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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.76 MB, 1024x1024, Art1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6255852 No.6255852 [Reply] [Original]

Is Art about to go the same way as the DVD, where people no longer need them as they can create their own media at the touch of a button?

>> No.6255856
File: 39 KB, 318x299, art4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After spending a while playing around with their software, it is very addictive.

>> No.6255860
File: 257 KB, 427x427, art 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving hours at a time and not needing to spend money on materials and canvas, this could be a turning point

>> No.6255863
File: 57 KB, 512x512, art3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how you feel, this is really an exciting time to be an artist

>> No.6255893

This is all garbage.

>> No.6255909

Looks generic, boring. Is this all 'non artists' can come up with? I'm starting to believe people who don't draw or paint aren't quite human

>> No.6255915
File: 108 KB, 548x548, girl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I did run out of trys, I think I have 20 goes before you get stopped. I could spend all day upscaling and moddifying

>> No.6255920

Add "the girl has arms" in the prompt. Humans tend to have those.

>> No.6255924

>ai puts hands behind back like every beg in highschool

>> No.6255925
File: 91 KB, 548x548, girl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran out of goes so pretty much stuck with what was left, I really love what you can create there. I changed browsers a few times to bypass their block but now i'm out of luck.

>> No.6255930

Vaginas instead of eyes, the Ai is making an artistic statement, I suppose.

Also, a tumor on the lower lip, why not.

>> No.6255934
File: 55 KB, 410x416, girl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of the images it creates can be the stuff of knightmares, I guess trial and lots of errors is a given

>> No.6255936


>> No.6255938


>> No.6255941

I corrected it below, typing on my laptop with my left hand isnt easy for me, but I guess your autism isnt easy too

>> No.6255944

>they can create their own media at the touch of a button?
I actually think the majority won’t create their own media, because we’re already so inundated with easily accessible media there isn’t really a point to. Even as ‘easy’ as AI is to use, I doubt most (emphasis on MOST) normies will put in the effort to make something like a comic.

>> No.6255946
File: 1.81 MB, 512x512, 1618080785431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when AI generated actually interesting images like pic related and not some pseudo artistic bullshit

>> No.6255947
File: 2.06 MB, 1536x1024, grid-0300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install stable diffusion on your computer, then you can generate without limits. Also you need to include "nude" and "emma watson" in your prompts, you're not doing this quite right.

>> No.6255949
File: 476 KB, 512x512, creature of the factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, i dont feel shit looking at this dog you posted, but this pic related? This shit is so uncanny and spooky, I could totally call it art, and not some lame imitation.

>> No.6255952
File: 484 KB, 1024x1024, scene 1 art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6255953


>> No.6255954
File: 419 KB, 512x512, want, need, desire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one cause i only generated 3 back then.
Don't ask me for sauce, it was a closed project and i'm sure it has died.

>> No.6255956

>Install stable diffusion on your computer,
My laptop is really shitty, (Toshiba satellite) and has an SSD drive with very little space

>> No.6255966

>and techbros think people won't be suing them

>> No.6255988

ok i'm going to try and install all the files to do this

>> No.6256004

>I ran out of goes so pretty much stuck with what was left
darn. If only there was some way to make images that didn't involve using someone else's software.

>> No.6256007

Anyone can do CP with photoshop.
Anyone can do CP with Stable Diffusion.
You are accountable for your actions.

>> No.6256010

i'm too lazy to get out all my art gear, it's been years since I left Art college, and I ordered loads of canvas that didn't arrive or it got lost so I just quit.

Gonna try Ai for a while, it is too fun (stable diffusion) better work on my laptop

>> No.6256011

I like art because I enjoy the activity.
I assure you, if the weight of my own failures and the competition of the entire world did not succeed in making me quite art, a computer with a powerful GPU won't do the job either.

>> No.6256016

>Is Art about to go the same way as the DVD, where people no longer need them as they can create their own media at the touch of a button?
No, the essence of art is good taste, which most people don't possess.
Stop shitting up the board with AI threads.

Ban AI threads.

>> No.6256021

>accountable for your actions
Is this the new buzzmeme since "democracizing art" is too stigmatic to take off?

>> No.6256027

If you don't hold any accountability or self control over yourself and expects government to regulate every part of your life then you don't even deserve to browse the internet. Activate safe mode and turn on Location on your phone so you don't get lost on the street, pavements are too dangerous compared to dirt roads after all.

>> No.6256037

If a vending machine dispensed cp you’d ban the use of the vending machine, wouldn’t you? Now apply the same concept to a vending machine that spits out collages of stolen art

>> No.6256044

the government regulates all sorts of shit, it's a normal part of life. Let me guess, you're a libertarian when it's beneficial to you. We live in a society.

>> No.6256058
File: 291 KB, 512x512, 1662212156722096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vending machine isn't physical. AI artists are everywhere and nowhere in the same time. Our art is decentralized, not limited by brushes or archaic software, the rooftop is the limit of our imagination. What you decide to do with it is your own idea, like your thoughts. Why do you want to regulate people's thoughts? Are you going to ask big daddy government to arrest us? This isn't going to fly so well. Most of the optics of Luddite movements breaks down when it reaches the stage where you need to act like fascists to break the machines, so your ilk isn't getting further beyond #AIartBAD and retweets from your fellow sycophants anyway.

>> No.6256066

>be an artist
fucking screaming, jesus my sides, i would need another NES for terabytes of screenshots of art whores thinking AI will make them best

>> No.6256213

>I'm starting to believe people who don't draw or paint aren't quite human
never were

>> No.6256215

this dude bout to reinvent homestuck

>> No.6256513

"Ai artist"

>make assembly line that auto produces cabnits from the designs of other people, with materials harvested by other people
>call myself a wood worker

Anon your theftbots by nature only make approximations and therefor always spit out either generic or meaningless products. Anyone looking to make mass appeal goyslop art is fucked and I comend you for that but as long as ai isn't sapient your "art" will just be keyword based amalgamations of the work of actual artists and if it does become sapient you're as useless as the rest of us to it. Stop feeling superior, douchey songwriters and painters will still get 10x the bitches you do.

>I-I'm an ai artist neat huh? We makw like decentralized art and stuff you wanna see?
>you heard of sploinkcoin? It's a crypto to to the moon! Haha... Anyway you want to see my portfolio?
>ever heard of Reddit? What's your fav sub? Mine is r/spacedicks Xp

Please atop pretending that you're some cool hackerman making like art of the future man

>> No.6256575

It's really much worse than that. The "prompt engineers" didn't even make the assembly line, they just went into some other guy's factory and started picking cabinets off the line and saying they made them. They're running someone else's deterministic model that was trained on someone else's data. If anyone should get credit for making these images, it'd be the team who programmed and trained the network, and thereby encoded every possible output that the network can produce.

>> No.6256578

I was giving the generous assumption this guy was a programmer working on one of these sorts of projects

>> No.6256605

Tech bros are massive hypocrites lmao. Screaming about open source and decentralization while their bosses still use Jew lawyers to protect their proprietary piece of tech.

Artists don't need to engage in screaming matches with tech bros on what's right or wrong. At the end of the day, it's the big business guys with their lawyers who duke it out in dictating the legal landscape moving forward.

>> No.6256620

6gb vram?? Next

>> No.6256622
File: 23 KB, 473x569, 1619052407557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks art is about the destination and not the journey
only the attention whores and NGMIs will give for lack of easy internet points on social media
Ai art will always be irrelevant

>> No.6256623
File: 368 KB, 1200x1166, 1618534039832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you faggots?
why do you love sucking off mega corps so much
can't wait for some autist to make CP using your AI and bring down regulations and lawsuits on your ass
it will happen i know it will

>> No.6256635
File: 829 KB, 2048x2048, Idolatry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artists are dismissed, dead, and gone.
everyone is now an art/creative director

enjoy the ride

>> No.6256637


>> No.6256642

Except that this piece is already seen as generic, and completely unusable

>> No.6256689

oh, i see. it's another one of those "name one thing in this image" images...

>> No.6258645

I would do it for porn, but thats because I have fetishes that don't get served often or contain other fetishes I fucking hate.

>> No.6258699
File: 75 KB, 807x850, un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate by the time AI is convincing enough to take real jobs people will be so tech illiterate and such NPCs they'll need to hire people to write their prompts.

There will be online courses teaching you how to write prompts
Endless twitter drama about prompt theft and tracing
Retarded debates about which GPU brand gives the sharpest colours the way audiophiles argue about shielded solid gold cables

I hate the Antichrist and will fight his legions one /beg/ drawing at a time until the UN starts calling in airstrikes

>> No.6258735

Wait until it goes even further.
There was this Austrian painter that was brought to the edge once-You know what happened then?

>> No.6258944

"mid" journey

>> No.6259529

Post your art.

>> No.6259543
File: 207 KB, 800x1349, 2541 - 74104767ae3cf904c3d5a25d0324d560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post you art so i can feed it to my discord midjoirney AI

>> No.6259550


>> No.6259942

>/g/ fag #4342344350 saying the most retarded things imaginable.
blah blah blah, you'll never be an artist. Get over it, you'll also never be a programmer. Go back to your help desk job where you do fuck all.

>> No.6259945

You know what, I could honestly see this happening. There are already fuckloads of, what I consider, useless tech jobs that children could do so it wouldn't be alien if this is the future of a concept artist.

>> No.6259962

lots of jobs are fucking useless https://youtu.be/uK3OBAxCi6k

>> No.6260000
File: 149 KB, 1060x1079, 1641011391552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mouthbreathing faggot, anyone can draw. Nobody is stopping anyone from picking up a pencil or drawing tablet.
>the rooftop is the limit of our imagination
Did you mean the sky is the limit? What bottom of the barrel country did you crawl out of? Anyway the ai can only generate from it's database, which is human art.
>Most of the optics of Luddite movements breaks down when it reaches the stage where you need to act like fascists to break the machines, so your ilk isn't getting further beyond #AIartBAD and retweets from your fellow sycophants anyway.
I'm struggling to figure out what this means. Am I having a stroke?

>> No.6260068
File: 395 KB, 512x512, Cyborg girl choker belly hips erotica chain camgirl raver, artstation, smoke, octane, intricate, elite, ornate, elegant, Deviantart, unreal engine, by fiona staples and dustin nguyen, Ruan Jia, peter elson, ala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6260069


Blatantly using artist name in the prompt to get good result... Yikes.

>> No.6260111

Notice how it doesn't need a million images to imitate the art style of another artist,that means we can train on real world images and then have an artist who would volunteer their artstyle to train the model

>> No.6260113

half the art itt are better than anything i have seen a real artist done lol

>> No.6260182

bottom left has only 1 boob kek

>> No.6260391

I agree, I've never seen real art as good as half of this AI art. The rendering is exquisite! and Emma Watson looks like an angel! No wonder artists are freaking out.

>> No.6260696

notice how you're a cocksucking faggot with even less skill than the average permabeg

>> No.6260938













>> No.6263214

i'm addicted to midjourney

>> No.6267339 [DELETED] 

I'm, done with AI

>> No.6267388

>Is Art about to go the same way as the DVD
Seeing how Blue-Ray and DVD sales are increasing as people get tired of streaming services shit, and Vinyl Records sales just keep increasing... Maybe?

The average person may be infatuated with AI art, but anyone who cares a bit more may look elsewhere... Or maybe AI art will just flop, as I'm still left mostly unimpressed from a artistic standpoint (from a technological standpoint it's fairly brilliant).

>> No.6267499

ai artist autoportrait

>> No.6267503

That looks horrible. Hundreds of this crap with different color scheme.
It seems that AI doesn't deviate from 4-5 styles.

>> No.6267522

So, whats your solution to the deepfake problem?

>> No.6268058

Who will sue me, over what? That I used my GPU to run code on my machine that drawn virtual tits for me?
Nigga, I've been cumming to AI generated text erotica for years at this point.

>If a vending machine dispensed cp you’d ban the use of the vending machine, wouldn’t you? Now apply the same concept to a vending machine that spits out collages of stolen art
I guess we should ban internet now.

>> No.6269795

>I've been cumming to AI generated text erotica for years at this point.


>> No.6269806

Please tell me which AI you're using to generate those erotica texts

>> No.6269839

I've seen people who still use VHS tapes, whether art stops being a viable occupation or not, there will always be peoeple that prefer doing things by hand

>> No.6270107

See /aids/ on /vg/

>> No.6270131

This, I prefer the weaker AI for this reason. This stuff is truly unique.

>> No.6270135

>I guess we should ban internet now.
You're joking but you don't understand the floodgates and legal nightmare this is going to open up. Its literally Pandora's box.

>> No.6270137

deepfakes are great, you luddite. any technological advancement that you oppose is good, stop asking questions

>> No.6270148

There is nothing new that AI does that internet doesn't do anything, just make it a little easier to access.
Yes, you can ask AI to generate cp, and you can also go to gelbooru and get the same. Diffusion AI can make you an image of some celebrity, deepfakes or someone proficient with cgi can do it as well. An AI can generate a copyrighted characters, but you can also go to google images and get same characters in even better quality.
The only reason people will be and are upset is that it used random art works for learning. But that doesn't take anything from you, and it's no different from how humans study art. Once novelty wears off everyone will just go along with their life because despise first impressions, these things always have minimal impact on your life. It was exactly the same with deepfakes, everyone was fantasizing about what will it bring and what troubles will it cause, and at the end of the day only conspiracy theorists care.

Internet as a whole had much greater impact on legality and copyrights since piracy is a thing and it directly harms sells of digital media. Imagegen will soon stop being the current thing and people will move on, while the AIs will be probably just used as one of many tools an artists use.

>> No.6270173

you are not an artist!

>> No.6270177
File: 43 KB, 600x513, 1655092520895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this feels like a coping schizo trying to convince himself of something

>> No.6270304

Thank you!!

>> No.6270414

ive yet to see anything except this generic digital painting that just all blends into one another like photobashed concept art. ya, it looks 'good', but i havent seen any inked works or pencil/graphite or oil/acrylic traditional art from these soulless machines.

>> No.6270436

reminds me of the AI generated music and AI generated stories. All soulless and nothing good.

>> No.6270454

I'm kind of shocked at people's reaction to AIVA. I knew that people were generally tasteless, but this is pants on head level of retardation. Even songbirds have more soul than AI music
>AI generated stories
I fucked around with this for a few weeks, but I do not understand what's the big idea. i thought it was nothing more than a toy to generate meme shit, if I wanted to write something I'd write that thing and not ask an AI to give me suggestions. is most of humanity really this braindead or what

>> No.6270464

>Is Art about to go the same way as the DVD, where people no longer need them as they can create their own media at the touch of a button?
this is the most zoomer sentence I've ever read

>> No.6270542

>but I do not understand what's the big idea. i thought it was nothing more than a toy to generate meme shit, if I wanted to write something I'd write that thing and not ask an AI to give me suggestions.
The idea is to collaborate with an AI. AI is pretty good at filling dialogues, descriptions and stuff, making it so much faster to write whatever you feel like. It also can throw in random ideas and stuff so you can treat it like an adventure(which was the first purpose of AI story telling). And that works especially good for porn or self insert stories, because you can write out all the setting and stuff, and let AI take over using that as a base while you fap or cry that your AI text waifu isn't real.

>All soulless and nothing good.
AI stuff is as soulless as you are. AI will not give soul to your art, stories, music or whatever, but it definitely can assist you. And this is what it is competent at, it is one of many tools for your to use, not something to do whole work for you.

>> No.6270569

>AI stuff is as soulless as you are. AI will not give soul to your art, stories, music or whatever, but it definitely can assist you
If you need to give part of the creation process to the AI then by definition it already loses the merit or "soul" any work could have. You're not making anything, it's another entity who is doing it for you.

Just like the millions of "AI artists", their creation process is superseded by a machine, therefore anything they do has no value to other communities outside theirs. People don't think about their names or technique when looking at AI art, they are only impressed with the capabilities of said AI used.

>> No.6270591

>If you need to give part of the creation process to the AI then by definition it already loses the merit or "soul" any work could have.
If you limit your definition of soulful/less to just a detail of production process that in principle can be completely transparent then that definition is useless. Of course that's not what generally people think when they call something soulless, they generally mean something that is boring, blatant, uninspired, unoriginal, regardless if it was created with traditional tools or digital tools or if any of the tools used traditional algorithm or a deep neural network under the hood.
Unless that's how you use this word. In that case you pretty much crafted the definition for the point you are trying to make, and at the end just claimed that AI work uses AI.

>it's another entity who is doing it for you.
The same argument can be made for using typewriter instead of writing with pen, or doing digital painting instead of traditional. I wouldn't say that using a computer/mechanical assist makes that the work was not done by you.

>Just like the millions of "AI artists", their creation process is superseded by a machine
I know only one person who works as an artist and she does uses AI in her commissions. I disagree that the process is superseded by a machine, because like I've explained before these tools only can assist you, they can't do everything for you. You can't just put random prompt and hope it will get you nice final product, if you work with AI you have to do a lot of manual editing, correcting, pass your images trough the network multiple times etc. AI can only do so much, overpaiting and all the rest takes quite a lot of time(but not as much as making it from scratch).

>therefore anything they do has no value to other communities outside theirs
She does commissions and clients seems satisfied.

>> No.6270593


>People don't think about their names or technique when looking at AI art, they are only impressed with the capabilities of said AI used.
Of course not, why would anyone think about some random literally who on the internet? It doesn't matter if you use AI or not, you are not going to be relevant anyway. And if you want to create a quality art that people will like, it takes a lot of practice and experience. Like I've said before, AI will not do everything for you, it's just a tool that can speed up some parts of creating art, but it all boils down to your own personal capabilities as an artist to create something interesting. AI won't do that for you, it can only assist.

>> No.6270601

A.I. will replace humans so no more need for DVDs or art.

>> No.6270712
File: 2.05 MB, 1792x1920, 1663009127019199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]