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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 427 KB, 595x607, Bloodborne shit 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6267328 No.6267328 [Reply] [Original]

Automated Plagiarism.

>> No.6267343

You asked it to generate bloodborne and it generated bloodborne retard. Are you going to try to sue the AI for generating a Pokemon?

>> No.6267349

Why are you so scared?

>> No.6267350

Maybe we can convince some jury that it contains CP because you can generate nude children with the right prompts and that will set a precedent and force the cops to go after people with AI on their computers.

>> No.6267353

I hope there's some hero autist that is gathering every single bit of evidence and compiling it in a neat folder.

>> No.6267355

Good luck trying to ban an Opensource model that can be stored on any device or pen drive in earth. The genie is out of the bottle and you can only hope that things will somehow go back to the past where you lived off drawing bad art for 40$

>> No.6267357

>that can be stored on any device or pen drive in earth
so can cp

>> No.6267359

CP isn't illegal in many places such as arab countries. Are you going to try to enforce your vapid ethics on them? lmao

>> No.6267360

Why do you feel threatened by this idea? Maybe there's something to it?

>> No.6267363

You can tell when someone's got got when they put an lol or lmao at the end of their post. Weak shit.

>> No.6267365

>gets BTFO
>n-no u can't use that situation or ur literally epstein!!!!
Holy mother of cope Batman.

>> No.6267366
File: 2.79 MB, 392x498, 1640664569505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are scared
lol the sheer projection from some scared little artfag

>> No.6267367
File: 1.37 MB, 751x817, greysoupeffect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next generation of ai art

>> No.6267369

I'll be the one laughing when you're being escorted into prison for your crimes, child molester.

>> No.6267373

dude stop talking about genies.

i agree with you, but fucking stop saying "genie is out of the bottle."

>> No.6267378

I for one, am excited at the prospect of many AI prompters getting sued out of their assholes. It's a good time to be a lawyer right now and maybe a bailiff.

>> No.6267383
File: 257 KB, 947x2048, Bloodborne SHIT 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267390


Oh, fuck i did not got that it generated bloodborne guy, thought it was a comprasion. Hehe, Ai bros...

>> No.6267394
File: 316 KB, 400x571, fractal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days an AI is gonna generate some truly horrible art that it causes problems in people that view it
One of these days movies will just be random shapes and colors generate by an AI and people will go to see them just to experience the emotions

>> No.6267401
File: 38 KB, 640x266, ardz5o579o581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people with AI on their computers
But what about people who took ze covid vax and how have AI in their soul? You can't simply just gas them. Verification not required.

>> No.6267402

My thought was that, the more it makes, the more it's diluting it's own pool to draw from.
No ammount of human created images will be enough to stop the eventual inbreeding

>> No.6267413

Didn't you know that guns are 100% of the culprits in all gun related accidents?

>> No.6267674
File: 821 KB, 700x906, 1651457589823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of these days movies will just be random shapes and colors generate by an AI and people will go to see them just to experience the emotions
They tried very hard with idoser, but that never took off.

I do think we'll have "AI radio stations" if big speaker Jews don't shut down the big AI Jews.
Cause music is way easier to make since it's more abstract, and an algorithm that can just generate 10 hours of electronic, dance beats, would be easy to come up with.

>> No.6267748

sage ai spam
hide ai spam
report ai spam

>> No.6268718

Does that particular generator require a fee or subscription to use? Because if so, that bottom right generation proves that it has copyrighted content as a part of it's "brain", and Sony or fromsoft would be able to file a trademark infringement claim.

>> No.6268743

You are defining popular art right now, the things you see being shared on twitter for example.

>> No.6268751


I think it's from the open source one. Midjourbey or whatever have it own "style" so to speak. You can recognize midjourbey generated images. And dalle is backed by a large company. They really careful with the data fed into their ai. If I'm not mistaken they even disable faces to avoid future problems.

>> No.6269030

yeah, if the future is google literally siphoning my unique artistic vision and running it through a photobashing algorithm so they can generate more versions of it for some nigger to gawk at as their investors earn ad revenue, yeah, it's absolutely time to fucking sue retard, are you daft? this kind of shit should already be absolutely illegal, these people are unlawfully privatizing and generating income from the entire internet, infringing on the intellectual property rights of a billion people that have absolutely no recourse, and this includes you, and you're fucking here acting all smug about it because you've been trained to make fun of people that "care about shit and say things about stuff and shit fr fr no cap lmaoooo"
fuck me, you deserve what's coming, but others don't

>> No.6269039

That is like saying cops should go after everyone's computer for having internet access since with the right search words you can find CP

>> No.6269073
File: 503 KB, 975x790, 1662354471208879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this means Emad knowingly sourced that type of material

>> No.6269348

It look like Painkiller.

>> No.6269362


Effort is now considered unnecessary dread. I would like a brain scan of this person, his frontal lobe must be completely void at this point.

>> No.6269574

>people are unlawfully privatizing and generating income from the entire internet, infringing on the intellectual property rights of a billion people that have absolutely no recourse
welcome to art

>> No.6269642

that's not what art is, retard. Good luck using that line in court.

>> No.6269886
File: 120 KB, 1366x768, 1662955341375465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mildly related, Instagram users are reporting an image2text integrated machine reading their pictures and churning out a description that is for some reason being displayed on the site. The stealthy use of AI is being put in use for the algorithms, so their model is being autotrained on all the faces and bodies of people there without them having any idea of the purpose of this text report or what it does kek

>> No.6270070
File: 86 KB, 111x90, tenor_16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, pedophile.

>> No.6270197
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1634933695173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say nigga.

>> No.6270198
File: 1.66 MB, 1300x800, 1662803172810980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like this

>> No.6270202

Why don't you guys just draw?

>> No.6270204

you are just like those retards that look at the NSA whistleblower documents and then smugly proclaim that "the government has always been unlawfully spying on everything you do and it's always been like that lmaooo retard, pretending like civic responsibilities exist lmaooo who hurt u"
the fatalist slave's only moral duty is to conflate submission with stoicism, and people like you are, simply put: the problem, every problem, you are literally why we can't have nice things

>> No.6270244


>> No.6270326

They have no interest in drawing. They are just here to shill their pajeet image search

>> No.6270874

arab morality laws are insane

>> No.6270974
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 1663000362686693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is.

>> No.6270982

music generating AI has existed for half a decade now and it's still absolutely terrible, it can only violently bash together segments of already recorded music, you know, just like (((art))) AI
at least /mu/ wins the IQ test because they don't have more than one thread a month about it and everyone just finds it curious and amusing

>> No.6271012
File: 44 KB, 427x455, 1634880592896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that depends on what you're looking for.
I listen to a lot of minimalistic/simple genres of music like house and techno. These are very formulaic, repetitive, all you need to do is to tell the AI to combine a few patterns and try out different instruments each time until it fine-tunes what sounds good or not.
That is, of course, assuming learning from datasets is actually a real thing and not just a lot of hot air like all the naysayers have been positing.

>/mu/ wins the IQ test
Truly the darkest timeline.
Racist pun retroactively intended.

>> No.6271024
File: 200 KB, 600x470, 1611705044253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame burgers for all of this

If you didn't spend 3 decades producing dogshit and pretending to like it then we wouldn't need robots to replace you

>> No.6271026

This is creepypasta ripping off a sci fi book.

>> No.6271044

>That is, of course, assuming learning from datasets is actually a real thing and not just a lot of hot air like all the naysayers have been positing
NTA but Emad's music prompt AI coming soon, few months away from going opensource. Based on his current Stable Diffusion golden calf, do you think this AI will b learning anything either? People will just be typing "dark souls, orchestral, high brass on start, trending on SoundCloud" and generate cheap music. They aren't able to produce something out of the formulaic because everything still needs to be defined in words and based after videos that already exist which

>> No.6271075

on the contrary, i think minimalistic house music is probably one of the harder things for an AI to do in terms of music, because it's a lot of open space with poignant, textural, aesthetically significant breaks and other ambient sounds that are sprinkled throughout, AI is far better suited for oversaturated things like technical death metal or speedcore where the individual parts don't matter
this recursive sorting algorithm we call "AI" only functions through insanely large datasets that have a physical limit of categorization, which is not at all condusive to simple things where all the components matter, people get all basedfaced when you tell it to do A as B if B was C and D while E as if this demonstrates its power, but in reality that is its limit, it requires a wide net to be cast, just asking it for "a cat" will yield the weakest results, weaker than what you can find on google images right now, and the thing the AI gave you is probably a convoluted reiteration of the first search result on google images, which, by the way, is another recursive data sorting algorithm that generates effectively infinite imagery of things that already exist, that has been around for literally a quarter century and nobody called it the literal assassination of humanity and imagination itself, all of this is bullshit, thank you for reading my blog post, image of asian whore

>> No.6271158

truth is grifters just want to grift and think daddy Emad will keep supplying them.

Unlike piracy where people can't be like "oh evil big corpo" , they are coming up with the weakest of excuses, how artists are suddenly so evil and how the grifters are actually morally superior and forward thinking.

>> No.6271265

>Art is useless, it doesn't add anything to society
>Art should be a right for everyone, everyone can do art now, effort is gatekeeping! Stop gatekeeping!

>> No.6271301
File: 475 KB, 512x768, D2074727-8E20-40F9-A228-431E84D7DB64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horny bros.. we’re going home

>> No.6271632
File: 301 KB, 520x678, 1651053081619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it will be people typing prompts to make music
Now you've got me worried, anons. I was imagining just the AI doing its thing, as a performing musician, but you're probably right...

It will be another low IQ toy to keep people (and investors) hooked, and to make hylics think they finally have a go at creating art.
Silly of me to think it could have been marketed in a useful way for people who are not only interested in consuming next product.

>> No.6271633

>how artists are suddenly so evil
the fact i constantly read the phrase "art being gatekept/artists gatekeeping art" from the ai fanboys is really telling about what kind of people they are

they dont care about tech, just being tech consoomers in a very passive dystopian way

>> No.6271744

American can't even make guns illegal and you still believe AI will be made illegal or strongly restrained ? There have been combined efforts of the whole world and trillions spent to stop drugs, millions of people killed or put to prison and it never worked. Piracy is as healthy as ever despite threathening a big part of the economy. If enough people want something and it's affordable to make it for rich criminals then that's 100% sure they'll get it no matter how illegal that is.

It's much better to have AI being worked on by sane people in the west that we know and can regulate in a reasonable way than have the average people running a shady AI made by the chinese mafia and government.

More importantly instead of wondering how we could prevent AI to make CP, we should wonder for example how we will prevent AI to allow a lot of people to create bioweapons far worse than Corona...and if we can't then what shall we do. All live in remote bunker with a few people and never go out beside delivery people like in Death Stranding?

>> No.6271745

piracy in gaming is getting BTFO hard

>> No.6271756

kojima...El futuristo creatividad ....

>> No.6271799

i mean i don't know what to tell you, DAWs have had heuristic randomization for composition and a ton of other things built in for a very long time, i don't think you understood my >>6271075 post, i'm basically saying that AI is actually only useful to creators as a tool and can't be consumed on its own by an actually discerning audience; the only issue being the collectivist hype consumerism that has arisen because of capitalist free market wealth giving a billion stupid, useless no-inner-monologue bugmen more money(power) than they ought to have to influence culture and society, and those people will love anything they're told to love since they have no individual will
at the end of the day, dall-e and all the rest are just google images with extra features, that's literally all they are and all they can ever be

>> No.6271816

contrary to what the progressive cult believes, progress isn't linear or guaranteed and is known to just stop dead for hundreds of years at a time, usually followed by hundreds of years of technological regression
we're blind to this because electricity and the transistor were discovered in this burgenoning new era we have been born into, but all we're doing right now is still exploring the limits of electricity and the transistor, honestly people 100 years from now will have less powerful and sophisticated technology than we have now(and not because of any great reset agenda, they want to have that power, but they don't), such progress is very rapidly forgotten unless it's given time to cement itself over many generations, we're already at the point where people just don't know how to make oldschool power amplifiers and other high tech analog equipment and that was only half a century ago, the foundations for human knowledge must be fortified and expanded before the proverbial tower of babel can be built any higher, trying to go ahead with it anyway will just bring the whole thing tumbling down, that's my opinion anyway

>> No.6272020
File: 1.13 MB, 250x140, 1654692252132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are you sure of your words?
Maybe you don't understand how simple it is to make music that people will eat up. Or how little music theory most low IQ people trying to be the next Tupac know.
There are entire genres dominated by zero knowledge, like trap, miami bass, reggaeton, favela funk...

I don't think an algorithm taught to do something pleasant could lose to niggers pressing random buttons and trying to be as loud as possible.

I do agree that nothing new has showed up, though. All these Dall-E pictures could have been generated by people with enough patience and Photoshoping skills to photobash stuff, but an autonomous, continuous content generator like a radio station doesn't seem that complex to make - whether there is interest in it, I don't know.
It's like generating fractals, Media Player comes (or use to come) with a few that were get affected by the waveform of an audio. Just make the inverted process, derivative music collages generated on a constantly changing pattern.
And maybe that can't be called true AI, but everything nowadays has to have AI stapled on it to sell, so the word is meaningless at this point.

>> No.6272075

>niggers pressing random buttons and trying to be as loud as possible.
so what's the point you're trying to make. they press buttons in a different way now?

>> No.6272149

i did literally write:
>the only issue being the collectivist hype consumerism that has arisen because of capitalist free market wealth giving a billion stupid, useless no-inner-monologue bugmen more money(power) than they ought to have to influence culture and society, and those people will love anything they're told to love since they have no individual will
didn't i
the problem is that these people are negatively affecting society already like a swarm of termites, AI is not going to speed up or slow down that process, they're already gnawing at everything around them as fast as their soulless little skinwalker jaws can gnaw
but yes the point is that even the very best dall-e renders are supersaturated, vapid, commercial concept art and i am not at all concerned about merc_wip wage slaves losing their lowest-common-denominator consumerist cat herder jobs, maybe unemployment will give them the time to draw something actually meaningful aimed at people with an IQ above 90, this isn't the first time a change in technology rendered certain types of artist obsolete, that has already happened like 5 times since the 1900s

>> No.6272168
File: 485 KB, 512x704, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is all this AI is good for making elsas? i tried the same prompt and settings as the anon on /pol/ but i still don't get the same fertility goddesses i see posted

>> No.6272274

If you want the prooompt:

>> No.6272300

It's literally never been easier to pirate anything you want. Keep your mouth shut if you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6272332

Then where is your boodborne emutard? >>NEVER EVER

>> No.6272338

The entire conceit is that the art is novel. If a trained AI regresses to the mean then that is just plagiarism.

>> No.6272378

I think I get your point, then.

>> No.6272460

new article just dropped https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-62788725

>> No.6272464

actual fucking lie. DENUVO made more and more people buy games

>> No.6272479

where'd you read that, IGN?

>> No.6272802

You can't own a style. It's also not photobashing, it's generated from pulling patterns out of noise, the prompt and training just direct recognition it's searching for in the noise.

>> No.6272808
File: 40 KB, 720x301, 20220914_111601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even twitter normies find emad repulsive now

>> No.6272813

Dude sounds perfectly reasonable, it's Palmer ranting on with deranged paranoid conjecture.

>> No.6272815
File: 204 KB, 1170x1049, Fcj6qovakAIs2dO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sounds like a totally spies villian

>> No.6272821

There's nothing disagreeable in that screenshot, it's the same stuff you see this board saying about industrialised art infact.

>> No.6272822


>> No.6272919

You're not an Artist lmao. If so, post work.

>> No.6272932

You'd think in current year, that enough people would realize that gatekeeping is a good thing because the average normoid shits things up if you don't weed them out.
>schizo randomly mentions the vax for no fucking reason
>its not photobashing
Your gaslighting bullshit isn't working, shill

>> No.6272942


Emad is a venture capitalist trying to get money from Investor for Stability AI, which is a start-up :
He cares least about ML ethics and certainly not in the business of art. His response are generic buzzwords and his job is to do PR and shill the tech to investors.

Why people are mad at SD specifically is that it's trying to normalize scraping and monetizing others's work without consent. We have seen a decent number of AI over the past few years already and none of them have been so brazen in using works with signature, logo, trademarks... etc as SD, and SD is trying to normalize it.

Again, it's open-source but money needs to come from somewhere (investors). You don't just get to steal people's shit and monetize your "open source" product either .And there's no guarantee it won't get sold to some "oh evil big tech " unless you believe everything daddy Emad says. And Emad has been very dodgy about the whole IP, consent stuffs

>> No.6272947

>He cares least about ML ethics and certainly not in the business of art. His response are generic buzzwords and his job is to do PR
Sounds like the average artist in 2022 desu
>normalize scraping and monetizing others's work without consent
Artists also do this, pros even.
It's an open secret.

>money this money that
Sounds like you're just jealous of this guy making it while a codetranny like you is ashamed to even set out a foot out of his house

Post your work
You do draw, right?

>> No.6272984

Seethe and cope.

>> No.6272996
File: 1.30 MB, 402x849, work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emad threw a bone and the pack adamantly barked for him. I'm simply saying he's not adequately addressing concerns around this tech, neither his promised "opportunities" and no cherry picking,whataboutism changes that.

And people could use this for whatever deranged crap they want, and treat as a hush hush financial's advantage like piracy. But Emad threw a bone, and people need to feel righteous and just while being greedy, so they kept barking his song

>> No.6273003
File: 180 KB, 1080x1275, 1663118463547469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone emailed a bomb to the Museum of Fine Arts area
Why do I feel like this has something to do with AI art

>> No.6273009

Unabomber 2

>> No.6273014 [DELETED] 

Simon stalenhag commented
>Sci-fi artist Simon Stålenhag tweeted that AI art revealed, the "kind of derivative, generated goo .. our new tech lords are hoping to feed us".

>And there are some big names connected to the development of the tech. The "techno-king" himself Elon Musk is a backer of OpenAI.

>Far from being "derivative goo", they say DALL-E assists human creativity and produces "unique, original images that have never existed before".

>For a final opinion, I rang up contemporary artist and broadcaster Bob-and-Roberta-Smith (the name belongs to just one artist).

>He's had work in the big galleries, and will be staging an artistic takeover of the shop in London's Tate Modern gallery in October.

>He works in old-school physical media mainly but he thinks AI could be an interesting area of artistic activity, in the tradition of the mash-up.

>But policy makers, he says, need to get the rules right, "so nobody feels ripped off", and money isn't just siphoned off from artists and into the pockets of big corporations.

>> No.6273020

Also, I just think what's sadder than Emad doing his grift is that the average internet commenter is so brain-broken, conditioned to never accept the fact that money and resources are at the heart of most conflicts of interest, and that one needs to be literal Jesus to point to a thing that's wrong and simply say that it's wrong.

>> No.6273024

Wtf this means RJ Palmer is literally jesus

>> No.6273030

>It's wrong.... because it just is ok? im literally jesus and you're brain dead
The amount of times you drop this nigger's name makes me think you have a personal issue with the guy using whatever made up bullshit to justify all the shit you say.

>but people could use this for any deranged crap they want
Don't need AI for it lmao

i don't give a shit about your incoherent schizo ramblings
post your work

>> No.6273046

>something to do with AI art
can you explain more?

>> No.6273053

I stated my case and literally posted my work. You could pretend I don't make sense, add a quote sign then proceed to rewrite my original sentences. You can deny, dance around it but it doesn't change your reaction comes from maintaining some highground in your mind, be it the idea of your intelligence or your forward-thinking. And you feel the need to ,by any means, retort criticism because you feel it somehow aims at you personally for using these AI.

I have used AI stuff ever since ArtBreeder got traction years ago and. And I only focus on criticising SD and its spearhead, Emad, because imo, he's trying to pull a fast one and normalize exploiting others's work and IP for investor money. I have doubt whether his tech is actually more impressive than Dall-E or the one from Nvidia. Or it's just the reckless scraping of copyrighted work that allowed the software to wow investors.

And as I said, if he's looking for a billion dollars from investor, I think it's totally fine for me to question his means of building the tech.

>> No.6273057
File: 107 KB, 706x690, 20220914_142114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273060
File: 85 KB, 704x512, 272e27fb-6fbe-4506-b699-744a6560f432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reckless scraping of copyrighted work that allowed the software to wow investors.
Emad showed bezos this AI image and he said... DID THE AI JUST GENERATE THIS UNIQUE CHARACTER OUT OF THIN AIR??? Here 100m Amazon bucks

>> No.6273098

Thanks to SD my dog became an artist after shatting on the keyboard and typing some godlike prompt

>> No.6273202

Why does he pretend to understand art? If I spend a week shitposting on /g/ I'd be able to pretend that I understand programming too. Techbros are like the boomer equivalent of those TV Evangelists that promise you God if you help them fund their 12th yacht.

>> No.6273207

The pajeet said he will make an AI to automate music, video, speech, PowerPoint, etc but until now he has no plans or mentions of doing an opensource coding AI. CoPilot is monetized just like Dall-E 2 so why can't he democratize code too?

>> No.6273215

That's a good gotcha actually. Automating code is infinitely more useful than automating art because it would lessen the wait time to automate everything else since you have millions of AI monkies generating code, they will inevitably come up with music, speech and everything else you need, it's like having a million arms! We'll call it the AI Shiva.

>> No.6273434

So none of you mass save books and references from here? you've never saved an image from the internet and opened it in Photoshop? Is Photoshop evil for allowing this capability?
It seems to me that Palmer is trying to monopolise his 'style', which is basic concept art painterly renderings of shin-Godzilla and Pokémon, that he totally never even considered sourcing from Google images without 'consent', with bizarre assertions and when his mental gymnastics collapse he reveals his true fear that it's all because the ai is faster than him. It's nonsense and far scarier for small and new artists then anything ai is doing.
The ai dude just responded by saying that it's just a tool, and the only people it's going to 'replace' are the people being crunched and used as tools to do brainless rendering, which was already replaced by photobashing and CG twenty years ago.

>> No.6273447

Well it's a direct reference to Langford's short story BLIT so I dunno if you could say it's ripping it off

>> No.6273465

>allow millions more to become artists
I don't even consider myself one even though I can wow the average pleb with my below average bullshit and retards entering text to get some photobashed garbage certainly aren't artists

>> No.6273825

Giga cope. Just try to stick your finger in the dam, that will stop the rising water.

>> No.6273854

>it's generated from pulling patterns out of noise, the prompt and training just direct recognition it's searching for in the noise.
nigger, me lassoing shit from pictures is “pulling patterns out of noise”

>> No.6273890

Actually based

Bottom left actually has more soul than 99% of AI art.

>> No.6273932

it's entirely possible this was a piece of performance art

>> No.6273941

>Ted 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.6273985

AI will never be art. all these AI images make me puke when looking at them

>> No.6274998

Anyone could pretty much do anything on an individual level, even if it's something "against the law" like piracy, chances are it's not enforceable or deal enough financial damage for enough people to care and do anything about it.
But on organizations, corporation it's very different /Like with software where it's very lax on single-user level but companies do sue and crack down on enterprise level. On commercial art/advertising side, some random Twitter user could steal images and asset and people wouldn't care. But if you do work for a company or an agency, there are strict rules on purchase and reporting purchase of stock assets and images/ And some stock assets requires credit or are sold at higher cost for enterprise level of usage.
>TLDR: Stealing is still wrong by the book, even if you think everyone else doing it, and there's a big difference in the level of enforcement of copyright law on an individual vs enterprise level.
The scale of copyright law the AI trying to side step is a major point of concern . Nobody cares if Timmy generates some random crap on his computer using others' work, but it's a big deal to normalize doing that on the open market, there will be a lot of exploitation from random companies from Russia or India where they can just set up "crypto farm" style content farm to exploit and monetize other's work on a grand scale.
Talks about to copyright infringement always has a financial incentive to it. Fan art, fan game , fan server are frequently liable to copyright infringement where they exist under the whim of the copyright holder, moreso for games. But there is a symbosis relationship between the original and fan content that there's case to be made for the fan content to left alone.
But the thing with SD is that it's built under the expressed purposed of replacing the people, whose content Stability AI used without consent, originally under the premise of research, to monetize on top. It's an antagonistic relationship

>> No.6275010

> Palmer
It's about money at the end of the day, people like to use rhetorics that obfuscate this fact but
> The free art the consumer can generate for a small fee
> The new job being promised
> Emad looking for 1 billions bucks for his Stability AI start up
> The artist( and possibly big IP holder) want to have authorization on whether a business enterprise can monetize their art ( quite a reasonable demand )
Again, this is on the enterprise level, and there are cases to be made in favor of every side and it's not a non-negotiable matter either. But everyone prefers ignoring the money talk and just spew tribalistic rhetoric garbage.

>> No.6275023

>The ai dude just responded by saying that it's just a tool, and the only people it's going to 'replace' are the people being crunched and used as tools to do brainless rendering, which was already replaced by photobashing and CG twenty years ago.

I agree that AI is a tool, but artists take problems with specific HIS tools. His argument could be applied to any other AI generators out there. People just have problems with the way the tool was built. Unless it gets addressed directly , everything's just rhetoric

>> No.6275217

It's common knowledge that Charlie Parker is permanently stored on the blockchain yet that doesn't stop people from trading bitcoin.

>> No.6275223

That only goes for Monero, 2/3 of their budget is buying lawyers to delay court cases kek

>> No.6275224
File: 547 KB, 576x512, 1644123652454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at you guys

>> No.6275227

No I mean it's encoded in blockchain transactions it's part of the chain. I'm not talking about buying stuff.

>> No.6275230

Automated seething

>> No.6277383
File: 29 KB, 525x525, 1663304264140096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this douchebag gets aids. Fuck your god.

>> No.6277390

Artists can't compete against automated art generation. They are modern day machine smashers

>> No.6277399

there's no uglier being than an indian male. If he's also fat, it's fucking over

>> No.6277412

"Plagiarism" = seething at AI being able to generate art of superior quality in 4 seconds compared to that from a human spending 10 hours

>> No.6277422

Show me a side by side of AI art compared to real paintings. And tell me again if the AI is better, faggot.

>> No.6277423

You're right, there is no point banning AI art at all because they can't beat humans :)

>> No.6277428


show me one AI art without using other artist's works as photobashed source, and then ill call your AI a legitimate artist

>> No.6277432

Show me one artist that didn't see other people's art at all. I'll wait. No cave drawings allowed btw ;)

>> No.6277436
File: 57 KB, 612x792, Andrew-Loomis-Fun-WIth-a-Pencil_Page_020-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, seeing != photobashing you dumb photobasher pajeet
hell, you dont event do the photobash yourself, lmao

>> No.6277437

lol this guy learned the word "photobash" just yesterday and has been using it ever since

>> No.6277441

it is what it is pajeet, automated photobashed image needing other artist's works as the base source
you will never be an artist

>> No.6277446

>CP isn't illegal in many places such as arab countries
Name 5

>> No.6277465

You have no idea how any of this works. I don't just mean how AI works, I mean how the legal system or even society in general works

>> No.6277518

Semi-related. Twitter is censoring faces on some nude pics of unverified accounts.
>search for some sweet nudes on the browser
>Twitter results come up
>no censor of any kind
>click to see full size
>the face is censored now

>> No.6277539

New CLIP model is ready. Still no lawsuit. Pajeet is winning.

>> No.6277544

Sue for what?

>> No.6277793

for stealing art

>> No.6277865

>generates fugly feet
Hell no

>> No.6277880
File: 49 KB, 480x360, D1AE6B9C-E18A-4731-A089-DD8224403848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6277944

Too vague, make another which is more recognizable

>> No.6277946


>> No.6277954

a turk blind from birth eternally mogs “ai”

>> No.6277989

AI generated

>> No.6277995


>> No.6281641


>> No.6281674

like links to it or the actual stuff itself? because if it's a link the link can be taken down, but if it's actual data isn't it prohibitively expensive to store the amount of data in images or videos on the blockchain?

>> No.6281717

He's just some street-shitting monkey shilling for peanuts. With such a large population of subhumans, It's all they're good for.

>> No.6281875

Copilot is plagiarism too bassically. Monsanto is patenting DNA.

you'll have nothing and be misserable.

>> No.6281881

>ai fanboys is really telling about what kind of people they are

frustrated artist, people with no talent or skills at all , shilling bootlickers

>> No.6281926

Can’t ban it, can sue people when they use copyrighted images that don’t belong to them for commercial use.

>> No.6281929

Take your meds, donkey brain

>> No.6282694

>but if it's actual data isn't it prohibitively expensive to store the amount of data in images or videos on the blockchain?
It used to not be when you could mine 10,000 btc in 10 minutes and trade that for a pizza. If you know the whole "there's a NIGGER in the blockchain!" meme, it was based on the data storage of chili peppers in the blockchain thing and the people freaking out about it. There are articles written about it online on vox or some other similar site I don't remember the name.

>> No.6282736

>Monsanto is patenting DNA.
is that something you can do?

>> No.6282934

Stop generating AI art.



>> No.6283043

pay me to not do it

>> No.6283277

There is doom and hope in this paragraph. If you are an artist and you are actually using your art to work on some kind of project - end goal; whatever. Then keep drawing. If you're a hobbyist, or just want to have great skills. Keep going. If you where some guy who was making shit to just post on Instagram for likes, you are done. This is just cutting the fat of people who wanted to take the easy way out anyway with photobashing, art theft, basic same face porn, shit even DnD CRPG portraits. You really need to care about what your doing now, why do you want to illustrate? What are you making with your art, it now has to be the sum of more than just making fanart now. You can make your own basic bitch fanart for free now.

>> No.6283368
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>> No.6283370
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>> No.6283371
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>> No.6283378
File: 554 KB, 512x512, vj09jpb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]