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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 449 KB, 728x508, Screenshot from 2022-09-06 10-53-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6260397 No.6260397 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on AI art bros 'fixing' people's work??

what are the implications of this for the visual arts?

>> No.6260400
File: 383 KB, 728x462, Screenshot from 2022-09-06 10-51-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260401

Gay and pretentious. What is stable diffusion?

>> No.6260402

it's the ai used to do all this

>> No.6260403
File: 732 KB, 701x908, Screenshot from 2022-09-06 10-56-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260414
File: 44 KB, 597x466, FagAiCel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these normgroids think this is fixing? all they are doing is turning the art into a photograph tier aesthetic. You can see there is bitterness in what they are doing, they cant create anything themselves without the help of ai and ruining other peopels work.

>> No.6260416

looks boring & has nothing of the intended mood :/

>> No.6260427

i become more misanthropic by the second

>> No.6260430

isn't this missing the point

>> No.6260431

its great that these grifter types are so easy to filter

>> No.6260432

Where are all those fags who were insisting a month ago that the AI bubble was about to pop and that Dall-E was just a very clever marketing gimmick to sell a product that didn't actually work? I'll tell you where - they're lurking permanently, never responding to any of these threads anymore because they get BTFO by every image that's posted, but are spam reporting every AI thread and screaming in their Discord servers/the designated /ic/ mental illness thread

>> No.6260433

Weak bait.

>> No.6260435
File: 1.49 MB, 1752x1339, Screenshot_20220906_122410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's great.

>> No.6260438
File: 174 KB, 900x1200, subhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/10 subhuman his opinion is worthless

>> No.6260441

i would kill myself if i had to go around looking like this. how do they do it?

>> No.6260442

>what if picasso was a good artist
>oh no no no he doesnt know

>> No.6260443 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 700x394, Tolkien1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6260444

>"fix" art
>can't draw anything by himself
The fuck

>> No.6260445

Also, is kinda just another example of how this tech still just being used to try to antagonize artists. That is some incredible shit we are seeing, it's so obvious to the point I question myself what is the real agenda here.

I'm serious, I'm yet to seen anything worth being created with this tech and all the things I seen until now are just on this overall periferi; scammers, trolls, larpers and that's kinda it. You could do something relatively interesting with something like this really easily, you could experiment and even use as a true form of expression, I can think in at least 3 or 4 ways of doing that, but until now nothing like this got anyone attention and people only care to try to shit on art itself.

Is this really all AI art can offer? People larping as artists and weak bait material? I know you guys are not the most creative but is kinda sad that all you people can do is that.

>> No.6260447
File: 135 KB, 700x394, Tolkien1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260453
File: 1 KB, 112x112, 1586178013894.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional painting fixer
maybe it's tongue-in-cheek but egh

>> No.6260458

>understand nothing about art
>be uncapable of producing anything worth of any value, either monetary nor artistic
>unironically believe ''''''''''you'''''''''' (and not even that) somehow can 'fix' paintings

Never before have I wanted to crush someone's skull so badly.
I know theyre probably just trolls, but damn they made me mad.

>> No.6260459

artistic values aren't real

you haven't done anything worthwhile in your life, pal

>> No.6260460

Not gonna lie, that's pretty funny

>> No.6260467

Go away, faggotbro

>> No.6260478

This is the most clear example of SOVL vs soulless.
These people hate art

>> No.6260479

someone should fix him a trip to belize

>> No.6260489

>what if Picasso was a good artist
Seek suicide.

>> No.6260499

>photorealism is best art meme
god I hate normalfags like you wouldn't believe

>> No.6260504
File: 29 KB, 524x336, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

social media ruins humanity more than anything else. every worthless, skilless lumpen wants to be validated despite not deserving it in the slightest. this is the true virtue signaling right here

>> No.6260513

>tfw he doesn't know Picasso could paint more realistically than the right image

>> No.6260516

Wonder what ethnicity this is.....

>> No.6260559
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1440, px-downloadgffb882b111178d13dad1b43bc70d842a208f7abdba40f122d6fd507737a8d7c894b568bfea6bfc84d65beb701970474dae91ef95fc1400e595ee3c68d61785565590573750e69e46acbe4e57fcd932f2_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject Modernity (AI)
Embrace Tradition (Fractals)

>> No.6260584

Even if there's a degree of jest here, I'm still seething. How are these tweets getting so much attention?

>> No.6260598

Twitter. The answer to your question.

>> No.6260606

Knowing how A.I faggots usually so full of themselves, i won't be surprised if this guy turns out to be serious about this shit.

>> No.6260620

How do they manage to suck the soul out of all these with such efficiency?

>> No.6260621

Mob mentality. Don't matter if your post is shit as long as you have people hyping your posts.

>> No.6260626 [DELETED] 

They've done a lot of sucking in their lifetime. It's natural to them now.

>> No.6260636

>thoughts on AI art bros 'fixing' people's work??
Absolutely none. Stop shitting up the board.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6260641

Only thing that has changed is that regular folks will just not find the works of traditional artists as impressive as they used to. If artists can't live with that, it's their problem.

>> No.6260646

that fag is a blue check mark shitty indie video game dev with plenty of followers. indie games and steam are the equivalent of artstation and photobashers and derivative art vomitors, devoid of any skill. nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.6260651

To make people like you mad.

>> No.6260653

That fag was also racist as fuck.

>> No.6260657

i've noticed that liberals and leftards in general tend to onions over this AI shit the most. it's like you willingly try to destroy mankind

>> No.6260658
File: 203 KB, 1296x864, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_6e516b90-00b2-11ea-a47f-d3b51643f481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>regular folks will just not find the works of traditional artists as impressive as they used to.

Ever heard of Primitive Technology? Yeah, despite how modern world is more impressive than what he usuall build, the guy still has intriguing aspect and has a cult following. It doesn't matter if your work is not as pretty as some robot shit, it is the fact that a human did the art mannually made the artwork intriguing.

>> No.6260662

>what are the implications of this for the visual arts?
None more so than the introduction of the camera.

People don't want Monet fixed

>> No.6260664

>Joined May 2022
based troll

>> No.6260666

AI art is the bane of digitalfags (not real artists). Go trad or go home.

>> No.6260667

>a cult following.
Yeah, that's what I said. Regular folks won't find your hand-woven baskets and mud huts all that impressive. But your analogy is surprisingly accurate. Leave the building of cathedrals to the AI and keep honing your hut building skills. There's room in this world for both.

>> No.6260672

>>Doesn't know how everything digitally can be printed

When some A.I shit being printed on physical canvas, tradfags like you will be the first to be clapped. Atleast digital has psd files to prove you are not a Proompter.

>> No.6260677

Unironically what do you do as a “trad artist” except sell portraits and landscapes to boomers (ironically the two things that the AI is best at right now)?

>> No.6260679

You really think a print of a work of art is the same as an actual painting? Have you ever visited a museum you fucking retard?

>> No.6260686

How many primitive technologists does the world need? i'm okay with only one, maybe two. Are you planning to become a primitive artist? Oh i'm sorry, but there's already a dozen, and no room left for you.

>> No.6260690
File: 38 KB, 679x452, images - 2022-09-06T104320.335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer is completely unaware

>> No.6260691

extreme human anxiety over things beyond our comprehension seeming to invalidate our existence

>> No.6260698

I worked in a print studio before and i can guarantee to you, that you can absolutely fake the organic feel of artworks via printing. As long as you put efforts and intentions into faking it.

>> No.6260713


3d printer oil goes brrrrr

>> No.6260715
File: 22 KB, 721x425, 169358383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things consume too much space for now but oh well

>> No.6260722

big and heavy means reliable, if it doesn't work you can use it as a melee weapon

>> No.6260725

Tradbros will soon join digital realm sooner or later. I met some boomers on facebook before and they have a mindset of "physical value". It doesn't matter if the drawing was some A.I turd, as long as the stuff became a physical copy via printing, they will consider it as having certaint value.
This is the same mindset with fineart market. It is the fact that the artwork is a physical copy, with a fragile and finite lifespan gave them value. What was drawn, slapped on the canvas is none of the boomer's business.

>> No.6260731

lol is this bait or are they for real?

>> No.6260739

Also, A.I will soon destroy tradbros. Because the boomers and their successors will soon abuse this A.I stuff and nolonger had to negotiate with tradbros. And the output will be physical regardless, by default it has value, along with the novelty of technology. Hundreds years from now, these physical A.I canvas will be looked back as a relic of technology and innovation. It's time for tradbros to get used to the PSD and the digital realm. It is the only way to maintain your artist idenity.

>> No.6260741

This was funny at first but not it is actually starting to become a little painful to watch. Maybe AI progress should slow down for a while to give you artcels a break from the constant mogging.

>> No.6260746

Why are AI enthusiasts always either bugman looking or behind trannime/pepe pics?

>> No.6260747

I wonder, will AI be able to copy digital brushes before AGI? I can't imagine it being able to do lineart or maintain strokes correctly when you tell it to use a hard round brush. Maybe this will be the saving grace to extend the lifespan of artists

>> No.6260758

Doesn't matter how much it advances. As long as you prove yourself to be an actual drawfag instead of those pathetic A.Ifag, you are good to go. Show them your PSD, your timelapse.

>> No.6260760

show your psd, i bet mine is bigger, and yours is small and cut

>> No.6260761

>>This was funny at first but not it is actually starting to become a little painful to watch. Maybe AI progress should slow down for a while to give you artcels a break from the constant mogging.

You admitted yourself to be the demoral faggot all along? Good to know. Spamming/Flooding.

>> No.6260764
File: 530 KB, 640x960, 1662473094016647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humanbros......its over............

>> No.6260765

Direct message me and i will penetrate your message box with my big psd file.

>> No.6260770

oh my

>> No.6260774

THIS really is changing everything..............Art is dead, why pay an artist for work when an Ai can make what you want for free and give you so much choice.

That is it , I'm off to law school

>> No.6260777

>law school

>> No.6260780


Why go to an establishment where there is a good chef when you can stay home and pop a TV dinner and get the same quality?

>> No.6260786

>he doesnt know
dont google the words "law" and "ai"

>> No.6260789

When the average coomer is scrolling pages on booru looking for a quick coom, do you think he'll bother searching for a timelapse the finished picture to see if it's "legit", or even care enough to watch it? The process holds little weight outside artist circles and their popular methods

>> No.6260791

learn to code

>> No.6260795

>tfw small and uncut

>> No.6260801
File: 34 KB, 553x554, 1694488584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man this AI coder seems like a good tool to speed up my Indie game

>> No.6260805

I'm a coomer and no, we do have standard to what we beat our meat to. These A.I stuff just don't have the lust behind it.

>> No.6260811

that's kino

>> No.6260817

sorry to break your hopes for retaliation, but copilot does not engineer a program, it just writes syntax

>> No.6260820

Honestly? I just want to look at pretty pictures, I couldn't care less about much effort went into making it.

>> No.6260827

Making timelapses a trend is an even more damning idea considering how these AIs work. The minecraft AI learned to play the game after being fed almost exclusively minecraft youtube videos then assigned the keybinds, now it can enter a world, do parkour, crafting and kill mobs.
What do you think will happen when it's trained on tons of CSP timelapses? It won't only do the videos, it will actually use the software by itself

>> No.6260830

Tyler noooooo ;_; I liked you.

>> No.6260836
File: 20 KB, 258x314, girl with an earing wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting out of hand, hold me!.

>> No.6260845
File: 414 KB, 1733x866, girl-with-a-pearl-earring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the entire thing

>> No.6260847

thats why you prompt it

>> No.6260852

Dear god, it's worse than I thought.

>> No.6260853
File: 744 KB, 925x519, 1659727731247611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol are you assuming there's only copilot out there? This other stuff can generate a lot of things for my game
>inb4 surely my fellow ITbros aren't streamlining AI to replace me, right!? We are all firends with AI, after all it is just a tool to help our programming process, right RIGHT????

>> No.6260857

I'm getting this printed on canvas and hanging it on my shed

>> No.6260859

>lemme just ruin your atmosphere real quick bro

>> No.6260863

And that is when you use the ultimate weapon. Stream.

>> No.6260867

Why the fuck did we regress back to big phones? Fuck modern smartphones are too big to hold comfortable.

>> No.6260877

go on, write a game engine using this thing

>> No.6260881
File: 44 KB, 426x361, artworks-DfDLRYUqkm9IDWcy-AYXT0w-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260883
File: 166 KB, 1000x563, best-gaming-monitor-size-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a victim of itself. More apps and functions => Require more stuff inside like temperature adjustment, better battery and alot of gimmicks.
We went from thick computer monitor to modest sized slim monitor, only to end up with some big-ass 4k monitor again.

>> No.6260884

Oh god this is how the world ends, with people asking for stuff to happen, then nothing happens and no one can do anything for themselves.. Hey computer, feed me, breath for me, make me walk to the hospital with clothes on this time

>> No.6260885

that's not really fixing, more just having fun

>> No.6260886

i love the artificial intelligence behind this

>> No.6260888

At least you don't have to carry monitors in your hands to use them, not to mention they still sell reasonable sized ones.

>> No.6260889

dude, that was so obviously bait, lmao. you are very tense

>> No.6260902

It makes my eyes tearful to see modernist fags and conservatards united in their hostility to AI art

>> No.6260906
File: 202 KB, 719x1209, 16499485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be plugged to the AI

>> No.6260912













>> No.6260946

The genie is of the bottle, you can't stop AI only cope

>> No.6260961

why? a bunch already exist, unreal engine, unity, godot, the bulk of the work is already done for you, use ai to do the rest.

>> No.6261019

based twitter troll

>> No.6261025

soulless bugmen who found a new little toy

>> No.6261026

>modern smartphones are too big to hold
fucking handlet kek

>> No.6261029

keep bitching about it and one day you may be able to crush their skull with your mind

>> No.6261030

Took you long enough. No I'm not a manlet, it's just that I'd rather avoid the carpal tunnel syndrome. Also hand size has little to do with this issue, otherwise women wouldn't be able to use them.

>> No.6261034

You have lady hands.

>> No.6261036

>Hey man, what if we took this beautiful beloved painting, and removed all the charm? Wouldn't that be great?
Why the fuck do I want to see monet's painting like this? We already have photographs, we don't need paintings to be hyper realistic too.

This guy is obviously a troll, but it removed half of what made the painting interesting, like the shit wrecks in the background, and the fog. Infact it's a completely different scenario really.

Actually looking at the environment around her hurts my head. What is that perspective? what is going on? Why is there a random door in the middle of that room?

>> No.6261037

I have not seen a sinle AI piece that was even remotely interesting, not from /g/, not from twitter or discord. Even the /beg/ threads on ic are better and they are nothing but shitty studies and anime

>> No.6261039

>No I'm not a manlet
reading comprehension bro. you are a HANDlet. you have small hands

>> No.6261041

>Why the fuck do I want to see monet's painting like this?
he's not saying you need to see it faggot. he's just doing it and showing the rest of the world
you're so upset for no reason. calm down before I ask for a graffiti remix of this in midjourney and claim I fixed it for pointless likes on twitter.

>> No.6261045

My point still stands.

>> No.6261066

word art is unironically based.
Literally the only good feature in Microsoft Office.

>> No.6261070


>> No.6261071


>> No.6261072


>> No.6261085

this is pretty much the main reason why no one should know how to draw, and why most people don't know how to do it. it's kind of breaking the evolutionary cycle in a sense

>> No.6261099
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1694959385894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As people lose their agency and thoughts to automation we are going to get all assimilated into the machine while the remaining humans going to devolve into something like picrel

>> No.6261100 [DELETED] 

>artistic values aren't real
the entire entertainment industry revolves around art. everything you aren't doing out of work, is consuming the work of artists. you fucking low IQ retard

>> No.6261103

It just frees up people's time to learn something more useful. Painting and drawing were always just temporary crutches until some better way to express yourself visually came along.

>> No.6261104

>artistic values aren't real
the entire entertainment industry revolves around art. nearly everything you are doing out of work or house chores, is consuming the work of artists. you fucking low IQ retard

>> No.6261106

>It just frees up people's time to learn something more useful. Painting and drawing were always just temporary crutches until some better way to express yourself visually came along.
the point I was making is that a small brained lumpen like you should not express anything. it would be better if you remained silent.

>> No.6261113

This is just photobashing, but done by the machine instead of the dude operating with it.

Also full of lovecraftian horrors.

>> No.6261117

Too bad for you, brother. AI gives everyone a voice.

>> No.6261125

are you retarded? why are you affirming what I said you low IQ mongrel? that's exactly the problem

>> No.6261130
File: 43 KB, 309x241, 4195FEC3-C331-48BE-A6AE-85860B1A7EFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s obviously bait you fucking idiotic morons
Tyler is a game dev who’s game he’s developing looks like this, you really think he thinks Picasso is a “bad artist”? Are you retarded?

>> No.6261132

Your problems are not my problems, brother.

>> No.6261135
File: 4 KB, 146x122, images - 2022-09-06T143612.314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6261138

it'll be everyone's problem

>> No.6261140

If it were ic artists worried about ai I’d be scared but it’s a bunch of incels from g shilling their theft machine. We’ve got nothing to worry about

>> No.6261147

How is this any different from you looking at other human beings, storing their shapes and forms into your brain, and then outputting it onto a canvas?

>> No.6261154

never thought wordart 2.0 is a big of a problem, i don't even use it

>> No.6261155

this catch phrase is getting real fucking tired

>> No.6261157

you are that smart to make it trivial, why don't you figure it out yourself then

>> No.6261158

No human can look at 4 billion images and store them into their brain in a couple of months at best. A machine can't be treated the same way as a human. It's retarded to do so, especially considering the AI doesn't work like a real human brain. You should know this well, /g/tard.

>> No.6261166

>No human can look at 4 billion images and store them into their brain in a couple of months at best.

>t .retard

it doesn't actually store them. it merely looks at them to learn paramerts. analogous to how brain creates neuron connections. it's no one's fault that computers can look at more images than you

>> No.6261168

peak /g/

>> No.6261172

The images are certainly encoded in the weights. If it could learn like humans do, techtards wouldn't need to steal so many images.

>> No.6261173



see >>6261166

>> No.6261176

>analogous to how brain creates neuron connections
it's machine learning, not artifical intellegence, you sound like you can't even comprehend with manuals from /g/, generated so many replies with ML that you got your brain reduced in size?

>> No.6261178

taking parts of pictures and put them in specific order by hand with your own brain
go back generate some new arguments, you can't reach the /b/ level

>> No.6261179

Maybe you should start having conversations with cleverbot, it's just like a human

>> No.6261181

I really can't wait to see people go to court over this and have ni/g/g/ers be BTFO once and for all.

>> No.6261185

I absolutely will enjoy having conversations with an AI after the tech matures a bit more.

>> No.6261190

Go to court over what? There are no legal grounds for a case here.

>> No.6261191

Because machines can’t think and comprehend. There’s no uniqueness, only an imitation of what it was trained on. Humans learn and change what they learned into something new, progressing human culture. We went from Disney to anime, and who knows what developments will come. I’ve said this again and again and I’ve yet to hear a good comeback from you guys about how I’m wrong.

>> No.6261194
File: 12 KB, 587x523, 1694868394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are like a parent to me GPT-4 thank you

>> No.6261203

Not a single word in your post was unique. They were only imitations on what your brain has been taught on.

>> No.6261206

Tell me everything you know about the human brain and how it functions.

>> No.6261208

>go to court
>argue fair use
>case is thrown out
ohnononono real artistsbros what are we to do???

>> No.6261209

Like Miyazaki said, humans have lost faith in themselves. Don’t forget that stable diffusion itself is a new thing humans invented. You are a creative being yourself

>> No.6261210

I know that no brain that has never seen a human figure, can produce a convincing painting of one.

>> No.6261212

Fair use is a defense, not a right. It won't guarantee your photobash machine can keep stealing.

>> No.6261225
File: 2.11 MB, 768x719, 1693868484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sir DO NOT redeem the — ACK

>> No.6261227

Does it take a flawless snapshot that can be reproduced infinitely?

>> No.6261228

Fair use only applies when profits are not affected. If artists can prove they’re losing their work from an ai machine trained on copyrighted data, they can legally sue

>> No.6261233

It would if it could. Alas, flesh is weak.

>> No.6261239

The issue of using copyrighted images without permission aside, there's also the issue of it being capable of generating cp. Either way, you're fucked.

>> No.6261244

>It would if it could
So, not the same then and this is not even getting into abstraction yet.

>> No.6261245

If it made CP then wouldn't that mean it would have that data within its training? Jesus Christ!

>> No.6261246

Did coders sue other coders because there was a bigger influx of them in the field as of late? No. Archaic artists are just scared of AI artists because your monopoly is crumbling down, and you can't sue AI because it doesn't take anything from you, rather it's the profits being more equal due to the growing amounts of AI artists selling their own art.

You can't sue photoshop for allowing you to make CP, you can't sue Paint for allowing you to make photorealistic CP pixel by pixel

>> No.6261265

>selling their own art
You mean scamming unsuspecting people. You could always do that, though. It would be different if these sudden AI enthusiasts were employed by companies that matter but no company is going to hire someone that uses an image calculator and can offer zero unique ideas.

>> No.6261266

False equivalence. Also shows how you don't do art at all. Photoshop and ms paint don't generate CP by themselves using a model trained on actual children. They will get your little thieving AI outlawed and there will be no incentive to train bigger models. Your days are counted, /g/tard.

>> No.6261274

>They will get your little thieving AI outlawed
hahahahaha this delusion is un fucking real.
this is word for word the EXACT SAME COPE generated by celebs about fucking deepfakes. See you in 10 years when this shit is as accessible as ever

>> No.6261275

>lol you re unemployed now kek lol lmao
No, I have a job
>LOL LEL KEK COPE SEETHE LMAO YOU MAD *smug trannime.jpeg*

Why are they like this? Is it only one guy?

>> No.6261279

>Is it only one guy?
there are a handful of failed artists obsessed with AI art atm, they're the same people behind ligamemeposting, asian jeans posting, constructoid posting, etc. its all about demoralization.

>> No.6261281

>no company is going to hire someone that uses an image calculator and can offer zero unique ideas
you clearly don't work in any corporate setting as a designer if you think this.
If you really think even a modicum of large companies are known for taking risks in their art department then you may as well be posting from the 1980s. I mean, these companies literally have specific toolboxes that offer ZERO room for creative freedom.

>> No.6261282
File: 44 KB, 220x184, 16948689394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more cope
Cope and seethe are the only programming languages these artcels know kekk

>> No.6261285

Probably just one guy. Takes someone very mentally I’ll to spam a board for 2 months. All of his arguments follow the same circular logic, so there’s no point in debating anymore

>> No.6261286

Many are from /g/. They laugh at /ic/ in their board. I know one of them is cris, a failed artist that has been drawing for 17 and is still /beg/. It is really telling.

>> No.6261289
File: 220 KB, 1022x782, 304804879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6261290

Oh, and also from our board, like mikufag here >>6261282. He's also a permabeg. No wonder they get so obsessed about AI.

>> No.6261291

Aww shweet! Manmade horrors beyond my comprehension!

>> No.6261292
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x2160, 20220906_020232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They laugh at /ic/ in their board.
You're damn right we do.

>> No.6261297

That's like them coming to swing their dicks at a children's playground.
Why don't they go troll a place where good artists go?

>> No.6261298

I find it funny that all the AI doomposters are malding permabegs kek.

>> No.6261299
File: 15 KB, 540x567, 1694959494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>programs an AI that can program AIs
Humanchudbros it's over....

>> No.6261300

I don't know what garbage, sterile tech company you're talking about but at least in the entertainment industry, ideas are the most sought after asset. I know some real shitters that have draftsmanship abilities barely better than a grade schooler but their ideas are good. Rendering is nothing without a good idea behind it and no one is going to hire someone whose skill is to only polish turds.

>> No.6261302

promptbros... you don't think AI could automate proompting too right???

>> No.6261304

Grey Goo is real

>> No.6261303

There are no jannies on /ic/. That's the only reason these incels are able to get their laughs.

>> No.6261306

>I don't know what garbage, sterile tech company you're talking about
officially they're called fortune 500s

>> No.6261307

They only ban when you start talking about jews, at least that's the only time within the last week that I've seen them do anything.

>> No.6261312

Uh, sure, but no artist studies all day and night to get a job at one of those soul sucking places.

>> No.6261314

you'd be surprised anon. for real. and they fucking love it too.

>> No.6261318

the original still exists, so it doesn't matter really

people do covers of songs all the time differently than the original

>> No.6261359

butarian jhiad when?

>> No.6261381

>"noooooo you do art for this for clout, unlike us tech mongrels" screamed the pedo animefag

>> No.6261386
File: 101 KB, 936x720, 80C9C679-F0FE-4149-BD1C-F0C52663D25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6261390

aren't these a load of bullshit with prompt sharing websites and threads? I mean Midjourney literally showing you the prompts that the person used to create an image contradicts this notion

>> No.6261396

> I am using a thing to shuffle prompts but it's another talk

>> No.6261399

can you repeat this but in english? who are you quoting anyway?

>> No.6261436

the difference between protecting your low effort shit that anyone can do vs helping someone trying to learn a hard skill. the difference of attitude these environments generate is different. of course the same /g/ tourists will fail to comprehend this while barking nonsensically about "ego" without a hint of self awareness, because they know nothing about art, and if you ask me, they know nothing about being a human

>> No.6261438

>the difference of attitude these environments generate is different
meant to say *is massive* sorry about that

>> No.6261447

>the difference of attitude these environments generate is different
no its not. /ic/ is terrible for everyone. just as mentally ill as the ai nimrods keeping their keywords to themselves.
I swear to God the moment this AI shit started to pop off suddenly these "art communities" somehow forgot their terminal crab infestation and rude behavior. Keep riding that grift I suppose.

>> No.6261450

>no its not
yes it is, welcome to real craft, buddy

>> No.6261453

sure. not sure where this faux "its all love and positivity in this community" shit was in the last 10 years on this site and many more but I welcome the lie.

>> No.6261455

The narrative that AI artists are fighting each other does not fit the community-centered servers we participate. Manual artists are the ones who are the ones pissing their pants about AI all day in this board. Do you see anywhere as much shitflinging on the SD general compared to here? No lol so this manufactured meme didn't age well

>> No.6261456

yes it is. but you're not wrong either, because /ic/ is a "special" , very unique place. it's the worst fucking shithole on the internet to look for art advice. it's good to find out about art resources, and nothing else. if you want to learn how to draw, abandon this shithole at all costs.

>> No.6261459

that's some cope shit right here. this is nothing short of inevitable when delving in such pathetic low effort levels of "creation". watching you shit down each other's throat will be hilarious. one thing's certain, you NFT/crypto/AI "art" sociopaths are no artistically inclined. you're greedy cockroaches whose only goal is to fuck over those who aren't part of your group, and then fuck each other over when things go down the toilet. eat shit, you can exist, but in your own pisshole community separated from all other art.

>> No.6261460

> trying to shift it from the fact ai faggots are still faggots
> midjourney trannie complaining about sections of 4chan being bad

>> No.6261464


>The images are certainly encoded in the weights.

they are not exactly 'encoded' in any classical manner. there is no human understandable 'enconding'. it's like a black box. saying there is 'encoding' would imply that you could somehow decoded them which you can't.

>If it could learn like humans do, techtards wouldn't need to steal so many images.

yes modern machine learning algorithms require lot of data for training. hopefully that will change in the future. but algorithms still 'learn' nonetheless. also, there is no stealing. the images are from the public internet.

>taking parts of pictures and put them in specific order by hand with your own brain

>it's machine learning, not artifical intellegence,

are you that retarded? machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence. there is no single 'AI'; there are many different approaches. machine learning is just one of them. the absolute state of you retards


>> No.6261467

>it's the worst fucking shithole on the internet to look for art advice
not as bad as Twitter or DA ToBeHonest

>> No.6261468

>won't guarantee your photobash machine can keep stealing.

this is exactly why you'll lose in court. you have no idea how it works. you don't know what you're going against.

>> No.6261469

this reads like a schizoid post
>2 more weeks it'll all be over for NFTCryptoAI /g/oons! Trust the plan!

>> No.6261475

oh i forgot you are dumb nigger asking people "why some people climb mountains, is there something on this mountain?"
>artificial intelligence
there is no such thing as artificial intelligence, it's just a pattern shuffle machine that tries to create a best possible outcome, which completely contradicts wit what the art is, machine doesn't know what's value, therefore there is no value in a image it produces, sorry it's not a javascript thread

>> No.6261477

it's never been "not over" for you, instant gratification roach

>> No.6261481

NTA but the level of psued midwittery in this post is fucking astounding.
no actual rebuttal made here at all. just a total goalpost shift to semantics about AI and art because you were wrong.
You're a fucking mental bum hahaha

>> No.6261486
File: 56 KB, 680x591, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is exactly why you'll lose in court. you have no idea how it works. you don't know what you're going against.
bugman thinks repeating "you don't know what you're talking about, you have no idea what's coming for you" thinks that this makes him seem knowledgeable on the subject. it reads like the tech hype crap you're subjecting yourself to daily. you have no idea what you're talking about, dipshit. comparing algorithms to the human brain.

>> No.6261490

this goes to my folder of ai fags cope

>> No.6261491

cry to mama. still waiting on the AI art generating fallout...

>> No.6261494

>AI artists
You mean proompters
>Manual artists
You mean artists

>> No.6261495

>call out your lack of intelligence or ability to simply respond to what someone else said
lmao pathetic. keep filling that folder for this inevitable AI art doomsday.
in the meantime I will continue to train the program on my favorite artists.

>> No.6261502
File: 356 KB, 1812x726, Screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a guy tries to self-praise using WordArt

>> No.6261505

>I will continue to train the program on my favorite artists
Cope harder

>> No.6261506

sure anon I will get to coping in 2 weeks

>> No.6261510

> I will train my pipoopoo for two weeks with furry and it will finally beat someone, at least

>> No.6261516


>> No.6261518
File: 27 KB, 287x266, UHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuh sure what you said

>> No.6261520

Realization finally got to you? everyone is just mocking you, nobody is even trying to think you can do something, it's just a big joke

>> No.6261528
File: 1.96 MB, 268x325, tidus prepares.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no a portion of twitter users and anons on /ic/ have me living rent free in their head! oh what will I ever do???
you've got to help me anon! honest! how do I stop this accursed affliction???

>> No.6261531


> it's just a pattern shuffle machine that tries to create a best possible outcome, which completely contradicts wit what the art is, machine doesn't know what's value

this is just massive cope. that has no bearing in the real world. you can say what you want but that won't stop the ai from moggin you. it certainly didn't stop an ai generated image from winning an arts competition.

> machine doesn't know what's value, therefore there is no value in a image it produces, sorry it's not a javascript thread
again, massive cope that doesn't matter. lot's of people appreciate it and pieces with generated ai have already been sold. you can cry 'muh sovl' and 'muh feelings' all you want. it won't stop the ai from creating better art than you. and

see >>6261166. tell me where in the model does the photobashing happen exactly?

>> No.6261532

>oh what will I ever do
you still fall into 51%, you know what

>> No.6261537

>the ai from moggin you
the only think ai mogs is you because you are using it, absolute cope
> lot's of people appreciate it
I am sorry, we don't care for troglodytes here, this appealing to the crowd was weak, you can go back to meme thread and seethe there

>> No.6261547

idk what this means but I will accept your concession.
I hope you enjoy bitching about 1s and 0s for the next couple months

>> No.6261549

>the only think ai mogs is you because you are using it, absolute cope
>noo you can't just use a new digital tool you have to be stuck in the past

hahahahahahahah cope and seethe

>> No.6261554

finally, you realized you need to deliate, good boys, go back to your trun javascript threads

>> No.6261576

This chat is just full with /b/ chuds trying to fuck with /ig/ to get a laugh in their miserable life

>> No.6261639
File: 174 KB, 1080x1250, 1661154587929730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard thinks that "neural network" is analogous to neural links because the word "neural" is used. AI doesn't understand what it's doing. it sees a pattern from billions of examples and recreates it mechanically. a human doesn't think this way. a human who learn this way fails at literally everything. it's impossible for a human to even learn something mechanically fully, unless he is borderline braindead. due to the sheer amount of data that's being chugged into it, it's hard to pinpoint what it steals for sure, but you saw with Dalle mini which is an early model that used little data, exactly how it worked. you're not fooling anyone with your pathetic desire to live in a cyberpunk world where heckin wholesome robots are as smart as humans.

>> No.6261642

Poe's law anon, Poe's law.

>> No.6261645

Can an AI fag please explain how not figuring out that watermarks and signatures are not supposed to show up in pictures is a part of the human thought process? Can an AI fag please explain how having to see 6 gorillion pictures of trees from other artists is the same thing as a human drawing trees from life and getting good at it after not even a fraction of that? can an AI fag please explain to me how come a human can create a drawing without needing to see other drawings in his life, but an AI cannot do that? can an AI fag please explain why it can draw an accurate face in panel 1, but in panel 2 the face turns into molten plastic garbage as it turns to the side, as if it suddenly god Alzheimer? the AI fag cannot explain shit because he is a deluded monkey

>> No.6261647
File: 160 KB, 1300x956, young-man-between-caution-tapes-on-the-street-2J9HP1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dall-E is being modified to adopt small watermark deletion subAIs that can erase small signatures. The next art movement will be watermarking eg placing a character between a lot of stripes with your name/symbol in it so even AI cant delete that

>> No.6261659

>retard thinks that "neural network" is analogous to neural links because the word "neural" is used.

hey, retard. I know exactly what neural networks are. they are called neural network because they are loosely based on neurons in the brain. also, you should look up what the word analogous means

>AI doesn't understand what it's doing
this doesn't fucking matter. this is what you retards don't understand. you think it has to 'understand' to achieve an outcome. the fuck not. we only care about achieving outcomes. these neural networks that don't understand anything are absolutely useful in a lot of tasks and beat a lot of 'intelligent' humans in a lot of domains which is what matters.

> it sees a pattern from billions of examples and recreates it mechanically
it's not mechanical it's probabilistic. you have no idea what mechanically means.

> it's hard to pinpoint what it steals for sure,

the datasets are public. if it steal from something you can just point it out. it shouldn't be too hard to do. but you won't be able to because you're a retard who think it happens 'mechanically'. type the same prompt and see if it generates the same images.

>you're not fooling anyone with your pathetic desire to live in a cyberpunk world where heckin wholesome robots are as smart as humans.

no one said robots are a smart as humans. it's not even close. but they sure as hell are already better than 95% of artits and are already making you seethe

>> No.6261671

>but they sure as hell are already better than 95% of artits and are already making you seethe
These artist hating /g/faggots are so transparent. They say it's us who are mad or at fault when they need to come out of their board to autistically spam AI threads here and create conflicts to have a reason to be hated >>6261282

>> No.6261675

Lmao masterful BAIT

>> No.6261677

sounds very "human" to me. also sounds to me like the creators should land in prison. it's so fucking funny how AI fags try to sell the idea that "we're totally not photobashing bro", but they need to "teach the AI" how to skip watermarks. it's like a tax evasion legal loop

>> No.6261680

>can an AI fag please explain to me how come a human can create a drawing without needing to see other drawings in his life,
Show me a human artist who has never seen a drawing in his life.

>> No.6261681

>hey, retard. I know exactly what neural networks are. they are called neural network because they are loosely based on neurons in the brain. also, you should look up what the word analogous means
you should look up what it means, because you're the one trying to equate it with the human brain and trying to convince people that they're the same, you fat fucking retard

>> No.6261683

Cave paintings

>> No.6261684
File: 2.46 MB, 854x480, 1624306852329.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure you're taking the piss here. have a (You)

>> No.6261693

His style was terrible, promoted by fart sniffing elites.

>> No.6261694

>because you're the one trying to equate it with the human brain and trying to convince people that they're the same

>trying to convice people they are the same

>the same

adjective: analogous

comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared.
"they saw the relationship between a ruler and his subjects as analogous to that of father and children"

wtf I thought you artfags were supposed to be good with words or something. it seems you are just entirely retarded. oh well

>> No.6261695

>it's not mechanical it's probabilistic. you have no idea what mechanically means.
are you the same fag who was complaining about semantics?

>> No.6261696


>> No.6261701

you’re missing his entire point

>> No.6261703

even beginners are better than AI. I mean these black holes of creativity think that rendering is what makes art beautiful. it's the normalfag brain of being fascinated by photorealistic art, it's no coincidence either that they parade so much photorealism shit by this AI. and it still somehow ends up looking "off"

>> No.6261705

You are just angry someone is calling out the Emperor with no clothes.

Fuck monet
Fuck Picasso
and most of all
Fuck You.

>> No.6261713

"comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes clearer the nature of the things compared"
>you, a retard
"but how are the different? they're the same"

>> No.6261722


show me where exactly i said they are the same, retard? or did you fail reading comprehension in high school?

>> No.6261728

The truth is that your art was never that good. It's just that, until now, you never had any real competition.

>> No.6261729

this nigger looks like a jim hensen creation

>> No.6261732

and is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.6261736

They're fags.

>> No.6261739

I thought AI would serve for something useful like transforming a 2d character Into a 3d model or the opposite, but when you realize the people developing these models are all techfags knee-deep in NFT schemes you just know it has no actual intent in helping artists. Thanks to it now we have these arrogant AI artists pissing on every medium with their generated pictures, and like because there's not enough validation for their pictures they want to burn everything down like undisciplined children

>> No.6261843
File: 142 KB, 720x863, 9B22EF86-1B4D-460F-96F6-346252537367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the culmination, the ultimatum of the Good. A tyrannical grip on your middle brain, the dissolution of humanity as we know it has shown itself in the visual arts

>> No.6262010
File: 33 KB, 680x680, 1648596923563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI artists

>> No.6262019
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, Smudge Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The narrative that AI artists are fighting each other does not fit the community-centered servers we participate.
>>Community centered

You subhumans are all fame-hungry but refused to do any of the actual work. This petty behavior won't create a community. Just like those Smudger back then.

>> No.6262142

Im a bit lost. Nothing in the guys post implied he ''fixed'' or ''improved'' it or made any kind of judgement at all. Just seems like a tech demo.

>> No.6262259

it's the early days so ai artists get no respect, but i find their work far more intriguing than anything manual artists have done for the last 20 years

>> No.6262262

Thank you for your support. NFTs are truly revolutionary, and thanks to the power of AI we can explore them even to the fullest, yet no one here seems smart enough to realize this.

>> No.6262389
File: 90 KB, 533x606, 20220907_141101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Drawn by some robots

You already dunk on the street, Pajeet. No need to do the same to this niche board.

>> No.6262423
File: 14 KB, 256x256, 1637342520386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6262428

lol cope. artists are malding

>> No.6262430

>words words words

>> No.6262432

>literal grugs from bazillion years ago
haha cope

>> No.6262433

>reddit memes
go back

>> No.6262434


>> No.6262450
File: 306 KB, 512x576, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads are always worth a good read

you guys are so fucked lmao

>> No.6262455

im dying laughing, fucking love this guy

>> No.6262470

>ai artists get no respect
only from a minorty of seething artists who didn't think a machine was gonna do better than them in this lifetime. it already won an art competition, so i would say that's more than enough respect

>> No.6262476

oh shit you were referring to ai artists. oh my point still stands, however

>> No.6262482 [DELETED] 

what is the point of your comparison if not for the fact that you're trying to make them seem the same? you fucking retard, you don't even know what you're aiming for in the own argument you're trying to me. it's like you confused yourself

>> No.6262485

what is the point of your comparison if not for the fact that you're trying to make them seem the same? you fucking retard, you don't even know what you're aiming for in the own argument you're trying to make. it's like you confused yourself

>> No.6262488
File: 92 KB, 1314x494, nftards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. samefagging tech retard who doesn't care about the art, but the fact that it's made about the AI
this is how you sound when you're talking about art as well, and it's painful that you subhuman monkeys do not realize it. if those images were posted by humans, you would view them as abominations, but since it's a heckin machine, your pedo nihilistic brain activates and thinks "woah this is so cool".

>> No.6262493

oh wow lmao. That's some deranged mfs

>> No.6262494
File: 72 KB, 1883x218, Screenshot from 2022-09-07 10-33-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the point of your comparison if not for the fact that you're trying to make them seem the same?

i see you're not the brightest. my point is that there are similarities and comparison that can be made. hence the use of the words loosely and analogous. if you think i was trying to make them seem the same you're a special kind of stupid

>t. samefagging tech retard
see pic rel. didn't read the rest

now go cry about it

>> No.6262497

who said this ?

>> No.6262499

why does her facial features look fused together? where do the shadows above her breasts come from, and why does it suddenly interrupt in some asymmetric mess? what's with the bloated baby hands on skinny arms that also have nonsensical shadow? why is her torso sliding away from her hips? why is her shoulder misplaced that way? why is there a cancerous lump below her left breast? what about this shit is "woah" to you?
the funny thing is that the AI not realizing what a human actually looks like and mechanically trying to stitch things together, it ended up misplacing the hips massively because of the arms. this is always going to be a massive limitation of it, until it gets self criticizing capabilities. which is never. cope and rope, AI fag

>> No.6262501

>i see you're not the brightest. my point is that there are similarities and comparison that can be made. hence the use of the words loosely and analogous. if you think i was trying to make them seem the same you're a special kind of stupid
what is the point of the analogy itself you retard? that's what I'm talking about

>> No.6262502
File: 70 KB, 859x434, image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6262503
File: 423 KB, 721x596, Screenshot from 2022-09-07 10-41-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no he didn't brush picture that means it's over

you do know those can be fixed, right? and there are ai tools already being created to fix them. these tools will only get better

>> No.6262504
File: 177 KB, 1170x1159, 1654851725508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so i would say that's more than enough respect
lmao. pissing in spaghetti cans won competitions. once again, /g/tard thinks he knows shit about art, what's relevant and what isn't in it

>> No.6262511
File: 534 KB, 691x371, 1647550831986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care. at that point it's a photo edited picture, which already happened for so long. the worst thing, is that you're photo editing low effort shit, which is a different subject in of itself. if I were nothing more than a photo editing monkey, I'd rather photobash a bunch of pictures and paint over them. at least that shit is less boring to look at. once again, cope and rope. I explained why AI is always going to be shit, that tasteless "artists" will continue doing tasteless garbage and brainlet consoomers will praise it, isn't something new

>> No.6262514

>you do know those can be fixed, right?
something that you don't even bother doing, and that you'll never do. your NGMI extends even to AI handling lmao

>> No.6262520
File: 302 KB, 1024x1024, 284867329_173179431759636_5771527235245711442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something that you don't even bother doing

i am not the anon who posted the picture. i only replied to say that they can be fixed and they are no issue

>> No.6262523

hello fellow AI art bro. can you do something more creative and thought inspiring with that Dalle? Like homer simpson eating his own foot in the style of Van Gogh, or Ed Edd and Eddy picking their noses in the style of Rembrandt

>> No.6262527

Seething artfag lmao

>> No.6262529

Cope seethe and dilate. Patreon is going to dry up, I hope you have a plan B you dumb useless piece of shit

Btw, remember the Nokia brick? And now, what are phones like? SD is just v1. You're so very fucked, being an artist will be a niche thing like being a horseback rider.

>> No.6262531 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 224x256, 1649623952217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw /g/fag. I'm not an artist. I'm only here to remind you that you live in a bubble.

>> No.6262532

>b-but in the future…

>> No.6262534

btw remember the Iphone 6? How about 7? No? What about 8? What about 9? What about 10? What about 11? Oh wait, they're just the same phone with more feature bloat that no one gives a shit about

>> No.6262537
File: 301 KB, 512x576, robe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger what future, I just masturbated to images that I generated in 30 seconds. The future is now, old man

>> No.6262539

Her eye is dripping down her cheek, and her hand is mangled. Hot!

>> No.6262540
File: 80 KB, 419x480, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you have a plan B you dumb useless piece of shit
kek this failed retard seethes so hard. he is assblasted that artists make money over patreon, while he's a useless NEET at best or a wretched codemonkey at worst who hates his gut wrenching life.
seek help. imagine fapping to the hunchback of notre dame, that says more about you than about AI to be honest.

>> No.6262541 [DELETED] 

anon I know your brain is smooth and you have the attention span of a goldfish but look closer at the original
>is it suppose to a picture of the open ocean

>> No.6262542

>what is the point of the analogy itself you retard? that's what I'm talking about

read the post again >>6261166.

>> No.6262543

anon I know your brain is smooth and you have the attention span of a goldfish but tell me
>is the original suppose to be a painting of the open ocean

>> No.6262549

do you understand that in order to be analogous to the human brain, they'd need to store them? you don't understand how the human brain works

>> No.6262551
File: 556 KB, 754x900, Screenshot from 2022-09-07 11-11-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is the original suppose to be a painting of the open ocean

i don't know the AI knows best. all hail the AI

>> No.6262554

tell me retard, how does the human brain store images?

>> No.6262558
File: 121 KB, 618x434, Ecce-Homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon look closer at the fuckin background is all the blue there just water

>> No.6262560

through synapses, it's called a memory you assbrained monkey. do you not have mental images of the things you've seen? can you not picture the mona lisa clearly in your head?
>inb4 I have aphantasia and AI will help my mental disability baawwwww

>> No.6262562
File: 1.38 MB, 1831x1515, drunk 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a artist or someting but i was drunk last night and did try some thing out with one do you prefer

left original it creater and right a second run

>> No.6262564

>through synapses, it's called a memory you assbrained monkey

you literally haven't explained how it works. you're a retard. go read up on how it all works, and then go read up on Artificial neural networks, then explain the processes. then you'll understand how ANN are loosely based on biological neurons and why the anology works. no that i expect a retard like you to understand it anyways.

>> No.6262565

it got rid of the hands at the bottom

>> No.6262579

>>inb4 I have aphantasia and AI will help my mental disability baawwwww
Ableism. yikes

>> No.6262597

You have a fetish for women with two knees on one leg?

>> No.6262688

All the artists trying to be logical is laughable.
Here, I'll give you and actual argument for free.
>A big orange sunset on beach full of dicks
>Seed 34829384
All other settings being identical, the SD algorithm will produce the SAME image for everyone who uses it regardless of whether they run it locally or online. It's purely deterministic.

And THAT is why it's not actual creativity.

>> No.6262777
File: 357 KB, 512x576, collargirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6262960
File: 307 KB, 512x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had even the slightest trace of artistic skill, you could turn the shit your AI churns out into something passable in 30 minutes.

>> No.6263197

>he was only in for the money

>> No.6263313

I'm severely disabled in the summer with epilepsy. I genuinely believe ableism is a good thing. The weak shouldnt be allowed to do things they're not good at.

>> No.6264183

>I sell things
>I automate things
>I run computers
stupid test

>> No.6264450

/ic/ is seething bad over this stupid shit

>> No.6265940


this is the same as normalfags converting animations to "60 fps" which is just filling extra frames that is jittery as fuck for animators.

...except it's just capturing a photo, lol.

remember that normalfag opinions do not matter, your audience likes your shit because of their taste and it doesnt matter what art skill you're at right now, it's actually relieving now that photorealism is covered artist can actually try something new.

that being said im using AI art myself to improve, SD is just too good.