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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 79 KB, 1200x675, cyberpunk-edgerunners-music-video-new-cropped-hed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270985 No.6270985 [Reply] [Original]

There are anons here who started drawing at the same time or close to Kr0nPr1nz yet they have achieved nothing of tangible value. He went from deviantart tracer to instagram photocopier to trannime and now directing a cyberpunk music video. Now you have anons desperately closing the gap with their non-construction and AI prompts as if it will ever make up for their lack of russian genes. It's like watching ants going in circles marching to their inevitable deaths. God save your souls.

>> No.6270993

Meh, just looked this guy up. Seems like he was already talented. Also he started before me.

>> No.6270995

what have you achieved

>> No.6271003

>lack of russian genes
Christ people will come up with any excuse for their own lack of talent. You're just a lazy shit, it has nothing to do with genes.

>> No.6271010
File: 167 KB, 621x799, 2532352354677234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god a ilya thread. I wanted to post this art of his kinda like a warning why you shouldn't go full drifter in you artwork but I also didn't want to be the faggot who created the thread.

My opinion is pretty much something like this. Ilya always a cheap bastard, he hit jackpot with his work and style from 2013 to 2016 but nothing else he created since them is even as close as impactful, is almost surreal in my opinion how much appeal his work lost and I can't really put my finger on why.

This drawing here in particular is proof of how deteriorated his aesthetic sense become. Is ugly and all over the place, probably one of his worse works since that joke that was that "manga". I used to be fan of his, I legitimate tried to match his skill at some point when he peaked because honestly, despite all the shady stuff behind his work still was great and visually incredible, but now? I can safely say he is mediocre and boring, maybe because he finally stopped being a grifter after achieving success and this are his true skills or he lost touch with why he art was good.

>> No.6271016

>"my old work"
>Ilya's been drawing since long before 2008
I don't think anyone on /ic/ has been here since 2008, but pyw OP.

>> No.6271020

>appeal his work lost and I can't really put my finger on why.
>This drawing here in particular is proof of how deteriorated his aesthetic sense become. Is ugly and all over the place
That is because K*vshinov only knows how to draw one face, and that same stupid face is what tickled normies in the ass which catapulted him to places he quite frankly doesn't belong. That piece you posted is the consequence of only knowing how to draw faces, and copying from references as K*vshinov heavily relies on references to draw anything else it is evident since each object in that image practically has its own perspective it's Loomis 101 and there's even a page from Loomis describing this same exact error from somebody who negated basic fundamentals. People like K*vshinov are first to be culled by the AI.

>> No.6271031

lol faggot keep hating on onefaceman how come schizos who draw sameface haven't achieved anything yet? Clearly there is something Ilya has that they don't.

>> No.6271042

>Clearly there is something Ilya has that they don't.
A cheap appeal which caters to normies.

>> No.6271126
File: 1.42 MB, 680x1651, 692ded11eaf55774205f990a1f9f7a1a_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he made some work kikestarter game that started recently

>> No.6271138

is this what boomers were into?

>> No.6271471
File: 794 KB, 621x799, irryakun3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno who made that picture, was it Illya himself or someone else photoshopped stuff together. But whoever does it they clearly have no idea how light works. It is painfully obvious that each of the characters were drawn independently and then the background just thrown there because they do not fit.

>> No.6271577

I came to /ic/ today specifically so I could find a thread like this, lol. I never understood why you guys hated him so much, but aside from the career envy, I'm starting to get it. I actually hate that music video.
The characters and style just follows "cyberpunk" without any specific connection to Edgerunners or CP2077 for that matter.
And I am definitely getting sick of that sanitized, sameface style of his that people just seemed to love for so long.

>> No.6271585
File: 2.29 MB, 988x4007, 1546943030827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like even normies are realizing what a hack he is now.
I have always hated him because I could tell the exact shots he blatantly plagiarized.

>> No.6271587

It's called luck and marketing.
Popular artists are never the most skilled.

>> No.6271598

Find yt video when he was drawing live along with some Asian artist and you will see his true skills Lmao.

>> No.6271599

Goes to show how little skill matters for making it.

>> No.6271614

These look like scene redesigns. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6271619

/ic/'s problem is that these are clearly traced works with some very minor changed to the face pasting on the same one type of face Irrya-kun always draws. It is extremely low effort work and yet, supposedly these pictures get thousands of likes/reblobs or whatever on the"Currently super-important social media" page. It is getting praise and success for very little actual skill requirement.

>> No.6271657

Did you know he tried to sell it before the drama?

>> No.6271686


Funny when you have people complaining right now about AI being a copycat and then you see shit like this.

>> No.6271742

The difference is that you can take a person into court for plagiarism but you can't take an AI because that is just a software.

>> No.6271773

link it nigger

>> No.6271875
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, 16894666414.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this thread on /v/
>of course the fag makes the same thread on /ic/

>> No.6271986

Go back troon

>> No.6271996

literally who? there will always be people better than me, I don't give a shit, art isn't my livelihood

you'd have to be sub-90 IQ to try to make a living off art. Go STEM instead.

>> No.6272008


>> No.6272047

I went to the art studio owned by someone who attended an art university with him. it was 4 years ago and I think she was about to hit 30 even back then so Ilya was drawing seriously and attending an art school since at least 2008.

I highly doubt there's a single person on /ic/ who has both the formal education and at least 14 years of serious commitment to the craft.

>> No.6272189

I always hated his artstyle.

Not because it's bad per say it's attractive to some but this guy obviously ripped Persona's art style. I know saying this now is retarded since everybody does it but back in good dA days this was a sin

But reading >>6271126
Made me laugh. You did it you kronoprince fucker, gg

>> No.6272230
File: 57 KB, 197x174, 1663030592773320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am i kawaii uwu, consumer-kun?
Even after all these years, i seriously can't logically understand how this guy could get away doing only this.

>> No.6272239

Truly this is the absolute peak of Ghost in the Shell's entire run!

>> No.6272245

jealous crabs never change

>> No.6272257

>being jealous of a morally bankrupt hack who can't draw anything besides anime girls staring in the void and isn't really being successful except on a very shallow surface level
i can do whatever he does but better

>> No.6272270

>i can do whatever he does but better
except have fame money and his career of course.

>> No.6272281

>his fame
>his money
>his career
>he doesn't actually know
I wouldn't want anything he has, but you're probably too retarded to get it.

>> No.6272285

I hope kr0n gets drafted and dies in an Ukrainian ditch

>> No.6272289

kek this literally looks like webtoon art.

>> No.6272298

nice walkback you irrelevant faggot

>> No.6272313

>I wouldn't want to be known as a kitsch printing hack that does any job to get by, having ruined GitS and never be able to work on any real project except quick scammy cashgrabs and advertisement for shitty jap companies
I lol and lmao at your immaturity and your ignorance.
If you truly believe that anything Irrya has obtained is actually worth obtaining, man, i wonder how you manage to keep breathing when you're this retarded.

>> No.6272314

>even more coping

>> No.6272318

These are textbook trace jobs, don't make excuses for the cunt. You can tell a good 98% of the image is identical to the original, he's merely imposed an 'animeified' face in place of the og one. If you want to do it for shits and giggles that's one thing, but to pass it off as your own and expect money for this stuff is downright criminal.

>> No.6272319

>"look ma i'm baitingtrollingshitposting, aren't i smart?"
You're giving me an excuse to post what i want to post, faggot.

>> No.6272322


>> No.6272329
File: 162 KB, 785x539, 168546854651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get an anon to feel insulted
>gets btfo
>"Oh, i know, if i actually go out of my way to post petty things like this this will show him and then i can pretend i'm trolling him"
Nice meltdown you're having, pal.

>> No.6272349

>gets to work on ONE music video by some literal who indie band
You could probably find some guy with a guitar who would let you do that right now.
Go chase your dreams, champ.

>> No.6272399
File: 108 KB, 700x1061, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>webtoon art.
nah, some webtoons artists actually wanted to draw what they draw, Ilya is beyond souless at this point.