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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 106 KB, 720x1031, 166822284274643696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6371087 No.6371087 [Reply] [Original]

And AI cucks seethe lmfao. YWNBAA

>> No.6371092

Nice little publicity stunt to take advantage of the Twitter drama

>> No.6371094
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 1643166653465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if anybody is going to give a rat's ass about autistic sonic fan art, quite frankly DA is doing a service keeping the riffraff out from spoiling the A-I.

>> No.6371095

There will never be a søyjack with enough søy

>> No.6371107

I'm not going to return to DA tho

>> No.6371108
File: 25 KB, 722x194, oh no no no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck do I hate weebtards. how are these fucks so delusional.

>> No.6371109
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 166756812013357931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime pic rel
>redditor with the ANIME flair
>both seething about western art
>both play it off as a good thing when they were gloating about it a few hours ago
Tranime, everyone. picrel is AI cucks rn

>> No.6371111

is this you, you insufferable worthless faggot?>>6371108

>> No.6371113
File: 247 KB, 1414x1378, 1668218023206418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no stupid copyright
What a commie bitch faggot. Post this logo to scare a redditor.

>> No.6371114

> Artificial scarcity
That’s funny, that’s how they argued for NFT’s.

>> No.6371117

oh no if only there wasn't an entire world wide web full of royalty free images to train the ai on...

>> No.6371118

>AI will allow
Imagine having so little agency.

>> No.6371121

don't pretend you don't care you parasitic scum. if that were the case, you thieving lot wouldn't resort to this kind of shit

>> No.6371122

For once I am in agreement from a plebbit post, I imagined them pissing their pants much like you guys are.

>> No.6371123

>heres a check box that says it will do this thing but actually wont :)
just like the report button, this does nothing

>> No.6371125

I should point out that's exactly what they want, for the average person to remain ignorant, minimally skilled, and entirely dependent on their programs to achieve anything.

>> No.6371127

>read thread
>these sois unironically want UBIs
They truly vill eat ze bugs, live in ze pod and own nothing.

>> No.6371128

apparently "singularity" is some kind of cult-like community on reddit which worships humanity's enslavement to machines. they don't just expect it, they are happy at the thought of this happening. either that or they bark about utopian ideas like "UBI". do these actual retards imagine that most people will actually accept UBI. are they this delusional? do they seriously think most people will be like "yeah I'll just accept this basic sustenance and that's it I guess, can't earn more than this no longer but that's fine". lmao. I hate 'UBI' retards with every passing fucking day. they'd be fine with working for a lord so long as they get some table scraps at the end. what a disgusting lowly sight to behold

>> No.6371129

You sound a little upset, anon. Did you forget to do your daily dilation?

>> No.6371132
File: 361 KB, 640x838, 1666528206309339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound a little upset, anon. Did you forget to do your daily dilation?

>> No.6371134

i really could not give a fuck less about ai or the end results of. we're years away from ai generation being feasible for anything professional, and even when that day comes there will still be a market for traditional art just like there's still a market for handmade crafts despite the invention of modern machinery and industry. ai is a nothing burger, people getting upset about it either way are retards.

>> No.6371137

i don't give a shit even if it's a nothingburger. these bugmen deserve nothing

>> No.6371138

That subreddit specifically is misanthropic. They are frothing in excitement over people being replaced by machines. They take glee in the unemployment of people in various industries. It's like these atheist fucks replaced god with AI. These are the type of subhumans that would help an AI take over. I guarantee these are also the sad fucks over at r/antinatilism or r/childfree

A wet dream. The elite would never let that pass, IDK why these plebbitors think it'll happen. Remember the 2000 dollar pandemic checks?

>> No.6371140

sounds like a personal problem. maybe stop getting so emotionally invested into what randos on the internet do and say especially when it's far-removed from reality and start focusing more on your own interests

>> No.6371141

i can do both

>> No.6371142

you can do whatever you want to do. the suggestion is for your sake, not mine

>> No.6371145

I wonder how many of them are real posters as opposed to people hired by companies to help promote adoption of being microchipped, pissing away your day in VR, accepting machine generated entertainment, living in pods, distance learning, or whatever other bullshit they're trying to push today.

>> No.6371146

>from @EnbyEmily (she/they) demisexual, trans, autistic, non-binary, BLM and ACAB - furry diaper commissions now open!

>> No.6371152

What is your problem? applaud tyrannical policies because you are afraid of AI, is that what we have been reduced to?

>> No.6371153
File: 703 KB, 2048x1536, 1666293744527880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371154

You actually believe this is "for the people," don't you?

>> No.6371155

no shit, he's a projecting commie like this fucking retard here >>6371146 who will generate tranny pedophile porn 24/7

>> No.6371160
File: 44 KB, 556x93, 16682141315306365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371161
File: 37 KB, 587x304, check your privilege sirs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371164

World of folk? Like his potato brained child, right?

>> No.6371165

fun fact, a group of trannies is called a dev team

>> No.6371167
File: 595 KB, 719x768, you achieved nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371168

I can't stop generating lolis, I haven't draw in almost a month now FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>> No.6371171

how is it a tyrannical policy for people to choose not to have their data used in a way they don't want? users can still opt-in if they so choose.

>> No.6371173

what do you think? they're real life SÖYS who are on the verge of suicide? worthless parasites who decided that blacked became too boring so now they dream of getting cucked by cyborgs

>> No.6371174

Who cares about the ethics of art styles? That shit isn't copyrightable in my country, I just upgraded from tracing to AI shit and it's been great the flexibility I have now

>> No.6371175


so all these times they think that they "made" shit?


>> No.6371176
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x768, IMG_20221112_024214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all being dragged kicking and screaming into an era of digital art where artcels can't exploit the mentally ill for easy money anymore: Timmy McAspie will soon be able to AI generate inflated farting wolf-foxes all by himself from the comfort of his basement for free instead of having to pay a furry """artist""" for his fix. Does this make you angry, anons?

>> No.6371177

They're like Sonicfags who recolor screencaps and think themselves character designers. So yes.

>> No.6371178

so you're basically this sad sack of shit, and you've been projecting all this time, right? >>6371146

>> No.6371180

>Please do not save muh images without permission
t. twitter artists

>> No.6371181

>money money this money that you are upset because of money
Looks like somebody let the help in again.

>> No.6371184
File: 53 KB, 680x650, 6beeb94d3d9102ed52906574651d9686ceeb5abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all artists, indian roach

>> No.6371187

I too would be annoyed if I had to spend welfare money on furries.

>> No.6371188

Tell me about it. Artcels here are radiating "noooo don't screenshot my NFT" energy now.

>> No.6371190

art is mostly a hobby for me, so i don't really care about getting commissions myself. i do care about art as a profession and a craft, however, and all of the working artists who have inspired me to work on my craft. all aishit is pure garbage no matter how superficially good it gets.

>> No.6371191

I get money from commissions, not prints

>> No.6371192

Hahahahaha! this can't be real

>> No.6371196

>loyk it wos premoyd
what an absolute retard these promptlets are

>> No.6371202

I have yet to see better art coming from /ic/ and I've been here for half a decade now

>> No.6371205

it scrapes real photos too
you consider insta/snap filters good art?

>> No.6371206

>I've noticed that when I play Cyberpunk 2077 I'm able to have very considerable empathy and immersion in the game. So imagine when games are more realistic?
There's something funny about him talking about a setting where they hammer home the point that living there would suck.

>> No.6371207

I didn't say it was good, just better than /ic/ shit

>> No.6371208

>where artcels can't exploit the mentally ill for easy money anymore
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.6371209

>I have yet to see better art coming from /ic/ and I've been here for half a decade now
oh you've been here for a decade? can you post something you've drawn on paper recently?

>> No.6371210

I haven't draw on paper in 3 years

>> No.6371211
File: 84 KB, 298x298, MatrixIAs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run generators for free mixed art
>put them behind 2 paywalls
the absolute state of

>> No.6371212


>> No.6371214

it's all about money for these plagiators

>> No.6371215

seconding this as someone who has been here for a decade.

>> No.6371219

I often feel that UBI is misunderstood. The B stands for basic which means you can still earn you own money on top of that.

UBI is just a way to buff the economy and help out the poorest. The things they buy still need to be produced by people who would be earning more than the UBI.

>> No.6371221
File: 257 KB, 722x637, 4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i understand.

>> No.6371222

imagine fuming every time an artist gets complimented. wew, AIfags are shallower than I thought

>> No.6371224

but where does the UBI money come from anon....

>> No.6371227

Get a real job. Be a man.

>> No.6371228

It's become clear that a lot of them are seething wagies who think the only reason an artist could possibly be irritated by this is due to a potential loss of income. Either they are very poor and get pissed off when some dingus on Twitter gets $30 for a drawing furry scat, or they hate their own job and are upset to see somebody making money by doing something they think isn't a real job/is enjoyable for the person doing it.

>> No.6371232

Lowering the military budget in the USA by 10% would cover it.

Also there would be a lot less crime and homeless people. That also lower costs and make places better to live.

Some Scandinavia countries basically got UBI with how high their unemployment checks are.

I do.

>> No.6371238

the big problem there is imigration, either this shit works all the american continent or in none

>> No.6371240
File: 29 KB, 459x442, 97846613a358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371254

>he fell for it

>> No.6371281

Ah shit, he's serious about AI. Bwahaha

>> No.6371286

keep lurking newfag

>> No.6371288

>copyright is bad because corporations take advantage of it

>> No.6371295

What actually bothers me most about posts like this is the clear and blatant disrespect they show for Japanese artists. They act like anime styled stuff comes from a magical fountain rather than being the products of labor.

>> No.6371299
File: 32 KB, 736x414, wheeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> AI 'artist'
Bwahaha. He actually thought he's an artist! Yeah lets type some words into some computer text box. Artist. Bwahaha

>> No.6371304

I've never seen so many actual bug-eating NPCs in a single place. These "people" need to be slaughtered. They're not human.

>> No.6371309
File: 77 KB, 973x311, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL lose your job and you WILL be happy.

>> No.6371329

Hello my fellow goyi- I mean redditors. I can't wait until my life is taken over by technology and I am entirely subservient to the rul- I mean the altruistic AIs.

>> No.6371332

I am actually curious how these people think that society would function under those circumstances

>> No.6371334

they're probably universal basic income fags

>> No.6371335

>I am actually curious how these people think
They don't.

>> No.6371341

i like how they think that people will just casually accept living on some basic sustenance money and earn 6 time less than they did before, just because they no longer have to work.

>> No.6371344

Hopefully retards like him end up dying so their organs go to someone that actually wants to take advantage of being born a human being.

>> No.6371347

They're all communists that think it will lead to some utopian "glorious revolution" and they won't have to work anymore. Instead of the more obvious dystopian hellscape where no one is needed and mass dieoffs/suicides happen.

>> No.6371352

Because they believe they'll be the ones on top. While the peons will have every thing we take for granted put on an ideological credits system.

>> No.6371359

use lolis as a reward, every time you draw, generate a loli to congratulate yourself.

>> No.6371367
File: 90 KB, 882x364, Sdomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd guess they think they'll just spend every waking moment wearing a VR headset while AI feeds them the feelgood goyslop. Happily living like a caged boar hooked up to a semen collection machine

>> No.6371369
File: 77 KB, 722x378, 1638045496554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6371371

Except they forgot the site they own, having the largest library of insane fetish shit on the internet along with a terrible ui.

>> No.6371374

>I will live in the pod
>I will consoom
>i will be nothing
>i will be happy

>> No.6371376

Newgrounds is looking really fine right now. If Twitter croaks then I guess it becomes the winner by default.

>> No.6371377

Remember when this all started like 2 months ago and these faggots were planning on flooding the internet with realistic AI child porn to get it banned?
Of course they didn't go through with it though, if they were productive they wouldn't be crying on /ic/

>> No.6371378

A lot of their actual artists have either left entirely or just use it as a backup account, with most active users being commenting fans, browsing coomers, and idle doodlers who don't post much at all in the way of art. They want more content, so they hope their non-contributing user base will be motivated to post submissions thanks to the addition of a push button, receive bacon picture generator.

They looked at the flood of generated art spam on Pixiv and thought "hey, how can WE get some of that??"

>> No.6371379

Let it go gramps.

>> No.6371381
File: 1.14 MB, 596x901, 235683256823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know anymore bro. This shit still depresses the fuck out of me. I know I'll be fine because although my art is /beg/ tier my stories are quite well.
But it feels like shit that it seems the perception is AI art almost completely replaces the normal person.

I know this isn't exactly true of course but, it still feels like I wasted so much time not drawing. That trying to get better at this point will be worthless.
It feels like this shit is just gonna get worse and worse and worse.

>> No.6371391

That's what they want, to spit and step on your will. Keep working on your art, no AI prompt will ever have more value than something your put your love into and other real artists understand. Every AI artpiece is something you look at once and then forget about it, there's no unique style for it, no growth to follow, no personality behind it — Nobody to respect and aspire to be like, which is an important factor for many.
Keep going and don't let those leeches drag you down.

>> No.6371415

Yep. They want to convince you that you're redundant, personally worthless, and ultimately dependent on their product(s).

>> No.6371458

If something rendered like that was posted here(with fixed eye), nobody would care. It's not that hard to be a render monkey. I saw stuff like that on oekaki 20 years ago by 14 year olds.

>> No.6371464

What's already been said, also stay strong and keep creating because the benefits are many. You're happier, healthier and smarter as you get your brain activity going. If you still feel times of weakness look towards people who are continuing to create and lend their strength.

>> No.6371479
File: 106 KB, 720x838, 166788882064495787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it turns out this femcel, wincest loving weeb wants this singularity to happen... because it'll be just like the heckin animu and 2d is better uwu. I am not kidding, this bitch wants to render people unemployed because anime world one day. Maybe this is a "woman" (male) because the history is all computer science and anime. JFL at tranime watchers. There's a lot of technobabble in her history but I wonder how she feels about Japanese artists being super pissed at AI. They make her precious tranime pictures yet they're the ones kicking up a fuss over on twitter. The absolute state of AI shills

>> No.6371481
File: 83 KB, 1200x664, 1579530016481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really believe losing your work is a good thing in a world where people go out of their way just so the ones next in line don't have it better than they do and where 90% of the population views unemployed people as lazy subhumans not deserving of anything? Just how far removed from reality do you have to be??

>> No.6371489

> "It's not like I care or anything, BAKA!"
I've seen more guys use this over women/girls.

>> No.6371496
File: 18 KB, 720x202, 166807686796826356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're allegedly biologically female yet act so much like a transvestite on the internet that multiple people aren't convinced
JFL. The context of pic is that she was implying using AI for hentai and everyone rolled their eyes at "le I am cultured" joke. If this is a real woman, you just know it's some Janke type quirky girl.

>> No.6371504

Reading these AI cultists comments is depressing

>> No.6371527

I find it rather liberating. I dont have to care anymore about how good i am or stress so much about making it and can actual enjoy drawing rather than hating myself for not being good enough.

>> No.6371530

>giving up is... le good
At least you don't use AI I suppose

>> No.6371545

First statement is absolutely true desu
Unsure what DA was thinking when they decided to make their own AI

>> No.6371579

2 months and /ic/ is still malding about ai instead of drawing

>> No.6371582

>constantly shits up the board with your autism
>"lol guys y r u so mad?!"

>> No.6371591

I'm not the one going on /g/ to shit up the place lol
go hook yourself to a car battery, tranny technophile

>> No.6371603

What are you talking about? I am not seeing a lack of drawing. Possibly seeing more drawing than usual. 55 drawings in the "draw this" thread.

>> No.6371609

come home white man

>> No.6371613


Kek. They really are the cross-site drones we've gotten here for the past four months.

>> No.6371619

blame shitters like ray kurzwiel and nick bonstrum for putting this neorelgion into the heads of smooth brained retards

>> No.6371623

AIfags are like communists. Their egos make them believe that somehow their lives will be prosperous and think they can strip people of their own agency and control.

>> No.6371641

Its a pretty useless gesture and Devianart is still scum.
DA is still being run by AI and NFT shills, the Dream progeam is still running SD, people's work was already stolen for the data sets without permission over a million times before they made these announcements, the "opt out" option is still not automatically checked for users, and DA breached its own privacy TOS for doing this shit.

>> No.6371696

Kek, I know there are mentally unstable people on the internet but this one is new kind of mentally depraved.

>> No.6371704
File: 52 KB, 667x716, 1603022121015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this
they've been brainwashed by sci-fi media, hell, literally a cult
no better than fucking cattle

>> No.6371732

They can't get over their insecurities

>> No.6371771
File: 89 KB, 768x624, 1652363601670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when someone believes that social media is real life. People who look at everything from a fucking 50,000 ft overview are truly the scourge of society.

>> No.6371790

Jews will implant AI in our brains while selling the idea of freeing the human potential but in truth they will make us all slaves

>> No.6371796

What's AI done in the last 2 months besides become even more stigmatized by the masses? Certainly not figuring out hands yet, that's for sure. I thought you guys knew everything because a new toy fell into your lap. Why can't AI replace artists yet?

>> No.6371797

>What's AI done in the last 2 months besides become even more stigmatized by the masses
that is your brain on twitter

>> No.6371798
File: 116 KB, 759x445, 46CA5972-531B-4BB1-8BA8-133DB33B214A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize the reason moderation is so shit when it comes to AI SPAM on /ic/
“Stop bullying ai shills ;_;”

>> No.6371802
File: 7 KB, 282x289, eFkjTa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be real

>> No.6371804

Obligatory digital artists are cucks

>> No.6371813

As someone who has on many occasions gotten art from friend and stranger alike, only to go “wait, this isn’t what I saw in my head.“ the inherent nature of AI art is just puzzling in the context of the people shilling for it.
If you are actually telling people
You are either lying to yourself, or are literally letting your imagination be dictated by unfeeling technology.

>> No.6371827

>Deliberately shitpost
>Get banned for shitposting
>Why is Moderation so shit!

>> No.6371828

Holy fuck did they cry about the post and report it?
The absolute STATE of promptcels, what whiny little bitches

>> No.6371832

Um, sweetie unlike you promptchads are creating content and posting art while you do nothing but go on a boardwide sperg session because other people are having fun being creative which makes you seethe and foam at the mouth.

>> No.6371840

I think they just want the feeling of being able to draw and being recognized as talented and praised. They're larping, basically. Most of these types seem to be people who've made like 1 or 2 attempts at art but never had the patience to git gud and gave up really quickly.
I don't get it either myself, they only want the attention but don't actually understand or care about art (or they'd understand why all these images look like generic, uninteresting, samey shit), I guess they just have delusions of grandeur and they're fine lying to themselves since it must feed their egos or whatever.

>> No.6371845

>Deliberately spam
>nothing happens
>AI shills dont shitpost

>> No.6371851

Who's the bitch boy reporting AI threads? fess up.

>> No.6371852

Then ignore the threads. Simple.

>> No.6371854

Today I learned people read /ic/ to... what exactly? snoop on our ramblings? 50% of it is shitposts why even bother sifting through it to find "seething"? schadenfreude is that alluring to woman programmers?

>> No.6371861

At least 40% of Americans are unvaxed, so you can at least expect that much to fight back.

>> No.6371929
File: 85 KB, 640x496, 3213256211343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai has become the sole obsession of this board

>> No.6371937

>thinks its ic

>> No.6371940

It's both the outsiders and the insiders grasping at straws

>> No.6371967

>dont talk about the biggest visual art revolution yet since the camera. just don't ok?

>> No.6371972


you'll be happy to know the AI art threads on /g/ were taken over by booba posters about 3 weeks in. i stopped looking at them but once every couple weeks or so ill pop in and it is literally the same 10 - 20 people posting slight variations of the same 30 - 40 images, most of which are booba, elf ears or anime girls in the exact same pose. all actual tech discussion was forced out by booba pics pushing threads to the limit in 20 minutes

>> No.6372018

Wants to ban AI threads. Shitposts on everyone of 'em. Reports to Jannie allies.


>> No.6372019

Coomers really do ruin everything, and in this case I'm glad

>> No.6372023

>check the /g/ thread
95% of images posted look bad, even AI can't fix taste yet.

>> No.6372028

>95% of images posted look bad
How is that different than original art on /ic ?

>> No.6372043

things on /ic/ look that way mostly because the technical skill level of the artists is not high enough. That's not an excuse for prompters who only need to create results.

>> No.6372048

I mean this site is literally only allowed to exist because it's training data for AI and an astroturf for glowies. Are you at all surprised?

>> No.6372058
File: 56 KB, 720x521, 166810512476481329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>click link
>see this
>active in r/deuxmoi, r/redscarepod, r/greentext, r/trueanon, r/blankies
Which one of you is this?
I too have gotten the janny wrath for this

>> No.6372076

Dviantart account delete for good now.

>> No.6372086

>comparing your garbage to the camera
We are not "allies", neck yourself.
t. An actual photographer.

>> No.6372087

They're scraping images from everyone without permission or compensation to repackage into data sets that will cost money to use. You think it's going to be free? It isn't. This is a shit business. They literally had to invent new corporate loopholes to skirt existing laws and it is unprecedentedly scummy. It's like a pirate site selling pirated files. There is nothing noble or democratizing about anything these assholes are doing.

>> No.6372090

Obvioudly the rule broken here was about raiding.

>> No.6372091

>"yeah I'll just accept this basic sustenance and that's it I guess, can't earn more than this no longer but that's fine".
that's not what ubi is, retard
it's even in the name, BASIC

>> No.6372093

AI art is here to stay artcels.

>> No.6372108

The worst part is that all of sci fi that no sci fi was ever made about singularity. Also even worse is that virtually all sci go that is not doom and gloom is AI free, or at least has very very dumb exceptions to the rules of AI. Turns out you can’t make positive world where everyone is mindless consumer and nobody can create anything since AI will do it faster and better.

There is a reason why every sci fi either has villain AI or is filled with dipshit robots that are more useless then most of our current software. Once you start to think about these concepts, AI will start to look more detrimental then good aside from few exceptions that require we strong suspension of disbelief.

>> No.6372109


>> No.6372114

Not sure why anyone would look at this and say "yeah, I want that".

>> No.6372122

I'd imagine
>have zero personally fulfilling skills
>work at some shitty job, living paycheck to paycheck
>have few/no friends
>only drive is to consume the next product
>late millennial or zoomer who grew up during the era of always connected technology
>have some sort of mental condition, like depression or autism

>> No.6372124

most of them are "transhumanists", and lots of them are "trans-sexuals", therfore the kind of people that want to mutilate their own testicles.

>> No.6372131

So is cloning. Funny how little we hear about it these days.

>> No.6372145

if you put in your bio that your work is not legally allowed to be used for data training purposes and your drawings end up in an AI prompt anyway a few months later, can you sue?

>> No.6372150

By default your work is not allowed to be used for profit by other people however I don't think all AI-promts = profit.

A company saying that you have to "opt out" is not legal acceptable on their part but they wont care unless it gets challenged in court.

So keep an eye out on the lawsuits that are currently being filed.

>> No.6372193

I’d like a good version of it, but if the human race goes extinct that was always going to happen anyway

>> No.6372198

Id say most of those are true for me, except i have a good job and a few hobbies/projects I work on as well.

>> No.6372200

You know that's not happening. Every step in technology has inevitably lead to: how can I turn this into a weapon?

I really don't think humanity is going to last another 100 years.

>> No.6372204

Yep, that’s fine by me as well

>> No.6372206

It’s not legal regardless and you have the freedoms to sue right now. The issue is that lawyers are expensive and cases are even trickier when defendants are overseas.

The FBI is supposed to investigate copyright abuse INCLUDING cases without monetary gain.

>> No.6372208

Fucking based. (((Westoid))) art is fucking garbage.

>> No.6372212


>> No.6372213

A clear legal precedent hasn't been reached in a lot of countries.

So I can't talk about AI models but I know a little about data scraping. Technically, at least in most of the EU, you already have the right to opt out of this data scraping shit. You put on your website (YOUR website, not twitter, facebook etc) that you do not consent with your copyrighted material (NOT fan art- YOUR copyrighted material) to be used for data scraping purposes, and they cannot violate this right. I'd assume americans benefit from similar rights.
However, research institutions have the unlimited right to mine copyrighted content, unlike other actors who must still must respect the opt-out choice of the rightsholder. In case you didn't know about it, LAION is a giant dataset on which for-profit AI such as SD is trained, but technically "non-profit" itself. Therefore it can just not give a fuck about copyright.

Guess who funded LAION? You can look it up on Wikipedia: Doodlebot, Hugging Face aaand... Stability AI. (:
This is the level of terminal jewish shit we're dealing with here. I'm knowledgeable enough to identify all of this and how fucking vile it is but I have no clue what can be done to stop them.

>> No.6372215

Have you actually sat down and looked through the thousands of eastern comics/manwa/manga whatever you want to call them that gets released each year. Most eastern art is garbage.

>> No.6372226

I feel like our one and only (legal) hope is unfortunately the government with the feds picking apart these datasets and pinpoint illegal data. But who the fuck knows how long that would take if it even happens.

>> No.6372240

I just realized that this whole AI thing is heaven on earth for all the fags who love the idea of being an artist but never practice any artistic craft. You know the ones I'm talking about, those guys who tell you about their world and story all day long but never sit down to write anything.

>> No.6372249

It's the dream invention of idea guys, who are generally some of the least creative, least productive, least respectful, and most arrogant people around.

>> No.6372250
File: 81 KB, 740x416, genshinimpact-aloy-comparison-6253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most eastern art is gar-ACK

>> No.6372251

>AI is Jewish
This is the most hilarious cope to date

>> No.6372253

"idea guys"
they'll still never achieve anything worth looking at by the way, if that can comfort you

>> No.6372258


>> No.6372261

You lose all credibility when you need to pick the worst of the worst seen in the west to represent the west.

>> No.6372265

Jews wouldn't have given you the tools to revolutionize art. They'd be banning AI or high capacity GPUs.

>> No.6372267

Left is triple A in the west. Right is triple A in the east. It's a fair comparison.

>> No.6372270

The founder of LAION is a Jew worshipper. Unsure if Jewish himself. Look it up.

>> No.6372273

How is money woke companies have spend on it relevant?

Your arguments keep getting dumber

>> No.6372275

>art is not woke money

>> No.6372277

wtf are you rambling about?

>> No.6372280
File: 335 KB, 643x372, 1558309535684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thing that can, by design, literally only produce derivative shit will revolutionize art
do you street shitting AIggers ever stop to think for one fraction of a second

>> No.6372281

>revolutionize art.

they are monopolizing art.

>bu-but is democratic now, everyone can make its own loli/waifu/whatever

democratization is a word they like a lot .

>> No.6372289

Did someone stop you from using Stable Diffusion? Did someone stop you from contributing to Stable Diffusion? No? No one is monopolizing art.

>> No.6372293

You're right. Sorry for that.

>> No.6372294

FYI the leader and one of the founders of LAION, Christoph Schuhmann, is a disciple of a Jewish "educator" who pushes a teaching method which aims to turn students into a heard of barely educated, "everybody is equal~," commie hippie smoothbrains ("Students are free to decide if they want to attend classes or spend their time on other activities such as music, sports, art, computers, reading, talking, socializing, or doing nothing at all.")

Said Israeli "educator"
YouTube page of "Schools of Trust," a documentary by Christoph Schuhmann (note the video Featuring Mr. Hecht)

>> No.6372299

That stainfellow guy is based

>> No.6372300

>Did someone stop you from using Stable Diffusion
do you think the model that plebs had access is the only one? lol

>Did someone stop you from contributing to Stable Diffusion?

why would I? im not a cuck.

>No one is monopolizing art.

if you fail to see it, don't talk to me good goy..

>> No.6372301

>AI of all things will turn /ic/ into /pol/
weird how things turned out

>> No.6372305
File: 307 KB, 1024x1024, 166735247770769685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Stainfellow
Speaking of derivative, I poked around /g/ and found this. Can any figure out which logo and signatures the machine ripped off?

>> No.6372308

You can train your own model
No one is stopping you from collecting 1 petabytes of pictures and training your own model
You're just a lazy fuck

>> No.6372309

And they still won't have anything done.

>> No.6372312

Nah, people look to blame others when they are threatened, it won’t do them any good in the long term of course.

>> No.6372314
File: 876 KB, 720x846, 4623876498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just lazy as fuck
>says the AIgger who would rather steal other peoples art to feed it to his collage generator before even attempting getting good himself

>> No.6372316

That's not the point, that's not the problem.
AI is a nothingburger right now, if it ever reaches the point of replacing artists only huge corporation who have the means of enforcing their copyright will survive in the visual media world. I know you underage /pol/tards can't understand simple shit, but use your two braincells for once.

>> No.6372326

>you could just download a handful of the best pieces on danbooru, open them in photoshop, splice together different parts from each, trace over it the result, and call it your own work, but you're just lazy

>> No.6372328

>enforcing their copyright
Yet I can still pirate movies and TV shows. Curious

>> No.6372335

>The AI will now draw better because DA trash got filtered

>> No.6372336

Pirating is consuming, try using any copyrighted material from any big name in the industry to gain profits and see how quickly you'll be met with a DMCA or a lawsuit. Though that only happens in countries that enforce copuright.

>> No.6372338

>AI is a nothingburger right now,

is good enough to take some jobs that require entry-level skills already.

>> No.6372344


>> No.6372359

is good enough to take some basic lewd stuff people got commissions for.

>> No.6372360

Again proof?

>> No.6372376

They also love the word "revolutionize" they're like vipers that like to make people falsely believe they have power.

>> No.6372378
File: 87 KB, 512x512, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6372382

>artists you fucking suck!
>but first just let me just download some of your best work so we can "train" a model to shit out shittier approximations of it
Truly they're the dominant ones.

>> No.6372394
File: 72 KB, 750x755, 80mcpfvbc1u21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single AI diarrhea looks like and gives off the exact feeling as picrel, which was made to simulate what it feels like to have a stroke.

>> No.6372396

what kind of proof you need? Even Zapata said he knows they are using this thing in big studios.

>> No.6372407
File: 34 KB, 450x360, facebook-and-you-pigs-450x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know , can't wait to tag every picture..

>> No.6372410

Zapata is only right on a ethical stand point he has barely any clue what he's talking about techwise.
But still, it's time to backup your claim anon.

>> No.6372418

Except a jew literally owns deviantart.
Wix acquired DA. Wix was founded by an 8200 intel member of the Israeli army.
Their Chief operations officer is Moti Levy who lives in Tel Aviv
It may not have been started by them but its certainly run by them now.

>> No.6372419

You know tagging can be AI-assisted too with semi-supervised/few shot learning? You only need to tag a fraction of images or even a single image and let AI to infer other tags. Checking tags is far more efficient than tagging.

>> No.6372424

He never said that and you have yet to provide any evidence for your claims

>> No.6372427

Mihoyo is already using AI art and AI TTS in their games.

>> No.6372434
File: 1.17 MB, 480x270, kingdom-hearts-ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6372439

Asking pajeets to provide proof is like asking AI to draw hands

>> No.6372447
File: 204 KB, 1150x802, 0326805B-2172-4440-BF3B-457FE25FE209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a jew owns da
>its legit

>> No.6372448
File: 30 KB, 576x432, 1632420392479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: dude trust me

>> No.6372453
File: 149 KB, 544x465, 1599314516682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this billion dollar company that publishes the most successful gacha game ever made and has an army of top end artists and coders at their beck and call is using AI to assist with their production because uuuuuuuh
You could try a little harder

>> No.6372459

I always try to do the research before blaming something on jews lol.

8200 (who the owner of wix comes from) is responsible for many internet psyops on behalf of the Israeli military.

>> No.6372464

Facebook cheaped out every visual asset for Meta. Look how well that turned out. They had more money than whatever CCP-controlled studio you're memeing about.

>> No.6372465
File: 29 KB, 500x359, 1667364643159171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointed but not surprised.

>> No.6372467

AI TTS in Tears of Themis. The original CV got involved in an unrelated civil suit and don't have time to record anymore.

>> No.6372499
File: 87 KB, 313x313, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in their right mind would use devianart as an image dataset for training any kind of shitty ai model.

>> No.6372511

If there is money in it they will train on those datasets. If you don't want to see an uptick in deviant art tier images then you better become pro regulation fast.

>> No.6372513

>If there is money in it

lol thats out of question.

Delete your devianart accounts lads.

>> No.6372517

I would buy it just to torment people. I know I'm not the only one.

>> No.6372522

>So generic they look like quintuplets

>> No.6372524

or better. delete your art, then start uploading shitty mspaint or gore or upsetting symbols like the FBI copyright logo over and over with tags like beautiful , dramatic lighting, and all the other shit the jeets like to use to get good effect and fuck up the DA AI.

>> No.6372526

unrionically we got tranny mods for some months now

>> No.6372537

>Lowering the military budget in the USA by 10% would cover it
Would also crash half the world's economy

>> No.6372539

Don’t forget “trending on artstation” and “massive breasts”

>> No.6372541

He's a gook worshipper, don't bother

>> No.6372724
File: 61 KB, 736x720, attention grabbing image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be marxist
>defend technology that will devalue human labor
Some people are just retarded beyond comprehension.

>> No.6372749
File: 95 KB, 300x279, 1494332070797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread further proves that AIfags are weebs with no self-awareness nor social-awareness. They think japs are lapping this shit up. But in reality, you can go on places like japanese Twitter or Pixiv and see the same sentiments on there as you see here and everywhere else from both artists and artist followers. These are the comments I see from the artists who tried AI out in a submission and asked for feedback compared to their normal art:
> AIに描かせたらエロくない。(It's not erotic if you let AI draw it.)
>AIくんは熟女をご存じでない可能性が? (Is it possible that AI-kun doesn't know the mature woman?)
>やはり塗りや線は人が書いたほうがいいですな (After all, it's better for people to write the coloring and lines)
>投稿お疲れ様です! Aiが人間に勝てるわけないだろ!(Thanks for posting! AI can't beat humans!)
>AIくんのは乳が変な方向向いてるし、何より個性がない。(AI-kun's breasts are facing a strange direction, and above all, he has no individuality.)
>AI がそれを持てない間、あなたはスタイルを示します。(You show style while the AI cannot.)
Just about everybody knows that AI generators can't do proper anatomy, unique aesthetics and styles, fun poses, or special scenarios.

>> No.6372788

That's actually pretty funny they decided to give it the "-kun" suffix establishing automatic superiority.

>> No.6372791
File: 677 KB, 983x720, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want free time to enjoy with family friends. I love my family. I have to be away 10-12 hours every day because a greedy lunatic thinks this is healthy. It's not. Life is fleeting and fragile. Everyone you love might go in an instant. Tomorrow your father, or mother, or sibling, or children might not be with you anymore. Maybe it's you who won't be around.. But you couldn't spend more time with them because you have to stay at work for 10 hours to do work you could do in 2 and from home because your boss likes to watch you. It's cruel and it's insane. Anything that can give us more free time to be with those we love and do what we love is a good thing in my book. Maybe you're too young, and I don't mean it as an insult, but over time you'll realize you wished you had more time with somebody you really care for. It can be anybody, it's probable there's someone you really love and they've popped up in your mind reading this post. Think about how much time you could spend with this person but you can't because you have to wageslave? A.I. has the potential to reverse the unnatural choices we've made in the past 10,000 years, as ironic as it may sound. Let the machines do the work and we can enjoy life. Paint if you want, draw if you want, learn an instrument, anything, no more waste of time on bullshit. Working will be a choice if you really like it, but those who want to spend their existence on something more meaningful to them will also have their way.

>> No.6372820

As a week I hate AI don’t pin this on us. Also plenty of japs doing AI spam on pixiv. Seen some of my favorite artists get mindcucked by AI and they don’t even draw anymore, just proompt

>> No.6372842
File: 198 KB, 1080x1541, 1665621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think you understand the issue. what you're saying doesn't sound bad, the issue is that realistically it's going to be the total opposite. in their naivety, people would speed up technology towards the point you're describing as a goal, only for it to take an entirely different route with a society utterly dominated by mass surveillance and governments, controlling the unsatisfied masses from a distance unharmed with robots that serve them. people are dumb, they do not understand the monsters they're awaking because they're fixated on their delusional dreams. >>6371167
for instance was likely a fool who thought AI would make him feel like an artist, only to realize that this is not the case at all. just like Twitter and Reddit imbeciles who do not realize yet what the oversaturation of art will actually do to art's value and perception. just like the idiots on Reddit who in July said "Imagine the potential, this seems so cool and amazing" and now they say "Yeah, the spam is getting annoying" in November. People like you, are people without foresight. you are incapable of seeing the bigger picture, of taking into account the ramifications of things that are impactful, of taking into consideration that other vile things might happen, and not realizing that the odds of this ending a nightmare instead of an utopian dream are far, far greater

>> No.6372843

Obligatory digital artists BTFO

>> No.6372851

Stop pretending you know japanese, stupid indian.

>> No.6372865

I think if there's one thing I really don't lack is foresight. I'm a highly intelligent individual, and your scenario to me is unrealistic, and probably borne out of an impressionable mind consuming large amounts of dystopian science fiction. Most people are ultimately good, that's why we have courts of law and all that everywhere, and I trust their goodness, history is a witness of the moral progress we've gone through as a species, it's why every inhumane regime eventually falls. And these good people occupy several ranks. There's no way this could be pulled off because there's too many people out there (despite their attempt at culling them, many have not signed up to get their genes edited). This type of technology is a community effort and there's no way it will become a centralized thing, technology develops far faster than politics can.

>> No.6372868

>Most people are ultimately good, that's why we have courts of law and all that everywhere

>> No.6372869


>> No.6372901

I don't think you actually read the article.

>> No.6372904

They were ambivalent at first and now they hate it.

>> No.6372906

Mass surveillance aside, why is open source to AI technology a good thing? AI has proven itself to be way more powerful then people expected, not just imigen that this board is melding over 24/7, but also GPT-3, deepfake technology and voice imitation that is getting much much better.

Take for example SD and if the lawsuit involving copyright was actually real. All the closed source companies could be held accountable, but SD already did it’s share of damage and can’t be undone because now it’s on the internet free for any pirate to use on copyrighted material and there is nothing people can do about it.

Now take the example to something more serious like AI that can design new strands of viruses and anyone with simple future CRISPR toolkit can make their own virus at home from the code for just the price of the toolkit printer. It would cause millions of different virus strands to be released from different parts of the world by different people. You would spill out end of the world just because your ideology made you think you are fighting the corpos by sharing all code to the internet.

>> No.6372917

>share of damage and can’t be undone because now it’s on the internet free for any pirate to use on copyrighted material and there is nothing people can do about it.
If it's illegal in the same federal category as CP of course a lot can be done.

>> No.6372919

I didn't.

>Mass surveillance aside, why is open source to AI technology a good thing?
I wouldn't know. Automation, which is what I'm talking about, is a different thing from A.I.. A.I. can be used for automation, but not all automation uses/would use A.I..

>> No.6372929

It isn't a good thing.

When did home made explosives become illegal? I think when people start to die from it or there's some serious violent repercussions from its misuse will the government do anything.

>> No.6372933

That AI fag just call people who prefer human artist over AI photobash "mental illness"

>> No.6372957

Midjourney's creator is Jew.

>> No.6372986

>AI will soon allow people to make whatever art they want
>Deviantart feeds filled with nippleless coomer porn.

>> No.6372998

>they're probably universal basic income fags
They literally are. They think in 5 years everyone will be sitting around starbucks sipping lattes and prompting AAA movies and games based of their dnd campaigns while the government pays for all their food and rent.

>> No.6373013

That's not saying much. /ic/ has been nothing but shitposting time wasters since long before ai.

>> No.6373016

I wonder how bad the outrage will be when nobody cares and still includes the images in the dataset.

>> No.6373018

Timmie mcaspie will still pay for farting fox porn even with ai available because he is an obsessed retard.

>> No.6373024
File: 596 KB, 512x768, elf sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of /ic/ doesn't draw or doesn't know how to and if someone ever posts a drawing it's furry

>> No.6373027

plenty of people here draw, they just don't post their work

>> No.6373048

>you are not allowed to own anything
>only corporations should own anything
>only elites should own anything
>only I as an artist should own anything
>digital scarcity is based because I WANT MONEY
Imagine hearing these words coming out from an artist. I expected better. Never expected artist to be capitalists and pro-corporations.

>> No.6373058

i can tell that's AI, so you don't draw, for one

>> No.6373070

All of you are missing the important part: you can't make porn with it. lol

>> No.6373078

>Let the machines do the work and we can enjoy life.
When has this ever worked in reality? Technological progress is typically used to just increase production. Corporations will just offer busywork jobs to make sure the robots run on time. UBI is unlikely, but even if offered will not satisfy most people's lifestyles (especially in a consoomer culture). Meanwhile the truly satisfying jobs—that of the artisan/craftsman—will be an even less practical option for most people.

>> No.6373079

>Most people are ultimately good, that's why we have courts of law and all that everywhere, and I trust their goodness
most people are scum. most of the world is comprised out of small, petty people who are glad to see you fail. you are naive, and probably not in your 20's yet. I promise you that after 25+ years old, you'll start resenting humanity more and more, due to real life not some stupid dystopian sci fi books.

>> No.6373080

>UBI is unlikely
not only is it unlikely, I earn over the average income where I live, and I don't want to be relegated to some pathetic table scraps which will turn me into nothing more than an animal that struggles to survive. I'd rather cease existing, but I won't ACK myself from the ceiling. I will make sure that my death will be very violent when the opportunity arises

>> No.6373089

From what I've read UBI is not based on what you make, unlike welfare programs. So you could have a 50,000 a year job and still get UBI.
To me this is the only way it could work, because most people are aspirational and want more than a Wal-Mart lifestyle. Still, more NEETs and dependents would be enabled by UBI—leading to societal problems, which is the main concern most have (in addition to the taxes necessary to support UBI).

>> No.6373103

Never because the machines have never been intelligent enough to automate themselves. UBI is merely an attempt at keeping a terminally ill economic system running for a bit longer, but it will eventually collapse. Proposing UBI is like how the peasantry proposed George Washington become a King after the revolutionary war, they did it because they had no better idea, monarchy is all they knew. Same goes for UBI: people are used to get money regularly, even if technology will make money itself obsolete, and people will have to find other ways to find status other than being a "consoomer". They can't imagine a moneyless system, it's mental slavery at its finest.

My age is irrelevant and it's creepy to bring it up. You are entitled to your own opinion, but repeating it won't make it true, reality is reality independent of your imagination, history and the current state of the world supports my view and not yours, this is obvious, most people have a conscience rather than not, even if 7% of the cluster B population make it seem like that's not the case.

>> No.6373105

You shouldn't be allowed to steal. How fucking difficult can it be to get this idea through your thick fucking skull.
Also, the only ones really profiting from AI now are corporations. You are beyond retarded. I hope AIggers are only falseflagging itt, surely this level of retardation can only be reached by intentionally acting like a subhuman.

>> No.6373237

>artists aren't entitled to the sweat of their brow, I will whinge and complain and DEMAND his hard work be made available to me for nothing!
You're insane

>> No.6373247
File: 35 KB, 600x434, Monopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowza, I wanna make money from my decades of hard work and skill acquisition, mainly to have time for more hard work and skill acquisition.
it's like I'm J.D. Rockefeller over heya.

>> No.6373266

You're on a fucking art board surrounded by people who autistically and obsessively study images constantly for years on end, why do you think this AI shit isn't immediately clockable to us? Other promptlets might think this is a real sketch because they don't know a thing about art but in this space you're fooling no one. All you're doing is showing just how little knowledge and understanding you actually have on the topic and embarrassing yourself.
Lets be completely honest here, the idea of it being a magic porn button is the only reason people are remotely interested in this and it can't do that. It's worthless.

>> No.6373269

>Lets be completely honest here, the idea of it being a magic porn button is the only reason people are remotely interested in this and it can't do that.
yeah, it's why the /g/tards are all about SD but never mention Midjourney (besides their open source need). If they really wanted to troll artists MJ is far superior aesthetically, but they never even tried it because it doesn't do porn.

>> No.6373282

Honestly, this thing just has no audience outside of porn, and it's up in the air if it'll be able to ever do it. The types of people who'd want to use this would be people with hyper specific and niche fetishes, and there probably isn't even enough images to train it properly on those things so it'd be pointless for them.
If this thing could generate porn, no one would be posting those shitty anime girls standing with a vague blob of a background, hands hidden and frame cropped below the thigh. It'd all be porn, no one would waste their time making this shit because it has 0 value and is completely uninteresting to look at.
I really think this thing is another NFT thing that will die down eventually solely because I seriously just don't see any audience for it in it's current state.

>> No.6374054

Even the porn sucks. The nipples are either fucked up or super tiny/not matching the boob topology and the vaginas look like Predator mouths. Then you have people trying to collage together warped monster dicks into generic moeslut faces. It's just unappealing on top of having fucked up 2D collage-cobbled anatomy.

>> No.6374059

It's also MJ isn't free India spyware so they would never be bothered to pay the subscription to use it. Corporate AI seems unprofitable long-term because the technology only appeals to people with the most passing interest in art possible, and once they've gotten what they wanted they'll bail. Short of being actual sentience that can be ordered to do specific inputs the whole way through AI is pretty much stuck where it's at.

>> No.6374096
File: 855 KB, 696x464, Same Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty funny that even AI of all things, struggles with "same face syndrome" guess we're not so different after all?

>> No.6374135

>uses genshit as an example for "good" eastern art
My sides
Literally kys gachacuck

>> No.6374227

>Most people are ultimately good, that's why we have courts of law
Y'all niggas need dialectical materialism so bad

>> No.6374282

>I as an artist
a laborer, whose work is to be protected
>corporations, elites
not laborers. they're the ones investing money to rip off artists through AI trash. your incoherent ramblings are hilarious if a bit sad. if only you realized how schizophrenic you are and how much you contradict yourself

>> No.6374301

Still looks better than frumpy looking Snoyshit any day of the week.

>> No.6374302

>Aifags twisting themselves into malformed parodies of what they believe communists to be to justify the blatant theft and misuse of labor and personal data
Anon educate yourself

>> No.6374306

Lmao sour grapes

>> No.6376628

Isn't that just anime in general?

>> No.6376737

>tell AI datasets they can't use your contents
That's not how it works DA mods. Just put a mark or tag on AI generated art & be done with it already. The AI isn't going anywhere.

>> No.6376740

Well she's not wrong.

>> No.6376747

>Deviantart changes their mind

I just deleted my account... Well it doesn't matter.

>> No.6376753

>The FBI is supposed to investigate copyright abuse INCLUDING cases without monetary gain.
Further proof the DMCA was a mistake & that the current copyright laws have been perverted for some time. MUH COPYRIGHT doesn't apply to your shitty fanart, plebbit

>> No.6376807

>Timmy McAspie will soon be able to AI generate inflated farting wolf-foxes all by himself

>Timmy McAspie will have a monthly sub to generate endless amount of traced furry pr0n.
>Timmy McAspie is a miserable sack of shit

>> No.6376821

this, the point is that they already scraped them, now is too late

>> No.6376841

>My age is irrelevant and it's creepy to bring it up.
oh my poor sheltered kid

>> No.6376850

It does apply to fan art too. The company own the license to the character but the fan artist own the work of the fan art creation. Meaning the company can't start selling fan art for profit.

>> No.6376935

>my partner

>> No.6378146

Then it's stealing since they are essentially stealing profits from you, the fan artist, who made it. Even Japanese copyright laws aren't that invasive on fanart.

The absolute state of westernoids. I laugh at retards like you.

>> No.6378200

Copyright laws have been corrupted since (((Disney))), not the man, but the (((company))) bribed Congress to change copyright laws & ruined the Public Domain. The DMCA added more corruption since it essentially restricts creators, stifles competition, & gives more power to the music & movie jews who run Hollywood & the Government. The whole system is fucked up.

>> No.6378518

Ironically Disney was a conservative catholic guy, not one of (((them))). He was Irish tho.