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6372913 No.6372913 [Reply] [Original]

hey bros,
Just found a newfound interest in drawing a few weeks ago.
I feel like I'm Getting better day by day but its hard to force myself to draw something original and not copy someone else stuff.
Any tips for an ADHDtard trying to make myself actually focus on improving instead of just dicking around?

>> No.6372918

beginner thread
not your bro /b/ tard
just do the work and stop blaming adhd because you dont like to do hard things

>> No.6373037

Don't go original yet
Lvl 0 is the hardest level of all. Your only priority here is to train discipline and improve your hand-eye coordination.

Just force yourself to draw 5 minutes a day, every day. It can take many months but the moment you break to lvl 1, the ride gets absurdly easier and easier

For now, just copy whatever you want. It's guaranteed trash, anyway

>> No.6373045

dunno bro, tracing from my dad's jojo comics its how i started, i think its actually a good way to build muscle memory and get a feeling on anatomy and the like

>> No.6373623

honestly why not copy?

you need to build a visual library, draw what you see, copy other artist's work as a study. keep it in the sketch vaults and when you get an idea for a piece of art, you can draw that and post it on your social media

when you watch an artist draw from "imagination" they're really just redrawing something they've drawn or at least carefully observed before and changing things about it or the angle a bit or whatever. if you are having fun doing studies of random objects/faces/anatomy and of artist's work, keep going.

>> No.6373657

I have ADD (adhd inattentive type as its diagnosed now)

take grind advice that is meant for people who do not have ADHD with a huge grain of salt.
You are not the intended audience for alot of it and you will go insane trying to force yourself into a way of doing things that you aren't wired for. I spent too many years beating myself up feeling like there was something wrong with me and like I was never good enough to just do it like everybody else.

The fact is your brain is wired differently, and listening to idiots like >>6372918
is incredibly demoralizing and trust me you will never out think adhd or shame yourself into "just doing it" in a way that will produce a positive long term change.

For me, what helped the most was telling myself "you just have to draw for 10 minutes a day, you dont have to keep going if you dont want to. just do 10 minutes and see how you feel." like >>6373037
suggested. I will usually end up drawing for a lot longer than 10 minutes.
For adhd, the biggest struggle is just climbing the mental wall to get started, dont worry about focusing or being correct at first.

Automatic drawing is a good place to start, giving yourself a small simple goal, 9/10 When I start with 10 min of this I end up drawing for hours, not always, but I draw for a long time much more consistently.

Pomodoro is also very useful. Aim low, building the momentum is the most important.

Take your medication aswell if you arent already.

Believe in yourself! ADHD will make some things harder and you will likely have to adapt and do things differently, but it doesnt mean you cant or wont improve.

>> No.6373671

let's see your work faggot. what does not listening to idiots like me get you?

>> No.6373674
File: 75 KB, 1387x404, oct 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something like this
Yes, this is me and I am gunning that that faggot who told me I will ngmi

>> No.6373703

ADD isn't real, you're just a retarded zoomer

>> No.6373738

>something like this
i didnt ask for something like this. post a full picture that you have drawn recently

>> No.6373756
File: 1.81 MB, 2048x3072, 1 year apart-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that, though

>> No.6373759

the fact that youre proud is pretty funny

>> No.6373766

Alright, pyw

>> No.6373781


>> No.6373788
File: 1.48 MB, 3024x4032, image_50414593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im >>6373657

It is something to be proud of, its a huge improvement. now let's see yours.

>> No.6374056

what's your secret, anon?
apart from spite and hate

>> No.6374199

Exercise and full rest
Exercise boosts your blood and air.
Full rest ensures that the memory gets crystalized properly

>> No.6374207

>full rest
kinda hard for me, my body clock is already fucked up
my sleep time is somewhere 12 or 2am
also how would you practice and what's your own roadmap?

>> No.6374208

1-6 hours of practice a day
There are different ways to get rest. Just make sure you get full 6-8 hours every day. Any less and you may start forgetting stuff.

>> No.6374215

>1-6 hours of practice a day
oh man
you are dedicated, wish you luck on your journey anon
im just making this drawing as my hobby but it will take a while for me to get good unfortunately

>> No.6374222

Draw 5 minutes every day. The discipline training would increase your mental fortitude and sky rocket your ability to remain on the task

Mental training is real.
If you do not have enough mental fortitude and still forced yourself to do more than your brain can handle,you would suffer a burn out and even forget everything.

Respect your body and grind in silence

>> No.6374225

nice trips
and thanks, anon
i think i really have to grit it and just enjoy the process while practicing, at least it will help build the habit hopefully

>> No.6374231
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blue collar job, so lots of that
>full rest
again... blue collar job... I think i sleep on average only 3-4 hours a day
I wish i had a comfy office job, sure i have a meme humanities degree that i took only for myself (eurofag so i didnt spend jackshit lmao)
but im also IT and an industrial electrician. Should i move to the US since its impossible to find a non back breaking slave job here so i can live up my artistic dreams?

>> No.6374238

I work blue collar and just work for 9 hours a day
Get a job elsewhere, man.

NEVER go office. It looks comfy but the lack of exercise and humanity kills your soul. I worked office just 3 months ad I was too depressed to do shit. My friend worked 5 years and was so suicidal he was unable to finish his 2 weeks because he was that depressed

Physical exhaustion takes only a good rest and even makes you stronger
Depression gives no benefit

>> No.6374240

Great way to burn yourself. Why do you hate 1-2 hours a day chads?

>> No.6374244

I don't
But do recognize your limits

If you haven't built your muscles yet, lifting 50kg can break your arm
Same goes for brain

I honestly think that I spending far too little. I can and should do more but my sched is already full

>> No.6374245

i got a question, anon
have you started to enjoy the process of drawing? if yes, when did you start to enjoy it?

>> No.6374246

3 months.
When I realized "hey I am starting to look good"

>> No.6374251
File: 300 KB, 1509x848, Screenshot_244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have adhd and this is my progess. I dont know if its too litle but for us adhd fags its a great thing to not just drop it after so much time. My advice is: dont force yourself too much and try not to feel guilt by skipping some days. Read the basic books everyone does and try to understand forms by learning about perspective and boxes. 1 hour a day is enough, if you are not feeling it try at least 30 minutes. The best days are when you are hooked but they are rare. AND DONT TRY TO FORCE YOURSELF, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THINGS BECOME CHORES. You wont succeed in forcing yourself if you dont have any pleasure and there is none when you are a begginer

>> No.6374253

i see, thats cool
also final question same as this one >>6374207
what's your roadmap(?) or what area have you been practicing? construction, anatomy, coloring?

>> No.6374257

All except coloring. I intend to pick it up after 1 year more.
I just stick with cel shading and refuse to do the complex shit till my drawing get better

>> No.6374259

thanks for the reply
good luck on your art journey, anon

>> No.6374261

Just play video games or something and leave art to real humans, autist.

>> No.6374919


>> No.6374937

reference till your scribbles look like the ones on the left
if you draw like the stuff on the right, dont even bother drawing from imagination
>few weeks ago
draw for 2 more years, or at least few months
if you have any talent after 2 months you will see good results
if you are genuine, not self diagnosed mutt, dont even try
drawing demands focus and patience
good luck sitting on a piece for few hours straight

>> No.6375442

Damn anon try not being so salty when you see someone better than you

>> No.6375585

Is this real or you just trolling, I'm not diagnosed but I have severe problems with focus especially now that I try to force myself to draw with my shoulder and not my wrist. Is it over for us retards?

>> No.6375593

>>if you are genuine, not self diagnosed mutt, dont even try
>drawing demands focus and patience
>good luck sitting on a piece for few hours straight
diagnosed ADHDtard here, it can work but needs to be on treatment.

>> No.6375613

adhd is a lie to cage your soul and steal your money
just give yourself two options, stare at the wall all day long or draw something original

>> No.6375925

>couldn't learn to draw
>fell back to the painting cope

>> No.6375931

An often overlooked fact is that even "normal" people learn differently. A lot of drawing instruction out there won't work for many people; or it won't work for them until they're ready for it. Over the years, I've repeatedly had this experience: I'm re-reading a book and some tidbit that I'd previously glossed over suddenly seizes me as being very significant and helpful. What happened is that, in the intervening time, I'd gained experience and learned whatever was prerequisite to that information becoming useful. Drawing books necessarily offer very generalized advice. The author doesn't know what you don't know, or how you learn best. Same is true for videos, of course. One-on-one instruction from a teacher would be ideal, but is impractical for most people. Finding your own way takes long; really, it can be a lifelong process. You have to draw a lot, and be mindful about tackling your weaknesses. Listening to too much advice can be counterproductive. There are many kinds of artists and you can't be all of them; even trying will wear you down and turn your practice into an unenjoyable slog, which is destined for failure. Know thyself!

>> No.6375937

>Over 2,000 hours to learn poor rendering

>> No.6376104

Show us how it should be done

>> No.6376156

If you want to learn how basic rendering should be done, do master studies

>> No.6376265

pyw, pussy

>> No.6376341

Post your "studies" NIGGER

>> No.6376379

why do fags always think IC is so bad? I see some pretty good comments in here, you all need to be more optimistic