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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6255164 No.6255164 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst response your art has received and how did you deal with it?

>> No.6255170


>> No.6255175
File: 115 KB, 329x378, 1656712030129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the worst response your art has received and how did you deal with it?
I don't care enough to remember to be honest. There are a million people who would see my art and say something vile, there are a million who would see it and say something nice. Praise and criticism are both about being at the right place at the right time, caring about is retarded.
>b--b-b-bb-b-but how will you improve without being a neurotic approval obsessed whore and a servile slave to other people's transient, mood-influenced opinions!?1
You have eyes moron.

>> No.6255180

one person wished to tore my limbs off because i drew femboy as girl with big tits being railed, that's about it

>> No.6255198

Anons here have told me several times that my art is fucking repulsive and that they wish I would stop drawing. Definitely the majority of my (You)'s from this board

>> No.6255207

Some guy called my art effordless, and i just told him yeah that's true, most of the time I don't put much efford into it, i'm just venting on the canvas.

>> No.6255249

>You're really good, but I wish you didn't draw furries

>> No.6255283

Kind of a weird one but a regular commissioner has repeatedly brought up a com I did for them that I ended up pretty unhappy with and I told them as much. They do it kind of a jokey, playful way and say stuff like "lets not mention that bad one you did lol" and shit like that. They've done it a handful of times and every time it makes me feel like shit. I just grit my teeth and pretend I'm fine with it. I get the feeling they think they're having some kind of banter since they've paid me for work several times since but something about it just always makes my stomach drop, to the point where I've started to refused work from them. I've had people say worse to me but these interactions are the only ones that really get to me.

>> No.6255305


>> No.6255672

>i've masturbated to your art

>> No.6255680

I sketched this yesterday

>> No.6256151

you know those were just schizos right? Your arts not repulsive to a normal person (me).

>> No.6256183

I dislike this piece

>> No.6256218

>it look likes AI

>> No.6256331

The problem I have with it is that the proportions of the character have a bad rhythm. I assume sexy is what you were trying to go for with that drawing, but the proportions are too comical in my opinion to be erotic. You've fallen into the same trap of bigger = better a lot of coomers fall into. Your horniness may tell you that making the breasts and hips enormous would make the character hotter, but when you do that, all you are left with is a funky-looking (not in a good way) character who's frame wasn't meant to have assets that big.

>> No.6256335

I think it might be a matter of taste. Post art that you like and aspire to draw like.

>> No.6256338

looks trannime

>> No.6256339


>> No.6256343

I was expecting you to be Tableguy.. Your art isn't my style, but it's certainly not so offensive I'd say I hope you stop drawing. Also how I feel about Tableguy funny enough.

>> No.6256344

>I was expecting you to be Tableguy

>> No.6256358

Who is tableguy?

>> No.6256362

well he's a guy who has a table

>> No.6256370

Not only you should stop drawing, you should Just outright kill yourself.

>> No.6256445

I used a pencil brush for my lineart and somebody told me it was a cope. I explained that I used the pencil brush because I like it but no, apparently cope.

>> No.6256453

Called me a potential rapist, which is hilarious because I had no idea Encyclopedia Dramatica turned SJW.

>> No.6256454

No one on social media has said anything bad about my art. I only see negative comments on here. How I deal with it? *neck slice motion* u don't wanna know

>> No.6256475
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That I "should kill myself if after more than adecade I still couln't draw", instead I just quitted and now I just annoy people. I just drew out of spite too. Nobody ever liked my drawings tough. Now my goal is to support the ugliest laziest shit I can find like that Twitter lesbians comic or the Big Mouth Spinoff, so people start to like ugly shit like th eone I did instead of Anime and lolicon.

>> No.6256508

>He lets people's opinion literally changes his entire artistic path
Jesus Christ

>> No.6256525

You should have asked to see his work. If he didn't send it to you, it's because what he says shouldn't be taken seriously, anon.

>> No.6256579

the worst response is indifference, unimpressed. That cuts deeper than any rage response. When people get mad at my art, I'm satisfied because it shows me that the art has another side to it that can make people mad. It adds depth.

>> No.6256617

There's a few people from /jp/ and /trash/ who just trash my doodles nonstop (I suspect its just one guy because nobody really replies to him when he brings my name up). I don't do anything really. Just let the guy be. It doesn't really bother me since there's tons of amazing artists out there but this one guy is just obsessed with me and I find it a bit interesting.

>> No.6256630

He hasn't posted in a while, miss that guro mermaid maker.

>> No.6256671
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>> No.6256742


>> No.6256750

Someone used my drawing as the current OP of the /salt/ thread and it is full to the brim of anons mercilessly shitting on it. Oh well

>> No.6256751
File: 287 KB, 749x729, 1ac57837aee524930ac1db9_6f14cabe_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo bist du mein Bruder?
Ich habe solche Wunder gebaut und möchte es Ihnen zeigen
Aber der Marmor fühlt sich kalt unter meinen Füßen an

>> No.6256797

That sounds horrible.

>> No.6256839
File: 55 KB, 616x478, 1587776782750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fags will never have enough iq or be literate enough to understand this.

>> No.6256904

there is nothing high iq about his post, he is another sour grapes fox screaming "LOOK HOW LITTLE I CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION" while quoting haters living rent free inside his head

>> No.6257063

That anon didn't remotely mean anything you claimed he did.
Any elaboration on the matter would be wasted on you.
I'm not going to reply to your low IQ bait any further.

>> No.6257652

I defended you my guy. I wish this place wasn't so God awful. I'm too sensitive to post here regularly

>> No.6257681


>> No.6257692

Probably the best possible outcome for someone who learned to draw on /ic/. Grinded fundies, understands and applies them better than 99% of this board, and draws whatever the fuck he wants. I’m not a fan of the subject matter but his technical ability is indisputable. Honestly miring. Kinda bummed he’s choosing normie life over art tho.

>> No.6257707
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and also pic is the last thing i put "effort" into.
I got exhausted though, I haven't drawn since I finished it.

>> No.6257733

where do I start posting my blog? tumblr seems dead. Should I start with twitter. It will mostly be studies of other artists same as tableguy.

>> No.6257746
File: 1.42 MB, 1739x1101, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want to out myself after mildly bashing a long time customer so this is just a crop of something I was trying out.

>> No.6257748

my art of saint Mary was posted in a catholic subreddit. The poster was a fan of it, but the other redditors not much. One said my ""style"" was not serious and therefore blasphemous, and I should not draw religious icons as it'd be offensive. I always take critique in consideration, no matter how harsh, but what am I supposed to take from that? I know I'm not Bouguereau. I never stopped drawing icons tho

>> No.6258657

some fucking permabeg traced a character once for smut
wasn't even a good trace

>> No.6258693

Silence hurts the most. Even when someone crabs you he at least cared enough to respond.

>> No.6258722

>"Where is her nose? Any why are her eyes so huge?"
>"Is that anime? So you watch tentacle porn?"
>"The nose looks weird"
>"Wow, now it looks even worse! Lmao, you suck at this!"
>"Why are you drawing her naked? Is that porn?"
>"'Anatomy Study', sure..."
>"Haha, I don't remember who drew this for me, but they took forever to draw this ugly sketch! It looks so bad!"
>"...That was you? Oh, sorry..."
>*Smug expression and laughter*
>"You can't be serious!" *Laughs harder*

All different people at different times.
...that last one hurt me.
And then people get offended when I don't want to show them my drawings...
Relatives are the worst.

>> No.6258729

>1 digit off from quints
im sorry anon, but you have no choice but to kys

>> No.6258751

i agree. most of my art is just ignored, for better or for worse, and its sad. i try to comment on others art so they dont get the same feeling. like >>6257707, i think the work you linked is pretty boring, those characters arent interesting theyre a bit drab also theyre mirrored which i dont like, but i think what you posted is sick, in a good way. the flesh detailing looks great.

>> No.6258791

This is the only valid critique and I accept it

>> No.6258945

An insincere "That looks great"

>> No.6259372 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 843x195, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a bit deflated at the time, but I love to use it as a censor
gives me a chuckle

>> No.6259640

post your work

>> No.6259649

Yeah the Internet is extremely lonely for most people, that way. You get tolled about trolls and mean comments on TV shows and movies about the Internet. No it’s not like that. If you’re a nobody, you’re probably gonna get ignored by everyone, especially the trolls.

>> No.6259658

The Catholic deviantArt group refused all of my submissions until I guess the main guy finally thought he owed me an explanation. He said my style was “anime” and anime is based on Buddhist art theory. I appreciated the response and he does have a point. Anime was inspired by early Disney according to Tezuka but there are other smaller bits of the machinery that are taken from Buddhist iconography.
One good thing it did was get me trying to move away from the anime style lol.

>> No.6259659

Kek, got that one more than once

>> No.6259661


>> No.6259794

how do you know they're being insincere?

>> No.6259804
File: 10 KB, 538x214, 481d6cc67783b1ada90a7833e0bf1778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some tumblr freak sent an ask 2 another twitter artist i am mutuals accusing me of drawing "cp"

>> No.6259812

well are you?

>> No.6259826

guess you're getting cancelled then

>> No.6259840

posted my picture across two threads asking for feedback and the only response I got was someone telling me to eat shit and called me a permabeg tracer

>> No.6260601

The body is very simple and i'm sure the anatomy is screwed, the paws are all wrong, and i'm sure there's more details I can't see because it's my own artwork.
It has many errors I need to keep in mind next time I draw something, I don't really know how to respond to people just praising my art, so I don't post it much.

But the characters I linked, those are just 20 second scribbles, it was meant to illustrate "effordless" stuff cause I really put no thought behind it.

I mean, I rather have a lot of silence than people just calling my art "good" or giving me compliments, I don't really feel comfortable in the spotlight and it's not useful at all for me for someone just to tell me "woah that looks great"

>> No.6260668

The worst response to your art is no response. This, in one shape or another, was true 10 000 years ago, a 1000 years ago, a 100 years ago, and still is today.

>> No.6260697

I would take no response over only negative responses and it's not even close. You guys must be masochists or do some serious mental gymnastics to turn negative attention into being a positive reflection on yourself

>> No.6260751

>do some serious mental gymnastics to turn negative attention into being a positive reflection on yourself
I don't think it is "a positive reflection on myself." I genuinely believe fading into obscurity without ever having made a impact on anyone or anything IS worse than bad publicity.
There's no NEED for me to be a positive figure, or for me to be present in interpretations of my art at all.
That being said, I'm a horror artist, and this is just based on the occasional "ew wtf is wrong with you you need to be canceled (tm)" reactions I get.
What kind of crazy shit are you putting out there when everyone is drowning you in negative comments, but no-one is responding positively?
I find it hard to believe someone would struggle so hard to find their own corner of crazies in 2022. Likely, you're just doing the human thing of assigning great importance to any critique, no matter how dumb, and dismissing all positive comments.

>> No.6260783

I already linked my work. It's not that I always get flooded with negative comments, although I usually always get a couple, it's that no one ever has anything positive to say so it's like 10 negative responses to one positive response along with critique. I greatly value and honestly treasure every drop of positivity. And of course the negativity is mainly on 4chan, other places I just don't get much attention, which is fine

>> No.6261925

No, I will never.

>> No.6261990

It’s the difference between living locked in the sewers and being a hobo on the street. Being completely hidden is way worse. Especially if you have any schizoid tendencies.

>> No.6262003

I'd think most would rather be hidden than be chris-chan

>> No.6262007

Someone saying they liked your work, laying on the compliments and then proceeding to beg for free art.

>> No.6262008

One is like no one commenting on your appearance. The other is like a bunch of strangers telling you that you're hideous and wishing death on you

>> No.6262016

>I was expecting you to be Tableguy
kek me too
It is not the least bit sexy. The fingers are meaty, the thighs have been ballooned to uncomfortable proportions, and I can't tell whether she has a human nose or an animal nose.

>> No.6262024

To add to my post, other than the issues I listed, you don't have any other anatomy issues. I'm sure if you practiced more you'd be great.

God I hate it when people do this. I've stopped sharing my art to people in real life because people just say 'uh yeah looks good bro'. They don't say a thing they like, something looks off, no, they say the most unhelpful thing.
That's retarded. You draw what style you want to anon.
>>6259812 this, but just ignore it i guess

>> No.6262173

This x1000.

>> No.6262224
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>> No.6262553

he's married and his wife is having a baby

>> No.6262605

Looks really good anon. I would ask for your blog, but...

>> No.6262627
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What a ride

>> No.6262654

Do you have any advice on drawing and designing appealing faces?

>> No.6262899

damn it's that bad?

>> No.6262908
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That's the type of quality entertainment I come here for.

>> No.6262909
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>> No.6263376 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, that was an interesting time. /tg/ kinda sucks. I like this board better, and I like 2d art better. Minis are just not worth the bother because they photograph like shit and no one can see them unless you put them in their face Also, tiny natural brushes with acrylics sucks balls.
Having to draw your own shit instead of a three dimensional paint by numbers is harder, but more rewarding.
It also helps I can draw in the truck, but I couldn't really paint at work.
Here's something I did in twenty minutes with a pen. It's not spectacular, but it was more rewarding than a fucking space marine.

>> No.6263379 [DELETED] 

Aaaaand I guess I never cropped that one.

>> No.6263385

I don't do that shit anymore. /tg/ sucks, this board is better. Minis are a shit and unrewarding medium. Tiny brushes with acrylics sucks. No one can see them unless you put them in their face and they don't photograph well.
2d is more rewarding, but harder as it's not a 3d coloring book. I did this the other day in pen from imagination. It's not spectacular, but I did it at work on the clock, so there's that!

>> No.6263387
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>> No.6263422

so, when are you posting the focused picture?

>> No.6263433
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>> No.6263560

angry women but i shouldnt have been dtawing them in the first place. “draw from life” they say, but if they catch you and youre creepy youll get in trouble

>> No.6263880
File: 16 KB, 102x98, yeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a sad thing u r

>> No.6263912

Back in 2015 or so when the board still was learning what a Crab was I posted a attempt I made at drawing semi-realism at the peak of people hating on art like that because ilya. It was one my first attempts at post on /ic/ and probably one the few I got any real feedback, I must have gotten 20 or 30 posts shitting on me, non stop for days and people reposting my art on meme threads and all that for a few days also just to hurt me. it was bad, I remember almost crying but I got over. Looking back I think it mostly got the reaction it did because it was a shitty drawing with some good rendering and it was a easy target back when the board was going trough the conceptual artist fase before it got oversaturated with artstation niggers.

Good thing too, the work was experimental but wasn't good. I was just trying to do my own thing instead of doing what worked and trying to do different things and seeing the result, so of course some would land and others would be just shitty. Important lesson to learn that some people will always try to shit on you and I'm grateful I learned sooner than later.

>> No.6263917

>You should take a break from the internet for a while you absolute freak. Did you honestly think even a single person on here would believe that your wife was involved in this in any way? you've become disconnected from reality
im fucking howling

>> No.6263930

post it

>> No.6263959

>What is the worst response your art has received and how did you deal with it?
someone i knew only online once told me my lines were shit and went on a tirade about how i will never improve for like an hour or a little under. a second arguement vulture joined in, because he is too weak on his own and just waits for the gang up. i was kinda down for a moment cause he sounded like he knew what he was talking about. but then i got mad and i finally asked him to post his work.
he said " now this is lines" and in total honesty he posted some very beginner level anime scribbles and i started making fun of him, to put it mildly. i posted both our works side by side and ridiculed his much worse work, and even though it was just a taste of his own medicine i definitely went too far. because he was mentally ill (i didn't fully realize at the time) and i am not, his banter game wasn't quite good. after a year or 2 he eventually took his own life, most likely due to his life and personal troubles, but i have always thought i had a lot to do with the incident. i felt bad and will always feel bad about it. that was some years ago now. almost every time i draw i still think about that shit. i try to ignore it and i love drawing so much, i do forget it.

>> No.6263974

I looked everywhere for it but couldn't find, literal hours going through each page of several archives between 2016 and 2014 and I still couldn't find it. I even been able to find some of the drawings I did back them but not this one in particular.

I really wish I could just to check how much is me distorting things because how I felt and how much was anons just shitting on me. I did received some solid feedback and some redlines, so it wasn't as bad.

>> No.6263998

When I was in high school around junior year getting back into art a girl saw me sketching and asked for a portrait. Did my best attempt at one. Another girl (one who was a much better artist than me at the time) saw it and laughed and tried holding it in. I was already passionate about art, but her laughing pretty much guaranteed I wouldn’t give up

>> No.6264007

I wouldn't feel bad about it. People nowadays deserve more and more and I say that as a person who needs to be crabbed more.

>> No.6264204
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While painting plein-air I get the occasional art graduate who will berate me that what I am doing has been done before followed by some individualistic babble. I have people shit on my art before, but these contemporary art fags get me down the most. They are visibly offended by what I am doing and literally want me to stop, it's depressing to talk to them. What makes it even more ridiculous is that I paint portraits mainly and do plein air just for practice and fun but then you get these pretentious NPCs berating me about concepts and some magnus opus ideals, when I am just minding my own business and painting a little landscape study. It's difficult enough to get out painting with my oil painting kit and my inner voice is already doubting myself enough, then those shitters really do ruin my day everytime they do that.

>> No.6264222

sorry anon, i hope you can get over that.

>> No.6264236

I was sketching out on the street. I had set up a collapsible table and camping chair. I brought some of my better pieces along on the off chance I could sell something. I was there no more than 30 minutes when a homeless guy came by and used one of my drawings as toilet paper. He literally wiped his shitty ass with my art. When I told him it was my artwork, that I put my blood, sweat, and tears into it, he simply replied, “you’re welcome, faggot!” I killed my self that day.

>> No.6264261


>> No.6264285
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I posted my art on /ic/ asking what's wrong with it because other people and myself included thought my characters looked uncanny and weird but nobody could say exactly what was wrong with them.
My backgrounds have always been better than figures so balancing these skill types was really important.

The response I got was really harsh and the feedback was both on point and useless so I cherrypicked the actual helpful but harsh comments and sought to improve my anatomy drastically.

It worked out and I was really grateful for the bashing but I felt like /ic/ is not the place for sharing art and socializing.

I feel like /ic/ is a good place when asking for feedback on things that need drastic improvement but for things like designs and style it's useless because people here are extremely biased pro trannime and mainstream generic things and anything that doesn't look super generic and formulated is seen as flawed.
The ideal here seems to be a correctly drawn neutral and generic looking character doing a pose with no motion that has a very simple or no background at all.
Basically the ideal is what has the highest price tag as commission art, art as self expression is often ignored or bashed with negativity without providing any context, explaining or useful advice.

Harsh critique is important but when it's charged with negativity and jealousy it's not construnctive or useful in any way.

>> No.6264311

>it's useless because people here are extremely biased pro trannime
Lol you should see /beg/ every time someone does a figure study and draws a tranime face on it kek, it might be absolute garbage but everyone will be like "HOW DID YOU LEARN THIS Z0MG???".

>> No.6264481

This is 100% accurate. Even worse, I want to learn how to make something that would do well in Pixiv rankings, even though I think it's generally an overdone and stale look, but this board also hates the MOST appealing and popular art styles as well.
I think my biggest issue is that I love trying out and seeing different kinds of crazy proportions, but here you're only allowed 100% realistic anatomy and only the most average everyday body type

>> No.6264485

>but here you're only allowed 100% realistic anatomy and only the most average everyday body type
No lol, if you draw an anime face then you can get away with any monstrous proportions and anatomy since the permabeg tranime lovers here will just see the face and ignore everything.

>> No.6265101
File: 71 KB, 613x460, matilda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"she look like pearl uuuooooghh punny (pearl cunny)"

i still think about it occasionally and it makes me feel violent

>> No.6265102


>> No.6265324

I mean, that's exactly what happened, but if you don't believe it it changes nothing. She gets hilariously and inappropriately protective when she thinks someone has hurt or upset me (unless it's her, lol.)
But that board is really bad. You might think there are fucked up people here, but for the most part artists have some degree of social awareness and empathy. The tabletop gamers are another breed entirely. I once pointed out that finding games for Warhammer is functionally identical to casual gay sex (think about it.) The about of meltdown and kvetching surprised me.

>> No.6265328

It's similar with /tg/. Part of the issue I had was realistic adult female skin. Legitimate priming issues aside, if it's not smooth and vaguely asian then it looks wrong to them. Given the demographic, that's hardly surprising in hindsight. I sold have expected that. If it doesn't look like a fictional thirteen year old they don't bite.

>> No.6265393

>but for the most part artists have some degree of social awareness and empathy.

>> No.6265396

I said "ok dude, I only post like twice a year, dont worry about that".

And then I fucked out of the internet and began having art classes.

>> No.6265399

There are, of course, exceptions.

>> No.6265406
File: 2.64 MB, 441x300, 1662255968374037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t artists have some degree of social awareness and empath
towards themselves only
>I once pointed out that finding games for Warhammer is functionally identical to casual gay sex (think about it.)
>The about of meltdown and kvetching surprised me.
Fanatics who make their hobbies their identity are worse.
Well, artists are also that.

>> No.6265470

>towards themselves
"social" and "empathy" imply other people by definition, that makes no sense. Your image is genetic and awkward. You seem like bot.

>> No.6265481

I got accused of plagiarizing a book when the subject matter I’m teaching has already been well established and I’m a higher authority on it than the accuser is. I took that nigger’s ass to court and am amazed at how silent he is lol.

>> No.6265546

empathy and social awareness towards themselves means narcissism.

>> No.6265567

really strange how you and your wife have identical typing mannerisms and grammar, you must be perfect for eachother

>> No.6265597

This may be off-topic but what's a good site to upload my art? I only have a pixiv account.

>> No.6266742

>Identical typing mannerisms and grammar

From a single post.

Comparing two people born weeks apart in the same metropolitan area educated in the same school district and who have been communicating with each other for more of their lives than they haven't.

Brilliant analysis anon, your cleverness is a shining example for this board, this site, and your generation!

>> No.6266831
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>> No.6267459

Art school making me feel bad for drawing in my preferred style. It went so far, the teachers refused to even give mefeedback on a passion project, because it was "too commercial", while praising a low-effort shit post. That was early 2020. Pandemic killed the little passion remaining. Fell into depression.

>> No.6267498
File: 32 KB, 780x438, 1643889551110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

casual death threat after posting pepe with an anime girl

>> No.6267504

Teacher told me to quit art infront of whole class.
Now I am earning 9x more than he used to and he is dying of kidney failure.
I will celebrate the day of his death.

>> No.6267541


>> No.6267943

Fuck teachers. Seriously. Garbage human beings.

>> No.6267956

no lmao
was months nothing really came of it ive already be cancelled for supposed "antisemitism" because of a tweet i liked. the people who get upset like that thought i dont want around anyways.

>> No.6267973

I did a set of images of a certain character and some guy said it was bad because I didn't do a regular full frontal pinup of her in the set.
A few people started blasting him in replies for talking shit and he deleted his account lol

>> No.6267977

This is confusing, how do you draw the line between what is allowed to be drawn and not allowed by the Christian faith then?

>> No.6267992


>> No.6268973

cartoons are fucking dead, Anime has replaced them completely, so it is the right call to quit.

>> No.6269626

this board has been pretty varied for me in terms of criticism and compliments. I've had crabs telling me to quit and other people tell me my art looks great but I've also had some genuine constructive criticism here too. The worst is just people telling me NGMI

As far as social media goes it's mostly positive reception but the validation has kinda worn off so I don't hate them but I don't really obsess over them anymore

>> No.6269760

Only comment I've ever gotten when I was posting my stuff in /aco/ threads was a mild comment in the vein of "ehhh I dunno about this one". It felt pretty awful seeing as I never got any replies at all except that, until I saw someone else get into like a 40 post argument tearing into his art and felt better about it.

>> No.6270677

This is what coping and seething looks like.

>> No.6271193

Petition for the pope to release an edict on anime

>> No.6271350

my art doesn't get responses

>> No.6272692
File: 1.06 MB, 2447x1920, 1660257609733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to go with "Silence" as well, many such cases!

I don't think I've ever received random, hurtful comments - nor do I think I would cry my eyes out about it.
Not even /ic/ will shit on your art, unless you attach it to some inflammatory comment or if you're posting your work to prove yourself in a discussion - case in which people will mock you either for being shit or because they are in damage control.

The "worst" thing to happen to me was posting an OC on an OC thread right after being kicked from its "official" Discord server for saying the place felt more like Reddit than /ic/.

Then, someone in the threads just happened to coincidentally comment on a character of mine saying it looked like shit for being too simple/generic, so I redesigned it as a joke and had a lot of fun in the process.

(The story might be different if you draw coom, since it attracts way more mentally ill people ready to stab you at the slightest misgiving.)

>> No.6273462

I had some similar teachers way back in the day. Instead of giving constructive criticism they humiliate you like this.
Got over it and I hope can too, anon.

>> No.6277851


>> No.6277855
File: 2.58 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220822_192734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told to use more contrast so I went all flowers for Algernon with my shit

>> No.6277873
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20211115_195024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just kept going and going

>> No.6277895

Have a you my friend, keep improving and you'll get there

>> No.6278580

The worst experience I’ve had with art was in grade school, I forgot my sketchbook in class and when I went to go retrieve it, a bunch of other kids had erased and drawn over my drawings. That felt really bad.

On the internet, though? I’ve never received any especially harsh critique. Usually I receive a pleasant throw-away remark (‘looks nice!’) which I’m appreciative of. Usually those come from friends. Often I receive no response at all. My art is boring and I’m fully aware of it, so I understand why.