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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 684 KB, 905x2210, 20221020_080523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6337716 No.6337716 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody made a post about it here, but they are gonna be regulating it like how everyone was asking for

>> No.6337719
File: 49 KB, 300x276, 1435451766292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you cocksuckers got what you bitched for, so when will we regulate everyone else that uses references?

>> No.6337724

lol so mad and bitter

>> No.6337729

Did you even read? Pixiv is saying that they believe Ai enables creativity and they're not banning it they're merely trying to appease crybabies like you by giving you the option to censor Ai.

>> No.6337733

Reminder he's 24/7 on here

>> No.6337735
File: 183 KB, 220x206, dancing-cat-dancing-kitten.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad.

>> No.6337736
File: 149 KB, 247x272, 1595901458897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please note that these changes are not necessarily permanent, and may be reviewed and modified as necessary. We're also considering taking additional measures, such as updating the service's Terms of Use and Guidelines and revising other pixiv features
if pajeets keep stealing and spaming AI shit it's going to get permanent banned, mark my words Ai related work is going to get banned from pixiv, oh no AI-sis we got way too cocky!

>> No.6337737

Nigger you got the jim crow laws treatement and got segerated like how black people had segeration laws, enjoy nignog

>> No.6337744

Referenced work is made, not generated, which means you need to actually do it using you own skills.

AI Art can be beautiful, yes, there are still some problems and limitations, but it’s just a matter of time, now what is wrong is comparing someone that generate an artwork (prompter) to someone that actually make an artwork (human artist).

>> No.6337749

It would be a real shame if somebody went out their way and claimed your posted work has elements of Ai in it so you can end up being filtered now wouldn't it?

>> No.6337750

Wow pixiv will finally be usable again

>> No.6337756

i can post the psd whenever i want not like you pajeets, keep coping <3

>> No.6337762

the ban of images generated by ias is inevitable, nothing can support millions of pajets generating thousands of cursed images per minute

>> No.6337764

Sure, just don't let the big bad Ai steal your style now.

>> No.6337769

This is really great, if they can segerate this they should also filter the countless shitty 3D stuff

>> No.6337772
File: 28 KB, 270x360, 1231561654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI by itself isn't evil, you pajeets are the lowest scum of earth and you are getting what you deserve and i'm sure this is just the begging, not so cocky now aren't we?

>> No.6337777

the beginning* shit i'm so happy that i mistype a lot lmao

>> No.6337778

I don't hate AI but AIbros were really working hard to burn the bridges before they got established as a niche. Not saying they won't eventually be the most popular "art" form but they are making more enemies then friends to the point I wouldn't be surprised if NFTs have less haters then them.

>> No.6337782

pAIjeets BTFO

>> No.6337789

At least being able to filter is a good start.

Doesn't address the fact that current AI "art" is simply stealing from other artists and vomiting a new image with random noise.

>> No.6337791

Hello, mikushit

>> No.6337793

Don't lump me with you, proompter.

>> No.6337794

Literally 1984!

>> No.6337798

When will we redeem.....?

>> No.6337810
File: 1.74 MB, 1024x1408, 1665204658216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My recommendations are already getting bombarded by AI crap, although I don't see an option to filter yet.

>> No.6337817

>no plans to remove it entirely
time to move somewhere else

>> No.6337829
File: 68 KB, 903x508, 5u5u858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the picture, the option will be implement in late october

>> No.6337831


>> No.6337832

Nah they are also /beg/ging

>> No.6337937
File: 60 KB, 181x174, 1657697987452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... so uhhh... they basically create a banishment room for AI arts?

>> No.6337938
File: 248 KB, 2732x386, AA6EBCA3-9B82-4D65-8CB6-9D1F54880C2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was fast

i’m right again

>> No.6337940

What if I take an AI image and fully paint over it, which category will that fall under?

>> No.6337943

is this point some kind of joke? you always have the original file. artists don't just output 300x500 melted images
my god, you really are a retarded pajeet

>> No.6337974

If only the moderation on /ic/ made a decision to put all the shitters in their own sub-board too.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6337979


>> No.6337990

You asked for it, art fags.
In the future, we will give government free art AI. They will monopolize art and ban human made art. You will be force to do real job.
You had a chance to pursuit art as hobby and leave your fake job to superior AI but you picked fight with us.

>> No.6338026
File: 987 KB, 229x176, CB955258-1FD8-48D2-A091-6A01D5627B6E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338035

yeah right the moment I hit you with a high powered magnet you will cease to exist

>> No.6338037

jokes on you 99% of artists are not doing this for a living unless they live in the third world where they can live on 2 bux a month

>> No.6338038

seethe more mikuturd

>> No.6338077

It’s funny how nearly every 3rd world country has been able to take advantage of being cheap art labor for 1st world countries except India and the Middle East
Middle East at least has an excuse of most being so hung up on sexuality they’d kill you but India? They’re just to stupid to draw

>> No.6338088

You have been shilling this thing for the past month so much you're starting to talk like a robot yourself

>> No.6338091

Learn a thing or two from pixiv, /ic/ tranny jannies

>> No.6338098

ill buy you a drink when you come back from being banned, since this place is ran by fucking jews and transform fetish furry pedos

>> No.6338112
File: 64 KB, 625x626, cff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6338123


>> No.6338129

you know people can get in trouble for photo bashing stuff right, and some places actually require you to show your references for stuff or give disclaimers if use copyrighted characters

>> No.6338130

It'll be interesting to see if art gets browsed more or if AI gets browsed more. I think I already know though

>> No.6338136

Oh goddammit I was about to tweet a complaint about AI images taking up 16 out of the 20 artwork slot shown on a page.

>> No.6338137

It's like anything tech related is almost always met with scums trying to exploit them. Huh, it's as if the tech industry is full of these scumniggerpajeets.

>> No.6338138

This is bad, the thing about AI flood is that all these billions of images with similar artifacts would corrupt the base parameters of the dataset as it datamined more and more AI pics ensuring its self destruction by thinking all those terrible armpits or shadows are the standard; now pajeets can just filter AI works out and datamine even more specifically human made creations

>> No.6338139

Pajeets cant draw. If they could they wouldn't resort to muh neural network for their daily coomer dose.

>> No.6338148
File: 17 KB, 360x360, 93503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you know theres a bunch of serial killers, gang members, and deranged people who are also artists aside from the industry folk
>pic related is from a death cult
at some point you have wonder who you fa/g/s are saying your trying to mog

>> No.6338202

They are not banning AI, they are supporting AI, retard

>> No.6338213
File: 255 KB, 736x590, 87615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Seperating it to their own seperate shithole

>> No.6338214

>pixiv acknowledges that AI is the future of art making and tries to accomodate it on their site
>own separate shithole
Holy cope, faggot. Look at your old post.

>> No.6338217
File: 15 KB, 141x156, 1666075723159569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes seperate ranking for it (that everyone's gonna toggle off)
You're so desperate it's pathetic

>> No.6338218

Hi mikufag

>> No.6338220

lmao fuark off what if they say it’s all constructed? There’s no way to prove someone photobashed even if it’s glaringly obvious. It’s like steroid use

>> No.6338221

>chages the goal post
Look at you LOL. Read your initial post. You got BTFO hard.

>> No.6338222

>N-no U got btfo'd!! *wipes tears*

>> No.6338224

>banning all AI art on pixiv
That’s what you said in pic? No? >>6337938
Get fucked retard.

>> No.6338225

i'm spamming the website with AI shit, being as obnoxious as i can. i think it's only a matter of time. :)

>> No.6338227

Holy shit mikufag is fuming

>> No.6338243

let the pajeets wallow in their own filth

>> No.6338261

>regulation is good when I like it
/ic/rabs lol

>> No.6338264

mikutranny seething gives me life

>> No.6338269

Good riddance artist will be obsolete trash soon

>> No.6338274

I thought I wanted money to maintain a decent standard of living, but what I actually want is a digital sidekick and sweatshop, all in one, a "valuable ally" like R2-D2, which, on second thought, was a really, really dumb character, and George Lucas was a brain-dead moron that fooled everyone

>> No.6338276
File: 46 KB, 768x688, bards tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The universe of crappy art just accelerated its expansion, from 10 to the Nth power.

>> No.6338279
File: 226 KB, 1130x823, 1665780645931144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the bot that melts drawings beyond recognition and infuses it with other melted pieces will make your trash worth looking at, mikufag

>> No.6338284

>self-reporting uploaded artwork with AI or not AI
Yeah as if those pajeets are going to out themselves as prompters.

>> No.6338292

That's a pretty weak statement. It would be nice if these sites would issue a strong, unequivocal condemnation of the people who scraped up millions of copyrighted artworks and used them, without the knowledge or consent of the artists, and without any compensation, to build their product. THAT is the issue.

There isn't much that can be done to enforce a ban on all images in the creation of which AI was used. Sure, it's easy to spot untouched AI-generated images right now with their melted features and mangled hands. Still, if someone paints over AI, or prints it out and uses it as the basis for a traditional painting, nobody is going to know. It has already long been the case that artists could trace over 3D models or photographs without disclosing such. Barring some unprecedented invasion of privacy (permanent CCTV in your studio monitored by the Pixiv mods if you want the right to upload works, haha), there's no way to police against these practices.

An artist who needs such crutches still won't produce works on a level with those made by one who doesn't need them. And the latter will be able to use them (if he so chooses) to better effect than the former.

For people that don't want AI in their art, maybe there will spring up some tightly curated sites with smaller numbers of artists, relying more than anything on the honor system.

>> No.6338294

Depends if they are gonna implement a section in the reports for " untagged AI post "

>> No.6338299

>maybe there will spring up some tightly curated sites with smaller numbers of artists, relying more than anything on the honor system.
Fuck yes please give back early 2000s deviantart

>> No.6338306

tracing over AI shit is alright i guess. even that takes skill and you couldn't ask a /beg/ to do that without fucking it up. what i'm looking forward to in order to get rid of AI spam is programs that are able to detect AI generated images, just like how there's stuff that can detect shopping.

>> No.6338334

Iirc NAI has their own metadata for the images they generated. If you reimport NAI's image it'll detect the prompts and settings used for said image and ask you if you want to reuse it. Pixiv could simply do the same and automatically categorize them as AI and it'll already probably cut down half of the spams because lazy fucks couldn't even be bothered for extra steps.

The other half who did put in the extra effort would just get reported instead.

>> No.6338405

> nobody is going to know.

Machine learning algos can also be trained to detect generated stuff, in theory. It should be trivial. Give it the image, now generate the predicted prooompts.

And if algos were really proud of their work, they code encode a watermark anywhere in an image as a hash, with an 8 pixel matrix of 16 million colors as data-points, embedded all over it that couldn't really be detected by the nekkid eye

>> No.6338423

>"they" say it's all constructed
I'm sure that hold up in court, plus can they/(you) actually back up that claim if you have no references or sources or even a fucking psd or anything showing your fuckin process
>or were you dumbass saying the final result is all that matters

>> No.6338425

the would have to prove without a reasonable doubt that you did it, it’s not something you can prove unless it’s basically 1:1 which is impossible just by how it actually works

>> No.6338426

Separate but equal !

>> No.6338427

hot faggot sex with mikufag

>> No.6338441

you'll only have the "AI" image and nothing otherwise to cite your claim it wasn't taken
>people won't notice
>say something that wasn't proven false multiple times

>> No.6338608
File: 1.12 MB, 1330x1154, 1666070565932978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and we have no plans to ban AI-generated artwork completely.
>they didn't even ban it
Stopped reading there, I can't believe that we live in a timeline where Furfags of all people are more based than Japan, but. Here we are.

>> No.6338624

>the creative community and technology can coexist successfully
The farming community and technology could only coexist if the farming community was shrunk to like one percent of its pre-technology time.
The difference is, of course, that the product of art is the availability of a personally meaningful activity for a population that can't find meaning in keeping itself fed anymore. Technology has successfully automated its end goal without doing much for all the issues keeping humans from achieving it.

>> No.6338644

did you niggers not read the last paragraph

>> No.6338647

>a bunch of legal limits

>> No.6338655

>upon researching the ethics and legality of AI programs we have determined this was not a tool like previously thought, but an attempt at replacement

Funny how AI companies always claim to be "tools for artists" but then turn around to other companies and normies saying its a finished product

>> No.6338664

>that grammar
Emad HAS GOT TO send better pajeets

>> No.6338692

My friend, it isn't nice of you to complaint like that. Watch your mannerisms or else I will call you a bloody bitch bastard to you're face.

>> No.6338698

the moment pixiv and other major art sites heavily restrict pregenerated photobashed AI moodboards is the day 4chan will finally get off its ass and ban all these threads because you just know the only reason they're allowing half the boards to be overrrun with 500 fucking threads about this shit is because of some fake-ass neutrality stance when really they're just waiting for it to lean one way or the other before making their move like a bunch of cowards.

>> No.6338713

japanese people consume way to much $oy, perhaps consuming $oy is a prerequisite for moderator status

>> No.6338746

what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.6338830

indians have a shit culture that is based on a werid mix of elitism, laziness, and cheating
3 things that will get you nowhere with art

>> No.6338841
File: 29 KB, 300x437, c8327bdfd8d646e3add1e8a53c31d4e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time 2 draw furry den

>> No.6338856

Nigga who the fuck do you think are

>> No.6339164

As someone who had a bunch of pajeets coworkers, can confirm.

>> No.6339233
File: 419 KB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have been ;)

>> No.6339511

This is already happening in Danbooru/Gelbooru

>> No.6339533
File: 11 KB, 301x264, 1622774238956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but techbros told me that that's not how it works t-t-that AI art is undetectable and no program would ever detec when an image is AI-Generate, AIsis why do you keep lying to me??? we got too cocky

>> No.6339571

well crafted bait, the slight esl english is just *mwah*

>> No.6339584

Sure, and Google Glass will be normalized attire and NFTs are the future of digital monetization. I've heard it all before, saidesh.

>> No.6342211

Based nips. Fucking gaijins have to ruin everything great that the nips provided. You AI prompters have to shit up the place with your shitty AI art. Glad to hear they doing something to stop the pajeets from shitting up the site.

On a side note, I really wish Pixiv would allow crypto because I don't trust Paypal.

>> No.6342232

t. seething pajeet

>> No.6342238
File: 310 KB, 839x612, AIArtVsRealArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI art will never obtain the same level of soulfulness as real artists who pour their blood, sweat, & tears into making their masterpeices. Some AI art is flat out creepy & the fact a non-human entity made it makes the creepy factor worst.

>> No.6342241

AI is a broad term, since it can cover art, music, animation, etc. It really deserves its own board, just like vtubers.

>> No.6342243
File: 418 KB, 590x648, AIArtVsArtists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok pajeet.

>> No.6342250

I preffer to call them pajeets but it's good the mainstream calls them out too

>> No.6342272
File: 100 KB, 460x428, 1643562193240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use img2img
>the output resembles the original image

>> No.6342277

nice cope pajeet. day of the loo soon.

>> No.6343104

reminder indians are
these are all traits that make bad artists, this is why india has produced no great illustrators or had any effect on the art world

>> No.6343229

500 million pajeets and south east asians flooding the internet with synthetic pizza

>> No.6343347
File: 114 KB, 396x267, 1659732391689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have no concept of value, that's why they keep shitting out new poo babies and now at 1.4 billion of them on this sorry planet the value of a single Indian is less than zero. They want to do the same thing for art, flood the intertubes with their AI generated diarrhea until there's so much noise and data clogging up the pipes that the value of an AI generated image is worth less than poop.

Well, maybe it already is.

>> No.6343349

I can just take a photo of the canvas sitting in my workshop

>> No.6343354

It's so tight at the bottom you can see her tears

>> No.6343712

God this boiling seething hatred for pajeets that don't even know what a 4chan is, rent free one could say

>> No.6343730

Shut the fuck up AI faggot.
Good, I'll enable that shit the moment it pops up, AI spam is the biggest trash dump I've ever seen in art, even from thumbnails I can spot this generic trash.

>> No.6343737

>You'll be able to filter out AI-generated work in your searches
I bet this feature will be for Pixiv Premium users only because Pixiv are greedy pigs.

>> No.6343750

How'd you generate those tight pussy lips?

>> No.6343754

India will take over the world just you wait faggots

>> No.6343764

>post AI stuff on pixiv
>fix hands, feet and other imperfections by hand
>over 5k followers already
>not using AI tags
come at me niggas

>> No.6343768

>I bet this feature will be for Pixiv Premium users only
First thing that came to my mind.

>> No.6343825
File: 6 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6343921

Inb4 it's premium feature

>> No.6343926

>no proof

>> No.6344161

stripping metadata is trivial tho unless you literally embed it in the image itself by physically altering certain pixels and that's still trivial to prevent/remove if your AI is open source

>> No.6344345
File: 2.48 MB, 1024x1600, 00067-3840094436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just dox yourself bro so we can report you
have an AI Art

>> No.6347021

Reminder to steal any and all AI art for your sketches, concepts, photobashes, and paint overs. No matter how many hours these people spend retyping words and cherry picking samey blobs, the have no process to prove in a fight.

>> No.6347040

nah they can keep their shitty composition and poor perspective lol

>> No.6347117

False equivalence. References are nothing like AI. You're feeding a prompt into a computer and claiming it as if you made it. Nigger pajeet

>> No.6347430
File: 1.95 MB, 960x1600, 04730-925425953-realistic, masterpiece, highest quality, absurdres, (sharp focus_1.2), sanpaku, (1girl_1.2),(dynamic pose_1.2), (police uniform,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retyping words
anyways I'm completly fine with that
here have one of my favs
feel free to make anything you want based on it
I can even give you webui prompt to remake it if you want

>> No.6348212
File: 28 KB, 1331x165, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6348216

the AI will get better at this, hell, it will get to a point where it wont need you to type anything at all if it knows your tastes. this is the end goal of these technologies.

>> No.6348218

This wouldn't be a problem if they let us filter more than two tags without buying premium. Genshin impact and furshit will never leave my filters list

>> No.6348219

lol the shills are bumping threads from a week ago
the desperation is real

>> No.6348234

>Meanwhile other boards have new artists with lots of requests being filled by [A.I]
But the desperation is real!

>> No.6348235

That's one part that amuses me, improving technology raises the skill floor even more. Whatever pride they have in their prompting skills will be nullified like how artist are reacting.

Only people truly winning are artists infusing AI into their workflow. I let the AI make suggestions but all decisions are my own, the only one altering my actual piece is me. It's helped me up my game by giving me options for different routes to take and bring up small details.

>> No.6348244

>other boards have new artists [giving the middle finger to AI]
>lots of requests being filled by AI [because AI has made artists obsolete]
Which one is it?

>> No.6348263

Yea cool fantasy, everyone is getting pissed over aislop defiling their more popular fandoms and characters like touhou or genshit with the same melt shit

>> No.6348336

anon-kun what please do the needful,
what are real job left for artist like me?
what job not be replace with AI and newest TESLA robot by elon musk ??? who ruin my life with doge coin, cannot work in coding for this reason of HATRED!!!

>> No.6348340

At this point you're probably a falseflag (not a good one at that) from how retarded you are for giving a (you) to a post from a week ago

>> No.6348346

careful faggot there is now legal precedent for me to sue your ass for billions and trillions of dollars for pointing out my obvious "false flag" so watch your back

>> No.6348356
File: 18 KB, 357x477, 8cee6df8329b8f05a54f5dfc030d4d77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already ahead of you

>> No.6348358
File: 423 KB, 1634x2048, FgFZ-wTUoAAhJas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you art will end up having no movement and cookie-cutter, you have to learn on your own how to make your drawing more alive

>> No.6348396

I does look AI generated , the background is a giveaway, it is without much composition

>> No.6348419

Oblong moon gives it away. Now we need post render A.I. to fix original A.I. render.

>> No.6348437

it's AI generated because she looks like Emma Watson

>> No.6348484
File: 2.33 MB, 1600x960, 00771-3370378144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah
never said it didnt
have cyberpunk city by Jan Matejko

>> No.6349904

So has pixiv added this yet? It's almost the end of the month and whenever I check a new tag of things I get AI spam filling up searches.
These things are so generic and shit I can even tell it's AI just from the thumbnail, when is the trashman coming to throw out the garbage?

>> No.6349921

Kek, basically a new form of DA users who'd trace over official Sonic art, doodle on a jacket, color him teal, and call it an original artwork.

>> No.6349928

The "ideas guy" in its natural habitat.

>> No.6349988

just add "-ai" in your search to filter 99% of it

>> No.6350673

You have no clue what you're doing. This is like the studies done on the usage of digital technology in general. When a user, especially a child, adopts a digital tool, they have a burst of brain activity/development that puts them on top of the average for their age. As they learn the tech, the brain gets used to it and development begins stunting and lagging behind compared to peers.
If you want AI tools to be useful instead of luring you into a trap, use them to learn from the AI. Learn how it improvises details, uses colors and creates interesting motifs in the picture. It's a composite, so it's ultimate use is as a learning tool. But if you think your decisions are not getting taken over by reliance on the tool, you're wrong.

>> No.6350692
File: 2.16 MB, 1600x960, 00575-3915967015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6350712

Holy shit thank you. Now the site is useable again.

>> No.6350735


Her left hand is the first thing I noticed.

>> No.6350868


For sure you will have a lot of place to create with things being thrown in your face. Such a helpful tool, not at all harming what a human can actually do.

It also wont cripple future generations in that sense for sure.


>> No.6350907
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x960, 00883-804366856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6350927

>The shitty esl
>Avoiding typical meme phrases like "good morning sirs" and "do not redeem"
Anon I just wanted to compliment you on your superior bait level, good shit

>> No.6350931

So uhh what's keeping the streetshitters from simply not tagging their shit as AI?

>> No.6350999

>I do think AI art is more mentally challenging, as you can't just grab the pen and draw as you wish.
This has layers...

>> No.6351029

I have to imagine he's trolling, but honestly he probably doesn't realize that what he's saying makes no sense at all, and would immediately undermine the entire purpose of image generators in the first place.

>> No.6351039

For anybody who thinks art generators will help your skill and creativity, ask yourself:
Has autocorrect improved your ability to spell?
Has the ability to instantly set reminders improved your memory?

>> No.6351043

its a feebile mind that kant thinka moar then wun way to spel a wurd.

>> No.6351055

Or doesn't wonder why you always have to tell autocorrect that nigger and kike are actual words.

>> No.6351065


>> No.6351114

>Has autocorrect improved your ability to spell?


>> No.6351117

>ai art is just a tool like any other

>> No.6351225

No one wants your "key artwork by Ilya trending on artstation" trash.
"You can't just grab a pen and draw as you wish." Holy shit, this is pure comedy.
>you have to learn on your own how to make your drawing more alive
I use AI for color pallet ideas, texture, and weird ideas and stick to the really abstract acid trip vomit stuff like Wombo or Dall-E. I don't see tools like that as much different from when I'd draw ideas I got from some weird pattern I'd see in a cloud or a tree. It's much more to work with compared to the frankenwaifus the street shitters keep spamming.

>> No.6351529
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x960, 00015-343322478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset

>> No.6351530

Flawless piece

>> No.6351551

Whatever he's smoking I want some of it

>> No.6351563

>shill is impressed with a worser version of chinese mobile game ads pictures
yeah why am i surprised, it's the same nft crowd so i shouldn't try to converse in the first place

>> No.6351577
File: 2.43 MB, 1600x960, 00075-2617610915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem awfully angry at worse version of chinese mobile game ads pictures

>> No.6351579


>> No.6351582
File: 2.23 MB, 1600x960, 00077-170848669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6351714
File: 251 KB, 850x1012, masterpiece,_best_quality,_masterpiece,_couple,_standing,_holding_spatula_and_rice,orange_apron,_sketch,_line-art,_traditional_media,_1girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy how much seethe there is about AI art tools. lmao

>> No.6351720
File: 111 KB, 850x1207, __chitanda_eru_and_oreki_houtarou_hyouka_drawn_by_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get tired of using torino aqua's drawings and now you're taking the legend that is mery_s2's drawings and changing their filename to prompts kek

>> No.6351735

Could be because you faggots are insufferable.

>> No.6351739

I'm still amazed that such a simple fact is flying under everyone's radar. Where are the credits, the royalties? These thieving niggers had to split their companies into different nonprofits to worm their way out of all legal trouble.

>> No.6352654

>I get to falsely report over-rendered pinup coombait images as "not properly tagged as AI"

>> No.6352657

>AI art absolutely flopping, getting banned from image platforms left and right
>streetshitters are now taking real human-made art and trying to convince us that it was made by AI
The absolute STATE

>> No.6352784

Emad has a potatobrained child to care for, give him a break sirs

>> No.6352806

Aifags have been trying to fool artists with filename prompts for months. it has never worked. what do you get out of it?

>> No.6352808

ai pajeet india prompt steal thief AI generated
remember that i have your ips pajeets

>> No.6352833

Is anyone else amused by how image generator users are so blown away by how a machine can generate an image, but mock the very humans who can actually draw? Like they'll jerk off over their vague, directionless computer generated paintings after they typed "trending on artstation" into a dialogue box, but simultaneously give zero shits about the actual humans who drew or painted the works which trended on artstation that allowed the proompt machines to generate anything in the first place.

It's really the epitome of the "I made this" comic

>> No.6352839

The disrespect is a little unsettling to me... The machine they toy with wouldn't even exist as it does now if it weren't for the thousands of artists who were willing to share their works online.

>> No.6352899

You dont have a respect for the Chinese sweatshop worker who connected two chips in your iPhone because a dumb robot could do it better. Same for artists. Why have respect for a person who does the same thing as exe file, but slower?

>> No.6352932

There's value to be found in craftsmanship. People who draw have more value than so-called model engineers much like chefs are more valued than fast food workers or knitters and individual fashion designers than sweatshop workers. The mockery towards artists at the current moment stems from poor manners, inflated self-importance, as well as jealousy at the lack of skills that others have.

>> No.6352956

Wonder how many of these artists would actually agree to have their work fed into this disgusting woodchiper of a data laundering machine

>> No.6352963
File: 259 KB, 1080x1080, gcbqooppa5x91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not many. This might be worth a thread at some point, Anyone can feed 30 images into the AI to train artist specific models. I just spotted this one, no credit was given but it's obviously trained on Sam Yang's work. looks even more convincing than the Hollie Mengert one from last week.

>> No.6352967

There are so many layers of retardation to this.

>> No.6352968

How do they expect to get away with this?
>you can't copyright a style
Sure however thats different from ripping peoples shit this is even a step beyond what these companies have done (though they did enable shit like this) idk what recourse someone can have but I doubt randos can use the same "non profit scrapping is ok" excuse idk like do they expect no one to notice

>> No.6352969

Where did you find this? Jesus

>> No.6352972

StableDiffusion subreddit. I signed up and got banned almost immediately for replying to Indian SD users with articles about India's toilet crisis.

>> No.6352973

I don't like his style but this is actual identity theft at this point, it's like someone wearing your face. Imagine how much your skin would crawl if you were an established artist with a developed style and some nasty pajeet just took 30 of your pics and could now generate as much of your art as he likes, literally fastfoodifying your work.

>> No.6352978

based and loopilled

>> No.6352981

Retarded brainlet kys asap

>> No.6352982

Agreed, it's absolutely identity theft at this point. I would be tempted to hunt down someone who did this to my work. First befriend them, make them believe I appreciate they loved my work enough to do the training, then do some collabs, then meet up...

>> No.6353000

>Anyone can feed 30 images into the AI to train artist specific models
Kiwiniggers will continue shilling that AI is just a tool that will help artists.

>> No.6353008
File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepe-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to circlejerk a dead thread with dumbass arguments
The absolute state of AI shills

>> No.6353041

fucking kek
It's also not comparable to copying a style like an aspiring artist would because the output of the machine is entirely dependant on the quality/style of the input.
It's as if artwork were a raw material owned by whoever made it, and they feed it to this processor without paying or crediting anyone. Baffling.

>> No.6353054

>It's as if artwork were a raw material owned by whoever made it
That a good way to put it. It's also like source code theft.

>> No.6353155
File: 549 KB, 512x512, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legalize Art.

>> No.6353166

Legalize the right to murder indians.

>> No.6353178

4chan. Home of fauxtraversy.

>> No.6353181

seethe more pajeet. you will never be a real artist

>> No.6353306
File: 2.21 MB, 1600x960, 00332-3663563949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but work on yout fucking handwriting nigger

>> No.6353326

You realize that, in the context of your analogy, artists would be the product engineers, the image generator the factory that makes knockoffs, and the codekiddies producing shitty images with the generators are the slave labor?