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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 12 KB, 220x220, A_Shiba_Inu_dog_wearing_a_beret_and_black_turtleneck_DALLE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6258310 No.6258310 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I'm making a video documentary documenting this entire ai art shitshow, because every video I find is just praising the ai and telling people not to worry about it. I'm looking for resources/screenshots/timelines of events/etc. etc. relating to the progression of art ai, and the different reactions to it. I was mostly looking for stuff dating back from april until now, but if you have anything/any info from before that that's fine too. I was too much of a retard to save anything on my own, so the most I've got is a couple of screenshots of aifags praising ai. Some other anon also posted their resources in another thread (ty desu, I appreciate it), so I'll post that too.

>> No.6258311

Reactions of smaller artists:
This in-depth interview with Dave McKean covers a lot of practical, philosophical, personal, etc. ground about what's coming. Some uplifting and depressing soundbites to use:
[YouTube] DAVE McKEAN - Interview: AI Image-making and Its Implications (embed)
[YouTube] Virtual Memories #497 - Dave McKean (embed) (another one)

Some writing which seems pretty prescient and spot-on:
https://sci-hub.se/https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/K-05-2013-0098/full/html (artist/philosopher, one of the hosts of the aforementioned interview)
https://artofericwayne.com/2022/05/31/will-ai-replace-human-artists/ (artist)
https://erikhoel.substack.com/p/ai-art-isnt-art (neuroscientist)
https://alexanderwales.com/the-ai-art-apocalypse/ (writer)
https://nickbostrom.com/papers/digital-minds.pdf (philosopher)


AIfags arguments:

There's still interesting stuff on /ic/ if you look through the threads and archives, such as the reactions of the japs, or some redditfags banning AI art because everyone already got sick of it:

>> No.6258320

You should discuss the fact that we are in grave, grave physical danger once AI is generally capable. Scalefags appear to be correct after all that "comprehension" is not needed for capability. That is, we will bootstrap recursively self-improving general intelligence through sheer scale of architecture. Once the first such system comes online, it is just over for the human race. I well and truly fucking over. If we even survive the transition it will be nothing less than a miracle.

>> No.6258326
File: 1.76 MB, 3140x2000, rampant theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit applies to the music industry, acting industry, etc. Musicians are getting ripped off, and actors have their faces faked with the deepfake all the time

>> No.6258327

this is you.

>> No.6258329
File: 412 KB, 593x725, rj palmer theft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258332

You're <5 years from humanity getting eradicated like a virus in 0.2 seconds by machines trillions of times smarter than us and you're worried about this shit?

>> No.6258333

It's not like I can do anything about it
this thread is just about documenting what's happened, not about stopping it (though I do wish we could get a ted 2.0 in vidya)

>> No.6258336
File: 902 KB, 1026x1000, ripping off bloodborn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stable Diffusion ripping off bloodborn art

>> No.6258338
File: 67 KB, 1024x300, AI Art is not protected by Copyright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI Art cannot be copyrighted

>> No.6258340
File: 238 KB, 588x681, shutterstock logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuttershock watermarks make it into AI Art. Clearly Copyrighted material

>> No.6258344
File: 2.17 MB, 1841x927, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 3.00.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can ripoff an artist's work with these machines. Obviously they are compilations of stolen artwork

>> No.6258345
File: 80 KB, 477x592, FYOxHciVUAEUMqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258346
File: 42 KB, 597x222, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 2.49.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists are organizing

>> No.6258350

Trivially easy to fake and wouldn't matter anyway. Free AI art will dominate culture.

>> No.6258353
File: 79 KB, 587x523, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 3.37.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact you need to come on /ic/ daily and defend your shitty AI is really telling. Good luck escaping the coming lawsuits

>> No.6258354

Who cares? AI will be able to churn out movies, comics, novels, and games for free and 100x better than anything on the matter. It is, as they say, over. It is fucking over copefag.

>> No.6258355
File: 162 KB, 1200x794, FbwudqZVUAE0S9s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258357
File: 465 KB, 591x846, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 5.25.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. This is your brain on too much scifi.

>> No.6258358
File: 95 KB, 1180x436, Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 1.16.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258359
File: 540 KB, 596x1124, charizard ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blatant theft

>> No.6258362
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>> No.6258364
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on a side note, fuck sinix

>> No.6258370

>We're organizing!!!

Oldest cope in the book. Good luck enforcing this on every jurisdiction on the planet, tard. What, you think pajeets won't just ignore these laws and use stable diffusion to make concept art for American companies, leaving zero actionable paper trail?

>> No.6258373


>> No.6258375

Search "emad" in the warosu archives

>> No.6258377
File: 204 KB, 594x1017, AI is a search engine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't have the infrastructure to data-farm the way American companies do, and that's the heart and soul of these AI theftbots. Besides, this theft is an international issue. Artists in the Americas, Europe, Asia, all are affected. There will be an international movement against AI soon, and it all started with your gloating on this board

>> No.6258379
File: 228 KB, 1293x630, Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 5.17.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258388

No there won't. You are a goof. When the tech is in the wild, it's ogre. Plus there are hundreds of trillions of dollars to be made raping your brain and the government and big tech aren't dumb enough to pass it up. Every human soul will be shredded into a billion pieces before the decade is over.

>> No.6258393
File: 641 KB, 3696x508, Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 12.29.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, that's what happens if we don't organize

>> No.6258415

Artists are such sore losers. You could at least die with dignity instead this cringe temper tantrum.

>> No.6258421


>> No.6258435

This is the most level, refined pro-artist take I've seen that isn't just about copyright or ethics or personal attacks on AI enthusiasts. More people need to read and digest what this guy is saying.

>> No.6258439

Not falling for your tricks, /g/tard

>> No.6258441

It might never replace art for the artist but it indeed can replace art for the masses. That's the real problem.

>> No.6258442

It's just another cope

>> No.6258443

Why is every ai art thread literally two more weeks qanon schizo posting?

>> No.6258444
File: 1.24 MB, 627x516, Mickey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exploring a fraction of number of images SD stole to monetize on

>> No.6258453

Yes. Nobody gives a fuck about nanite whirlwinds, stop datamining my pixiv

>> No.6258458

yeah, literally what most artists who have a brain think anyway.
it doesn't even sound appealing as a tool because if i feel like making something, i want to create something specific, a specific person in a specific position from a specific angle in a specific environment etc.
i think its fine if people with no drawing experience use it to generate stuff but its very unerwhelming in a way all the shills don't get or think is gonna "get better in X years"

>> No.6258463

it was what I was thinking until ai threads got spammed here. I fell into group-think and got sucked down this rabbit hole for a week. I need to get off this site

>> No.6258473

OP this short story gives you pretty much an insight of the future, could use it to draw some approaches and negative outcomes on: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41112099
The author makes a point about how thanks to AI, the influx of communication and content will be so distorted that writers (or artists) will need to pay people to bother looking at their work.

>> No.6258490

all artists are only the combination of their influences

you are not different from the AI


>> No.6258493

>all artists are only the combination of their influences
this core of thought is precisely the gist of why you're wrong. go write some more prompts.

>> No.6258496

humans invent new things. AI is a randomized blender. Keep seething.

>> No.6258502

Humans are randomised blenders, dipshit, just more efficient ones. AGI is 6 months away and you will be dead within 2 months of it coming online.

>> No.6258503

>humans invent new things.
99% of artists don't invent anything new. it's only once in a while that an out of this world artsis comes up with something never seen before. This is why most artists are seething

>> No.6258504

see >>6258298

>> No.6258509
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Man, I'm still gonna be drawing but all this shit is for sure making me rethink some stuff.

>> No.6258510

no point in arguing with you, if you can't see something this obvious

>> No.6258532

>>the steel monopolies are breaking the economy!
>you deserve to die
>>my water is contaminated!
>you deserve to die
>>photography is replacing commercial artistry!
>you deserve to die
>>industry is moving overseas!
>you deserve to die
>>service jobs and coding are being outsourced to pooland!
>you deserve to die
>>Russia, help!
>you deserve to die
>>AI art, help!
>you deserve to die
this is you.

>> No.6258533

As someone who does art as a hobby for the simple enjoyment of the creative process I love to see all of you for-profit "artists" getting butthurt over ai. awww lil baby can't make money drawing wolf ass anymore? cry me a river faggot enjoy your new 9-5 since ai will soon force you to get a real world job (fast food most likely since you failed to develop skills that haven't been rendered obsolete)

>> No.6258534
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>> No.6258543

>As someone who sucks and can only do art as a hobby because no one will pay for shit amateur trash

>> No.6258551
File: 1.27 MB, 1420x1080, The_Bully_184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I never really knew fags like these looked up to artists so much that they felt the need to say things like this to try and bring them down. NPC's that are so jealous they don't possess a creative bone in their body lol
That makes me want to draw even more

>> No.6258555

Artists have always been at the end of some animosity and disrespect for some reason. Is it really jealousy? They'll pick out something that looks nice, clothes, a car, even a house, not realizing that it required an artist to design those things yet still shit on artists.

>> No.6258559

You're not allowed to enjoy what you're doing and make a living from it while I wageslave in a soulless job. Snib snab.

>> No.6258584
File: 1.09 MB, 1159x655, powerpoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Hedgefund manger and venture capitalist, previously led caiac19 and now Stable Diffusion

Origin of Stable Diffusion archives

- Podcast where he talks with two nft grifters about proompting and crypto
- Interview with Yannic Kilcher, includes info about UN, Amazon involvement in Stable Diffusion
- Community Q&A, timestamped the part where he says "Artstation is the magic word you need to use to get a beautiful result"
- Twitter thread from Karla Oritz on a discord Q&A he did (including how they are developing an anime model, gave midjourney a grant)

Deranged tweets
- https://twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1563690349347971072
- It's about ethics in AI image generation https://twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1566198564602236928
- Emad hates powerpoint https://twitter.com/search?q=powerpoint%20from%3AEMostaque&src=typed_query&f=live
- NFTs and Crypto
- He really wants Ready Player One irl for some reason


>> No.6258589


>> No.6258594

that all you got? LMFAO

>> No.6258600

Industry couldn't do shit about piracy. Tried every damn thing to stop it, and failed. This will be the same. There just isn't enough money in art for the kind of full-court press you need to make real change.

>> No.6258603
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, 8BA02624-C94A-4D07-AFF8-422E80295571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t even realize there were all these techfags who hated us until two weeks ago. The trannies on reddit despise us for not believing in their brand of materialistic reductionism, while the /g/ays think that all artists are leftists that dribble paint on the canvas like Jackson Pollock.

>> No.6258604

piracy is at an all time low, zoomers are too retarded to use peer2peer

>> No.6258612

><5 years from machines trillions of times smarter than us
Tell me you don't know jackshit about code without telling me you don't know jackshit about code.
I hate nu-techbros.

>> No.6258633

The hardware simply isn't there for this to happen.

>> No.6258644

You guys said that 10 years ago. stfu.

>> No.6258652

Once we reach recursive self-improvement, it's game over. The AI will mentally outmatch the entire human race a million times over, because it can just keep improving its own thinking. At this point there is no problem beyond the AI's reach. It simply wins. It wins everything. There would be no way to stop it and we would like be disassembled in seconds.

>> No.6258662

The singularity was written by sci fi authors. It’s fiction. I suggest you look up sir roger penrose for more accurate facts

>> No.6258666
File: 108 KB, 500x280, jddcsi5pgk431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of anonymous individuals = a program that is tied to an individual with a name
your FUD is growing weaker

>> No.6258673

The moment I am no longer able to scratch a living together with my art is the moment I start hunting techfags. Any tranny, jew, and pajeet should be watching their backs in Minecraft.

>> No.6258676

Based Ted from minecraft

>> No.6258683

I havent visited /ic/ since that AI shitshow I wish you luck anon

>> No.6258690

ok satan-trips, piratebay was once tied to a single individual, every pirating software could at one time be tied to one person. it has all spread to hundreds of thousands of anons which is how ai software will work as well.
>we'll just sue them, that'll stop it
and if they move outside the U.S. scope of authority like piratebay did and your copyright infringement claims mean fuck all? and if you think only one person/company is working on ai generated content then you're naive and probably retarded. the /g/ays have already forked Stable Diffusion onto their PCs and you think this is just gonna go away? You think China, Japan, any mildly tech-literate poo country isn't already in full-steam-ahead mode for this shit? lol. lmao.

>> No.6258703

>The AI can be moved outside the U.S. scope of authority like piratebay
That makes the stolen art available to anyone, but licensing would still be an issue.
You can still ban U.S. companies from using AIs that steal and use copyrighted materials.


>> No.6258708
File: 342 KB, 512x512, download (36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No U.S. politician would ban something that can art like this anon.

btw, I call this one "The Muse".

>> No.6258710

Tbh, I'm kind of torn on the AI issue.
First of all, I don't want to go in the direction of sci-fi author-style doomposting that AI will replace humans.

Look at GPT-3 (and other language models). While it's really impressive, and maybe has found some use as a writers assistant/style guide, and GitHub Co-Pilot can help with some coding tasks, it's painfully obvious it can't write coherent prose, and no one is seriously considering it will replace humans, but there are still use cases where it can augment them.

If you've tried Stable Diffusion, you know how hard it is to get something that looks good, and kind of approximates what you want. Especially if what you want goes beyond drawing your anime waifu in a two-thirds pose.
Then you have to fiddle around with inpainting, replacing parts of the image etc.

Once you want to draw something actually interesting and novel, Stable Diffusion is not good enough, and if what it does is really interpolate between images, there's no reason to expect it will get good enough.

I think there's really a lot of art out there made by humans that just remixes other art, and probably Stable Diffusion will eat that part of the market, but on the flip side, art has a ton of stuff that is just straight up drudgery, and if AI can help with that, all the better.

>> No.6258714

> art has a ton of stuff that is just straight up drudgery
lol that "drudgery" is literally 99% of art jobs out there

>> No.6258723

I'm sure many traditional artists thought that the undo, layers, filters etc. in Photoshop is cheating.
What they are is a timesaver that allows you to sacrifice some degree of creative control to save manual labor.
This is similar, parts of the job got automated, that doesn't mean all of it will get automated , but some of the skills you have are outdated, and you have to pick up new ones.

>> No.6258742

nah listen to dave mckean's interview in >>6258311 , he lived through the advent of CGI and photoshop etc. and says that nothing has made him feel existential despair like AI

>> No.6258755

>just let yourself get cucked, lay down and take it meekly like a real man

>> No.6258765

anon, how would anyone know. when ai gets to the point where it's literally indistinguishable from handmade art (arguably we're already there, especially by layman standards) you could easily just say that one of your employed artists made it. it would be trivially easy to bypass such a ban.
regardless, if every country besides the U.S. is utilizing it then the media our country produces will get BTFO by everyone, so capitalism dictates that banning it simply will not happen in the U.S.
additionally, people keep claiming that the ace in the hole is that ai images are not able to be copyrighted but that's just for now, laws change. a company is going to create a groundbreaking, proprietary ai that leads the industry and they're going to either exclusively utilize it or they're going to license it to disney and amazon and every other media conglomerate while smaller ai softwares that are more available will decimate the commission market and the era of art, as a profession, will be over. first it'll be static images, then 3d renders, then animation, then live action. music and written content will be all ai as well, ai controlled pottery making robots, ai sculptures and architecture, industrial design, tattooing robots, the list goes on. all creative enterprises are on the chopping block

the ONLY area I can think that will still have handmade art is in the illegal aspect (and I don't even mean taboo subject matter because homebrew ai will cover that) specifically graffiti will probably be a last bastion for artists but it'll still be aided by ai for idea creation. spray paint will probably be guarded even harder in the coming years so stock up while you can

>> No.6258773

I think the big thing is just proper licensing for data used to train these AI.

There are always a lot of talks about " the future " but what the last decade has shown is that these tech companies are always about side stepping regulation to make quick bucks. And we shouldn't let them. Especially when it's clear that what these AI can and cannot do is directly tied to what images they could rip off

>> No.6258780

i thought the top tier artists would be the ones less mentally affected by this and it just feels bad to be proven wrong like this

>> No.6258783

If you were to feed the sum of all paintings created by humans until 500bc into an algorithm it would only ever create art within that space of possibilities. You would never get impressionism or anything resembling the kinds of digital illustrations that are popular today out of it. It just isn't within the scope of the training set, so it's not a sort of thing you can generate by combining the things that are included.
The same evidently isn't true for human artists. How do you account for the difference?

>> No.6258787

eh, dont try to explain that, they dont get it.
they'll just go "well in 2 years (says this every 2 years btw) my super mega ultra intelligent AI god-machine will create any art capable of existing because its so smart!!!!"
don't waste your time, just go draw more hands to shit on ai :)

>> No.6258797

>don't waste your time, just go draw more hands to shit on ai :)
What are you trying to say here? of course as the average human everything I do is well within the scope of what other people have done before. The same is true for every profession, and only the best of the best are innovators who push their field beyond the known.
True AGI would be able to do this as well, if we had even the first idea for how that might function , but the ""deep"" learning we're using today is really just a kind of digital daemon that's able to shallowly ape human capabilities, potentially near-flawlessly at some point, but is also radically determined and limited by the material we fed to create it.

>> No.6258801

>What are you trying to say here?
just a little joke, AI generated images just tend to mess up hands specifically, even when the rest of the anatomy appears to be mostly correct at first glance
>radically determined and limited by the material we fed to create it.

>> No.6258807

Copilot AI stole codes from StackOverflow and GitHub to peddle it back to the end user. The same grift.

> https://youtu.be/4duqI8WyfqE?t=280
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31846543

>> No.6258809

The OP didn't even copypaste the links properly.

>> No.6258826

If you honestly believe the AI photo bashes images from other works you are clearly an idiot and a low information art activist.
I will tell you now there isn't a SINGLE PIXEL of any art inside the ai model nor does it scrap from other sources before or after generating an image.

Don't believe me here's a link to the AI model for stable diffusion itself.
The file is only 4gb and yet has the parameters for nearly most objects in existence (an amazing fact onto itself.
This is because Stable Diffusion, Mid Journey and Dalle are not image generators but language interpreters first and are able to to give an abstract response in the form of an image.
The AI starts with static and continuously samples over and over until it has something that makes sense i.e a tree. At no point does it scrap anything.
For this reason alone you will lose in any court and its easily proven.

>> No.6258831

>If you honestly believe the AI photo bashes images from other works
no, we know it uses the data from other works to train itself, extract patterns.
which you are still using other's art for without their consent. even call centers have to ask you if you allow them to use your voice recording to train personnel on. AI does not.

>> No.6258838

>Makes prompt about Bloodborne
>Surprised that it looks like Bloodborne
Are you retarded?

>> No.6258839

That's a dumb comparison and you are wrong.
A recording is just that a recording. AI doesn't hold on to that data it just builds its parameters much like any other idea.
You cannot copyright ideas.

>> No.6258840

here u go mang.

>> No.6258845

This is being worked on, by the way. It's not quite as advanced as text or image generation yet, but it's coming.

>> No.6258846

a recording that doesn't need to be kept as data after the employee has been trained
the employee only retains the abstract core of the thing they learned from it, and use it on the next customer. just like what ai does?

>> No.6258850

I tuned out when after talking about how shitty ai art is he reveals that he's selling a book of ai art images he's had made, I cannot take him seriously after that.

>> No.6258855

PowerPoint, no...

>> No.6258857

powerpoint is the most oppressed of all artforms

>> No.6258866

there's nothing wrong with monetizing the hype

>> No.6258869

I was actually tempted to hunt down a PDF. The improvements in DL have clearly rattled this guy deeply and he used writing that book as a medium to grapple with his anxiety. Sounds interesting enough imo.

>> No.6258881

yes there is

>> No.6258891 [DELETED] 

>28th april

>> No.6258907

ai is trained on publicly available images and you're a retard for comparing it to someone's private call that wasn't willing fully put by them on the public internet.

the argument is simple, if humans can access work that is publicily available online and learn from it so can ai.

can i download publicly available pictures online?
can i look at them?
can i be inspired by them and learn from them?

if the answer to these questions is yes, then good luck in court

>> No.6258958
File: 46 KB, 459x667, 1693838383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will not own the use of your data
>you will not own the use of your art
>you will not own the use of your voice
>you will not own the use of your portrait
>you will not own the use of your biometry
>you will not own the use of your DNA
>you will not own the use of your vision
>you will not own the use of your mind
>you will not own the use of your soul
>you will not ask who owns you
AI worshippers are the ultimate cucks

>> No.6258983

it's like crying that someone took a photo of you on the sidewalk and demanding they delete it
and before anyone makes the argument
>well you cant take photos of people in their house, in the restroom, ect
i'm positive the ai devs aren't paying for a patreon subscription and training the ai on images locked behind a paywall so there's your comparison on that front

luddites always get left behind and it's as hilarious now as it has been throughout history.
>no one will use the light bulb! think of the candle makers!
>no one will use the automobile! think of the wooden cart makers!
>no one will use the airplane! think of the railroads!
>photography is a fad! painting will always be king!
>digital art is a fad! traditional will always be the standard!
>ai scares me because it's gonna make me obsolete! we should ban it!
just go paint portraits by candle light on an Amish farm and trade Jedediah four ears of corn and a sack of potatoes as commission. if you ask nicely he might relieve you of outhouse cleaning duty as a tip. although you Kaczynski types probably cream yourself to this idea

>> No.6259019

>censored with Rutkowski brushes
most artistically pleasing censor yet

>> No.6259037

>paint portraits by candle light on an Amish farm and trade Jedediah four ears of corn and a sack of potatoes as commission
Sounds based

>> No.6259041

AI art will always look generic and uninteresting. It can only interpret what is fed into it. It's creativity in the same way that AI-written stories are always just regurgitated tropes.
It's why the only artists threatened by it are the tumblrinas and weebs, who only produce cookie-cutter bullshit

>> No.6259092

>OP thinking of making a documentary skeptical of AI art
>"Heh u asking for mummy government to help?"

>"No AI doesn't copy art, it just studies and learns like a hooman"
>Shows clear examples of copy/pasted art
>"T-t-t-that's because..."

>Individuals Pirating movies or music
>Companies stealing billions of copyrighted images to profit from
>"These are the same thing essentially!"

This is why retards shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

This is the most overt and egregious example showing that AI art does indeed essentially just photobash, despite the groans and moans of AI techheads.

>> No.6259108
File: 9 KB, 239x211, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> piratebay was once tied to a single individual, every pirating software could at one time be tied to one person
>tied to a single individual
no it wasnt you literal nigger and even if it was, it was extremely hard to prove since you could argue anyone logged on to your wifi and downloaded whatever. And even then vpns exist. This is nowhere near the level of developers making a program, building a site, and then crediting themselves to said program for the public to view. Are you fucking dumb? Mentally touched?

>and if you think only one person/company is working on ai generated content

because me saying an individual is tied to a program such as stable diffusion means that I said theres only one person in its entirety.
bro is calling people retarded not knowing the irony. /g/ is not sending their best

>> No.6259145

i was stating that piratebay, the website, was originally created by a person, with a name, that we know. which is true.
and yes, you were implying that holding this one individual program developer accountable would somehow make even a drop of difference in the new ai world. spoiler alert: it won't, you cannot close this box now that it's opened so say goodbye to your art "career"
and look, I understand that drawing squiggles on a computer screen doesn't take much mental acuity so it's not your fault that you're retarded but please give your brain a workout and do some long division, maybe read a book or literally anything mentally taxing before your brain atrophies out of your dense skull, faggot

>> No.6259159

spoiler alert, youre not an attorney or a judge

>> No.6259170

AI shills and braindead normies don't hate artists, they just want everyone to be as retarded as them. That's my current theory.

>> No.6259175

holy shit that's lowest effort comeback I've gotten on 4chan to date. you debate like a fucking middle schooler.
as if me not being a lawyer or judge has literally anything to do with the points i've made? even if Stable Diffusion's dev get's sentence to life in prison it's not going to change a single thing because the tech exists now and people will continue to develop it and there's no amount of regulation that can stop it for the same reasons it's not possible to stop piracy

>> No.6259177

>they just want everyone to be as retarded as them
nah, pretty sure artists are some of the most retarded individuals out there. at least most of them are

>> No.6259179
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Like I said nigger you're not an attorney or judge and have no idea of what the future of copyright and AI has to hold.

>> No.6259189

so you're like, genuinely mentally handicapped. got it, I understand now. i'll try to make this easier to understand for you then.
so listen up champ, America is only one country in a big world of countries that do not give a shit about U.S. copyright laws

>> No.6259194

>2 more weeks and daddy government will save us sisters


>> No.6259200

>america is the only country like this
ok so listen up single digit IQ champ, Emad the maker of stable diffusion is in the UK where there are even worse laws pertaining to this

you scared lmao? First it was "its creating art with its mind how are you gonna copyright it xd" now that everyone is seeing what it is your arguments regressed into lol
Love to see it

>> No.6259224

>you scared lmao?
no i am fully in favor of watching you retards lose in court. i am just wondering why none of you haven't sued yet. i find it funny that you think the government which, 95% of the time always sides with huge corpors, is somehow gonna save you.

> First it was "its creating art with its mind how are you gonna copyright it xd" now that everyone is seeing what it is your arguments regressed into lol

no i still hold the same opinions i did initially. that is it learns like any other humans (by seeing other artwork). and that if you put you work on the public internet and get shocked when others look at it you're an idiot. which is what the ai does btw. it merely looks at the work and learns from it. There is not "photo bashing" happening. funny though you retards keep repeating that as if that's gonna change anything.

>> No.6259235

>i-it's not just America! but also America-lite!
damn near every western country denounces piracy too bud, but that hasn't done a damn thing to stop it
>no but this time it'll be different!
how exactly? are they gonna scan everyone's computers for ai programs? because that's the level of oversight you'd need to stop this.
I know it's hard to understand, you being an 8th grader and all, but i hope that maybe someday you'll figure it out.

>> No.6259239

>no i am fully in favor of watching you retards lose in court.
you might want to read >>6259179 one more time and see who those "commenters" consisted of. Spoiler alert, it wasnt anon in his skid stained undies giving his coombrain opinion

>i-its also america h-heh!
bro go back to /g/ lmao youre a low tier troll

>> No.6259262

I was mostly banting about it, but you're unironically a child aren't you. I have a difficult time believing that an adult would be this incapable of defending themselves in an argument.
Are you just home from school cause of Labor day, buddy? don't waste all day on the internet, you still have homework due for Tuesday. I bet mom will have lunch ready for you soon.

>> No.6259264

>you might want to read >>6259179 one more time and see who those "commenters" consisted of. Spoiler alert, it wasnt anon in his skid stained undies giving his coombrain opinion

>oh wow government officials said something that mean's it's over

they aren't even saying anything useful.

> as the report indicates, the majority of commenters believe the us legal system is well equipped to handle the emerging issues raise by ai.

>however many commented that the USPto and IP stakeholder must keep a close eye

literally nothing in this suggest you will win in court.

you will lose. you will never beat technological progress. i just can't wait for the seethe that will come about when you lose. it will be more glorious than the seethe right now

>> No.6259311
File: 23 KB, 564x544, 1693848843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek why are you going through all this to if you are so sure you can't be sued Emad? You should be more worried about the music the industry and Nintendo coming for your brown ass instead of patrolling this board to make sure anonymous *with the best of intents* aren't spreading misinformation about CAIAC19

>> No.6259322

>Kek why are you going through all this to if you are so sure you can't be sued Emad?

kek i am just here to laugh and troll artists. it's not up to me to sue. it's up to the artists. ask them why the haven't sued yet despite the dataset being public. that's right they know they'll
friendly reminder that it the AI only gets better overtime. the more time passes the better it gets. if i were you i would start suing :)

>> No.6259323
File: 188 KB, 1440x810, 705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bants bro!

>> No.6259324

they know they'll lose*

>> No.6259325

>however many commented that the USPto and IP stakeholder must keep a close eye
what the fuck do you think they've been doing dickweed lmao

>> No.6259326


> a minority want to keep a close eye
>keep a close eye
>they are doing something

kek goodluck

>> No.6259366

To reinforce the point why OP was made, this >6258826 pinpoints first post of the AInigger. Starting off in bad faith attacking artists to derail the point of this thread with the intent to slurp the AI at any cost. He does not add anything besides regurgitating the same corporate statement, lying through his teeth in plain sight about the originality of the AI regarding scrapped data >>6258838 and vehemently denies any and all accusations against it as he proudly takes the side of big tech, CAIAC19, UN, whatever else.

I suggest you stop feeding the inane discussion with this entity who says artists are retards, yet is veeery invested is browsing /ic/ of all places to hold inane discussions with those he considers 'retards'. So lurkers either add info to the OP or turn off your screen

>> No.6259369

I hate "artists" because I like art

>> No.6259384

>Writes a fan fiction about Lord of the Rings
>It's just a copy and paste of the entirety of Lord of the Rings
Terminate yourself subhuman.

>> No.6259401
File: 146 KB, 554x439, 1660844683551554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am just here to laugh and troll artists
So the certified shitposter admitted to everything he babble about being nothing more than a troll. It's really funny how people like this exist, they invest all their time to raid a board for hours — days on end, subverting discussions out of a neverending spite, and admit proudly so. Can any of these AIs be considered good, when the demented and wrathful are the only people cheering for it so far (besides corporative monopolies)? I guess these misanthropic interests the only thing spearheading AI. Truly an interesting first-hand addition to the documentary

>> No.6259415

>So the certified shitposter admitted to everything he babble about being nothing more than a troll.

just because i am trolling you "artists" doesn't mean that i what i say is not true. you can bet your ass everything i said it true

i just enjoy watching you artfags seethe.

>> No.6259443

hahahaha that dude got you mad

>> No.6259454

hahahahah not really. i will will proudly admit to trolling as i have already did and willl continue doing so.

>> No.6259456

even if artists somehow become obsolete, the retard strength to train 15 hours a day until they make it is an easily transferable trait. id just go and do something that would make me alot of money like programming and it would be easier because of high demand and how much easier it is to problem solve vs. art which is subjective hell in which you can draw for 10 years and never make it because you cant tell if youre fucking up

>> No.6259462

>will will will
Stop stuttering bitch.

>> No.6259465
File: 263 KB, 1024x1024, 282774752_746485826371019_3060565661486501411_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.6259554


>> No.6259561
File: 55 KB, 640x729, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i will w-will
Spit it out nigger LMAO

>> No.6259571
File: 116 KB, 400x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just enjoy watching you artfags seethe.
I never knew you guys cared so much. You must really look up to us! I'm guessing you got filtered out by Loomis lmao

>> No.6259577


>> No.6259582

I enjoy seeing artfags seethe therefore i look up to them? kek you artfags are retarded. i am glad to see the machines make you seethe

>Portrait of a shiba inu astronaut, oil painting, 16th century

>> No.6259597
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1638139045570s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on our board, wasting your time spamming it day in and day out. So yes you envy us. We live rent free

>> No.6259639
File: 69 KB, 480x464, fu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't even noticed that the whole board is full of trolls outtrolling him
If you really want to troll anyone here to some degree, ask them to post their work

Now post your work, troll-kun

>> No.6259736

Why do you enjoy it? What happened to you in your childhood tht made you enjoy others suffering? Was your art teacher at school mean to you?

>> No.6259751

Yeah just wait until the FBI can generate video or images of you doing whatever depraved shit they feel like accusing you of. You think art is where this stops when the final purpose of tech is warefare and control?

>> No.6259757
File: 49 KB, 737x358, AiArt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6259761

Nta but artists are the most insufferable and entitled group on the Internet. They all think their art is worth way more than it is. Animators have even begun claiming they deserve royalties for whenever their shows get aired. Not to mention how cliquey they are and how they’ll gatekeep anyone out of the club if they ever saw them smarting off about something they worked on that sucked. I’ve seen some variant of “well you’ll never get hired in animation now” used as a response to critiques of shows too many times. Fuck animators and artists. Maybe this will even shut up the people on this board who use the “well at least ____ is popular/makes money” response whenever an anon needs to vent about an overrated hack.
I hope AI decimates animation jobs. And then venticimates it. And so on

>> No.6259783

The elites already have 99.99% of the world under control. They could literally do whatever they wanted already, and there's nothing we could do about it. So why hasn't anything happened? Why does life go on all the same? Because nobody cares. There are no elites, just greedy businessmen with wives and families to attend to. Klaus Schwab will die, and the conspiracy theorists will find their next target, and the earth continues to spin

>> No.6259813

>there is nothing we could do
I told this to other faggots countless times:
People want to succeed in a system that wants them enslaved and they complain to their masters that they're treated like cattle, while they demonize anyone not playing this rigged game and trying to drag them down in their own misery to feel better about serving the system for the sake of never questioning anything so they don't feel uncomfortable.

Just use your brain and stop playing the game by their rules. You will be uncomfortable at first, but it's worth it, even more if people start realizing this shit.

>> No.6259818

I looked up fens work. it's just normie cubist sculpture.

>> No.6259820

AI won't kill art the same way it didn't kill Chess.

>> No.6259908
File: 26 KB, 500x475, images (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This schadenfreude approach is retarded. Is he going to say the say the same thing when GPT-4 generated comments 'invade, banish, consume and eviscerate' internet forums? If a YouTuber AI releases tomorrow and its mass generated videos shrouded the existence of his channel would he praise the AI?

He has an extremely short sighted approach thinking whatever artists remain will be pressured by the AI to be taken out of their comfort zone will have any incentive to do so, when it can absorb any new ideas they come up.

His art is just generic cubism, does the think he isn't in the same bucket as those artstation level fags he's pissing at, if not below? The hubris is too much

>> No.6259948

those who can't create only want to destroy and control people who can create things

>> No.6260040

This is a good thread, save the posts and not feed /g/ tourists

>> No.6260102
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1606935381428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I was scared, but then I stopped to think that maybe this is kind of what a lot of artists experienced when photographs started showing up. Although there's probably an argument to be made about AIs using copyrighted material, but one could say that "it's doing just as humans who reference/trace from such material".
The whole AI thing will be interesting I suppose, especially when famous people start noticing deepfaked stuff, or maybe in the next elections.
But to be clear, me being interested in humanity's future does not mean I'm not scared, because I am one gloomy pessimistic fucker.

>> No.6260298

nice coincidence to find this thread as i'm developing a game based on all this. lots of great information here

>> No.6260927













>> No.6261783

What a rabbit hole lol