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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6272345 No.6272345 [Reply] [Original]

If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep the discussion on-topic as much as possible.

>> No.6272517

I figured it out. All I had to do was analyze zoomer’s artwork and a lightbulb lit in my head.

>> No.6272523

>almost halfway into september
Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good...

>> No.6272660
File: 291 KB, 452x498, 3944B38D-7C40-499A-9B64-F4CA4FA9E77F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA wtf am I getting whispers from the angels?

>> No.6273370

My jaw completely locks up at night and I can barely open it half an inch. Usually it goes away in the morning, immediately, but recently the locking has been lasting longer and longer. Just today, my jaw was still locking and clicking in the evening. Should I go see a doctor, or will it go away? It’s only the right side of my jaw that locks up btw, but that’s enough to prevent the whole mouth from opening.

>> No.6273440

getting into stemcel school was the biggest mistake of my life. where the fuck do i find time to draw when this shit takes up 3/4 of my day
god I want to kill myself I'll never make it at this rate

>> No.6273450
File: 17 KB, 495x362, uwaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273480

Go to the emergency room you retard. Anything dealing with your head isn’t something you should fuck around and find out.

>> No.6273481

/wct/ is cringe

>> No.6273495

I am officially giving up on anatomical accuracy and taking the appealingflowyshapevaguelybasedonanatomicalcontourpill.

>> No.6273497

Can you state the reason why? Don’t let shit courses sway you from learning anatomy.

>> No.6273504

ill do that in the morning. it's 4am rn tho. ty for the support

>> No.6273508

/vent/ is never coming back

>> No.6273509

Not in the morning, now. Tetanus is deadly.

>> No.6273511

i don't think i have that, my jaw's been locking for months, and it's only my right side. i think its tmj

>> No.6273517


>> No.6273522

People calling my female characters chimps because I have the compulsion to define the extensor group, getting backhanded compliments about drawing cute faces on masc looking women, etc.
>inb4 PYW
I have had enough bullying for now.

>> No.6273526
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based taste. don't let the haters get to you

>> No.6273527

jesus christ. this year didnt feel real at all, the time just disappeared. i feel like ive lost my twenties with stress, the past 3 years havent felt like my life is actually been happening to me

>> No.6273528

2020 feels like it didn’t happen for me. This year was shit but some life things turned around so not that bad of a year.

>> No.6273543

Most days I still feel like it's 2020.....

>> No.6273597
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>April felt like it was just 2 weeks ago

>> No.6273973
File: 757 KB, 1440x1080, vlcsnap-2022-05-08-18h47m47s035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Full-time" jobs are such fucking horseshit
No one needs to be in the office for that fucking long I hate this.

At least I've got an early ""retirement"" plan; just become a landlord.
I got the land, if I save for a few years I might be able build and rent it out...

Still these working years feel fucking worthless. I hate this shit.

>> No.6274023

great i hate spring and summer, fall and winter is the best time of year

>> No.6274181

Get a splint (different from a nightguard) from a specialist, be careful because there are a shitload of really bad specialists that are just out to make money from suffering people and they are also extremely expensive.

>> No.6274446

yeah, i read some stories about how a nightguard exacerbated their problems with tmj. I'm seeing my dentist this friday, maybe he'll refer me to some good specialists

>> No.6274532

>just became landlord
>government introduce new property taxes so you can own nothing and be happy

>> No.6274539

>just become a landlord.
this. Also, I'm gonna start a bookstore / cafe by the seashore and relax in my upstairs condo, smelling the ocean breeze and cuddling with my beautiful wife. Why even strive at this point, just let your business make money for you.

>> No.6274578

This 100%. Going to rent an apartment in Time Square in a billionaire tower and just not work for the rest of my life.

>> No.6275061
File: 206 KB, 113x243, ash-12s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to do fanart of that show/game only I care about
>but also just want to draw my OCs
>not enough time/energy after work to do both
Retirement can't come soon enough

>> No.6275121
File: 378 KB, 1440x1337, 1663212619978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel bad charging more than minimum wage for my commissions
>See some negro charge these prices for this quality of work, completely unironically
I actually have to admire the balls on this dude for being so brazen

>> No.6275310
File: 31 KB, 500x257, 28BAC97E-A283-43EF-A7A2-67BCD40F7547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6275313

post your works

>> No.6275315
File: 32 KB, 500x351, 53F6439D-1DE4-48C3-8E73-89A80D45C61C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6275447

Tried to understand the whole color theory shit and I guess It works to some extent but man, more elements means more options and then It kind of becomes a mess again. Hoped that little shading will help but I dunno man

>> No.6275478

>$50 just for a sketch with zero discernable features
Wild. If I wanted that I'd go look at free YCH templates. Does this guy actually get any takers?

>> No.6275493

Color theory (unless you're a xerocopier) is just emotion and intuition that you build over thousands of attempts. The theories behind it are good to know but are generally useless, it's not like learning what a minor axis is and instantly drawing better cylinders or whatever.

>> No.6275522

It shouldn't be a mess if you think about colors on a compositional level. Colors are fairly logical, though some people overapply them for style. They control where the balance of a piece is, where a viewers eyes lead, create an illusion of depth and more. Don't listen to colorlets like >>6275493 it is absolutely not useless and bad colors will instantly make your piece look mediocre.

>> No.6275537
File: 184 KB, 480x271, 1617821526046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buzzword filled /beg/ take
>Colors are fairly logical, though some people overapply them for style. They control where the balance of a piece is, where a viewers eyes lead, create an illusion of depth and more.
This is all value, not color.

>> No.6275558

Just produce all art in black and white bro, why does anyone want color anyway? You dipshit colorlet

>> No.6275582

Just attribute all of the traits value gives a drawing to color bro, color gives the illusion of depth because I say so!!!

>> No.6275591

this guy's right

>> No.6275690

just do coke and get through both of them

>> No.6275923
File: 602 KB, 1080x1080, 1618314695032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting that feeling of wanting to disappear again

>> No.6276135
File: 169 KB, 637x772, 1638467026027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have never imagined how much fun it would be to draw poop.
At first, I was disgusted by the idea, but I warmed up to it, and now I love drawing poop for commissions.
Just drawing nice little contours to give them form, it's satisfying work.

And I am talking the "solid form", as in, your usual dog turd, horse manure, and fiber-rich ambigious humanoid poo.
Diarrhea and poo smearing still gives me pain, however.

>> No.6276352
File: 61 KB, 750x376, 81F3DB70-9137-453A-990C-B15AB97A463C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color and value are inherently tied together. I never dismissed value but you dismissing color tells me your work sucks.

>> No.6276510

My art rival is my past and future selves

>> No.6276515

how does it feel to fight someone who never advances?

>> No.6276555

You'd know better than me.

>> No.6276568

I don’t, that’s why I’m asking a professional future/past selfer like yourself.

>> No.6276603

Based permabeg nodraw.

>> No.6276637

Over 5k followers on twitter alone in less than a year. Cope.

>> No.6276642

Less than my retweet bot account. Kinda sad desu.

>> No.6276645

>retweet bot account

>> No.6276651

Kek you are embarrassing yourself. Turn the computer off.

>> No.6277094
File: 6 KB, 309x35, Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 6.27.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha i only have 1 filter. Guess what it is?

>> No.6277106

>if i hide ai threads the ai will go away
face the harsh reality already, wimp

>> No.6277146
File: 1.76 MB, 3140x2000, rampant theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fucking problem arguing with you idiots. It's just a waste of my time. It's clear AI won't replace anyone, and I can't fathom how this is an issue. In fact, you coming here to trying to scare artists will only end up speeding up the lawsuits that bring down Emad

>> No.6277149

It’s like you people have short term memory about NFTs.

>> No.6277157
File: 617 KB, 800x619, 1617379885618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean that thing that was shunned by artists and is now basically irrelevant in under a year? Yeah I see AIshit going down that same path.

>> No.6277161

aren’t artists shunning AI as well?

>> No.6277172

>ai and nft are the same

>> No.6277179

some short-sighted ones
I've seen a few on twitter trying out the Krita and Photoshop sd plugins and slowly getting excited as they begin to see the potential and look past the doom

>> No.6277366

This technology is borderline useless when you really think about it.

This shit is the result of a stagnant species that spec everything in the tech tree in informational technology and computer science. The fuck are pixels and code going to do when you're running out of food, water, oil and energy??? Holy fuck computercucks are so sad, we are literally getting our brightest minds of the generation to make fucking phone apps and write code that creates a picture of a black hole. AI art isn't the problem, it's a symbol of scientific stagnation and advancement in only computer related pragmatic math nerd bullshit.

We could have put this effort into fusion energy or literally any fucking scientific field that leads to more than meaningless pixels on a screen but noo, we have to make social media apps! Cloning meat to remedy food shortages? Lolno we don't have that part of the tech tree unlocked, just eat bugslop instead, we have more pressing issues like updating Tinder. Increase in loneliness, massive decline in quality of life and mental wellbeing?? Lol dude just play video games and generate art!! Holy shit we are BEYOND fucked.

At this point the ONLY thing that can fix scientific stagnation is the coming water wars, we have proven ourselves utterly incapable of advancing the species without "kill them before they kill us" being the motivator.

>> No.6277972 [DELETED] 

It's really the west who is drowning in its own decadence. Developing countries that we like to call third world are actively creating and inventing out of necessity for themselves. If we weren't so hedonistic, we'd be interested in advancing those technologies to be viable on larger and larger scales. But we're too caught up in the fantasies of the delusional ultrawealthy who hold most of the money, funding the institutions that would most efficiently fulfill their weird transhumanist fantasies, because they're so rich they've literally run out of things to do. We're trapped under the thumb of a small group of people who should really all be categorized as having a dangerous form of mental illness brought about by never hearing the word no.

>> No.6277984

War would be fun. There's been too much peace and unrest within this peace, need to let all of this collective anger out somehow, let them heads roll.

>> No.6277990
File: 770 KB, 1479x412, dllhost_2022-09-16_12-36-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is all value, not color.

yes and no.
example: look at a black and white image that has a small splash of color, the movie sin city did this to great effect

if we look at real people, look at queen elizabeth, she wore brighten colored clothing to stand out, but you take the color away and she does not pop out at all.

yes, value is FAR more important than color is, but lets not pretend you cant make something look correct in value but make it pop with a color choice.

>> No.6277999

I have quite a few filters

/real time video/i;boards:ic;
/Asian gene/i;
/Asian jean/
/Apple iPad Pro 12.9/;boards:ic;
/Apple Pencil/;boards:ic;
/\b\.*d?a\.?(i\.*|ll[- ]?e)\b/;boards:ic;
/asian genes/i;
/XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand/i;

I have more filters for this board alone than anything else combined, I mean holy shit how the fuck is this board that bad?

>> No.6278014

>fight each other for the amusement of the powerful
>go back to how things were right after
Pick the correct enemy

>> No.6278021

Colours also have value though you can't just separate the two.

>> No.6278028

We can only pray for nuclear winter at this point. No survivors.

>> No.6278037
File: 115 KB, 750x500, 47DEF42E-CBFF-4D27-B9BF-44FEE7830E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value also can’t move laterally, it can only be made lighter or darker. There are a lot of instances where things observably remain one value, while the color changes. Colors have to relate somehow to all the other colors around them, if you want something to have appeal to human eyes and the spectrum of color we see. That's what basic color theory is about. Color contrast is different from value contrast, you can have complimentary colors of the same value, or warm and cool colors of the same value that create contrast. And in terms of depth, cooler colors appear farther away to us than warmer colors of the same value. See pic, in black and white the image disappears.
I agree it's not feasible to paint everything without value, while it is feasible to paint everything without color. However, you're chopping off the arms of your work when you leave out color.

>> No.6278040
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>> No.6278052

board culture, new friend.

>> No.6278063

>if we look at real people, look at queen elizabeth, she wore brighten colored clothing to stand out, but you take the color away and she does not pop out at all.
This isn't always true because there's a psychological and cultural bias to this. Color is more subjective than you think but it's hard to understand it from a different perspective because your environment is just that deeply ingrained.

>> No.6278067

based, I have double the amount.

>> No.6278071

Explain why so many male animals are brightly colored to attract mates even though it ruins their camouflage and raises their risk of being eaten. Creatures with color receptors in their eyes have a natural attraction to colors.

>> No.6278073
File: 3 KB, 310x27, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this IS the only board that i have filters on, and hidden threads for that matters. The sheer amount shit that has absolutely nothing to do with drawing here is astronomical. niggers here will really do anything literally but draw.

>> No.6278083

Animals are also subject to psychological biases I'd imagine, I assume the rules of why they respond to color are different than how we respond to color. Take fear of spiders for example, isn't that a primal thing? It goes back so far that we can't even trace it but snakes don't fear spiders, snakes don't fear anything. Anyways, my point is that psychology and culture have a huge contribution to how we perceive color.

>> No.6278086

Have you made a single good thread to help turn things arou…no, of course you haven’t.

>> No.6278088


>> No.6278097 [DELETED] 

your right, I'm too busy drawing and posting in threads which people create art to make threads myself.
why so you change the subject to my art not being good enough because I spook my mind? Nah i'm good.

>> No.6278102
File: 3 KB, 310x46, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your right, I'm too busy drawing and posting in threads which people create art to make threads myself.
why so you change the subject to my art not being good enough because I spook my mind? Nah i'm good.

>> No.6278104

>I assume
Cool, post proofs
>snakes don't fear anything
Oh you're just retarded. Snakes are pussies.
How we react to color is all about the color cones in our eyes. Birds would find our art boring since they perceive ultraviolet light that we can't. A mantis shrimp wouldn't understand what our art is even depicting because they'd be seeing thousands more colors than what we think are there. Dogs only see in blue and yellow so any other colors would bore or confuse them. Even colorblind humans get tripped up by certain images because of the way value can't account for color contrast. Color is pretty logical if you understand the visible color spectrum of the creature you're making it for. Technically if you know enough science you could specialize in making art for birds, which would probably just look like a dark mess to us.

>> No.6278105

>your right, I'm too busy drawing
Stop the caps lock.

And if you have time to bitch you have time to make a good thread about drawing things you like to find others who may be interested in the same interests instead of waiting for others to supply you with content.

>> No.6278112

Hey, I just realized (the thought came to me while I was watching anime) IF AI ever actually does get good it would be really neat for people interested in abridged content. I had a really funny idea just now for an alternative route for this character but obviously it would take way too long and I wouldn’t have the proper frames to convey what I want.

I could see that actually being fun to play with for this case.

>> No.6278118

This is my que to hit the road, i'm just here for the art it's not my job to roll in shit with terminally online nodraws like yourself who can't help but seethe whenever people point out that this board sucks.

>> No.6278122
File: 58 KB, 220x176, EB60AC84-B8B6-4234-BDF5-54EA61657E26.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay bye

so anyway….

>> No.6278123

See you tomorrow

>> No.6278288

The more time I put into a drawing, the worse it is.

>> No.6278289

People should take a crash course on aesthetics and art history when they start learning how to draw and what not fr fr
the sheer ignorance of certain posts across the board do be cap fr fr

>> No.6278294

>tfw no style
>just try to copy the source material of fanart as close as possible
>no actual method to draw people except with the generic realistic loomis style

>> No.6278777
File: 322 KB, 1156x1200, FZmSeLMXwAIZx3i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels fucking impossible to think of a good username to post your art under. Really jealous of pantsu for having like the perfect one

>> No.6278837

I just use the same username I had since childhood.

>> No.6278860
File: 21 KB, 640x360, FT5TivHWQAAG3OH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here has experience with American Indie Publishers (like, Antarctic Press or Image or Oni or one of those) I sort of grew out of my "weaboo animu phase" and thank God because it seems like it's way too much work and too little pay over there in Japan, but I still want to draw a comic series. Not necessarily picrel (I honestly don't even know where these characters are from) but I think I can do something that'd be appealing to modern western animation fan bases.

>> No.6278885

my childhood username had the word swag in it anon i can't do that

>> No.6278889

you retard, now it will be easy for the shitters to avoid our filters

>> No.6278891

Wouldn't they also want you to not be in the same room?

>> No.6278894

That might be from Owl House. I think that's one of the better, modern cartoons as of late but I'm not a /co/fag.

>> No.6278936
File: 91 KB, 1024x982, FCVDYLNXoAM3HD_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. This is kind of what I'm thinking, I think modern western cartoons have huge fanbases, I think I can get popular drawing similar styles for the American comic book scene. Any experience with Indie/Small American comic publishers?

>> No.6279066
File: 138 KB, 750x969, B34E0B00-E800-4A68-958C-0E3C99A2BA6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nine pages of clip studio assets I have to re-download and re-organize. All because I'm a retard who didn't back up my tools in ages.

>> No.6279312

hard round brush requires no backing up

>> No.6279324
File: 236 KB, 500x551, 013489bdf58f03a6e4e1349dc834deb8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halfway through typing a response to someone's post on here
>"Why do I even bother?"
>Stop typing and go back to lurking
Anyone else?

>> No.6279335

i sometimes type to get it out of my system, most times i cannot resist the post button

>> No.6279340
File: 68 KB, 947x1200, 4c6235ffbcc35d440a812b42b1362561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a promising beginner
>redline their work for them
>realize my redline is trash
>post it anyways

>> No.6279422

At least twice per day.

>> No.6279430

Think of all the (You)'s anon.

>> No.6279621

these two >>6279335
but funny enough whenever it’s a debate and insults are being thrown it’s as if some other part of my personality takes over and can think of things to say back in 2 seconds. Weird how that works.

>> No.6280906
File: 3.98 MB, 342x360, 1543968744140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many times to count, no one cares what I gotta say so why post

>> No.6280958 [DELETED] 
File: 3.56 MB, 254x246, 1471462813433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how I ended up doing pic related. too many people here just want to sit around and argue all day over. not converse intelligently, challenge eachother view, or even respectfully disagree. Just fight, and most of the time it's not even about art, but the people behind the screen themselves. Makes me wish there were shit art communities like the stuff that was spoken about in the days of old. I'm getting too old to find this shit funny anymore.

>> No.6280990
File: 3 KB, 320x28, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how I ended up doing pic related. too many people here just want to sit around and argue all day over nothing. not converse intelligently, not challenge each other views, or even respectfully disagree or admit fault when wrong. Just bitch and fight, and most of the time it's not even about art, but the people behind the screen themselves. Makes me wish there were art communities like the stuff that was spoken about in the days of old. I'm getting too old to find any of this shit funny anymore.

>> No.6280994

nyooo give me my (you)sssss

>> No.6281000

this sounds lame I know but there are username generators out there you can use

>> No.6281020
File: 177 KB, 800x1182, leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281031

I've been on here for very long time, 4chan itself even longer and this year is the first time I've hidden threads.

>> No.6281036

Are you just here to tell others to leave? You're like a cliche protagonist running around in each room of a sinking ship trying to get everyone out except yourself. Then when the ship sinks and you're drowning in water you mummer to yourself "I stayed behind because of the resour--ackbhbbb" choking as the ship lights flicker on and off. Sinking further and further into the abyss.

>> No.6281040

>tfw I made my best friends from 4chan

Just gotta involve yourself in the small random communities on here like drawpile or shit.

>> No.6281045

I've pretty much abandoning engaging with 4chan with anything but shitposts, esepcially after how many pros anons have driven off these boards for stupid, if non-existent, reasons other than for s gleeting moment of feeling superior. The Discord servers I'm part of and the IRL connections I build give everything I wanted out of my favorite boards /ic/ and /tg/.

>> No.6281049

lol im trying to leave too, but this place is addicting

yeah but this whole site is becoming insufferable. Maybe it's time to try out discord

>> No.6281052

yeah, i think discord might be a much healthier place. although no place online can replicate real life, it can't get worse than this board

>> No.6281060

It's only addicting if you have no friends or are depressed and dislike permanence and have an identity within a community that you are beholden to. You can just leave and enter a new thread pretending it is your first day or it's your 1000th day. It's possibly endless.

>> No.6281061

You're right in that 4chan is objectively bad for you, especially now with the current deliberate demoralization campaign(s). This AI art kick is only one of many. However, if we all left, we would have no other avenue for this level of freedom. There is no comparable place where nameless and faceless individuals are all on one level playing field.
Powerful people benefit from us leaving, way more than they benefit from us being spiteful shutin neet gremlins who can say anything we want. You can call this some delusion of grandeur if you like, but on a macro scale I prioritize enduring this suffering for the sake of something bigger.
Maybe it's futile as more and more anons become demoralized and unwittingly help these campaigns. Like anons who post about giving up art because they can't compete with AI. But I'll stick around and stay the course, because the good moments in this hellhole are supremely satisfying after all the bad ones.

>> No.6281097
File: 31 KB, 232x691, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking embarrassing. Dropped back in this shithole after a months away and you fuckers are still on about this AI shit, and that's not counting the ones blatantly evading filters. Wouldn't have happen if most of you hadn't entertained the shitposting in the first place. What a bunch of pathetic cowards. I will never go back to this retarded board again.

>> No.6281106

yeah, i learned my lesson. Just hide and ignore the spam

>> No.6281107

Okay bye.

So anyway…

>> No.6281139

> Powerful people benefit from us leaving, way more than they benefit from us being spiteful shutin neet gremlins who can say anything we want.
Anon, you can just say that this is the only place you feel comfortable online. It doesn't have to be a grand conspiracy.
That's kind of how I feel. I'm cripplingly shy and anxious about my online behavior, I'm mostly here because it's familiar and active. It's not a logical desire and I don't pretend it is.

>> No.6281157

But it's not, I do quite well in any environment online or not. I just happen to hate all of the insincerity everywhere else. I am by no means shy, anxious, or even very right wing. I'm simply a realist. I prefer when people say what they feel like. And I want people to continue saying whatever they feel like. Even if there were a thousand people all telling me my artwork is shit and I'm ngmi. I can observe quantifiably, that other online places will not let you just say whatever you feel like. You will be banned, deplatformed, and dogpiled. I don't have to agree with everything I read, and I find it frankly alarming that we as a free society think that's an appropriate world view to have. It is absolutely not conducive to a free and fair society. But powerful people continue to push for more control over what can be said. And no, I don't mean racism or sexism or threats even though it's apparent that we can change what those words mean on a whim. There IS some kind of an agenda. Very educated and experienced scholars can see one is there, so why can't you?

>> No.6281160

Nah it's just this one and some other shitposting centrals, but /ic/ is definitely one of the worst boards right now. Other boards are actually usable if a bit infested by zoomers, though that is inevitable

>> No.6281170

Yeah I agree, /ic/ is facing the worst of it. But this whole AI thing is on a lot of boards, from cartoons to video games. Anything creative. We're just ground zero. If you ask these people why they do their shilling, the answer usually comes back around to wanting to destroy art. Art is a form of communication between people, which circles back around to controlling speech.
I'm not saying these assholes are agents working for anyone, but something started this movement. And history tells us that a lot of modern movements are started deliberately by people with ulterior motives.

>> No.6281174

you're right. It's marketing. They're just shilling their products and for funding. It's like when Elon Musk talked about how AI is more dangerous than Nuclear bombs, then goes ahead and becomes the forefront AI developer in the nation

>> No.6281183

> I'm simply a realist. I prefer when people say what they feel like.
I feel 4chan is the wrong place for that, and I'm always confused by people who think that this place is a free speech haven, when it's not. I'm not talking about the moderation either: the behavior of certain groups of users has a chilling effect on the speech of other users, and can even steer the topic of an entire board with enough effort. It's why IRCs and Discord raids are so effective here. You may not be officially banned or punished for having certain opinions, but the user base will make your stay miserable if you dare voice it. One can even use the current state of /ic/ as an example, where a pack of trolls made much of the board unusable.

>> No.6281191

I'm genuinely afraid of what AI could become if someone somehow cracks some logical code and it begins to have awareness of itself. I guess it's fighting an inevitable outcome.
It's not a haven, I'm aware there are limitations and exploits. There will never be a place where everything is perfectly equal and fair but I can't think of any other place that comes as close. If nobody stays here with the resolve to endure the shit, to be a voice of dissent, then all is lost. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

>> No.6281192

>Art is a form of communication between people, which circles back around to controlling speech.
I think you're simply off the mark. In fact the problem lies in the opposite of an anti-genuine communication campaign. You think when normalfags spout woke bullshit they're not being genuine about it? I tell you they goddamn are, they believe in those shit more than any religious folks. And what they are genuine about here is that they fucking hate artists. No shit. Artists have always been a form of small time/local celebrities. And do you know what's the mass looking for the most in celebrities besides their products? Their fucking downfalls. They relish in seeing someone they are told to be better, more respectable to fall flat. And I'm not saying the majority of artists are respectable, but in this age the media like to hype up artists and just those in the entertainment industry in general. AI is just the easy cope for them to say "heh, so those lazy bums who sit on their asses doing no real work all day are actually nothing special, anyone can do what they do now." And you see this most easily by listening to their arguments for A.I, which betray little to no understanding about the process of art making. Artists are not liked. Deep inside they always look for a way to put us down, because for each of us who quit their lifestyles become just as much more justifiable.

>> No.6281224

I'm not sure what the campaign really is, or if it's a part of a bigger campaign, or how deep or shallow the rabbit hole really is. I don't think anyone can possibly know besides the people behind these AI companies, social media companies, entertainment companies, their investors. Americans only have six media companies total which tells you something about the reach/scope of their interests. But I digress.
I'd say you're right in that artists have been universally loathed by certain groups of people as soon as art stopped being a mystical thing only trusted shamans learned to do. But then we must simply adapt to these groups attempts to demoralize and stop us, just like artists always have. I love art and speech and people expressing themselves. Shills are free to express themselves too even if it's annoying. I have the resolve to endure it. For this reason, I stay.

>> No.6281239

>But then we must simply adapt to these groups attempts to demoralize and stop us, just like artists always have.
Lol, lmao even, artists, or those of the current generation at least are the most fragile people ever. Tell them art is childish and they would raise pitchforks and go on speechs on how art is this and that, instead of just laughing it off like an adult when faced with trolls. Half of the replies that keep AI threads alive are anons trying to argue with shitposters, they are just that dumb. Yeah, I know everyone would get riled up when their passion is slighted, but artists are even more so, seeing the current state of this board and how easily baited it has always been.

>> No.6281243

>Half of the replies that keep AI threads alive are anons trying to argue with shitposters, they are just that dumb.
Be fair, this is 4chan, and 4chan practically lives off of trolls trolling trolls and everybody being angry while playing it cool.

>> No.6281260

most people have never spent 7-10 continuous years working towards one thing. No one has ever known what it was like to give your life to one thing. How can anybody call artists fragile? Fighting back is not fragile, it's an expression of their hardcore passion.

>> No.6281274

>Powerful people benefit from us leaving, way more than they benefit from us being spiteful shutin neet gremlins who can say anything we want.
I'm so sick of post-election tourists acting like this site is anything more than my anime basket weaving forum

>> No.6281292

Well those who can't adapt were probably never real artists huh? It's hard to define what a real artist is, but I think a drive to create against all odds is a good start.
If their naivety and lack of dedication leads them to seethe over AI shitposts instead of create, it's no different than those who were seething about asian genes, ligamemes and neural plasticity instead of creating. Let those who were destined to be filtered by adversity, get filtered. Defending the integrity of art is important, especially now when we're in the middle of the definitions potentially changing. but I'd argue a real artist will keep drawing, whether or not it's lucrative, and whether or not it's popular. /ic/ has been populated with more business people than artists for a very long time anyway. The online art sphere is over saturated already, with third worlders undercutting first worlders for a while now. In the end, art as an institution is destined to go through a natural filtering process that will devalue the lowest common denominators. Saturating the market in AI by the kinds of no skill hacks who use AI might just end up working in artists' favor, creating a surge in the market for handmade work that an average person can't afford.
The eternal debate of who is gmi carries on as always, now simply with a new dimension added to the game.
Been here since '08 kid, if not earlier, I've lost track of time. It is just a basket weaving forum, but the point is it's the best objective public forum we currently have and that's why a lot of people would love to own it.

>> No.6281318

>Been here since '08 kid, if not earlier
Not that anon, but are you seriously the same permabeg faggot who supported driving out better artists like BBC off the board a couple threads back? This whole screed reads like a pathetic justification for vendettafaggotry.

>> No.6281326

I have no clue who the hell you're even talking about, so no. I don't support driving anyone out of anything, just acknowledging that filters evolve naturally out of a changing landscape.

>> No.6281348

>objective public forum
Just because you can be racist and an unapologetic piece of shit with impunity doesn't mean it's objective.

>> No.6281361

Right, it's objective because I can either be a racist piece or shit or I can tell racists they're pieces of shit. I can defend or attack anything I want at any time, and beyond the laws of what kind of public speech is legal- nobody can tell me to stop. I can change my mind on something and not have my past opinions be a point of exploitation against my new position.
The objectivity of the facts is another matter entirely, because I'm also free to lie and bait. But the discussions can be approached objectively from any and all positions. From the liberalism of /co/ to the hyperconservativism of /pol/.

>> No.6281387

That's just anarchy.

>> No.6281394

And yet there's been basic order here for decades.

>> No.6281410

I'm just feeling kinda burned out.
The past few weeks I've been struggling just to try and force myself to draw.

I don't hate it or anything, I'm just sitting here like a potato not wanting to do anything. Everything just feels like a struggle to force myself to do. It sucks.

>> No.6281413

Close of posting illegal shit endlessly? Sure, you can call that basic order.

>> No.6281426

It's at least as orderly as real life where criminals do illegal shit every day.

>> No.6281434

It's only because everyone is blockaded by a wall of anonymity and their monitors but without it, they wouldn't act the way they do, it's a Catch-22. Don't be fooled by the illusion, there is a compulsion to be an utter piece of shit here, that's adapting to the culture of this place. It's not objective at all, you're just unaware of the subconscious influences of this place. I just don't lie to myself and say it's an objective forum, it just has less barriers than most.

>> No.6281438
File: 21 KB, 384x384, 24ef3bda7b86baabb64b1656ab092647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I've sort of fucked up my reward system through the day by browsing 4chan at work, does taking a nap right when I get home do anything to "reset" your brain and make drawing seem more appealing again?

>> No.6281442

I don't think there's any way of doing it short of just stop coming here, sheer willpower, willpower that I lost long ago.

>> No.6281446

shut the fuck up about “stop coming here”, “leave this board” god damn you’re so annoying

>> No.6281448

no. you should get off this site

>> No.6281452

do me a flavor and fuck off

>> No.6281460
File: 344 KB, 811x613, 1657239573666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna be ok anon
you're going to be fine

>> No.6281462

you fuck off. This site is bad for your mental health!

>> No.6281463

>/ic/ has been populated with more business people than artists for a very long time anyway
What is wrong with artists showing that they can make a living off their work? There is no requirement that to be a "true artist" that you must starve yourself.

>> No.6281514

you are not my lawyer to lecture me about my health

>> No.6281521

Being a piece of shit doesn't immediately make that person's statements invalid though. Use nuance to see past the douchebag culture and you'll find a well of opinions from all positions. Notice I say opinions, because nothing here should be taken as fact.
Didn't say it was wrong, just implying that someone who does art from a business perspective is more likely to be filtered by demoralization. While someone motivated purely by an unstoppable drive to create cannot be, because there's no real weak spot like finances to attack. By all means make money if you have the option.

>> No.6281550

>Use nuance to see past the douchebag culture and you'll find a well of opinions from all positions
I don't believe you actually take all sides into consideration, take a meth addict pedophile psychopath child strangler for example.

>> No.6281561

I wouldn't be surprised if one were posting in this board, but I'd never be able to guess which anon he was and that's magical in its own psychotic way.

>> No.6281566

I suspect you're being disingenuous but okay.

>> No.6281810

There's a faggot in /a/ drawthread who shat on drawanons there and told people to use AI instead. It seems true that the strongest advocators for AI are usually people who despise artists for some reason.

>> No.6281883

Wonder if these guys have something in common with the people who overwhelm multiplayer games with bots and ddos attacks. Seems like the same brand of mental illness.

>> No.6281884

they're also the same people who sneak candy into movie theaters.

>> No.6281890

They're trying to drag people down to be as miserable as them. They don't do anything BUT be miserable. It's just a severe inferiority complex.

>> No.6282005

The anons who are actually just having fun with SD are mostly confined to their generals on /h/ and /g/. They literally do not give a shit about artists, they don't sympathize or antagonize them, they just want to generate anime tits. The "HAHAHAHA ARTISTS WILL STARVE TO DEATH" crowd are a very loud minority of failed artists, the same type of people that talentpost or ligamentpost here.

>> No.6282115

And I've also seen anons in those threads that want to start drawing either to fix stuff from the AI or just to put their ideas on paper better.
People raiding the board are either shitposters or retards that think this tech will make them money.

>> No.6282119

use this pasta, bro

"You have no taste, you have no interest, you cannot notice your own image distortions. You are just a pathetic narcissist nobody is interested in.
All comments you leave on /ic/ are self humiliation. Nobody takes you seriously. You are just a toy player. And every thread it becomes more obvious. You have no support and every time posting something you need to write ten more fake messages to yourself to feel no anxiety about how pathetic it is.
You have no taste. Thousands of hours of painting have allowed artists to sniff out your ai-faggotry with incredible efficiency. Even painting over ai generations looks uncanny and unnatural to a man. You know only surnames of artists from the first page of google. And even if you manage to take a part in discussion about art it ends up with furries, mediocre landscapes and conveyor portraits that look exactly the same.
You have no skills but sitting on a chair moving sliders, because everything else requires power and motivation you will never have, you are the biggest mistake your parents made in their life. You praise your own programming skills because you only know them and capable of learning nothing more.
AI optimization is that bad it requires tens of gigabytes for shuffling images from people who can make them in two hours with pentium dual core and 2gigabytes of ram, even without a GPU. Trannies own your ass and all software you have. It never will be used at full capacity, because you can't make prompts you like, only what current agenda wants.
You will never sell a picture of what you've done, you stole everything and nothing is yours, you are just a jew-third person, who's opinion doesn't matter. Every person purchasing your generated shit is tasteless. Even choosing a picture is impossible to you, because they all are shit. Every board you come people call you a pervert and ask you to leave.
This is how it ends. Everyone has no interest in you. You don't matter."

>> No.6282120

it's a prepayed shilling partly, they run every thread and section they can, even saw them on /adv/ in atoga dialogues,

>> No.6282183


>> No.6282203


>> No.6282205
File: 104 KB, 640x805, 55sh0igwavk31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you doin'?

>> No.6282215
File: 108 KB, 606x314, 1663253802231464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good aside from my burnt finger, and yourself?

>> No.6282230
File: 78 KB, 748x1024, D128A6F0-4073-4E81-B00B-5A1D32A1A5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burnt finger
Oof, that’s no good. Good thing we have a vaccine for that

>> No.6282239

Ok, did somebody peed in the water cooler tank? Very funny, guys, very mature. I'm filing a complaint to the HR. You are in trouble whoever did this.

>> No.6282241
File: 81 KB, 914x472, 1614375844697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at the point where I'm not even getting good help or resources from /ic/ anymore. I'm just browsing to see a handful of artists who seldomly post here so i have small talk in hopes that i can someday connect with them. Maybe it's time to fuck off for real and face the reality that I'm never gonna to find true and honest artfrens on this board...

>> No.6282243

Find a place where people actually draw.

>> No.6282250

sorry for AIposting, ai doesnt matter that much to me but the one thing that does bother me is the fact that the general population doesnt see how shit it looks
the amount of grotesque filth being praised just doesnt make sense to me, its actually fucking bewildering
is it some genetic thing? is it cause theyre not artists? if i hadnt spent all this time on this craft would i see what they do? it feels like it should be so obvious how ass it all looks

>> No.6282254

I don't even know where to go. And all of my artfrens irl abandoned drawing ages ago. I feel like I missed out on getting anything worthwhile from here.

>> No.6282287

It's a novelty, like how you pin your child's doodles on the fridge. People wank them because they look better than one would expect from some lines of code to produce. Just like how you praise a beg for his effort and fast growth despite not liking his art aesthetically. But no one will unironically use them for real purposes without an ironic hint in it, or they are cheap ass who would rather eat shit than pay up. And I tell you this, normies know, even if not in a technical way, when a drawing's just wrong

>> No.6282292

Do you want an advice?
Draw for yourself and I mean just draw something you want to draw and finish it.
And when you're done just scrap it forget it even existed.
You finished it and you grew it doesn't matter how it looked or good it was.

>> No.6282294

moronic advice
keep all your drawings

>> No.6282337

What's the secret to happiness?

>> No.6282338

Just draw

>> No.6282340

was me ggs

>> No.6282513

I came to realize much of this about two years ago. Due to my own stubbornness and wanting to beat back against the trolls, against my better judgment at the cost of my mental health, I stayed and continued to post. A couple of months ago, I realized the board was unsalvageable and had crossed the point of no return.

Look for communities via Discord servers and other apps, with groups that share similar interests. I recently came across a fee hosted by an outsourcing studio, the founder of Schoolism, and a couple hosted by industry pros that have helped me quite a bit with critiques. Others have provided a nice sense of community, and good outlets to help de-stress.

>> No.6282520

Anything /ic/ based is toxic garbage. And I don't mean toxic in the SJW sense where the word nigger triggers me, I mean actually mentally ill people who will try their hardest to tear you down for no good reason because you aren't as mentally ill as them. People who literally despise art and drawing and only do it due to sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.6282532

It takes a refined eye to notice when things look slightly wrong, and half the time it takes a few seconds of looking closely to see that an AI render is fucky. Non artists neither take those seconds to look, nor have the visual experience to recognize something is wrong until it's so broken that it's actually creepy.
Actually a bit unrelated but I theorize a lotta anons here have spent too much time training their eyes and not practicing enough for mileage, so when they draw they're unable to match, with motor skills, what their brain knows it should be looking at. So it depresses them harder.
I notice myself realizing lately how much professional famous manga looks really janky for instance. It makes me feel better about my own abilities but also led me to these conclusions.

>> No.6282533

another day another “I hate this place but I’m still here” post from our resident third world kun.

>> No.6282569
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, fractal5b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been dealing with some severe, crippling depression for a while now, and it really disconnected me from a lot of things that I enjoy, drawing and art being clear examples. I've been drawing more and more, which I am happy about, but I still feel disconnected from what I liked about images, and I don't really spend much time looking for references, inspirations, or just enjoying still images.

What would you guys recommend to reignite that passion?

>> No.6282570
File: 9 KB, 238x277, marty_qfno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Sunday night already
I don't even feel rested and the weekend is already over.
I hate working so much

Ever considered you might be the moronic asshole?
For the past year I've made huge progress in my art and that's partly thanks to /ic/ and a lot of the great artistsl that pop up here and there in threads really motivating me to push myself further.

>> No.6282572

I need to stop reconnecting with past friends and communities because it has never had a good result a single time. Nostalgia is a fucking toxin, short of music, coming back to real people has always ended up badly and then resentment and bad feelings start to compete for my attention which fucks with studying and drawing.

>> No.6282586

>For the past year I've made huge progress in my art
Because you are a a low beg. It isn't hard to improve on your trash doodles when you don't know what a vanishing point is or how to draw a straight fucking line.

For anyone above mid beg this place is a waste of time.

>> No.6282587

God damn fuck off already. Go to your tranquil artist discord and stay there.

>> No.6282683

Easy to say when you're some beg and isn't threatening enough to catch the ire of some mentally ill retard whose been stagnated for well over a decade. you'll see why people shit on this board when you hit /int/
seethe harder faggot

>> No.6282740


You’re lucky this is /wct/, loser.

>> No.6282751

they dont want to connect with you, either

>> No.6282771

You’re not /int/. Matter of fact you stop and start in spurts at random intervals. You’ve been perma/sub/high beg int for the last 2 years.

>> No.6282778

>Matter of fact you stop and start in spurts at random intervals. You’ve been perma/sub/high beg int for the last 2 years.
weird choice of words shizo. do you always think you're talking to the same person or is it a /wct/ thing?

>> No.6282780

Nice gimmick. You learned well from me.

>> No.6282783

paranoid schizophrenia, got it.

>> No.6282784

bout’ time you get on back to discord
yer friend’s are awaitin’

>> No.6282794
File: 73 KB, 640x733, 1620229635156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only draw in the mornings what the FUCK

If I have morning shifts in my real job I can't draw at all in the evening. It's like I get an extreme case of brainfog.

Does anybody feel the same?

>> No.6282795

if you're to keep posting then at least humor me with a namedrop so I can laugh even more at your loonytroon ass

>> No.6282798

I’m the one who is lmaoing here. Allow me to even include an ‘lol’ as complimentary, Farmerkun.

>> No.6282802
File: 339 KB, 940x788, 33850122_173334143352198_7856554125750697984_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing was a waste of time and energy. I should have never listened to Talent deniers and better practice sports or atleast hit the gym.

>> No.6282805

why won't you say my name tranny? you were really confident about "my posting habits" why the cold feet all of the sudden :^)

>> No.6282807

You cracked your mask that quickly? I thought you learned composure but I guess I overestimated you.

>> No.6282809

>no name drop
nice bitch up
lol lmao even

>> No.6282812

>naming someone who nukes their accounts based on the emotions of a teenage girl

What’s the point? By the way you keep joining servers I’m in so there is no point in running away again.

>> No.6282815

why don't you two fuck already

>> No.6282816

Saving it for marriage.

>> No.6282823

>naming someone who nukes their accounts based on the emotions of a teenage girl
>you keep joining servers I’m in so there is no point in running away again.
It was kinda funny at first, but I'm going to be completely real with you, anon. You're not talking to whoever the hell you think you are talking to. You gotta lay off the 'guest the anon shtick', it's not good for your mental health in the long run.

>> No.6282829


You talk like them, though. Especially the part where you mention some guy who was drawing for a decade and still stagnant who is after your semen. I mean, that’s not me or anything I would never eat your semen your for any kind of art gains or anything but that part stood out to me.

I apologize for confusing you with my previous boyfri—Ibleh I mean I apologize for calling you mean names and I’ll stop the silly banter now.

>> No.6282834

We’ll if your passion is western flash cartoons of course you might feel that way.

>> No.6282836

These threads always devolve into some girly online slap fighting, always.

>> No.6282839
File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, Ruby Gloom - 2x15 - Forget Me Not 00-20-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even stuff like this is hard if you lack any talent no matter how much hours you put in to it, tough at least it was feasible unlike Anime or anything that used perspective and too much detail.

>> No.6282841

Whenever I say this board is a room full of menstruating bitches I'm not joking.

>> No.6282863
File: 56 KB, 500x667, 1640828777463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only mentioned people who stagnated because those are the niggers showing their asses on the board the most on this board from what I gathered in my time being here. But like I said I'm not your guy, I'm not even a guy lol sorry for calling a troon and beg.

>> No.6282871

Oh okay. I really need to stop schizoposting..he’s probably given up drawing I suppose.

>> No.6282876

This board is infested by raids of discord trannies so "menstruating" bitches may not be the most accurate description

>> No.6282879
File: 6 KB, 250x248, 1641020324083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get the attention of a Trap that was willing to model for me, has an onlyfans and a Twatter profile sharing dickpicks and the sort. I finished his drawing but he's a cutfag and I drew his pp with a foreskin for personal reasons. Any other cutfags here? If so would you be offended if someone drew your benis with a foreskin?

>> No.6282890

>anons makes threads about discord sharing
>complains about discord crossposting
interesting…unless you’re talking about literal trannies then you need to see a doctor for constantly thinking about a population in the 2%.

>> No.6282926

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6282974
File: 206 KB, 869x897, d4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the ai threads have stopped, but i know they're just gearing up for an even bigger shill campaign

>> No.6282976

How does one get into these campaigns anyway? I know they have to be getting compensated in some way.

>> No.6282977

Its September so they're probably back in school

>> No.6282978

None ai is king am going become a hero bros

>> No.6283007

You probably need connections to either Silicon Valley or political lobbyists. Or maybe it's just people who answer those sketchy vague job ads on Craigslist.

>> No.6283107
File: 23 KB, 344x314, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will go for a run and then i will draw

>> No.6283158
File: 6 KB, 225x224, yatevidum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283169
File: 154 KB, 1736x1439, pushups pullups run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good minimalist program if you like running.

>> No.6283481

I ran but I didn't draw. I ended up eating dinner, watching Demolition D on twitch, and then browsing 4chan for the rest of the night.

>> No.6283548


Never ever post again.

>> No.6283557

I really cannot get over the urge to manipulate people ever since I got crabbed on here. I've managed to crab a few artists from here and make them stagnate really hard. They didn't do anything to me but I'm just pissed about being crabbed on and I had to take it out on someone.

>> No.6283588

The amount of energy autists put into petty, retarded shit when they can just study and draw.

>> No.6283591

can't get more pathetic than that. I find great joy in seeing anons improve.

>> No.6283650

I was just about to post about how I just cannot be arsed to go to the gym anymore now that I have a job, despite wanting to stay healthy

Honestly can't hurt to try, thanks anon.

>> No.6283713

I guarantee your work has stagnated hard as well. Not a single schizofaggot here makes high level art afterall.

>> No.6283715

> decide to enter miniature painting contest
> had three months to prepare
> 2 weeks left
> still haven't assembled it
> Inktober is around the corner
Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.6283716
File: 416 KB, 632x500, 10c8a0b4ec7a1dde8b63d6d50489e1468b65fd3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snap out of it. AI is the enemy. Artists! band together!

>> No.6283721
File: 318 KB, 700x819, 1610160333803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many people so insistent that you should leave /ic/ but never mention any good communities to go to? Can you niggers not?

>> No.6283729

>revealing to the problem people the communities I frequent that doesn't have the problem people
Now why would I do that?

Just join discords that are hosted by the artists of your niche/fetish/genre

>> No.6283734

So why do you still stick around here? Why are you announcing every single day your departure? Just go then.

>> No.6283735

nta, But I don't want my community to be under the thumb of an artists ego.

>> No.6283738

Did you know I can visit multiple different sites and not just stick to one?

>> No.6283740

Not all artists are like you :) But yeah, there are shitty artist discords and then there are good artist discords

>> No.6283743

I was burned too badly when Jason Manley destroyed CA. Never again...

>> No.6283746

The people being suggested to leave usually want to cut all ties with ic but legitimately don't know where to the go. Look at how often we have discords threads and the like. These aren't schizos shitting up the boards those are just people who feeling unsatisfied with current state of the board, yet are treated like some agent of chaos poised to ruin and community the enter into.

>> No.6283747

But you hate this one. Why spend time in a place you hate.

>> No.6283748

*yet are treated like some agent of chaos poised to ruin any community they enter into.

>> No.6283749

Why are you asking the same very group of people you want to escape from for discord invites? I simply do not understand.

>> No.6283752

Does anyone else get depressed when they see a beautiful yet simple piece of art. I'm sitting here trying to add more lines, more colors, more detail, hoping to make my turd better, and they just draw a few lines and it looks amazing. It just seems so inhuman to be able to draw something so wacky and creative

>> No.6283755

Because im not jaded enough to assume that everyone here is some ambitionless ngmi shitposter who just hang out in places that is ic away from ic.

>> No.6283756

Not depressed, but I do question my dedication to painting like old masters. Even more now that AI struggles with the simple, but excels at the rendering I spent so many hours learning.

>> No.6283757

Not depressed, but im starting to gravitate toward it more as of late. Something about is so effortless and beautiful to me that im just like why cant do that? Why and i killing myself with all of this elaborate shit?

>> No.6283765

Why can’t you use this same logic when, just, like, posting on /ic/?

>> No.6283767

Yes. I've accepted that I'm NGMI and soulless. Fucking loser coper studying anatomy and figure drawing just to make lifeless boring garbage, meanwhile some random tumblrina appealmogs and cloutmogs me with a 10 minute doodle.

Being permaint is the most abstract and damaging kind of hell. When you're /beg/ you can say "haha I just need fundies", but when you actually have good fundamentals and still make boring trash, that's when it's truly over.

>> No.6283770

Ok, guys, let's be frank. How bad the AI situation is? Don't sugarcoat it, just straight truth.

>> No.6283771

Its a nothing burger. no jobs are being lost, no views are being lost.

>> No.6283778
File: 43 KB, 324x328, robocop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not tumblerina stuff that does it to me, but stuff like Kyle Ferrin and Scott C.

>> No.6283788

Largely forgotten in a year. People completely overestimated how much pride and joy people find building a drawing from ground up is to an artist. Just another tool in the shed.

>> No.6283790

I've been drawfagging for a few years now and basically never get much of a response. It's extremely frustrating

>> No.6283796

I know ic isn't mostly shit but because there is zero moderation on this
board losers are allowed to have the biggest bullhorn and make there vindictiveness and autism inescapable. Im so fucking tired of generals either being completely dead or bunch of retards in some gay fight with a handful of art disperse inbetween. Fuck even this thread is beginning to become this shit.

>> No.6283802

Once i started drawfagging for oc threads i cant find it in me to go back to the request threads, feels like the only place on this site that people truely appreciate it.

>> No.6283873

Welcome to 4chan enjoy your stay.

>> No.6283928

>drawing for free, ever
people can tell you dont even value your own work. that's why.

>> No.6283956

I get hundreds of bookmarks and faves and likes on art sites and very seldom I would get (You)s on 4chan on my art.

>> No.6283970

Yeah that's how it usually goes. The thing that really annoys the shit out of me is when I post something in the same thread as someone else and they get way more (You)s despite being only somewhat better than me.

>> No.6283991

It's very rarely skill issue. It's more of the subject. You can draw super good, but if there's nothing else to it, it loses to more interesting/funnier pieces, And if we talking about drawthreads where people request stuff and drawfags deliver, those are run by one IP hopping request spammer who samefags (You)s to deliveries they get so it's more about to whom you draw for. Naturally you wouldn't want to enable such behavior so safest bet would be drawing for other drawfags.

>> No.6284074
File: 765 KB, 500x281, 1600318961554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally afford lessons with a teacher who is really good and most of his students are successful. I have the money and the time, and he can fit exactly 1 more person into his schedule, and I'm thinking of a million excuses not to go tomorrow. My brain has concocted dozens of awkward scenarios and potential issues in just 1 afternoon.
I really, truly and honestly hate my brain for doing this. I should be excited and happy but I really just feel dread and fear.

>> No.6284082
File: 193 KB, 553x227, frandeathstare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born with a math brain but a passion for art instead

Art has made me utterly miserable, genuinely suicidal at times.
If I didn't have this love I'd probably have been content with where this math brain got me.

Yet, I don't feel like I regret discovering drawing for even a moment. It's just so much more fun than literally anything I've ever done.
I fucking love it and I don't want to ever forget this feeling I have in me.

>> No.6284123

pic related, you already know where that mentality leads. I know being aware of this doesn't make it much easier, but do try to push through. It's not like you need to be especially likeable or a promising student, your teacher is going to meet you at the level you're at and be thankful for your patronage. You're not looking to make a friend, you're paying money for a service.

>> No.6284234


>> No.6284350

How to I interestmaxx

>> No.6284354

I started tracing 3d models from csp under my work and saw a lot of improvement even when i'm not tracing, honestly I'm glad this whole AI shit happened it made me realize that i was retarded for not starting to do it earlier, it's liberating in a way

>> No.6284361
File: 1.48 MB, 992x811, marc school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone taken any of this guy's courses and think they are good? I hate his personality but love his art and want to see how he does it all

>> No.6284373

I think it depends on your goals. I get really jealous of the Twitter animators who share their effortless pose sketches and gifs. They clearly can draw without 3D aids. But then I’m wondering how do the Japanese draw erotic poses in such complex angles while staying consistent. Surely they’re using 3D? I could be overestimating everyone’s abilities in the sun land but I could also be underestimating the hard work they put into to draw their art by saying “they used 3D” as a cop out. Feels like a biased cope.

>> No.6284425

More than that I underestimated how much I'm learning from it, thinking about composition and 3d space while moving the models is making it easier for me to do more interesting perspective even when i'm just sketching without 3d models instead of defaulting to my comfort zone angles, i wish i started doing it months earlier but oh well

>> No.6284434

I want to learn how to draw athletic/muscular women with horns. That's pretty much all I want.

>> No.6284475

Ehh, “tracing” (you know what I mean) is better if you just use photo reference. You got Pinterest that has loads of hot babes to study from. Once you get the hang of the forms you won’t need to trace as much imo.

>> No.6284656

Someone asked for a prompt on one of my original works and ive been fuming ever since

>> No.6284739

>try draw an IMPLICATION of the nose on simple cartoon/anime face
>still looks wrong as hell
Are noses the ugliest thing on the planet or what?

>> No.6284777

Was it anonymous? there are bots set up to ask that now. don't worry about it, they are just trying to scrape every image and tag them.

>> No.6284964
File: 303 KB, 564x423, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being able to draw is my only interesting quality and the only reason anyone ever has an interest in talking to me
>Don't want to draw because I literally have 0 friends and the oppresive loneliness just makes me want to spend all day on 4chan trying to find people to add me on Discord

>> No.6284965
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 1658845759387624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to tell you that I love you.

>> No.6284967

i fucking hate you
you suck

>> No.6285003

Ok, serious question. Why is this board called /ic/?
It's artwork/ctritique. So it should be /a-ACK

ai has won btw, give up

>> No.6285025

I, eye. C, see. Visual arts you use your eyes to see.

>> No.6285030

sometimes I wonder if I don't have enough potential to be a good artist

>> No.6285033

what does b stand for? is evey board name a pun of some sort?

>> No.6285035

bee urself.

>> No.6285038

got it

>> No.6285091

Oekaki critique. The oekaki board is /i/

>> No.6285102

why not /oc/ then?

>> No.6285109

same except for science, getting a phd was piss easy but art and soul is where I'm really tested

>> No.6285111

Idk. Why is oekaki /i/?

>> No.6285114
File: 430 KB, 696x696, kaljsdsago;s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there ever a point in drawing where you just enjoy it all the time? i had so much fun yesterday and today i'm back to being pissed off over not being good enough. even if i technically perform well, then i start getting mad about not being creative enough. i get like 2-3 hours of fun drawing a month, the rest is just pain and complete destruction of my self-esteem. even when i get approval from artists i look up to or literally get paid to draw i feel empty, it's almost never good enough for my own eyes. how good do you have to be to not hate your art for longer than a few minutes at a time?

>> No.6285207

>how good do you have to be to not hate your art for longer than a few minutes at a time?
Our own work never satisfies us because we have the optimal mental image on what we want to convey and the actual work never fully accomplishes that. No matter how good you get, you will never be perfect in your own eyes. All you can do is rationalize it to yourself.

>> No.6285257

I hate how you pay premium for Magic Poser or Easy Pose and the models STILL clip and distort while the free models in CSP don’t as bad as the standalone apps.

>> No.6286007
File: 70 KB, 1024x991, 1663632416504867m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a chance at getting a job that pays over a hunny K. Hope I'm not too retarded to get it.

>> No.6286040

Yeah noses suck no matter the shape or size. Yet if you photoshop out the nose from a pic of a real face it's suddenly nightmarish.

>> No.6286049

>fav streamer calls out my question at random chance
Wow, that felt weird and nice. Is this how vtuber fags feel? Especially with the chat blazing quickly.

>> No.6286681

Lost an art competition and the winner just drew a masked lady and in the other category a fucking tracing from a marvel movie won......and even knowing this im still upset i didnt win

>> No.6286985
File: 69 KB, 640x905, 16651828391989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw from reference
>brain says "dude this isnt creative you arent creative!!!"
>draw from imagination
>brain says "dude this would be so much better with reference, you aren't learning anything new dude you arent learning!!!"
thank you so much head demon you really hjelp me so much

>> No.6287024

I can relate. My references art looks like shit and even though my imaginative art has lots of fundamental errors, it is all overpowered by SOUL.

>> No.6289176
File: 693 KB, 557x627, wonder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only think that brings me any joy anymore is working on my animated short film. If I don't work on it for at least a few hours every day, I feel horrible. I literally fantasize about the moment in which the final edit is complete, and it makes me well up & cry.

Other hobbies seem like just a pointless waste of time now. Sometimes I do get lonely, and think about hitting up one of my Tinder matches. But then I just jerk off, and in my post-nut clarity I realize that I should just get back to work.