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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6289965 No.6289965 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest meme, and 100% the reason why everyone here is stuck without fast progress is because you're a bunch of losers that don't try to find an art teacher or mentor.

Yes, find a fucking good art school with realistic clasical teachers if you're in europe or america, specially one of those art renewal center ateliers or those russian or italian classical ateliers.

Or try to find the best local art school, and always ask to see the students portfolio and see if they teach life drawing and life anatomy and classical techniques.

And yes, I know a lot of art schools are a scam, that's why I said, check the graduates portfolio, fucking retard.

If you can't find a local art teacher that actually isn't garbage, and you're a richfag, pay for an elite art online school like gnomon workshop.

If you're still a fucking poorfag, get some local art friend who you see has strong realistic skills, 100% sure there's always, always some good skilled guy, even in turd world shitholes.
And fucking pay him to mentor you.

Hell, if you're in the middle of nowhere, pay a fucking twitter artist the money to be your mentor.

Think of your art teacher, like a gym trainer, he will be the one that will guide you, and you need to pay him for his time and effort.
You're paying a fucking sport trainer, he knows more than you and will help you train faster and improve faster.

But YOU NEED also to fucking put the fucking effort.
The best gym trainer is useless even if you have first world gear, without YOU putting the fucking effort and doing the workouts on the machines.

This is an advice from someone that spend more than a decade because he got the self taught kool aid.

Self teaching is a fucking meme.

I only improved now fast because I eventually learned also how the brain actually learns and learned also fast skill acquisition and other education BS and even tricks from fitness.

But my biggest waste of time was not paying for some private teacher.

>> No.6289973

LF art mentor, 300gp/hr

>> No.6289974

I'm not a retarded nigger though

>> No.6289978

new meme thread?

>> No.6289979

make some art friends retard.

>> No.6289981

op sounds retarded but is correct, find the best sensei you can afford

>> No.6289999

Everyone failing classes and not learning anything is proof that online ed is a meme.

Yes pay someone that is better than you to teach you, you don't need some "worldclass" artist when you suck.

>> No.6290004

I'm a /beg/ that's true but I believe I did make some progress on my own.

>> No.6290009

>specially one of those art renewal center ateliers or those russian or italian classical ateliers

>> No.6290010
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This is OP in his larping form.

>> No.6290018

Not a teacher but just >real< art friends in general. Do you ever see those Korean gaming groups who all live or meet under the same roof to train? It's like that. They get to help each other improve.

In Japan, school kids meet after school for 2 hours in their desired club every day, 6 days per week for 3 to 6 years. You don't have that kind of thing in the west for public education. I'm sure if you're from an affluent family they can send you to one of those private schools specializing in the arts but for the average person, it isn't a thing. Art classes just aren't a priority of funding anymore.

It doesn't have to be a literal mentor, but just a change of environment. A serious group of people who you know and trust and will help each other grow.

>> No.6290019

And same thing with big youtubers. A lot of them have big mansions they buy out so they can make content with each other.

>> No.6290020

Hello NMA shill

>> No.6290023

you see this shit with e-sport gamers like the fighting game guys who a big part of them is the comunity and them competing each other and helping each other to improve.

>> No.6290032

>going to art school

>> No.6290037


>> No.6290046

Yeah, the fighting game community is similar. They tend to get together locally and play matches.

>> No.6290069
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>> No.6290082
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>real< art friends in general
>A serious group of people who you know and trust and will help each other grow
how or where do i find this? not even memeing

>> No.6290085

Find a life drawing group in a nearby city

>> No.6290087

real life.

>> No.6290091

shut the fuck up cris
you can't even draw a straight line

>> No.6290112

I agree. But I have no money and I'm a NEET with no degree. Not really any other choice.

>> No.6290117


>> No.6290121

Read the OP, retard

>> No.6290123

just get a gay art sempai and suck his dick.

>> No.6290126

Try living one day in the turd world you fucking bitch. There is no good teacher where i live, no artistic tradition.

>> No.6290129

Technically that's what /ic/ is supposed to be but most here are too autistic to pyw regularly

>> No.6290130
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we are your only friends. i'm sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.6290218


>> No.6290452
File: 9 KB, 240x240, Mithrilda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 months no update. :(
Bullshit and Mithrilda can agree with me.

>> No.6290462


Yes, Mr twitter artis, i'll pay you 500$ a month so you can teach me how to draw a circles.

>> No.6290499

I think you are right.
When i went to art academy self study was the norm. Then i read about other artists from a few generations earlier just having model drawing classes with instructors every day and i was wondering how the fuck i was supposed to create something like that for myself out of thin air.

>> No.6290512

if i could afford a mentor i would

>> No.6290562

I've made a new discord that I'm barely going to moderate. I want it b to be a place where / ic/ users can post their work and get help and meet others. But i want it to not devolve into clique like shit so let's see how long that happens https://discord.gg/ytu4WHyn

>> No.6290576

Things like this never work. If we're talking about a serious group it means a group of guys who consume drawing like it's liquid water and is constantly helping each other level up with a goal in mind to work together career wise.

Ever /ic/ discord is
>hey here is my social, please follow
>take for a bit
>put server on mute
>dead server few days later

>> No.6290613

I refuse to post my work because of the amount of anons here that are genuinely insane.

>> No.6290622

Insane in bed or...?

>> No.6290632

unequivocally false
studios especially even in a university setting tends to be autodidactic, those with drive and ambition do well, the teacher is more of a coach, the real reason people here fail is the non adherence to a rigorous self study that is self critical

>> No.6290633

She took the stem pill.

>> No.6290635

Who cares what some schizo has to say, posting work is the only that keeping this board alive.

>> No.6290655

You don't understand my personal schizo has his cock in my ass 24/7/365 that's all I can think about his next move oh God what happens I attach my work and hit "post" he'll recognize the very etching of my style and cross compare every facsimile stroke of my past works to my current works you SIMPLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND /ic/ schizos are on a another level burlburlpghough *ack* that's why I refuse t-to post you see? Oh God, I can hear him breathing behind me. He's in this thread, isn't he. That's my cue to bounce.

>> No.6290787

you okay anon?

>> No.6290804

Of course, you can learn anything given you have all the time in the world.
But you dont see another important aspect of going to a school or university, you have dedicated time for studying. How many anons here only decided to start art in their early 20s? Thats already into early adulthood and you know how shit that is. You have to spend 75% of your time working just to survive, combined with other shortcoming of complete self learning you are looking at extremely slow progress. Most anons are going to give up before they make it.

>> No.6290893


>> No.6292975
File: 221 KB, 500x487, 1657198616792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need an art teacher, I need a babysitter for adults to keep me doing the things I'm supposed to do, without under/overdoing anything so that I may strike a healthy balance, avoiding burnout but making progress at the same time.

>> No.6292980

Are adult babysitters a thing? Besides for old people.

>> No.6292995
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Yeah, assistants and secretaries are basically that.
A practicing doctor, for instance, only has to get to his office, sit down and wait for patients to magically arrive through his door. His job is highly qualified, but the work itself is extremely easy: sit, wait for patient, diagnose.

The secretary takes care of payment, scheduling, office repair, outsourcing the legal stuff, etc.