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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.95 MB, 580x400, wwAEthVf2dWLEVJf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6278623 No.6278623 [Reply] [Original]

Drawing anime girl in real time

>> No.6278637

cute pfp maker and nothing more

>> No.6278699
File: 30 KB, 576x537, E0DV_FoXoAE6SfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6278706

it really is over, isnt it? i thought it was just bait and overhype but the reality is settling in.

>> No.6278710

Would this be good as a tool to teach you the feel of designing hair?

>> No.6278715

It's over

>> No.6278724

going to go die now bye

>> No.6278733

Lmao, I warned you niggas of this exact thing back in January. Only one guy bothered to pay attention to me. Who's crying now?

>> No.6278734

Nice, I can finally make my anime movie

>> No.6278756

that's a trap btw

>> No.6278758

Serves right the trannime pedos for wasting their time learning inane trannime garbage

>> No.6278767
File: 36 KB, 649x618, 1587350137203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI accelerating the waifuage
and of course /ic/ being the Grinch they are is unhappy with it.

>> No.6278792


This is the extent of your imagination? This is the ideas you've had trapped deep within the confines of your subconscious that you yearned for so long to get out SOOOOO very long. You're given a tool to finally break free from this gatekeeping limitation that has held you back for so long (fundamentals) and......


This is what you wanted to share with the world? A generic Vtuber head? Hmm.

>> No.6278795

>it really is over, isnt it?
If your goal was to draw repetitive anime heads for profiles, it was over before you picked up the pencil.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6278798

>anime heads for profiles
What's stopping them from making a version for full bodies in the future?

>> No.6278801
File: 1.80 MB, 2496x2688, 1663281731406915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A generic Vtuber head? Hmm.

>> No.6278802

what is it that you want to draw? Its literally over for all artists.

>> No.6278803


This is the extent of your imagination? A standing anime girl? Hmmm

>> No.6278804

this is good, you guys losing your job is a small price i'm willing to pay for this technology

>> No.6278805

Why are you always such a sourpuss?

>> No.6278807

You're arguing with a literal bot

>> No.6278808


>just lie down and take the verbal beating, artists! It's our time! This is payback for gatekeeping from us.
that's rude

>> No.6278827
File: 61 KB, 257x450, dcqfkbr-54eaa62e-867b-42d6-ab74-ee3f9427d9b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly cartoons that otakus and lolicons hate, but it was to much hate so I gave up, almost 2 monts and havent drawn a single thing.

>> No.6278828

unicorn riding a unicycle while juggling mini hippos

>> No.6278830

too* much

>> No.6278834

Over? It hasn't even begun yet. You will live to see machine-made horrors beyond your wildest nightmares.

>> No.6278854

Over? Why? I saw this on a different board hours ago and my first thought was “Wow, this is such an amazing tool to run through different ideas quickly in real time. How convenient!”
Tools like this are major time savers for artists, wish I would’ve had access to this years ago.

>> No.6278866
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, Cheese smell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai made this image I just prompted the following text raw, "a putrid image that would enrage the most calm Japanese Animation fanatic also konwsn as Otaku, please make it extra putrid"

>> No.6278867

I assume this is extremely limited, but that's actually sick. Looks like it'll be super useful for coming up with references and quick ideas. The only interesting AI thread

>> No.6278871

>amazing tool
what is there even left for u to do lmao
you are the AI's tool

>> No.6278872


>> No.6278874
File: 805 KB, 1280x720, Chilli Overload _ Boy Girl Cat Mouse Cheese 0-51 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish I coul train an AI to piss off pedo threads on /b/ until they make a fucking board for it!

>> No.6278879

I would use this to quicktest character face design ideas, that I would then draw in full poses in my own style.

>> No.6278881

what will u do once they can do full body poses?
do artists want to play a cat and mouse game with the AI?

>> No.6278884

You mean, like a 3d poser? That’s been around for years?
Idk, probably still just draw it myself in my own style or trace over it if I were feeling lazy. I don’t even use 3d posers now, even though I could (and probably should since I suck at foreshortening lol).

>> No.6278886
File: 311 KB, 1024x512, mspaintwafui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crude on both ends, but I gotta say... this feel like literal back magic.

>> No.6278901

>nipple hole

>> No.6278905
File: 979 KB, 305x320, 082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even worth learning how to draw anymore

>> No.6278914
File: 72 KB, 634x798, 1663383243451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6278920

nigga people who do stick figures have made it more than you
>you were always ngmi

>> No.6278941

Yes, I actually think art is going to take new paths and adapt, one of which will be live drawing will increase in value.
Remember those old Sycra streams where it was a group of artists drawing and chatting? An AI can't really replace that, since the end result was never the point. Similarly, I imagine new art contests will emerge in which artists are tasked with making images live on a stage within a certain time limit.
In an era where all images are AI-made, people who can still do it by hand will be will stand out even more as masters of a unique ability.
>tl;dr learn to be Kim Jung Gi

>> No.6278978
File: 798 KB, 2372x1162, thefuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember those old Sycra streams where it was a group of artists drawing and chatting? An AI can't really replace that, since the end result was never the point. Similarly, I imagine new art contests will emerge in which artists are tasked with making images live on a stage within a certain time limit.
>In an era where all images are AI-made, people who can still do it by hand will be will stand out even more as masters of a unique ability.
lol, this too won't be for long. Asian genes will soon become DLC.

>> No.6278987
File: 25 KB, 750x422, -mcdowell-panicked-and-scratched-his-cornea-while-shooting-the-eye-clamp-scene-photo-u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like your buying up hype that's been theoretical for a long time but doesn't translate well into the real world. Or will ever be used for the things you imagine

>> No.6278988

2 more weeks! where's your self-driving car bro?

>> No.6278989

I won't hold my breath, this just sounds like sci-fi at this point. And even if it isn't, what's the downside of becoming a super genius overnight?

>> No.6278991
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x1082, 161455797311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this is great.

Imagine an architect board defending laying bricks as fundamental to the art of architecture.

Maybe a computer will then automate the laying of bricks and I actually fucking put my time to actually fucking design the idea and just hit some buttons and get a full pixiv quality chapter in 1 hour.

Maybe I'll be able to finish a one piece manga in a couple months instead of 20 years.

>> No.6278992

prob a flowers for algernon moment if its temporary or causes faster neural deterioration

>> No.6278996

Stop avoiding filters nigger op.

>> No.6278998

no anon that's procrastination
>and it's only gonna get worse

>> No.6279001

fuck you, I want to make my pokemon doujins with the level of pixiv elite art, not waste my life doing fundies.


>> No.6279004

Where's your software generating high end artwork at the click of a few buttons?
Oh wait...

>> No.6279007


>> No.6279032
File: 473 KB, 1600x900, better-than-ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, this one has better interface, plus accessories and you can even bang her.

>> No.6279049

every tesla has autopilot, you shitfart
the reason there are no completely autonomous vehicles on the street is that any accident will cost the company a lot

>> No.6279051

If you’re stupid enough to chip your brain up what is stopping them down the line from forcing ads and tier gating your brain by subscription status? Any and every thought you produce for an IP is taken and stored by Disney for copyright because that thought was “assisted” by the BMI.

>> No.6279060

you are missing the point, peabrain

>> No.6279064

Left: SOUL

>> No.6279081

>Muh Autopilot!
Shut the fuck up. Where is your self-driving car? What's the accident rate? twice as high as human drivers.

>> No.6279118

no you shut up
i'm completely capable of physically dominating you

>> No.6279133

you sound like a bitch boi anon

>> No.6279189
File: 230 KB, 718x720, Dropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the name of the program in the OP?

>> No.6279245

You sound very gay. I don't fight.

>> No.6279760

If AI art can kill this modern western style art that looks like it's drawn by children that alone will make it worth it.

>> No.6279775

Only thing your shit ai clownisms acomplished is finally put the last nail in /ic. And it`s gonna drag for tf how long. Fuck you. And your meme Ai`s. Turned ic into a zoomer discord. Fuck you all Ai and meme posters. Fuck you all.

>> No.6280032

It's not released yet, some japs are working on it, found on twitter

>> No.6280597


>> No.6280610

It's really fucking over. How will artists even compete?

>> No.6280617

They can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.6280698

>Only thing your shit ai clownisms acomplished is finally put the last nail in /ic
good, we should all migrate to /i/, the better drawfag board

>> No.6280704

>This is the extent of your imagination?
Do you not immediately see that one could have such a thing for trees. Or for traversing through the latent space of an artist's works or types of material or...

Realize your myopic lack of creative thinking and then re-read your embarrassing "dunk", and know that you are a fool.

>> No.6280870

What point?

That creative people still make good stuff no matter the tool?

That the vast majority of /g/uys still suck at drawing no matter if you give them the way to reduce the work from 1 day of wacom scratching and photoshop effects to half a minute of throwing keywords at the algorithm?

By the end of the day fast produced procedural hot trash is still still hot trash and non commercially viable.

>> No.6280894

Made tracing few hundreds of bucks just by tracing koikatsu in a few hours.

I wasn't proud but it helped with the bills, considering I only draw furry but retards insist on having me draw humans it was worth it.

I feel the same about AI, wont be using it instead of me doing the work, but if i get too lazy i will use it to churn out some quick animus for retards while I trace on top some good anaromy on it.

>> No.6280898

Is this the extent of your reply? Is this what you thought of deep within your walnut-sized cortex? You're given hours of time to formulate a comeback and...


This is what you respond with? A deflection from what I stated? Huh.

>> No.6280901

Post your koikatsu tracings.

>> No.6280902

Why aren't you proud of it? Tracing over AI will be how artists rapidly increase the quality of their work from now on.

>> No.6280936
File: 2.49 MB, 1500x1044, just-do-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I feel people are getting obsessed with being "le artiste", so, ok, if you can draw with pencils 2B that's great:


But if you can just take an AI-made model or even a real-life pic and work over it into a good illustration with less hours of work then all the better, you are producing more stuff for less effort.

So, what state of it is this one? Acceptance?

Yeah acceptance, get on with it /ic/, start producing some good shit because the garbage the /g/uys are throwing all over 4chan needs some serious photoshoping

>> No.6281132

For fun? Sure. For a career path? Absolutely no.

>> No.6281148

It's like /ic/ is a bodybuilding club and /g/ is raiding the threads because they bought a bunch of steroids.

nigga, the fun of the thing is waking up early, doing your series and eating healthy to get swole, nobody gives a shit if you are injecting some horse hormones to get big.

>> No.6281156

What program/app/model is this?

>> No.6281169

But you are not drawing the right. You are drawing the left. Jannies don't be dumbfucks thinking you can allow loopholes like this.

>> No.6281172

Did you just compare comic artists to brick layers
You must be a real idea guy
Gib idea plz I'm starving

>> No.6281803

Yeah, I think most of the people who come here are just hobbists who do drawings in their free time to enjoy a bit of manual labour and receive some praise for people with similar interests, for what I have seen actual professional illustrators are already learning to use Stable Diffusion and DALLE to shortcut their job in order to make more stuff faster.

It's a bit painful to see some people here either trolling or falling for the trolls, it speaks of the low self-appreciation and lack of self-esteem and adaptability many folks out there suffer.

>> No.6281818

What's that dumbass-looking m shaped hair part called and why is it so common in anime?
Also, feed it a Loomis head and see how it responds.

>> No.6281824

>nigga, the fun of the thing is waking up early, doing your series and eating healthy to get swole, nobody gives a shit if you are injecting some horse hormones to get big.
Go on /fit/ and you'll realize that's not true. Stay on /fit/ and you'll realize it's true because the people who think like thay are all fucked in the head.
I guess by this analogy that'll mean art will become even more unapproachable to newcomers. Shame

>> No.6281840

Nooooooooo now I won't be able to get rich off completely generic anime heads!!!! :(

>> No.6281842

this but unironic

>> No.6281847

Hand drawn art is the same as rent seeking.
Artists think they "own" art. They don't. Now that AI can do a better job, /ic/ is throwing a hissy fit.

>> No.6281858

nigga most prob won't make it big with art but for a good portion its better than selling out and doing the trendiest bullshit
>you never were into art to begin with

>> No.6282037

You don't get it, open google and type, you will get tons of images of higher quality than the ones this app can make, yet, people still enjoy to make their own stuff, sure, some would like a shortcut, that's fair, particularly when you are on a schedule, but as an experience we are enjoying the journey, the sense of challenge, this is why people still go for a walk, cook their own food, climb mountains, sculpt and paint miniatures and so on.

You seems to be paying for goods instead of experience so we can guess you don't make really much money, IT intern fresh out of the boot camp, eh?

And why don't you post your AI generated works?

>> No.6282043

yes, it's over, we can hear the rupees jingle in your pocket from the mile, try another one

>> No.6282049
File: 209 KB, 512x512, 1663295373700070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI bad

>> No.6282050
File: 570 KB, 4096x3239, 6cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ai is art

>> No.6282054

Doesn't matter, as long commission cucks die out I'm supporting AI. The artist community was full of blacked nigger, fixed fatties, furryfilth, faggots and trannies, queers. They will all lose their jobs. Makes me happy.

>> No.6282056

>I have seen actual professional illustrators are already learning to use Stable Diffusion and DALLE to shortcut their job in order to make more stuff faster.
Who are the artists that are doing this? With the time you spend editing these Frankenstein ai mishmash images you might as well just draw something.

>> No.6282059

>The artist community was full of blacked nigger, fixed fatties, furryfilth, faggots and trannies, queers.
You do realize this also applies to the programmers who are banking off this AI stuff

>> No.6282062

Lol nigger this will literally happen to everyone. By the time AI art becomes good and easy to produce exactly what you want, it will have replaced a shitton of other jobs.

>> No.6282067

Great, I hope doctors are next.

>> No.6282077
File: 33 KB, 612x604, 8e9x9jsbyw801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post: AI Diffusion Pepe the Frog
>Post: Reply: "Wow this is crazy. Artists are going to seethe at this."
>Post: Reply: "This is almost scary! It's over for us humans, isn't it?"
>Post: Reply: "What program is this? This is cool!"
>Post: Reply: "Check out our general on /g/."
>Post: Elsa AI collage
>Post: Anime Girl AI variant
>Post: Pepe AI variant
>Post: Wojak AI variant
>Post: reply: "Artists are going to be out of the job soon!"
>Post: reply: "What prompt did you use?"
>Post: Reply: "These are the funniest things on the site in years!"
>Post: reply: "Artists are seething. Check out our general the tutorial on general!"
>Post: Reply: "Wow this is scary! This program is too good!"
>Queue Reply Chain For Reposts

>> No.6282085

kek they could already create medical algorithms by compressing data, but doctors have strong boards and unions, in my country there are caps on how many can study it each year to keep salaries high, no way would AI be allowed unregulated in that field

>> No.6282088

not happening, human/human type of professions are the last to be replaced

>> No.6282110

"You have no taste, you have no interest, you cannot notice your own image distortions. You are just a pathetic narcissist nobody is interested in.
All comments you leave on /ic/ are self humiliation. Nobody takes you seriously. You are just a toy player. And every thread it becomes more obvious. You have no support and every time posting something you need to write ten more fake messages to yourself to feel no anxiety about how pathetic it is.
You have no taste. Thousands of hours of painting have allowed artists to sniff out your ai-faggotry with incredible efficiency. Even painting over ai generations looks uncanny and unnatural to a man. You know only surnames of artists from the first page of google. And even if you manage to take a part in discussion about art it ends up with furries, mediocre landscapes and conveyor portraits that look exactly the same.
You have no skills but sitting on a chair moving sliders, because everything else requires power and motivation you will never have, you are the biggest mistake your parents made in their life. You praise your own programming skills because you only know them and capable of learning nothing more.
AI optimization is that bad it requires tens of gigabytes for shuffling images from people who can make them in two hours with pentium dual core and 2gigabytes of ram, even without a GPU. Trannies own your ass and all software you have. It never will be used at full capacity, because you can't make prompts you like, only what current agenda wants.
You will never sell a picture of what you've done, you stole everything and nothing is yours, you are just a jew-third person, who's opinion doesn't matter. Every person purchasing your generated shit is tasteless. Even choosing a picture is impossible to you, because they all are shit. Every board you come people call you a pervert and ask you to leave.
This is how it ends. Everyone has no interest in you. You don't matter."

>> No.6282118

left looks better

>> No.6282136

>Imagine an architect board defending laying bricks as fundamental to the art of architecture.
understanding the grain of the material (the what and how and why) is FUNDAMENTAL for any art form

>> No.6282138

Architects don't lay bricks. They've never laid bricks. fucking dumbass

>> No.6282200

Not to mention your illustrations would looks like the next guy's illustrations because they're all AI. I don't know, seems like a dumb thing to do to me.

>> No.6282207

abubu is one, but he already can barely draw and relies heavily on tracing 3D models and the like. boomer artists like yoshitoshi abe who have already had their career and are basically retired and just draw for fun seem to like messing around with it although masahiro ito said he was waging war on AI lol

>> No.6282432
File: 209 KB, 1200x675, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Ai has been a thing since 2016...

>> No.6282473

Ok but now draw her getting knocked up by a dog

>> No.6282487

This also looks better than SD lmao.

>> No.6282497

putting ic in the icu lmao

>> No.6282512

tracers must be salivating LMAO
just generate something and then trace over it/fix it slightly then pass it off as your own artwork and no one can ever track down the original reference you copied anymore

to piss of people just ask for their prompt whenever they post any artwork in 2022+

>> No.6282515

Sooo, guys what jobs are available for a third world coomission artist? Just when I started getting work AI decides to make it obsolete

>> No.6282523

If you traced you still drew it didn't you? Ilya got big by pretty much tracing all the time.

>> No.6282793

What program is this?

>> No.6282848
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, 1622705761116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point it's guaranteed that we'll have this same tech but for full body figures by the end of the year. Prepare for the artcel mass suicide.

>> No.6282874

At his point I can't understand if this is shitposting or it is actually serious.

>> No.6282910

>quality of their work
nah, just the quantity

>> No.6283002

What program

>> No.6283013
File: 57 KB, 500x508, 6tutv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283018
File: 90 KB, 500x544, 6tuu8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283026

Stable Diffusion running locally with the 1.4 Wafui Weights and models. MS paint image was place through img2img with de noise set to 8

>> No.6283030
File: 95 KB, 500x500, 6tuv7v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283033

>reddit filename
oh boy

>> No.6283068 [DELETED] 

It's a tool
Blender didn't ruin artists
Koikatsu didn't ruin artists
This won't ruin artists

>> No.6283070

It's a tool
Blender didn't ruin artists
Koikatsu didn't ruin artists
This won't ruin artists

>> No.6283082

>tech bros still haven't released an ai that can complete a character from a shorthand rough based on a model sheet despite the technology for it clearly existing.
It's like you guys don't want to change the world by revolutionizing the animation pipeline.

>> No.6283106

It's over, isn't? On one hand I'm happy I can draw purely for the enjoyment of it, but on another, I'm scared of going back to my alternative career.

>> No.6284029

anon, i think you should replace the indian logo with bots

fuck you 4chan bots,

>> No.6284030

at least use less grammar points and don't put an omega at the end, pajeet

>> No.6284172
File: 24 KB, 159x158, 1658364123515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel bro

>> No.6284182

This will be something actually useful and revolutionary. Once animation doesn't require a whole team of drones to produce quickly, all artists will be able to become animators, and that will be awesome

>> No.6284614

first it's fewer not less
second wtf are grammar points and omega?
third i think you are the pajeet here

>> No.6284674

Tracing is a standard practice in all of commercial art. There's no reason to not use a tool when your end goal is to produce a requested design within a set time limit. This has nothing to do with AI, it's literally just a reasonable approach to the problem.
Skilled artists will make good work with tracing while those lacking skill won't. Same with photography, 3D and AI.

>> No.6284815

Link to program OP?

>> No.6284817

It's a vtuber model app being developed by the vroid team

>> No.6284947

I downloaded this thing. It sucks, and does nothing remotely similar to the webm. It's a detailed skyrim character editor at best.

>> No.6285094
File: 44 KB, 333x500, tenm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man understands. why all the talk about truck drivers becoming jobless (hearing it for a decade now already, still not happening) but not doctors or lawyers, when anyone who understands a bit this A"I" shit knows that it's WAY better suited for that kind of 'replacement'? because, of course, doctors and lawyers have political power while drivers don't. (despite the fact that if all truckers stop working tomorrow the society is in chaos in a couple of days, while if doctors stop, true, there's substantial suffering for some people but the things go on just fine overall, and if lawyers stop... eh, i can't see the downside.) all the SD, dalle, etc bullshit is a small (and frankly, quite uninteresting) skirmish in a way larger battle.

>> No.6285147

It's not over if drawing is an end and not a mean. People still paint after the camera was invented.

>> No.6285192

It's not over if people want good quality shit.
And also why doompost over a fucking VTuber head generator. Which by the looks of it doesn't even use Stable Diffusion.

>> No.6285214

they haven't released the app that is featured in the webm yet

>> No.6285363

peak ngmi

>> No.6285482

This is true...until you realize that this fun little hobby isn't paying the bills, will never be appreciated by friends or relatives except on a superficial level unless they know a bit more about art than the average person, and requires countless hours burnt with the knowledge that most likely your works will never be remembered since they are nowhere near the level of a Rembrandt or Caravaggio or Dali or Miyazaki etc....

Eventually, as other diversions, commitments, potential relationships, and addictions stack up, you'll be placed at various crossroads: "Do I try my luck at the dating game or spend a bit more time on this piece?", "Do I watch this cool new show or get back to the grind?", "I'm going to get laid off but I need to upskill with something relevant, should I try learning something practical or work on my composition?", "I should spend time with my wife and kids. I can leave painting this off for another day."

Those who are lucky enough have lives beyond art, with social commitments that they have to maintain, will see less of a reason to continue with their craft. Those that don't are likely losers in a whole lot of other areas and have to deal with their increasing insecurities as the mere enjoyment of the 'challenge' no longer suffices to distract them from the massive void that is their life. Of course, this struggle plays out in every niche hobby, from speedrunning to chess to streaming to aiming to be a pro gamer. AI Art will just increase the pressure that one feels when making all these choices by greatly devaluing the external merits of the profession.

Of course, if you're the next Picasso or something and do have that visionary thing that you know AI definitely won't be able to replicate unless they have the same sort of historical embodied consciousnesses, then this isn't an issue at all.

>> No.6285484

>This is true...until you realize that this fun little hobby isn't paying the bills, will never be appreciated by friends or relatives except on a superficial level unless they know a bit more about art than the average person, and requires countless hours burnt with the knowledge that most likely your works will never be remembered since they are nowhere near the level of a Rembrandt or Caravaggio or Dali or Miyazaki etc....
No one is going to give a shit if you generate AI art, but people will appreciate if you scribble something nice in front of them.
What a dumbass fucking argument.

>> No.6285496

Most people are happy enough to get something no matter what skill level it is, as long as you put your feelings into it, but is having a birthday portrait praised by a friend or parent really enough to drive you to dedicate several thousands more hours into a craft that will likely never see much traction or profit in an AI hellscape?

>> No.6285518

because stable diffusion was trained on normie artists and a bit of wlop, so if you ask for anime it pulls from the few deviant art references it has

>> No.6285583

Yes? Why it wouldn't?
The only depressing thing about AI art is that big companies are going to put out polished turds by the truckload

>> No.6285892

So nothing changes

>> No.6285963

just when i thought tranime couldn't possibly get any more generic and soulless.

>> No.6285968

Except now they won't have to pay any employees to make their products. It's a corporations wet dream.

>> No.6285973

Anime was already being placed against the wall with the popularization of mahua and SEAcrap, now they're calling in the shots with this AIshit. Everyone should jump out of the ship

>> No.6285978
File: 23 KB, 666x461, 1693848585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could have prevented this

>> No.6285994

didnt read lol

>> No.6286061


>> No.6286063
File: 2.94 MB, 926x720, 1662003613335669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6286073
File: 543 KB, 512x512, critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of me hates cross-board drama, but part of me thinks it would be hilarious and very effective if /ic/ started critiquing /sdg/
It's too easy to start ignoring ridiculous problems in AI generation if you've been generating a lot of it, and this would cut into the weird dopameme "I made this" feelings one can get from attachment to creative expression without any personal involvement

>> No.6286076

Am I meant to be impressed by this

>> No.6286079

What are the chances you would be responding to a bot dumping its AI generation folder in the thread just to bump it? Considerable enough for me to the point that the trolling would have diminishing returns

>> No.6286082
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homo augmentus

you can't make this shit up

>> No.6286083

>thiwaifudoesnotexist but controlled parameters

>> No.6286084

is it not actually artists critiquing the work of Ai that's helping the programmers improve their algorithms?

why would i help those faggots out in any way? let them Dunning Kruger themselves into obscurity.

>> No.6286093

I don't know about this stuff, why would the ruling powers that be allow redditors to have superintelligence and not fall for the MSM anymore, seems like a step backward from all the lobotomy buildup they made this century. Too many people tuning their brain and metabolism to master stock investments or become super soldiers because the keanu reeves neural dataset was leaked could pose a complete overturning of the world order

>> No.6286112

still wrong. all this whining about AI is so shortsighted, one day it'll be the popular opinion that AI is a great tool for artists to use, like digital drawing was when that became viable for the everyman, or 3d modelling programs for sculptors and animators.

I remember when tradfags were saying "hurr durr its not real art" when people were starting to do digital stuff, but now people realize it doesnt matter because its all toolz no rulez. paradigms shift, trends come and go but people will always be important to the artmaking process, and if that's the case then someone's getting paid

>> No.6286119

>AI is a great tool for artists to use
Good thing now everyone can be an artist or copy an artist lmao

>> No.6286127

>I remember when tradfags were saying "hurr durr its not real art" when people were starting to do digital stuff
People STILL say that. Not as much as they used to maybe, but people still perceive a difference between trad and digital art. Some people still pay a premium for trad and many artists would be sad to see trad die out completely. It also depends on exactly what kind of digital art you’re doing: if you’re just taking advantage of basic digital tools like zoom/move/resize/etc but you’re still basically drawing and coloring everything by hand, most people won’t perceive that as being all that different from trad. But if you’re full on photobashing, liquify, using textures and filters you didn’t create yourself, then people do start to think of that as a separate sort of thing. And it’s definitely not as respected as drawing everything by hand. /ic/ has always disliked photobashing, way before AI.
All this is to say that there are many gray areas and it depends on what tools you’re using and how. It’s not just “digital used to be bad and now it’s good, the end”. It’s a sliding scale.
AI is even further towards the “not art” end of the scale than photobashing, and accordingly I think it will get even less respect than photobashing. There will be people who try to push it as being just as valid as trad art, but there will also always be people who reject that.
Of course industry’s motto will always be “no rules just tools” but fuck them, they actively make the world a worse place with all the soulless shit they pump out.

>> No.6286207


Remember if a company uses AI on their shit it means it's free for all for anyone to use for anything.

And if artists were getting the short end of the stick in said company, there would absolutely be some whistleblower revealing the use of AI internally.

>> No.6287472

Hopefully it's over for tranime fags and their lack of imagination, yes

>> No.6287496
File: 456 KB, 799x751, Screenshot_20220921-180641-689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.6287703

whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.6287704

The sun has dawned.