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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 373 KB, 512x512, 1662219676040802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6255723 No.6255723 [Reply] [Original]

If it looks like this now imagine what it will look like in 3 years.

>> No.6255730

i give up ai, you win

>> No.6255738

I’m not worried. Imagine how good my work will be in 3 years. AI isn’t the only one improving, you know.
Unless you quit like a retard because of this, of course.

>> No.6255747

photo realism and clothed

>> No.6255748

>that signature
We could make an AI that restores signatures and watermarks

>> No.6255750

also signature below you dumbass

>> No.6255755

we need an ai that finds out what art piece the art ai stole in the generation of the image.

>> No.6255758

Nothing is safe.

>> No.6255765

from theft

>> No.6255773

Well... what's this AI porn site?

>> No.6255775

Reminder that coomers and normies jerk off to worse shit than this
It's unequivocally over.

>> No.6255782

Here it is, the top 1 black pill of the day

>> No.6255830
File: 125 KB, 750x823, 1599724302221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will see another wave of pornfags selling ai coom, spamming social media with the sfw versions and having nude pictures on their patreon, just for $1.
Those who don't have any access to any decent AI, have no time to do anything and coomers who crave something new, will pay for it.
Now artists will be able to make coom much faster, and 2 seconds after any new trend has been announced, you will have an endless flood of new coom.
While regular non-AI artists will fight for scraps, scream endlessly in the void how AI is not real art while the normies consume and pay for the pretty pictures.
You will see all the artfags who were complaining, start using AI as well to not be left behind and try to keep earning anything or not lose social media engagement.
By the end of next year, everyone will be using AI and if you aren't, well, guess you're not a real artist.
And now that everyone can create endless content, everything is even more bland and uniform as it was before.
But the consumers won't care because they can consume endless content.
Social media interaction will plateu.
Everyone is semi-famous now, everyone gets tons of likes and followers.
The top 0.1% of artists will be held in high contempt and they will regularly be targeted for cancellation and crabbing.

You opened pandora's box, because you memed art as a means to get attention and money and you can't even fathom the digital leviathan you have summoned upon this already forsaken craft.

>> No.6255843

two more weeks

>> No.6255854

Proompters are unlikely to profit from these AIs once the levers to operate such is a thing known to everyone. Do you know image2text? It extracts the prompts used for the image lol. Tracers will be the last dinosaurs alive before the AGI meteor hits us

>> No.6255858

Artistbros... not like this

>> No.6255859

bros I literally just started learning to draw so I can make porn games
should start practicing my prompts instead oh no no no

>> No.6255873
File: 558 KB, 576x704, 1661728981738055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dude on /e/ has been posting A.I. lewds.

>> No.6255881
File: 464 KB, 576x704, 1661810037905353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pic
Just a little bit of tracing and...
Tracerchads driving in the roads of AIpocalypse ww@?

>> No.6255882

they all look incredibly similar, particularly the tits, anything not from a front angle is pretty jank

>> No.6255897
File: 240 KB, 576x704, 1662194577113878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generate AI coom
>some gems coom out occasionally
>use faceapp to fix fucked up faces
It is unironically, unequivocally, absolutely, irredeemably over.

I'm still going to draw though

>> No.6255899
File: 558 KB, 576x704, 1661788172856307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although this face isn't even that bad

>> No.6255913

Yeah, im packing up too in a way. im going to use this a.i shit too speed up the process of making personal works and still paint a little, but im done.

>> No.6255914

This shit is terrible. It's so fucking terrible.
As a known RPGM artist it gives me man made horrors beyond your comprehension to knowing those F95 RenPY hacks will swing to our medium overnight and normalise mass pumped games with AI stock art

>> No.6255919

Its like a weight that has been lifted.

>> No.6255926 [DELETED] 

hehehehehehehe big mooma milkies hehe booooobs

>> No.6255928

Her face looks deformed and fat, looks like average pig disgusting american female

>> No.6255933

yeah that is why they are using face-app to make >>6255897 so that she looks better.

>> No.6255940

can somebody decipher that watermark

>> No.6255955

Not them but there's https://pornpen.ai/

Now ya'll have to go doing real painting with trad, how wonderful!

>> No.6255972
File: 37 KB, 470x339, Dick detective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need him.

>> No.6255974

this will open the door for new fetishes

>> No.6255977
File: 594 KB, 777x1200, Eyfqk0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how muscles work.

>> No.6255980

The AI is literally consuming everyone's art gains, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.6255984

Well yeah. The kind of face you would expect to go with that body.

>> No.6255989

>it's t-terrible

>> No.6255990
File: 861 KB, 600x900, 084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chubbyfags had a good run

>> No.6256003

Even better, we could make an AI that removes watermarks. Stop artists from ruining their own work.

>> No.6256005

>t. proompter who puts his own watermarks over AI pictures

>> No.6256019

Nothing on there is particularly good, but there is something fascinating about it.
Suppose that's for all AI art though.

>> No.6256036

>we lived through the golden age of digital art and we didn't realize
was good while it wlasted

>> No.6256038

I'd prefer AI to destroy all pron artists than ruin all the rest, to be honest.
Ruin this market but keep the respectable art alone please.

>> No.6256048

>only mentioning picture AIs
More like the golden age of human creativity

>> No.6256059

> back to real art on canvas
my peepee is hard ready

>> No.6256063

>human creativity
this ni/g/gers never learn, there is nothing that you created

>> No.6256071

That's just wrong tho, Goths didnt exist before the Addams family, lovecraftian horror didn't exist before Lovecraft, I have no mouth and I must scream did not exist before it's author wrote it, The game didn't exist until some fart head went ahead and was like "The game"
Also I just lost the game.

>> No.6256078

That’s not how they work either lmao at that brachioradualis

>> No.6256113

Addam's family? Tell GPT to write screenplay about a family comedy with a ghost family and give more specific attributes to each character so they have a set personality (yes, even opensource writer AIs can do that). Lovecraft? Write a screenplay on the expedition to a mount in Antarctica where the unknown madness takes over the head of the researchers. I have no mouth and I must scream? Write a screenplay of a post nuclear cold era world where survivors are tortured by AIs.

In the past, all these works were prestigious due to how much effort was put into the to highlight themselves from the medium, but now that technique is turning into a communist plateau thanks to the internet, and now the all-knowing AI, these authors wouldn't even get anyone to bat an eye to their stories in novelupdates.

Gymbros and their circles will cease to exist when there were injectable nanorobots that can give you a body [in the style of Arnold Schwarzenegger], so you would see bulky soiboys walking around on the street displaying their nanorobot muscles which are proof of nothing, rather, they lean all their bodybuilder image on the struggle of the gymfags who actually lifted in the past. It's the same case with these AI artists calling themselves artists to be held in the same regard as people who actually drawn with a pen.

>> No.6256115
File: 1.64 MB, 298x224, idi-amin-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256139

>Addam's family? Tell GPT to write screenplay about a family comedy with a ghost family and give more specific attributes to each character so they have a set personality (yes, even opensource writer AIs can do that). Lovecraft? Write a screenplay on the expedition to a mount in Antarctica where the unknown madness takes over the head of the researchers. I have no mouth and I must scream? Write a screenplay of a post nuclear cold era world where survivors are tortured by AIs.
are you actually human?

>> No.6256150

You missed my point by approximatedly the distance between the earth and the moon.
You, YOU the human has to come up with something new, create something new, only then your shitty AI ghostwriter can conjure up some words for you.

But honestly, I can understand AI shitting out a semi-coherent art piece, but writing? Honey please, we can't even make chatbots, you're telling me an AI can write a character? A novel?
Anyone that believes this is just ignorant about the current state of technology.

>> No.6256158

as long as AI can't pump out appealing lolicon in a respectable amount us lolichads aren't getting replaced anytime soon

>> No.6256177
File: 55 KB, 380x340, 1661967032039943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A novel?
>Anyone that believes this is just ignorant about the current state of technology.
It's funny how people said the same thing about art when Dall-E mini was out.

OpenAI chief scientist interview:
>internet users will more likely see a lot more AI-generated content with the advent of GPT-4. “This already happens, but there will likely be an explosion of its usage, enabled by better results. Cyber criminals will inevitably start to make use of the technology, too, making it more difficult to differentiate certain communications.”
>For businesses, the benefits will be seen in less time required for day-to-day content creation, plus the possibility of creating previously impossible or very difficult copy, such as essays and full articles.
>The plethora of writing-aid apps available will be able to take even more of the burden away from writers but the flipside to this is that plagiarism will be harder to spot or to prove: with all the automated copy flying around, it could become a more common job to be a proofreader than a copywriter,” adds Fokerd.
>the initial high expectations of an autonomous creative entity may shift more from AI to an assisted, augmented intelligence, much like how AI systems are being used in cyber security. It would work alongside the human and wouldn't just help to get faster at writing code, or crafting better emails, but will also help people get better ideas by providing suggestions.
>“This will be a much better fit than using the output of GPT-3 in some automated fashion; we are still keeping the human in the loop. It will make our life easier and lower our effort, both factors that have been proven to be crucial in the adoption of any new technology,”

GPT-4 has 100 trillion parameters compared to GPT-3 135 billion. Some named authors on /lit/, are already more familiarized (and concerned) with text AIs like novelAI than artists here. I give it less than a year until you see fully AI generated romance stories

>> No.6256179

It was done but I'm not reposting it.

>> No.6256181
File: 748 KB, 774x1286, elsas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally software out right now for writing novels. Check out Sudowrite or NovelAI.

NovelAI is also working on their own image gen model. Pic related.

>> No.6256184

>You, YOU the human has to come up with something new
and now you shift your ideal argument for that you can't create something new if you didn't create something before, if you practice something it becomes more deep, it's not just throwing some new ingredients into salad

>> No.6256187
File: 25 KB, 512x510, 14599774432235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think it's terrible, but there are probably multiple people jerking off to this.
Me included.

>> No.6256194

people unironically jerking off to this make me kind of feel genuine pity honestly
Like, literally just watch porn or look up actual good nudes, real women already exist and are hot and theres 89547698456 photos of them out there.
why do you need this garbage...?

>> No.6256210

The sense that it was his own creation gives him an attachment to it, like the person who wears a proud stepfather shirt

>> No.6256212
File: 29 KB, 460x461, 1614356459269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you say. I coom.

>> No.6256228

She has a tumor

>> No.6256320

literaly not a real signature and just ai photopashed something in because human artists do it.

>> No.6256349

If it cant make cute feet, then I dont care

>> No.6256353
File: 141 KB, 500x367, 1660213665096490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to use a.i as a tool to speed up my process making me into a cyborg half human half robot cyberpunk
>service allows only 20 uses then charges you for a premiun account

>> No.6256375

>boomer doesn't know about stable diffusion aka CAIAC19 civilian-grade version which is free

>> No.6256413

Im old and im scard.

>> No.6256493

>Even porn isn't safe from AI
N-word, porn and smut will be the first to go. Join the crypto friends and send your resume to the McDonalds

>> No.6256500
File: 142 KB, 945x825, 1660798233103668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crpyto friends
>crpyto marines
Good grief, token not need

>> No.6256511

As long as they quit using daz 3d...

>> No.6256539

The amount of time thinking of the right prompt for a panel in a comic book I could have drawn it already.

>> No.6256553

show she hulk jerk squeeting superman's big throbbing dick then

>> No.6256558
File: 109 KB, 629x756, The Fuck?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the AI, I thought the kikes censored AI to prevent real art, like coom and gore?

>> No.6256583

people keep paying for porn when it's abundantly free. Coom artists are safe

>> No.6256638

Samey half-naked pinups that might as well be traced from photos aren't safe, actual porn will be fine. AI doesn't understand what makes pictures appealing to imagination of coomers, and it won't be allowed to learn because of moralfags in charge.

>> No.6256683

what is stopping artists from using AI images and painting/tracing over them?

AI art just seems like another tool for artists to shit out works faster to throw on patreon

>> No.6256688


>> No.6256704


People are already selling partially automated novels.
Honestly the part where she talks about how she no longer dreams of her characters is a bleak look at what's to come. It's nice that she was able to scale back her AI use to a level that works for her, but many might not be able to do this and still keep up the pace that's demanded of them.

>> No.6256801

it's like a one man project or something, in early phase (for instance, there's no male because it didn't yet work as good as for females)

what i'm sayin is, with more time ressources, there's a strong potential for this to distur regular porn market

>> No.6256803

Do any of you know what a complex story structure? How to create a character? Thematic questions? Cherkov's gun? Literary devices?

I bet your ass GPT can shit out the next avengers movie or consoomer grade piece of fiction in 30 seconds but we are far from any AI writing anything better than that.

>> No.6256807

>“Nutmeg’s hair is red, but her bright green eyes show that she has more in common with creatures of the night than with day,” the program returned.
>Lepp was impressed. “Holy crap,” she tweeted.
It’s not that today’s AI is smart enough to automate genuine human culture.
It’s that the average human is so dumb that today’s dumb AIs have already caught up to them.

>> No.6256813

Not them anon, but 1) the topic is about porn; I doubt there's a lot of people taking interest about fine stories in that realm

2) you seem to understand the core of the issue:it doesn't need to be excellent, just good enough to fit consumer's taste:average music/movies/book will fit this category. that'll be enough to bring lots of cash.

3) now, it would be interesting if actually IA was forcing human to actually outperform themselves, and grow more sophisticated, refined tastes. No idea if that could happen

>> No.6256896
File: 3.75 MB, 2048x2048, ai_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone call my name? lmfao

>> No.6256897
File: 3.86 MB, 2048x2048, ai_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256898
File: 3.64 MB, 2048x2048, ai_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256948

>that signature
Why hasn't a group of big-name artists launched any kind of lawsuit or anything? It seems like people are just okay with this?

>> No.6256952

>Why hasn't a group of big-name artists launched any kind of lawsuit or anything?
What exactly would they sue for?

>> No.6256954

people are not okay with it but artists are fucking poor compared to the amount of $$$$ being poured down the drain on AI (even the really successful ones)

>> No.6256956

>why hasn't a group of twitter nobodies launched a lawsuit against google and amazon
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.6256960

That's just never going to happen or work.

>> No.6256962

most artists can't even stop shit like getting their illustrations stolen for tshirts, pillows, pencases etc. or patterns stolen for clothing, like what zara, shein, or other fashion companies do.
it really is just a question of not being able to pay a lawyer and the necessary stress of getting into a lawsuit and lose anyway, and they know.

>> No.6256965

Fuck, you're right. Gonna go full hermit in the mountains now.

>> No.6256978

Who's signature lol?

>> No.6257078
File: 107 KB, 640x590, 16477989466152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scribbles on ai generated image that don't resemble anything coherent
But to be fair, you're the generation that believe in guilty until proven innocent. You're not intelligent and maybe i am the bad guy for making fun of the mentally challenged.
On the other hand, you're highly retarded and should be made aware of your retardation because it's a danger to you and to others.

>> No.6257098

looks like some garbage from deviantart with too much airbrush

>> No.6257105
File: 86 KB, 768x1024, 1656970626663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not good as is but imagine generating these and tracing over them

>> No.6257111

>ai drew this it's totally not photobashing
>still has signature in corner
lmao ai faggots eternally btfo

>> No.6257133

really weird bottom abdominal area

>> No.6257149

There's clearly a signature there so that means the AI analyzed art by people who sign their work, a court order could force the AI devs to show the images they used to train the AI, or close down the whole thing if they can't

>> No.6257151

Yeah that tweet's got a good point, I was thinking about the same thing with how scarily accurate and thorough music policing is on YouTube, whereas nothing similar exists for any other sort of medium

>> No.6257155

why not trace a 3d model, way more control, way less jank anatomu

>> No.6257174

It's the end of a skill.
In the near future there will be absolutely no reason to learn to paint, because every single social and monetary gain will have disappeared.

No filthy hobbyist, you're not gonna become Illya Repin doodling an hour after your 9 to 5 job.
Even with lot of free time and UBI, people will grow with AI images and become completely desensitized to art.

We will probably have a start up or tO making robotic arms able to imitate each stroke of a painting, just so they can claim the head of trad art.

So pls stop the "this will actually help us!" cope, leave it to retarded redditors, we never needed this kind of help.

>> No.6257178

That's what they said when photography was made available for the masses, all this will do is purge the non-artists and refocus art into new heights

>> No.6257181

Trivial mechanical aspects of life will be automated so we can get back to what's really important: playing around

>> No.6257184

Because technology over the decades have helped get us closer to that goal. Oh, wait.

>> No.6257196

by "playing around" do you mean digging ditches for our ai overlords?

>> No.6257201

Idk if you've noticed but humans are becoming more mentally ill, lonely and isolated with each passing year. Technology is literally making is more miserable than ever kek. This is what happens when every field except informational technology stagnates.

I don't know why we have our brightest minds working on phone apps and social media instead of medical advancements and studying physics but whatever.

>> No.6257202
File: 102 KB, 1082x647, 6ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wait, I think by "playing around" you mean "I'm gonna consooooome!"

>> No.6257206 [DELETED] 
File: 510 KB, 800x466, AI btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI fags on suicide watch

>> No.6257211

is this a joke? the ai artwork is way better

>> No.6257216

Anything is way better than fucking Pollock. Abstracttards is why normies are cheering for AI art, and they aren't wrong.

>> No.6257220
File: 179 KB, 530x438, 1642143677304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until we get to AI music and AI animation.

>> No.6257221
File: 403 KB, 500x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jackson pollock randomly flailing his brush over the canvas #562234
you know he practically mass produced these shits without any deeper thought or actual care for what he was doing kek

>> No.6257222
File: 176 KB, 256x256, Hotpot Pollock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made this with Hotpot A.I. in like two minutes.

>> No.6257223

you never started foh

>> No.6257224

Nice selfie

>> No.6257226
File: 1.53 MB, 770x921, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried as well and the AI actually did a better job

>> No.6257228

>I don't know why we have our brightest minds working on phone apps and social media instead of medical advancements and studying physics but whatever.
one of the drawbacks/limitations of a market economy: the people who can afford to pay for the education of the brightest minds and basically guarantee them safe, well-paying jobs later on are precisely the vampires whose daemonic engine is grinding society down into its solipsistic atoms, and other sectors can't really compete. even if you happened to be someone with the potential of becoming one of this generation's great moral philosophers or whatever, there's no market mechanism for effectively propagating your ideas.
not that I have a good answer to how to solve this, the socialist ""solutions"" to these problems are unworkable and doomed to end in failure every time.

>> No.6257230 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 0861 - q4Og5Yp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And still it wins over the AI image, funny how that works.
And surprise, it ends up vastly inferior in artistic value

>> No.6257233

>And still it wins over the AI image, funny how that works.
im not defending AI
im bashing pollock
because he represents what AI does today
art went to shit with him and that faggot andy warhol
these are the people who turned art into a cheap soulless commodity to massproduce for the plebs basically
i dont know why you would ever defend poollock and why you chose him in your example

>> No.6257234

Neither our results are amazing or anything but I can see AI being better then most regular artists in three years tops and the artists who deny it and are till coping are in for a rude awakening.

>> No.6257239
File: 4 KB, 304x106, firefox_Z4TPE6huZB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I mean playing around. Consuming erases your existence. Playing around involves you.

>> No.6257241

braindead poster

>> No.6257242


>> No.6257243 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 0847 - iHgOxkb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people who turned art into a cheap soulless commodity to massproduce for the plebs basically
Which is precisely why putting him next to high tier AI artwork highlights its inherent lack of value. The AI artwork is uninteresting precisely because it was not made by a person.

>> No.6257245

>And surprise, it ends up vastly inferior in artistic value
That may be true today but in a few short years A.I. generated art will be on par or exceed art made by hand. For what it put out in two minutes, it is wildly impressive and you can cope as much as you want, I don't care.

>> No.6257248
File: 209 KB, 667x720, 1653575356361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, Pollock is randomly generating his work, not different from what an AI is doing. This faggot just dance over the canvas dropping paint, and then the stochastic nature of fluid dynamics does the rest. He is calling a natural phenomenon his art, just like AIfags call the AI end result their art.

>> No.6257254
File: 45 KB, 320x332, 790-7908390_a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45 KB

Meanwhile in reality

>"Watermarked images are a big problem when training generative models like DALL-E or GLIDE. To tackle this problem we trained a watermark detection model and used it to calculate confidence scores for every image in LAION-5B. Therefore we created a training dataset consisting of 90.000 images with 50% watermarked and 50% clean images. The majority of the watermarked images have been extracted from the LAION-400M KNN index through the use of several text prompts like “clip art watermark”, “cat watermark” or “landscape watermark”."

>> No.6257259

Pollock artwork is just as uninteresting, whats your point? what he said >>6257248 is on point
you chose a shitty "artist" to make your point

>> No.6257260
File: 3.38 MB, 2048x1365, 1647178425250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not different from what an AI is doing
It is. You can't create this by randomly dropping paint on a canvas.

>> No.6257264 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 0846 - Tbd1nKx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point is: You will never be an artist, proompter.
Deal with it.

>> No.6257266

you won't need to be an artist dummy

>> No.6257267

>he thinks im defending AI "art"
are you retarded? you defending pollock is the same as proompters defending their AI art lol
and you call me the proompter?

>> No.6257292 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 401x367, 1187 - Z8BHwCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm I think I'd rather be an artist than not be an artist thank you
I mean being a retard is probably as bad.
Same thing with these >>6257226 >>6257234 >>6257248 >>6257245 >>6257260 /g/ tourists who can't comprehend the fact that AI "art" inherently is not art, and entirely irrelevant for an actual art aficionado.

>> No.6257299

It's pretty clear from your posts that you have no interest in art. You're interested in artists and that's fine, but don't confuse the two.

>> No.6257301
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think this is art?

>> No.6257304

>Has to post smug frogs to cope.
>Doesn't post his own art.

>> No.6257306

Pollock is so uninteresting that the CIA literally had to shill his art.

>> No.6257309

If AI can be more creative than your artist then he does not deserve all the praise you're giving dipshit.

>> No.6257318
File: 1.82 MB, 1982x1104, 1638210133564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Actual art aficionado's gave an AI generated image 1st place in an art competition. The dude won a 300$ prize for his prompt generated image. I think I'd rather trust people giving out money than some random reddit frog posting teen.

>I-I-It-It's still not real art!!!
It doesn't need to be.

>> No.6257324 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 1430943215940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is the product of an artist. AI images are not produced by artists. They are not art.
Lightyears above high processed AI noise
Why don't you post yours, /g/ tourist? Oh wait.
The night sky is pretty but it isn't art.
Commissioners asking an artist to draw something do not magically turn into artists themselves.
You can praise the AI for whatever it does, but it is not art and proompters are not artists.
>Actual art aficionado's
>I think I'd rather trust people giving out money than some random reddit frog posting teen.
Of course you would, because you can't draw.
>It doesn't need to be.
For NPCs like you, of course is doesn't.

>> No.6257326

>Lightyears above high processed AI noise

>> No.6257329

>Actual art aficionado's
it was some small competition in bumfuck nowhere

>> No.6257330

>Still doesn't post his art.

>> No.6257342

None of your replies to me were arguments. "Wrong." or "You're an NPC" isn't an argument. You don't need to draw to be able to appreciate a picture, moron. That's like saying you need to be a 5 star gourmet chef to tell if something tastes good. I doubt you can even "draw"

>> No.6257344
File: 108 KB, 500x360, HMFET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile the watermark
watermark shmatermark
this is just another desperate meme from artfags to have anything at all against ai and trigger and emotional response from other artfags like themselves.

this stuff would hold in a court

>> No.6257346
File: 10 KB, 236x214, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we finally start generating greater Pakistan and not haram degeneracy

>> No.6257356

>he doesn't want degeneracy
holy closeted gay child molesters

>> No.6257357

they do have the bacha bazi tradition going back centuries
even today families sell their little boys off to be child prostitutes

>> No.6257370

Again with this retarded meme spouted by retards full on copium who understand neither art history and the world we live in.

Photography actually hurt a bit small portraitist who made earned their breads by painting portrait of bourgeois and aristocrats family, if photography came on its own, it would sure as hell have weakened figurative arts even more, but it wasn't even a large industry and most artists were rich kids earning their way through patronage and command work.
Still, photography was constrained by reality, you couldn't easily capture an orientalist or an historical scene for instance.

But what saved artists in the late 19th and early XXth century was the improvement of impression techniques and the advent of advertisement, now there was a great need for pictures that could look good, impressed and colored and not be constrained by reality, and soon after that came animation, and an ever growing cultural output and need for new pictures.
You can even trace this evolution by looking at who studied under whom, Antoine-Jean Gros ( Started by painting portraits ) taught Paul Delaroche ( history painting ) who taught Jean Léon-Gêrome ( history painting ) who taught George Bridgman ( Mainly a teacher ) who taught Andrew Loomis ( Advertisement ) who went on to influence plenty of comic books artists.

But with AI? What is there left to earn a living as a figurative artist? Impression is no longer a concern and subject is no longer a concern, as for soul and tiny areas where the AI might not outperform humans before a long time, singularity or whatever, people just do not care.

>> No.6257381


>> No.6257384

>show the images they used to train the AI
retard, it's laion database

>> No.6257390

Here it is, only 0,2% of the data is public yet there are millions of artist's names and pictures in there. Disregard the pa/g/eet avoiding to asnwer above

>> No.6257402

>What is there left to earn a living as a figurative artist?
High quality, tasteful renditions of subjects for clients who pay extra for one-of-a-kind works.
>Impression is no longer a concern and subject is no longer a concern
They haven't been a concern in fine art for decades. In advertising and commercial art in general they're still of paramount importance.
>people just do not care.
This has been the case for the majority of human history. Today's interest in art is still very large in comparison to almost all previous eras in human history.

>> No.6257404

Impression techniques were unthinkable a couple hundred years back, yet the advent of photography manifested them into art, I can't wait to see what AI will force artists to come up with once this ugly photobash concept art style is killed forever

>> No.6257412
File: 254 KB, 512x1024, 1660980065149915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But with AI? What is there left to earn a living as a figurative artist?
You have to see the whole picture in the modern era where everyone and their moms is now an artist and can reach an audience thanks to the internet.
Historically, the majority of artist rarely earned anything from art or could make a living with it.
And the majority of artworks are unknown and lost to history.
Now it's not that different: Only a small percentage of artists really make a living with art and you can safely say that 99% of art made nowadays is already forgotten the day after.
What one could go is offer quality content, not art, but content for people willing to pay to consume it or gain exclusivity to it or for the artist to keep making, much as most e-artists are doing nowadays.

Forget the industry, they are the first that will replace labor with machines the moment this tech reaches commercial viability, to lower costs.
>people just do not care.
Exactly. Consumers don't care. Companies don't care. They never have, they never will.
This is just how progress works, and how you don't care when others are left behind by progress, no one will care when progress hits you.

Art done by real people could become a luxury good like many traditional handmade goods have been resurging in the last decade, but art is a product that is way overabudant, since everyone and anyone can and will do art if it means getting money or attention, and since art's only real value depends on the subjective feelings of each individual consumer...
or well, of course, it has real monetary value to art dealers and art critics overinflating prices of traditional works and rich people so they can avoid paying taxes.

My point is; Do niche fetish porn until AI can do it, give up or just do art on the side.
If you go into such a low-barrier of entry field and expect to make a living, especially now with social media and shit, you're goddamn half retarded.
No offense.

>> No.6257415

Do you know the historical context of pop art?

>> No.6257429

what do you think i dont know?
are you implying that you can only hate on this shit if you dont know the context of it?

>> No.6257430

>what is stopping artists from using AI images and painting/tracing over them?
already happening

>> No.6257439

No, I was just asking if you knew the historical context of why pop art came to be. You can absolutely hate it, you don't have to like art.
I'm not the same anon you were arguing with.

>> No.6257447

i dont just hate it
its not just shit
it was a turning point
that changed everything for the worse
id say it was the main opening chapter of the post modern shit we have today and why someone shitting on a canvas can be put into a modern art museum and snob faggots can pretend its some high intellectual artistic faggotry

>> No.6257459

Read my first post.
My point is that industry work was what allowed most artists to make a living and working on their art, to create higher quality piece down the line.
It was viable for Norman Rockwell to pursue a career in art because he could make a living with making book covers and so on, if he had no way of making a living whatsoever he'd have been held back by the need to actually eat and have a roof over his head.

And it was the same thing for all artists throughout history who didn't start out with a patronage, and the patronage model don't have any future when our aristocracy are now antireligious, extremely materialistic and rejects art outside of consumerism in general. ( Btw patreon is not really a "patronage" in the classical sense it works more like a subscription magazine and is subjected to different incentives )

I'm not talking about myself you and i are irrelevant, i'm talking about the general death of an art and its practice.

>> No.6257470

Sakimichan on other photorealistic artists on suicide watch

>> No.6257478

>photography manifested them into art
photography like composition sucks in art, it's just not serious

>> No.6257480

>It's the end of a skill
the nearest thing we will reach is your loosing interest in doing it, nobody is interested in mediocrity machine learning is producing

>> No.6257486

what are you smoking

>> No.6257489

>I'm not talking about myself you and i are irrelevant
I know. Should be pretty obvious that "you" is in a generalizing sense.
>i'm talking about the general death of an art and its practice.
Anon, this whole art is dying shit has been going on for millenia.
>leather being used for art
>guess drawing on rocks is dead now
>parchment paper is used for art
>guess art on leather is dead now
>paint gets invented
>guess drawing in black and white is dead now
>canvases have been invented
>guess parchment paper is dead now
>digital art gets invented
>guess traditional art is dead now
>ai art gets invented
>guess digital art is dead now
Art is always fucking dying

Humor me on this:
How do traditions die?
How do martial arts die?
How do school of thoughts die?
They simply aren't practiced anymore.

Same with art.
AI isn't stopping anyone from practicing art.
>inb4 but money
The whole money issue is a whole other beast that isn't even that easily to explainable.
But simply; yes, you can still make money off of art if you use your brain.

>> No.6257490

>one of the drawbacks/limitations of a market economy
it was never about economy and shit, you fucking delusional ape, nobody is nearly speaking about profit, even the market itself is an idea and we are speaking about ideas here, and what is the funniest thing - market and economy are the ideas too and if you have no ideas how to fix it or not interested in wellbeing of humanity you can be the most flashy buzzword man on the planet, but still a parasite comparing to people who have a solid idea what are they living for, you really think profit? You have more chances becoming mentally ill and depressed with such way of thinking than all /ic/ compared

>> No.6257493

Friendly reminder that you are not an artist.
You don't create.
You don't do anything.
You are commissioning an AI to do the creating for you. And if you don't like a picture, you commission the AI again with slightly different words, or maybe even an image to help out.
Just like with any artist that gets commissioned, art for you will always be a black box. You will always get a somewhat random image that you will not be able to plan in detail ahead of time.
"I know what I want when I see it" is the most retarded basic bitch take on drawing/art/painting ever

>> No.6257496

Just spouted a word that I thought would fit the highly rendered art pieces - excuse my retardation, by my point still stands.

>> No.6257499
File: 842 KB, 1140x788, 16487992132635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i commission the AI
and it gives me pictures fast and easy without having to deal with autistic self-entitled delusional artists

keep seething

>> No.6257504

Could you at least take 5 mins to learn how the technology works before whining?

>> No.6257505
File: 438 KB, 512x512, download (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so hard to make good oppai loli?

>> No.6257510 [DELETED] 

You mean without having to put in the practice and effort required to create an appealing image of your own?
As all proompter tards, you're lazy and untalented and has to rely on others for everything.

>> No.6257522

It's more that the existence of photography forced artists to come up with new techniques that photography can't replicate

>> No.6257525
File: 119 KB, 279x179, lolandlmaosaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without having to put in the practice and effort required to create an appealing image of your own
You point?
>you're lazy and untalented
I can admit that without having a mental breakdown and attempting suicide.
>and has to rely on others for everything
You have to rely on people paying you and working for hours for that pocket change.

keep coping and seething
you will never make it

>> No.6257529
File: 46 KB, 614x198, index333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6257535

I love reading stock n/g/ers that can be replaced any second because of little significance of their job and projecting their own fears of being useless lgbt fag

>> No.6257536

Sorry, anons always said that discord trannies aren't real.

>> No.6257540

you will have a nice time reading the midjourney discord, back to /g/

>> No.6257548

I love reading impotent rage fueled posts by """""artists"""" (lmao) becoming irrelevant and their frustration at the thought that they will never amass followers or sell porn pictures to children on patreon.
>still insists that discord trannies are real
If you keep saying so you must be a schizo.

>> No.6257579

AI is much better than you.

>> No.6257601

those hips are fucking bonkers
anyone who thought filters now were giving people unrealistic expectations and body image issues are gonna have a fucking field day from this when we raise an entire generation who thinks having 4 foot wide hips are normal.
would not be surprised if this results in an entire generation entirely incapable of getting off without the use of an AI.

>> No.6257629
File: 218 KB, 837x1024, 1653943592637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an entire generation who thinks having 4 foot wide hips are normal.
then maybe women will put some effort into getting more meat on their hips than just be skeleton that leaving bone splinters on your dick

every woman should have hips like pic related

>> No.6257644

>would not be surprised if this results in an entire generation entirely incapable of getting off without ***

>> No.6257666

You don't need ai for that to happen
Why do you think coomers commission pornfags?

>> No.6257690

AI please generate big titty tomboy goth gf spreading her legs open in mating press position. Oh and replace the pupils with hearts

>> No.6257817
File: 37 KB, 465x412, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why's it all look so incredibly unnerving though?
i don't know how to explain it. it's like when you get put in front of a human-looking robot and you detect something... off.
it's almost unsettling.

>> No.6257845

it's called the uncanny valley

>> No.6257847

I hate it. I really don't like it.
There's just something so off about it. It's the same sensation I get when dealing with taking out the garbage after it's sat for a week in the sun.

>> No.6257857

I was gonna make a terrorism joke since Pakistan will be using a pajeet's tool to make propaganda

>> No.6257907
File: 29 KB, 979x132, cc197c5db8149ab199c97e2a827c4c93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme? That quote is literally on LAION's fucking site you dumbass

>> No.6257933

>he doesn't know preventative measures are
You really shouldn't talk about anything regarding laws and shit

>> No.6257940

>3 years
you dont get it do you? the wheel spins faster and faster, 6 months more or less. One more paper down the line

>> No.6257951

until it happens, we really have no fucking idea

>> No.6257958

These days it hit me that like Gelbooru have AIs that are trained to automatically recognize and tag characteristics of an image, along with the models /g/fags devised themselves. Japs are being held at gunpoint just waiting for a carefree pajeet to press the trigger and launch the antimatter missile at them

>> No.6257964

I wonder if people will just stop sharing their work online because of all this, why contribute to your competition that is making you obsolete

>> No.6257967
File: 282 KB, 480x480, 1662289190920251.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI porn is going to be wild. This was SotA text-to-video a few months ago and I'm told it will be able to render photorealistic videos of just about anything by year's end. And I do mean just about anything.

>> No.6257968

You will be able to take an image of yourself and literally any woman of any kind, real or fictional, then plug in a detailed description of what you want to see and bam, 20 minutes of high-res fucking. Now combine with VR and cock-stimulator tech and watch yourself fuck 5 perfect tens at once.

>> No.6257972

that is so gross. Also, it doesn't look like it's capable of moving a person around in space, it just stitches together images from many porn stars into the right positions

>> No.6257975

Patience, man. Tech miracles may only take a couple years, but they still take time.

>> No.6257976


>> No.6257977

My porn addiction is bad enough as it is, this shit is really not going to be an improvement to my quality of life

>> No.6257978

so this is what we look like to the martians

>> No.6257984

You sure about that? Have you experimented with VR and cock-stimulator tech? It is pretty much a peak experience. Not even sexbots can compete.

>> No.6257986

Why are AItards so obsessed with porn and sexdolls

>> No.6257989

funny how /ic/ is literally the only place on the internet I know that gives a shit about ai art

>> No.6257990

Human sexuality is normal but currently gatekept by weird roasties (not for long).

>> No.6257992

I don't want more short term pleasure, I want to achieve something, I want to have some pride in myself.

>> No.6257993

still waiting for self-driving cars.

>> No.6257994

mental illness. Touch grass

>> No.6257995

VR porn monstrosities are not "normal human sexuality".

>> No.6257996

Many less known artists will do this since some NFTfaf might reproduce their underground style and get infinitely more famous, except for the big patreon ones. Indians will just fill the gap they left in the market if they disappear. They are going to receive increasingly damaging injuries as this rech progresses though, since coomers will start looking after their style to make and publish high quality images too. The more sets they do, the more precise the AI can become to replace them. It will be interesting to see if they will make use of AI in the future to do 90% of the work for them, being reduced to touch up artists, since they will need to compete with the thousands of work being published in a similar style.
Greg Rutkowski only has 20k followers despite having almost a million of images generated already on his name, so it's not like you will receive any acknowledgement as the original creator either.

>> No.6257997

Robotics turned out to be hard, making images easy. Go figure.

>> No.6257998
File: 469 KB, 512x512, Nude_Deanna_Troi_thrown_from_a_catapult_big_boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6258003

left shoulder is wiiiiide

>> No.6258012

if you can't make robots, what makes you think you can animate moving anatomical humans?

>> No.6258017

>erasing evidence means its lawful
stop typing

>> No.6258019

Animation and even video for that matter are just a bunch of images shown very fast that they give off the illusion of movement.
Just wait for the ai to be tuned to track and keep consistency with image generation to create video and you will have all the endless porn you want.
That still won't kill the porn industry like they claimed free internet porn would have done.

>> No.6258021

animation requires an understanding of 3d form. AI doesn't have that.

>> No.6258023
File: 29 KB, 700x802, eee6d55438df07daa788c36fca20c2b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ i see AI doomposting threads like 3 times a day can you retards shut up and draw or just give up already?

>> No.6258024

>distributing things with trademarked logos or copyright is illegal
>finetuning the machine to avoiding breaking the law is being guilty of breaking the law
Just shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.6258026

>AI doesn't have that

>> No.6258028

Pajeets are ordering me to draw now?? You will NEVER datamine my art fckoff

>> No.6258035

Reminder that phones and notebooks have both cameras and audio. Besides always watching you, they can reverse engineer the noise and distance of your brushe/pencil lines on a canvas if you draw near them. Add this to bluetooth and they are just a few BIOS updates away from being able to project a 100% accurate holodeck visualization of your whole house

>> No.6258036

going from 2d to 3d would be an insanely huge step enormous step, it wouldn't be an upgrade of this piece of software, it would have to be a totally new piece of software.

>> No.6258039

>data mining photos without their consent isn't copyright infringement
chop your hands off pajeet

>> No.6258046

>you need consent to look at and save pictures freely available on the internet
>accelerating the saving of pictures with a program is copyright infringement
I don't give you the consent to be retarded.
Stop infringing copyright.

>> No.6258053

>data mining = look and save
neck yourself

>> No.6258054

>paint gets invented
>guess drawing in black and white is dead now
I think you might just be retarded
here's your consolation prize, a (you)

>> No.6258059

>data mining is bad... because it's always used in a bad context
your iq is 78

>> No.6258062

start dilating


>> No.6258077

>What is the copyright issue with data mining?
The data mining processes requires data to be stored permanently (for preparation of the data set) and temporarily (for analysis of the data set). In technical terms, this means that data has to be copied or replicated, which can lead to copyright law issues when using data copied from copyrighted works in data mining processes.
According to the legal definition, works enjoy copyright protection if they are literary and artistic intellectual creations with an individual character (Art. 2 (1) Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights, CopA). This definition is rarely met for raw data, which can thus hardly be protected by copyright. In contrast, texts with literary, scientific and/or technical content, as well as images and audio-visual works are often protected by copyright. The same is true of data collections if the selection and structure of the data have an individual character.

>> No.6258080

so you got ai threads on boards like /g/ v/v /vg/ /d/ /h/ and so on to spam your images

why spam /ic/ with this shit? on other boards they at least try and discus this among themselves and keep it contained
what kind of retarded group of pajeets is spamming this board on purpose with the same fucking theme of "art is dead, youre all losers etc etc etc"

god how i wish i had the ability to find who the shitposters are and make each of them a little visit

>> No.6258083
File: 124 KB, 288x292, 1660043634477860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not redeem the copyright.

This is your last warning if you don't want us to release CAIAC19 tomorrow.

We won't be merciful to you sirs.

>> No.6258088

>Ai ArT iS jUsT a ToOl

>> No.6258102

It honestly irritates me that more artists aren't demoralized by this. Like, bro, it's fucking over. It's ogre. It's literally, unironically, unequivocally ogre.

>> No.6258105

It is celebrating the death of interpersonal social connections in favour of technology
>reeeee women are gatekeeping sex!! btfo stupid roasties!!!
>reeeee artists are gatekeeping anime pinup pngs!!!! should have studied stem!!!!

>> No.6258111

I browsed a few threads on /g/ and it's crazy how cold, bitter and spiteful they are, wtf is up with those guys?

>> No.6258112

Interpersonal connections are unironically awful and boring and I'm tired of pretending they're not. Neurotypicals are a cancer on this Earth.

>> No.6258116

Cope, artie. No woman is going to be impressed by your drawing skills when everyone and their dog can spit out a Da Vinci.

>> No.6258118 [DELETED] 

I tried about 2 dozen times to get a decent image
They were all complete and total shit. Why are people afraid of this ever replacing anything?

>> No.6258119

Img2img is god tier, are you high?

>> No.6258122

You have the ability to find the creators of these AI programs and pay them a visit. They all have names, addresses, and workplaces.

Research is your friend in minecraft.

>> No.6258126

see what I mean?

>> No.6258127 [DELETED] 

I guess I just don't have abhorrent taste

>> No.6258128

I mean social fabric is not just irl interactions. Art allows people to communicate to others even when they struggle with social cues etc. or connecting with people normally. That's why it is so important to protect.
Alot of people forego relationships because of distorted ideals and self-worth issues caused by social media and other modern technologies. I only see AI causing our sense of trust and security in ourselves and others to further erode

>> No.6258132

these looks even more primitive than mid journey. Not sure what point you're making here.

>> No.6258138

>hurr durr animation
>here, ai powered animation
>pee poo i'm dumb

>> No.6258145

reeks of insecurity

>> No.6258158

Honestly, I am glad everyone who just wanted to spend time drawing soulless repetitive bullshit to impress people is getting fucked. This type of """artist""" is a fucking plague upon the community. People who wanna make art just because they think its an easy job, or because its "aesthetic" or a fashion statement to em should just DIE ! :D

>> No.6258162

you are not a real artist. Please refrain from stating your opinion

>> No.6258168

You are more worthless than a cook

>> No.6258172

for art to be able to develop healthily there needs to be people making significant time investments into it, the kind of time investment you can only make when it is your full time job. How many of your favourite artists did it just as a hobby?

>> No.6258187

What's with her face? She looks dead and like it got crushed at one point.

>> No.6258189

Bouguereau was a retail worker who drew anime feets and space marine in his free time bro.

>> No.6258217

All of them.

>> No.6258224

any names?

>> No.6258242

What kind of grown ass man uses emojis. I truthfully hope someone breaks your faggot nose, just for its own sake. What I'm really saying is, fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.6258255
File: 2.67 MB, 360x640, 1652735929684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm inclined to believe it's a mix of schadenfreude with the default 4chan resentment, kind of the same chain reaction that happens in the occasional /pol/ thread when a teen is raped by some immigrant gang
>"Pffft she deserves it, probably voted for them!"

Add this to the short sightedness whatever utilities AI provides and we have some more specific ill-wishers, such as the ideaguys who procrastinate all day spitting on artists hoping that AI will allow them to prompt an entire indie game so GPT-4 bots can play it; NFT AIfaggos who defend SD with teeth and claws, being just sly enough to not mention that they sell AI art; /g/fags who say they're in the right side of history because tech=GOOD and see us as detractors.

This same crowd will go after novelists, singers, 3d modellers, actors, everyone. It won't be long until that Minecraft AI evolves to playing lol flawlessly and we see consoomers crying for AI to be regulated though, same as their discussion spaces being infested by AI. But it will be too late by then.

>> No.6258279

it's more like they're spitting out photo bashes since the image the "AI" using can be a from a fuckin camera photo

>> No.6258291

That's the thing with 4chan, but maybe people in general.
It seems people here are hardwired to turn any conversation, anything into a proof of their superiority.

Like even on the most mundane shit a guy on /v/ will say he dies a lot to Malenia and you'll have another replying that he's a retard, that he never died to Malenia once.
A man say he loved reading this manga, that it's a good manga, another guy will respond in the second that it's baby shit that the manga he read was the best and he know because he read so much.

It just gets tiring and ridiculous, especially when everyone have reason to be worried.

>> No.6258298
File: 1011 KB, 1080x1794, 1662113455603534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's a certain subset of people, not just a 4chan thing.

>> No.6258300

I mean AI faggots in games are script kiddies and cheating faggots so no one wants those fuckers there
>the only use for AI is something like theoretical speedrunning for possible glitches on TAS and most know when people cheat
>"farming" also known as robucks are valued hire then their country's monopoly money
>"cheatcodes" that most corpos got rid of
>NPC or AI (intended) bots
plus the thing with minecraft, insert lmao your now on creative mode. Who thinks this shit is impressive the TAS been out for years

>> No.6258351
File: 4 KB, 200x198, 164949494939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest thing this shitshow keeps on giving is how they now literally admit to being no different from a machine. We reached levels of cuckery never before seen in recorded history as AI worshippers proudly state that humans and machines are equal. Are they going to protest for AGI rights? Make us pay welfare to the computer servers? Swap their friends for AI chatbots? The possibilities are insane enough to make me laugh the further I think about them.
These useful idiots will be the perfect peons to normalize the 2030 agenda

>> No.6258369
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1657389094215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least we'll be happy

>> No.6258380
File: 25 KB, 739x415, 16958295484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans are responsible for too much CO2 emission, adopt the renewable energy AI children bigot!!

>> No.6258382

I wonder if at some point there will just be a mass exodus of people leaving the internet when they realize that wait a minute, nothing on here is real or authentic or human anymore. People just turning off their computers and phones and walking outside.
But that's probably optimism. After all, zoomers use TikTok.

>> No.6258386

Spoken like a man who doesn’t go outside. There’s nothing to do out there I promise

>> No.6258387

The apps are adapting to our behavior to be more addictive. In other words it can't happen.

>> No.6258394
File: 352 KB, 1213x933, 0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go there to draw among other things.

>> No.6258399
File: 165 KB, 828x936, 1647292743935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show how far gone your mind is. The outside is everything. We've become prisoners to our homes

>> No.6258405
File: 61 KB, 464x480, 1646878375703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw third worlder
>use the internet as a mean to get access to knowledge and worthwhile discussion not found anywhere else
>GPT4 comes out
>cant meet real people in the internet anymore due to how much of it has been overtaken by ai
>need to display all my credentials and data to be recognized as human if i want to post in slightly less AI infested social media, no wrongthink allowed
>4chan has been abandoned long ago after surrendering to the waves of vengeful reddit bots
>decide to go outside
>only have monkeys to talk with
We'll look back at these times - even now - with great nostalgia.

>> No.6258412


>> No.6258414

This is anatomy from your precious god a.i.? Kek lmao

>> No.6258531

oh ai you're so big and strong

>> No.6258539

you don't even have to put up with some southeast asian artist's mood swings why he doesn't fuck send work in progress drawings anymore. AI is great

>> No.6258557

you do know the ai made the signature up, right?

>> No.6258561

Obviously the only ones rustled by AI are shitskins and other subhumans.
The White Man has nothing to fear.

>> No.6258566

day by day I laugh harder at the retards thinking reading loomes will do anything useful

>> No.6258580

>face taken from child porn

>> No.6258585
File: 38 KB, 516x421, return to monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point talking to monke seems to be a good alternative to the current internet desu

>> No.6258599

See >>6255775
If you have two braincells to rub together you'll find deep stories get the following responses:
>I didn't get it; boring
>wow it's so deep, I really loved [superficial detail], it blew my mind
>wow it's so deep, I really loved [headcanon projection]
... and then you realise these are the exact same responses bad "consoomer grade fiction" gets.

Given that AI is just samples repatterned into "new" works, it'll eventually be indistinguishable beyond having more plotholes than most authors create... and perhaps most of the plotholes will be because of what it's copying. And no-one will care unless you can't lie to copyright enforcers so your botbook can be protected.

>> No.6258607

Download books anon, all the books you want, now that it's free and easy.

>> No.6258609

>Given that AI is just samples repatterned into "new" works, it'll eventually be indistinguishable beyond having more plotholes than most authors create...
I bet you in 500 years humanity will be able to create such AI anon, but not right now.We are far from such technology.

And you see, I'm not defending books or art here because of an ego thing, but because if the average person gets used to eating nothing but trash, soon we will all be living amongst pigs.

>> No.6258620

So ... only Sakimi-clones are affected.

>> No.6258631

a complete tanget here, but could people use this to simulate wars?

>> No.6258632
File: 756 KB, 598x752, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people just turning off their computers and phones and walking outside
Why would you want that? "Outside" is the loneliest place there is anyway.
I can't wait for these boards to be inundated by thousands of bots. No one to talk to, only pure, mindless AI. It's not like much would change, it just wouldn't be as disgusting.
People like you will value human interaction even more, so it benefits you as well. Imagine, anon - you and every person you talk to are eager to know each other, hoping to get the crumbs of human connection, afraid to push each other away, as understanding as ever.
Sounds like paradise to me. Praise the new era.

>> No.6258635

I understand anon, my only point is we already live amongst pigs and most swine can't tell the difference between the excrement and pearls before them.
I do agree it isn't possible today but because even AI "drawing"/sampling needs a human hand to guide it and you just can't do that with a 70,000 word book even if your audience is the most braindead and your only competition is smothered in rainbows, hijabs and not-orange political men.

>> No.6258737
File: 196 KB, 500x600, 154788621356654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you don't actually understand how laws and shit works but now that you've copypasted the definition, can you elaborate and build a case, proving that the ai has committed copyright infringement with sound evidence, without making baseless claims, ignoring context and other laws or copypasting out of context evidence and subjectively and wrongly interpreted information?

Make a truthful argument that can't be refuted or objected in a court of law.

There is that famous yt lawyer who talks about cases and shit, why don't you go ask him?

>> No.6258746

Upcoming data compression architectures make this whole line of reasoning irrelevant. Essentially these transformers will soon just have raw contextless hyper-compressed data seeds completely divorced from the initial artworks that made them. There will be no traceable provenance. Anyway, the whole thing is just pointless to worry about. Every person reading this thread is a dead man walking (read Bostrom's Superintelligence: you have 10 years max).

>> No.6258872

People are already selling partially automated novels to speed up their pace. Human control is becoming increasingly less needed in these AI as we are reduced to button pressers

>> No.6258877

Anon, consumers don't care, they just want to consume.

>> No.6258882

>boomers hiring pajeets cause the early extinction of the human race
Color me surprised

>> No.6258912

Yeah, I feel like a lot of anons here are really underestimating the exponential growth of AI, I'm sure we are going to see even more crazy shit by the end of this year. It's over, wheter AI will replace artists or not will soon be the last of our problems.

>> No.6258933

Is the artists work in the ai database without authorization?

Is the ai reproducing derivative work that would not exist without the original as input?

Is the company that makes the ai making profit by selling it to investors or licensing it as a product?

>> No.6258935

Omg the butthurt doesn't end, the anti-AI fags are even going full schizo now. Beautiful

>> No.6258938 [DELETED] 

snib snab

>> No.6258942


>> No.6258988

It's so ironic considering YOU'RE the one with the retarded take here.
Without artists and their "scribbles" the AI would'nt be able to create shit.

fuck off you mediocre midwit.

>> No.6258995

You're absolutely right but you're arguing with a soulless bugbrain. Keep working towards your goals king. Regardless of what happens..

>> No.6259075

>partially automated
>It’s that the average human is so dumb that today’s dumb AIs have already caught up to them.
This is straight FACTS

>> No.6259096

>another twatter retarded tourist trying to argue with regurgitated takes that have already been discussed to death
1. If it's freely available on the internet. It's fair game.
If you don't agree, delete every picture you saved that you do not legally the rights to and stop looking at pictures you didn't pay to look at.
2. Ban all fanart and any derivative artwork then. If AI generated pictures aren't fair use, no artwork is then.
Ban any artist from ever drawing if they didn't extract knowledge and skill from the void or ever watched a tutorial.
Ban anyone making art tutorials or trying to teach others art.
3. Ban every artist that has made money drawing copyrighted characters.
Ban every artist that has made money when he learned to draw by himself.
Ban anyone who makes money with his craft if he learned the craft by himself

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.6259115
File: 41 KB, 600x625, aBoRwarP_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should seriously consider committing suicide

>> No.6259119

>Essentially these transformers will soon have
2 more weeks?

>> No.6260422
File: 1001 KB, 1086x1809, 1655263688195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over loomisfags.
Thanks god i only traced and i never wasted my time learning loomis and composition.

>> No.6260426

top kek

>> No.6260436

you keep posting this, despite it being fucking garbage

>> No.6260446

A video is merely a quick succession of images; if you want to make a video impersonating someone, you just need enough images of that person from various angles.

Remember, 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WfZuNceFDM

(Not that I think it's a good or bad thing, I have more interesting things to do than jerking off, but to each their own)

>> No.6260448
File: 46 KB, 338x345, 1639442212410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.
>2. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy.
>3. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later.

Who is the paranoid schizophrenic now?


>> No.6260449
File: 78 KB, 480x960, Fb1A5t_VsAAe046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. If
stopped reading there. Not even you know

>> No.6260454

>. t the retard that wasted 5 years of his life learning loomis

>> No.6260457

I'm sorry for ever doubting you Ted.

>> No.6260465
File: 1.71 MB, 606x423, 848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only we'd listened

>> No.6260730

How are you guys getting past content warning shit? I can't even get DallE to mess with shirtless men.

>> No.6260742
File: 292 KB, 900x819, it's like talking to chat bots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, just shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.6260744

>Man just shut the fuck up! ;_;
nice rebuttal faggot

>> No.6260750

>nice rebuttal
You might need to post another random twitter screenshot or i can't even take you seriously.

>> No.6260755

your shizo drawing is ironic because you have not shown any excerpt of the law pertaining to this conversation so fuck off pajeet

>> No.6260775

>"make a case that can hold in court"
>"no, i will not do it for my claims.. here's a twitter screenshot of some literal who agreeing with me. lol and lmao case closed"
Why are you baiting my just to be retarded?

>> No.6260781

>Why are you baiting my just to be retarded?
lmao pajeet confirmed

>> No.6260787

>makes a claim
>no twitter screenshot
sure trolling me hard, robotto-kun

>> No.6260933













>> No.6261319

Uh oh...

>> No.6261563

>that pic
I see why the spanish did what they did

>> No.6261746
File: 951 KB, 900x1125, 1638717183230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like, doesn't seem able to do stylized/cel-shaded pics yet, wonder if it ever will.

wake me up when someone figures out how to get one of these to imitate Raita's art style and I'll get nervous.

>> No.6262203
File: 110 KB, 1024x641, 1548727304337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That... face...
Do coomers really?

>> No.6263149

>Honey please,

>> No.6263285

these has existed for years at this point, you are retarded

>> No.6263292

damn, bro thats wild, why dont you post your art while your at it?

>> No.6263307


>> No.6263316

greta with anti-gravitity tits?

>> No.6263361

who bothered making this comic?