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File: 491 KB, 856x1235, Screenshot_20220902-104226_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6254564 No.6254564 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that socialisation is an important part of artistic development. If you don't surround yourself with other aspiring or established artists, you will never progress. Go outside, join an art club and make friends. Don't be a shut-in.

>> No.6254585

thanks anon, going to my second live drawing session on Sunday

>> No.6254590

i engage the craft and come here to subdue the crushing isolation that is my life but pics of real girls remind me of just how lonely i am so fuck you even if you are right.

>> No.6254635

Ic is a shithole filled with edgy kids and CIA bots. Go out and make real friends

>> No.6254639

Can't, I draw lewds and it would disturb the normies who only draw cutesy (mainstream anime/videogame IP here), abstracts, or generic portraits/landscapes.

>> No.6254733

Wow you're really cool and out there. I wish I was friends with someone as wild as you.

>> No.6254749
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Went to first class yesterday.
Had us blocking in the figure with the grid thing but without a grid so you'd learn to eye it.
Sounds like it'll be some standard stuff learned.
Also I'm the only dude there, teacher seems fine.

>> No.6254757

I'm not trying to sound better or edgier than them, it's just hard to find people that won't be weirded out by it.
I personally don't think lewds are that big of a deal, but I know others do find them off-putting.
As for why, I guess it varies, but I assume it's just "sex icky" to people? Idk.

>> No.6254777

Have you been to a museum lately...? Chances are the fine artist chicks you could befriend do more degenerate shit than you do. Only thing that might make them look down on you is using entertainment IP's unless you're doing it for anti-corporate parody or something.

>> No.6254890

Meh, people suck, online people are horrible drama whores who will sell you out for upvotes.

>> No.6255134

>Reminder that socialisation is an important part of artistic
i just came for the sauce on this asian, gimme

>> No.6255181

fuck them all, don't even hesitate

>> No.6255227

suck cock faggot you dont know me or what im like.

>> No.6255245

Then perish. Is that what you want to hear?

>> No.6255257

But I'm a virgin.

>> No.6255332

I can't even talk to people on Discord. I even struggle with clients. What's the Loomis for social skills?

>> No.6255337
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>> No.6255345

Take your subjective opinion and shove it.
I'm in the same boat as the guy you're replying to. Not out of choice. I'm from a small town with no artclasses or anything like that.
I would love to have friends like me but it is what it is. There are none.
I keep working towards my goals alone regardless. And so far so good. Has been working for me, like that, for 17 years now...

>> No.6255351

this indigenous woman is so unhappy without my conquistador cock
such is the white burden

>> No.6255352

That's the sociopath's handbook. All that shit doesn't work unless you're already a soulless npc.

>> No.6255359

>Go outside, join an art club and make friends.
Must be great to have an art club with people similar to you nearby. Last time I checked, the art club in my city is all middle-aged women.

>> No.6255370
File: 176 KB, 400x350, 17952920564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make friends with a bunch of effeminate, retarded, overly emotional, politically brainwashed npcs with volatile antisocial personality disorders and all the mental ilnesses
Overly socialized people can't do art.
They can only produce soulless products.

>> No.6255374

should I tell you where the vagina is or what?

>> No.6255573

Yea you can show me yours.

>> No.6255630


Have you considered that you might be more similar to those middle-aged women than you think?

>> No.6255717

Drawing is a sort of escapism for me. Way to spend a time with a cute amine girls around. Inb4 "you can friend with cosplayers IRL" but I'm not good enough for such a cool people.

>> No.6255733

NTA but I have an intellect level of a stupid 17 YO girl and I'm completely OK and happy with it but unhappy with other's attempts to make me "a proper man with a proper interests and tastes". I have nice online friends but all my life I want a cute friends to hug with.

>> No.6255742

>What's the Loomis for social skills?
Watch Hitler and Todd Howard speeches

>> No.6255759


>> No.6255762
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>> No.6255796
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>> No.6255816
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Easy for you to say, urbanite.
I'd be lucky if I could find enough people to form a vanilla rock band in my city, a drawing club is only a pipe dream. And even in this pipe dream it'd be only boomers drawing flowers and horses, maybe some portraits or some other inane bullshit, since no one has any cultural baggage outside of beer, party and, when particularly enlightened individuals, whatever is trending on Netflix.

>> No.6255906

I draw so I dont have to look at another stupid human in their stupid fucking face. Why would I torture myself by socializing? Everyone should just die.

>> No.6257919

Hugs with cosplayers was the happiest thing in my life. But it was a many years ago, when cosplay wasn't so serious business as now.

>> No.6257927

Having some boomers to hang around and do portraits and flowers sounds kinda nice if you ask me - depending on where you are rural-wise you never know either, I live in Maine, and a lot of the towns have some kind of artist community going.

>> No.6258256

>not putting everything on desktop

>> No.6258277


This poor bitch looks like she's spotted Samdoesarts turning her into his latest instagram cute whore pic.

>> No.6260204

Hermitage is better. Shut out everything that isn't art. This includes 4chan. Become a Hermit master. Pussy is ephemeral, your art will last forever.

>> No.6260209

cute hachikuji and cute anon

>> No.6260514
File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1638874831880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260717

Boomers are underrated and have the best stories from the 70s/80s. Take the boomer pill.

>> No.6261878
File: 126 KB, 402x296, 1646520171783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not be both?

>> No.6261936

thanks for the image