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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 79 KB, 1600x1444, i42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6262457 No.6262457 [Reply] [Original]

Non-early edition.

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

>I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?
Fuck off retard. Ask a better question.

Recommended tablets:

>Intuos 3
Best screenless tablet. Look for one on Craigslist or Ebay.
>Intuos 4, 5 & Pro
Also good options. Will burn through your nibs.
>Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech, but a small 10.4" display area.
>Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9"
Best option for a display tablet.
>Galaxy Tab S7+/S8+
Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro
>One by Wacom (not Wacom One)
Solid cheap option


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand
Poor build quality, lackluster pens, broken tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are. Also watch out, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/; they do a lot of samefagging and frequently hurl personal insults.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.

Bad drawing performance because they're not designed with art in mind.

>iPads (brand new) - Bad value
>iMacs and Macbooks - Never buy this garbage under any circumstance. It's a locked ecosystem with rubbish hardware you can't upgrade.

Previous: >>6242547

>> No.6262460
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, XP-Pen is Trash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is why you don't buy chinese tablets.

>> No.6262464
File: 50 KB, 758x809, img98345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinese shill spam is real:


All this so he could make a new thread with his specific advertisements in the OP.

>> No.6262465

Is there a significant difference in the feel of a drawing surface between the Intuos Pro 2017 and older screen less tablets?

>> No.6262468

That is fucked up.

>> No.6262508

is anyone on here, not some sponsored youtube shill, who has tried both any cintiq and any kamvas and compared them?
i had a horrific experience many years ago with a huion tablet (dont even remember the model), i think i had a UC-Logic driver or something like that? which was absolute shit. same wobbly lines and "tails" as in the video.
did they actually get better recently or is it still the same old?

>> No.6262678

do you not get free returns through amazon? just try it yourself. personally i tried and returned both types, display tablets garbage

>> No.6262791
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>"This is a thread to discuss 𝘢ll kinds of digital drawing hardware"



>> No.6262818

What makes Intuos 3 so great?

>> No.6262831

i mean, i could but i'm not really looking for a tablet right now, this was meant as more of a question about the general state of quality from chinese companies compared to wacom from people who recently experienced both.
i will consider ordering & returning to amazon if i feel the need for a screen tablet for my laptop though. right now i'm pretty ok with the intuos pro medium & ipad pro

>> No.6262846

If you like to work fast it's great because it's slippery, you don't scratch surface. No need to be afraid about damaging it, nibs last forever(not overstatement) , whole thing is build like a tank. If you like resistance with strokes and nibs lasting few days only, you probably won't like it. Also have bigger bezels than new tablets so you have to have big enough desk.

>> No.6262850

Yeah it's got a huge bezel, right? I've got a newer tablet and I was just curious. Intuos 3 users that praise it have been using it for over 10 years usually. It's interesting

>> No.6262943

People buy these because they dont cost an arm and a leg and at least it works for basic stuff.

>> No.6262997
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>Intuos 3
You mean this fucking dinosaur or am I missing something? They really didn't come out with anything better since then? wtf

>> No.6263004

You're not missing anything. There's pros that still use this oldass screenless tablet

>> No.6263192

I've used an intuos pro L and a kamvas 22 plus. It's not apples to apples obviously but I ended up sticking with the kamvas despite a tiny but noticeable accuracy drop. I did have an issue with wobbly lines at first in CSP but not in krita, it turns out that was due to wintab not playing nice with the driver. I turned that off and it was smooth sailing from there.

I still have the intuos around and use it occasionally when my back is killing me, but frankly the fact that I have to uninstall and reinstall the drivers each time I switch is enough to keep me from bouncing back and forth too much these days.

I'm pretty sure it's undisputed that the old chinesium tablets with those nasty battery powered pens were universally unsalvageable garbage. The new ones aren't competitive with Cintiqs if you're a professional artist or illustrator, but for a broke hobbyist like me it's been an entirely pleasant experience. Just be ready to spend an hour or so unfucking the color settings when you get it out of the box, and buy through amazon so you can return it without dealing with their dogshit CS if you get a dud.

For the schizo:
>The Tiananmen Square protests, known in Chinese as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件; pinyin: liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations held in Tiananmen Square, Beijing during 1989. In what is known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or June Fourth Massacre (Chinese: 六四屠杀; pinyin: liùsì túshā), troops armed with assault rifles and accompanied by tanks fired at the demonstrators and those trying to block the military's advance into Tiananmen Square. The protests started on 15 April and were forcibly suppressed on 4 June when the government declared martial law and sent the People's Liberation Army to occupy parts of central Beijing. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.

>> No.6263570

The only thing a drawing tablet needs to do is draw properly. The Intuos 3 achieves this just fine, and happens to be far more durable than every future iteration.

>> No.6263722

>1,024 levels of tip and eraser pressure sensitivity for control
isn't that shit
the One by Wacom has 2048

>> No.6263803

>isn't that shit
No, pressure levels are a complete meme. 1024 is more than enough.

>> No.6263805

Does OP draw? I need to know before I van yake hom seriously.

>> No.6263903

Anons do any of ya know if I can use a Clip Studio subscription in two devices
Like, I want EX for my Desktop and to use traveling with my Galaxy Tab, but dunno if the single device thing is either a single instalation or a single instance running at a time.

>> No.6263997

>van yake hom
damn this nigga turned chinese halfway through the post

>> No.6264021

Reposting this because the other thread died.
Anyone here use KDE and a screen tablet? Whenever I try to draw the cursor shows up on the wrong screen. I tried making it the primary display but that doesn't help. Currently I have to switch to GNOME whenever I want to draw. (I'm using a kamvas 22 plus)

>> No.6264024

I used to be a chinese shill but wacom is really just so much better. My kamvas kept glitching out and ultimately I had to throw it out. As long as you make money off your art your supplies will pay for themselves

>> No.6264025
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>> No.6264082

whats the difference between the wacom intuos pro paper edition and normal besides the paperclip and pen that comes with it?

>> No.6264083


>> No.6264173
File: 174 KB, 1220x1748, 20220818_071733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't do drawpiles
>Cant do Oekakis
>Procreate brush size is based on fucking percentage instead of pixel
>Apple Pencil button is fucking useless because I keep activating it by accident so I just end up turning it off
>For some reason if you stream art it lowers the gamma on the stream super bad so the colors don't match
Fuck you niggers for convincing me to buy an Ipad. It just works my ass

>> No.6264340
File: 370 KB, 1920x915, esben-lash-rasmussen-matriarch-esbenlash[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huion sent it to me to test. See if I enjoyed it. In return, I would write a review of my experience with it. I was adamant that if I didn't like it, I would not hold back the punches. They decided to send it anyway and trust that their product would stand the test. I was skeptical at the start, ready to let them know all the faults I could find. I've had my Huion for almost a year now and I absolutely love it. There's a keypad that follows along with it but I've used my Razor Nostromo for 7 years now so I stuck to that. For my entire career, I have used Wacom and this has replaced my old tablet completely. It's less than half of the price that Wacom offers for a tablet with similar specs, and in my opinion, is still better. It's light and super responsive, with a killer resolution and good colors. The Kamvas 24 pro 4K really gives Wacom some hard competition and provides a better product for half the price. I genuinely love it and it has become my tablet of choice.

OP, explain.

>> No.6264359

>can’t do draw piles or oekakis
yes you can?
>Procreate br—
Use Clip Studio Paint
>activating it by accident
I do not understand. Do you mean the eraser tapping? That can be disabled. Do you mean the pencil getting in the way of typing? Just bring up the keyboard icon or put down the pencil.
Bullshit. Use Apowersoftplayer + Obs. Streamlabs on ipad is garbage or any other streaming apps.

>> No.6264555

What do i buy to draw while travelling? I can't use pc too often these days. Cant find any pre-owned ipads either.

>> No.6264685
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Wacom cuck

>> No.6265083

ignore the schizo and these threads

>> No.6265490

It's pretty obvious that you're the schizo mate, lol.

>> No.6265564
File: 29 KB, 620x412, dsc02509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third-worlder artist fag, here!

A folk is selling a 2nd hand Cintiq 24HD with manoufacturing dated in 2013.
He claims be the only one owner. Asks 800 usd for it. Should I purchase it or buy a Huion Kamvas 22+.

>> No.6265582

If something sounds to good to be true, then it's probably not. Just compromise and get yourself a new wacom cintiq 16, if its the same as my country should only be around 600 dollars. But you do you if you feel like you really need a 24 inch display.

>> No.6265589

Thanks, I'm >>6265564.
Well, here and after taxes, the Cintiq 16 is around 700 USD. But, furthermore, I want more space to work.
And I have to say; I like a lot that Cintiq 24HD.

I did work in the past with a Cintiq 21UX and I do not have any issue with it. Even the parallax was not a problem.

>> No.6265599

where is the non-schizo general?

>> No.6265625

If it is possible for you to get assurance that the cintiq 24hd is in good condition, then it might be worth it.

>> No.6265681
File: 437 KB, 900x675, how to make a room for your cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have Wacom Cintiq Pro 24
>Draw like shit

>> No.6266302

ching chong

>> No.6266645
File: 1.32 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20220908_234800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have finally joined the elite club. Feels good bros.

>> No.6266647

AI generated post

>> No.6266648

I want to make comics. I'm about to pull the trigger on an IPad but I want to know this, will I be cucked using CSP on a IPad Pro 2018? If I am I'll just buy the newest IPad Pro.

>> No.6266790

why not just get a Galaxy Tab s8? you get access to Krita an opensource drawing software free of cancer, unlike proprietary software like CSP.

>> No.6266798

Apparently the Apple pencil is leagues better than the s8's stylus. Already pulled the trigger on a 2021 Ipad pro kek

>> No.6266956

It's good hardware. The hardware of apple products is top notch. IPad Pro is great for drawing, and if you have other iProducts, selected files get shared between devices automatically, based on the prompts you clicked yes on. If bought an iPad pro for the sole purpose of drawing, but end up not drawing much on it, you'll have a device that's basically a big smart phone that's too big for a pocket. You'll also want to get a glove.

>> No.6266964

Nice projection retard

>> No.6267004
File: 14 KB, 850x860, Daco_4353301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do pixel art
>bought pen tablet
>mouse is still faster

>> No.6267254

Sorry for the late reply (don't know that retard who replied to you). I already had it propped up with 4 books, but I added another and it felt nicer. I think the viewing angle is still off, though. I'm currently using a Huion stand (maybe I should have refunded it as well when I returned the huion tablet). The stand only has three notches, and I think this is a 60 degree angle. It's just a little bit off and enough to cause pain, although it's taking a bit longer now that it's actually at what is probably the right height. If i add something behind the stand to increase the angle, the whole thing will just slide off, and I don't have any elastic or rubber to stop it, so I think I'd better invest in a better stand.

I got the kamvas pro 13 instead of the cintiq 13 pro at first and although I put up with a few months I regretted it. I think the chink tablets are fighting wacom's outrageous prices very well and are good value, but they're not good enough value over more expensive tablets with good reputations for it to be worth buying them. My problem was that the kamvas was too slippy for my taste (and actually, the cintiq is even worse, because the screen isn't matte, but this pen at least supports felt tips which gets rid of that problem, meaning being shit is entirely my fault now and not because of random slipping on the screen).

>> No.6267453

nice choice

>> No.6268650


>> No.6269558


>> No.6270039
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>> No.6271238

Is this still worth getting?

>> No.6272159
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>> No.6272561
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Not that anon but which app is a good alternative for PaintToolSai?
I only still use it because it's pixel brush

>> No.6272643
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>> No.6272648

Every tablet is chinesse though?

>> No.6272751
File: 22 KB, 689x275, felt nib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

felt nibs?
I've wanted to get some for a while, I don't like how slippery my tablet is but I keep telling myself my /beg/ intellect is making me put too much pressure on the pen and I need to fix that instead.
I'm guessing it's a "personal preference" thing but I want to hear opinions anyways

>> No.6273463

How good of a pc do you need to draw digitally?

>> No.6273489

for me it got rid of some of the sliding. I am also a beg and i think avoiding some of the sliding using felt nibs will help to learn to avoid the rest of the sliding.

>> No.6273524

Depends of what program you want to use. How big canvas. How many layers. And what tools. Some advanced brushes/tools requires lot of Computing power. Some older basic programs like Sai 1 can work on old laptop just fine.

>> No.6273588

Clip studio paint

>> No.6273732

thanks, that makes more sense
do you use the off-brand ones? for regular nibs I don't buy the official wacom ones since it's just plastic but I'm not sure what to expect here

>> No.6274146

What ever happened to the spring nibs wacom made?

>> No.6275634

I used the official expensive wacom ones. I couldn't find any off brand ones, and I wasn't sure they'd fit in my pen, anyway.

unrelated, but I can't find an official nib removal tool replacement, only off brand ones. Shows wacom's all about money, they sell the nibs but for everything else you have to get a whole tablet lol

>> No.6276027

Thoughts on One by Wacom?

>> No.6276112

Wacom shill

>> No.6276583

I found a few no-brands on fleabay. I assume they all come from the same factory, but the markup on the wacom felt ones isn't as bad as the normal nibs so I'll just bite it.
Kinda strange that they wouldn't sell those nib tools separate, or at least have like a pack of 5 nibs + a tool. When I misplaced my nib remover for a while I used a knife instead, which sounds worse than it actually is.

>> No.6278457


>> No.6278507

I mean, they're used nibs anyways, and it's not like I'm cutting it up. I just used the edge to get a grip on it and pull it out.

>> No.6278559
File: 13 KB, 300x191, 1636469767047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of these would you recommend?
>One by Wacom
>Intuos 3
>iPad pro 2nd gen
The iPad is a fair bit more expensive than the other two options but it can be used for other stuff

>> No.6278630

at least in newer intuos the nib remover is the pen stand
literally any small hole you can fit the tip of your pen into, tilt and pull will take the nib off
don't fucking knife them you savage

>> No.6278910

Do I look like Archimedes to you?
Besides, if I had a hole that small I'd be putting my dick in it.

>> No.6280377

my veikk a15 pro usb port is broken,.. it still usable but need fuck tons of reconnecting..

Is it possible to just replace the usb port?

ps. im poor student shit

>> No.6280505

You mean small screen less tablet? Its ok for new people getting into digital art

>> No.6280508

Get Sai fuck CSP

>> No.6281117

Is there a procreate tutorial recommanded by /ic/ I didn't seem to find one in the sticky

>> No.6281261
File: 97 KB, 831x531, dwarfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a tablet with a screen that shows colors really vividly, so my colors look fine on the tablet but look washed out on ym monitor. is there a way to have photoshop shown on both my tablet and my monitor at the same time so I can look up and see what my colors look like on normal monitors?

>> No.6281277

It probably just needs some solder.

>> No.6281284

Even team viewer or any desk type of program could do that. Don't forget there is a chance the washed out screen is actually more accurate.

>> No.6281295
File: 203 KB, 1656x1607, IMG_20220506_212704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what tablet you have and tell me honestly what's good about it and what sucks about it. Please fuck off with the console war shit

>> No.6281327

good: it works, it's comfortable, has a thingy to hold the pen, was cheap
sucks: kinda small, no screen, no eraser

>> No.6281358

ipad pro 12.9" 3rd gen
price if you buy used like a jew (got it for $400 about a year ago)
high resolution for its size (high dpi)
great color
great stylus
price if you buy new like a dingus ($1000+)
small for desktop use
limited to basically 1 drawing software (csp has a monthly subscription and from my experience I hated it with such a small screen)
stylus tip is kind of blunt (I don't give a shit, but I know some people complain about this)
slippery glass screen unless you get a screen protector
screen protectors don't take long before they lose a lot of their grit, and they wear down nibs quickly. even after they're worn down they still feel pretty good though

huion kamvas 22 plus
price ($390 brand new with a sale huion had and has regularly)
colors are great
good size/weight, doesn't take up a ton of desk space but is good enough size for me to not feel like it's a hinderance at all, and I can draw on my couch with it if I ever wanted to
etched glass feels really good to draw on
stand that comes with it is sturdy, very stable, and adjustable
pen feels great
CSP and Photoshop
resolution is only 1080p. (same as with apple pencil tip, I don't give a shit but I know some people complain about this. I didn't notice a big difference between this and 2.5k 24" displays I tried)
no shortcut keys on the side if you like to use those. personally, I don't, and opted for a wireless keypad.

I've only had the huion for a bit over 2 months but have yet to have any issues.
I've drawn on ipads for over 3 years, biggest issue was neck pain from shitty posture when using it at my desk for hours on end. A $15 laptop stand fixed this.

I had an intuos 3 and and intuos 4 but sold both after getting my 1st ipad because I like display tablets much more.

>> No.6281369

tl;dr: just buy a tablet and draw. it's all the same fucking shit. anyone that argues specs is a nerd that doesn't draw and just wants to jerk off to numbers. there are pros that use every tablet on the market today.

>> No.6281371
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>> No.6282568

do display tablet actually need a screen protector?

>> No.6282612

what display tablet?
cintiqs or kamvas plus/pro models with etched glass, no
ipads with slick glass displays, technically no, but it's going to be a shitty experience that is greatly improved with a protector
displays like a base model kamvas or xp pen that comes with a matte screen protector preinstalled, yes.

>> No.6283665


>> No.6284318

On that note, what's the safe way to clean a Cintiq 16?

>> No.6284384

Cum on it

>> No.6284689

Cintiq Pro 24
Love it but it's expensive as fuck
It was a splurge for a good year and I wanted one for years

>> No.6284694

2k is nothing but pocket change as long as you stay employed.

>> No.6285759

it's expensive

>> No.6285815

Ok poorfag

>> No.6285880

why are you larping? 2k+ for a drawing tablet is expensive for 99% of people.

>> No.6285889

Not him, but if your hobby is photography, DSLRs+Lenses cost 2k easy
If you wanna surf, a good surf board is probably not cheap
Same for musical instruments
Hell, if you wanna physically paint I'm sure all the materials won't be that cheap either

>> No.6285909

Oh really? Tell that to the people who buy $10000 full suspension downhill bikes. 2k is chump change.

>> No.6285922

Lmao just because there are other hobbies that are expensive doesnt mean that 2k for a drawing tablet isnt also expensive
2k is a decent chunk of change idk why people feel the need to act like it isnt

>> No.6285971
File: 199 KB, 2048x1157, FVvHeH5XwAAQNfq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what point should I stop using this tablet? I do like the texture

>> No.6285975

the moment starts looking like a cheese grater
youre getting there

>> No.6286140

How do you guys have the radial menu set up?

>> No.6286146

Cintiq 16 literally DOES NOT show red at all, what the fuck?

>> No.6286254

Yeah, I have about $15,000 in guns, probably $35,000 in vehicles, and $4,000 in rc cars
I'm not going to pretend any of that is chump change though. It's just a price I'm willing to pay for my hobbies.

>> No.6286378
File: 62 KB, 346x642, Screenshot_20220919-225254-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is heckin problematic

>> No.6286873

just buy the xp-pen artist 12 2ºgen

>> No.6286909

As soon as it starts interfering with your ability to draw. If it still works fine then there's no reason to switch it up yet.

>> No.6286915

Nta but can you redpill me on paperlike? My current screen protector slides my apple pencil too much.

>> No.6286948

I'm thinking of getting the Wacom One, should I buy it?

>> No.6286982

Just did all those tests on my Artist Pro 16.

Tilt is no longer broken in that way, instead it lags behind for slow rotations.
Cursor straying from the tip is fixed, it's not exactly on point but it's way better.
Inconsistent pressure is fixed
Line wobble is still there though.

>> No.6286987

I had a line wobble issue on my huion in CSP but not in krita. I changed the tablet service and coordinate detection mode in the preferences and it fixed it.

>> No.6287054

Within Krita I get the best results with Windows Ink and, lowering the maximum speed and increase smoothing samples.

Wobble also seems to be highly dependent on tilt. If I draw a straight line with the pen perpendicular to the surface the wobble vanishes.

>> No.6287140
File: 934 KB, 1439x901, Screenshot_20220921_120422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used a loctek monitor arm? Got it at a thrift store for $25, hoping it's good enough to draw with

>> No.6287146

Did all the tests on my kamvas 22 plus too
None of the issues are present
Every single tablet (including cintiqs and ipads) have some wobble.

>> No.6287174
File: 39 KB, 466x496, 71Mda9UuJhL._AC_SX466_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this with my 24" Cintiq Pro and it works great


>> No.6287391

I need vertical adjustment too
the stand that came with my display works fine for holding it upright securely

>> No.6287413

>$2000 tablet
>doesn't even come with a stand

>> No.6287470

that's an extra $500 for their proprietary mounting system :)

>> No.6287511

I'm conflicted
on one hand the stand puts my tablet at a much better height for me to fully use the whole height of it, but on the other hand it shakes a little bit if I make quick back and forth strokes

>> No.6287525
File: 131 KB, 800x577, how-to-draw-a-chibi.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haev a friend that buys every new tablet out there, just sells the old one and upgrades
He's been doing this since about 2012-2015? The first Cintiqs
All he can draw is this kind of chibi stuff 10 years later

>> No.6287964


>> No.6288149

Had the exact same shit with an Intuos a few years ago so dunno dude.

>> No.6288769

t. chang

>> No.6289559

Buy an ipad pro or new SS S7/8

>> No.6290703


>> No.6290829
File: 728 KB, 367x498, 1662414639909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I ruin my iPad for drawing if I keep cumming on it? Asking for a friend

>> No.6290842

>The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.

Is that still true with the Surface 8? I've seen a few reviews from artists saying it's fine now, and I'm thinking of getting it since I can clone my workflow, brushes, and settings over.

>> No.6291003

is samsung tab s8 ultra any better than ipad pro?
the 14.6 inch screen is very alluring but I'm unsure about paying for csp sub

>> No.6291089

Mate, you're thinking of spending $1k+ on a tablet but the shit holding you back is $25 yearly sub for single device? Get out of here.

>> No.6291118

huion h1060p, got it as a gift around 16months ago, because i'm a poor hermit

it arrived with broken drivers(got working drivers from huion support)
all pushable buttons malfunction(double press, triggering neighbor buttons)
idk how to call stylus buttons but almost all of them but "16" work good, 16 will alt+f4 since it's positioned perfectly above X button.

price(i'd go for some display wacom if i could pay it)
everything else works geat, it's precise, pressure works fine, i guess, tilt works, got multiple nibbs but they're indestructible, idk what more

it's a smalldick chinese crap. but i'm happy with it, but it's my first tablet

>> No.6291138

Retard here. Are there digital pens that work on any touch screen, or do I have to get one of these tablets? Google tells me conflicting things.

>> No.6291200

not him, but yeah. fuck yearly subs. fuck any kind of subs.

>> No.6291254

Pirate clip studio fuck them

>> No.6291270

Can't believe you never head of sketchbook pro yet.

>> No.6291284

You can buy csp and pay 1 time.

>> No.6291321

>Are there digital pens that work on any touch screen
Yes, look for a capacitive stylus. There are universal ones that cost about 5 bucks, check aliexpress or your local stores.

>> No.6291396

>There are universal ones that cost about 5 bucks
Sorry for my ignorance, but then what's the point of a drawing tablet?

>> No.6291399

Well you know, not everybody has an iPad around or whatever. You can get a Huion drawing tablet for 30 bucks in comparison.

>> No.6291450

>Sorry for my ignorance, but then what's the point of a drawing tablet?
pressure sensitivity and tilt to name two obvious things.

>> No.6291466


>> No.6291616
File: 2.44 MB, 1616x1211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice. I got mine from Amazon Renewed, saved about 150 bucks.

>> No.6291637

My only fear is of getting a 13 screen is that I will regret not aiming for a 16 one, as I'm on a tight budget. Is the work area enough?

>> No.6291669

My previous tablet was an Intuos and this is gigantic by comparison. I say it depends on your budget. The 16 inch cintiq is pretty much the same except for the size and more pressure levels but the price is almost the double.

>> No.6291710
File: 61 KB, 260x273, 1591531812989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wacom nigger buying 2nd hand shit drawing FOTM with awful style
cant make this up

>> No.6291714

Not him but I don't get it. Is there a joke about somebody drawing anime with 2nd hand Wacom products? Or specifically FOTM shit? Wacom?

>> No.6291739

>buying it full price is better

>> No.6291753

Dumb question. Do any of you have grips for your pens? DIY or not. I just hate the feels I get from holding my chinky dinky Huion pen.

>> No.6291758

Is the pen accuracy on par with their high-end offerings?
Often manufacturers of professional tools bring out a cheaper product line that uses the same technology as the Chinese do.

What I want to know is if there is the same digitizer technology inside as in their expensive versions.
Would be nice if it's essentially a small Cintiq without the buttons... but is it?

>> No.6291776

OP isn't a real person. He is an automated shill script powered by Wacom engineers. If you post in here you are just outing yourself as a newfag.

>> No.6291785

My budget is around 350 eur.
I was thinking about it since the wacom one new here is 370eur or more, as refurbished ones go for 280. I haven't found a single used one. Used cintiq 16s are around 300 to 350-ish.
Is your workspace in CSP with the tools not cramped, when you draw?

>> No.6291841

> tools not cramped, when you draw?
Not really, screen is 1080p as you might know. The pic I showed in the post has desktop scaling set to 100%.

>> No.6291861

>Is the pen accuracy on par with their high-end offerings?
Not really, if you can afford it you should look elsewhere. The next thing, the Cintiq 16 has the double of pressure levels. I'm a beginner and my preevious tablet was a small no display wacom so I dont really know much.

>> No.6291969
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>> No.6292121
File: 228 KB, 1248x702, s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to sneak draw during work, would the s22 ultra be good for drawing? yeah its a lot but id pay anything to be able to upkeep my drawing ability while being a wagie
for some reason there i cant find fuck all about how good it is for art, it comes with a pen so im assuming its targeted towards pen shit but the lack of art videos about it makes me think it isnt worth it
any tablet like the ipad would be too big and make it obvious that im drawing

>> No.6292434
File: 129 KB, 870x675, Sure you're not bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6292438

lol even a note 8 from years ago is 'good for drawing'
not need to consoom so hard, the 8 might be too old so get a used note 9 or 10+ instead

>> No.6292456

refresh of pro 22 probably. 350-400 nits brightness would be my guess, more buttons...

>> No.6292817

That seems like enough.
I might get one for christmas, if prices drop, or check out used ones. Thanks.

>> No.6292852

anyone got a huion kamvas 13? im a /beg/ who doesnt want to learn how to use a non display tablet and i dont want to shill more than 300 dollars for a display. is it a good beginner tablet?

>> No.6292951

prove it

>> No.6292972

one by wacom should be just fine, but some people prefer something with a screen and some don't, just ask yourself what you need/prefer; for me it's enough but sometimes i still feel like i'd like something with a screen

>> No.6293239

lol Krita

>> No.6293467

What are good key assignments for the tablet buttons and the pen buttons?
I'm kind of partial to having the pan tool on the stylus. I have both buttons free because I have a dedicated eraser. In that regard having left and middle buttons on the pen also makes a whole lot of sense because of muscle memory from across applications.

Other than that my Artist Pro 16 has 8 buttons and a dual wheel.
What are your assignments?

>> No.6293472

Ye. I use it right now.
You could use it professionally even but if you might as well upgrade by then.

>> No.6293660

alright, i'll probably get one then. thanks anon :)

>> No.6293853

thanks for putting me on to the note, i really dont know shit about phones
i wish someone did a comparison of the lag or general drawing experience between the note 10+ and the s22 ultra (or just more about drawing on the s22 ultra in general cause there really is nothing about it) cause i imagine drawing on a phone is already aids so id be willing to consoom if it makes the difference to being bearable

>> No.6293980

Lmao retard

>> No.6294059

I bought a 10+ specifically for this purpose. It's pretty good. There's also not really anything in the newer ones to make them worth getting over a 10+ for 1/4 the price. I know a lot of people love the 9 too, but I think the 10+ is actually a noticeable improvement.

>> No.6294065
File: 731 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20220926-064024_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use ibis paint and don't really have anything negative to say about the drawing experience. Like obviously it's not going to be as good as an iPad or any real tablet, but it doesn't have to be.

>> No.6294082
File: 242 KB, 1348x1185, Screenshot_20220926_070836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last shill post from me
I drew this while at the beach on the 4th of July
I like my phone for doodling.
Try a 22 in store, it will be the same experience.

>> No.6294139

cutie patootie

>> No.6294327

What's the difference between ipad pro gens? Is there any reason to get anything past 2nd gen?

>> No.6294354

1st and 2nd gen are practically the same just with slightly different hardware
3rd gen introduced the wireless charging apple pencil, removed most of the bezel, and went from lightning cable to usb c.
Ignoring hardware differences like faster chips or more storage, the 3rd gen and later is worth getting over a 1st or 2nd for just those reasons alone.

Also screen protectors and cases are more readily available/cheaper/continue to be produced that fit 3rd gen and later ipads. If you want an elecom screen protector for example, if you can even find one, they're stupidly expensive now. Meanwhile you can pick one up for a 2018+ model for 15-20 bucks on amazon.

>> No.6294356

I should note that less bezel isn't necessarily a positive for drawing, but the wireless charging pencil and usb c are significant improvements to QOL.

>> No.6295119

What's the best app for drawing on my smartphone with my finger?

>> No.6295136

Pretty much every 24 HD tablet is on the same level as that shit and it's not over a decade old and cost pretty much the same (except wacom of course) buy something new nigga or buy a Ipad

>> No.6295188
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 1562368750583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here use the big xp-pen pros(22/24)? If so what's your experience? I'm a poorfag so I can't get the good shit, which leaves me with either hueion or xp as alternative. Since the xp- pen is cheaper it's more available to me but if someone used both and in their experience thinks the couple of extra bucks for hueion is worth it I would obviously go for that
I do commissions as a side hustle and I want a more professional set up (I'm using the intuos 4 rn) and I'm interested in a screentablet

>> No.6295218

Huion is absolutely worth it. The etched glass and colors are much better, and the stylus is slightly better.

>> No.6295229

Thanks for the reply my neger
>The etched glass and colors are much better
doesn't the XP also have etched glass or do you mean the Huion version is better?

>> No.6295251
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>> No.6295254

No, xp pen and non plus/pro huions use a matte screen protector
Plus/pro huions use etched glass

>> No.6295258
File: 90 KB, 1298x940, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newfag and I don't understand the "scale" in which I should be drawing, as in the size of the paper or something. I've done a couple of drawings already, but I end up using just a corner of the canvas and then I have to resize the canvas down, what is supposed to be a normal size in terms of width/height?

The biggest problem is that, since I can do zoom, drawing in a small corner looks pretty much the same than drawing with no zoom in full canvas so I end up messing the complete size of the drawing. (Tried to do an example in pic related).

>> No.6295268

I just make an absurdly large canvas, like 20000x20000 and draw all over it wherever I feel like. You probably want your final drawing to be a bare minimum of 1000x1000px in resolution, but I usually keep my drawings at least 2x my tablet's resolution of 1080p so that I can downscale it a bit when I export it.

>> No.6295269

how do you do that downscale thing? All I do is dragging the corners of the canvas to eliminate the wasted space

For example my tablet is a Cintiq 13' what sizes should I go with? What if I get a 22'? Thanks. I'm really a newfag

>> No.6295390
File: 164 KB, 720x695, 1634099885197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while and want to get back into digital art
screenless tablets feel so unintuitive now. qrd on least shit krita experience below 1000 dollarydoos? wanna piss away my first few paychecks on something useful :^)

>> No.6295396
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1629434036257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>krita doesn't support mouse mode
>people who use mouse mode try it, realise it doesn't work, and leave
>"uhhhhh nobody uses mouse mode this is why we won't implement it :^)"
why are krita devs so retarded

>> No.6295482
File: 302 B, 82x64, CLIPStudioPaint_8nX5wMv9zq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get the pen to enter this state in CLIP Studio?
Cursor offset but it fixes itself if it enters that state and I switch it from Tablet PC to Wintab

>> No.6295504

Literally just get a second monitor and an intuos pro, you don't need more. A good wacom pen tablet has the same precision as an cinteq. And it's better for your back big times. People are just being retarded by paying for shit that is over priced and unnecessary as fuck

>> No.6295505

wait does that literally mean you're drawing with your mouse lol?

>> No.6295509

Anyone else use mouse mode instead of pen mode on a pen tablet? I find using pen mode even with screen ratio on uncomfortable, the cursor moves too quickly in relationship to my hand strokes

>> No.6295513

wtf does mouse mode mean?

>> No.6295523

As the others said, S22 Ultra isnt worth the price compared to Note 10/10+ or Note 9. I have the Note 10+ for the reasons to draw on the go. So far I could draw memes on it, but lineart animu styled finished artworks are going to make my hand cramp. Painterly drawing style is possible if you dont need much precision. Even 3d sculpting is possible

>> No.6295526
File: 19 KB, 394x171, setup_drXV3VUf9j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And does anyone have the Hanwang Tablet Driver from 2011
I uninstalled it trying to fix it
Found out Wintab uses sometihng outside of it
Older setup does this

>> No.6295597

Makes it so the tablet workspace is not in relation to your monitor

>> No.6295599
File: 926 KB, 1440x1947, Screenshot_20220927_092135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone heard of this thing?
4k 32" screen for $800 sounds nice if it's not a piece of shit. But I have a feeling it will be a piece of shit if it ever even gets made.

>> No.6295605


>> No.6295619
File: 190 KB, 960x849, 1586086355746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different ESL anon here sir but what's wrong with how he used "literally" it looks right to me

>> No.6295628

The thing is all these first generation tablets are awful and will have a million bugs, Huion and XP-Pen are a great example of that, the first versions they shit out out were legit garbage and now they are finally catching up to wacom but these companies need real experience in developing these products to get there, so yeah that new tablet you posted will probably a huge pile of shit but after a couple of years it might get really good

>> No.6295629

It's a dumb tendency to use 'literally' to put emphasis on something when it has little to do with the literal sense of the subject.

>> No.6295630
File: 431 KB, 1166x613, kamvas13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been a tradfag, this would be my first tablet ever.
Talk me out of buying this. I'm also poor

>> No.6295633

Depends, are you a /beg/? If so just get a tablet for 50 bucks since it's a great way to get into digital art. Later when you get better you can upgrade but as a starter gets something simple

>> No.6295635

Pro models are le bad (older tech).
Take the regular Kamvas 13 if you're able to.

>> No.6295636

>Pro models
I didn't know that, I always thought it's the other way around...

>> No.6295637

You're poor anon. Don't.

>> No.6295638

I like my huion a lot, but 13 inches diagonally isn't a whole ton of space especially if you're used to drawing traditionally with a lot of elbow room. If I were you I'd recommend waiting a few weeks to scrounge up another $100 or so to get the 16 inch one at the very least. If you're committed to art then this isn't a purchase that's really going to go to waste, so it makes sense to buy what you're actually going to enjoy using rather than settling for something that you'll want to upgrade in 3 months.

>> No.6295639

Nigga what are you doing wait till black Friday, so many tablets will have a massive price cut

>> No.6295643


>> No.6295648

Poor people should just get a used intuos pro dated 2015 or later. Rich fags like me own a cintiq pro 24 and intuos pro because I can and have no debt and I live in burgerland.

>> No.6295650

You kinda sound poor ngl

>> No.6295651

You'd be much better off buying a used 22+ for the same price

>> No.6295653

I come from poor nigga.

>> No.6295654

You're still poor. No one that has money talks like that.

>> No.6295656
File: 28 KB, 516x528, epilepsy-brain-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw pro stands for progeria

>> No.6295657

Yeah I've been talked out of it.
I'm looking at refurbished 16s right now. The 22's don't have any buttons tho

>> No.6295658

I can tell lmao

>> No.6295668

just use a game controller and bind all your hotkeys through steam. I wouldn't use the tablet buttons even if I had them now. 4 analogue inputs per layer per thumbstick anon, it's the future!

>> No.6295673
File: 168 KB, 500x500, razer-tartarus-pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better get one of these bad boys

>> No.6295750

Don't forget that pen tablets last way longer then display tablets

>> No.6295789

Playstation/Xbox controller
$10 wireless keypad
Official huion keypad with the dial
It's honestly so much more ergonomic to have a separate keypad than have it on your screen bezel.

>> No.6295795

just got an ipad pro with paper like but it feels like I'm drawing with the eraser am I no supposed to be using default nib with apple pencil?

>> No.6295977

Here is also a great vid that highlights how retarded the craze for screen tablets is. A pen tablets is a million times more precise and better for your health and less expensive, like people are still using tech from 2004, that should tell how good these things are.

>> No.6295986

sour grapes

>> No.6295992

It's not, I genuinely mean it when I say I used both a cintiq16 pro and an intuos 4 L, and the intuos 4 wins by a landslide hands down. I'm legit surprise that not more people are talking about this.

>> No.6295995

What is the advance of using a screentablet vs a normal one?

>> No.6295999

a display tablet is more intuitive and more similar to traditional art. That's it.
the only 3 benefits to a pen tablet are cost, your hand doesn't block any of your drawing, and you can sit in a more ergonomic position. A lot of artists sit like fucking retards anyway though, and just use the last point to cope for not being able to afford a nice display.

>> No.6296001

the only thing that comes to my mind is that they are portable and some are really fucking huge so it's like you're drawing on a canvas

>> No.6296002
File: 18 KB, 388x384, 1585737586685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a display tablet is more intuitive and more similar to traditional art
>that makes 3000 plus tip :)

>> No.6296004

You know there are brands other than wacom, right?

>> No.6296005

I would say the biggest strength of pen tablets is that there is no delay the other shit is just bonus

>> No.6296010

there's no meaningful delay on display tablets either.

>> No.6296015

I can't speak for wacom but there is definitely a delay in the XP-pen (16 pro) which is fucking annoying seeing your courser trying to catch up with your pen sucks

>> No.6296028

how long of a delay are you talking about? a few milliseconds?

>> No.6296037

it depends normally it's just some millisecs but when I'm in for a couple of hours in the drawing process it starts to lag especially if I do quick strokes

>> No.6296046

that's probably more on your drawing software and your computer's hardware than the tablet anon. I get delay on my cintiq in CSP when drawing quickly with even moderately big brushes. Strokes take time and computational resources to compute, that' sorta just part of digital art.

>> No.6296360

>IOS in a drawing tablet

This shit looks like a big scam

>> No.6296383

Pretty sure it's android. The main selling points seems to be a hybrid between a tv and a tablet, with drawing just as a side thought. Probably total dogshit for drawing, even worse than a Lenovo.

>> No.6296398

These things are usually not a "scam" per se but over promise and under-deliver.
These one-does-it-all kind of devices always are worse than purpose built stuff.

Nevertheless I'm sure it has it nieces for people in cramped living conditions.

>> No.6296712

should i get a new laptop or tablet? im currently using a huion hs611 it can be pretty wonky sometimes (cursor suddenly jumps to the other side of the screen, still clicking when i pull out my pen)
im using krita and the only performance issue that i can think of is a huge lag when im using a big brush thank you

>> No.6296713
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>> No.6297074
File: 68 KB, 950x870, cintiq27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cintiq pro 27 announced


$3500 USD for Cintiq Pro 27
$500 USD for the new Stand

>> No.6297089

>$500 USD for the new Stand

Take that, China! Premium prices!

>> No.6297093

As someone who drew on phones and upgraded to a display tablet. I'd only recommend it for sketches or form ideas, I would not attempt to make full-on art pieces on it because drawing on a phone is much different than paper or a tablet. Outside of that the phone has great performance specs and it feels great to draw on, but the hardware is somewhat apple esque. It doesn't have a headphone jack or an sd card slot

>> No.6297143

Is the 12.9 really that much better over the 11?

>> No.6297149

>$3500 USD

>> No.6297153

>It doesn't have a headphone jack or an sd card slot
Neither of which are things 99% of people care about, but they'll pretend they do.
You can get decent wireless buds for like 20 bucks now.

>> No.6297154
File: 590 KB, 1080x1851, Screenshot_20220923_001254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, what IS this?

>> No.6297160

>$500 USD for the new Stand
This is a joke, right?

>> No.6297161

>$170 for some shortcuts
>$270 for the one he's shilling just because it's wireless

As has been previously mentioned, use a gamepad for ps3/4/5 or xbox that you probably already have, or buy a $10 wireless keypad

>> No.6297164

Shortcut pad get the XP-pen remote, it costs 30 bucks and does the job

>> No.6297165

wacom has charged $500 for their proprietary stand for years, where have you been?

>> No.6297167

>there are people who pay for that shit
literally mental illness

>> No.6297171

>literally mental illness
have you seen op's posts? Wacom fanboys are somehow even more rabid in defending their multi billion dollar corporation than apple fanboys.

>> No.6297176

I can understand posts like the OP it's basically a combination of the usual console war thing and hatred for china, but if someone actually pays 500 bucks for a fucking STAND or defends a price like that than they are either a shill or insane

>> No.6297246

OMG, that is fucking amazing. I NEED IT. NOW.

But why would I use my shitty console controller? Just to save money? But the tourbox is actually way more practical, right?

Hmm looks almost like my Wacom Expresskey remote, but I MIGHT try that one out too, maybe. Although I don't expect much quality for that price. :/


>> No.6297257

>But why would I use my shitty console controller? Just to save money?
considering they're charging $200+ for a fucking shortcut remote? yes.
The huion kd100 is another option which is ~$40-50, but it's ultimately just a wireless keypad with scissor switches and an added dial at the top.
wacom makes their own version of a shortcut remote for $70.

I like my huion one, but I got it for $20 on ebay. The dial is nice, but not worth an extra 40 bucks over just getting a wireless keypad.

I don't see any possible justification for $270+tax+shipping for a wireless shortcut remote.

>> No.6297259

You're right it's so overpriced, and yet, I don't see any alternative that is similar to that one. WHY MONOPOLY, WHY

>> No.6297261

>I don't see any alternative that is similar to that one
1/10 the price with 90% of the functionality
I just don't see how the tourbox is that special.

>> No.6297320

Well, the tourbox does look cooler IMO

>> No.6297323

It's supposed to be purely for functionality. Who gives a shit how it looks?
for what it's worth you can pick them up for about $100 on ebay.

>> No.6297365

>Who gives a shit how it looks?
I do, Anon, I'm a visually-inclined person

Thanks Anon-kun, but it's unfortunately already been
I think I'll just take the risk and buy a new one, probably even the one with bluetooth, since I have some money left.
Thanks man :)

>> No.6297505

guess they’re doubling down on the ‘premium’ brand.
bet an updated wacom one will be $500+

>> No.6297546

I just got the Surface Pro 8, but my pen pressure isn't working in Photoshop - I have UseSystemStylus 0 in the UserConfig in Appdata, but it's still not doing anything.

Any ideas?

>> No.6297574

it's good to hear that most of those are fixed. Strange though that the line wobble isn't. Then again, I've also had severe line wobble issues with Wacom tablets in Photoshop and Krita. I had no wobble issue using CSP or Inkscape with the same device.

It sounds like most of the issues people have with these tablets (Wacom or otherwise) comes down to a batch of "lemons" that just had shit quality assurance in the factory.

Either that or it could be RF interference. My old Wacom would bug out if I had certain electric devices too close to it.

>> No.6297613

is there anyway to get clipstudio brushes with the cracked version?

>> No.6297750

I was heavily considering an XP Pen Artist Pro 16 due to the light pen pressure sensitivity, the circle button, and the overall screen quality, but it requires an HDMI connection and I don't have another one to spare (and there's lots of issues with USB to HDMI adapters).

Are there any reasonable alternatives that use a USB-C to USB-C connection? Or am I SOL if I don't want to use HDMI?

>> No.6297775

AI my friend you don't need tablet as a ai artist am making so much money.

>> No.6297946

Reading their manual, the mouse sold with intuos is just a mouse right?

>> No.6298125

How much are you making?

>> No.6298292

it's not about the money, it's about the journey in exploring what new technology can do.

>> No.6298651

absolute gigachad, i was using the new intuos pro for a few years and it was so fucking buggy and died one day when i was doing a a job, so i snapped and smashed the pen at the wall.
Then i decided to see what's all the fuss about and got myself two intuos 3 for 30$ each . They absolutely mog anything new by wacom, they have gone really downhill since then

>> No.6298652

not really your whole pc looks like a potato. Reminds me of my first PC when I was 10.

>> No.6298656
File: 163 KB, 1269x382, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huion has felt tips too anon

>> No.6298699

Why can't they just make a tip that doesn't disintegrate?

>> No.6298713

why hasn't my tip disintegrated yet?

>> No.6298722

Maybe because you're not using it enough?

>> No.6298724

I do think the 2nd generation pen from wacom is the best thing they have ever released, so I'm definitely aiming for the intuos pro but the intuos 3 and 4 are legit fantastic and you don't need much more than that

>> No.6298805

how long do they usually last?

>> No.6298937
File: 430 KB, 870x870, FAIOVL5VQAgC37l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the cintiq pro 24 for 4 years now and it's starting to fuck my back up. Is the flex arm worth it/does it work well? Can it also be used for other monitors or is it just the cintiq? Need to know before I blow half a grand

>> No.6298980

you are a faggot. Just get an amazon basic arm it's literally a rebranded ergotron lx but without the extension

>> No.6298982

I got a loctek arm at a thrift store for $25
I think they're on ebay for like $100?
It works okay for my 22 plus, except I had to add weight to get it to adjust properly. Shouldn't be an issue with a cintiq 24 since they're quite a bit heavier.

>> No.6299007

didnt answer my question

>> No.6299017

ok turboautist answer it yourself

>> No.6299036

Will going from a screenless tablet to a screen tablet make me a better artist?

>> No.6299041

No, but it might make you more comfortable with digital art.

>> No.6299078

More then you anon lol meat artists killing themselves already.

>> No.6299121

well in my experience the intuos 3 pen is better than the pro pen 2 ergonomic wise and it doesn't give me weird pressure glitches

>> No.6299261

>meat artists

>> No.6299453

I used to do 10000 x10000 on my computer but I've gotten used to a lot smaller since I started using an ipad/procreate. Now the biggest I'll go is 3000x3000

>> No.6299487
File: 343 KB, 431x589, flatten(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majority of the thread is mindless arguing.
What happened to this board?

>> No.6299599
File: 254 KB, 1445x734, Screenshot_20220930_175544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, which one should I get? They're both great. Arghh, I can't decide!!!

>> No.6299638

Just get both and switch out for how you're feel that day.

>> No.6299719

But dude, that's like almost 700 bucks total

>> No.6299729

so? money is clearly no object to you if you're talking about dropping $350 on a very simple shortcut remote, when a $10-20 one will accomplish 99% of the same functions.

>> No.6299731

Uh sure it is, it's still money. I just really want the tourbox.

>> No.6299734

*in new condition

>> No.6299740

personally I'd get the one on the left. Clear plastic like that has always looked really fucking cheap to me.

>> No.6299744
File: 130 KB, 1001x911, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fix this?
Xp pen mini 7

>> No.6299748

True, it's always better to buy the classic one as well

>> No.6299945

why are ppl complaining about the $500 stand, arent there H-series Egotrons that go for $300-350 give or take that are designed to carry heavyweights like big Cintiqs and 41" widescreens and do a stellar job at it?
It's not like Wacom isn't giving you VESA mounting, you're literally not forced to buy their stand.
You're ALSO not getting some cheap shit that's available for $50 in the market, BIG and HEAVY monitors always have a premium attached to their stands/arms.

>> No.6299949

>aren't companies making better stands for cheaper?
I don't think this is quite the defense of wacom that you think it is.

>> No.6299953

Why do you assume i'm defending Wacom? I'm only saying it's fucking dumb to complain about it, especially because it's not even a "budget" item market in the first place

>> No.6299954

>Why do you assume i'm defending Wacom? I'm only saying it's fucking dumb to complain about it
How is that not defending it?

>> No.6300073

new thread



>> No.6300244

Actual new thread:



>> No.6300316

how is this not spamming?

>> No.6300321


Anyway, I'm looking to buy my gf a tablet and the reviews for the Huion Kamvas are good. Of the comparison videos I've seen there are some differences, but they're so small they don't really seem to justify the huge difference in price.

>> No.6300324

just get the newest/biggest within your price range. kamvas 22 plus is the best bang for your buck currently, there's not a massive difference between it and the 24 plus, but there's a several hundred dollar difference.

>> No.6300343

>kamvas 22 plus

The naming conventions have got me confused because the storefront is pushing 12/16 and jumps to 22/24

>> No.6300362

I'm not sure what's confusing about that. The number is just size of the screen.
The biggest confusion comes from the pro, plus, and standard models.
If you want to do way too much research and choose for yourself you can, but basically from having bought both a 22 plus and 24 plus, and using an xp pen 24 which uses the same feeling screen as the standard kamvas, I'm gonna tell you just buy a 22 plus.
The 24 plus is a little nicer because it has a slightly bigger screen and higher resolution, but that resolution isn't really enough of a difference to merit the price. You still see pixelation when up very close regardless of 1080p or 1440p. The 22 is also small enough you could potentially draw with it on your couch with it on your lap.

The absolute smallest I would go is a 16. 12/13 are too small.

>> No.6300370

Ah, that makes a lot more sense. I was thinking 22 meant 2022 or something. The 22 Plus is just within my budget so I think I'll go with that.

Thanks for the info!

>> No.6300509


>> No.6300518

jannies actually did their job for once. wow

>> No.6300629

I bought the classic black one btw