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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 357 KB, 864x1152, 20221113_151022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6373525 No.6373525 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you make from your Patreon, fanbox, pixiv subs, commissions, etc?

Pretty much every lewd or semi lewd art account I see on Twitter or any site uses at least one of those services. Usually somewhere between 15,000 and 100,000 subscribers. Does that translate to at least a decent side gig?

>> No.6373527


>> No.6374050

its not about money, retard. NGMI

>> No.6374051

haha imagine her sitting on my face and farting LOL

>> No.6374214

Its a good question that I don't have an answer for since I haven't started marketing myself, but if course /ic/ is probably a horrible place to ask this

>> No.6374229

150bux monthly from fanbox
Not even 10% from what i get monthly from commissions, It's not much but it keeps me going, totally different from commission. I actually feel happier doing fanbox thing compared to do commission work because i actually draw for myself.
The number has been stagnating though since i've been caught distributing uncensored images on fanbox. I was getting like 1-2 supporters per day before i got caught

>> No.6374234
File: 64 KB, 521x594, the void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6374236

100 euro shekels with sfw art
>tfw 500 more would be required to pay rent and food with art bux

>> No.6374293

I just do dnd commissions in dnd style(sfw)

I can get 1-2k a month

>> No.6374300
File: 349 KB, 1680x1050, 1627174492_11-kartinkin-com-p-anime-personazh-za-kompom-anime-krasivo-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's possible to have even a "fairly decently comfortable" living as an artist? Especially in comics? Furthermore, is it possible to do this on a very "independent" / "indie" art career, say, you're not working for a corporation like Disney?

Feeling very disillusioned lately, frens. Anything helps.

>> No.6374321

>i've been caught distributing uncensored images on fanbox.
Why doesn't that matter?
Pyw fren? You must be master tier

>> No.6374323

you make money?

>> No.6374326


>> No.6374363

As an nsfw creator I managed to make zero dollars

>> No.6374374

less than $100 a month I'd say only from commissions. Sometimes I go a few months without making any money. My best month was around $240 and I produced some of my worst work ever. Making money with art is more about knowing how to play the money game more than knowing how to draw.

>> No.6374392

I have 35k followers.
I also would like to note that I am not very good.
I'm not the worst, but im just not great.
I make around 900 to 1200 a month on commissions on average.
I also work part time.
I'll never be a famous artist, but I'm happy that I get to draw as a "main job".
For the time being at least.

>> No.6374396

Nsfw/anime artist?

>> No.6374401

Something like that.
I am what I need to be for the commission.

>> No.6374436

How do I market myself? I know I'm decent/about average compared to the median skill of twitter coom artists but I dont know how to network/put my things infront of people because I'm constantly worried I'm being annoying. I have about 2.3k followers on twidder and I get commission offers when I open them up but idk I feel like I'm underperforming as far as my spread goes

Where can I start? Are there useful subreddits to help?

>> No.6374437

>You must be master tier
Huh why?
There are more variables than just a number.
Expenses, taxes, hours of work, side or main job, etc

>> No.6374447

You have to put out on every platform you can stand to.
Twitter, Reddit, IG, TikTok.
If you can artist on it, do it.
TikTok requires bait and then boom, 10k followers in from a 7 second video.
That's what I did and I have consistent commissions that sustain my simple life style.
But be prepared to be a content monkey, cause if you drop the type of content that built your following and got your commission base all together, you'll fall flatter than a discus.
None of them could go the distance.
But then, there was Achilles.
He had it all. The build, the foot speed.
He could jab, he could take a hit, he could keep on comin'!

But seriously, spread yourself like a virus.

>> No.6374453

Do you get money from tiktok views?

>> No.6374457

Okay, janny

>> No.6374458

Not much desu.
Sponsorship vids is where you make the most unless you are an account with 900k+ followers cranking out millions of views a day that payment is crap.

>> No.6374507

>TikTok requires bait and then boom, 10k followers in from a 7 second video.
>That's what I did and I have consistent commissions that sustain my simple life style.
NTA. Slightly off topic but do your friends and family know you regularly draw coom? I'd I ever make it im gonna have to keep that shit on lock down from basically anymore I know except my non-normie friends.

I'm saying your art must be really good and appealing if it brings you in $1k+ a month.

>> No.6374524

Thanks anon
Just made a reddit today and posted some sfw stuff in fandom-related subreddits. Already getting a bunch of updoots but idk how that'll translate to viewer retention

>> No.6374542

>your art must be really good
Not necessarily, skill doesn't correlate to money.
Nor does followers or social media presence.

>> No.6374548

Just keep postin fan art, and linking your socials. Eventually a plebbitor might ask (or maybe you could just make an alt and comment) about commissions and then boom. Free money.

>> No.6374556

I rarely draw NSFW stuff of my own choice. Just when paid to do so.
I just noted that I would do NSFW in my Commission info.
I'm 31. I haven't had things to hide since I was 15.

>> No.6374559

You're on your way, kid. Shoot for the moon and shill the shit out of yourself.

>> No.6374568
File: 1.63 MB, 2090x1705, aadada3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get a price check based on these please? people keep telling me I'm undercharging and I'd like to come up with a reasonable rate.

thanks for the advice

>> No.6374569
File: 1.37 MB, 2363x4096, @SXodium SaltyXodium Horny Drunk Komi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What specific type oft of stuff do you draw in order to get that amount of commissions? Suggesrive poses like pic rel or OP? Sex scenes? Anime fan-art? What are the people that often commission you in to?

>> No.6374574

How much do you usually charge pieces like this for?

>> No.6374576

What are your current rates for these?Where do you value them at this very moment?

>> No.6374577

the last figure+background piece I did was $80 but I really needed the money.

>> No.6374580

Test the waters and start charging stuff like that at $100. Don't do something absurd like jumping to $200. Gradually increase your prices awesome maintaining or improving your style. You're getting money and commissions because you're guud, so getting better will only help you. Cauliflowered you I might even get my toes into simple animation too

>> No.6374582

Also how many hours did this take? How long would it take you to get to this good?

t. Ultra beg

>> No.6374603

Depends entirely on your speed. You seem really good, you can charge more for the quality of the art itself. How long does it take you to do one of these?

>> No.6374604

Lol I said sfw
Just the usual DND characters or scenes

>> No.6374623

I've averaged just over 100 a month selling .stls of my models. Not sure you'd count modeling in this conversation, but there you go.

>> No.6374657

>Not necessarily, skill doesn't correlate to money.
>Nor does followers or social media presence.
If social media presence and followers are not correlated to money, what's the point of being "on every platform you can stand to" then?

>> No.6374670

it takes me around a week to complete a full piece, more if it's something I've never drawn before but I always try to deliver something that looks as good as possible, but speed is indeed my weakness.

>How long would it take you to get to this good?
If you focus on studying fundamentals and get enough mileage your gains won't be small. If anything I'd say I learned the way and that cost me a lot of speed.

>> No.6374673

>15 posts on twitter
it's over...

>> No.6374674

Aren't you afraid you'll lose those customers because of image generators? Not trolling just honestly wondering. While they still struggle with anything too specific, the most recent image generators seem to do 'generic fantasy elf/goblin/knight' well enough.

>> No.6374680

I didn't say that. Though when I was starting out I did do it.
Now I barely update my social medias, still get coms from people randomly finding my work.
Not at all, haven't noticed any change. At least not yet.

>> No.6374681

Not the slightest bit worried about this. AI generation is a toy to most people and they don't have the patience to prompt for 2 hours to get a half-decent result.

>> No.6374683

Throw me that Twitter @.
I'll go like all 15 of those mother fuckers.

>> No.6374688

>If anything I'd say I learned the way and that cost me a lot of speed
"The way"? Wdym?

>> No.6374691
File: 114 KB, 600x524, LxJ8uWoa9V2U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess: you don't use hashtags because you think you're too good for that for whatever the fuck reason

>> No.6374692

What do you use to sell .stls? gumroad/patreon?

>> No.6374694

Ask the original anon that wanted to network more/grow their following. Anon cannot into reading comprehension

A larger following means a larger pool of potential customers. The number doesnt translate 1 to 1 to money but it damn sure ups the likelyhood that at least one person has an extra hundred bucks they can throw your way. It's the reason why product brands advertise.

>> No.6374695

Gumroad and myminifactory.

>> No.6374696

the wrong way*

>> No.6374709

What's "the wrong way" and tell why it's wrong so I can avoid it

>> No.6374714

I watched some tutorials when I started to learn some fundamentals but I neglected studying from books, video courses or life for a long time. Now I have to catch up with all that because while I have the mileage to put on the canvas what I want, I lack the knowledge to do so on many aspects. Basically I did the just draw approach so I have to spend a lot of time fixing what I'm drawing.

>> No.6374717


>Anon cannot into reading comprehension
For the love of fucking God please pre-read your text before posting.

What was the major thing missing from the YouTube video that you picked up from the bugs? I keep being shilled books here But 90% of the time (seems like you're going to do this too) they fail to explain WHY I should she'll out money for a book or course. What did you learn from the books that you apparently couldn't learn from videos?

>> No.6374732

>What was the major thing missing from the YouTube video that you picked up from the bugs?
books like bridgman, loomis, and proper video courses like vilppu's will give you all the knowledge you didn't know you needed in a cohesive progression so you don't get lost doing things you shouldn't be wasting time on. There's a path that has already been paved by many masters and following it will give better results in a shorter period of time, even if it's boring as fuck.

>> No.6374734

Are most of these books you can only find on Amazon or in bookstores or is it some free online resource?

>> No.6374735

you can find them all on this board

>> No.6374920

500 per month. Don't go to porn thinking you'll get rich fellas! Though, I mostly do vanilla. Fetish prompts pay well though so get in there if you want the bucks

>> No.6374921


>> No.6374925

get prompted.

>> No.6374929

How Often do you commission in draw? How much do you usually charge per piece?

>> No.6374931

$2k on the lowest end per month, close to $4k on good months. It's perfectly sustainable; I rent luxury apartments and am currently saving for a house. If you don't have the vision and work ethic to pull it off then I wouldn't expect more than side gig money. Follower count is pointless, just make things people want to buy.

>> No.6374939

See >>6374929 please

>> No.6374951

I think that, yes it’s possible, but also it’s only going to get harder. I’m in your boat anon.

>> No.6375000
File: 58 KB, 680x1069, 16345243546354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 yen lmao, that's only 1 supporter holyshit or maybe 5 if it's a 100 yen tip box

>> No.6375398

Imagine being this embarrassing in public with literally nothing to gain from it. Gross

That's pretty cool anon. I'm still really shy about taking commissions and am very inconsistent with output quantity because I work based on motivation. so the most I've ever made from my art in a month was 200 amieribux because I took like 3 comms one month.

I have a day job though so it's fine

>> No.6375962

To those of you with paypal accounts, do you feel its necessary to report what you maKe on commissions? Due to some personal financial reasons I want to try earning some extra income by selling adoptables, but I need to keep what I earn hidden for now. I believe if its under a certain amount you don't need to report it and I'm not planning to make huge amounts of money starting out anyway. Plus from what I heard banks and tax offices can't really check out your paypal accounts. But if someone knows a more ethical solution I'd also be interested.

>> No.6375966


>> No.6375970

I'm going surely off memory so take what I say with the grain of salt

Barely recently the government to come up IRS, or some hired government entity basically requires that any income over $600, whether it be crypto or some online payment service like PayPal, cash out, etc, counts as your normal income and has to be reported in your taxes. I don't know how well they enforce that or whether or not what I just said is even true but assume that the only way to keep this truly under the radar (from the feds) is if You don't make a whole lot of money or use really obscure cryptocurrencies like monero

>> No.6375973

The feds know you make money on paypal if you've cleared at least $600 a year. There was a long time when you could get away with what you're saying but not anymore.

>> No.6375995


So if I keep the amount I earn low its safer? Since if I do report what I earn it would mean I earn less money else where. And this would only be a temporary solution to pay off some stuff i'm currently struggling with.

>> No.6376004

If you're a very new artist then you don't even have to worry about this because you're not going to be making as much, if any money for a while. If however you make more than $600 via traditional means (PayPal, wire transfer, basically any normal way of electronically transferring funds), the feds will know. They will either expect you to tell them or they will find out on their own as I'm pretty sure PayPal will end up telling them anyway since they have your identification on file. The only way that I know of to completely hide this is if you use obscure (read again, OBSCURE) crypto like monero.

And even then, that would require your customer to be willing to pay you in crypto. Most are going to use PayPal or their credit cards



TLDR: stop trying to hide it because they're going to find it either way. I say this because you're probably not going to bother going through the steps necessary to keep your crypto transactions as private as possible. I don't know why you care whether or not bthe feds know you make money from art anyway. It's not like your friends and family have access to detailed tax info on you.... Right?

>> No.6376017


Yeah my family doesn't have access to that information as far as I know. So maybe Its better to just report it if I do end up making more than 600. Plus I guess having them send the money as friends would also be kind of sus. The money I plan to earn would mostly be used for small purchases so that I wouldnt have to use my regular income for them as much.

>> No.6376214

2k average monthly on fiverr.
Things are drying up lately tho and the last 2 months weren't really great (I was lazy and didn't really grind).
I have 0 social presence or profiles, but I plan to start since I'm sick of doing commissions after 2+ years

>> No.6376243
File: 93 KB, 1954x1156, Screen Shot 2022-11-15 at 1.48.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Patreon. i'm doing good so far................................

>> No.6376261
File: 191 KB, 1080x1349, 315599238_868348310998901_4150541835978969802_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we start charging instagram followers?

>> No.6377236
File: 959 KB, 1170x1702, A34F4101-0F47-4481-820B-035354A96137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be Robaato isn’t it

Rob’s getting cocky lmfao, sad I won’t have a front row seat to watching him implode once every 3 months.
Frankly I won’t miss him too much, there was a point where I just liked seeing an artist assert their worth even if I thought their art was becoming shitty. He’s just too far gone up his own ass I guess now.
He used to be normal, then did NSFW that was pretty vanilla, and I guess some whale made him their personal fetish artist because he only draws fat fucks now, and paywalls all of his new art.
“$25000 is the floor for commissions” last I saw, and that HAS to be for projects, not just pinups or even a series of pinups right?? Big if true but I think it’s either him lying to make himself look big or it’s a filter so no one comms him.
Either way: ever since he stopped posting art his entire social presence has been a carnival of him picking fights with literal whos about mostly his personal worth as an artist, and it’s been glorious. I was rooting for him in a way just because, fuck yeah artists shouldn’t be scared to set a price they believe in. Sad to see it go honestly.
You can learn something from literally everyone on this earth and while Rob seems to be spiraling delusional narcissist, I admire the balls. That’s about it though, I can’t even remember what his art was like before it all started looking like pic.

>> No.6377307


>and that HAS to be for projects, not just pinups or even a series of pinups right??
A 3 month project? About 9% of the US population make 6 figures or above yearly. Artists are heavily under represented among those 9%. That art in the image is not top 1%.

Realistically my guess is that either he is just saying "fuck off" or he is helping people laundering money, but what do I know.

>> No.6377318

This Bulbasaur guy made a poll
Just take this one as a reference
The conclusion is that artists are poor and probably lose money by not doing something else

>> No.6378426
File: 103 KB, 1440x1800, 2020-08-07 16.34.44 2370725167443530312_1528991020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6378432

Art is a hobby. You aren't supposed to be doing art for money

>> No.6378442 [DELETED] 

For those who are doing adult art/porn, what platforms are you using and which ones do you find yourself having the most success on?

>> No.6378445
File: 132 KB, 1080x1312, 2018-03-25 15.31.12 1743037405558309519_1528991020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see someone making a model for SD of him, just to see him angrier, its sad because his art is really good, but funny at the same time because he talks like he's a god or something, too much pot.

>> No.6378446

For those who are doing adult art/porn, what platforms are you using and which ones do you find yourself having the most success on?

>> No.6378453
File: 197 KB, 816x1158, 1667998377112671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a faggot, every piece of art you see in a museum today was commissioned at some point, le art pour le art sake is a modern and gay concept, the fact that you see art just as a mean to cope with the slow passing of time means nothing to those that want to pursuit art as a career.

>> No.6378463

Value of art after death of artist >>> value of art when artist still alive

>> No.6378469

I'm a pretty beg artist in a somewhat niche fetish space. I got asked if I do comissions by someone on twitter and said I hadn't set it up. Was that a mistake? Should I be trying to take anything I can early on? I work full time and don't expect to make art a career also.

>> No.6378471

Say yes first and then set it up later.

>> No.6378535 [DELETED] 

Being an artist is much older as a profession than being a lawyer.

>> No.6378536 [DELETED] 

>Being an artist is much older as a profession than being a lawyer.

>> No.6378537

Being an artist is much older as a profession than being a lawyer.

>> No.6378629

Is it farts? It's farts isn't it.

>> No.6378643

Lol, such a kind message to people who are interested in your work.

>> No.6378650

If people are willing to pay to do so then good for him. I don't agree with what he's doing, at all, though I am not sure why he's constantly having so many meltdowns, but maybe he should go get that checked out.

>> No.6378849

I'm not mad at it. If he's getting paid now that's his business. One less artist dragging the market down with $3 commissions. Rob is absolutely a skilled artist and better than me but I won't cry over not stumbling across his 700th Daisy pinup with no background lmfao

>> No.6379341

>1000$ a month
I keep seeing this. I have only 1.5k followers and I make that. How are you not taking advangtage of all those followers? make a patreon or something.

What do you mean "is it possible"? there are hundreds of artists making money on patreon etc.
Get to work.

look, there's a reason there are scat, loli, and furry artists around. They are willing to do something most people don't wan to do, thus they get paid more.
Now on average, I've noticed regular porn coms are around 60~300€. Even high end coomer artists aren't charging 700$ a piece, simply because a single individual can't really pay that much, even Americans.
The most I've charged has been 450€, for a single comic page.That's 470 with the paypal fee.
Art is worth what people are willing to pay for it. Your art is alright, but the faces don't match the bodies.

>> No.6379484
File: 1.58 MB, 2570x1446, 1668715000973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I keep seeing this. I have only 1.5k followers and I make that. How are you not taking advangtage of all those followers? make a patreon or something.
Like >>6374542 said, the amount of followers you have does not have a 1:1 correlation with the amount of money you make. A lot of artists have limited commission slots because they don't have unlimited time unlike some people. Just cuz they have 30,000 followers does not mean they have the time and energy to do even 0.1% of that amount of commissions in a short amount of time. They likely only have maybe a dozen max That they are working all at a time. You're doing it too much like a traditional business. Having 30,000 followers does not mean you have 30,000 customers. By your logic you should be doing several hundred commissions at a time.

>Nor does followers or social media presence.

Also this

>> No.6380527
File: 595 KB, 428x796, SFWvsNSFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what anyone says, I am never drawing porn

>> No.6380752

>but the faces don't match the bodies.
Thanks for the crit, I think I should spend less time rendering the bodies. It would also reduce the time I spend on each one.

>> No.6380858
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x1669, 1596147100888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people were interested in commissioning me and Id like to stop being a NEET and work that way but I'm afraid of getting into all the legal bullshit my coutry forces on us. Just getting started as self-employed here requires 250 bucks/month for 3 years for social security tax, and that's in addition to 25% to 40% state tax... Plus have to account for VAT on everything I sell. It's such a headache to be legit, I calculate I'd need to bring in 1k-1k5€ a month or so to make a livable wage. You're supposed to declare your shit from the very first product you sell. How the fuck am I supposed to get started to test the waters?

Any other anons in here ever faced that kind of situation? I really want to get something going on but I'm afraid of getting fucked by the feds

>> No.6380862

It would help to mention the country

>> No.6380867

Belgium bro...
Moving to France is tempting because we're less taxed to shit over there but I don't really have the money to do any of that for now.

>> No.6380885

Probably about $500 from commissions (including writing)

$10 from merch (I need to upload more so this takes off)

No Patreon but that's the plan. I want to corner a certain fetish market and just cater to that tag until the community support is there for my content.

I've seen it happen and this is the way to turn a hobby into a primary source of income.

Until then I'm on that wagie grind too.

>> No.6380899

$500 in the first half of they year and before, $100-$200 now a month

>> No.6381104

Why would you encourage that? Even if he is a spiteful narcissist. I don't know who he is personally. It's just not a good thing normalising this kind of behavior.. People training sd with artists work.. it just shouldn't be normalised. It's highly imoral..

>> No.6381255

Rob is one of the examples of "dont let thos happen to you guy"

>> No.6381570
File: 55 KB, 898x809, Fhpm8cLWIAA5TEf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys how do i land jobs in studio, or freelance, im fucking retarded and am tired of being a neet, im pretty skilled with a decent following on social media but n one ever approaches me for work

>> No.6381581


>> No.6381594

search whentai, get to work

>> No.6381600

i dont do nsfw

>> No.6381605

then search art studios and send your shit to them

>> No.6381606

Sucks to be you then. I'd try fiverr if I were you but you're a retard if you don't dip your toes in nsfw. The ones that do sfw and nsfw are ALWAYS make more bread and make it faster.

See >>6380527 pic rel

>> No.6381723

I think I will keep making money off of my NSFW commissions and there is literally nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.6381726

How much do you make?

>> No.6381827

You will be replaced my AI and there is literally nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.6382055
File: 55 KB, 1200x700, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an asshole, artists(everyone actually) deserve respect, but i cant give it to someone who is a scammer, it doesnt matter how talented he is.

>> No.6382056
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>> No.6382058
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>> No.6382059
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>> No.6382261

He didn't say anything out of pocket, I dont understand where this rage is coming from lmfao

That aside, why would you take commissions from DOZENS of people if you know you're having trouble completing them

>> No.6382321
File: 300 KB, 1080x1920, 2022-11-16 18.17.15 2973065721561419594_1528991020.mp4_snapshot_00.01.110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow him on instagram, and I think he spend all his time smoking thinking he's cool or something and playing videogames instead of doing the commissions. The guy from the discord chat said that to this day he still havent done the refund. There where other people asking for stickers for months and still havent been delivered, other one with a commission from 2018 or something.

>why would you take commissions from DOZENS of people if you know you're having trouble completing them

>> No.6382327

One of the first artists I watched on Twitch was such a person
Took a lot of commissions because she had no other job and liked the money but never finished it.
She also did a lot of other shit like abusing her boyfriend and pressuring him to make stupid decisions (like being homeless)
Talent doesnt mean good character and I unfollow if its unbearably bad
Guys like Aether who are/were just Edgelords are ok
Im also one

>> No.6382356

its not even a possibility for 99% of jobs,.

>> No.6382363

god damn I won't even post a sketch to twitter if I have unfinished comms and this guy posts shit like this after months of not progressing... ngl that's kinda based I wish I had that kinda confidence to be such a brazen dick

>> No.6382366
File: 545 KB, 1080x6211, 5Boin10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the end, i think he's really desperate for money to repay the 250k$ he owes. All that "i'm better than all of you" bullshit its pure damage control.

>> No.6382369
File: 384 KB, 352x627, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6382373

Eh hes a straight-out asshole u cannot excuse.
Asshole influencers bet on not getting a lot of damage from being an asshole but it can backfire in the long run

>> No.6382374

2 years is a lot of time to wait for a comission I agree. And on top of that when you reach out you get met with passive agressiveness. I get it. It's not exactly professional or fair to the guy. Also sounds like he's a bit narcissistic considering he's not exactly a master at his own craft.
Personally I would be much more apologetic.
I do read his arrogance in your posts and I certainly don't condone this but I still think It's dangerous to normalise feeding artists to this algorithm. In the end it's our own collective of artists who lose should this be deemed an ok behavior.

>> No.6382380

Im surprised he scammed so much with just commissions.
I guess he also took some debt here and there he cannot repay.

>> No.6382418

Why. Furry art is a fetish by design. why on fucking earth would there be a self-identifying furry who rejects the entire point of identifying as one? You're probably even worse than they are, at least they're honest. holy shit

>> No.6382453

These artists are so delusional, man. Their entire career is built off of drawing [popular thing] to gain attention, and then proceeding to copy-paste low effort shit to generate income. And then they can't even do THAT consistently enough and resort to scamming.
I have no sympathy for the normies who buy into their art, but these artists are no better than AI, and I'll be glad when they're replaced.

>> No.6382485

>a handful of artists that are shitty people on their own should justify AI replacing good hard working artists that barely make enough
You're worse

>> No.6382590

>replacing good hard working artists
Pick one.
If your art is generic enough that AI can replace you then you deserve it, sorry.

>> No.6382591

AI can be trained on other styles with use of hypernetworks, so generic style is not an issue

>> No.6382605

Have you actually used SD or any program? AI is only replicating artists who have nothing going for them beyond basic fanart. AI can't even mimic hands or feet properly, let alone do anything complex like multiple scenes while keeping the style consistent.

>> No.6382613

I'd say that's not particularly true, cannot speak for feet since I didn't try, but you can make hands work, especially with inpainting hand oriented models, or just enough of retries, I'd agree tho it does suck at complex scenes with multiple people, however I heard about people supposedly just generating few segments of the artwork and then somehow running them through AI again to merge them and make them look good, unsure how, the point is, maybe not replace, but I'd say it has a very good potential at rivaling good artists with enough of effort

>> No.6382639

It depends on what you think is being rivaled. Normies will like and retweet anything even if there are obvious anatomical, posing, and other issues. But, this is a thread about income. Do you think people are going to pay for AI art? The answer is no. Not knowingly, anyway. So I don't believe any actual hardworking artist is at risk. Chances are if you're creating good interesting things and have commissions open or a Patreon or something, AI isn't affecting you at all. If you're Sakimichan clone #7000 then tough luck.

>> No.6382761

>Owes 250k

What the fuck? How and why?

>> No.6382807
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>> No.6382841
File: 108 KB, 500x280, jddcsi5pgk431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then you deserve it, sorry
Luckily this is just a pipe dream ai shitters like yourself keep telling yourselves to cope. If anyone deserves anything its you faggots with all the incoming lawsuits and lawsuits that have already started. And with the new info that "AI" is just copying pictures and over fitting them against one another, the defense of "well your honor, it learns just like a human!" wont save you anymore. Its literally all down hill form here lmao.
>b-but it w-WILL replace you!"
2 more weeks right

>> No.6382844

If an artist scammed you out of a commission is it not ethical to use an AI to make an image from a database of that artist to do the commission that you were scammed out of?
good thing robato can't do hands either then

>> No.6382855

You clearly didnt read my previous post

>> No.6382883

Should probably re-read the post you quoted before going on a schizo rant

>> No.6383276

Read it just fine shitter. Clearly you didn't read my original post all the way through. Keep trying ESL

>> No.6384710

I had no idea this existed until now. How easy is it to get payed there?

>> No.6384726

10-20k per painting and i used to also make like 1k per youtube video but some incel spam reported my channel recently so im not earning anything there until i get it back up.
Someone pays me the fee.(depending on the size of the canvas,special requests like cutting the painting into 6 smaller ones etc.)
I dip a mop in paint and paint a circle,square or a triangle or something and then hit it a few times,swipe it etc. until it looks right sometimes i put on a swimsuit and dip myself in paint and then roll araund on the canvas,sit on it,walk on it etc.
And then someone takes it to their restaurant,hotel or home and hangs it up.
I have 173k followers.

>> No.6384746

I charge like 50-70 bucks per commission
Never had anyone say no, but I do think it's a little bit high.
I don't advertise myself as open for commissions, because it increases the chances of the people who do come to me asking about commissions to be closer to my wavelength, or at least more likely to want me for what I do.
But I can't imagine I'd have steady work even if I was on the grind.

Still, involving money is so stressfull. I hate it so much.
At the same time, drawing full time sounds like a dream. Drawing for other people, not so much.
I would have to quadruple my commission prices if I wanted to come close to a living wage in my country.

>> No.6384807
File: 241 KB, 500x308, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regular client asks for something
>can't come up with something I'm satisfied with
>keep redrawing it over and over
>still not right
>end up cancelling the commission after many attempts to not waste the client's time
>still keep working on it until I'm satisfied just to get over it
>don't post it anywhere and move on with my life
>make $0
I'm not cut out for this

>> No.6384810

I'm not sure how much money I make per month. I did the math and have made just over $7000 this year. [blog]However, sometimes I barely have any money. For example, earlier this month I barely had a few dollars on hand. Luckily, I live with my family, so when that happens, my older sisters are more than happy to take care of all the expenses. Still, I'm the main source of income for my family and it bothers me when I don't have enough money, especially now that my mother is a kidney patient and we need more money than usual.[/blog]
Right now, I have four regular clients:
>a porn site that pays me for making comic books
They pay me $100 per page, but each comic must have at least 20 pages. I can come up with the story. They allow me to post a few pages of their comics on my sites.
>a guy who post porn images and comics on his Patreon
He usually commissions me for relatively complex images, but pays me over $80 per image. I can't post most of his stuff on my sites.
>a guy who commissions private porn art where he's the main character
He pays me $45 for a single image, $60 for a three-panel comic. I can't upload his images anywhere, but that doesn't bother me. Honestly, I find the vast majority of his commissions unappealing (AKA too gay).
>a guy who commissions short porn comics (between five and eight panels long), usually about popular characters
I have mixed feelings about this guy. I mean, he seems to be a nice guy, but I have only been able to convince him to pay me $45 per comic, even though his ideas are often very complex. Not only that, I also have to help him develop his ideas. I can upload his stuff anywhere, but being honest, I find most of his ideas pretty lame.

I'd like to make more money, but I'm not sure if I could deal with more clients than I currently have. I've thought about creating a Patreon account, but I don't know what I could post there. In fact, sometimes I'm not even sure what my target audience is.

>> No.6384813

>I just do dnd commissions in dnd style(sfw)
>I can get 1-2k a month
Where do shill your shit?

>> No.6384818

depends where you post honestly like if it's twitter literally nobody uses hashtags

>> No.6384916
File: 927 KB, 1200x628, imagem_2022-11-21_154122551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are patreon tax policies? do you have to declare yuour income to your local government?

Gumroad doesn't seem to care, and subscribe star TOS also states that "it's up to you to declare your income, we don't care".

>be me
>do comm for client
>"well that one didn't turn out that great but wtv"
>"Hey man here's the finished image, I hope you like it!"
>Thanks it's amazing, one of your best!
> ???
>post it anyway
>get's more retweets than than other artworks I've posted

>> No.6384973

I really don't believe it when people say they like what I deliver. I always feel like I'm scamming them.

>> No.6385019

You're probably a lot better than you realize. I forget how the court exactly goes but they always say You yourself are your biggest critic.

>> No.6385026

See >>6385019

>> No.6385087

less taxed in france it depend
i'm pretty sure if you only do digital it can up to 60%(for seling products ) commissions i dont know (and i dont talk about nsfw which has a additional 50% taxe)

my comic artist friend say it 8-24% tax +750eur for starting then some other bs that only comes in the 2nd year or 3rd of your company

tldr france is better if you poor basicly once you do more than 70K year then it heavy

>> No.6385119

thanks for chiming in anon, didnt really take a look at higher brackets
>my comic artist friend say it 8-24% tax +750eur for starting then some other bs that only comes in the 2nd year or 3rd of your company
Its because the first 3 years they do a fixed rate then after the 3rd they recalculate based on a %age of your actual income and you have to pay or get reimbursed the difference
>(and i dont talk about nsfw which has a additional 50% taxe)
I don't do NSFW but this sounds ridiculous

>> No.6385125

Here in Finland the government will literally bust your ass for begging if you host a patreon and send you straight to jail without passing go.

>> No.6385414 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 292x173, 6yy7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a higher rank dark falz UQ now? I was fucking around with a class I never use and I got trashed by him because I couldn't counter shit.

>> No.6385426
File: 38 KB, 260x194, fwLL7FYpiBRc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't u guys never heard of digital nomads?

>> No.6385445

Please tell me these prices don't include colors.

>> No.6385468
File: 21 KB, 150x150, oh shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yes, they include color...

>> No.6385476

yeah i'm thinking going to algeria for this or spain

>> No.6385525 [DELETED] 

Very strong yes if you're willing to branch out and combine your art skills with crafting and other physical sale options, the possibilities and niches are endless.

>> No.6385593

>4k income at best
>luxury apartment
Do you live in a 3rd world country?

>> No.6385599

youre a faggot

>> No.6385617

>how to make sure your cashflow dries up within months

>> No.6385655

God this dude is retarded as fuck. Pretty much checking all the boxes on how to piss off loyal customers (aka the bone of any successful business) and ensure you're not getting any new ones either.

>> No.6385701 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1024x985, 1656815210430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking charge more you retard.

>> No.6385709
File: 84 KB, 1024x985, 1656815210430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6384810 #
Holy shit charge more you retard. 45 bucks for a comic AND you're playing tardwraggler on top of it. You might as well give them a free blowjob while you're at it, grow a fucking spine.

>> No.6385936

>i'm pretty sure if you only do digital it can up to 60%
I wonder where you heard that, it sounds wrong.

When you run a business in France, taxes can be broken down into 3 parts.
VAT (normally 20%)
Social security contribution
Income tax

They all depend on the type of business you're running. If you have a "micro-entreprise", which is probably the most common for a small-time freelance worker, you benefit from a VAT-exemption, pay a 22% tax based on your sales as social security contribution, then finally you calculate your income tax based on 66% of your sales.

For example if your sales amount to €20,000 in a year, you'll have to pay roughly:
0.22*20,000 + (0.66*20,000 - 10,226)*0.11
= 4,400 + 327.14 = €4727.14
I subtract €10,226 because the tax rate for anything below that threshold is 0, then 0.11 is the tax rate for earnings below €26,071.

There's a few minor taxes that I disregarded, but they don't amount to much.

>I don't do NSFW but this sounds ridiculous
I don't remember the exact figure but porn is indeed taxed very heavily, however I believe it only applies to actual porn movies.

>> No.6386050
File: 341 KB, 828x1472, 1631321686785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VAT (normally 20%)
In a lot of EU countries including France it's reduced to 5-6% for original pieces of art.
To avoid paying the normal rate for prints you can unironically sign them and number them so they become "unique".

>> No.6386073

Honestly i stop giving a shit a long ass time ago. Everyone scams everyone.

>> No.6386081

Yeah, you are wholly underselling yourself there. Especially the $100 p/comic page with color. Have you asked them about paying you, at least, $40-50 more? Maybe you can negotiate with them?

I mean unless you really like what the client is doing...maybe, but like you would have to be working on each of those for like 1-2 hours each to really make it worth it. Otherwise you are losing money.

Might as well just make the Patreon then. Open it up and see what bites you get. If you get enough I would dump your cheap ass clients, especially the one who won't more than $45.

>> No.6386107

I have negative art income, anyone who do even 1 $ per month beter than me, im kust dying inside and outside, slowly(

>> No.6386436

none. i do not have one

>> No.6386523

Maybe it's time to start thinking about raising my prices. To be honest, I don't feel entirely comfortable asking for more money from the guy who runs the website that publishes my comics. I mean, he works with a lot of artist and I bet he pays the same to all of them. As for the last guy, I don't know... He originally convinced me to charge him $25 per commission because, according to him, that's what all the artists he had worked with in the past charged. On the other hand, I don't work on his ideas for fun, so I wouldn't mind losing him forever.
I'll think about making a Patreon account. I'm not sure if I have enough time to devote to that, without saying that I'm not sure what the people who follow me want to see anymore, but it seems to be the obvious next step.

>> No.6387288

If you are gonna post it on twitter without hashtags you might as well post it on reddit

>> No.6389172

If you're a third worlder it's easy, you only need to get past /beg/. Otherwise don't bother with it

>> No.6390599
File: 2.17 MB, 1568x2319, 20221125_203806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic rel
>Op pic
Coincidence i think nottt. MIRAIART stole my work

>> No.6390645

Been drawing for 1,5 years, just got three $70 comms ordered in a week. So far have made about 1000-1200 bucks from my comms

>> No.6390693

Gimme some of your customers dont be greedy

>> No.6390696
File: 340 KB, 855x1050, 0OZYQG7GbImn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might not want them. He could be drawing scat or vore for all you know

>> No.6390707

>Could be
Ill speak to em and if they want me to draw that then I'll bail.
Hwo about YOU give em your customers

>> No.6391076
File: 616 KB, 800x656, 20221107_203722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw your niche and people into it will comm you. I draw vidya and anime babes wrestling and people who comm me have fetish/kink for it. I'm 100% sure there are people who would comm you if you brand yourself with a niche you yourself enjoy too.

>> No.6391081

>He originally convinced me to charge him $25 per commission because, according to him, that's what all the artists he had worked with in the past charged.

He sounds full of shit. More like that's what he convinced them to charge him or only worked with the ones that let him pay that little.

>> No.6391110
File: 2.81 MB, 2310x1785, IMG_0992-1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice! I'll post my comm sheet just incase

>> No.6391118

>tfw my fetishes are so obscure I don't think anyone would comm them

>> No.6391137

Try me ill literally draw everything and anything
>Comm sheet above is mine

>> No.6391165

How many followers do you have?

>> No.6391230

The more obscure it is, the better because you won't have that much competition and the audience hungry for that obscure niche will pay you to draw for them

>> No.6391434

I keep getting mixed messages about Twitter hashtags. People say don't use them at all (wtf) or using more than just two suppresses your posts. What's the truth? I feel retarded and I want to give that shit hole a second chance.

>> No.6391440

He's a nice guy, but on the other hand, I can't help but think he's a little too cheap. I remember he told me that he couldn't pay me too much because the currency of his country was pretty low compared to USD. I thought, "He must live in some shithole, just like me." Months later I found out that he lived in Canada, a country whose currency is worth almost ten times that of my country.

>> No.6391444

>Canada, a country whose currency is worth almost ten times that of my country.
But did you seen those grocery prices!?

>> No.6391453

Yea. The people who tell you never to use hashtags are self-important brainlets who think they are too good for them for whatever reason. However, having the text in your post being a giant wall of blue hashtag is also a bad idea because the algorithm will think you're a bot if you use 20 different hashtags. I'd say three or four Max is sufficient, But please don't fall for the "Don't use them" meme. The ones who have told you that here haven't even given you a good reason why you shouldn't do it.

>> No.6391488

Thanks for the clarification. I've got an old account I've never used, so I'll try again.

>> No.6391512

Like I said, just make sure you don't spam the entire post with 30 tags. Keep the number of tags to three or four max but also Make sure the tags are actually relevant to what you're drawing (If you're drawing fanart of a fictional series then make sure you tag the name of the series, as well as character names along with generic tags like #art and #[whatever method you used to create it].) This is especially a point if you're a new account, small account, haven't posted in forever, or all of the above. I think the people who don't do it either forget to do it, or too lazy to do it, or think they don't need to for whatever reason even though the whole point of hashtags is to spread your content with many people as possible.

>> No.6391692

Always nice to see a helpful thread in ic, especially with all of the ai doomer spam. Thanks again!

>> No.6392266
File: 147 KB, 600x512, shotcall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody tried this platform call Shotcall yet?
I'm looking for alternative now that FANBOX has shot themselves in their foot.

>> No.6392301

This year I'm making 70-75,000$ from art. I work a lot during certain periods (about 1 month on, 12 hour days non stop, 1~2 months off to recharge.)

I found the easiest way to make money was through finding a niche and selling merchandise. The important thing here is you need to be self funded, and not use intermediary companies as youre already losing 30% of your sales from processing fees, taxes and shipping materials/postage. You'll reach a point where you are established and can do more.

If you do it right and consistently put out good quality merchandise with good art people will naturally want to commission you as well. I've received many inquiries even though I haven't posted about commissions in nearly 2 years, and have put people down multiple times. So recently I started charging people to join a wait list for the chance to commission me. On top of that, I retain full creative control over the commission (basically they pick the character and that's it) and I get to continue selling it on my store if it's something I can repurpose into merchandise. On top of that fee is over 1000$ for a personal commission (and I have people who already are on my waitlist going into late next year.)

The main takeaway is, find something you're passionate about. It will push you to make good art, make things that others want, and once you prove yourself in the community you can grow into being self sufficient easily. It takes time, and a lot of start up costs (about 5k is enough to get a store up and running) but in the end I think it's way easier to find an avenue to self sufficiency through selling material goods as an indie artists rather than totally intangible things like digital art commissions starting out.

It took me 5 years to break 1000 followers by the way. Be in it for the long haul or quit. It's the hard truth unfortunately. Being an artist nowadays isn't about skill or talent, it's about who is willing to go the longest in a financial endurance test.

>> No.6392318

How do you go about drawing a niche to start off if you don't want to box yourself into that niche in the future? Relying on a niche audience sounds like a house built on sand if you want to diversify later on. Am I overthinking it?

>> No.6392345

Yeah...he's a cheap asshole.

>> No.6392356

Nothing stopping you going diverse. Letting audience know what your personal niches are simply help potential clients to pick you up because clients usually want the artist not only draw well enough but also understand the subject they want the artist draw for them. If your goal is to do stuff all over the place, then draw. It's just that specialization to your fav subject help potential audience notice you.

>> No.6392363

Sounds like a dream. I wanna get there sometime.

>> No.6392386

I don't know about the bot thing but i just never used them and most of other Twitter artist i know don't use them either.

>> No.6392689


>Only go to art if you want to start a business else just draw for fun.

Ok chief, you just saved myself from career suicide.

>> No.6393098

Then how in the hell did people manage to find your stuff?

>> No.6393100

NTA but probably a combination of ass kissing, luck, and nepotism. That's pretty much required if you want to have any big accounts on Twitter That aren't attached to the government or corporations. It's possible for nobody to become big but it'll take you much longer

>> No.6393228

let me guess, this "niche" of yours is some kind of fetish art

>> No.6393249
File: 5 KB, 250x241, 1581438114393s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe $200 a month based off commissions alone. I don't do NSFW art.

Ironically my main job is prostitution.

>> No.6393267

>Ironically my main job is prostitution.
Interesting. How does that lineup work usually go for you guys? How are you "hired"?

>> No.6393284

i get a weekly salary of around 2k at my studio job.
i freelance for various clients so maybe 1-4k a month depending on work
and then a couple hundo a month of passive income from some old gumroad/artstation store stuff.
i have no hobbies or friends and kinda wanna die

>> No.6393298
File: 30 KB, 640x640, b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a woman once in real life that actually had a figure like that. Forge child birthing hips, she had hips wide enough to birth a whole calf. And the best part was that she wasn't fat, either. Trim waist, no belly, no flab anywhere. The holy grail of thicc.
It was hard not to stare, frankly. I could hardly believe my eyes. Her husband is a lucky sonofagun. They already had like three young kids, spaced about a year or so apart. Probably end up with an entire village's worth of children before it's all said and done if they aren't careful.

>> No.6393304

3 kids? damn he knew it

>> No.6393376

I just write a normal post and make sure to include Keywords, like if it's a character i make sure to include the name that's mostly enough

>> No.6393403
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x991, Screenshot_20221128-000542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6393413

What's gumroad and artstation store like? Is it subscription based?

>> No.6393455
File: 35 KB, 800x450, EJWecokW4AgC675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to bypass this $600 threshold ex making a new paypal each time you reach $599
we went from $20,000 how did we let this slip under our noses $600 is nothing especially with the ongoing inflation

>> No.6393459

lol. Their hats are too small for their heads.

>> No.6393490

It didn't slip under, they just did it lol. Uncle Sam is gonna get our sheckles one way or another. Why do you think they're trying so hard to regulate crypto? The FTX disaster shipping more than enough reason to do so but there are rumors that the Same guy Is cozy with feds so it might be quite a while before they even try to do that.

Point is, you're not dodging any taxes unless You're very very good at tax evasion or you use monero (But that's assuming you have any customers that even pay with crypto, let alone with a cryptocurrency that obscure).

>> No.6393750
File: 427 KB, 1079x1078, 1649869002290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I advertise online on the escort directories and have my own twitter and website.

>> No.6393799

gumroad their free plan is good enough. artstation pro gets you a better cut when they buy from your personal domain storefront but its like 100-something a year

>> No.6393888

can you post your gumroad store so I can set up mine similarly? ty anon

>> No.6393905

I currently make £13 a month lol, I've recently set up my store so hoping to increase that when I sell merch + other things. Currently a student living at home so making money isn't my number one priority however I hope that by next year I'll be making at least 1k a month

>> No.6394611

just draw for $1
it'll take you 600 commissions for the entire year

>> No.6394710

I'm from spain, spain is fucked too... I'm going to go to switzerland just for the economic freedom

>> No.6394837

Are u guys retarded? The whole point is to constantly move around, you know, like nomads.
Which is why the country doesn't really matter much, you are going on a tourist visa.

>> No.6394846


>> No.6396237

I used to think like this. I think the problem is that when you, an artist, create something you're working to your own standard which is much higher than something you can actually achieve. However, you must bear in mind that when someone commissions you, they want/expect the level of skill that you ACTUALLY output. So they're much more likely to be satisfied/impressed with what you deliver because they never had any expectations beyond what you're capable of*

*unless they're one of those retard clients who thinks artists can magically draw anything and will commission a furry artist to draw mecha or something

>> No.6396941

oh my gouache

>> No.6398996
File: 3.61 MB, 5000x2128, Commission Sheet WIP 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know because I haven't made shit off my art.

Look at pic related. These aren't the prices I came up with first. I started at $60 and had to keep adjusting my prices lower and lower and adding benefits until I started getting questions if my commissions were open. Fucking $20 for a full price artwork.

>> No.6399004

What's your handle? I have work for you

>> No.6399008

You know what? I don't even want the money if these are prices I'm having to work with. Give me your idea and I'll draw it for free in this thread.

>> No.6399012

I can pay you actual money for it. Would 40 bucks for action shot of two characters fighting sound ok to you?

>> No.6399015

Fuck the $40. Can you post their refs if they are your characters or tell me what characters they are.

>> No.6399020

Some advice is to never put the actual price on your artwork. It immediately makes people subconsciously devalue your artwork. You should also draw Loli or girls getting cummed on and impregnated. Add some flat colors too and draw fanart of taimanin asagi or stuff similar to that. Nobody cares about that extra detail. Only you do.

>> No.6399021
File: 1.12 MB, 1476x1711, 885853333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, ok. I would love to see your take on Tifa vs Aerith, they from Final Fantasy 7. Can be catfight, boxing or wrestling. I can also promote you in my circles of catfight fetish scene. Lotsa potential commissioners, because niche scenes are always looking new artists.

>> No.6399023

Your work is beautiful but holy fuck you can't draw a humanoid figure worth piss. Your environments are very detailed and well composed but please put more time into structuring the human form and appeal.

>> No.6399029

Maybe the market chose those prices because that's what your work is worth. Have you thought about that instead of acting entitled to other people's hard earned money?

You're giving that anon too much credit. It's all fucking garbage. I've been following them for years and they have not improved at all.

>> No.6399144

Its clearly not garbage if i can see with my own eyes that there are very good parts of their work. Stop being a fucking crab, it's not cute

Anon, you clearly understand composition but I def feel that you would see a bump in client interest if you presented more character focused work. People usually want to see their characters front and center when they get commissions. Once you refine your character drawing skills, your eye for composition will put you ahead of a lot of artists that just use blank backgrounds for everything

Also why the fuck would you offer free of charge artwork?
At that point youre doing requests and it shouldnt be on this sheet.
One last thing, if your commissions are too cheap, potential customers will value it that way and generally stay away unless unless it's the absolute dregs that dont want to pay for anything in the first place. Believe in yourself.

>> No.6399169

>Stop being a fucking crab, it's not cute
Maybe you should stop samefagging, it's not cute. And if you're not then maybe you should consider that you either don't know what the fuck you're talking about or have an abysmal sense of taste. It's all garbage. From the broken anatomy to the shaky tradwork to the furfaggotry to ugly monochrome with pitch black shading thing going on.

>> No.6399203

NTA but you are being a crab. I guess you need it for your own mental health.

>> No.6399398

you think them niggas you with is with you?

>> No.6399497
File: 191 KB, 404x343, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do long have you had your platform up and how did you get so many followers? need tips, starting at 0 but am a pretty good artist.

>> No.6399586

I make 30-40 USD per hour doing freelance concept art fzd grad

>> No.6400078

You probably won't see this anon but can you share your store?

>> No.6400110 [DELETED] 

Are you a male prostitute? If so, what kind of clients do you get?

>> No.6400208

Youre whining because I dont agree with you and youre being a dick to someone that still has room to grow. Cry more you actual fucking toddler lmfao

>> No.6400227
File: 204 KB, 2560x1707, Dollarphotoclub_47874986-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, when i was active some 5 years ago or so i'd open commissions when i wanted to buy vidya.
usually 3 slots at 60 bucks each. i now have a bloated steam library and have played like 20% of it. time well spent : /

>> No.6401355
File: 1.24 MB, 2446x2446, xDg1ZGSH2Hp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of making money, would you say arr commissions similar to pic rel are worth thousands of dollars?

See tweet for context:

>> No.6402289

Yes. The reliable work ethics in itself is an income booster. The people offering the money aren't some random coomers, but Epic Games. Going by her wording, it's clear she makes good money selling prints and such, which also boosts how much you'd be willing to take for a picture you'd have to give up all rights to.

>> No.6402380

wrong, its about money ONLY

>> No.6402456

>How much money do you make from your Patreon, fanbox, pixiv subs, commissions, etc?
none, I get all my income from my real job in IT

>> No.6402672

Blog? I want to fuck Ty Lee tbqh

>> No.6402800
File: 7 KB, 508x111, imagem_2022-12-04_211804188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started a paywall later this year. it's going up
My goal is to get it to 1.5K at least, by the end of 2023. I think it's doable!
got like 30 subscribers because of some twitter retweet/post

>dnd style
super laborious style. You can get the same money for one NSFW commission by simply doing line art, flats and multiply shading.

>works for others
>is someones bitch
>"my real job"
sure buddy.

>> No.6402815


>You can get the same money for one NSFW commission
Do u get 210usd per nsfw commission tho?

>> No.6402845
File: 81 KB, 714x675, imagem_2022-12-04_221215342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do u get 210usd per nsfw commission tho?
yeah I do.

>> No.6402853

based furry futa cub vore connoisseur

>> No.6402856

>>works for others
>>is someones bitch
>>"my real job"
>sure buddy
If you do commissions for someone else, you are that person's bitch because you have to deliver on your agreement to them or they don't pay you. A job is a job. Everyone is always someone's bitch because that's how adult life works.

>> No.6402859

Few more questions
Is this one character/no bg?
How long does it take u on average?(I can do a dnd character in 6-8h)
What are the usual themes/fetishes?
Are u paying any taxes?

Unless u have your own IP

>> No.6402862

What am I looking at? What is mrr?? Why are you European? And what do these people generally pay for? Are they returning customers? How much do you get taxed? I'm curious.

>> No.6402931

>when i was active some 5 years ago or so i'd open commissions when i wanted to buy vidya.

What did you draw for money? furries?

>> No.6403626

I do vanilla stuff,not even doing futa anymore (bc it's gay af)

not at all. I work for who I want, and people are mostly nice. I don't have to do what they tell me buy the book. I can tell them to fuck off at any point, and I have. 99% of wage slaves can't.
that's why I love freelance work.

PS: sure in the begging you need to stfu and eat shit sometimes, but still, it's worth it to get where I am now.

>How much do you get taxed? I'm curious.
I get taxed by Paypal and gumroad. If I paid income tax it wouldn't be worth it rn.

>How long does it take u on average?(I can do a dnd character in 6-8h)
yeah something like that. it depends, I've done some in 3h, others take 8h- Mostly because I want to make them better.

>Is this one character/no bg?
lower prices are pinups, larger ones are full illst and comic page.

>> No.6403946

Yes. That’s worth the price.

>> No.6404148

>not doing futa

>> No.6404277

>If I paid income tax it wouldn't be worth it rn.
how the fuck do you avoid that, sir

>> No.6404992

>Making money with art is more about knowing how to play the money game more than knowing how to draw

This couldn't be more true. Now, I'd say you still need to be able to draw to entice anyone, but if you can draw well but suck at marketing yourself, you will get 0 comms
Marketing is a skill of its own

>> No.6405338
File: 82 KB, 716x802, FdlloOzaIAA79Ba.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally, what should you post to keep your patreon alive
Just finished art work like you would any old media site?
Mine got canceled before because I didn't use it much