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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 236 KB, 1600x900, 1664544642436292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6299927 No.6299927 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6299936

based and kek'd

>> No.6299940
File: 1.73 MB, 1200x1200, aicrowwomanprompt236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai fags will never be able to compete with human artists such as the creator of pic related, it takes years of dedication to achieve this level of skill in oil paint

>> No.6299946

Try changing the filename next time you try to troll people, anon.

>> No.6299959

Looks like a man

>> No.6299965

Why try to troll people with images that can easily be reverse searched? At least use some obscure paintings.

>> No.6299970

oh wow i can't tell the difference lmfao, you will never archieve anything of value in your life aifag

>> No.6299972

>reverse searched
why would you need to do that? surely you could tell right away that it was an original oil painting by a human artist, was it ever in doubt?

>> No.6299973

it's an oil painting

>> No.6299975
File: 87 KB, 999x769, 0ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shows work to women IRL and gets copius amounts of sex

pajeet ni/g/gers STAY losing

>> No.6299977

>Try changing the filename
i did change it

>> No.6299978

you are ugly and fat LOL

>> No.6299979

i didn't paint it

>> No.6299983

>i can't understand irony
are aifags really?

>> No.6299984

I could tell but I was curious about the artist because I didn't know who it was.

>> No.6299987

Lol stop doing this. Yes ai makes images similar, but nobody is fooled if they look longer than a second.

>> No.6299993
File: 122 KB, 1080x599, 1648017317909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a revelation

Why bother spending hours on works without any meaning, without any substance, without any purpose and that no one will ever see or no one will ever care about because it doesn't tingle their pringle?
Why bother wasting so much time, energy and resources on creating negative value?

I understand the enjoyment of drawing, but wasting so much on making something just to throw it away in front of others that might not even care about simply for the shallow feeling of accomplishment and the hope of getting an ounce of attention, just isn't healthy.

What do you want to achieve with art that you feel so incredibly threatened by AI?
Are you enamored with the romanticized artist life?
Do you really think you will get out of your misery if you keep deluding yourself that art is your ticket to freedom, fame and relevancy in the current state of solipsistic and hyperconsumeristic society ruled by psychopath and defended by their loyal slaves desperately seeking a new high?

I mean, whether anyone likes it or not, AI will take over because it's the new thing.
Instead of fighting AI or anything i said in this post to try to cope with your ego struggling, why don't you just go draw?

>> No.6300043

i just don't want to see these shit uncanny malformed images all over the internet. that's basically it for me. i want AI shit to be separate from everything else, because they look alien, ugly and disturbing. like the corruption of the human soul

>> No.6300066
File: 890 KB, 896x1200, august-21-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Chad Professional Artist
>Everything around him implies he's actually just a digishitter
>"Le he knows photoshop"
>Holding a paint palette

you guys never cease to be retarded, looking forward to you being replaced. No amount of photoshop knowledge will get you out of this. It's over.

>> No.6300081

i'm not an ai fag

>> No.6300084

>but nobody is fooled if they look longer than a second
keep telling yourself that

>> No.6300085
File: 70 KB, 640x622, 1654273410598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to wrap my head around what the argument here is in regards to those who are anti-AI. There seems to be a very glaring contradiction in what they are claiming is art's unique value and it's utility. There is the one argument that AI takes no skill and has no soul and therefor the actual product is inferior. Then there is the argument that it is too easy to use and creates a product that is far superior thereby eliminating the role of the commercial/professional artist.

Well which one is it? Is "soul" the defining function of art or are you a soulless craftsman who is not actually concerned about the integrity of Art and are just concerned about losing your job?

If AI art is inferior because it lack soul then the free market will select man-made art most of the time based on its superior value. If you are just a soulless craftsman cranking out commissions that you don't really care about then get another job.

Real talk: a true artist's spirit cannot be intimidated by any technological advancement. Everyone else seems to be a wannabe artist worried about losing their easy buck.

>> No.6300086

>I could tell
of course, like i said, ai fags will never be able to compete

>> No.6300097

Lol saved

>> No.6300105
File: 179 KB, 1125x1387, D772CC77-321A-4A71-A5B1-CA14A06E8EF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know there’s literally a button on 4chan the googles for images? How dumb are you?

>> No.6300112

cope seethe and prompt

>> No.6300120
File: 10 KB, 246x205, 1482957102739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art generating AI offers more diversity than all of twitter coming together to make the same jokes and memes over and over again

>> No.6300121
File: 41 KB, 314x301, the newsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone else seems to be a wannabe artist worried about losing their easy buck.
oh, boy, you really think this is about money? It's worse than that, friendo, it's about the cheap attention they won't be able to get from normies anymore.

>> No.6300122

I graduated art school 20 years ago. My work has always been mixed media combining digital art and traditional media to create one of a kind art drawings/paintings. I have never used AI in my life nor do I ever intend to.

It seems like you consider yourself a "real artist". If you are I don't understand why you wouldn't agree with me that AI art could never intimidate a real artist. What is AI art going to take from you, your spirit, your craft, your product?

>> No.6300125

why would you need to google it? there's no doubt it's an original oil painting and not an ai generated image, you can tell instantly without double checking, can't you?

>> No.6300127

So it's them fearing that really well done AI art will horde all the attention away from their sub-par sketches that they post on twitter? Yeah man in that case AI is a great wake up call for them to step up their game.

>> No.6300128

this was meant for this>>6300112

>> No.6300131

thats what i've been saying since the beginning.
They won't step up their game, they will just bitch and moan and make passive aggressive memes to somehow still keep up their delusional bubble because reality will bring them to suicide.

>> No.6300133

I'd have to agree with you then. If it's just laziness then I have no sympathy.

However, if they truly believe that the human touch is what separates real art from AI art then even their subpar, mediocre drawings will hold prestige over AI art. In that case, why are they threatened by AI art?

>> No.6300140
File: 2.56 MB, 2300x1177, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason why I never liked the artwork for league of legends or any blizzard game or mmo is because it all felt like AI art before AI art was even a thing.

>> No.6300154

They know they've got no chance, but they have to externalize their disagreement as to not admit that to themselves so that they don't wake up from their comfortable lies they told themselves.

They will give up drawing for good, and that's a good thing, well, of course if they don't remain here out of spite like many here who haven't touched a pen in years.

>> No.6300159

I don't have a problem with the lack of soul or whatever, i have a problem with the average prompter thinking that "3/4 white woman with some accessories and instagram filters" is some sort of artistic revolution, i want to see crazy unreal shit not pinterest's front page with fucked up hands and eyes

>> No.6300169

>AI will take over because it's the new thing.
Just like Google Glass, motion control video games, and NFTs, right?

>> No.6300171

Who cares what they do?
Why don't you create that crazt unreal shit that pinterest doesn't put on it's front page?
I can't for a second believe that you "don't have a problem" with over 50% of the trash art that gets posted on /ic/ yet you single out AI art. Why the fetishization on AI art? It leads me to believe you have biases you are not disclosing.

>> No.6300173

>takes copyrighted images from artists without their consent
>"why are you guys threatened by ai lul"
at this point being ignorant to this fact makes me think youre just a shill

>> No.6300191
File: 60 KB, 503x369, asslo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high barrier of entry due to price tags
>niche applications
>literally free
>basically create your own custom tailored content
Why don't you post your work instead of grasping at straws?
>still trolling with this shitty meme argument
I can say nigger.
Now post your work.

>> No.6300198

Sadly, eventually we'll reach a point where most of the world only knows how to AI art only. Maybe not tomorrow, but give a few decades.
There will be a handful of true artists leftover. Their occupation and work will be seen as more of a cultural relic.
Think those blacksmiths that still forge swords the old fashion way. It's interesting, and each piece demands a high price since it's "authentic".
But, only very few people will actually be interested in learning the way.

>> No.6300203

>can say nigger so i can't be a shill.
shit like this is what makes retards like you so easy to control. dumb gorilla nigger, you.

>> No.6300204

Because Fair Use is a real, legal protection for artists who appropriate and meaningfully change previous art to the point where their creation is a legitimate piece of new art.

The Supreme Court of the US has decided upon this over and over again to the point where it is clearly established case law.

This isn't new and AI aggregating and transforming source imagery from the internet would most certainly fall under the protection of fair use.