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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.00 MB, 3024x3598, 504873C1-83D4-46D2-9D61-9FB38977E730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6285374 No.6285374 [Reply] [Original]

What would you recommend and shill to me? I don't have time to go through books or do bullshit like draw a box. Im not super deep thinking or analytical. I usually get hit with these comments
>Drawing is too flat
>Drawing is too stiff
>You symbol draw
I just want to get better but theres so many fucking resources. I just want to have a kino cartoony slightly realistic style.

>> No.6285377

>underage thread

>> No.6285379

Im definitely 19, sorry I didn't go through 10,000 art cuck books.

>> No.6285382

>posts beg image
>"i want to get better"
>"dont recommend me materials or excercises that will make me better, i'm not going to read them or practise"
well...just draw more, i guess? find life drawing classes maybe? If you're not willing to study proportions or other fundamentals like that...

>> No.6285384

Draw a box is bullshit pajeet garbage and I don't want to waste my time on a book and for someone to say "uh oh that book didn't help you" draw a box is for people who can't even draw.

>> No.6285385
File: 1.22 MB, 375x250, BriskUnfitCutworm-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6285386

you wont get anything really that helpful besides academic study. dont worry just copy poses from ilustrations that you like and test it out ideas

>> No.6285387

Im being honest, if you're so good, post your work and shill me your books.

>> No.6285391

drawabox isn't there to make you "better at art" in the sense that you can draw any person from any perspective after doing it exclusively,
its just little excercises in addition to drawing normally(!) used to give you more confidence in making lines. so you struggle less with your arm/body, and your hand makes the line you actually want to draw, and not something that is off.

Either way, if you absolutely do not want to study books, copying photos or drawing people irl is the only way if drawing humans is what you want to do. At some point, you still have to develop something like an "artists vision" in the way your brain deals with "flattening" 3D objects to a 2D plane (paper/screen), its just easier with books since those people already went through that.

>> No.6285393

The whole arm movement bullshit is just a stupid meme, im not smart or analytical enough to develop an artist vision. I don't have free time to draw.

>> No.6285397

>Im not super deep thinking or analytical.
I think telling you to copy from life is still too much.

Literally just copy and study your favorite artists. Study and copy at least 2 different artist.

>> No.6285398

I just don't know how to "study" I know how to copy but I can't "study" I don't have a normal brain that can be like "clearly he did etc...."

>> No.6285399

copying is the best for begginers, dont expect to create something out of nowhere without an imput and reference

>> No.6285406

List the design terms you know.

>> No.6285411


>> No.6285415

Trace part of a picture, then try redraw it from memory. repeat.

>> No.6285419

Your problem isn't your brain, it's your lack of vocabulary. Learn fundamentals of design, then you will be able to say things like "clearly he did ..." when studying another artist's work.

>> No.6285421

Where do I learn the fundamentals of design, this is why art makes me depressed, its one thing after another in a jungle of shit.

>> No.6285440

The jungle is where you find all the wondrous animals bro. Just ask Jeeves for design fundamentals 101.

>> No.6285443

Who the fuck id Jeeves?

>> No.6285445

skinned through the thread:
just copy other artists at this point, if you're so pissy about doing it the usual way
>inb4 what even is the usual way?
use your brain

>> No.6285449

My old mentor. I guess he retired.

>> No.6285454

How the fuck am I gonna get better with angles if I copy artist
What is this schizo shit? Is he a youtuber or something?

>> No.6285485

An old search engine. AltaVista it.

>> No.6285519
File: 1.58 MB, 480x375, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so far beneath me, the only thing I'd be willing to recommend is to kys.

>> No.6285528

Questions such as "where do I learn the fundamentals of design" can be answered by a simple internet search. You need to develop a mindset of at least trying to find the answers on your own before you ask others.

>> No.6288036

Im sorry but you NEED drawabox. Just do it unt the 250 box challenge and drop it.

>> No.6288041

Sounds like drawing is not for you anon. I suggest you find a different pastime.

>> No.6291217

draw a box is such an easy thing to finish its hilarious that after all this time you're still bitching about it after all this time

if you got filtered by it there's really no hope

>> No.6294467

>i want to be good but no i won't study, actually study will make me a bad artist even though i'm already bad

>> No.6294539

Ah Chris Chan is back once again. I thought you were in prison tho.

>> No.6294659

>draw a box is for people who can't even draw
Well then it's the perfect thing for you, isn't it?

>> No.6294672


Do this, you ungrateful gorilla. A 1 hour video, to last you for the rest of your life.

>> No.6294677

Are you black anon?