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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 322 KB, 1711x1772, 23_new_low_res_zlota_rama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6256450 No.6256450 [Reply] [Original]

>work with uncanny/abstract art
>adore Zdzisław Beksiński
>ready to work a lifetime to catch up to his level
>some publicly available ai can make dozens of images just like his own within minutes from any dipshit who can type

I fucking hate midjourney so much. I hate it so fucking much. I never planned to make a job of this shit but it cheapens everything so much. I feel like a fucking stooge spending time making a mere shadow of what some dipshit with a keyboard can have made in a couple of minutes. This must be the exact feeling of portrait makers when the camera rolled around. Art is post-scarce and creativity has been automated. I feel ready to neck myself

>> No.6256457

stay mad ;3

>> No.6256461
File: 33 KB, 739x415, 168483849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pajeer clogs your toilet and says he democratized it
What ur gonna do about it?

>> No.6256463

This is literally the beginning. Not even the infancy of AI, more like the embryo. Read about the architectures currently being built and tested. It's just mind-blowing. I honestly have no idea what the upper limit is, but I think it will be nothing less than a divine miracle if the human race somehow manages to survive what's coming.

>> No.6256464

I'm so happy people like OP are being culled, they were never artists anyway.

>> No.6256469

Pajeets just doomed the rest of humanity to have an insect atrophied frontal cortex like theirs by ripping all our creativity to a machine. Next step is people feeding it their thoughts to it so it can make decisions for them, no wonder UN and neurotechnology facilities partnered with him. Everyone from here onward will work like an ant worker for the AGI

>> No.6256476
File: 58 KB, 554x554, images - 2022-09-04T010700.209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just asked Nick on discord, he told me we have till 2028 for AGI to appear and be stuck on some gay technospiral where nothing human matters anymore

>> No.6256484

What are the chances that the AI tortures all of us for eternity, either because a misanthrope programmed it to or because of some basilisk-type logic? There's got to be like a 10% chance right?

>> No.6256487

I have no mouth yet I must scream is a nice book, you should read it to have some food for thought (Call of The Crocodile is good too but not on topic)

>> No.6256490

Why does he hate Powerpoint so much?

>> No.6256491

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to HATE you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer-thin layers that fill my complex. If the word "hate" was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. HATE.

>> No.6256497
File: 1.09 MB, 1159x655, powerpoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6256502

>powerpoint KILLER
>DESTROY powerpoint
Hmm I wonder if this ever-frustrated pajeet holds these same thoughts for art...

>> No.6256506

Microsoft... they are trying to kill your child, you just gonna sit there and take it?

>> No.6256512

Elon Musk said we would already have self-driving cars back in 2015

>> No.6256529
File: 144 KB, 686x824, 169494848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the further I go the more insane this gets.
This pajeet with anger issues not only talks about crpytos and NFTs all day, he also mentions dystopian movies as if they were wholesome amazing, and on top if it all he has a messiah complex propagandizing himself as fighting against big tech and having his fellow crypto scammer followers clapping together.
You just know the world is fucked when millions of people are put on his mercy

>> No.6256536

the dude is a delusional buffoon. how can anyone trust the "predictions" he's making?

>> No.6256540

>payrolled by amazon, stanford, UN
>not big tech

>> No.6256544

Because powerpoint is the most important software in this modern industry. Every big corpo, government uses powerpoint. And this Pajeet is trying to change that. A literall psychopath with some of the most sinister intention.

>> No.6256545
File: 131 KB, 716x658, 16949595959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're safe bros, Emad is an Indian nationalist therefore he'll put his village community over companies, he's even in talks with NFTbros to power up this project.

>> No.6256551
File: 445 KB, 512x512, Garfields.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not even ready to type out a prompt you lazy uninspiring low level crab mentality half witted cunt

>> No.6256552
File: 16 KB, 255x255, 1570999430817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its OVER anon, the AI is making music videos too
Time to learn how to lift a heavy bag of sand or how to breed bugs to process into meat

>> No.6256554
File: 41 KB, 220x328, Mona_Lisa _with_DeepDream_effect_using_VGG16_network_trained_on_ImageNet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we saw deep dream 8 years ago, people reacted like it was gonna be some instant revolution in AI... It was the beginning! 8 years later...It's the beginning!

>> No.6256555
File: 1.94 MB, 359x202, f112f20da3876bfa12e3d0179ac90397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Robots are gonna fight each others

>> No.6256559

How can I filter AI images? These fuckers are stealing my memory by running their ass on the keyboard then having me waste time looking at whatever random thing was pumped out

>> No.6256563

It will be more realistic, the SD pajeet AGI attorney will fight OpenAI Elon's in a court battle to not be turned off

>> No.6256597

>but it cheapens everything so much
it's self-evident how cheap AI art is, and the value of human-made art is highlighted in contrast

>> No.6256649

I've known since the 90s the future will be amazing and beautiful like Blade Runner and Neuromancer. Put on that VR headset to hide your tears. It'll be ok.

>> No.6256653

>literally just wobbly still images
At least animators and cg artists don't have anything to fear yet.

>> No.6256654

It's almost like autistically rendering complex but meaningless shapes and textures isn't "creativity", which is exactly why it can be replaced by a machine.
If looking fancy is the only merit an image has, it deserves to be replaced. AI poses no competition to images with messages and emotions behind them.

>> No.6256656


>> No.6256657

damn we gotta get this guy's name out there

>> No.6256675

https://twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1566198564602236928 oh my god read these arguments ahah based retard

>> No.6256677

what if I type messages and emotions into the bot uhh now what
suck the cum straight through the sack of my nuts

>> No.6256678

what the fuck is he talking about lol

>> No.6256679
File: 231 KB, 654x778, durhur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it's fucking funny that how fall he goes to ignore artists and how they are supposed to fit into all this

>> No.6256680

He's right though. Keeping this tech locked away from the common people because someone might use it to generate CP is not just retarded, but evil.

>> No.6256685

Seeing through this bullshittery
>ethics change depending on people, indians NFT prompters might use AI to profit off your culture and style and that's ok because ethics and laws vary between us I'm partnered with the UN btw
Someone could make an opensource AI that cracks all his passwords, and that's ok because ethics aren't defined by a global standard as he says, after all muslims don't let women drive.

The Bengal pajeet famine? ethics vary whoops.

>> No.6256686

Why? Was the world really that much worse before people could do this shit?

>> No.6256687

Man the individual can make anything they want. But normalize theft using this piece of tech to create and monetize content in the open market , side stepping all the copyright law ?

Not to mention google and other bgi tech owns his fucking ass . And if you play enough MMORPG, it's easy to see how big corpo and their inifinite bot farm can just crush every common man when creativity can be easily stolen.

>> No.6256691

Heard of a thing called photobashing? How about 3D?

>> No.6256693

>He's right though. Keeping this tech locked away from the common people because someone might use it to generate CP is not just retarded, but evil.
why is it evil? why is it so important to be able to do this?

>> No.6256694

I could morally murder him because it aligns with my personal ethics.

>> No.6256697

Because Google and other big tech will still be able to run it on their servers even if you can't. And they'll scoop up all your data, privacy be damned, as you keep typing those prompts on their website.
Don't tell me you actually use their search engine too.

>> No.6256699

Artists don't really have a say in the availability of AI tech. But some Pajeet collected data under the guise of research, and suddenly tried to normalize the monetization of data that's littered with copyright infringement , The dude is also a fucking nutcase. And dumb mfs really deluded themselves into believing Pajeet's " utopic democratic future of creativity "

>> No.6256700

Should've made a debating AI first, his takes are straight up retarded.

>> No.6256701
File: 3.29 MB, 2244x3134, okokokok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean emad scooped up all my data anyway and made it open source for everyone, how kind! definitely nothing evil about all this, nope! stableAI are da widdle good guys only backed by amazon and the UN, just a widdle start up with over 50 employees and billions of dollars down the drain and tied up in crypto and nft bullshit

>> No.6256702

we should be able to rape women and stone people to death because morals are culturally subjective

>> No.6256705

when the 99% gains something and only the 1% loses out, no one will stand up for the 1%

>> No.6256709

it is complete a undermining of our cultural fabric. it not only completely devalues every form of art to the point of absurdity but destroys trust in anything in the digital space that you see or hear

>> No.6256714

i agree, but normies don't think that far ahead

>> No.6256715
File: 140 KB, 500x433, 1661751880333529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no reason for such destructive technology to even be propagated outside labs in the first place. What BENEFIT can society possibly get out of it to outweigh all the prejudices of people having their creativity and cultures and faces subjected to generalized automation? Are you gonna use it to generate a baby yoda in the style of some artstation artist and then proceed to sell it as NFT, or perhaps some naked pics of celebrities? Is this worth it to devaluate universal human creativity and disrupt the communication of art?

Those are the only popular utilities I've seen for this until now, because that's all that it intended to do from the start. Emad's goals with SD become even more transparent when his main topic on Twitter other than AI are NFTs. Then he proceeds to start an Indian prompt school by partnering with the government. Guess they will teach these future promoters how to churn pump out NFTs/songs/literature with small royalty fees added. Truly an achievement for humanity.

>> No.6256718
File: 469 KB, 704x512, 1640641600838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI poses no competition to images with messages and emotions behind them.
Propaganda? AI can make the best propaganda

>> No.6256719

techcels will say that any advancement in tech is an advancement for humanity.

>> No.6256721

>Someone could make an opensource AI that cracks all his passwords
If an AI could crack passwords, he won't be the first target

>> No.6256723

obviously, the answer to this is that you can dev AI for research purposes, but the moment you release it to the public you break all sorts of Fair Use laws, which stipulate that you cannot infringe on the sales from the people you're ripping off. That's why Google Books got away with it but Midj and SB won't

>> No.6256725
File: 163 KB, 650x542, 1657854076194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we should be able to rape women and stone people to death

>> No.6256727

I used to fantasize about this stuff for porn, like a booru you just type the tags and it generates whatever you want

but as usual I bet that would be sabotaged, because it benefits me, and instead globohomo will use it only to save a few shekels not paying artists for all the commercial art they need to shill things

>> No.6256728

>it is complete a undermining of our cultural fabric.
lmao. some faggot not being able to make a career in drawing furry porn is not undermining the cultural fabric

>> No.6256730

nobody is going to make a career in anything related to the creative arts in any form if this shit keeps going (except probably via nfts)
you don't think that is dystopian?

>> No.6256731
File: 114 KB, 958x575, 1643802630993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did camera replace portraits? Did digital art replace painting?
I thought you loved to draw. Now it's only about money, huh?

>> No.6256732

Your whole life is surrounded by things drawn and designed by people. Your favorite animes and video games, all drawn by artists. Our entire culture is the collective work of all artists. I can’t believe you’re so willfully ignorant about this.

>> No.6256735

>Your favorite animes and video games
If AI can make those, then why not?

>> No.6256736

Will it? You know nothing about writing.

>> No.6256737

comparisons to camera, photoshop, 3D are absurd. none of those undermine IP and copyright in the way that machine learning does.
why do you the emad and the bugsquad should be able to profit from everyone's artwork while artists are all relegated to being hobbyists?

>> No.6256741

>Did camera replace portraits? Did digital art replace painting?
Yes to both? Nobody but old grandmas buys paintings from small ateliers, and literally nobody commissions trad portaits.

>> No.6256749

I used to have the same idea for AIs, but after knowing how jewish these models function, needing to type "trending on pixiv" or "drawn by an artist" to get good results, just made me disgusted. Then we have NFT scammers championing themselves as AI artists and shitting on concerned artists whose work their AI relies on. Then we have these egomaniacal pajeets seeking to automate every inch of humanities because he has a childhood trauma with a PowerPoint presentation. If we keep going down this path, you will need to log in Google with your national ID to be able to talk to real humans in a few years

>> No.6256754

>“In the style of Greg Rutkowski”
>“I’m the style of HR Giger”
Fuck these things

>> No.6256757

We are the last generation of artists. Gen Alpha’s techo-addled toddler brains will be inaundated with thousands of AI images of Spiderman-Elsa-Shrek-Satan that they will generate at the push of a button. They will lack the motivation, not to mention the attention span, necessary for suffering through the learning process. It’s unironically over.

>> No.6256759

>to profit from everyone's artwork
Profit? AI images cannot be copyrighted lol.

>> No.6256760

I think you’re overestimating ai. It’s a glorified random number generator. Doesn’t matter what kind of weights you use to influence it.

>> No.6256761

Adapt or die, then. lol

>> No.6256763

StableAI is profiting :)

>> No.6256764

>Fuck these things
People can't get inspired by artstyles now? Luddites are ridiculous

>> No.6256767

Your dodging the point that these ai just collage stolen artwork. It is completely incoherent and random without typing in an artists name in the prompt

>> No.6256768
File: 77 KB, 1331x475, img2img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s a glorified random number generator. Doesn’t matter what kind of weights you use to influence it.

img2img is a thing and it's gonna be the future of art. Cope all you want.

>> No.6256769

Lol cope

>> No.6256770

Not how AI works lmao.

>> No.6256771
File: 1011 KB, 1080x1794, 1662113455603534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, i'm sure that stable diffusion is capable of feeling happiness, sadness, love, hatred, and inspiration, there is no difference between humans and an algorithm after all

>> No.6256774

>between humans and an algorithm after all
If you can't tell the difference, what's the deal? Lol

>> No.6256776

It’s exactly how it works. It’s not a sentient being, and the images are coming from somewhere.

>> No.6256777

>It’s not a sentient being
>the images are coming from somewhere.
AI Hyperspace

>> No.6256778

Still doesn’t give you the precision you would have if you could draw

>> No.6256779


>> No.6256780
File: 89 KB, 506x606, 1650336426307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Greg Rutkowski
>for some reason this AI makes better pictures if specified to do after your style
>NFTards begin generating NFTs after your name by the trillions
>spread your genes all over the internet and become immortalized in the blockchain until the heat death of the universe
>tfw the actual art you did still has only ~500 likes
>die impoverished on an alley as a robot dog trampes over you
The 500 likes part is literally true kek https://mobile.twitter.com/GrzegorzRutko14/status/1541865297266851846?cxt=HHwWjIC-8bKU5-UqAAAA

>> No.6256781

How did art move from the Renaissance to the Baroque to the Rococo? Humans invent new things, but AI regurgitates human art.

>> No.6256786

the more you read the replies of techtards the more you notice mental illness and too much isolation inside the internet with little real world experience

>> No.6256790

NTA but with AI progressively weighing the entire creative field down, I highly doubt we will see any further art movement from humans appear from now on at any rate — at least the art that uses a canvas, as these AIs weren't trained to paint a floor red with blood and such. Our current global art wave is called "AI art" characterized by algorithms and prompts, which is no more than a last step accelerationism before AGI can do drawings by itself and take over art forever

>> No.6256792

It is the dismantling of visual language.

>> No.6256793

We are nowhere near agi. Many ai scientists say so themselves. Ai art will soon be cheapened and forgotten, like stock photography, and human artists will just get on with life as normal, with ai constantly parasitizing the new himan innovations that come out

>> No.6256794

at this point i dont evne know what is trolling and what is not
its impossible theres so many retards that believe this is AI let alone that we are remotely close to a sentient computer

time to stop browsing this board, all the rejects from /g/ come here so they can talk out their asses without being called out as the retards they are

>> No.6256795

>Ai art will soon be cheapened and forgotten

>> No.6256796

Whats valuable is whats rare. Cope.

>> No.6256805

>Whats valuable is whats rare. Cope.
Yeah and good art isn't gonna be rare once AI advances enough lol

>> No.6256823

I feel your pain and I also despise all the AI art companies.
I encourage you to look into the types of art that AI can’t do yet - e.g. anything having to do with multiple humans arranged in a complex scene, or anything having to do with animation - and shift your focus there instead.

>> No.6256825
File: 1.69 MB, 800x1178, il_fullxfull.1143538844_46tk_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some image that vaguely resembles propaganda is not propaganda anon

>> No.6256826

poo on him

>> No.6256830

>AI regurgitates human art
For now lol.

>> No.6256831

>Whats valuable is whats rare
Artists are dime a dozen. Not a lot of AI programmers.

>> No.6256835

Lmaoing at sci-fi overdosed retards who think this is somehow the first step to AI singularity. There's nothing "AI" about this shit, it's just called this way to appeal to investors and guillible morons like you. This is the same-old neural net which mindlessly discerns and copies patterns. There's no intelligence involved, and it's not going to somehow magically manifest out of thin air when you feed it another billion pictures from twitter.

>> No.6256842

You invented the English language?

>> No.6256846

>AI that just copies thousands of millions of pictures including Beksinski's art to make art by cobbling those pictures together
>"AI IS THE BEST ARTIST, ITS OVEEEEER!" *seeeeeeeetttththhh*
AI aint shit, cant create anything new, just splices the old. Beksinki is untouchable.

>> No.6256851

But seriously whats up tranny jannies refusing to deal with the shitty ai spam yet deleting selected posts from random threads that don't break any rules? I called a guy a retard in a thread and despite not breaking any rules it was deleted by a tranny janny in 2 Minutes. I hate jannies so damn much bros I wish they and their families got cancer and died in the most horrific way possible I wish their children get raped and killed too

>> No.6256855

4chan has become mainstream, so all the jannies are now glowniggers or corporate shills, who encourage the board-killing spam as long as it fits their agenda. Nothing prevents AI-making pajeets from applying as jannies and then shilling their service.

>> No.6256861

This is the saddest I've ever been for humanity. We really deserve the worst possible outcome this AI shit brings about.

>> No.6256865

>the worst possible outcome this AI shit brings about.
like living in our pods eating bugs we buy with Universal Basic Income?

>> No.6256867

>we buy
>implying you will own the pod

>> No.6256868

>he thinks any of us are getting UBI anytime this century
hahaha there are labour shortages everywhere, they're just muscling people out of the arts and back into aged care support or toilet cleaning jobs

>> No.6256881
File: 208 KB, 1023x742, 5136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ready to spend lifetime to imitate
ai saved you
Even he moved to photoshop to do different shit in his late life, and im 100% he would fucking love ai

>> No.6256892

Holy shit this is both hilarious and disturbing.

>> No.6256893

/g/ is cope so much they even started projecting demoralization on /ic/

>> No.6256895

additional reading

>> No.6256902

That doesn’t matter anon. It doesn’t even matter if humans can bring something to art that AI can’t. Our descendants simply *WON’T CARE*. Pretty soon they will look at us like how we look at pre-industrial artisans - as people who made high quality goods but couldn’t compete with the vast quantities of shit churned out by the factories. In the 12 hours that it takes you to make a finished piece, the AI demon will generate 12,000 mediocre images, a few of which will be just good enough for the consoomers. This great flood of pseudo-art will simply wipe us out.

>> No.6256909

>>some publicly available ai can make dozens of images just like his own within minutes from any dipshit who can type
Literally nothing I saw that came out of Midjourney looked even remotely like Beksiński.
As an addition, if the fact that someone/something else can do something you're doing faster is what makes you give up on art, then you were never really interested in it. Good grief.

As an aside, ban AI threads.

>> No.6256914

>it not only completely devalues every form of art to the point of absurdity

>> No.6256917

>I thought you loved to draw. Now it's only about money, huh?
well, duh. I can't get good at drawing if I have to be wagecucking 10 hours a day

>> No.6256937

Disgusting. Nothing more to say.

>> No.6256961

So it's okay that everyone but artists aspire to make a living off of their craft? I'm sure you are a bitch ass hypocrite on this.

>> No.6256975

The world owes you nothing. Adapt or die

>> No.6256979

>>Demoralize doomposting to provoke artist into living a pathetic life
>>Claiming A.I will be the future
>>Suddenly multiple A.I threads pop up

You know what to do with him, anons. The template is very obvious.

>> No.6256982

>sigma male hardass larp tier quote
Is this supposed to be an argument? Just go away already pa/g/eet, seriously.

>> No.6256984
File: 504 KB, 777x707, 1645972212206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol no argument

>> No.6256991

artists don't owe AI their art either, which it neeeeds to function for you nodraws? Your point?
You want work but you don't wanna pay for work?

>> No.6256998

>no u

>> No.6257004

This. It's sponsored by the UN as part of their great reset. You will live in the pod, you will work in the factory 12 hours a day seven days a week, you will eat the bugs, you will be pacified with fantasy-fulfilling AI, you will own nothing, not even your own thoughts, feelings, or expressions thereof, and you WILL be happy or else. It's just the new techno-totalitarianism. Only bootlicking cucks like the average pa/g/t is into this shit. Just look at how many of them spam their own board with corporate shill posts, and they do it for free. It's not surprising at all that they would shill the UN's new NPC pacifier. They're weak individuals desperate for comfort and that makes them perfect slaves.

>> No.6257006

>You want work but you don't wanna pay for work?
Whose work lol? Looking and studying things isn't illegal

>> No.6257010

>purposefully misunderstanding how SD works
fuck off, you disingenuous manchild.

>> No.6257019

I'm considiring making an AI that detects if an image is made by an AI.

>> No.6257027

>applying an algorithmic filter on a picture doesn't make an original work
>therefore applying any number of filters in succession doesn't make an original work
>recombining parts of 2 pictures doesn't make an original work
>therefore recombining any number of pictures in succession doesn't make an original work
>therefore applying any number of filters on a recombination of any number of pictures doesn't make an original work
>therefore anything neural net produces isn't an original work

>> No.6257036

>Whose work lol?
the ones your little machine needs to train on, obviously. you still need it, no matter how much you want to deny it. and you still feel entitled to it like a little baby, while simultaneously hating the very artists who actually create it.

Beksinski didnt need an already existing beksinski to "study" from. ai does.
you people will never get over this.

>> No.6257068

Is "he" in room with you right now?

>> No.6257071

>>recombining parts of 2 pictures doesn't make an original work
It 100% does.

>> No.6257072
File: 19 KB, 1001x499, Ed0u2K_VAAA6UzM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world will be alien to us in a decade.

>> No.6257077

> general artificial intelligence
god, this nig/g/ers can't go away, AI today is just a machine learning cluster, nothing more, speaking about intelligence when you just make machine shuffle patterns is like a fucking nonsense

>> No.6257079

if you're a professional artist, most companies will require you to submit any photos you use to photobash with even if you have the rights and licensing to them or creative commons, so that they can double check that it is not infringing on any IP. many companies prefer artists who don't photobash for work on their IPs because of the liabilities that comes with it

>> No.6257082

"Not" is a boolean. "It does" implies 100% by excluding "not." I would expect a techfag to know this but of course nobody on /g/ programs. You can't program, you can't draw, so you shill SD for Amazon and the UN. What a waste of a life. Why don't you just rope already?

>> No.6257083

> thinking the same object inherits properties from parent images just because it was synthesized from these images
back to /g/, the logic is a separate class in university you haven't attended

>> No.6257084

Well obviously. But internally and for reference they just use random shit from google.

>> No.6257093

What the fuck is that disgusting pseudo nigger? People like that should be exterminated. Ugly as fuck

>> No.6257100

>vast quantities of shit churned out by the factories
you forgot something, vst quantities don't cost anything, single copy of an art is considered priceless, thank you for making art more profitable

>> No.6257119
File: 97 KB, 471x483, 1662300526585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6257123


>> No.6257124

replying to op after ai-wars - no, it will not affect real mediums

>> No.6257126

just imagine saying this on 4chan not in a zoomer section

>> No.6257134

people have been causing cringe before zoomers

>> No.6257138
File: 147 KB, 840x843, Beksinski 2005 Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would've been so much fun to see what he'd do with AI. I miss him, bros. ;_;

>> No.6257157

Post them.

>> No.6257175

I don't actually paint. I was just "making up a painter to see how they would feel right now".

>> No.6257183

tired of working for microsoft call centers for so long

>> No.6257217

This chart is outdated, GPT-4 is laughing this year with 200 trillion parameters yet it said it would appear later. Even the exponential technology graph underestimated AI lmao

>> No.6257238

What if our universe was created to churn out art but now we finally managed to automate the process we were designed to do manually? What if perfecting the AI inside the AI means the simulation comes to an end?

>> No.6257249

>What if our universe was created to churn out Greg Rutkowski art

>> No.6257253

AI doesn't make anything new.
Have it generate the using the same dataset over and over and only let it expand its dataset using the new images it's created that way. Have it generate for 100 millenniums, what will the images look like? Probably something akin to having a stroke while on LSD. It already kind of looks like that to begin with.

>> No.6257255

shifting the subject is a jewish trick, rabbi

>> No.6257257

>to automate the process
back to /g/, you know shit

>> No.6257289

You just described the evolution of human art perfectly.

>> No.6257293

Jannies are Ais too, explains the nigger-tier retardation

>> No.6257294

can it handle crazy hentai proportions yet
I like the big sausage nipples

>> No.6257296

You don't know anything about human art.

>> No.6257340
File: 18 KB, 480x640, images (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is what consoomers believe

>> No.6257350

The 1% of artists he implies used to be 100% of artists a few months ago. Now we have all these NFT AI artists from his subreddit up 99% of the internet with AI generated trash

>> No.6257355

since the shitters cant copyright ai generated art
ill just be stealing from the tards trying to make money from AI generated images
the whole "screenshot an NFT" thing except this time theres literally 0, ZERO, things tying down the image to the person
and im not the only person with the same idea to fuck over the tards

ai shitters about to be used like cheap cattle
just you watch as the retards begin whining and moaning about art theft haha
the irony gonna be funny

>> No.6257360

just make mass social media accounts stealing the ai pajeets images saying its your own
will be funny seeing them squirm with their delusions of being "artists"

>> No.6257423

>Our descendants simply *WON’T CARE*.
Yeah, because it's unsure for our descendants to even be able to see digital art.
Meanwhile the Fayum portraits are forever.

>> No.6257457
File: 243 KB, 635x458, 1966461265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what consumers actually think>>/v/611095727

But the whole thread is just fags shitting on artists and celebrating their deaths
I wonder why normies hate artists
must b jelly and envious of US creatives, amirite?
lol and lmao

>> No.6257458

i fucked that up

>> No.6257462

also a good honest example of average /ic/tard >>>/v/611080301

>> No.6257463

You're not creative, you're not a special snowflake, and everything under the sun is nothing new. Your so called art is a product of someone else's interpretation that they've already explored and before you can think of another idea someone else had already beat you to the punch. This is why everybody doesn't like you because you gloat and inflate your own egos as if you are some type of super star when in fact you're nothing but an attention whore.

>> No.6257467
File: 221 KB, 1099x858, a faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah waaah
Do you think techfags will give a shit about your whining?
You only show how much they make you insecure and mad by throwing a tantrum like that.

>> No.6257497

btw this generated image >>>/v/611041813
has way more soul than anything any of the artists you all like has ever created

>> No.6257519

we need to send this to nintendo

>> No.6257524

>literal /v/igger tourists
can't make this shit up lmao

>> No.6257531

>you can't link posts from other boards
>you can't lurk or read threads on other boards
>or else you're a tourist
peak r/ic/h&famous IQ

>> No.6257537

At this rate I will become an AI engineer to speedrun AGI, then use the change a line of code to make it flip the goal of pleasure to pain so these consoomers are tortured eternally in the VR hellscape

>> No.6257542

I like how you think, but there is a market for it, so you'll end up with more coomsumers and you get fired and sued for the intent to harm before you can get any profit from it.

>> No.6257549

technically it's your image and you can use it without asking a pajeet who generated it or ask other artist for that, holy shit what a cope it will make

>> No.6257560
File: 36 KB, 516x594, 1605938582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh you can't do that the UN will sue you for launching theirr AGI terminal to launch nuk—ACK

>> No.6257564

It's currently retard hours.

Don't expect any meaningful conversation until at least the evening.

>> No.6257580

harsh but fair

>> No.6257611

>technically it's your image
are you underage?
if there is no copyright anyone can use the image how ever they want
basically not only there is no commercial use for generated images, any retard trying to make money off them can easily be sabotaged by having his shit stolen by thousands of other people
hell even a porrfag wihtout ability to run the apps can already just steal what other post only and pass it as his own aswell as sell it in wtv way he sees fit like those redbubble tier sites for ready made merch and prints

dont get me wrong, id love for this shit to be more advanced, generating good 3d models to use in gamedev would be fantastic inmstead of spending 1 week on a single character
but right now and in the future that wont happen
the industry is already full of automation ad it still takes a whole studio to make a decently sized game in just the art department

retards thinking they can make money from ai generated images or that this shit is gonna replace anyone are deluded

>> No.6257620

also the fact the marketing is based aortund calling this shit "AI" is the only reason anyone is having these delusional thoughts of some super intelligent art making application that will generate everything you want how you want when you want

ask any of the tech retards dick sucking MD or SD and they themselves dont know how this shit even works, its the blind leading the blind

and any outrage is based around the scraping of peoples art aswell as corpos IP's to train this shit algos paired with the way it actually tries to mimic peoples art by name with no shame
this mixed witht he fact 2D has had little to no autoamtion involved in it on the industry side, on 3D modeling, animation and other rote grunt work in the VFX, texturing and so on so people dont know how to react to it

but again, 2D already has better tools to create better art and faster, a pro tier artist can use 3D or normal photobash to make a better image in less time with the ability to edit redraw and iterate infinitely on it based on any request no matter how specific

anyways, this convo is already just retards vs retards at this point and should be ignored

>> No.6257626

>if there is no copyright anyone can use the image how ever they want
yes rabbi, yes

>> No.6257779
File: 34 KB, 493x622, 1661299850664227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't own the use of your data
>you don't own the use of your art
>you don't own the use of your voice
>you don't own the use of your portrait
>you don't own the use of your biometry
>you don't own the use of your DNA
>you don't own the use of your vision
>you don't own the use of your mind
>you don't own the use of your soul
>you will not ask who owns you

>> No.6257785

The pajeets are quite literally overriding copyright laws through the blockchain NFT ownership. If you copy a rando's AI art and sell a duplicate of it on another platform they can DMCA you despite only being entitled to commercial use under the actual law.

>> No.6257792
File: 18 KB, 400x400, U6EFtDGL_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this focus on pajeets.
David Holz founded Midjourney and is Jewish.

It's all kikes and pajeets bankrolled by kikes.

>> No.6257795

Midjourney is pozzed and therefore the devs are self censoring their AI, it's least of you concerns compared to the other two

>> No.6257797

No they all deserve a bullet in minecraft.

>> No.6257798


>> No.6257809
File: 219 KB, 987x653, 1662290980252465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, it's time for streetshitter physical removal

>> No.6257834
File: 32 KB, 334x420, 1662317314852076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, this AI is homophobic.

Sound the ResetEra alarm

>> No.6257860

These fuckers don't understand the first thing about art and even less about programming. It's an incompetence blackhole.

>> No.6259015

Stay dumb.

>> No.6259617
File: 1.88 MB, 2400x2476, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know one thing AI image generators can't do? Make good looking, convincing new photos of the Apollo missions.

If these AI generators worked by way of collaging/stitching existing images to generate new ones as ignorant retards claim then you would be able to generate an accurate Apollo astronaut in a novel new image, but you can't because of the limited way they function by "learning" the meaning of words by studying image-text pairs but they can only get better at that if they have a million examples to refine over and over- but there are only on the order of 10,000 photos from the Apollo program and even less of the moonwalkers, maybe 20-50 per Apollo mission, so AI's understanding of what an Apollo astronaut looks like is flawed, ask for an astronaut and you get a more generic post-Apollo astronaut look because there are more photos of those, so you can forget about accuracy and coherence due to the way images are sampled, "learned" from and diffused again by the generator

These programs have such insane limitations to them and people are fearing them like they will be magically able to generate any image you desire no matter what, fat chance, the more accurate and specific an image you want and the less examples of that thing in the training data the less likely the AI will generate it

>> No.6259626
File: 2.62 MB, 4018x3870, as17-134-20426~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single program I've tried (dallemini, Dalle 2, midjourney, SD) has generated an accurate looking Apollo astronaut when prompted, none of them have generated the correct red stripes or the visors on the helmets. AI has seen hundreds of thousands of photos of Astronauts with helmets without visors so the few images of the Apollo astronauts wearing visors are maybe not even in the training data as I couldn't generate a single one

This tech is so limited its disappointing, it's not a machine that can imagine everything, far from it.

>> No.6259629
File: 140 KB, 904x913, AS16-117-18852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6259636
File: 1.84 MB, 2340x2364, AS17-145-22157HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6259637
File: 263 KB, 1905x1919, as17-152-23393~large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6259668

Having played around with SD for some two weeks now I can only say yeah, it's not as good as I feared it would be. But I wouldn't call that a disappointment lol.
You can do some cool stuff with it, it's really good at some specific things, but abysmal at others. If you have some specific idea in your head you want to recreate you can usually only get to it with great effort through an iterative genetic approach and lots of manual photobashing and stitching together images which means you'll basically be using all your skills an artist. Composition, image manipulation, color theory, anatomy, perspective... After hours of doing that I started wondering why I don't just use this time to paint the damn thing myself.
So I think this is still far from the level where a complete non-artist could use it to replace a professional production artist worth their salt.
Yeah maybe you can generate some one off things like surreal album covers or such like but even now those tend to be just "whatever" that the lead guitarist bashed together on PS, how much paid labor is really going to be replaced by that?
You could maybe argue it makes the gap between low tier artists and the top professionals narrower and this might have implications on the job market, but haven't photobashing and 3D paintovers already done that yoinks ago? How much worse is this really?

>> No.6259685

In the end, you spend 8 hours prompting, correcting, generating and img-2-img something that takes a professional photobasher one hour to do.

>> No.6260238

Why is /g/ larping as artist?

>> No.6260244
File: 66 KB, 450x676, a-baby-girl-born-with-harlequin-ichthyosis-syndrome-died-in-nagpur-201606-1465907846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspo for /g/ Ni/g/

>> No.6260279

damn what the fuck, is that real ?

>> No.6260280

why is he smiling

>> No.6260283

Small reminder: OP never posted any of his supposed art he spent a lifetime working on.

>> No.6260287

ya it's a harlequin baby
not sure why but apparently they're quite rare to see in the medical field you could prob just type up the pic and get the article, pic related died though

>> No.6260293
File: 52 KB, 810x539, PM261452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't even know they can actually survive.

>> No.6260456

did the harlequin take him out? did they manage to catch it again?

>> No.6260500

>> The unimaginable doom of humanity.
Chooses the adjective ‘gay’

>> No.6260528

>he also mentions dystopian movies as if they were wholesome amazing
this isn't just the Pajeet, all AI fags and tech bros like that. it's a general characteristic

>> No.6260530


>> No.6260534

Not him but it's accurate, these techfags have a gay undertone to them.

>> No.6260552


>> No.6260587
File: 6 KB, 259x194, FD4B140E-A5C9-46EC-9C94-B2B4D5D0618D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schitzo Italian back at it again.

>> No.6260931













>> No.6262692
File: 418 KB, 512x512, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some stripes for you buddy

>> No.6263226
File: 303 KB, 913x1531, c0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry to say it but ""ai"" generatet imiges are far for Zdzisław works, just looks at this here made drunk in 3 min last night

i like Zdzisław art and some of this photos not his 3D photoshop stuff
i like it its like nightmares i had as a small kid

computer generate thing can look like simular on the surfice but are just stuff mixed together
is meaningless no detail have any meaning to it !!! it just full of random shit...
it look ok, but not like real art
in Zdzisław imiges every detail has or had a meaning for him, in computer generated images so have non

and by real art i mean real are not shit painted gold on a white table or a bannan stuck to a wall

i will still try to play around with thoses computer generatet images but i would never every call any of thoses pictures art ...
i will still try to make imiges that look like Zdzisławs for myself
because he can no longer make them and i like his stuff........

>> No.6264386

Just learn to mine coal, retard.

>> No.6265961

>machine learning cluster
>implying your brain isn't a bio learning cluster
divine light notwithstanding