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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 259 KB, 720x352, Basedtruckanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6277706 No.6277706 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

RESIZE YOUR IMAGES TO ~1000 PIXELS wide using one of the following methods:
1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in MSPaint

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit
New collaborative sticky (anyone can edit): https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn

Read the sticky

When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help. When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

Previous thread: >>6274549

>> No.6277711
File: 1010 KB, 1260x772, gesture46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody who's gone down the anatomy rabbithole explain what I should expect from studying Hogarth and how it will transform my drawings, say from something like >>6275778
Also tell your story.

>> No.6277729

all artists should be slutty

>> No.6277746

>there is a sperg ITT who thinks I'm discussing with him for hours to end

>> No.6277750
File: 365 KB, 1000x708, facialexpressions01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277757

>most likely written by a female (dumb one)
Slutty is a female trait. Also, don't try to bring everyone down to your level.

>> No.6277761

Alll depends on how and what you do with it really.
I'd expect you'd get better at anatomy?
Not much to tell I've done Hamptons course so I know the basics.
Has it helped? Probably.

>> No.6277780

Oh yeah, I meant beyond Hampton. Hampton only scratches the surface, Hogarth is where it gets really deep. I was wondering how all this knowledge is going to transform my art, kind of like a before after effect.

>> No.6277797


>> No.6277798

Looking at your art you should stick with the basics though.
Get the proportions etc right before going into details.

>> No.6277800
File: 94 KB, 1000x1331, 1663327973941751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon could you clarify what you mean by proportions? If you're talking about proportions proportions I don't know what you're talking about? Which drawing are you basing this off?

>> No.6277803

You dumb motherfucking schizo, learn the generic proportions that pretty much every fucking artbook teaches so you have a baseline then you can fuck around with proportions to your retarded low iq heart's desire.

>> No.6277805

The one that appeals to my sensibilties.
Try again until you can please me.

>> No.6277825

You obviously didn't read Hogarth. He already explains that proportions can be manipulated in the fourth chapter, and sets the ideal one at 8 1/2 heads.
If you can't even point out what's wrong with these proportions >>6275778 or >>6277711 other than "it doesn't meet Loomis' proportions then you aren't very convincing.
Honestly the reason I asked you to clarify is that I have no idea why you want me to study "proportions". It's not that hard. It's almost like you're just spouting random words from the fundie book.

>> No.6277831
File: 548 KB, 1619x1068, gesture progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 minute gesture studies from 2 months ago and today. I'm happy with my overall progress even though I know I still have some problem areas. I'll keep pluggin' away but any crits on issues that stand out in particular are welcome.

>> No.6277847

just kill yourself
motherfucker can't even draw a normal looking head that doesn't look like fucking megamind and thinks he can lecture people with muh hogarth

>> No.6277854
File: 704 KB, 748x1022, gesture24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon the head is straight from the book. Are you retarded? The "megamind head" is Hogarth's style. Way to out yourself as a non-Hogarth reader.
I already know how to draw heads, I'm just learning Hogarth's way to expand my style.
You sure like to seethe a lot anon.

>> No.6277866
File: 327 KB, 666x377, no ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pyw. Here's mine with no ref. Let's see your megamind.

>> No.6277867

Now you experienced my burning hatred for this fag. Just ignore him and help someone else who really need it.
You posted this for the 50th times already. Anyone can do the same with see through grid paper. Apparently this is your "I win your arguement is invalid" card. Tsk. No hope at all.
The thread is dead. See you next thread.

>> No.6277872
File: 1.62 MB, 1030x1116, gesture42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grid paper
Thanks for the kek. Looks like I'm gonna make it after all since I'm being accused of using grids.
Also thanks for admitting you can't measure.
No wonder you can't pyw. You're NGMI.

>> No.6277912

Holy kek this schizo arguing with himself and samefagging hogarth as critique.

>> No.6277968
File: 2.06 MB, 2900x3150, 2841B498-4057-4FF4-BABB-CCECE6966237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the other thread without seeing this new one. What did I do well and what should I work on? Trying to get better with every piece

>> No.6278077

Hi again, medieval fantasy anon. Thanks for beginning to post more preliminary lineart and character sheets rather than fully colored and shaded works; it makes it easier for us to perceive the subtler quirks of your designs, which may become less noticeable in a finished picture, and, therefore, allows us to get a better sense of their underlying construction and of your creative approach in general.

Judging by your last couple of works, I think that there has been a gradual but steady improvement since the ones that you posted three or so threads ago. In this specific picture, I feel that the lineart of that head on the bottom right corner deserves a chef's kiss, it just looks so flowy and smooth.

Regarding the stylistic features of your work, including the color palette, I personally feel a similarity between your pictures and the overall look of late-90s/early-2000s 2D animated films, from "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" and "Anastasia", to "The Road to El Dorado" and "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" (don't know if that's a conscious choice on your part, or just the byproduct of their influence while you grew up).

If I had to guess, the bottom-right head is the definitive design of the character, rendered in your current style, while those on the rest of the canvas are your exploratory versions, which may be older than a month, is that right?

You may further help anons by reducing the scope of their advice to a few elements; in your opinion, what aspects of this picture need to be addressed with the most urgency?

Incidentally, I get a strong Yes Chad vibe from the head on the bottom left.

>> No.6278098
File: 432 KB, 681x870, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone here tell me how to do digital art?
I kind of have no idea what I'm doing and feel like I could be doing things more efficiently.

>> No.6278103
File: 1.54 MB, 3698x2644, IMG_5159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the biggest issues i face is making my faces actually resemble the ones i'm trying to reference. i think i'm getting there, but i still find myself focusing on little details when drawing from reference instead of getting the general shapes right. aanyway, any advice on faces and heads in general?

>> No.6278111

Are you already proficient in traditional art? If yes, just give it time, you'll get used to the medium and get better at it. Biggest thing apart from relearning line control is just learning shortcuts and using the tools to your advantage. Brainlets, normies (non-artists) and permabegs look at digital media as easier or lesser, but really it's just like any other medium in that it does some things better or more easily and some things worse or with more difficulty, so using digital media effectively practically requires mastering its strengths. Some big things are shaped brushes (eg using square or triangle instead of round as your base), levels of softness (from hard round to a full gradient/airbrush) and the use of perfect erasers (including using them with hard, soft and shaped brush heads) and layers (which allows you to minutely alter things like shading without altering highlights and linework for example) and layer styles (which lets you apply a similar light/shadow temperature across all your rendering for example). As with anything else, you'll learn fastest if you 1: do studies and 2: watch more experienced artists who use the medium work so you can copy their techniques.

If you're not already proficient in traditional art, you just learn the same way traditional artists learn, but you use your tablet and virtual brushes instead.

If that's your work the rendering on the helmet already looks pretty good btw (nice brush) but for the lineart it looks like you have trouble controlling the line. If you have stabilization up high (which is what it looks like to me) try turning it down (to like 2 in CSP, idk about other software), or off completely if you have a high-end tablet like a cintiq or something that doesn't have trouble with precision/jitter on slower strokes (like all UC Logic (XP-Pen, Huion, Artisul, etc) tablets as well as the Wacom One do).

>> No.6278129

Stop using the-same-color-with-less-brightness for your shadows

>> No.6278133
File: 892 KB, 3238x2534, sketch4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278143
File: 805 KB, 1866x1686, daimons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If that's your work the rendering on the helmet already looks pretty good btw (nice brush)
it is thanks
>but for the lineart it looks like you have trouble controlling the line. If you have stabilization up high
I'm using Krita and the whole thing is done with the the "wet circle" preset (hard round with low opacity smudging on low pressure) with a few settings changed for how it blends color. Brush smoothing is set to "basic."
I think it's more of a problem with using that brush's blurriness to cover up my lack of pen control and tendency to chicken scratch, then erasing to make it look better.

>> No.6278191

I'm really worried that lack of sleep damaged my brain and I forgot a lot of stuff I learned

>> No.6278200

It's definitely possible. Lack of sleep does effect learning and memorization. Of course I would blame lack of sleep for your art being bad however

>> No.6278205


>> No.6278218

Rendering aside, you need to make your lightsources more intelligible for the viewer, since there is some inconsistency in the placement of your shadows.

For example, by looking at the ones being cast under the nose and chin of the girl, the viewer will get the impression that that the strongest light is coming down from somewhere above her head, an assumption that is contradicted by the shadow placed alongside the inner outline of her left shoulder (which doesn't continue further down her arm, for some reason).

That would imply the presence of at least a second lightsource on the right, but the left side of the girl's face lacks the corresponding shadow, and there is no hint of that same lightsource in the symmetrical shading of the hair. I suggest that you being by choosing a single lightsource (as a second one would add another layer of complexity) and stick with it across the entirety of the drawing.

You could also attempt to give your shadows more defined shapes, such as crescents, drops and ovals, or even polygons. When looked at from a distance, the shading of your picture blends ok, but once you zoom in, the individual shadows themselves don't really look very appealing. You should apply to your shading a similar approach to the one you used for the highlights of the strawberry on her shirt, especially those on its leaves; that would help to add more interest to your shading.

Lastly, I believe that her hair would benefit from having a few hints of texture; you could add some pink and/or purple hatching here and there, or a few brighter zigzag highlights.

>> No.6278219

I hate using pressure opacity for lineart personally, but I've seen appealing art done with pressure opacity hard round. I used to use Krita but I don't remember a lot of specifics about using it. Just do line control exercises, gestures and practice construction a bit (I know you're drawing cartoons but Reg for example is from a manga whose mangaka definitely works with solid forms in mind, because his illustrations almost always have a great sense of depth despite having mostly chibi characters).

>> No.6278232
File: 94 KB, 233x353, 30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminding me that I can't draw like Tsukushi
I am in extreme pain thank you
Any tips on how to learn to construct things in perspective?
I can almost grasp perspective in theory but I'm completely lost on how to actually apply it rather than just drawing planes and cubes in isolation.

>> No.6278244

these look super stiff

>> No.6278245

Where would be the best place to learn how to draw facial features, and necks?

>> No.6278250
File: 185 KB, 668x865, 46753478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What it's the style i draw in?

>> No.6278251
File: 1.18 MB, 1110x1600, cubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make everything out of cubes

>> No.6278271

is it a good idea to just draw skeleton for a while? i am struggling with figures. feels like if i an ocnfident with the skeletal structures drawing muscles is as easy as connecting the insertionpoints on the bone. i am really just writing this dumb post because i am procrasticating

>> No.6278284
File: 136 KB, 1350x807, 1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. First time poster, also first still life. I doodle in the margins of stuff, that's about my experience in art. This took me an hour, and I'm pretty bummed about it. I did it irl, so I know the folds don't really line up with the picture.
Started by outlining the blanket compared to the negative space, then put in some indicators of where I thought the folds would be, then focused on dividing stuff up into 3 tones and not really worrying about the object itself, but it got to a point where my initial outlines and the current shading didn't line up and eventually I just kind of guessed where I expected things to go on the right, which is probably not good.

Is bedding an alright still life for a beginner? I plan on just grinding that since it's a little different every time I make my bed, and it's in my eyeline.
Also a general critique would be appreciated. I'm going to measure more on my next attempt, and probably just focus on outline instead of shading. Ah, to indicate a shadow without shading, would you outline it and just leave it white on the inside? Sorry for general dumbness.

>> No.6278292
File: 30 KB, 1000x841, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew a quick Kodama from Nioh

>> No.6278312

My strokes just seem shittier

>> No.6278314
File: 83 KB, 800x600, wefzxc3333333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, I wish I could do more accurate cube warping and rotations like that. But I just can't fucking get the hang of it.

>> No.6278335
File: 121 KB, 780x870, D0bhbPhVsAAonE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to check your proportions regularly while sketching; the legs or your women should be longer, and their heads smaller.

The torso of an average real-life woman, including her neck and hips, ought to roughly encompass the length of three heads (with her ribcage alone measuring about one head and a half), while the legs should be around four heads long (pic related).

Those tried-and-tested guidelines, however, are still suggestions, and therefore allow for some flexibility, especially when dealing with more cartoony styles or with portraits of real people, but, the further you stray away from them, the more unrealistic and weird your drawn bodies will look.

>> No.6278342
File: 137 KB, 1181x896, skulls draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6278357

I was going to make fun of the unlabeled glasses guy, but that's (you) isn't it.

>> No.6278361
File: 8 KB, 186x270, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me think of Chromie, but less thicc. I actually like it's fucked up proportions.
But they are fucked up.

>> No.6278362

nah, that's a friend of mine.

>> No.6278372

Not him, but how do you even check proportion when you're drawing actual poses in perspective, with foreshortened camera angles?

>> No.6278374
File: 337 KB, 650x498, Screenshot_20220916-154401-536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After doing >>6276479 yesterday and getting tired, I went back to drawing from imagination.
I think I know one of the major problems with learning this way. This isn't the low angle I set out to do. I'm very happy with how it came out, but I was going for a much lower angle and corrected it to this. I did a few other sketches but they are no where near as good and not worth posting,I think.

Also, now that I'm home for the weekend, I can try drawing from reference since I'm not going to be using my phone at work.

>> No.6278378
File: 395 KB, 1200x920, RosaCrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your most honest critique, bros

>> No.6278380
File: 1.29 MB, 720x1124, Screenshot_20220916-180257-841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, okay.
Here's a meme self portrait I did. You can make fun of me if you want.
Bonus points for recognizing the meme.

>> No.6278383

The only thing bad I can say is that I wouldn't think much of it. They good news is I would just assume it was a professional drawing. So, competent but forgettable?

>> No.6278384
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 3129DC7D-A835-4A2A-B997-EBFC0D929B7F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when i was talking to Doktor Livsi all along

>> No.6278385

I see... I never thought about that aspect. Thank you so much!!!

>> No.6278390

how is this /beg/?

>> No.6278393
File: 494 KB, 1920x1080, JIDAO 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to other stuff it is, or at least it's /int/

>> No.6278401

any one else use trading cards (pokemon, yugioh, magic etc) for reference?

>> No.6278405

Yeah, sometimes, but I look them up online

>> No.6278406


>> No.6278414
File: 726 KB, 1027x1035, tracing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days I'm just copying random stuff, I don't know if it does anything

>> No.6278421
File: 203 KB, 484x688, Maddie_nowatermark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay faggots tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.6278428
File: 44 KB, 850x400, 9AABDE1E-88EA-4173-8109-BEE5B5A29246_5pi06sbd4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6278431

Low T mindset

>> No.6278432

forget drawabox
visualize working on your handwriting to get past 5th grade level

>> No.6278448
File: 463 KB, 583x807, planes, edges and vertices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was proper of you to begin by drawing the silhouette of the blanket, but, judging by the description of your process, it seems that there was a missing step between the depiction of its contour and that of the folds, concretely, the one in which you are supposed to draw the outlines of the most prominent volumes.

You should approach the mass of the blanket as if you were looking at a rock formation, which is basically a merger of superimposed polyhedrons, but with more jagged edges and irregular surfaces.

In pic related, I attempted to outline the major volumes of that blanket, which I somewhat managed to identify by zooming in at the picture and focusing on the darkest shadows, trying to keep the contours of the planes as simple and geometrical as possible.

>> No.6278466
File: 789 KB, 1215x1298, IMG_4041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278469
File: 319 KB, 720x423, Screenshot_20220916-190932-321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6278489
File: 261 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_2022-09-16_19-15-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized how bad the shiny wrinkled clothes are about to rape me. does anyone have references/tips for that kind of material?

>> No.6278491

Breaking it up into major volumes defined by shadows first makes a lot of sense, anon. I did get overwhelmed by all of the local shadows and lost track of what the major sections were. Your outline looks a lot more fluid than my attempt. Thank you!

>> No.6278541

Are you just mindlessly tracing? If yeah then I doubt you'll learn anything from it.

>> No.6278544

Based nioh chad

>> No.6278569

I'm of the opinion that drawing from imagination is underrated and drawing from reference is overrated as far as improvement goes, but it's too early for me to make a claim.
My advice to you is draw something completely original with no reference and see how you feel. What do you have to lose of I'm wrong? It's worth a try.

>> No.6278572

Meant to reply to>>6278414
Obviously. I'm retarded

>> No.6278603
File: 52 KB, 1009x684, Untit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

points for delivering

>> No.6278605

Being a complete and total beginner at drawing other than copying shit feels like hell at times
I feel so lost

>> No.6278606

I literally have no imagination whatsoever. I guess ill stick to painting. I'm incapable of producing anything original or even fun for me
My mind is a literal void

>> No.6278613

I mean, I could have used my wife's handwriting...

>> No.6278618
File: 1.37 MB, 2774x2225, IMG_5170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine, friend

>> No.6278626
File: 536 KB, 2330x2139, IMG_20220522_205333900~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced that painting miniatures leveled up my drawing. Unironically, get an adult coloring book and grind muscle memory. I could never draw for shit but I found suddenly I could after painting tons of minis, and there basically just 3d coloring books.

>> No.6278631

I'd fuck you if I was a faggot. Is that compliment enough?

>> No.6278633

draw the things you enjoy even if you suck, stop freezing and having thoughts about "I can't draw this yet" you cant improve if you don't actively do the things you suck at
literally just draw more stuff from reference, especially bodies. Do figure studies and then just draw whatever else interests you

>> No.6278639

good thing I stopped myself from dotting the i with a heart

>> No.6278672

Imagination is overrated. Just draw the same thing over and over for a little while and your brain will come up with shit on its own. Don't force it.

>> No.6278681

I have an extremely vivid imagination and I'm a /beg/. It doesn't help at all, if I draw from imagination it turns out symbol drawn. I feel like you can't draw from imagination unless you "know what it looks like" first. Of course once you learn how to draw stuff I imagine an imagination would be very useful

>> No.6278683
File: 363 KB, 1222x633, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top row was made with grayscale, the lower I went straight into colors. Why do both look weird?

>> No.6278700
File: 308 KB, 500x419, Mchoked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are humanoid pokemon such as Machoke, Machamp, Gardevoir and Lopunny furry? Can I post Machoke,Machamp,HypnoXPokegirls zorn here?

>> No.6278701

>I feel like you can't draw from imagination unless you "know what it looks like" first.
That's the entire point of learning the fundamentals.
If all you know is 2+2 you really won't learn how to do arithmetic by repeating 2+2 forever.

>> No.6278703

Pillow shading. Set a clear light source and try again and it will (probably) look much better.

>> No.6278717

But if you want to draw in a highly stylized manner fundamentals will only help so much with that.

>> No.6278722

...thank you?

>> No.6278725

remix 2 things you like
it's fun

>> No.6278732

Regardless, they still are your building blocks. Do you want to draw Azumanga Daioh type anime girls? You still need to know basic anatomy and perspective - not to mention stuff like shape hierarchy. Children's book? You still need the fundamentals that teach you how to draw appealing shapes.
Do you just plan on drawing ugly webtoon forever? It still has to look appealing to the masses, and fundies help with that.

As the saying goes, you really oughta learn how to walk before you can run full speed.

>> No.6278737

How do I get better at drawing curves, ellipses, and perfect circles?

>> No.6278748

>Perfect circles

>> No.6278750

Hey! I remember you! I like the ones you picked. Looking forward to whatever the fuck you're making.

>> No.6278751
File: 29 KB, 800x600, segwgzxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I practice every day grinding that, but my curves aren't rounded enough. And I struggle a lot aligning ellipses with the vanishing point because I think my eyes are fucked up. Keep in mind this is a mouse drawing, but I do most of this stuff on paper still

>> No.6278762

I'm convinced that a LOT of the shit on here is overrated. "Loomis," "(not)symbol drawing," this guy, that book, etc are just shit people say because its hard to convey experience and muscle memory verbally.
I think the real purpose of these concepts and techniques is to break out of plateaus, but they aren't mandatory for everyone. I think grinding is more important and these concepts are just there to correct stagnation.

But I'm still new at this myself, so let's see how soon it is before I hit a wall.

I guess what I'm saying is more scratchy less chatty?

>> No.6278766

If davinci were alive today he'd call you an idiot for freehanding an ellipse on a computer. Just use the fucking software.

>> No.6278770

He’s trying to learn how to freehand them clearly. Quit being a faggot

>> No.6278772

You can learn fundamentals without any of that meme shit, but anons with better resources may be able to help you better than I can

>> No.6278778

Well he's gotta keep grinding, unless you know the cheat code to unlock it,
Seems like a waste of his time to me, but what do I know?
What I do know is that most the professionals I see on jewtube can't freehand perfect ellipses and the best ones don't even try.

>> No.6278779
File: 1.51 MB, 2560x1440, 109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello begs. I am starting to regret picking up this book. But i shall endure. For art science!

>are fictional anthropomorphic animals who display human characteristics furry?
Yes anon, ponies, pokemons, digimons, sonics, any pixar or disney animated movie characters and like 60% of video game characters... thats all furry.
>can i post here?
Look at the state of the /ic board anon. Who could stop you? Personally i dont give a damn but i know many anons here are very hostile to anime, lolis and furfags. Did you get banned from trash or something?
Your pic looks so uncanny because your values (black-grey-white) are in very small range from gray to darker gray. And because lighting doesnt work like you drew it there.
Keys to Drawing book has whole chapter about imagination and where or how to gain inspiration for drawing. You should check it out, its surprisingly concrete about how to do it and its final assignment might help you.
Very nice
simply draw what you see even if it feels wrong
Turn your drawing into grayscale and notice how its all same value
The surfaces all have same smooth texture. Hair, clothes and sword cant have same texture
The background style doesnt match the object style
The missing ear on right
TLDR read keys to drawing
No texture, lazy shadows, lazy background. But it isnt bad at all, just... low effort?
Drawing drapery is demanding task for beg. You did okay. I recommend picking up BEG book like keys to drawing and progressing through it at your own pace. Yes drapery is one of the sections in it
>will i get better at drawing A by practicing drawing B?
No. You need to grind A in order to get gud at doing A.

>> No.6278786
File: 43 KB, 476x398, ellipsetool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freehanding wasn't the entire point of that. See? Ellipse and line tool, still pretty skewed and off-center.
But freehanding is necessary for cross-contouring and construction anyways, right?

>> No.6278790

Hello art science. I'm going to be your control group, I think. Any reason you skipped my drawing this thread and the last?
The problem with art science is that this shit is subjective, so how do we set a benchmark on progress over time?
Remember science is verifiable, falsifiable, and repeatable, and requires a control group. I am willing to provide the later by ignoring conventional wisdom.

>> No.6278791
File: 364 KB, 1097x1090, IMG_4066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278794

Well, I included a video, did anyone watch it?>>6278748

>> No.6278800

I will in a second

>> No.6278806

Honestly get a digital pen/stylus set up. Using a mouse is like using your foot.

>> No.6278813
File: 176 KB, 1260x829, draw pike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278818


>> No.6278824

I've been putting it off. Can't really figure out a decent workflow for the Cintiq 16

>> No.6278826
File: 85 KB, 488x669, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any reason you skipped my drawing this thread and the last?
Despite being some sort of "mass replier" i dont give (You)s if
>somebody already answered (in my opinion correctly) their question
>if the art doesnt trigger good emotional response (unless they ask for critique)
>if i dont know the answer
>if i run out of 2000 characters post limit
>if the picture is some very simple doodle (like imagine if i posted ONE gesture instead of 100 of them + other studies)
If you for some reason desire my input on your piece then be bold and hit me up on some socials or slap me with (You) and put your piece into the post and ASK for crit lmao. But i cant guarantee i will have any usable input for you if i didnt have it while casually browsing the thread.

>> No.6278833

Naw, that's cool.
What about the science stuff?

>> No.6278858
File: 153 KB, 1058x1497, page_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons Hogarth is full of shit.
In Dynamic Figure Drawing he describes the rib cage as a barrel shape and the pelvis like a wedged box.
In Dynamic Anatomy he describes the RIB CAGE as a wedged box, instead of the pelvis.
I've spotted many anatomical errors in this book and I'm learning a lot about how full of shit professional artists are, so I'm going to continue to study this book.

>> No.6278865

If you watch that nip guy I linked above, he uses his own shapes.
So basically it doesn't matter.

>> No.6278869

then you get to the forearm and it turns out to be both a cylinder and a box
it's just an abstraction to visualize the perspective of the actual thing

>> No.6278888

You def have made some great gains. I love the two poses on the bottom left of the 2nd page.

>> No.6278892
File: 2.74 MB, 1000x1545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew my friends oc

>> No.6278929
File: 261 KB, 519x448, Screenshot_20220916-230945-788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the best I've been able to do>>6278374 is a fuckable nurse's aid.

My next goals are to learn to rotate ears in three dimensions and how to make the view of pic related feminine.

>> No.6278931

What are you currently studying?

>> No.6278955

Really I think I should figure out the neck construction.
The area of the upside down "U" tracing the shape of the jaw, the cheekbones, and chin bump. For a female chin what do you do (in a line work sence) from such a low angle and not make it look like a troon? I'm thinking less is more. What are the minimum lines I need?
It's so fucking tricky to make this look female without hair. (That's the point of this exercise for me.

>> No.6278957

I draw at work on the clock. This thing is a time machine. It makes the day go by instantly. That's what I'm studying.
I'm drawing bald women into they aren't ugly...
That's the plan..
And maybe scotch.

>> No.6278967
File: 402 KB, 1322x2070, double mastectomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i actually drew something for the first time in 2 months right
that alone should be cause for celebration right

>> No.6278972

only if you enjoyed it

>> No.6278979

>Get banned
No. I just want to test something.

>> No.6278986
File: 743 KB, 703x868, Screenshot_20220916-234258-586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what the great thing about a shit drawing is? You can try anything because it's already fucked up.
Scotch time. I'll be getting real references for the pose and I'll try again after the hangover.

>> No.6279030
File: 634 KB, 1875x1875, The tumor vendor redux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a bunch of hours, of refining the top left design.
To the explain the existence of what i made, the game i am making takes place in a very far, very grim future, the very premise of it being a mix of dues ex and quake, two games i like very much.
I'm not gonna explain how it got to that point yet, all i will just say i have attempted and getting to the point where its just a rule63 Alex mercer, but cuter in a weird way.
There is much to be refined, and most of it hasty scribbles, yes, but I'm getting to the point i desire.
Now, i have to read up on some things to get better at what i want, crits appreciated.

>> No.6279034

Aw shit i made a typo.

>> No.6279036
File: 868 KB, 907x1000, beato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or I could try making a short animation with scribbly white lines, this style seems easy enough to manipulate into a dozen frames that would look godlike when put together AAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOW HAPPY

>> No.6279040
File: 476 KB, 1979x2560, hogarth dynamic anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I finished Hogarth: Dynamic Anatomy. (Before you doubt, I skipped the hand/legs section and read the important parts like the principles of foreshortening and torso anatomy and copied the relevant drawings. I derived the most important features to remember from the book so it wasn't useless, but Hogarth is a terrible teacher.)
What should I study next?
I have
>Figure Drawing by Loomis
>Dynamic Figure Drawing by Hogarth
>Drawing Head and Hands by Loomis
>How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
>Manga Drawing Book 1 (Japanese)
>Manga Drawing Book 2 (Japanese)
>Female Drapery Book (Japanese)
>Landscape Book (Japanese)
>Female Character Book (Japanese)
>Anatomy Book (Japanese)
Here are the books and courses I've finished:
>Space Drawing by Kim Dongho
>Figure Drawing by Hampton
>Dynamic Anatomy by Hogarth
Vilppu is arriving next month so I want to finish as many books and grind as much as I can.

>> No.6279044
File: 82 KB, 900x588, the-dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have Keys to Drawing but if you are recommending that I would like a proper explanation why. I might give it a chance since Hogarth likes Matisse too.

>> No.6279052

comedy gold

>> No.6279055

Oh neat, I remember seeing the chicken scratch sketch of this. Good work on cleaning that up. But now look into improving on line weight.

>> No.6279057
File: 815 KB, 633x947, tradeth40 comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I plan to learn hands and heads from a better teacher called Loomis. I doubt you learned how to draw heads from a garbage teacher like Hogarth who can't even explain the proportions of the head properly. Also I meant feet not legs, I studied the legs actually.
Feet are a separate topic I want to hyperfocus on once I've learned hands properly at the very least, which I will learn from Hands and Heads by Loomis hopefully since Loomis taught me how to draw the head really well.

>> No.6279062
File: 87 KB, 640x706, 752F9CFF-563A-46E6-84F7-689972C0FFC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took your advice
Feel free to keep critiquing

>> No.6279063
File: 333 KB, 1600x814, nzn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sum fanart wip

>> No.6279073
File: 3.08 MB, 990x1340, thedead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this one uploads correctly. Big thanks to the anons from two threads ago for the smoke and negative space advice, here's how it turned out!

>> No.6279079

whats a good anatomy course?

>> No.6279080

t. esdeath schizo

>> No.6279096
File: 20 KB, 800x600, hairlinewfwefzxxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you study curves and organic forms on a fundamental level?
Is there any good material on how to accurately draw warped shapes, snakelike-tubes and such?

>> No.6279099
File: 175 KB, 710x1000, 71iDaE2EL1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright since nobody is making any suggestions I'm picking it myself, will study the Japanese anatomy book and grind.
I think this is the best choice since according to the Pain Method guy he got good just by grinding anatomy. https://youtu.be/wRNj1h5tVG4

>> No.6279103

Incredibly sad.

>> No.6279112

Have you tried studying the books?

>> No.6279113

Symbol drawn. I recommend keys to drawing

>> No.6279120
File: 1.31 MB, 804x1032, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i unfuck that face
the eyes especially
I know it's bad but i don't know why the eyes look so wierd. Her right bang is probably way too forward, right?

>> No.6279122

This looks amazing. Did you use a reference? Also how long have you been drawing?

>> No.6279129

Yeah I actually learned a lot about anatomy from combining Hampton and Hogarth. Searching on the archive apparently people have trouble remembering the basic anatomies, but I remembered it instantly using anki and reading (I have good memory). I can identify the traps, obliques, lats, serratus, erector spinae, sternomastoid, abs, pecs, quads, triceps, biceps, forearm, extensors and contractors easily since I remembered them in muscle groups. I'm glad I studied those two but I still think Hogarth is a shitty teacher which is why I skipped the head/feet/hand part which I plan to hyperfocus on with Loomis after I've finished all the other books (saving the best for last).
According to the Pain Process guy, he claims you can go pro just by simply copying drawings off anatomy books. His art is good so I trust him, although everything else in that method is absolutely pointless (filling out multiple pages with pure hatching and cross hatching). His grinding process is kind of expected from a Chinese guy though, so I'm only going to grind anatomy since I'm actually a fast learner unlike your average rote learner.

>> No.6279134

can you post your work anon? i would love to see your progress

>> No.6279137


>> No.6279141
File: 375 KB, 1000x1553, a pale fun study of a very talented man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to ignore that.
Anyway... The heads will be done later, placeholders are just a 冗談.
Not particularly amazing.

>> No.6279143
File: 3.83 MB, 3068x2244, 2022 progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from January up to July. I rested for 5 months because of carpal tunnel. I'm much better now since it's September.

>> No.6279155

Anon, learning anatomy off rip is the biggest /beg/ trap there is
At most you could do basic anatomy, but trust me your "fundies" are not good and you would benefit way more off of touching up on those. If you really don’t want to or get bored of it, learning proportion and gesture would really help your improvement a lot more than learning muscles you can’t even draw would

>> No.6279157 [DELETED] 

gesture is a meme for inactive people.

>> No.6279159

He need keys to drawing. Miss big step. Learn how draw. From sight. And observe.

>> No.6279160

I didn't mention the following on account that it seemed obvious at the time, but the breaking down of a silhouette of drapery into consecutively smaller volumes is a process that still belongs to the preliminary sketch phase, previous to the actual rendering of the folds and creases of fabric, to say nothing of their texture and shading.

The shapes that I outlined in your picture, while they luckily ended up seeming fluid and decorative, can barely get any simpler without losing accuracy, since I have already omitted several details for the sake of that simplicity.

Therefore, the basic shapes for the construction of your blanket should all be drawn very lightly, so that they remain unobtrusive and easy to erase, while still being effective as a scaffolding for your definitive lineart.

Lastly, I take the chance to recommend that, whenever possible, you try to draw your crosshatching of drapery as if you were depicting the warp and weft of the fabric (they're actually conveniently noticeable in your reference, so you wouldn't have to break your head that much about their placement); that will make the folds in question seem more tree-dimensional, and will help to add to your shading an overall sense of finesse.

>> No.6279165
File: 1.02 MB, 1504x810, gesture29 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is proportions the new KtD? What do you mean by proportions? My proportions are fine.
Elaborate on what's wrong with my gesture in that progress pic, composed primarily off of COPIES (where the gesture is already determined).

>> No.6279168

Retard my observation is fine. >>6277854
My copies are so accurate that I was accused of tracing, multiple times. >>6277867

>> No.6279170
File: 788 KB, 908x1000, Beato3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6279177
File: 80 KB, 960x640, EqNc4S-XUAMQ9aE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6279180
File: 460 KB, 1044x666, progress3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afraid of posting work

>> No.6279192

You have nowhere nearly finished Hampton or Hogarth. It's not about how quickly you flipped through the pages, but how much you learned. I pray you're trolling

>> No.6279197

Thanks man, I'm glad you like it. I did use a reference for the wooden battlement structures on top of the walls and tower, and I've been drawing for about two years.

>> No.6279202

Fuck off. Test me bitch.
Or shall I test you instead?

>> No.6279204
File: 815 KB, 1314x737, warstiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to do line art well in digital yet, so I cope by spending way too much time refining the same sketch layer.
There are so many little unfinished things I see that need to be fixed but I find it so hard to spend more than a couple sessions on a single piece

>> No.6279206

I'm not testing you, I'm scolding you. This improvement is lousy. You can do better.

>> No.6279219

Who said I was done with the books after I finished them? Obviously I'll go back to them again once I've done a full round of my books. My first round was enough for me to memorize all relevant anatomy names and shapes and next round I am going to be able to utilize them better, but I want to learn the skeleton now so know how the ribcage bends.
Tell me what's wrong with my gestures? Or pyw?

>> No.6279229

im sorry. i was mean to you.

>> No.6279234

stop replying to it, because it will reply to itself anyway

>> No.6279265

>finished drawabox
Can you post a freehand cube you drew right at the start, or before drawabox, and one from the end of the "draw nine gorillion boxes" challenge? Or just draw a new cube, next to the old one? I'm kind of curious how much of an impact DAB has.

>> No.6279266

This looks great.

>> No.6279271
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x882, BeatoTrue3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread theme https://youtu.be/iyPsn4fK5kc?t=215


Making the colored version match the grayscale one was actually stupidly hard, the colors were completely breaking the cool tone of the b&w pic so I realized - JUST USE A COOL TONE.
So I messed with the color balance (cyan) and I think this is a good enough colored representation of the piece.
Also it's probably way more interesting by removing the bottom half of the skirt, it was kinda detracting from the main part (top)

>> No.6279275 [DELETED] 

The overall direction and outlines of the shading have slightly improved, but, regarding the girl's torso and her shoulders, you didn't need to decrease and remove so many of their shadows (the issue was with their placement and shapes, not with their size and quantity).

Was reducing her breast-size a deliberate choice? If not, you should have just tweaked the shadows until they had more defined outlines.

In my opinion, the parts of your drawing with the most effective rendering are the girls' right arm (the little finger is, ironically, a bit too long, but other than that the arm is ok) and her voluptuous lips; both of them are on the right track as it relates to shading and the use of hightlights. If you could enhance the rest of your picture so that it would share that same level of rendering, the girl would look noticeably better.

I don't know if you intended to follow the advice of the other anon, since I didn't mention the color palette in my comment, but I believe that you desaturated your picture a bit too much. Although the previous version was maybe a bit too striking color-wise, now instead it looks muted and kinda greyish. My suggestion is that you try to find a middle ground between those extremes.

Lastly, you should depict the seams of both sleeves of the t-shirt, just for the sake of accuracy.

>> No.6279279 [DELETED] 

The overall direction and outlines of the shading have slightly improved, but, regarding the girl's torso and her shoulders, you didn't need to decrease and remove so many of their shadows (the issue was with their placement and shapes, not with their size and quantity).

Was reducing her breast-size a deliberate choice? If not, you should have just tweaked the shadows until they had more defined outlines.

In my opinion, the parts of your drawing with the most effective rendering are the girls' right arm (the little finger is, ironically, a bit too long, but other than that the arm is ok) and her voluptuous lips; both of them are on the right track as it relates to shading and the use of hightlights. If you could enhance the rest of your picture so that it would share that same level of rendering, the girl would look noticeably better.

I don't know if you intended to follow the advice of the other anon, since I didn't mention the color palette in my comment, but I believe that you desaturated your picture a bit too much. Although the previous version was maybe a bit too striking color-wise, now instead it looks muted and kinda greyish. My suggestion is that you try to find a middle ground between those extremes.

Lastly, you should depict the seams of both sleeves of the t-shirt, just for the sake of accuracy.

>> No.6279284

Just study solids and look for how they make up bodies and shit.

>> No.6279289
File: 1.05 MB, 1304x891, the gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAB is pointless.
I finished DAB because I wanted to learn to rotate cubes freehand in any direction I want to prepare for Vilppu part 2.
DAB doesn't teach you that. It doesn't even teach you the basics of how to rotate the cube left and right. That's why I had to outsource that to Krenz.
After the 250 box challenge the goal is to converge the lines to the vanishing points. However your conversion will not improve after 250 boxes, just look up any before and after on YouTube. The point is to get you "understand" that it's "hard" to converge lines to the vanishing points, and what I got from that is that you're better off using a ruler for that.

>> No.6279291

Also if you want to learn to rotate boxes use this.

>> No.6279295

To add on just watch the creator himself try to converge vanishing points, he fails every time.

>> No.6279297
File: 374 KB, 709x907, oppk9u0i9t8yuio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279299

The comedy writes itself. LMAO. Definitely a troll. No one can be this mentally challenged.

>> No.6279300
File: 125 KB, 988x562, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should slut it up

>> No.6279302

LMAO here's someone who fell for the DAB meme and thinks it actually helped him instead of simply building mileage. LOL even.

>> No.6279304

Nice boob physics on the cups taimanin schizo.

>> No.6279306

A lot of men are whores though.

>> No.6279308

>get triggered by floating cubes.

>> No.6279315

who are you talking to?

>> No.6279318

>it did not deny that it's mentally challenged

>> No.6279322

You ok bro?

>> No.6279323

The overall direction and outlines of the shading have slightly improved, but, regarding the girl's torso and her shoulders, you didn't need to decrease and remove so many of their shadows (the issue was with their placement and shapes, not with their size and quantity).

Was reducing her breast-size a deliberate choice? If not, you should have just tweaked the shadows until they had more defined outlines.

In my opinion, the parts of your drawing with the most effective rendering are the girls' right arm (the little finger is, ironically, a bit too long, but other than that the arm is ok) and her voluptuous lips; both of them are on the right track as it relates to shading and the use of hightlights. If you could enhance the rest of your picture so that it would share that same level of rendering, the girl would look noticeably better.

I don't know if you intended to follow the advice of the other anon, since I didn't mention the color palette in my comment, but I believe that you desaturated your picture a bit too much. Although the previous version was maybe a bit too striking color-wise, now instead it looks muted and kinda greyish. My suggestion is that you try to find a middle ground between those extremes.

Lastly, you should depict the seams of both sleeves of the t-shirt, just for the sake of accuracy.

>> No.6279325
File: 539 KB, 1000x1198, uhgiuhhlnjvalis(1)semi big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279327

How long have you been drawing? This looks great.

>> No.6279329

Maybe if you stopped replying to yourself with long ass paragraphs we would take you seriously but so far you have been such a joke in the last 2 years we wonder if you are being paid to shit this board up.

>> No.6279330
File: 22 KB, 297x323, 1648299815848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279336

You are unironically better than the other two schizos.

>> No.6279338


>> No.6279339

made me smile
very cute and by god it has soul
keep up anon

>> No.6279342

>other two schizos
Esdeath and?

>> No.6279346

The 7-1.5 year fail Akechi avatar one. You must be new here.

>> No.6279349
File: 89 KB, 571x701, 1656632848517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279363

Nice, but the line weight is all over the place though.
Captcha: 022222

>> No.6279367
File: 63 KB, 750x1000, BeatoOld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since 2018 actually which would be like... 4 years? But it's on-and-off, 2021 I barely drew, 2022 I hadn't drawn at all anything good so I'm getting back into shape you can see the progress of that drawing in the previous thread

But I had already painted this character on August 21, pic related. Huh... I could have used some tricks from that old drawing. Though that was completely digital and this one >>6279271 is painting over a real photo so it's be different

>> No.6279368
File: 296 KB, 820x1326, 892-8927059_post-banner-saga-character-portraits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man
The guy in the bottom right is the OC from 'The Banner Saga' though and I tried to do different facial expressions.
>Regarding the stylistic features of your work,
Style influences are among those yeah at least for the banner saga where they got their milk.

But if you think that I'm only a month away to be able to draw like that I'm flattered!

>Incidentally, I get a strong Yes Chad vibe from the head on the bottom left.
Yeah same when I saw it kek

>> No.6279373
File: 236 KB, 619x835, 98y7t6r7t8o9u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like this raikou a few weeks ago

>> No.6279378

and why is the hand still in sketch?

>> No.6279393
File: 555 KB, 1200x713, sketche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some practice

>> No.6279433
File: 993 KB, 2056x2992, 20220917_182024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw weird shit
Donutbe afraid

>> No.6279444

Is it correct to always draw with your Arm? Even on small lines?

>> No.6279453

You can use the weight of your arm guided by your wrist to effectuate small lines. But sometimes your wrist is necessary to use of course. Just try not to rely on it. Part of this comes with practicing 'concise' lines rather than small scratches, as it is much easier to make singular broad strokes with your arm than with your wrist, generally. I like to think of it more as leaning in directions with my arm unless say there's a big canvas and I need to sweep across it from the elbow or something

>> No.6279478

The cutest girls come when I draw with my dick, so maybe your arm isn't always the answer.

>> No.6279559

yes your proportions are perfect anon, and not just in the head but everywhere haha
fuck off

>> No.6279565

You draw with your whole body, adapting to what size and kind of stroke you want to make. For large strokes, you work from the shoulder, for medium strokes, the elbow, for small strokes the wrist, for very small strokes, the fingers. With traditional mediums like pencils and charcoal sticks you can use different grips too. With practice you can fluidly flow between different techniques. These are just guidelines, there's no rule you have to follow. Use different techniques to get the type of mark you want.

Watts explains the atelier approach:

Tim McBurnie explain further:

>> No.6279568

Sigh. Been two days and not one person has explained what they mean by "proportions".
What do you MEAN by proportions? Like in terms of definition. Why should I focus on proportions and what is proportions? In terms of anatomy, perspective, gesture, where does proportion fit in? Which book teaches proportion? Which chapter?
In other words what the fuck are you talking about? And where are my proportions wrong?

>> No.6279581
File: 2.58 MB, 1866x921, [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my intention with 3 was to have her hands on her butt


>> No.6279594

Have you tried not drawing anime shit

>> No.6279625

Thanks for the responses, I watched the videos.

>> No.6279639

>no one care to answer his stupid questions
people start to learn

>> No.6279655

>if i just make passive aggressive comments from the sidelines nobody will notice i havent posted my work
Like pottery.

>> No.6279656

all artists are horny all the time, its just not all of them that are honest about it

>> No.6279659


>> No.6279667


>> No.6279670

>god when do we get the next thread without schizos? Fuck this shit I'm gonna post on twitter instead. Cya nerds gonna get my infinite (You)s

>> No.6279675
File: 16 KB, 683x706, 1659914973936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279676

>manic episode

>> No.6279679

This looks godlike.
You are my inspiration anon, seriously. I'm trying to achieve what you drew except on trad. It looks perfect. Please give me advice on your approach, did you do gestures?

>> No.6279680

just AI

>> No.6279681

shit taste

>> No.6279682
File: 248 KB, 960x1280, art-271331-1663017067-extralarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was this drawn? What was this shaded in? I really like the texture and style, what do I need to do to draw like this?

>> No.6279684

Pyw bro, doubt you can draw like him.

>> No.6279693


>> No.6279695
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x709, test4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really appreciate some feedback.
What I've spotted:
left figure hand too small
left figure not shaded, shape of ribcage off

>> No.6279698

you need a charcoal pencil

>> No.6279707

that's one spooky arm

>> No.6279723

His best picture was "Astra on a motorbike" tell him to post that for you. He unironically lost a lot of gain after his break. The AI Beatric picture was OK, however, it's not Godlike. I made the comment just to insult you not him.

>> No.6279731
File: 648 KB, 1200x1920, maid hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6279739
File: 265 KB, 1280x958, 9F68A98F-8D34-46E5-A24F-A0171B137577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this look off?

>> No.6279744

Obviously I wasn't saying he was the next sakimichan, I meant that I really liked the drawing filled with soulful appeal. Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.6279812


>> No.6279842

The lowest corner's angle is acute instead of 90 degrees.

>> No.6279912
File: 786 KB, 1208x1322, gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redid my gestures while looking at Hampton examples. Feels like I'm getting better at gestures but not at drawing. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6279963
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, 1637797492439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides resident nodraw psycho, could anyone look this up >>6279120 ?
I could just redraw the eyes but i already did a few times and i don't want the paper to end up "mushy" or whatever the word is for extensive eraser usage on paper

Also, unrelated, what are some good sites to look up good artists? I've realised that i started drawing but i don't have a role model, which i imagine is quite helpful, no?

>> No.6279966

I'm not him, I'm new.

>> No.6279970

>I could just redraw the eyes
I could just redraw the eyes to the point i got it right*

>> No.6279977

stay away from sneedviantart unless you wanna draw fat blueberry bitches eating planes or something

>> No.6279979

Not anime enough and the ear is fucking high. Open anime drawing books for anime proportion.

>> No.6279980
File: 854 KB, 804x1032, animeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this help?

>> No.6280019
File: 27 KB, 892x175, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i did this course that is in no way promising me the ability to rotate boxes freehand with the accuracy of a ruler because i wanted to obtain the ability to rotate boxes freehand with the accuracy of a ruler
>i am literally stating for the record that i am fully aware of the purpose of this challenge, which is a demonstration that any preconceived notions of technical perfection are fundamentally flawed and that the skill of drawing *is* the ability to loosely approximate through constant, focused visual analysis and that this is required for even the most basic shapes
>this challenge did not help me learn how to not have to do that, what a shitty course lmao
this is what sub 85 IQ looks like

>> No.6280029

>replying to the resident schizo
don't make the same mistake I made

>> No.6280033

Hi Uncomfortable. Way to put words in my mouth. Drawabox claims you will magically learn perspective through the process of the 250 box challenge which one would assume includes rotating boxes. You aren't making a point at all and your course sucks. Be grateful that I gave you a chance.
Also your art sucks.

>> No.6280038

There are 2 types of unteachable people. Egotistic smart asses and mouth-breathers with delusion of grandeur. He's beyond help. Don't waste your energy.

>> No.6280052

People used to white-knight for him just because he's a beginner. However, after getting burnt by just interacting with and giving him advices, people just ignore him now. He shat on me and tell me to pmw just because I said that he needs to "feel the form" and should focus on grinding fundies first. 2 years later, he still draw like a 8 years old.

>> No.6280057
File: 165 KB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_20220917_173435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit by bit, we learn new things, and find new things to learn

>> No.6280086

So 8 year olds nowadays are so good at observation they get accused of tracing huh.>>6277867
>didn't grind fundies
So anatomy, gesture, perspective, portraits and figure drawing aren't fundies now? Your shit is all over the place. Try make up a more convincing lie, pyw or critique this >>6279912

>> No.6280089


>> No.6280094
File: 32 KB, 800x420, 1635771563a442936958e61885b3a60bbc275e7f4adea993cbb645c4326fc9d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plot twist: He carefully narrates his own long ass critiques in the 2nd person. It's why you see the oddball cheering him on but it's just him all along.

>> No.6280096
File: 399 KB, 1511x618, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get better at drawing faces and heads?
I have been stuying the asaro head and learned most of it but still can't do good faces/heads?
What exercises or theories should I learn?
What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6280102


@>>6280052 This is the same person btw

>> No.6280108

assume that every single statement written in a book or stated in a course is predicated on you having spent at least 100 full hours dilligently attempting to improve on your own by copying and drawing from imagination over the course of a year before you even opened the book
this is absolutely not a joke by the way and ignore the exceedingly rare exceptions, do not expect to be able to do something just because your groomer told you to

>> No.6280120

Can i get some drawing video, using glenn vilppu technique?

>> No.6280133

go to the video course thread friendo

>> No.6280142

look, i understand, but the truth is that people like this comprise the overwhelming majority of humanity and they are all virtually identical to one another already, just because this individual idiot doesn't understand does not mean that your public interaction is meaningless to the many people observing it from the outside
just pretend that every single post belongs to a different person because that's how this fucking anonymous imageboard was designed to be used; entering this schizophrenic who's who guessing game is actively encouraging these bad posters as it turns them into viral celebrities
look at this, do you want to become this?
civically, you can never afford to just ignore stupid people, pointless as it may feel: they multiply, it will become worse

>> No.6280173
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x2732, E80779A1-A103-438E-8229-10C64747BB43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my forms on this? I feel like it’s close to right but not quite there.

>> No.6280178

flip it horizontally

>> No.6280206
File: 820 KB, 4032x1960, 243634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through Will Westons course and trying to apply the shit he's talking about
It's hard when the figure isn't facing you head on

>> No.6280208

vertical lines fucking suck to draw, I always flip my sketchbook so I can draw it with an horizontal stroke but I dunno if it's a shit habit to develop

>> No.6280220

My head still stuck on Gesture drawing?
Should i move on out of it, studying other thing to do or should i keep trying to put my head into gesture drawing?

>> No.6280225

>implying anyone here can draw vertical lines
Tip: You cant, just for the fact that how elbow work, you will draw an arc more than an line
The better way to do is using dot, and ghost drawing

>> No.6280251
File: 563 KB, 1536x2048, 4141231321231231231231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody point everything what's wrong with the anatomy?

>> No.6280275

One hand is way bigger than the other

>> No.6280335

overhand grip plus using gravity (aka moving downwards not up) will help you it obviously won't be perfect

>> No.6280347
File: 628 KB, 1246x648, Faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, i'll look it up
Yeah that ear's all fucked up, thanks for bringing that up
>Open anime drawing books for anime proportion.
Any recommendations? Currently i'm doing FWAP to learn fundies so i could pick one up after im done with it
I'm especially looking for something similar like pic related (though i still haven't looked properly into what i'd want to be the endgoal) with more sharp/detailed artstyle (as much as anime style can be) rather than moe/eyes take up half of the face artstyle
That body build is alot more coherent, thank you
I don't want to be in any way rude or ignorant since you took your time to help me out. I'm pretty new to all this stuff, but isn't the mouth way too far from the chin? nose way too small and curved? and shouldn't her right eye be actually lower than her left one considering the angle of the face?

>> No.6280561
File: 965 KB, 656x1000, Webp.net-resizeimage (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally there were tons of gestures in the first year or two, even now occasionally I'll start throwing lines trying to create a flow but I wouldn't say that's exactly what will get you to draw & paint like this.
After filling like 10 pages worth of gesturing & quickposing in every corner I just started drawing what I liked. And then what I liked next. And it never stopped. Just draw what you like, post, read the critiques and draw your next piece. I wanna have fun so I count my pieces as practice and keep drawing demons, cowboys and whatever else.

As for the painting itself, it's a mind shift. You gotta start looking at parts like 'areas' or something..
First practice doing things in grayscale. It's where you will learn about the light and shadows, just think about it, if you add colors that opens up thousands if not a million of combinations from the getgo.
It's way easier to define contrast if you're just working with black, gray, and white. Do some drawings like that before getting into color. I mentioned that my painted witch probably wasn't as good as the gray one because I was trying to reach the same illumination while not knowing the colors very well.
I knew more of that a year ago.

Ohhh it's nice that someone remembers, indeed that's the peak though I also like 3 or 4 as much as that one. The ones with the dude in a black helmet and a metal dinosaur are hyper detailed as well, I lost some gains but let's remember these drawings I'm posting are done as I'm shaking in the bus in 1 hour, they're mostly glorified sketches. I can probably do something like pic related this Saturday or Sunday if I truly dedicate my full day to it.
Actually the best one wouldn't even be the bike one, it's the portrait of Astra looking all evil in a black coat.

>> No.6280569
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1477, FB_IMG_16634372155238142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is art

>> No.6280581
File: 27 KB, 540x425, tumblr_fe40b437256823812893c1112f647e22_6bc21b41_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty new to all this stuff, but
Np np, yeah probably
Good that you spot it, you can fuck around and find out.

>> No.6280584
File: 453 KB, 1000x946, FB_IMG_16631997459598163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is a grayscale painting. Do some of these, this one is what truly taught me to think in light and shadow areas VERIFICATION NOT -FUCKING- REQUIRED

>> No.6280614 [DELETED] 

What's the point of this thread? AI already draws better than art beginners.

>> No.6280618

what's the point of your existence, besides sucking massive amounts of cock, taking a shit on the street and getting hit by trains I mean?

>> No.6280666 [DELETED] 

pyw subhuman

>> No.6280672

Gonna make it, 100%

>> No.6280681

AI faggots asking for others to post their work getting trips of Satan. Checks out

>> No.6280683

projecting hard

>> No.6280689

Becouse i like drawing and want to get better at it, maybe even pull out paper sheet and a pencil to draw something without access to the internet or electricity itself
PYW, but note that putting in some prompts and AI assambling various stolen art pieces is not your work

>> No.6280714 [DELETED] 

Prompt is art. Digital art is just a series of paths anyways.

>> No.6280722

Looks a lot better than the previous one. I really like the shit eating grim that just says this person is up to no good.
It'd be cool to see it more fleshed out though, especially since that sideview tells us basically nothing.

>> No.6280729 [DELETED] 

this is AI

>> No.6280740 [DELETED] 

kill yourselves. Reminder to report aitards for off-topic.

>> No.6280760 [DELETED] 

AI art is definitely on topic because AI already draws better than artists.

>> No.6280772

Artists will still be relevant through OCs / character designs, as even with the correct prompts the AI wouldn't replicate 100% what I'm imagining it has to be created and drawn by the author first. Granted, once you DO create the character, the AI can probably scan it and draw it however you indicate it to.

>> No.6280787 [DELETED] 

>ai nigger asking for somebody's work
My sides
go take a bath in your shit filled "holy" river poojeet

>> No.6280791

Mods do your worthless fucking jobs already

>> No.6280822 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 962x962, the future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally getting the hang of refraction

>> No.6280838

wow this looks so good and drawn so well. Can I ask simple question... What brush you use to draw this? It look very real and human made

>> No.6280873 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 960x960, ur mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got good at drawing ugly women too

>> No.6280876

Anyone have another site for begs to use until the pajeets start getting banned? No reddit or discord shit preferred

>> No.6280879

Can you explain your reasoning that led you to here?
If you're angry that you can't draw then you just need to put more effort and time into it, people learn at different paces. There's no need to be bitter and show off something that holds 0 merit trying to demoralize /beg/s

>> No.6280882

Deviantart, twitch

>> No.6280885

No one is being demoralized. They are just trying to be as obnoxious as possible. Literally everyone will forget about this shit in a month because it's clearly extremely limited in what it can do. It's just the board has become unusable because of the blatant bot/pajeet shill posts

>> No.6280908
File: 886 KB, 3545x4941, Beardsley-peacockskirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm an anon from that same thread, the one who gave you a couple of suggestions for cloud shapes.

This is, simply put, a beautiful picture; your previous version was enthraling already, but the feelings conveyed by the subject matter of that drawing have been enhanced in both intensity and scope by this new rendition (you have even added a twinge of cuteness with the presence of that dog).

I'm kinda surprised to get such an Art Nouveau vibe from the new version; I don't know if you were influenced by his style, but the way you depicted the smoke using dotted lines somewhat reminds me of the work of Aubrey Beardsley (pic related).

My only nitpick would be that the smoke could have benefitted from the inclusion of some spirals here and there, especially in the areas with the largest and roundest volumes. Those spirals would help to give it a more gaseous appeareance, as well as a better sense of accretion and movement; try to think of them as if they were heaps of carpet-like smoke layers being rolled up by the wind.

>> No.6280967
File: 2.17 MB, 1620x1028, face2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried applying a few things out of your take and leaving out a few ones I realize now that the her left back hair should probably curve more towards her right side but i couldn't be bothered to take a pic again after changing it
It's not pretty but i'll leave it like that and just move on, i learned a bit, thank you again

>> No.6280978

I share that other anon's opinion on Reg's helmet, it already looks quite nice; those highlights on the purple lens and its frame help to give their respective surfaces accurately glassy and metallic appearances.

You would just need to apply a similar finish to the other side of his helmet, and I think it would be pretty much done; but, if you want to add some further flourish to it, you could try depicting a few thin scratches around the highlights, in order to give the helmet a more worn-out and aged appearance.

Here is tutorial video regarding a digital method of depicting scratches on metal:


>> No.6281030

Do any of you draw on perspective grids or is that a bad habit?

I find that even drawing two simple lines helps me visualize depth better

>> No.6281054

perspective grids are the quickest and easiest way to draw perspective. Much better than driving every line back to a vanishing point. Just get a grid then freehand on top of that

>> No.6281064
File: 634 KB, 700x920, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm also wondering how you're supposed to do cube rotations that way. Or warped cubes like this.

>> No.6281068

i thought this was esdeath

>> No.6281073

nope. don't use perspective grids to draw cubes

>> No.6281076

Ok, so what should I do for accurate rotations and warping?

>> No.6281077
File: 56 KB, 189x140, unibrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the flexibility of eyebrows allows for some extreme facial expressions, their mobility is still restricted by the anchoring of its muscles to the skull.

The eyebrows of the red-eyed girl are placed at such dissimilar heights that her face ends up looking asymmetrical, and since facial inaccuracies in proportion and anatomy are among the most distracting by default, the effect of her expression is generally undermined.

However intense the facial expression that you are trying to depict, and even if you’re drawing in a more cartoony style, your eyebrows should retain a sense of connection between them, and the point of reference in question should be the bridge of the nose.

I suggest that, when in doubt, you sketch a sort of unibrow line while sketching, so you can use it to guide you (pic related). If the unibrow looks too asymmetrical and angular, you should tweak the placement and shapes of the individual eyebrows until that connective line ends up looking more centered and sinuous.

>> No.6281081

Ernest Watson recommended you draw cubes from life. Lately I think that's the only way to do it. If you just draw simple shapes out of your imagination there's no way you'll know whether you're right. Get a tissue box and draw it dozens of times. (It's painful, but do it anyways)

>> No.6281082

Has anyone here drawn the fotm cyberpunk characters?

>> No.6281084

Ugh. Still hungover and tried to draw and it's like I'm a month behind on skill and motivation.
Anybody got a cheat sheet for ears? I'm tired of my ears looking two dimensional, but I tried giving them depth and they look too thin and weird.

>> No.6281087
File: 545 KB, 2048x1293, 1642098929649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cheat sheet is to do master copies. Copy the ear in this image, and post it

>> No.6281088

For weirder, more organic forms I was thinking about sculpting stuff in Blender for reference.
But you're right, doing the drawabox approach for a whole year has had very little payoff.

>> No.6281091

Anime hair curves and face structure still confuses the shit out of me. There definitely is 3d structure to it, but even with cross contouring it's hard to make sense of.

>> No.6281112
File: 1.14 MB, 816x1080, 2 months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I've been visiting this thread for 3 months but actually started drawing 2 months ago. Here's my attempt at the beginning of FWAP 2 months ago
I know i should've progressed way more but i do like 1 drawing a day on average, sometimes skipping a day too, i should definitely fix that and up the pace or i'll get nowhere.
I take a very long time to draw something even if it's just a quick and easy draw for someone else. I can't help but spend alot of time on even the simplest of things like part of hair placement becouse it doesn't look right to me. I'm mentally incapable of doing quick drawings

>> No.6281124

>this thread
this general*
Also >>6280967 was made using construction with my ref being the hair. Don't know if that changes anything

>> No.6281134
File: 430 KB, 692x798, Screenshot_20220917-174107-605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281150
File: 183 KB, 1429x1313, 1652423309553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6281152
File: 543 KB, 720x816, Screenshot_20220917-175305-777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281154

The rendering seems quite competent, but the lack of eye-catching details, coupled with the generally undifferenced lineart, gives the impression that you just traced over 3D models, hence the picture, although basically good, ends up feeling a bit stiff and artificial.

I would suggest that you follow the advice given to you the fourth anon who replied to your post, and that you attempt to give to your lines some subtle variations in thickness.

Regarding details, adding another rim of penumbra between the brighter areas and the darker ones would be a relatively easy way to add more interest to your shading, without having to modify its placement and shapes.

>> No.6281159

last thread had a couple
i drew a dumb meme >>6276870

>> No.6281176
File: 147 KB, 750x1000, 9 year old mad lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of these are particularly good, but I was doing them while having a nice conversation with the missus so... 1 of 2.

>> No.6281177
File: 159 KB, 750x1000, Mirai Gohan&#039;s student-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281241
File: 106 KB, 1473x939, 2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, this is hard. It's a lot of fun though, I ran out of time without realizing it. So I took anon's advice and subdivided it before outlining, and I tried to get more comfortable using 2 tones instead of 3. Idk it kind of looks worse?

I basically wasted the first hour getting left sketch, because I kept losing track of where the focal point was until I had a dumbfuck moment when I realized that the focal point is changing because my eyes are moving. I'm glad I'm doing this irl instead of from a photo. After that, I kind of just drew a box with its own focal point on the paper, then projected the subdivided blanket proportionally on the box. I still need to work on proportions a lot more.

I still can seem to wrap my head around reconciling the shading and the outline, especially with two tones. The second pic seems really flat to me.

I think the main thing that I'm struggling with is timing and proportion, or rather those are the areas that my dumb brain can pick out at the moment. I'll stick to a corner of the bedding instead of the whole thing, that way my eyes don't move as much, and I won't run out of time as easily.

>> No.6281250
File: 159 KB, 631x945, 170922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best i can do for now...
any tips to improve line quality?

>> No.6281263

very nice work! Now keep up a regular habit of drawing ears from different angles.

>> No.6281272
File: 2.06 MB, 1000x1333, potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jumping back into the grind after taking a 2 month break.
how can I stop drawing potato heads?

>> No.6281280

I got constructive anatomy and Bridgman's Drawing from Life because I'll be finishing my first go-through of Vilppu in a few weeks. But uhhh the anat book just looks like an abridged version of Guide to Life. Will it be good enough to learn from or should I get some expensive anatomy book like Goldfinger.

>> No.6281291

Take it slow

>> No.6281293

first is a failure
second one is an attempt
speak to women less

>> No.6281296

Don’t shade with black

>> No.6281314
File: 1.39 MB, 1719x1282, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is taking a while

>> No.6281316

Hey now, they were both attempts.
First head is absolutely fucked Admittedly, didn't bother to go fix it.
>ignoring your wife.
Equivalent exchange, We talk now or in bed which usually leads to stuff I'd rather avoid.

Regardless, words noted.
Will try to draw in a less distracted environment next time, just trying to fit it in anywhere with what could be argued is free time.

>> No.6281324 [DELETED] 

nigga you fart

>> No.6281330

Damn that's nice. How do you pick the color palette?

>> No.6281332

i just wanted to write a haiku, and hate women
do you mind sharing the ref for the trunks one? i want to give it a shot

>> No.6281347
File: 627 KB, 1766x1910, 1663209310498586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the more outgoing one of the two of us.
I think that would lead to something I wouldn't win, let's leave it at that.
I'll shut up now, because off topic.
Here, you could probably do better.

>> No.6281351
File: 560 KB, 1170x939, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally for this piece I started with warmer colours. I try to use as few colours as possible and then later add more depending on how I feel. I started with some relatively desaturated, flat colors and then tried to blend them all to the color of the light sources.

I feel like I probably need to push the values a lot more. Real happy with this grindstone, though.

>> No.6281354
File: 89 KB, 588x983, 1663459329002145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing on and off for years now but late last year I decided I was gonna actually sit down and bother trying.

I feel like I'm improving every time I finish something which is good, but it feels like I'm kinda just stumbling around figuring out what works and what doesn't. It also takes me very long (2-4 hours) to finish simple things because I don't really know what I'm doing.

>> No.6281355
File: 145 KB, 986x762, 1663459502297487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's basically scuffed bc of wack perspective etc. but I figure I'd still post it because why not

>> No.6281395 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 146x196, sections of the face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm the same anon that you replied to. After looking at your heads for a while, it strikes me that there are a few issues with their overall proportions and the placement of the facial features. While sketching a head, you ought to make sure that the area corresponding to the face is roughly divided into thirds (pic related).
You may already be aware of these guidelines, but you can take the following as a reminder: the distance from the hairline to the eyebrows should roughly be the same as that between the eyebrows and the base of the nose. On an average person, the mouth and chin are also encompassed by one of those thirds, but there is room for some individual variation, especially since the difference in jaw size is one of the most noticeable traits of sexual dimorphism.

About your lineart, I believe that you're halfway there in terms of achieving a level of fluidity and smoothness such as that of your reference; however, some of your lines still have a jagged appearance. When drawing curves, you should think of your hand as if it was a compass, with your wrist acting as both its needle point and its hinge; also, whenever possible, you ought to draw those lines in single swishy strokes.

If you need to cut short one of those curves for some reason, such as an abrupt change in direction, attempt to continue the line by placing your pen a little before its interruption, starting your new line by overdrawing over the ending section of the previous one (that way the breaks of the lines will be hardly noticeable).

Regarding hair, before sketching the individual strands, you should start by breaking down the initial silhouette of the hair into four major volumes, basically, one for the front, two for the sides, and a fourth one for the back of the head. Once you are satisfied with the basic shapes, you can begin to actually draw the individual strands of hair, adding as much details and flourishes as you want.

>> No.6281403 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 146x196, sections of the face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm the same anon that you replied to. After looking at your heads for a while, it strikes me that there are a few issues with their overall proportions and the placement of the facial features. While sketching a head, you ought to make sure that the area corresponding to the face is roughly divided into thirds (pic related).

You may already be aware of these guidelines, but you can take the following as a reminder: the distance from the hairline to the eyebrows should roughly be the same as that between the eyebrows and the base of the nose. On an average person, the mouth and chin are also encompassed by one of those thirds, but there is room for some individual variation, especially since the difference in jaw size is one of the most noticeable traits of sexual dimorphism.

About your lineart, I believe that you're halfway there in terms of achieving a level of fluidity and smoothness such as that of your reference; however, some of your lines still have a jagged appearance. When drawing curves, you should think of your hand as if it was a compass, with your wrist acting as both its needle point and its hinge; also, whenever possible, you ought to draw those lines in single swishy strokes.

If you need to cut short one of those curves for some reason, such as an abrupt change in direction, attempt to continue the line by placing your pen a little before its interruption, starting your new line by overdrawing on the ending section of the previous one (that way the breaks of the lines will be hardly noticeable).

Regarding hair, before sketching the individual strands, you should start by breaking down the initial silhouette of the hair into four major volumes, basically, one for the front, two for the sides, and a fourth one for the back of the head. Once you are satisfied with the basic shapes, you can begin to actually draw the individual strands of hair, adding as much details and flourishes as you want.

>> No.6281420
File: 17 KB, 146x196, sections of the face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm the same anon that you replied to. After looking at your heads for a while, it strikes me that there are a few issues with their overall proportions and the placement of the facial features. While sketching a head, you ought to make sure that the area corresponding to the face is roughly divided into thirds (pic related).

You may already be aware of these guidelines, but you can take the following as a reminder: the distance from the hairline to the eyebrows should roughly be the same as that between the eyebrows and the base of the nose. On an average person, the mouth and chin are also encompassed by one of those thirds, but there is room for some individual variation, especially since the difference in jaw size is one of the most noticeable traits of sexual dimorphism.

About your lineart, I believe that you're halfway there in terms of achieving a level of fluidity and smoothness such as that of your reference; however, some of your lines still have a jagged appearance. When drawing curves, you should think of your hand as if it was a compass, with your wrist acting as both its needle point and its hinge; also, whenever possible, you ought to draw those lines in single swishy strokes.

If you need to cut short one of those curves for some reason, such as an abrupt change in direction, attempt to continue the line by placing your pen a little before its interruption, starting your new line by overdrawing on the ending section of the previous one (that way the breaks of the lines will be hardly noticeable).

Regarding hair, before sketching the individual strands, you should start by breaking down the initial silhouette of the hair into four major volumes, basically, one for the front, two for the sides, and a fourth one for the back of the head. Once you are satisfied with the basic shapes, you can begin to actually draw the individual strands of hair, adding as much details and flourishes as you want.

>> No.6281499

Nothing wrong really, except the small hand.

>> No.6281507
File: 1.22 MB, 1400x787, 1_iqRcA6cC7rJXZ81apd7yNg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi again, I'm the anon from before.

>I tried to get more comfortable using 2 tones instead of 3. Idk it kind of looks worse?

I beg to differ. Judging by its appearance as this current stage, I believe that your new attempt has been successful. I like the ornamental shapes that you have given to the shadows cast by the folds. Accurate and appealing shapes are the backbone of two-tone drawings; that feeling of my gaze sliding up and down from the outlines of one shadow to those of the next is just delightful. Besides, I personally get a sort of anime-ish vibe from that bed (pic related).

>> No.6281581

There are obvious inconsistencies with proportion, but perhaps those are meant to be relevant traits of the character.

Is she supposed to be transforming? Or is she some sort of mutant?

>> No.6281608
File: 72 KB, 959x602, WhatsApp Image 2022-09-17 at 8.24.43 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to uh better my vanishing point skills by trying to draw something like an aqueduct. I think I mostly did it ok but I need to ask how does one draw arches that don't look weird (angle in a different way) and disproportionate concerning the rest of the image?
I've been having trouble with moving on to the next level now that I have the first part mostly completed.
Apart from that do any of you see some glaring problems with the drawing I just didn't notice?

>> No.6281630
File: 1.35 MB, 2560x1440, 110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleh. Hi beg.

find references of non-potato heads
less overthinking and more drawing anon. Dont be scared to make mistake, its just a paper after all. The legs of the aquaduct need to get progressively smaller as they go into the distance (and so the spaces between them) so at some point they will just merge into blurred line. Also draw from reference until you get gud.
Hello anon, welcome to BEG and enjoy the stay. I recommend you to draw in grayscale only (until you get better) and to pick one of the books from the stickies.
By drawing more

>> No.6281660

I'm curious about this too, but I'm pretty sure Scott Robertson covers it somewhere.

Remember that the minor axis of an ellipse goes towards the vanishing point, so I think you can apply this rule to symmetrical curves and such.

>> No.6281675 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 550x516, 19cdf63094630a169dbce9b02f410cd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If accuracy is what you really are after, the circles that define the inner curves of each arch should be inscribed in squares.

Then, over those squares, you ought to add lines in order to indicate the vertical, diagonal, and horizontal axes, four in total (pic related).

Also, to guarantee consistency, the points at which the diagonal axes intersect with the circumference should follow their own vanishing lines (pic related).

This method also works with the bases of cylinders.

>> No.6281691
File: 90 KB, 464x585, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some advice, how would you draw this piece of hair in blue from the side (profile angle)?

>> No.6281703
File: 81 KB, 550x516, 19cdf63094630a169dbce9b02f410cd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If accuracy is what you really are after, the circles that define the inner curves of each arch should be inscribed in squares.

First, over those squares, you ought to add lines in order to indicate the vertical, diagonal, and horizontal axes, four in total (pic related).

Also, to guarantee consistency, the points at which the diagonal axes intersect with the circumference should follow their own vanishing lines (pic related).

This method also works with the bases of cylinders.

>> No.6281725

Hey scribble anon. According to Huston, gesture is the most important part of drawing and is actually more important than structure or anatomy. Are you feeling it yet? I'm doing Hampton and I don't really feel the motivation to grind gesture as much as you.

>> No.6281752
File: 225 KB, 1017x734, sssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I still have some muscle memory from a few years back bouncing around since my gestures aren't absolutely dogshit despite doing them for the first time in years tonight.
I'm gonna watch Michael Hampton's analytical figure drawing and doing his homework assignments for fun, is there any other lectures I should watch for gesture and anatomy? I hear Vilppu is usually the go-to for the former.

>> No.6281891

Thanks mann :)

Well hi again, and thank you so much! I haven't looked into him before, I'm more familiar with Sidney Sime and Dore when it comes to inspiration, but I'll certainly look into Beardsley now. And I can't believe I didn't think of spirals, well, something for the next go. But thanks again for the praise and all the advice, I hope I'll have more to show soon!

>> No.6281899

how the hell do I into coloring and lighting/shading

>> No.6281907
File: 3.29 MB, 3152x1679, gesture48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my studies from the past 3 days. Am I studying enough or do I need to do more? Advice would be appreciated.

>> No.6281942

I just spent the last hour examining this post. Yep, I gotta say they are ALL symbol drawn. Keys to drawing is recommended

>> No.6282070 [DELETED] 

Meant to say "DRAW... while sketching", my bad.

>> No.6282076

Meant to say "DRAW... while sketching", my bad.

>> No.6282096

Very eerie, so good work on conveying the right kind of atmosphere; the designs of the monsters are certainly eye-catching.

I think it's overall an effective horror/sci-fi illustration, but I personally find the muscular torso of the creature in the middle to be, in terms of shading and texture, the most proficiently rendered part of your drawing.

I think the other two monsters would benefit noticeably from a similar approach to their shadows and highlights.

>> No.6282126 [DELETED] 

Assuming that it's a small side-ponytail. I would suggest that you keep the basic silhouette of a comma, but that you invert its direction, so that the tail points towards the eyes of the girl when seen in profile.

By choosing that alternative, you won't have to break your head so much about deciphering the volume of that piece of hair, and it'll remain both consistent and aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.6282127 [DELETED] 

Assuming that it's a small side-ponytail. I would suggest that you keep the basic silhouette of a comma, but that you invert its direction, so that the tail points towards the eyes of the girl when seen in profile.

By choosing that alternative, you won't have to break your head so much about deciphering the volume of that piece of hair, and it'll remain both consistent and aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.6282129

Assuming that it's a small side-ponytail. I would suggest that you keep the basic silhouette of a comma, but that you invert its direction, so that the tail points towards the eyes of the girl when seen in profile.

By choosing that alternative, you won't have to break your head so much about deciphering the volume of that piece of hair, and it'll remain both consistent and aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.6282165

Alright thanks man I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.6282284
File: 57 KB, 2680x1900, 1662690042055285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think gesture is probably even bigger BEG trap than construction. It doesnt teach you observation, it doesnt teach you accuracy. I cant deny that doing 99999 gestures will teach you SOMETHING in the end, but oh boy it must be the least efficient way how to learn drawing.

BUT the book said it extremly clear and simple: gesture isnt something you learn by watching or reading about, not even by copying it. You learn it by DOING it only. So i cant just stop in middle of book and call it the dumbest book i have ever read about drawing (out of all three books i read), that would be unfair. I have to suffer through all of it and then make the final verdict.

I think grinding gesture is great way for anons who need 4 hours to make one sketch. I think its great for anons who hate their own works. That is cures perfectionalism. That it can help people who make too stiff pictures. That it gives you line confidence and turns sketching phase from
>where the fuck i put the line
to effortless thinking-free flow full of lines. PIC kinda related. I would never make anything like this before i drew roughtly 400 gestures. It was done in ~10 seconds (minus the text) and it oozes the soul which ai art will never have.

So yes gesture teaches/trains something in your mute right hemisphere of your brain which is mostly used in art making. But i am hard pressed to put it into words which dont involve phrases like
>near useless
>beg trap
Nobody will ever look at your schizo scribbles and say: wow did you draw that? instead they will look at it and ask you if you are mentally well and if you dont need a hug or ssri pills.

And remember: gesture is like signature. When 9999 artists will make gesture of sitting man, with some struggle anyone should be able to identify it as sitting man. But not a single artist will draw it the same way. If you are trying to copy the way how somebody is making their gestures, you are doing it wrong. SCRIBBLE away if you must. Do it your way.

>> No.6282319

Welp. Another schizo in the making.

>> No.6282330

>BEG trap

>> No.6282343

The classic arrogant, egotistical, and smug beginner who think they know better than myriad of advanced artists and masters who come before them.

>> No.6282364

Everything you posted is ugly. I wouldn't use your scribled papers to wipe my ass because the crude messy ink would stain my ass hole.
You are coping real hard because you can't wrap your head around such simple concepts like constructions and gestures. You and esdeath schizo are on the same level. Imma call you scribzoid.

>> No.6282381

its very simple: if you are BEG you are better of learning fundies like observation and drawing what you fucking see from reference, among other things, just as all the books from sticky FOR BEGs preach.

if you are capable of drawing "perfectly" from observation then congrats you are probably not a beg anymore and beg-traps dont apply to INTs because you know they arent begs. In that case feel free to keep to your haptons wilpus and loomises.

tldr learn how to walk before you attempt running
>myriad of advanced artists and masters
exactly, ADVANCED, these guys copied 9999 things already so they dont need to anymore. Begs didnt. Hence its name: beg trap.

i agree. all the studies i am doing look ugly one way or another. and it is pissing me off a little. but to draw it differently i would violate the instructions the book gave me. its like experiement for me: sticking with it and see where it leads. in the worst case i will waste few more weeks and then bin it all. simple. until then i will have to suffer nicknames and contempt from fellow begs and crabs. i will endure cause art demands sacrifices.

>> No.6282405

Anon you're a /beg/ and you think you know what a beg trap is and isn't
Can you show me your progress? day 1 and day X that you are on right now?

>> No.6282439
File: 40 KB, 300x363, hawkeye-gough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok scribezoid!!! Lead thy life as thou seest fit.

>> No.6282499


>> No.6282616

Not the guy you're replying to, but I'm not seeing it, and I find it hard to believe you spent an hour.
For one thing there 27 minutes between your posts.
>symbol drawn
Stop diluting this concept. I'm not sending it, certainly not in "every one" of them.

>> No.6282887

I think it's good anon. I believe the surefire way to improving it is adding more shadows and making them dynamic enough to convey the emotions better/heavier. Keep up the good work.

>> No.6282969

Sever for people who can't even pick up a fucking pencil. All levels of noob are welcome:


>> No.6283073

did the worst live figure drawings today, put me in a terrible mood. Gonna go copy bridgman but angrily.

>> No.6283074

> It doesnt teach you observation, it doesnt teach you accuracy.
it literally teaches those two things retard. My sense of proportion shot up as I started doing gesture consistently.

>> No.6283121 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1500x1186, rubens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since my live drawing went terribly! today I'll post two Ruben's studies I did. Left is a 30 minute, right was an hour. Went kind of crazy showing form with cross contours on the left so tried to be a bit more subtle about it on the right.

Not trying to show value just form atm.

>> No.6283732

thank you kind anons

I used the sleek n tears gigachad photo as ref for the middle figure. Time for more ref hunting and thinking/reading about shading I guess.

>> No.6283870 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 2100x793, battlehammer02_process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6283882 [DELETED] 
File: 835 KB, 2100x755, adventurer03_process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is closer to what I usually do
I'll sketch a pose
Put blue on top with the clothes faces etc.
And then do the linework on top of that and start filling it in.

>> No.6284071
File: 128 KB, 524x658, screens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anatomy and perspective too hard man