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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6276624 No.6276624 [Reply] [Original]

Why are "western anime" art styles, and sometimes even more cartoony anime styles like Trigger works looked down upon by turbo-weebs?

>> No.6276626

Obscene Bulge

>> No.6276634

implying their opinion matters
gay thread

>> No.6276656


>> No.6276661

hilda sexo

>> No.6276666

sexo hilda cunny uooohhhh

>> No.6276669

I haven't seen anyone complain about Trigger's art style.

>> No.6276676

Some people on /a/ do to the point they say it shouldn't be considered anime but westoid cartoon

>> No.6276681

I think the presence of noses puts them off.

>> No.6276695

Because they would rather look up the the homogenous style isekais and other brain-rotting animes on crunchyroll have conditioned them into liking.

>> No.6276698
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Stop making up shit, nigger, last thread was about "why does everyone who draws badly is considered a child".

Kill yourself with your non-thread.

Trigger has indisputably a great art style, but their stories are dogshit and they should in fact get out of Japan if they're not going to ever deliver.

>> No.6277177
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i don't know. I have nothing to say about this topic.

>> No.6277654

>good stories
pick one lol

>> No.6277722

the art style belongs to kazuya tsurumaki and hideaki anno and it's almost 30 years old at this point, literally every single inbetween is from FLCL/abenobashi and every still is from eva/diebuster, plus nadia and others
trigger hasn't created fucking anything new(including direction and stories, awful as trigger shit may be, it's not even original) and i'm counting gurren lagann as trigger
outside of eva i don't even like any of these shows

>> No.6277751

because they deluded themselves, most likely at a pretty impressionable age, into this worldview where Japanese people are these wholly original god authorities on anything aesthetic-related that were DEFINITELY not heavily influenced by western works of art, spent a considerable amount of time and possibly money on merchandise and support for the creators and are now experiencing heavy sunk cost fallacy after realizing that anime isn't really anything special and is just another in the infinite line of creators from across the world influencing and inspiring one another

>> No.6277941

a cartoon would never be that detailed... or have perspective and depth like that. cartoons are so flat that the background art and the characters are maded completely separated and in a way they can just drop the characters in any background on a scene happeing in said place, kind of like how sitcoms are filmed.

>> No.6277983
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 932266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western trannies abuse rounded corners. Even the most kawaii anime doesn't do that.
They take art theory too seriously eg (square=sturdy, circle=mommy)

>> No.6278026

the pic you posted literally does that you blind retard

>> No.6278062

Use your eyes tranny.

>> No.6278075

you first

>> No.6278084

I know you won't reply because you will be proven wrong but meh
Hair is like droplets of water in OPs pic. If that isn't abusing round corners idk what it is.
Anime uses spiky (scary!) hair, hands, and eyelashes. Even the graphic design there isn't rounded.

>> No.6278089
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Everything western is round these days. And its boring.

>> No.6278099

it has round and sharp edges even here >>6278089
this is the problem, I can't tell if this is just an extreme case of tunnel vision or sunk cost fallacy or maybe both with you people
you have non-tastes

>> No.6278249
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Weebs really incarnate everything that is wrong with people today
>self-hatred and sense of inferiority, hate for their country/roots yet do nothing to improve it but instead dwell on grass is greener shit
>massive sense of entitlement over an industry they don't even support since they only read scanlations
>thinking that Japan = weebshit when mangaka outside of Eichiiro Oda tier celebrity are reviled as useless failures of society
>bringing down other delusional weebshitters out of narcissism instead of forming a community
>maximum conformity, everything but underage anime girls is "unappealing" no matter the subject or context
>rampant degeneracy they can't shut the fuck up while claiming it's something else, worse than furfags but they complain about furfags for being obnoxious

>> No.6278258

Noses and proportions. In some cases the looney tunes type exaggeration of the animation might put some weebs off. But it's mainly about the proportions. Especially noses.

>> No.6278327
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Camera work goes a long way, most interactions with the BG aren't even that complex, but the fact that they zoom on things mades all the difference. Cartoons are just standing there, full body, like 1920s cinema when people didn't want to see actors cut in half and directors thought it preposterous to pay for a full movie star and only get half of him recorded.


>> No.6280575

>sOmE pEoPLe oN /a/

>> No.6282772

because it doesnt look like anime and they like anime, did you think about this at all?

>> No.6282790

Ugly cancer shit, how can people waste time watching this unaesthetic trash, let alone draw it. Westoids conditioned to have shit taste since they're born lmao

>> No.6283712

why does she look lewd?

>> No.6283714

As opposed to?...

>> No.6284041

Why the fuck are her arms out to the side in an A pose instead of pointing forward

>> No.6286705

I dont like trigger for the most part, something about the animation just rubs me the wrong way. I can acnollage that its good, but I can still not like the style.

>"western anime" art styles
because they lack what makes anime look like anime much of the time. look at most anime and how they cut corners to look good on a budget, how they save their budget for major scenes, and then look at 'western anime style' stuff that just adopts a pseudo anime style and all the shortcoming of anime but still wants to be a western cartoon in how they frame things, all while spreading the budget thin throughout the thing, making the shit that if they framed it better look like hell and waste money, and not have the budget to make the big things animated well.

if we are just talking about western anime in terms of stills, its honestly more of a cartoon with a bit better style...

anime more or less got its start because of disney.
anime then gets inspired by certain western things,
but you fucking tell me, western cal arts style or damn near any anime, which looks better, and even the worst of the generic isekai looks like a masterpiece in comparison. it doesn't hurt that at least in english speaking parts of the western world animation is treated as a children's media exclusively with very few outliers.

story wise its not bad though I will never defend the art.

she is bringing up to a t pose to assert dominance.

>> No.6286728

>but you fucking tell me, western cal arts style or damn near any anime
see this is your problem, comparing 2 completely different societies doesn't get us anywhere
yes cal arts is awful, why? because it's piss-easy to make and hugely profitable
it's less a genuine, inspired form of self-expression and more of a calculated, marketing conditioning tool
it is not something to be evaluated because unlike real art or even subpar art it is not born out of passion or even something as rudimentary as blood&sweat
and if you forgive me a brief side-step into burgerpunk, this is the true phruice of freedum
in the west, without the brain-strainingly retarded asian work culture biggest budgets and investments in general will always go towards shallow crowd-pleasers because obviously not that many, not even 50% of the population, will be as art-literate as the most talented of artists would like them to be
the upshot of this kind of system is that you get very few people that will completely selflessly devote their entire lives, both physically and mentally, to their craft and produce the most unique, transcendent works that will eventually inspire millions to come afterwards
which looking at artists like Albert Mielgo, Phil Tippett etc. I think has absolutely worked and anyone even mildly interested in art should also realise this and help build upon it instead trying to smother it at the drop of a fuckin hat

>> No.6286741

you didn't mention this about calarts, its a style thats made to be interchangeable, as long as you know the style, you are now able to be a creative director or just a cog, less reliance on talented people means that in the event someone dies, or more likely just wants more pay, out they go and your replacement will be here in less than a week.

while in anime, even very simple anime, changing out a single person is very evident in the story or how its directed.

>> No.6287020
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Rate my anime c:

>> No.6287121
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>looked down upon by turbo-weebs?
Who da' hell gives a shit what a bunch of losers think?