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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 124 KB, 422x600, 208057l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6289851 No.6289851 [Reply] [Original]

If I wanted to upload a manga in the west without dealing with webtoons' insane rules and just do what I want, what are my options? Substack? Or do I just have to learn japanese and upload there?

>> No.6289865

I’m making a site that will be up in a few months that won’t rely on ad revenue to exist.

>> No.6289866

Unless you have asian genes or are the 0.00001% of lucky people you can't.

>> No.6289868

You mean like /dad/?

>> No.6289870


>> No.6289872

A Webtoons alternative.

>> No.6289876

You make your own website like everyone did pre-2010.

>> No.6289879
File: 4 KB, 250x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw we will never get another Homestuck-like phenomena that lasts for years in terms of popularity and impact
>All we have left is fujo and power fantasy gook shit in terms of relevant webcomics
If you weren't born in Asia, don't even bother making comics...

>> No.6289882

>just do what I want
What do you want to do?

>> No.6289897

Parts of the story will blatantly piss off trannies even if it isn't my direct intention.

>> No.6289900

at least tell me what to look for IF you're serious. Name?

>> No.6289906

I’ll post it here and in the manga general.

>> No.6289921

<_< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fBRaq7rXNc

>> No.6289923

already exists, it's called hive

>> No.6289940


>> No.6290224

Upload is on twitter and pixiv.
I think you can also upload it on mangadex

>> No.6290227

weekly manga schizo who hasn't even finished his work and already made up "muh sjw coming after me" fantasies... odds are nobody'll read your shit retard just post it anywhere...

>> No.6290238

if that's true, may God bless you anon. I hope we see your site one day and pls don't let globohomo take over it.

>> No.6290245

I mean, its not hard to bait them to attack you

>> No.6290246

didn't read that

>> No.6290250

So anyway, there's no way to do it. Good to know. Damn, time to fake a relationship with a jap or otherwise asian girl to ghost upload my ghostwriting/art then.

>> No.6290255

There is, dipshit
I see plenty of westerners on pixiv.
Eufoniuz, Hedit, and Blue the Bone comes first to my head

Chowbie is Vietnamist
Magukappu is Taiwan

Even the godawful winged cloud deserve the credit of making western VNs popular

>> No.6290260

What the fuck does 'Goddamned Wing Cloud' mean? I don't speak nigger.

>> No.6290264

Winged Cloud is the first group to make western VNs popular with their Sakura Dungeon
Their popularity was second only to Katawa Shoujo
They are now known for spamming shovelware known as the Sakura series on steam
Oh, and they were found to be underpaying and abusing their artists


Their legacy was soon stolen by Doki Doki Literature club for completely skyrocketing the popularity of Renpy games to heights greater than AAA games

>> No.6290276

been working on my shit for like a year btw. Or two. I'll get at it. I don't know if it'll be popular but I am here to give it a go anyway. Stories of the kind I want to do, even the really good ones, tend to wear people's patience out so I don't know

>> No.6290306

post it here

>> No.6290307

why would I do that, anon

>> No.6290324


>> No.6290373

im saving you from ym world building/power system autsim

>> No.6290377
File: 506 KB, 2100x2800, Chisato catgirl c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are sissies
Just post your crap and be proud that you are improving

Here. Something I made last week.
1 year and 3 months of training.

Now post yours

>> No.6290420

that's not a fucking story you nigger

>> No.6290424

Ok sure
I wrote this a year ago and we intend to turn this into a full webcomic once I became good enough

Now post yours
Stop being such a sissy
Competition fosters growth

>> No.6290437

go to /lit/

>> No.6290439
File: 464 KB, 2100x2800, chisato back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and post your work already, sissy

If you have no courage to show it, then you cannot challenge yourself. No adversary, no beauty

>> No.6290441

what do you think of AI btw, I hope it fucks off and goes away. I'm kind of terrified of it.

>> No.6290444

It does jackshit
Another tech that is overhyped by normalfags because they know nothing about how it works

AI art can be stunningly beautiful all it wishes
But it can never be copyrighted because manipulated images aren't part of copyright law

You can use the program to generate the art you wishes. But if someone uses the same program to generate the same image, you can't do shit

It ain't going to get rid of artists.
No, the future of AI would be at the hands of artists who would use it to improve their works.

>> No.6290447

>But it can never be copyrighted because manipulated images aren't part of copyright law

but there are no good laws stopping it and all it takes is to allow it for things to spiral out of control, right?

>> No.6290450
File: 448 KB, 2100x2800, chisato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to stop something that cannot happen

How can you copyright something that anyone can make completely identically?
Words, language, names, etc. CANNOT be copyrighted

You can make a trademark for a certain product/service but if someone uses the same word or manipulated your icon slightly, you cannot complain

You guys are a bunch of sissies

>> No.6290468
File: 238 KB, 693x761, 1663972699797503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from another thread. sounds hopeless to me, amigo

>> No.6290472

https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtistLounge/comments/xl0orc/comment/iphas52/ it's this im worried about

>> No.6290481

lol that sounds bs
If it isn't, I don't really care.
Skilled laborers can never be replaced.

>> No.6290483

going to wage jihad on it anyway

do you have a twitter or something you post art on so i can contact you with my shit when im ready to show it, or not, cause otherwise I won't. But I wouldn't mind since you seem interesting

>> No.6290484


My twitter got banned for reason I do not know.
I don't really care, though. I am not yet good enough for commissions and I don't use social media

>> No.6290486

if u drew >>6290450
hell yeah you are man

>> No.6290813

He is not making money off AI
He is making money off a scam

Don't bother doing this.
The lie would reach you after a while and your reputation would be so so tarnished.

No way he could just make an account as bank is involved in the transaction. His victims would remember this

>> No.6290840

he cashed in on early days of AI and peoples stupidity
its called having and opportunity and going for it

>> No.6290869
File: 33 KB, 221x293, onani5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took almost 50 posts for somebody to post this.

Pre-2010 people would actually go to everybody's websites. The landscape has changed and so should your approach.

>> No.6291061

that's amazing, thank you

>> No.6291070

guess ill be on there when i start properly drawing out these storyboards i've sat on and inking them

if i do link it here like i was asked all you'll get is autism. it might be kino autism but i hope you like schizophrenia in your magic and narratives/worlds that were designed starting with the things you should care about least, lol

>> No.6291113

>Expressions that accept, promote, or foment discrimination based on one’s ethnicity, nation (or people from specific country), race, skin color, family origin, residential area, gender, disorder, disease, physical feature, religion, thought and belief, occupation, social status, educational background, living condition and such.
>Insensitive expressions and expressions that accept, promote, or foment discrimation towards social minority, sexual minority such as LGBTQ+ community, and socially vulnerable groups.

wait wtf

then wtf would happen to attack on titan on this platform

>> No.6291145

They have cucked rules

>> No.6291148

No option is perfect.

>> No.6291153

I am building the site don’t worry.

>> No.6291156

I guess I'll just have to nyx some of the troon allusions and see if my story gets absurdly good enough to get recognition. If it gets on Jump+ maybe it won't be an issue but that's probably a big if even for the better manga there, let alone if mine struggles, lol

I could just release footnotes on substack as to what certain story elements would have been if it develops a following

But yeah, I guess it's using western adbux?

>> No.6291161

Lance Baddical
2 weeks ago
I'm glad someone is talking about this. I had twelve chapters of my own comic pulled for "slander" too. The specific part of their ToS that they directed me to was the bit about intellectual property infringement. Which... y'know, the comic is an original work written and drawn by me. I can't figure out what it's supposedly infringing upon, and Medibang did not provide me with any examples. They just said I can edit and resubmit once the offending material is gone, whatever it is. I tried contacting them multiple times for clarification, but have been completely ignored. They don't have any social media so you can only contact them through their website.

So I just reuploaded every chapter unchanged, because what are they gonna do, ban me? Of course, once a chapter is reuploaded, its view count resets to zero, causing you to dip in their popularity standings. This website is just all around horribly managed and if you're a comic creator looking to upload your stuff there I would advise you to reconsider.


nope, not doing that. fuck shueisha

>> No.6291162

ill take the get jp girlfriend and lie im jp thing and ghostwrite option ^^;

>> No.6291163

Source? Can't seem to find this Lance guy anywhere, nor this post.

>> No.6291167

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjYt0v1tTUk comments

>> No.6291168

Cheers. Shame I can't see the dude's work.
Anyway so far it mostly seems like people just not understanding what is considered to be against their rules, which isn't entirely the offender's fault since the rules cover a lot of things very vaguely.

>> No.6291170

yeah im just gonna learn jp and use mangahack or something. Jewish/blackrock money is enough to pull even Shueisha around so long as they step outside of japanese shores, I guess.

>> No.6291185

so >>6289865 you were lying right? cause you're not giving a site name. this is like every other of the 1000,0000,0000 promises we'll get some sort of payment processor or site or freeze peach alternative

>> No.6291201

Incorrect and I don’t even have the name of the site decided yet, I’ve just been working on functionality. The biggest concern I have is the monetization of the site. If I don’t make the foundation solid it will be a situation where we will be at the mercy of external forces. Payment processors have cucked sites like Onlyfans and Patreon in the past, so I need to figure out a way to let readers support their favorite creators. Crypto is an option, but artists hate crypto and it would be hard to manage as an American. Splitting the site between SFW and NSFW may be an option. I would imagine that 4chan’s monetization issue wouldn’t exist if it did that before it gained its reputation.

>> No.6291204

No way you can just get a japanese site and go by their hosting rules but have an 'english' section? What's different over there?

>> No.6291214

Well? What's the problem?

>> No.6291222

you can see their work if you want, I actually kind of like it so farhttps://mangaonlineteam.com/manga/ramia-yana/

>> No.6291242

I have no clue but you see how Medibang’s MPC operates vs domestic sites. I think we are just held to different standards in the West and companies abide by those standards to appease Western markets. As I said early though, I’m just working on functionality. I’ll deal with this later.
Imagine some autist on this site starts to use my site and makes some really offensive comics. Let’s say they start to get popular and attract the attention of mainstream outlets. Now I begin to get pressured to take the comic down. I say no. People begin to look for vulnerable spots in the site. Maybe they report us and get us removed from Adsense. Maybe they flood our payment processor to stop associating with us. Hell, maybe they target Visa and Mastercard to make them stop accommodating our site.The less liabilities the better. I’m not saying I want the site to be the wild west, just less restrictive than existing platforms.

>> No.6291259

Then why not aim at japanese audiences but allow for western uploaders to write whatever on them? Like an english language option. Artists can just advertise their own income revenue platforms like patreon and such, since patreon even allows for more nsfw for example than the processors they use would normally allow. No need for it to be built into the site.

>> No.6291279

Part of the monetization plan is to tie in user benefits with supporting creators. If I did what you were suggesting I’d essentially be hosting people’s content for free. Although, Webtoon did partner with Patreon and I’m not sure how that works. All I know is that Patreon takes a huge fee (8% for the pro subscription plus taxes/fees). As I said earlier, I’ll figure out something. I just want to get the main functionality down now.

>> No.6291286

Also you have to consider moderation, how am I going to moderate the Japanese section without paying someone that understands Japanese? But I need to stop thinking about the future and just focus on making the base site for now.

>> No.6291290

Japanese ad revenue would be how. You could also use that monetization plan for just the japanese authors, lol, it doesn't matter so long as westoids CAN publish offensive shit.

>> No.6291292

ill use your site though

>> No.6291356

>Or do I just have to learn japanese and upload there?
... Why? Just fucking upload it somewhere. Hell, upload it to fucking twitter if you want, it's where half of Japanese artists upload their shit anyway. Just make the damn thing, then worry about where to upload it.

>> No.6291460

desu Ramia Yana has a fucked up story

not offensive but the flow is awful despite the art being good

>> No.6291693

No, that's a different person.

>> No.6291702 [DELETED] 

the OP image I picked and the deluge of isekai that came out around this time, abridging the west's emerging interest in litrpg with japan and korea's reincarnation and status screen craze, might end up serving as a very nostalgic epitaph for the waning days of when human's were last able to have meaningful input.

I had such a hard life around this time. It reminds me of a father figure who was there for me through thick and thin and of new beginnings. 'Paladin of the End', and the way dawn almost looks like dusk behind William in that shot.

The big time internet, the last vestiges of our freedom. Hanging out with friends sometimes in call. MMA fights on the tube. Big esports. The war starting up

Tell me, is this the end for human creativity or at least it's value? Will we ever get to where we fight back? Or is it just a climb to where we become tech symbiotes and lose all our humanity, now?

>> No.6291705

The OP image I picked and the deluge of isekai that came out around this time, abridging the west's emerging interest in litrpg with japan and korea's reincarnation and status screen craze, might end up serving as a very nostalgic reminder of and epitaph for the waning days of when humans were last able to have meaningful input.

I had such a hard life around this time. It reminds me of a father figure who was there for me through thick and thin and of new beginnings. 'Paladin of the End', and the way dawn almost looks like dusk behind William in that shot.

The big time internet, the last vestiges of our freedom. Hanging out with friends sometimes in call. MMA fights on the tube. Big esports. The Russian war starting up. Tell me, is this the end for human creativity or at least it's value? Will we ever get to where we fight back? Or is it just a climb to where we become tech symbioses and lose all our humanity, now?

>> No.6291888

Oh shut up
People are unironically leaving the internet in droves and taking major breaks

Nokia's brick phones alone saw as much as 12% increase in sales simply because people have had enough of overstimulation

Even I am doing my best to quit the internet entirely.
I come here solely out of boredom now. I'd rather stare outside, though.

>> No.6292350

Do they allow blood in the comics?

>> No.6292412

Based. In the future I expect big data centers outside cities and streamed curated experiences to our home with the ability to say anything online and play games you buy, but no coding ability. Since you have no access to how the tech is ran and have to petition to get sites started there'd be no AI. In the end this might be the only safeguard.

Smaller towns wouldn't get internet at all and there'd be no phones so you'd have to care about RL

>> No.6292421



these are just their smartphones, though. Are you a bit touched?

>> No.6292425

>The figures show that while smartphone sales increased by 2% last year, basic phone model sales went up by 5%. Many have cited a wish to escape social media and ‘the internet’ as a reason for downgrading their phones

>> No.6292435


>> No.6295574

>le bump

>> No.6295579

it's a fake story, moron

>> No.6295578

why did u bump my thread anon

>> No.6295848

didn't read that