv itself is still fine and it's just pixiv fanbox and such, but what good pixiv alternatives are there?

No explicit content
No human content
No loli/shota content AND most people are too retarded to upload full-sized images
No loli/shota content
Good fucking luck
No loli/shota content AND shit content discovery AND everything's downscaled
Shit content discovery AND everything's downscaled
Imagine, as an artist, uploading all of your content solely to a fucking booru
No loli/shota content, artists have had their IP addresses and personal information distributed to police for posting loli/shota

What the FUCK even is there anymore?

>> No.6376312

The only possible alternative is some new japanese site popping up.

>> No.6376323

With AIfags mass posting realistic cheese pizza I can see a site-wide ban on lolisho content happening soon enough.

>> No.6376336

This is the most realistic scenario. You could already see it happening with 3D models on some boorus before AI was a thing, now with AI I it's easy to see how that type of content could increase times a hundred if they don't take some preemptive measures.

>> No.6376344

They should have banned AI and maybe 3DCG. It's too late for that an now they're paying the price.

>> No.6376345
File: 28 KB, 593x656, sufferchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the /ss/fags that made their last refuge on pixiv are now at risk of being completely wiped

>> No.6376346

You gotta start an old fashioned mailing list

Peer to peer was the past and is the future of freedom, cut the spooks out of it entirely

>> No.6376355

>and the term "tranime" also exclusively used by them.
no it's not.

>> No.6376361

>the term "tranime" also exclusively used by them
More /pol/, really. They got the idea from a quack's thesis about how anime makes some men have autogynephilia.

>> No.6376364

They don't let you selfpost either.

>> No.6376369

Japan is not a threat to American hegemony because American hegemony is first in foremost due to America's military and overall economic might. Some American comics and some video games getting outsold is not going to change any of that lmao.
Also no shit a Japanese movie outsold an American one in Japan. That does not mean the same would happen if it were released over here.
And on that note, why would I see Chinese and Japanese movies in cinema when I live in America?
Your arguments are all over the place dude and don't make sense. You moan about the lack of Japanese music on European radio "because America" while simultaneously acknowledging the presence of Kpop on the radio.
>Every country with a strong cultural export is a threat to the American ideals of nigger worship, feminism and gender ideology.
Americans care about making money. Don't think they worship black people just because Disney sticks a few token races in their movies to pander to a larger market. Again, your problem here is with capitalist companies doing capitalism, literally none of this has to do anything with socialism.
>Get it through your head that they artificially create two sides to pit you against your neighbor while they play you both
Isn't that exactly what rightwingers do when they tell me I should hate gay people, blacks, immigrants etc?

>> No.6376370

Boorus don't benefit you in anyway either. They just leech exposure and most of the users won't even check your actual profile.

>> No.6376373

>Isn't that exactly what rightwingers do when they tell me I should hate gay people, blacks, immigrants etc?
Anyone who define themselves or others as right/left have fallen for that trick. The world isn't binary.

>> No.6376377

Still, the same people that tell me I should hate Jewish people are also telling me I should hate groups X, Y, Z etc. I'm not trying to promote an "Us vs Them" mentality, but I'm going to call it when I see it.

>> No.6376378

>most of the users won't even check your actual profile.
Speak for yourself.

>> No.6376383

It ai art fault

>> No.6376384

If you're here you're probably and artist, so of course you do, but the mass of normies that only use boorus won't.

>> No.6376386

>Manga completly destroys comics.

Korean Webtoons destroy comics too

>and k-pop lately

and K-drama, specially on Netflix, remember Squid Game ? Parasite? All of us are Dead? that zombie movie that I don't give a fuck about?

Korean Culture is mogging the shit out of American Culture all over the world, it already happened in LATAM, and SEA, that's why they hate BTS and other crap like that in Burguerland

>> No.6376387

People can fire bomb any bank they want.
Cry some more israel rabbishit.

>> No.6376388

>They should have banned AI

That's the answer, even Reddit, at least some subs there, did that, and they're better off for it.

>> No.6376393

Most debit cards are owned by the same big credit companies, so you'd probably still have the same issues.

>> No.6376396

>apan is not a threat to American hegemony because American hegemony is first in foremost due to
>America's military
>overall economic might.

You forgot to mention cultural relevance, but we both know that Americummers aren't that relevant anymore, only Disney matters to normies the world over, everything else is a joke

>> No.6376419
File: 1.55 MB, 320x218, 1473533757196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I can gather this is the result of three things:
1. Some tranny taking over parts of Pixiv's administration by claiming harassment thus leading to the shit about Pixiv's management and TOS these past 3 months.
2. AIfag spammers flooding the site with crap including cheese pizza.
3. Religious credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard once again finding any and all reasons to crack down NSFW content distribution like they did on other sites.

This whole shit is fucked.

>> No.6376426

So, trannies, jews and pajeets are at fault. Fucking great. They need to be eradicated.

>> No.6376430

Nah, not even Patreon is that extreme, I doubt Pixiv will be.

>> No.6376440

>People still care about incest content in 2022?
Persecuting incest as a fetish is weird concidering how popular it is for a normie fetish.
How long until coomers start targeting credit card companies in lone wolf attacks?

>> No.6376451
File: 3.09 MB, 640x580, miku-watermello.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American hegemony is first in foremost due to America's military and overall economic might
yes, and they use that to suppress other countries and export their ideals to them.
See bretton woods.
See plaza accords.
See trade war.
They use their money and military to crush other culture influences that might be too dangerous.

And yes for them matters if some other media outsolds them if they don't adhere on their ESG political flavour of the year, or they wouldn't force other countries to adhere to it.

>Americans care about making money
partially untrue, is not about money is spreading their diseased ideology, they ruined a shitton of franchises for it, they constantly get their movies banned in china which is the second biggest makret in the world, because they can't keep gay shit out of it.
Spreading it is more important than losing a few billions and if you haven't understood it yet idk what to say.
Have you heard the statement from the disney Ceo, that promised to make 50% of their characters lgbt+, in a world when only 2% are faggots? It doesn't look a capitalistic choice to me, but idealistic.

>why would I see Chinese and Japanese movies in cinema when I live in America?
why would I see American movies in germany? But here we are, since you have the monopoly, your trash is pushed everywhere.

>the presence of Kpop on the radio.
I explained to you why kpop is pushed and who makes kpop, even in that case is like 3-4 groups used mainly to penetrate asia with that ideology.

>> No.6376474

Let's choke the already starving artists while we keep the actual, literal abuse going on in several countries untouched.

>> No.6376475

>1. Some tranny taking over parts of Pixiv's administration by claiming harassment thus leading to the shit about Pixiv's management and TOS these past 3 months.
holy fuck, did you guys read this article? the boss sounded like a fucking psycho

In the summer of the same year, the male boss apologized to the accuser for the sexual harassment, saying, “I thought it was okay because you were a man” and “I will look at you as a woman in the future.” Even after an apology, the male boss would still hold the plaintiff’s hand for verbal sexual harassment, and even put his face on the plaintiff’s genitals and take pictures.

>> No.6376478

just dont be a pedo and you'll able to use the internet again.

>> No.6376479

Based workplace harassment nip

>> No.6376483

>the boss sounded like a fucking psycho
HOLY FUCK is not like the mentally ill tranny makes up a story and forces all the company to bend the knee to their retarded fetish, it never happened before!
The thing that they did wrong is to allow a tranny in the company in the first place

>> No.6376489

>just dont be a pedo and you'll able to use the internet again
So why do non pedos get censored just as badly? Let's not pretend today's internet is as free as it was a decade ago even if you ignore porn.

>> No.6376491

My friend who lives in Japan and is friends with a few doujinshi artists told me this: apparently the reason why credit card companies are withdrawing from Pixiv is because Chinese bot accounts are using AI gen art posts to spread QR codes going to child porn sharing sites and Pixiv can't stop the spam.

>> No.6376494

Just lie and don't tag it as any of that stuff, whos gonna check it? No one that doesn't jack it to that stuff uses that site any way.

>> No.6376497

It's not even about pedophelia. Did you miss the fact that rape and incest are also banned? I draw milfs getting raped by monsters, and this rule still affects me (partially because it's unclear if monster x woman would count as "bestiality")
What the fuck is even the point of drawn porn if you're stuck doing vanilla shit. The point of the fact its drawn should be that you can do ANYTHING with it because it's just a drawing and no actual people are hurt. Drawn porn should be totally free in ways real porn never can be, yet these rules completely stifle that.

>> No.6376505
File: 107 KB, 475x502, 1568727340493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a right winger, I'm a hard liberal, a real liberal, and what I'm telling you is that you should be looking at the Jewish Oligarchs (not your average Schlomo who's just trying to get by like the rest of us) who are behind BOTH artificial sides. I specifically call them Jewish because the ones with the power overwhelmingly identify as Jewish (by bloodline, not by religion).

Race division, sex division, political division, all of it is manufactured for the express purpose of getting your eyes off the real enemy which is the Jewish Oligarch families playing games with your life from their gilded perches. While you rage at "right wingers" for holding opinions that don't affect anyone but themselves, you and them are being robbed blind and you both are being fooled into defending the robbers for them.

>> No.6376508

I root for anyone willing to protect free speech, its funny to see I have more in common with ex soviet countries, what a world we live in
If only nip could see this

>> No.6376520

crypto has an extremely shit reputation, especially with the whole ftx fiasco going on
i doubt mass adoption will happen without hard regulations first

>> No.6376521

Bye bye artfaggots, this is a AI website now

>> No.6376526

I doubt there is even genetics at play. Is it more a question of those achieving power getting assimilated into jewdom?

>> No.6376529
File: 4 KB, 330x290, 1667851003348052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banning rape
that's like 99% of porn even if you take out the loli, guro and beasting shit. 3dpds porn actors have it worse because they admit that its paid rape.

But Pixiv was not known for having the best jannies that cleans up shit.
If the AI shit is true, then I'm guessing that its more than Pixiv that has to worry about this from now on. Bots auto posting don't make it any better. Who knows what the solution to this will be. Even if the internet banned porn all together, automated bots can still post shit at high speed and quantity.

Its interesting times.

>> No.6376535 [DELETED] 

it's also like the number one female sexual fantasy.

>> No.6376537

it's also like the number one female sexual fantasy.

>> No.6376540

The term tranime has been used since 2010 lmao
/pol/ was but an annoying child back then.

>> No.6376539

>3dpds porn actors have it worse because they admit that its paid rape.
Pornhub won't get banned, they're part of the clique.

>> No.6376541

What does this actually mean? Just the prohibiting of commissioning content or are they actually going to axe fucking everything in those categories from the site entirely?
I must have the actual worst fucking timing ever because I JUST made a Pixiv and started transferring my Baraag content to it. Where do I even go now if I want a gallery site to host my smut? Should I just hold my breath and pray this means nothing
>incest too
It's like they really hate me, sibling/twin stuff is another thing I like to draw

>> No.6376543

They are gonna axe pro artists who makes money on their services. They will tolerate the banned content on their platform but for how long? Payment processors could just as easily say they are not allowed to have that stuff on their platform entirely.

>> No.6376547

I guess my only option is to only do comms on baraag still then. Fine but shitty honestly.
I'm more worried about them hitting the nuke button and killing it like Tumblr

>> No.6376548

>Korean Culture is mogging the shit out of American Culture all over the world, it already happened in LATAM, and SEA, that's why they hate BTS and other crap like that in Burguerland
As a thirdie, we hate shit like BTS too. Hell, we were pretty fucking big on the Justin hatewagon back in the day.

>> No.6376553

are you retarded? just look at those jew faces. you cant see the genetic aspect holy shit. get your eyes checked

>> No.6376555

>3. Religious credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard once again finding any and all reasons to crack down NSFW content distribution like they did on other sites.

This is the only reason. They don't have any clauses for when something is fictional or not so they treat any fictional renditions as the real deal. Which is why they make pixiv and any other japanese company who wants to deal with the west bend the knee. In the future japanese erotica will be a barren desert.

>> No.6376557

>They will tolerate the banned content on their platform but for how long?
I think Patreon soon started banning even links to other platforms or for download of any banned content. Pixiv will certainly get pressured to do the same.

>> No.6376559

There are definitely genetics at play, they keep meticulous records of their bloodlines, it is very important to them. Probably to make sure the cousins they are fucking are distant enough to minimize inbreeding damage.


But there are a lot of "adoptions" of other family members at play. Once you start looking into rich families, you see a lot of step-children who are actually their cousins' children. Possibly their own kids didn't have what it takes to continue the family scam business so they had to be replaced with a better heir, but still in the bloodline.

>> No.6376562

Unless they offer some kind of indirect payment option, where you pay using your credit card, but not for pixiv, but for a third party that allows it.

>> No.6376567
File: 707 KB, 526x720, 1667693343647879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra based. I nkell

>> No.6376568

let me guess. You are just looking for if the nose tip goes below the nostrils.

>> No.6376570
File: 17 KB, 282x282, 1652506876801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376577

It's their own damn fault for using (((PayPal))) as a service. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if (((Paypal))) had something to do with this.

>> No.6376578

>Worse case scenario, all platforms follow this trend and the only places that don't are so obscure and unused to be useless.
This isn't the worst case scenario. It's more like the only case scenario.

>> No.6376579

>Muh genetics

Yeah scamming it's on their dna and not their education, for sure anon.

>> No.6376582

not that anon but there a high chance that there a new plaform that rise but stay japanease only and for japanease

pixiv got targeted because they were too big

>> No.6376583

Companies runs under their government laws, anon.

>> No.6376586
File: 68 KB, 832x502, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck hits on a tranny? They're ugly abominations. If anything this reeks of a hoax.

Leave it to the trannies to ruin the fun for everyone. Fucking hell.

>> No.6376587

You know he existed and made money before fanbox right?
If anything this might push people who just fucked around making 4page shorts for fanbox/twitter to make actual books again.

>> No.6376588

pixiv didnt allow the use of paypal for nsfw in the frist place

also mandrake (the doujin seller got nuked too

"Mandarake" Sales Suspension Order Obscene Magazine Sales Shibuya/Nakano Store

is there some crackdown on porn going on in Japan ?

>> No.6376590
File: 53 KB, 1074x220, TrannyTakesOverPixiv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a troons, you lose

>> No.6376592

It's not a specific crackdown per say but just SJWs infiltrating eastern companies. You can see them laying down the ground work here >>6376303

>> No.6376594

There isn't. Globohomo just hates anime. Nippons don't care.

>> No.6376596

Always comes back to trannies doesn't it. Whole thing's fucked up.

>> No.6376597
File: 160 KB, 1051x697, 77e524be9f4d9d85d256b2102e2f0a59f359a2d35ca0c2f6df8a99230ed1a36e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there some crackdown on porn going on in Japan ?

Western powers and payment processors has been salivating at the thought of shutting down japanese erotica for a looong time. It's some sort of projection.

>> No.6376599

You're an idiot. The top 1% don't trade with randos every generation, it's been the exact same families and bloodlines at the top for hundreds if not thousands of years at this point. The rich families with power STAY rich and in power.

>> No.6376601
File: 90 KB, 1266x716, GlowniggersAreFurries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. (((Western powers))) hate anime. Since they failed to subvert it, now they are trying to shut it down wherever they can.

>> No.6376604

>"It needs help, not condemnation"

what Pixiv has done is retarded but irl pedos should unironically get gassed.

>> No.6376613

>planning to start a fanbox in the future
>this happens

>> No.6376618

On another note, is sfw lolisho still good to go?

>> No.6376621

just don't be a degen and you'll be able to use the internet again.

>> No.6376626

So the west wants to stop loli/pedo, but also push pedo propaganda... make up your minds with your conspiracies

>> No.6376627
File: 150 KB, 395x475, PixivGetsGaslitByGlobohomoTranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6376629
File: 46 KB, 400x486, PixivJoinsTheDIETrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Pixiv joined the DIE train

>> No.6376630

The issue is that Visa, Paypal and the like are basically the main global payment processors. So they move and make it Japanese only but they're still going to be using Visa cards and shit to pay and with payment structures set up likely by them and thus they'll still be at risk of the same shit happening.

>> No.6376638
File: 27 KB, 600x599, 3342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect.
Just check pixiv R-18 AI ranking, it's filled with Lolis, some of them are borderline realistic, they literally spam the shit of it while advertising their fanbox of pinup naked realistic CP

>> No.6376640

>Religious credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard
The only "religion" of those companies is wokeism.

>> No.6376643

>So the west wants to stop anime, but also push pedo propaganda... make up your minds with your conspiracies

>> No.6376646

What do you do when the tv doesn’t give you an opinion to regurgitate

>> No.6376647

>uploading is fine from the looks of it
For now. Soon they'll move from "objectionable" R-18 content to R-18 content in general. Then they'll start banning it from Pixiv proper. The end goal is to create a highly sanitized, Disneyfied internet lacking in anything "objectionable" or transgressive and culturally amorphous.

>> No.6376650

This is why modern american capitalism is bad. It encourages monopolies. Monopolies are the worst things for consumers. It's why some life saving medicine is too expensive for most in the USA while it sells for pennies in the rest of the world. Of course these companies are american companies. It is a fucking corporatocracy. They don't even have a proper democracy as the corps back both sides and you can't vote on any issues that matters to them.

>> No.6376653

Crypto is crashing right now because the whole thing is a scam where the value is in the money exchanges have and none of the exchanges have real money (or as much as they say they do). Also you're retarded if you think that government, banks, etc. aren't already involved in crypto.

>> No.6376654

That's AI generation's fault, they flooding pixiv with very realistic generations. Most loli art on pixiv are very stylized up until now.

>> No.6376655

this. as an artist i was always pro-crypto.
the only reason it ever gets fucked up is because some exchange (mtgox, ftc) or some government (china and regulators) fucks it up.
all you have to do is not keep your crypto or fiat in exchanges. don't trust them. they are not banks.

>> No.6376659

Because they educate their families to do so, do you think that some microscopic can suddenly and magically tell everything like it's some kind of script?

>> No.6376662

It's called reading, faggot. TV rots your brains & lowers your IQ.

>> No.6376664

Just keep pointing out its all run by jews. Most ai companies and the builders of the datasets are. They will turn on it eventually.

Did that in one thread and i got a few minds changed.

>> No.6376665

Microscopic thing*

>> No.6376666

>Hello power company, can I pay my bill with crypto without converting it to real money or exchanging it for an officially recognized currency?
>Why the the lights just go out?

>> No.6376667
File: 169 KB, 959x1641, 6sxhfkwc06z71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wouldn't hit on a cute japanese femboy
absolute ngmi mindset

>> No.6376668

FBI has backdoors to Bitcoin. Don't think it can happen to other cryptocurrencies. Cryptos were always honeypots.

>> No.6376672

I'm realizing that you have absolutely no idea what I said and have gone off on a completely different, unrelated and simply retarded track, there is no point in trying to put you back on the right one if you're this dense.

>> No.6376674

Unironically learn to read

>> No.6376676

>Muh genetics
>Pseudoscience shit

Who is dense then?

>> No.6376678

Yeah but the problem for crypto was that some many people kept their money in exchanges. When the exchanges start giving people benefits for keeping their money in the exchanges people will start doing that.

There is little consumer protection or regulation which makes it a wild west for scammers and speculators. Want to be a crypto millionaire? Invent your own coin, set it at $1 and have millions of them. That's the kind of world crypto is.

>> No.6376680

Just keep trailing off into the woods, you have completely lost sight of the conversation about 4 or 5 posts back because you can't read.

>> No.6376683

>Religious credit card companies like Visa and MasterCard
LOL, just name the culprit, politically correct, censorious sjws. What decade do you live in?

>> No.6376685

Because many of them are commies. Have you not heard of /leftypol/? They're full of cultural Marxist trannies.

>> No.6376687

/pol/ doesn’t count as reading

>> No.6376688

>are artists supposed to draw the couple having consent paper and agree to have sex?
This is what I don't understand, only super obvious rape pics would work for this rule? Even the most vanilla sex can be rape if that it's the context.
The same for consensual, but violent or weird sex. "Oh, that character looks like it's not having fun, you can't sell that" I don't get it.

>> No.6376691

Easy blanket term to fuck you over for any other reason, like if you shared an opinion they don't like.

>> No.6376693
File: 335 KB, 760x1120, JapanMangaPolitics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan isn't going to nuke its anime industry just because of few mentally ill gaijin nutcases can't distinguish between reality & fiction. Causing this much trouble over cartoons is pathetic.

>> No.6376694

So basically, we have NovelAI to thank for purging the pedos out of public internet spaces?

>> No.6376697

Well shit, never thought I saw this site going off the cliff so fast after more than a decade of using it l.

>> No.6376700

I've seen hentai artist getting around this by ending credits where the characters are interviewed telling how much fun the scenes were to make.

>> No.6376702

That's so fucking retarded lol

>> No.6376703

>reading a forum & having a discussion online with other anons doesn't count as reading
Retard detected

>> No.6376705

Yeah, now they only hold public office and run your countries.

>> No.6376710

I remember telling artfags to avoid Paypal if they were doing NSFW. Instead I got laughed at me & called me a retard because most artfags are retarded midwits. Guess they're not laughing now.

>> No.6376713
File: 585 KB, 704x675, 6f250682a1b0da1335abd544506a8fb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please nuke the fucking mutts in burgerland? Honestly, I this point I don't give a fuck if china and russia takes over america because I'm getting sick of them spreading their woke shit around the world.

>> No.6376714

You think the financial institutions are based in the US?


>> No.6376715

oh, youvve read a few academic papers on the matter? cute. i have read over 100000 posts.

>> No.6376716

maybe but it is hard to argue a porn actress didn't consent. Even a fictional one.

>> No.6376717

Who cares? They're complete works of fiction. At the end of the day, they are just drawings. Shutting down fictional characters in a fictional world where some bad fictional thing happens is thought policing.

>> No.6376718

When the rules are retarded, you don't have much of a choice if you want to play the game.

>> No.6376723

>I don't get it.

You don't get it because "consent" is a made-up concept created by feminazis to send men to jail.

>Between 2 and 10 percent of sexual assaults are falsely reported, according to a 2012 report from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center


>The article mentions an increase in reporting of sexual assault following #MeToo and that 1 of 428 reported cases turned out to be false


>'Being wrongly #MeToo'd has ruined my life'



>Fake #MeToo Claims


There's way too many false reports, and the number of reports more than tripled since 2017, so be really careful when a wamen claim rape, or sexual harassment, they're paranoid.

>> No.6376724

I know. I'm asking because I'm legitimately curious of how that ridiculous rule will work with ambiguous drawings.

>> No.6376725

/pol/ will still go full denial if you mention that mastercard and visa are still ran by the same type of american christian billionaires who backed all the censorship bullshit in the 80s and 90s.

>> No.6376727

They're are works of fiction. Do you know what the word "fiction" means or are you that retarded?

>> No.6376736

I repeat, I know. I'm literally asking how the rule works, not if it should be acceptable or not because it's fiction.
I myself have drawn rape scenes, that's why I'm curious.

>> No.6376739

>I'm literally asking how the rule works

It's bullshit, it doesn't work, and you can never win

>> No.6376744

>shota still allowed

>> No.6376745
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>>The article mentions an increase in reporting of sexual assault following #MeToo and that 1 of 428 reported cases turned out to be false
>1 of 438

Not when you take into account...

>Extreme Infantilization of women
>Extreme Self victimization
>Normalizing Oportunism based on Gender Ideology
>Post Modernism
>Content Creep on Consent
>Twitter Clout
>Self Loathing Guilt

You are stupid if you think its only 1 of 428, i believe the minimal is in 3 digits below 164, specially when the system gets corrupted.

>> No.6376751

Mastercard CEO is Michael Miebach. His entire bio has been scrubbed from the internet, but his wife is a Becker, a prominent Jewish family, and his own name sounds very Jewish itself.

>> No.6376752

Anon you can't say that "consent" is a lie when you show articles telling that even with false reports, there are still real cases there.
And before you say that not a single rape report is real (as you appear to belive consent doesn't exists), there are a lot of them that go unreported.
There ARE false reports that ruin the life of innocent men, that's a hard FACT, and some women using it for their fucking benefit, that's also a fact, but consent being "invented" by feminits? That's as dumb as a feminits saying rape was invented by men.

>> No.6376756

Korean culture is a meme. Look at the shit with Japanese twitter where all the content curation people got fired and suddenly shit like K-Pop stopped trending compared to anime, J-Pop and other shit.

>> No.6376761

Fictional situations in a fictional world with fictional characters doing fictional things does not apply to real life. They're not real. Move on already.

If it's rule states "you can't draw X even if X is a work of fiction" then the rule sucks. Simple as.

>> No.6376762

The crackdown is on lolishit mostly, anime has never been bigger in the west than now. The "t-they wanna take down anime" theory has no weight

>> No.6376775

>I'm literally asking how the rule works

There is no logic to it. It is a vague, broad guideline that is an excuse for a payment processor to ban you if they feel like it. If they feel like its rape then it is rape, you can't argue against it. The purpose is to have control over you.

>> No.6376777

In country like france it is very real. Down to politicans and tv moguls lobbying to get anime outright banned ever since the 2000's, and going on public campaigns to have parents not let their children watch "japanimation" because of content concerns- or investors pulling out if channels aired anime. This is something that still goes on to this day over here. I'm not surprised to see pushbacks from big wigs

>> No.6376776

that when ? because i started in 2018 and people already told that paypal was shit for nsfw and you have to hide the fact that you were doing nsfw

>> No.6376779

That's not the same reason they trying to ban loli. The ban on loli and really anything erotic heterosexual males enjoy is due to wokism and feminism. I can see some Japs snapping more after this, probably worse than Kyoani

>> No.6376780


i agree with this >>6376777
they tried with animé during the 2000s then findout that most of the publisher of manga were the same as the local comics and if you stop manga you littlerly kill the industry
there less crackdown on loli tho (emergence got published in france )

unlike usa they need to sell manga to produc comics

>> No.6376787

Fully agreed. The point is to demonize heterosexual males as much as possible, and loli is surprisingly a fairly common thing that heterosexual males enjoy, whether the tendency is consciously expressed or not.

>> No.6376790

These credit card companies are ran by Semitic Jews and Christian Anglos with a history of doing this shit. Maybe they're kowtowing to SJWs or maybe they're kowtowing to their own cabal of advertisers, or both. But no matter the decade or political affiliation, powerful rich faggots have always tried to screw over smaller money makers in the guise of social preservation.

>> No.6376793

i hope someone tagged love hina author on this

>> No.6376794

Didn't a bunch of them literally just crash? You have to be smoking dick to encourage anyone new to get into it with all this uncertainty.

>> No.6376797
File: 85 KB, 1065x285, DeathOfSaturdayMorningCartoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Christian soccermom Karens who complained about cartoons in the 70s & 80s got replaced by SJW Tumblr dykes who now complain about anime.

>> No.6376799

Retarded take, you're completely ignoring shota being banned as well which is consumed by both females and gay men. Half of fujo shit is underage rape, rape and rape again. Not everything is about le evil feminists.

>> No.6376805

I don't get why you seem to belive there's a conspirancy to abolish all what heterosexual men like.
The world is run by heterosexual men, not by femints, not by wokes or faggots. They do scream a lot, but they don't have any real power.
Sexualized females are NEVER going to disapear from media.

>> No.6376806

I would like to say that the most likely outcome here is that this is just a CLARIFICATION of their already existing guidelines against actual CP and realistic content. I have doubts even the monetization aspect will change much for most loli/shota art.

>> No.6376811

Oh jeez, I hope we don't get another lunatic lighting up their asses.

>> No.6376817
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>> No.6376834

The main demographic of anime is still heterosexual males, just look at the cultural shift that has been going on in anime in the las few years; rampant simping, loli and non loli anime getting hardcore censored, strong female character and useless stupid male character that simps for her, etc.

>> No.6376838

Wokeism is what killed the western industries. Remove women & leftoids from positions of power & those industries would heal overnight. GamerGate was right about the leftist cancer wrecking havoc on small places of escapism.

>> No.6376839

>It's some sort of projection.
Let's take a look at main plots for most loli hentai: Children abused by their parents and got groomed, UN millitary use war as a mean to trafficking children, politicians secret pedo clubs... those are hentai from 15 years ago to this day.

>> No.6376846

They don't want to take down anime per se, they simply want to corrupt it into a form more palatable to them ad their messaging by removing everything uniquely Japanese or objectionable about it beyond the art style and they'd probably get rid of that too if they felt they could do it, hence why they keep trying to make western live action adaptations of anime.

>> No.6376847

Companies try to copy anime because they see it sells. If you see them insert woke shit into them it is just because they haven't figured yet out that woke is their problem.

>> No.6376853

Even Pornhub can't take Credit Cards anon.... there is a reason why

>> No.6376858

How does only fans still exist though?

>> No.6376864

They use Stripe. The only reason Stripe accept onlyfans is because of its size and management (1.5 million creators and over 170 million registered subscribers. Valued at 1 billion $). Normally smut sites got a lot of chargebacks so Stripe wouldn't want to touch them. Basically money talks.

>> No.6376905


>> No.6376920

Goddammit in 10-20 years once these SJWs become future soccer moms we're going to have a great time. I'll gladly be old at that time and be done with anime shit.

>> No.6376926

Why are you so fucking stupid???Companies always shy away from sex, LGBTQ, and other shit all the fucking time, because so many religious people, mainly White Christians, get so fucking offended by everything. It has more to do with many of the religious Americans and White Americans in general with fucking sticks up their asses all the time.

>> No.6376934
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What's the best payment provider now? I just reached 20k followers on Pixiv and was about to start a fanbox, now they've fucked me.

>> No.6376950

Does anyone ever commission artists using Skeb or Request? What is the resolution do artists give you? What is the file format (jpg, png, psd)?

>> No.6376985
File: 61 KB, 257x450, dcqfkbr-54eaa62e-867b-42d6-ab74-ee3f9427d9b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you, my vengeance would be terrible.

>> No.6376992
File: 157 KB, 1580x1608, 1659743298047086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope twitter and pixiv fall this year, getting sick of seeing fucking trannies and artists defending their degenerate ideology. It's about time for twitter and pixiv to fall and hopefully it cause a greater misery to those filthy hacks. Although I do feel sorry for those who just want to manage and trust me blame those woke artists for taking part in politics.

>> No.6377002

Okay I don't get holding non-consensual and rape ones works. That's like half of all content.

An example being NTR

>> No.6377005
File: 1.13 MB, 498x206, 1655155791452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye furries

>> No.6377010

>fanbox jews BTFO
>japs outing themselves as globohomo slaves
>AItists gathering more hate against themselves


>> No.6377020

Is the fanbox money really that good? It feels like half of Pixiv is behind paywalls these days but 98% of artists have got to be making less than $20 a month.

>> No.6377031

Freedom of art is all that matter. They will be the same as patreon in december. Even worse if they double down on anime style

>> No.6377065

of course male lolisho fags had to ruin it for everyone with their disgusting 3d model shit
men are so disgusting i hate them

>> No.6377115

>prohibit the sales of lolis, incest, bestiality rape and guro content.
But no scat apparently lol.

>> No.6377121

We're not safe from this either

>> No.6377124

It happened since at least a decade. Why do you think Pixiv went progressively shit for some years?

>> No.6377130

2022 has been an annus horribilis for arttrannies lmao. But at least they will stop paywalling their shit and let poorfags enjoy it like before 2018

>> No.6377141

/pol/ was, is and will always be right.
No exceptions.

>> No.6377143

We already entered it when jewtists startef paywalling their shit (partially because Twitter libtards started stalking them an wouldnt let them draw in peace)

>> No.6377167

Skeb only accepts debit/credit card and many are scared of using it, plus the only alternatives are JBC or shit like Lawson cards. Its essentially gaijin proof (and thats a good thing) unless you dont give a fuck about (((Credit Card companies))) tracking you down

>> No.6377168

They still have Inkbunny and Furaffinity. Its loli/shota artists who got royally fucked the most.

>> No.6377183

https://twitter.com/nobeta_staff_jp/status/1592723990363410432 RIP

>> No.6377187

>support the UN-funded AIslop which is causing all the chaos
I don't think so you fucking retard.

>> No.6377189

despair but also an erection

>> No.6377220

I thought porn was a good outlet to lower actual sexing to take place. why would they restrain porn creation like so? I don't understand

>> No.6377240
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, 1540702917026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey do you guys ever think that maybe right wing anti-sex lawmakers in America have more to do with this than the leftest who are usually pro sex-work? Surly the women who came out to report being sexually abused are the reason and not conservative law makers who hold actual power and write and pass anti-sex legislation that make card companies want nothing to do with sex.

>> No.6377260

I wonder if they had already been threadened by the credit card companies, or if they're overreacting to that AI shit, and want to do a preemptive strike.
In the second case merely banning all 3D and realistic AI art depicting the mentioned content might be enough to avoid trouble.
Simply get rid of anything that looks vaguely real and they should be fine, while most art is left alone.
I don't knwo wy they have to wait until late November to release updated rules.
Maybe they kneejerked after the AI fiasco and released this update to prevent CC companies from banning them, and now they want two or so weeks to decide how to proceed exactly.
BEST CASE scenario is that they do what I described above.

>> No.6377282

It's not the right canceling things these days. It's always the left. The left is a hypocrite on their own stance on regards to sex

>> No.6377316

both sides are prude retards. In fact they take so much pleasure censoring people i don't even know why they fight among themselves (kidding, they just pretend to fight to give us the illusion of choice)

>> No.6377413
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Yes both party's are prude because both party's in America hold conservative views. Anti-sex sentiments come from conservative ideology, so if both party's in the US are conservative then both are going to write anti-sex policy witch has an effect on how the international community can trade goods and services. All I'm saying is that American anti-sex policy leads to anti-sex policy in American companies that are economically dominant so foreign nations end up having to adopt American anti-sex policies because they don't want to miss out on profits. So blaming women, the left, feminist and so on is stupid and is just a distraction from the real issues.

>> No.6377419

authoritarians are unacceptable no matter what color they wear

>> No.6377756

>show plenty of evidence that it was tranny sjw's lefty's responsible for this
I hope they outright ban anime, you idiots deserve it.

>> No.6377923

I'm so on edge about this shit anons. Let's all have a moment of silence and hope freedom of expression wins. It's all we can do.

>> No.6377953

Where are JP artists thinking of going if pixiv goes down this route? Don’t want to miss out on my faves…
Do i need to start mass downloading galleries before they delete them because the JP like to do that for some reason?

>> No.6377963

I'm so so sorry you sexless virgins can't beat your meat to little kids anymore. What a tragedy. Literally 1984.

>> No.6377968

Let's aim at real children instead!

>> No.6378106

Far left trannies and puritan bible thumpers hold the same values. It's the horseshoe.

>> No.6378108

That's what they're doing. They're upset fictional porn is curbing their market for their real deal.

>> No.6378150

/pol/ is always right. Always has been.

>> No.6378154

They're run by Jews not Christians

>> No.6378159

They'll never be soccer moms. Most Tumblr dykes are hideous IRL & social outcasts. Instead they'll be future crazy cat ladies. The newer breed of Karens who now control the industry are the worst than the previous breed.

>> No.6378167

Simple, they'll go to Japanese only sites.

>> No.6378174

Porn creation has been happening since the dawn of humanity. Look up Pompei from Ancient Rome. They were drawing dildos & people having sex on their vases & architecture. Nothing has changed other the fact it's been modernized thanks to the industrial revolution.

>> No.6378179

Authoritarian leftists want to ban porn because it's "mysgonistic", "offensive to women", etc. Authoritarian rightists want to ban porn because it corrupts children's minds, makes men weak, is a sin, etc.

>> No.6378190

Which begs the million dollar question: How the fuck do they get funding? Most porn is free. Where is the money to maintain the servers & premium subscribers coming from? How are subscribers paying for their premiums?

>> No.6378410

This. Both sides are against us. This is why I fucking hate the left and right. Do you know what I support? The destruction of anyone who is anti-fun. Take my shit away and I will destroy you. Plain and simple.

>> No.6378856

They use crypto.

>> No.6378940

what we need is a third party pseudo game currency that skims a few pennies off the top for transactions that is tied to the dollar.

for example, look at any video game where it has a microtransaction shop, this but for real life. you can pull it out for whatever fee is needed to pull it out, and you can put in as much as needed and skim a fee that makes the system function, the backing of the system can be a crypto one, but all transactions within the currency are ALL fee free till it gets pulled out.

Because its not a currency, you wont get taxed (though im sure the cunts will write a law for this) and because its a third party system that offers nothing but this system, and we aren't asking questions, whats to ever cancel? you want someone to stop drawing loli on pixiv? fine you make it illegal and put them in jail, not going after every single link in the chain because its not illegal.

this system would make it viable to have a crypto go mainstream.

>> No.6378981

it was inevitable though.

>> No.6379024
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